Etymology of the name Je-sus
by Rav Sha'ul

I want to break down the complete Etymology of the name "Jesus"... you have all come to know me over time, and if you have come to know anything about me, you will know... I intend to leave no stone unturned in my search for the Truth.  I fully intend that when my King returns... that I have overthrown every stronghold, every high place, that elevates itself above Yahusha my King. Anything that stands in the way of my salvation and inheritance, with the full intention to run this race to win it!  No matter the cost, no matter the consequences personally.  And I desire His Truth and to receive every crown and every reward promised to me in His Word.  I want the highest placement in His Kingdom to come.  The Apostle Paul took the Truth of YHVH and His Messiah Yahusha to a pagan Rome 2000 years ago... and I intend to do that exact same thing today to the best of my ability, the end of time as we know it.
So here we go...
  • GE (je,ge) GAEA;GAIA GAEA  (Jee),Noun.  [Gr.Gaia derived from "Ge", earth] in Greek mythology the earth personified as a goddess ,mother of Uranus the Titans,etc, MOTHER EARTH: identified by the Romans with Tellus: also Gala,Ge. GEO (jeo,jee)  [Gr. "geo" derived from gaia,ge, the earth] a combining form meaning earth,as in geo/centric, geo/phyte.  (WEBSTER'S NEW WORLD DICTIONARY) {PROPER NAME} GEORGE Gr. georgos means "EARTH WORKER"  (DICTIONARY OF FIRST NAMES)
  • sus, sus N 3 1 NOM S C T, sus N 3 1 VOC S C T sus, suis swine; hog, pig, sow;  (Latin-English-Latin Java Dictionary with Whitaker's Wordlist) sus : swine, pig, hog.  (Lynn Nelson's Latin=English Dictionary (Hong Kong) sus, -is g.c. nomen animalis  (A Latin Dictionary of Saxo Grammaticus (medireview Latin) SWINE  [ME fr.OE swin; akin to OHG swin swine LATIN -SUS--more at SOW] 1: any of various stout-bodied short legged omnivorous mammals (family Suidae) with a thick bristly skin and long mobile snout; esp: a domesticated member of the species (Sus Scrofa) that includes the European wild boar-usu.used collectively 2: a contemptible person  (Webster's Seventh New Collegate Dictionary)


Je-SUS = earth pig or earthly swine or BEAST of the Earth... the image of corruptible man, the abominable sacrifice of a pig (Easter Sacrifice of the Earthly Swine named Jesus) that pollutes the alter and renders the Temple of YHVH (man) unfit for service or worship to YHVH, causing the oblation (daily sacrifice) to cease, that sacrifice of the Lamb that was slaughtered before YHVH whose name is Yahusha (Yahuah's Salvation NOT Jesus the son pig sacrifice of Zeus).  I.E. the Abominable Sacrifice that Causes the Desolation of the Temple of YHVH, the human body.

That is "my" opinion.  And the doctrine of Christianity demonstrates this is true by worshipping a man above YHVH on EASTER!


Why does your translation of Scripture mention the Name "YHWH" in the preface, but substitute the English word "LORD" for it in the text? If the letter "J" is less than 500 years old, why use it in the Name "Jesus"? Isn't His real Name more like Y'shua, Yahusha, or Yahushua?    To call Him "Yeh-soos" or "Yeh-zeus" may not be very good, considering "soos" is Hebrew for "horse", and of course you know who "Zeus" is . . . . It is the God worshipped when the pig was slaughtered on the alter on Easter. 
Names are extremely important.  After all, there is only ONE name under Heaven whereby you may be saved.  And that name Yahusha glorifies YHVH.  The Pagan name Zeus too was used in many name-endings like Tarsus, Pegasus, Dionysus, Parnassus, etc., to honor Zeus phonetically. Yes, even the son of Zeus (the pig) Jesus
The Latin name endings like sus, sous, and seus were employed to give honor to "Zeus". "Sus" in Latin means "pig".  
Excluding the Greek word/name, this Latin word for SWINE i.e. pig---"SUS" is identical in writing to the suffix of the Latin and the English transliteration "Ie-SUS" and "Je-SUS". "SUS" pronounced "SOOCE" or "ZUS" in English! In Latin it means "SWINE" i.e. PIG, and has the same sound as the Greek suffix in the word/name "Ie-SOUS" , pronounced "SOOCE" Here are some more interesting parallels In the Spanish translations of the scriptures such as in Mexico for example the name is written "Je-sus" but it is pronounced He or HEY - SOOCE. Both the suffix spelling and sound of the suffix is the same for the Latin word "SUS",which means SWINE.  (According to the dictionary this word SWINE can also mean a CONTEMPTIBLE Person) THE LITERAL WRITTEN PARALLELS ARE THERE! THE LITERAL PHONETIC PARALLELS ARE THERE!
Let's check it out...
pig (pĭg) pronunciation
    1. Any of several mammals of the family Suidae, having short legs, cloven hooves, bristly hair, and a cartilaginous snout used for digging, especially the domesticated hog, Sus scrofa domesticus (Latin), when young or of comparatively small size.
    2. The edible parts of one of these mammals.
  1. Informal. A person regarded as being piglike, greedy, or gross.


 [ME fr.OE swin; akin to OHG swin swine LATIN -SUS--more at SOW]
 1: any of various stout-bodied short legged omnivorous mammals (family Suidae) with a thick bristly skin and long mobile snout; esp: a domesticated member of the species (Sus Scrofa) that includes the European wild boar-usu.used collectively 2: a contemptible person (Webster's Seventh New Collegate Dictionary)

Wikipedia has an article on:


Domestic pigs (Sus scrofa)
Domestic pigs (Sus scrofa)
pigs or swine

pig (plural pigs or swine)

  1. Any of several mammals of the genus Sus, having cloven hooves, bristles and a nose adapted for digging; especially the domesticated farm animal Sus scrofa.
    • The farmer kept a pen with two pigs that he fed from table scraps and field waste.
  2. (uncountable) The edible meat of such an animal; pork.
    • Some religions prohibit their adherents from eating pig.
  3. A greedy person; someone who overeats or eats rapidly and noisily.
    • You gluttonous pig! Now that you've eaten all the cupcakes, there will be none for the party!
  4. A nasty or disgusting person.
    • She considered him a pig as he invariably stared at her bosom when they talked.
  5. A dirty or slovenly person.
    • He was a pig and his apartment a pigpen; take-away containers and pizza boxes in a long, moldy stream lined his counter tops.



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