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Chapter 6

The Cross… “of Tammuz”!

The Cross of Tammuz


crosstammuzheaddressTammuz, the second member of the pagan Babylonian Trinity, the incarnation of God in the flesh, is the false messiah of the religion created by Semaramis (the Whore mentioned in Revelation). Yahuah has commanded us (His people) to “come out of her” and cease prostituting out the worship of the ONE true God to others.

The symbol of “the son of The LORD god Baal” in the pagan religion of Babylon was a cross. It is called The Cross of Tammuz.  


This cross was worn on the head dresses of the Babylonians and breastplates of priests and warriors alike in honor of Tammuz. The cross was a representation of “T” in Tammuz and his symbol “x”.

The cross is a tradition of the Church, which our fathers have inherited, and is where we adopted the words "cross" and "crucify". These words are nowhere to be found in the Greek versions of the New Testament.

These words are mistranslations, a "later rendering", of the Greek words stauros and stauroo which mean stake and impale on a stake.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words says,

"STAUROS denotes, primarily, an upright pole or stake ... Both the noun and the verb stauroo, to fasten to a stake or pole, are originally to be distinguished from the ecclesiastical form of a two-beamed cross. The shape of the latter had its origin in ancient Chaldea (Babylon), and was used as the symbol of the god Tammuz (being in the shape of the mystic Tau, the initial of his name) ... By the middle of the 3rd century A.D. at the Council of Nicea the churches had either departed from, or had travestied, certain doctrines of The Faith found in The Bible.

In order to increase the prestige of the apostate ecclesiastical system (known as Christianity) pagans were received into the churches apart from regeneration by faith, and were permitted largely to retain their pagan signs and symbols. Hence the Tau or T, in its most frequent form, with the cross piece lowered, was adopted and to this day remains the “symbol” of Jesus (Tammuz) or the X.


The most commonly encountered Christogram in English-speaking countries in modern times is the X (or more accurately, Greek letter chi) in the abbreviation Xmas (for "Christmas"), which represents the first letter of the word Christ.

We see that the “cross” is not in the Bible at all, but rather predates the New Testament in all pagan religions.

Dr. Bullinger, in the Companion Bible, appx. 162, states,

"crosses were used as symbols of the Babylonian Sun-god (Tammuz)... Constantine was a Sun-god worshipper ... The evidence is complete, that Yahusha was put to death upon an upright stake, not on two pieces of timber”

Rev. Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons, pp. 197-205,

frankly calls the cross "this Pagan symbol ... the Tau, the sign of the cross, the indisputable sign of Tammuz, the false Messiah ... the mystic Tau of the Chaldeans (Babylonians) and Egyptians - the true original form of the letter T the initial of the name of Tammuz ... the Babylonian cross was the recognized emblem of Tammuz."

In the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition, vol. 14, p. 273,

we read, "In the Egyptian churches the cross was a pagan symbol of life borrowed by the pagan-Christians and interpreted in the pagan manner." Jacob Grimm, in his Deutsche Mythologie, says that the Teutonic (Germanic) tribes had their idol Thor, symbolized by a hammer, while the Roman Pagans had their crux (cross). It was thus somewhat easier for the Teutons to accept the Roman Cross.

Greek dictionaries, lexicons and other study books also declare the primary meaning of stauros to be an upright pale, pole or stake. The secondary meaning of "cross" is admitted by them to be a "later" rendering to accommodate Rome. At least two of them do not even mention "cross", and only render the meaning as "pole or stake".

In spite of this strong evidence and proof that the word stauros should have been translated "stake", and the verb stauroo to have been translated "impale", almost all the common modern versions of the Scriptures persist with the Latin Vulgate's crux (cross), a fallacious "later" rendering of the Greek stauros. Why then was the "cross" (crux) brought into the Faith?  And why are our modern English Bibles implicit in this lie? 

Again, historical evidence points to Constantine as the one who had the major share in uniting Sun-worship and the Messianic Faith into a modern day version of The Mystery Religion of Babylon. We will look in depth at the history and evolution of Christianity in my next book, Christianity: The Great Deception and see exactly what happened.

Constantine's famous vision of "the cross superimposed on the sun", in the year 312, is usually cited. Writers, ignorant of the fact that the cross was not to be found in the New Testament Scriptures, put much emphasis on this vision as the onset of the so-called "conversion" of Constantine. But, unless Constantine had been misguided by the Gnostic Manichean half-Christians, who indeed used the cross in their hybrid religion, this vision of the cross superimposed on the sun could only be the same old cosmic religion, the astrological religion of Babylon. The fact remains: that which Constantine saw, is nowhere to be found in Scripture. But rather was a common symbol of his god… the Sungod. Constantine had just a few years prior converted to The Cult of Sol Invictus! Constantine worshipped Christos Mithras and the followers of Mithra were called Christians. I prove this too, in this book series. So looking up to his “sungod” seeing the cross of Tammuz should have been expected and understood for what it really was. There was a REASON why he was bowing down to the “sun” in the first place. Constantine did not convert to the Jewish High Priest and Messiah Yahusha. He converted the world to his existing religion that was known at that time as ‘Christianity’.

