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Chapter 4

Sunday worship of “Ba’al”

The Mystery Religion of Babylon was the origin of Astrology, the worship of the planets in our solar system.  Each planet was worshipped as a “god” and given a specific day of the week:  Each of the days of the week, beginning on Sunday (the first day), is called a "Day of John".  Each of the days of the week is called a "tentyon", a simple transcription of the Greek ton theon which means “the God”.  So each day of the week is named after The God represented by the stellar object.  The hours and days are based not on Yahuah’s Calendar found in the Bible, but pagan astrology and worship of the planets:

Stellar Object → Day

Sun → Sunday

Moon → Monday

Mars → Tuesday

Mercury → Wednesday

Jupiter → Thursday

Venus → Friday

Saturn → Saturday


The pagan religions most “holy” worship day was the worship of the Sun on … Sunday. The reason why the Vatican has gone to a lot of trouble to convince everyone that our Messiah resurrected on “Sun-day” morning is because they want to assimilate him to the pagan god of the “Sun.” Satan needed to find a way to convince the true followers of Messiah to worship him (Satan) unaware, and so he has set aside a special day that represents “Nimrod” the god of the sun from the Tower of Babel. Nimrod was the first historical false Messiah who ruled his false One World Government and Religion about 2,275 years before the birth of the true Messiah Yahusha. He was the first historical Anti-Messiah whose name in Chaldean adds up to 666.

In order to “justify” the worship of Baal (the sungod) on Sunday, the Biblical reckoning of time where days started and ended at sunset, was changed to midnight.   The Bible declares that the early church met “early on the first day of the week”.  This was actually referring to just ‘after sunset’ on Saturday night not Sunday morning. That would have been “late on the first day” in Jerusalem at the time it was recorded in The Bible.  The early church was at home keeping The Sabbath with their families.  Once the sun set on the Sabbath (7th day) (what we call Saturday night) they then met at a central place together that evening after the sun set which was “early the first day of the week”.  The first day (Sunday) was a work day for them and “early the first day” or late Saturday night after the Sabbath ended was the ONLY time they had to gather together.  They had to go to work the next morning.  Being a work day, no Jew was meeting together on what we call Sunday morning.  It wasn’t until Constantine changed The Sabbath to Sunday and gave everyone in his realm the day off that anyone could or would actually assemble on the first day.

Next, the pagan doctrine of Ishtar took hold and Good Friday/Easter Sunday was ordered by ‘threat of death’ to be observed instead of Passover and The Feast of First Fruits. I will cover this in detail in this book series.

Sunday worship is nowhere to be found in The Bible.  This day is derived from "Sol," the Roman god of the sun. Their phrase for Sunday "Dies Solis" means "day of the sun." The Christian saint Jerome (d. 420) commented, attempting to justify Sunday worship, "If it is called the day of the sun by the pagans, we willingly accept this name, for on this day the Light of the world arose, on this day the Sun of Justice shone forth."  None of that is commanded by Yahuah.  Jerome just made it up and “justified” breaking what IS commanded, the 7th Day Sabbath, to keep himself from being killed in the inquisition.  Again, all of this is covered in great detail in this book series.  I mention it here with the intention to establish that “Sunday” was the Babylonian day of worship to the sungod ‘The LORD’ (which means Ba’al) who is The Sungod.

The LORD is not the name of the Creator. The LORD is the name/title for the Babylonian sungod Ba’al and is a pagan reference to just about all pagan “gods”… The LORD is a false god:


Baal, also rendered Baʿal (Biblical Hebrew בַּעַל), is a Northwest Semitic title and honorific meaning "master" or "lord" that is used for various gods who were patrons of cities in the Levant and Asia Minor, cognate to Akkadian Bēlu. A Baalist or Baalite means a worshipper of Baal i.e. The Lord.

"Baʿal" or “The Lord” can refer to any god and even to human officials. In some texts it is used for Hadad, a god of the rain, thunder, fertility and agriculture, and the lord of heaven. Since only priests were allowed to utter His Divine name, Hadad, Ba‛al was commonly used. Nevertheless, few if any Biblical uses of "Baʿal" refer to Hadad, the lord over the assembly of gods on the holy mount of heaven; most refer to a variety of local spirit-deities worshipped as cult images, each called baʿal and regarded in the Hebrew Bible in that context as a "false god".


Baʿal (bet-ayin-lamedh) is a Semitic word signifying "The Lord, master, owner (male), keeper, husband",

Yahuah told Elijah and Jeremiah that the Israelites would adopt “the way of the pagans” in Babylon who worshipped Ba’al and forget His name Yahuah; and that they would use the title the LORD which is a reference to Ba’al.

1 Kings 18

18 “I have not made trouble for Israel,” Elijah replied. “But you and your father’s family have. You have abandoned Yahuah’s Commands and have followed Baal (The LORD).

