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Chapter 2

What is “The Mystery Religion of Babylon”?

What is The Mystery Religion of Babylon?


The religion created by Semaramis (Ishtar) flourished over time and began to take definition. Like the True Faith in Yahuah, this new counterfeit religion had holy days, sacrifices, a day of worship, etc. that identified this religion over time as it progressed from one culture to the next. Ultimately, to be re-established in Rome as the seat of this religion, as I pointed out in the first book Creation Cries Out!.

Nimrod became Baal the Sun God, Semaramis became Ishtar the fertility Goddess, and Tammuz was worshipped as the Son of God incarnate/God in the flesh to form The Trinity. The Trinity is the defining pretense/doctrine of all pagan religions and all of them can be traced back to Baal, Ishtar, and Tammuz.

It is not my intention in this book to contest the “Christian Trinity” but to simply show that the Trinitarian doctrine is the foundation of EVERY religion but one… The True Faith in Yahuah which declares the basic premise that Yahuah alone is God and there is no other (The Faith held by Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Solomon, Sampson, The Messiah Yahusha, all his disciples, and every early convert of the early church until 300 AD).

The Encyclopedia Britannica, Micropedia Volume 11, page 928, gives us the following facts about the trinity.

TRINITY, in Christian doctrine, the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead. Neither the word Trinity nor the explicit doctrine appears in the New Testament, nor did Jesus and his followers intend to contradict the Shema in the Old Testament: "Hear, O Israel: Yahuah our God is one God" (Deuteronomy 6:4). The doctrine of The Trinity developed gradually over several centuries and through many controversies.

It took many centuries and many controversies to establish The Trinity as it is not a concept found in The Bible. In fact, the modern English Bible translations had to be edited and perverted in order to “imply” the doctrine of The Trinity as I will prove in this book series. For more information on how the Bible has been altered, read the book ‘Misquoting Jesus’.

Over many centuries a very well-defined religion evolved from the beginnings in Babylon. The names vary depending on the culture and language, but the basic structure remained. All later mystery pagan religions share a defined structure:

·         Godhead – in the form of a trinity or triune gods

·         A day of worshipping The Sungod called Sunday

·         A “symbol” of the “son” of God, the cross of Tammuz a cut-out of the center of The Zodiac.

·         A resurrection day celebration, on “Ishtar Day” commemorated on the Vernal (Spring) Equinox. When winter turns to spring each year around the end of March.
    The eating of a pig on Ishtar Day as the sacrifice to Tammuz.

·         A holiday celebration of the annual rebirth of the Sun God on the Winter Solstice. This celebration is held each year on the shortest day of the year when the
    “Sun” is reborn and the days begin to get longer around December 25th.

·         The second member of The Trinity who was the “incarnation” of God.

It is these six main aspects of The Mystery Religion of Babylon that I would like to focus on for the purpose of this book series. These are the identifying beliefs and rituals of the religion of Babylon. I define and explain each of them briefly. I will reference these main aspect and define the “The Mystery Religion of Babylon”.



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