We read in the book of Johannes Geffcken, The Last Days of Greco-Roman Paganism, p.319, "that even after 314 A.D. the coins of Constantine show an even-armed cross as a symbol for the Sun-god." This is the symbol of all sun worshipping religion as I have stated. This equidistant cross is the cut-out of the center of The Zodiac. Many scholars have doubted the "conversion" of Constantine because of the wicked deeds that he did afterwards, and because of the fact that he only requested to be baptized on his death-bed many years later, in the year 337. His coins to the day he died read “Sol Invictus Committi” or “committed to the invincible sun”.  The Catholic Encyclopedia even admits Constantine’s conversion was a legend and should be stricken from our literature entirely.

Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. xiv, pp. 370-1

The smooth generalization, which so many historians are content to repeat, that Constantine "embraced the Christian religion" and subsequently granted "official toleration", is "contrary to historical fact" and should be erased from our literature forever (Catholic Encyclopedia, Pecci ed., vol. iii, p. 299, passim).

Simply put, Constantine was already a ‘Christian’ a follower of Christos Mithras and the Church acknowledges that the tale of his "conversion" and "baptism" are "entirely legendary". So, if the vision of the cross impressed him, and was used as a rallying symbol, it could not have been in honor of Yahusha, because Constantine continued paying homage to the Sun-deity and to one of the Sun-deity's symbols, the cross until the day he died. This continuation of Sun-worship by Constantine is demonstrated by the images of the Sun-deity on his coins that were issued by him up to the year 323. Secondly, the fact of his motivation to issue his Sunday-keeping edict in the year 321, which was not done in honor of Yahusha, but was done because of the "venerable day of the Invincible Sun". This edict is proof of Constantine’s continued allegiance to Sol Invictus.

Where did the cross come from, then? J.C. Cooper, An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols, p. 45, aptly summarises it,

"Cross - A universal symbol from the most remote times; it is the cosmic symbol par excellence." Yes, the cross is THE mark or cosmic symbol of The Zodiac of all pagan sun worshipping religions “par excellence”. Other authorities also call it a sun-symbol, a Babylonian sun-symbol, an astrological Babylonian-Assyrian and heathen sun-symbol, also in the form of an encircled cross referred to as a "solar wheel", and many other varieties of crosses. The cross with the sun in the background is taken directly from the center of The Zodiac:



This symbol of the Sun from the center part of The Zodiac is the exact symbol of Christianity:


Also, "the cross represents the Tree of Life",  the age-old fertility symbol, combining the vertical male and horizontal female principles, especially in Egypt, either as an ordinary cross, or better known in the form of the crux ansata, the Egyptian ankh (sometimes called the Tau cross), which had been carried over into our modern-day symbol of the female, well known in biology.

As stated above, the indisputable sign of Tammuz, the mystic Tau of the Babylonians and Egyptians, was brought into the Church chiefly because of Constantine, and has since been adored with all the homage due only to the Most High.

The Protestants have for many years refrained from undue adoration of, or homage to the cross, especially in England at the time of the Puritans in the 16th - 17th centuries. But lately this un-Scriptural symbol has been increasingly accepted in Protestantism and now widely believed to be a symbol of the Messiah.

We have previously discussed "the weeping for Tammuz", and the similarity between the Easter resurrection and the return or rising of Tammuz. Tammuz was the young incarnate Sun, the Sun-divinity incarnate. This same Sun-deity, known amongst the Babylonians as Tammuz, was identified with the Greek Adonis and with the Phoenician Adoni, and the Roman Mithras. All of them Sun-deities, being slain in winter, then being "wept for", and their return being celebrated by a festivity in spring, while some had it in summer - according to the myths of pagan idolatry.

The evidence for its pagan origin is so convincing that The Catholic Encyclopedia admits that "the sign of the cross, represented in its simplest form by a crossing of two lines at right angles, greatly antedates, in both East and the West, the introduction of Christianity. It goes back to a very remote period of human civilization." That remote “period” they fail to identify is Babylon!