Jeremiah 23

25 “I have heard what the prophets say who prophesy lies in My Name. They say, ‘I had a dream! I had a dream!’ 26 How long will this continue in the hearts of these lying prophets, who prophesy the delusions of their own minds? 27 They think the dreams they tell one another will make My people forget My Name, just as their ancestors forgot My Name through Baal (The LORD) worship

The LORD “Ba’al” was worshipped on Sunday the “day of the invincible sun” or Dias Solis and the sacrifice to the LORD “Ba’al” was the pig of Ishtar (Easter). The prophecies in 1 Kings (that we would abandon Yahuah and follow Ba’al) have come true in Christianity, who calls on The LORD on Sunday putting their Faith in Easter (the sacrifice of a pig to Ba’al). Just as Jeremiah foretold, we would forget The Name Yahuah and use the LORD, as they did in Babylon.

We see below that The Name Yahuah was regularly pronounced by His chosen until superstitious Jews, who adopted the pagan practices of their captors, changed the name Yahuah to The LORD coming out of Babylonian captivity:

The Encyclopedia Judaica, Volume 7, pages 680-682

Yahuah or Yahweh. The personal name of the God of Israel is written in the Hebrew Bible with the four consonants Yahuah and is referred to as the "Tetragrammaton". At least until the destructions of the First Temple in 586 b.c.e., this name was regularly pronounced with its proper vowels (Yahuah), as is clear from the *Lachish Letters, written shortly before that date. But at least by the third century b.c.e., the pronunciation of the name Yahuah was avoided, and Adonai, "the Lord", was substituted for it, as evidenced by the use of the Greek word Kyrios, "Lord", for Yahuah in the Septuagint, the translation of the Hebrew Scriptures that was begun by Greek-speaking Jews in that century. Where the combined form Adonai Yahuah occurs in the Bible, this was read as Adonai Elohim, "Lord God".

We also see below, from the same source, that the Jews replaced the proper vowel points in Yahuah with the vowel points in Adonai giving us the name Yehowah in ERROR.  Then uninspired Christian translators then came up with the totally foreign name Jehovah. In a total disconnect from all reality, the Jews started just saying ha-Shem (the name) and totally abandoned the proper Name of the Creator all together.

In the early Middle Ages, when the consonantal text of the Bible was supplied with vowels points to facilitate its correct traditional reading, the vowel points for 'Adonai with one variation - a sheva with the first yod of Yahuah instead of the hataf-patah under the aleph of 'Adonai were used for Yahuah, thus producing the form Yehowah. When Christian scholars of Europe first began to study Hebrew, they did not understand what this really meant, and they introduced the hybrid name "Jehovah". In order to avoid pronouncing even the sacred name Adonai for Yahuah, the custom was later introduced of saying simply in Hebrew ha-Shem (or Aramaic Shemc, "the Name") even in such an expression as "Blessed be he that cometh in the name of Yahuah" (Ps. 118:26).

This is an abomination! It is literally “taking His name in vain”.  Vain means to bring to nothing by using titles!  Yahuah gave us His Name and He Declares that it is His Memorial for all generations:

Exodus 3:15

And Yahuah said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, Yahuah the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is My Name forever, and this is My Memorial unto all generations.

His Name is not “The LORD” or “Adonai” or “Jehovah” or anything else. His name is YHVH (Yahuah in English) and that is His Everlasting memorial by which He is to be called upon. Our English Bibles use the title ‘The LORD’ for Yahuah which is a violation of the Command not to add to nor subtract from His Word. Not to mention, it is idolatry calling upon the Babylonian god Ba’al. We, humanity, have totally forgotten the name of our Creator which was originally written in His Word over 8,000 times! We replaced every reference to it with The LORD (Ba’al). Below we see the Jews committed this abomination out of what I call “reverent stupidity” as they followed the way of the pagans in Babylon:

Unger's Bible Dictionary, on page 665:

Lord (Hebrew, Adon), an early word denoting ownership; hence, absolute control. It is not properly a Divine title. The Jews, out of a superstitious reverence for the Name Yahuah, always, in reading, pronounce Adonai (lord) where YHVH is written.

Smith's Bible Dictionary, 1872 Edition, states the following:

The substitution of the word Lord is most (sad); for, while it in no way represents the meaning of the Sacred Name, the mind has constantly to guard against a confusion with its lower uses, and, above all, the direct personal hearing of the Name on the revelation of Yahuah...is injuriously out of sight.

This is extremely important as the name of the Messiah contains the Tetragrammaton to fulfill the prophetic requirements of the One name under heaven whereby we may obtain Salvation:

Acts 4:12

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

When I quote Scripture in this book, no matter what translation I use, I will always replace the pagan reference and title of The LORD with Yahuah and Lord with King as it applies to Yahusha. I will always clarify in context the use of impersonal pronouns such as ‘he’ and ‘him’ by identifying the subject by name. I will turn the text from passive voice to active voice. I will demonstrate when the uninspired translations are corrected in this way; the truth comes shining through as to the real meaning of the text. In doing so, many of the Scriptures used to justify the false doctrines of the incarnation and The Trinity completely fall apart in light of the Truth.


The Sabbatarian Network provides information on the following numbers, words, and combinations of the following numbers, and words, and many more: 1, 2, 7, 15, 24, 40, 616, 666, 144000, Abel, Abib, abominations, abortion, Abraham, Acts, Adam, aggelos, Aish, Alexander Hislop, allegories, altar, analogies, ancient, angel, annual, anoint, anthr