Who Says the Messiah is God?

A Refute by Dan Love

WHO SAYS Yahusha the Messiah IS GOD?
According to those Christian ministers, who would have us all believe that Yahusha the Messiah is God, they say the following verses state that he is. However, once we do a little research with a good concordance we can plainly see that their interpretation is based upon wishful thinking, preconceived notions, a willingness to accept a lie as the truth, a desire to ignore conflicting scripture, and a strong lack of Spiritual understanding.

Please note that the True name of the Messiah is Yahusha
(Yahushua or Yahshua) and his true name will be used instead of Jesus Christ (Ihsous) in all cases. This is done out of respect and not as an act of legalism. Additionally, a True Worshipper must somehow make it known that he or she does not adhere to the teachings of Christianity and has, therefore, made a break from the Christo-pagan polytheism. One of those outward signs is to stop using the pagan (hellenized) Greek name of Jesus (IHS).

One last thought, before we go to the refute itself. Why would the Messiah, while hanging on the cross
(stake), ever say to Yahuah, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" (My G_d, My G_d, Why hast thou forsaken me?) IF indeed Yahusha is also G_d, because Yahuah would never forsake Himself; on the other hand, since Messiah Yahusha is not G_d, but the Perfect Spiritual Epitome of King David (as we should be), he might want us to make that Spiritual connection (Psalms 22:1-25 Click).

The New Testament Verses

Did David call him God?

Matthew 22:41-45
41 Now while the Pharisees were gathered together, Yahusha
(The Messiah) asked them a question,
42 saying, "What do you think of The Messiah? Whose son is he?" They said to him,
"Of David."
43 He said to them, "How then does David in the Spirit call him
(The Messiah) Lord, saying,
44 'The Lord said to my Lord, Sit on my right hand, Until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet?'
45 "If then David calls him Lord, how is he
(The Messiah) his (David's) son?" (How can a son be a lord over a parent? Especially when the parent is King David.)

Here we can see why a lack of understanding is a dangerous thing, especially in the hands of ministers.

In verse 42 above, when asked, "Whose son is he?" The Pharisees said "OF David." Meaning OF the physical seed OF David. A son is not just simply a son, but also, a grandson, great grandson, great-great grandson, etc..., and likewise a parent is not simply a parent, but also, a Grandparent, Great Grandparent, etc... .

In verse 43-45 above, "How then does David in the Spirit (now deceased OR Spiritually speaking) call him Lord, saying, 'The Lord said to my Lord, Sit on my right hand, Until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet?' "IF then David calls him Lord, how is he his son?"

This riddle is based on a classic case of
"Lord Confusion." Satan has used the mistranslation of the Greek word "Kurios," as "Lord" to fool untold millions of the Spiritually lazy. So what do these verses really say? And what is a Kurios anyway?

Click Here to receive the true meaning of the word "Lord," when the word "Lord" was translated from the Greek word "Kurios."

"How then does David in the Spirit call him
(The Messiah) kurios, saying, 'THE KURIOS said to my kurios, Sit on my right hand, Until I (Yahuah) make your enemies a footstool for your feet?' "If then David calls him (The Messiah) kurios, how is he (The Messiah) his (King David's) son?"

How can a son be a lord over a parent? Especially when the parent is King David.

So let's look at verses 43-45 again.

"How then does David in the Spirit
(now deceased OR Spiritually speaking) call him (Messiah) kurios, saying, 'THE KURIOS (Supreme Kurios or Yahuah) said to my kurios (Messiah), Sit on My right hand, Until I (Yahuah) make your (Messiah's) enemies a footstool for your (Messiah's) feet?' "If then David calls him (Messiah) kurios (Master), how is he (Messiah) his (King David's) son?"

Answer: As a Spiritual Title of Authority received from YHWH (The Father) that will be given to all of Yahuah's Elect (Spiritually begotten children of Yahuah, who speak as one for Yahuah by Yahuah's authority). In other words this particular KURIOS is a Holy and Righteous being that "Represents Yahuah" as Yahuah's proxy.

As for the Messiah
(the first Spiritually begotten son or kurios of Yahuah). The Messiah is also King David's physically begotten son (physical seed), that is because the Messiah is OF the physical seed (lineage) of King David. Now one might wonder why Yahuah would need or desire a proxy. Well, for one, Yahuah's Kingdom on Earth (The Promised Land) will be filled with both physical (mortal) and Spiritual (immortal) beings, and the physical beings cannot look upon Yahuah and live (see My Lord and My God). Second of all, Yahuah promised His True Worshippers that they would become Judges (1 Corinthians 6:2) and Priests (Rev. 5:10) in the Coming Kingdom of Yahuah on Earth; And the only way to do that is to become a KURIOS by the authority of Yahuah.