The Catholic Encyclopedia then continues reverence to the Tau cross of the pagan Egyptians, "In later times the Egyptian Christians (Copts), attracted by its form, and perhaps by its symbolism, adopted it as the emblem of the cross." That is because the Egyptian god Horus was another incarnation of Tammuz. Further proof of its pagan origin is the recorded evidence of the Vestal Virgins of pagan Rome having the cross hanging on a necklace, and the Egyptians doing it too, as early as the 15th century B.C.E. The Buddhists, and numerous other sects of India, also used the sign of the cross as a mark on their follower’s heads. The cross thus widely worshipped, or regarded as a 'sacred emblem', was the unequivocal symbol of Bacchus (Tammuz), the Babylonian Messiah, for he was represented with a head-band covered with crosses. It was also the symbol of Jupiter Foederis in Rome. Furthermore, we read of the cross on top of the temple of Serapis, the Sun-deity of Alexandria. This is Tammuz, whom the Greeks called Bacchus, with the crosses on his head-band.


After Constantine had the "vision of the cross", he and his army promoted another variety of the cross, the Chi-Rho or Labarum. The identical symbols were found as inscriptions on a rock, dating from the year ca. 2500 B.C., the time of Babylon the Great, being interpreted as "a combination of two Sun-symbols". The Ax or Hammer-symbol of the Sun- or Sky-deity is the ancient symbol of the Sun. These signs having a sensual or fertility meaning as well in the cult of Babylon.

Another proof of its pagan origin is the identical symbol found on a coin of Ptolemeus III from the year 247 - 222 B.C. A well-known encyclopedia describes the Labarum (Chi-Rho) as, "The labarum was also an emblem of the Chaldean (Babylonian) sky-god and in Christianity it was adopted..."Emperor Constantine adopted this Labarum as the imperial ensign and thereby succeeded in "uniting both divisions of his troops, pagans and Christians, in a common worship”. According to Suicer, the word (labarum) came into use in the reign of Hadrian, and was probably adopted from one of the nations conquered by the Romans. "It must be remembered that Hadrian reigned in the years 76 - 138, that he was a pagan emperor, worshipped the Sun-deity Serapis when he visited Alexandria, and was vehemently anti-Judaistic, being responsible for the final near-destruction of Jerusalem in the year 130.




The “Cross of Tammuz” and the Mark of the Beast


I go into great detail on this mark in my book, The Antichrist Revealed!  I will cover some of that book here because this mark of the Cross of Tammuz, which represents the Babylonian Trinity, was the mark of that religion on their foreheads! This mark of Tammuz was depicted on the forehead of Aphrodite (Semaramis the mother of Tammuz). In the image above, we see the mark of the Cross of Tammuz on the forehead of the goddess Ishtar dating back to Babylon! What is the "mark of the beast" of which we read in Rev 13:16-17, Rev 14:9-11, Rev 15:2, Rev 16:2, Rev 19:20 and Rev 20:4 - a mark on people's foreheads and on their right hands? Rev 14:11 reveals the mark to be "the mark of his (the beast's) name." Have we not read about the mystic Tau, the T, the initial of Tammuz's name, his mark? This same letter T (Tau) was written in Egyptian hieroglyphics and in the old Wemitic languages as, representing the cross.

This is the “mark” literally made on the foreheads of Christians in the Catholic Church. We are led as sheep to the slaughter into Babylonian worship of Tammuz in the image and name of “Jesus”. This practice takes place in many protesting Catholic (Protestant) Churches across the world on “Ash” Wednesday! Following in the Babylonian tradition each year as they “mark” their followers with this same mark on their forehead:


Let us rather use the true rendering of the Scriptural words stauros and stauro, namely "stake" and "impale" and eliminate the un-Scriptural "cross" and "crucify". The early Church Fathers attested to the use of the sign of the cross and that it is the Seal or Mark of Christianity; the mark that opposes The Shema.

Tertullian (d. ca. 250) described the commonness of the sign of the cross:

 "In all our travels and movements, in all our coming in and going out, in putting on our shoes, at the bath, at the table, in lighting our candles, in lying down, in sitting down, whatever employment occupies us, we mark our foreheads with the sign of the cross" (De corona, 30).

St. Cyril of Jerusalem (d. 386) in his Catechetical Lectures stated,

"Let us then not be ashamed to confess the Crucified. Be the cross our seal, made with boldness by our fingers on our brow and in everything; over the bread we eat and the cups we drink, in our comings and in our goings out; before our sleep, when we lie down and when we awake; when we are traveling, and when we are at rest" (Catecheses, 13).

Gradually, the sign of the cross was incorporated in different acts of the Mass, such as the three-fold signing of the forehead, lips, and heart. Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent which is the Babylonian ritual of “Weeping for Tammuz”. Occurring 46 days before Easter


The Sabbatarian Network provides information on the following numbers, words, and combinations of the following numbers, and words, and many more: 1, 2, 7, 15, 24, 40, 616, 666, 144000, Abel, Abib, abominations, abortion, Abraham, Acts, Adam, aggelos, Aish, Alexander Hislop, allegories, altar, analogies, ancient, angel, annual, anoint, anthr