The Greater Proof

I guarantee you all, that what you are about to read is one of many reason why Yahuah chose the Hebrew people to make Himself known to the world. And to all of you who place such great importance on your Greek skills and on the Septuagint, I have to tell you, "You have been handicapped from the very start." Forget the Greek, and study the Tanakh
(Older Testament) in Hebrew; as the Apostles and Messiah Yahusha did. As for you skeptics out there who need greater proof, that the Greek word Kurios is not always used to represent Yahuah, and also, to demonstrate that the Greek language and the Greek (or hellenized) translators (Jewish born translators, who chose to become pagan Greeks) are NOT capable of providing the Spiritual detail of the Hebrew language or the Inspired Hebrew writers, I am providing you with this refute and proof of your handicap.

So without further ado, please make note that the Greek/English King James version of Matthew 22:44 is supposed to be an
exact quote of the Hebrew in Psalms 110:1, but it is not. See for yourself, that in the Greek/English version, both English words "Lord" came from the same Greek word "Kurios." However, in the original Hebrew of Psalms (being quoted in Matthew) a major distinction was made that was not carried over into the Greek. Therefore, the Greek language and (or) the Greek translators were either incapable of duplicating the Inspired Hebrew language and the Inspired Hebrew writers and (or) they deliberately mistranslated the verse.

I say,
"The Greek (Greco-Romans) is (are) guilty of all three."

Directly below is The original verse quoted by The messiah. Notice that "Psalms" records two entirely different words with two entirely different meanings, BUT that they were both deceptively translated as the ambiguous word "Lord or LORD" with only capitals or lowercase letters to distinguish them; of course this distinction was soon lost with subsequent translations.

English with Hebrew: Psalms 110:1 The LORD (Strong's # 3068, YHVH, Yehovah, The Self-existent One; divine only) said unto my Lord (Strong's # 113, Adon, sovereign controller; human or divine), Sit thou at my right hand, until "I" make thine enemies thy footstool.

English with Greek: Matthew 22:44 The LORD (Strong's # 2962, Kurios) said unto my Lord (Strong's 2962, Kurios), Sit thou on my right hand, till "I" make thine enemies thy footstool?

Suddenly, "Adon" has been replaced by "Kurios," and then by "Lord." Moreover, this deception, also, affects the entire meaning of the pronoun "I" in as much as it defines Yahuah / Yehovah as the Spiritual Power behind Messiah Yahusha, and NOT Yahusha himself; thus, The Messiah is NOT G_d !

This is why Satan doesn't want his Trinitarian, the Christo-pagan churches using the Tanakh
(Older Testament) or associating with non-hellenized Jews and non-hellenized gentiles.

Did Matthew call him G_d?

Matthew 1:23
23 "Behold, the virgin (young maiden) shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son. They shall call his name Immanuel;" which is, being interpreted, "G_d with us."

See Isaiah 7:14 below. (Click Here)

Did Messiah call himself G_d?

John 5:17-18
17 But Yahusha answered them, "My Father is still working, so I am working, too."
18 For this cause therefore the
(these) Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only broke the Sabbath, but also called G_d his own Father, making himself equal with G_d.

This is a joke, right? This in no way implies that the Messiah is actually G_d or even equal to G_d. Yahuah is not only the Messiah's Father, but Yahuah is my Father too! (Call no man Father - Matthew 23:9 - Therefore Yahuah is The Father)
This statement in John 5:18 most assuredly establishes that the pagan polytheistic concept of multiple gods, being fathered by a supreme god, was already firmly planted in the minds of these particular Jews during this early time frame; afterall, Yahuah didn't allow the Jews to go into captivity because they were obedient to Him. They
(in general) had broken their marriage vows (their Covenant) with Yahuah by seeking other gods; this is both 'Spiritual Adultery' and 'Spiritual Idolatry.'

Matthew 23:9
Call no man on the earth your father, for one is your Father, He
(Yahuah) who is in heaven (additionally, Messiah Yahusha wasn't even in heaven at this time).

Now let's consider this deception.

John 8:58-59 (These are verses taken out of context, a common error)
58 Yahusha said to them, "Most assuredly, I tell you, before Abraham was born, I AM."
59 They took up stones therefore to throw at him, but Yahusha hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

In order to fully grasp the mentality of Hebrews regarding pre-existence, one must also have an understanding of the "Mind of Yahuah." So if you haven't already read the message on "The Holy Spirit," then you really should Click Here.

The following is an excerpt from the 'Torah of Messiah' website:

In John 8:58 Yahusha claimed superiority over Abraham. His supreme position, however, depends on the Father who glorifies His Son
(John 8:54). He stated that Abraham rejoiced to "see my day" (John 8:56) - that is, Abraham by faith saw Messiah's coming in advance of his actual arrival. The day of Messiah "preexisted," so to speak, in Abraham's mind. It is noteworthy that Rabbinic traditions state Abraham saw a vision of the entire history of his descendants (Midrash Rabbah, XLIV, on Gen. 15:18) IV Ezra 3:14 (additional commentary) says that God granted Abraham a vision of the end times. The Jews misunderstood what Yahusha had said, believing that he had made a claim to be actually a contemporary of Abraham (John 8:57). Yahusha reaffirmed his absolute preeminence in God's plan with the astonishing claim, "Before Abraham was, I am [he]" (John 8:58).

To grasp the meaning of the phrase "I am" in this text, it is essential to compare it with John's frequent use of the same phrase, which is in several places connected with the Messiahship of Yahusha:

End of Excerpt.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
28 I give eternal life to them
(by the power invested in me by Yahuah). They will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. (Why? Because...)
29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all
(even the Messiah). No one is able to snatch them out of my Father's hand.
30 I and the Father are
(as) one (Spiritually Married OR mentally agree "As One.")."
31 Therefore Jews took up stones again to stone at him.
32 Yahusha answered them, "I have shown you many good works from my Father
(through me, His proxy). For which of those works do you stone me?"
33 The Jews answered him, "We don't stone you for a good work, but for blasphemy: because you, being a man, make yourself G_d"
(The Jews did not understand, and neither do the Christians).

Note: It is quite obvious that the pharisees and other Jews of the Messiah's time did not understand what he was saying anymore than the Trinitarians do today. They both think he was calling himself G_d. This is an obvious polytheistic mental concept, and the source of their confusion. See Study Guide II.

Revelation 1:1-8
(a future event being revealed in a past event to present time readers)

Note: The "Chain of Command" is evident here. Additionally the "Chain of Command" levels change according to the actual point in time, whether future or past, being referred to. Therefore the numbers (#) refer to the future positions of the participants within the "Chain of command" at the future time of "The First Resurrection," which is "The Second Coming of Messiah." Furthermore, Positions #1 and #2 in "The Chain of Command are held by only one being each or one entity per position, while subordinate positions (#3 and numerically higher) are shared. I personally believe there will be up to seven levels with "The Least in the Kingdom" at level #6, and those at level #7 will receive "The Second (physical) Death", but this is another story, and a non-redemptive issue. At any rate the levels below #3 are not up to me, but to (#1) Yahuah through His (#2) Magistrate, Yahusha.

Note: It seems to me, that since Yahuah's word is always TRUE and harmonious, that if uncorrupted scripture even mentions Yahusha's secondary position to Yahuah just once (and it does many times), then Messiah Yahusha is always secondary to Yahuah, and therefore cannot be Yahuah, except by proxy. Those who want to argue and (or) try to force people to believe that Messiah Yahusha (or Yahusha if you must) is G_d do so to protect their own polytheistic views and (or) realm of power.

This is the Revelation of
(#2) Yahusha Messiah, which (#1) G_d (Yhwh) gave (#2) him (Yahusha) to show to his (#3) servants (or The Chosen Few or Elect) the things which must happen soon, which he (#2 or Yahusha) sent and made known by his angel (future #4 or #5 Angel Messenger) to his servant (future #3 Servant or Minister), John,
2 who testified to (#1) G_d's word, and of the testimony of (#2) Messiah Yahusha, about everything that (#3) he (John) saw.
3 Blessed is (#3 to #4) he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and keep the things that are written in it, for the time is at hand.
4 (#3) John, to the seven (#3 level to #4 level) assemblies that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace, from (#1) Him (Strong's #575, He who is separate - Yahuah), who is and who was and who is to come; and from the seven Spirits who are before (#1) His throne;
5 and (also) from (#2) Messiah Yahusha, the faithful witness, the firstborn (Spiritually begotten) of the (physically) dead, and the (#2) ruler of the kings of the earth. To (#2) him who loves us, and washed us from our sins by his blood (example of Living Sacrifice);
6 and (#2) he made us to be a kingdom, priests to (#2) his (#1) G_d and Father; to (#2) him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. (end of thought or statement)

7 (New statement) Behold, (#2) he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see (#2) him, including those who pierced him. All the tribes of the earth will mourn (weep) over (because of) (#2) him. Even so, Amen. (end of thought or statement)

8 (New statement) "(#1) I (YHWH) am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the (#1) Lord (Kurios, but with further explanation), "Who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty" (Yahuah is this "Almighty" Kurios).

Again we have Yahuah's Ambassador OR Proxy to mankind
(Messiah Yahusha), speaking for Yahuah, as IF he was Yahuah (Exactly the same as the Prophets of Old did), and sometimes it appears (to the less knowledgeable) that the speaker is actually The Creator for whom he speaks. Presently this will always be the case since the veil of the temple (Matthew 27:51) was torn asunder at Messiah's death and end of Messiah Yahusha Ministry on Earth. However, we still pray directly to Yahuah, and Yahuah hears us (True Worshippers only), because of Messiah Yahusha's "Living Sacrifice," which we, also, maintain as the focal point of our own lives .

Romans 12:1
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of G_d, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, Holy, acceptable unto G_d, which is your reasonable service.

Did the angels call him G_d?

Luke 2:11
11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is the anointed one of the Kurios.

Note: If you need to read or reread Kurios Click Here.

Did John call him G_d? (Updated 12-4-2002)

John 1:1-5 (A Major Trinitarian Deception)
1 ¶ In the beginning was the Word
(Strong's #3056, LOGOS; a Motive or Intent, an utterance or thought), and the Word (Utterance with Motive or Intent ) was with G_d, and the Word (Utterance with Motive or Intent ) was (of) G_d.
2 The same
(Utterance with Motive or Intent ) was in the beginning with G_d (Yahuah).
3 All things were made by
Him (Yahuah according to Motive or Intent or Plan); and without Him (Yahuah according to Motive or Intent or Plan) was not anything made that was made.
4 In
Him (Yahuah according to Motive or Intent or Plan of Salvation) was life; and the life (eternal) was the light of men.
5 And the
light shines in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it (The Light) not.

Note: The Messiah is not "The Logos;" The Messiah is the "Instrument of Salvation," and the "Intent or Motive is Salvation" for Yahuah's "Elect" or "Chosen Few." Strong's also, list the Messiah as the "Divine Expression," but does not go so far as to say 'The Messiah' is "The Logos." A "Divine Expression" is a figure of speech that must, also, remain within the overall meaning of the definition. Obviously, the Messiah was always "Intended" to play a major role in "Salvation." However, the "Logos" is not just simply a "Plan of Salvation," as Yahuah's primary motive has always been to Spiritually Beget Righteous Children "In His Image" of which the Messiah is the eldest, and "The Chosen Few" are the Spiritual Siblings.

Note: When looking up the definition of a word in a concordance, MAKE SURE that the understanding of the definition derived is well within the context of ALL the words shown. Even definitions must remain "In Context."

For when
Yahuah spoke "In the Beginning" (Genesis 1), He (YHVH) was making the utterance of "The Logos." See for yourself, as "The Light" in John 1:5 is the very same "Light" spoken of in Genesis 1:1-3. Why? Because the Sun, Moon and the Stars were not created until the "Fourth Day" (Genesis 1:13-18).

John 1:5
5 And
the light shines in darkness; and the darkness (Choshek - H2822) comprehended it (The Light) not.

Genesis 1:1-3 ("The Logos" is an utterance or thought)
In the beginning G_d created the heavens and the earth.
2 Now the Earth was formless and empty. Darkness
(Choshek - H2822) was on the surface of the deep. G_d's Spirit was hovering over the surface of the waters.
3 G_d said
(or thought), "Let there be light," and there was light (Righteousness, Love, Understanding, Divine Wisdom).

When we read "A Bible" of course it will read as written and as translated by those who were originally hellenized (pagan Greek translators) and as by those Christians, who are also hellenized translated it; Moffatt is no different. However, when you look at the pure Greek, and Hebrew you see that logos means something quite different.

Logos (log' os)
(G#3056) something said (or thought); by implication, a topic (subject of discourse), also reasoning (mentality or motive or spirit), or as with St. John "A Divine Expression" (from The Divine G_d).

The Christians have gone to great lengths to even add their own personal interpretations to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. Regardless, The Expression is only Divine because it was THOUGHT
(not actually spoken) by the Divine Being, YHVH. SO . . . . what was that "Divine Expression?"

Genesis 1:3 "Then G_d said, "Let there be LIGHT;" and there was LIGHT (Divine Light or Divine Wisdom).

As we know, The Day LIGHT
(lights) wasn't (weren't) created until the fourth day in the firmament of heaven, THIS is confirmed by the word "DARKNESS" (H2822, Choshek) in verse 2.

(H2822) literal darkness, but figuratively meaning misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness, but not meaning physical absence of sunlight.

Therefore, YHVH decided to put an END to misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, and wickedness with LIGHT
(Divine Revelation). That Divine Revelation has been revealed to be THE GOAL of YHVH's "PLAN Of SALVATION;" and as we known, The Messiah played The Key Role in that Divine Plan, but others also played important parts in YHVH's Divine Plan (Moses, King David, Abraham, etc. . . .).

Proverbs 8:all is especially good, because it literally spells out that "The Light" was WISDOM (Divine Wisdom).

So there you have it, AND suddenly the Hellenized (pagan) Christian Effects are very obvious.

Note: And thus, "The Plan of Salvation" was initiated, and Yahuah began the process of begetting Righteous children, of which the Messiah is the First Begotten son AND Yahusha Messiah is Yahuah's primary LIGHT source AND Yahuah's source of Righteousness for mankind. (Revelation 21:23).

Revelation 22:5 (After the First Resurrection)
And there shall be no night
(darkness) there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord G_d (Yahuah) giveth them light: and they (The Chosen Few) shall reign for ever and ever.

Now let's consider another deception.

1John 3:16
16 Hereby
perceive we the love of G_d, because he (Yahusha Messiah) laid down his life for us (to teach us the "Love of G_d"): and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren (because we too have the "Love of G_d").

This is extremely far fetched, and just goes to prove the extreme to which Trinitarians will go in order to try to prove a lie. Obviously those with the "
Love of G_d" are not G_d, but have G_d's "Holy Spirit of Love." Notice the word "perceive?" This is a keyword that tells us that the revealer of truth (The Holy Spirit) will open our mind's eye, so that we may perceive the truth concerning "The Love of G_d."

1John 5:18-20
18 ¶ We
(The Chosen) know that whosoever is born of G_d sins not (stops sinning); but he that is (Spiritually) begotten of God keeps himself, and that wicked one touches him not.
19 And we
(The Chosen) know that we (The Chosen) are of G_d (we have YHWH's Holy Spirit or Mentality), and the whole world lies in wickedness.
20 And we
(The Chosen) know that the Son of G_d (Messiah) is come, and hath given us an understanding (Light through YHWH's Holy Spirit), that we (The Chosen) may know Him (YHWH) that is true, and we (The Chosen) are in Him (YHWH) that is true, even (also) in His Son, Messiah Yahusha. This (YHWH) is the true G_d, and eternal life (is YHWH's gift through Messiah).

Does a lack of understanding ever cease? This next one shows a very elementary lack of understanding.

Did the blind man call him G_d?

John 9:35-38
35 ¶ Yahusha heard that they had cast him out; and when he had found him, he said unto him, Do you believe on the
Son of G_d?
36 He answered and said, Who is he, Lord
(Kurios), that I might believe on him?
37 And Yahusha said unto him, You have both seen him, and it is he
(Son of G_d, not G_d) that talks with thee.
38 And he said, Lord
(Kurios), I believe. And he "kissed his hand" (Strong's,# G4352, proskuneo, kneeled before him and/or kissed his hand in respect for his authority).

Here Yahusha only claims to be "
The Son of G_d," but the Trinitarians have chosen to ignore this obvious lower position of authority, and focus on the ambiguous word "Lord" (Kurios). This is just another example of the desperate measures that polytheistic thinking trinitarians will stoop to in order to preserve their spiritually dark lives. The Son of G_d statement simply reinforces what I have been saying all along; regardless of the ambiguous word Lord (Kurios) statement. Since Kurios has already been discussed I will continue on without further discussion on the Kurios subject, unless it is brought up again (below) in this refute, in which case I will just tell you that we have another Kurios Misunderstanding.

Did Thomas call him G_d?

John 20:28
28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord
(Kurios) and my G_d (Theos).

We know Yahusha made it clear on many occations he is NOT Yahuah, and that he was not a "god".  So to understand John 20:28 we need a better understanding of the word "Theos".  Does it always mean "God" or "Yahuah"?  No.  It can also mean "godly" and can apply to all those who have put on the Divine Nature of Yahuah during this life! 

THEOS, Strong's #2316: As a figure of speech, "A Magistrate" or a "Supreme Divinity." or "godly" (like GOD or an Image of GOD or one of the "Children of GOD) or even GOD (However, GOD is only listed as a choice, because GOD  has Godly qualities, is Divine, and is also Supreme, but God is not the only one with those qualities). Strong's Concordance only lists God as a last choice, because anyone that has received GOD's Holy Spirit or Righteous Character has GOD like qualities; and The Messiah certainly has Godly qualities. As a matter of fact all of YHVH's "Chosen Few" (elohiym or Godly Children) can be referred to as a Theos.

Thomas was simply expressing to Yahusha that Yahusha was his King, and GODLY example.  So the PROPER "in context" translation of this verse is:

John 20:27-28 (The True "Implied" Translation in bold)
27 Then he
(Messiah Yahshua) said to Thomas, "Reach here your finger, and see my hands. Reach here your hand, and put it into my side. Don't be faithless, but believing."
28 Thomas answered him, "My Supreme Master (Master teacher or guide) and My Supreme Godly
(Master Guide) Leader!"

Did Peter call him G_d?

Acts 10:34-36
34 ¶ Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that Theos
(could be either Yahuah or Yahusha) is no respecter of persons:
35 But in every nation he that fears Him
(probably Yahuah), and works righteousness, is accepted with Him (could be either Yahuah or Yahusha).
36 The word which was
(G_d was not in the original texts here, but was added by trinitarian translators) sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Messiah Yahusha: (he is Kurios of all:)

Again, we have another
Kurios misunderstanding, and an improper manipulation of text.

Did Paul call him G_d?

Acts 20:28
28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Spirit hath made you overseers, to feed the assembly of Theos, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

This is another Theos misunderstanding. Read or reread about the Kurios and Theos in the message "My Lord and My God."

Philippians 2:5-6
5 Let this mind (Holy Spirit) be in you, which was also in Messiah Yahusha:
6 Who, being in the form
(Spiritual Image) of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God (in Spiritual RIGHTEOUSNESS ONLY - Jeremiah 23:6):

Oh Boy, if this misunderstanding doesn't reek of Satan then nothing does! Satan
(spiritual prince of this world), who sees himself as the rightful heir of Yahuah (which he will soon lose to Yahusha Messiah), has just used his very own selfish influence to make those without understanding to think that the Messiah desires to be equal to YHWH; but it is Satan (Not Messiah) that stated he would be "Like the Most High" (Isaiah 14:14). Sounds like Satan's false messiah is the Anti-Messiah.

1 Timothy 3:16
16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: Theos
(#2) was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

This is another Theos misunderstanding.

Titus 2:13
13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great
Theos and our (proxy) Savior, Messiah Yahusha;

This is another Theos misunderstanding.

Did Yahuah (G_d) call him G_d?
This is probably the most lame
(blind) statement of all. Now the Babylonian Trinitarian fever has reached its greatest heights of self-deception. Now we have Yahuah calling the Messiah, "Yahuah." Here we are expected to believe that G_d talks to Himself. As if Yahuah, the supreme Spiritual mentality in all the universe and beyond has to communicate with Himself by talking to Himself. I am sorry, but I cannot believe that Yahuah is schizophrenic. But I do believe, and it is scriptural, that Messiah Yahusha is as close as any human can get to being G_d, without actually being G_d. And therein lies all the misunderstandings and deceptions brought down upon mankind by Satan and his deceivers.

Hebrews 1:1-2, 6-10
(verses 1 and 2 were included to show that Yahuah does indeed use proxies to speak on His behalf.)

1 ¶ G_d
(THEOS, Strong's #2316), who at sundry times and in diverse manners spoke in time past unto the fathers by the prophets (His proxies),
2 Has in these "latter days"
spoken unto us by His Son (also a proxy for Yahuah), whom He hath appointed heir of all things (that are Created), for whom also he made (created) the world;

(in the future) When He (Yahuah) again brings in the firstborn into the world (at the First Resurrection, yet to come) He says, "Let all the angels of G_d reverence him" (as their superior).
(in the future) Of the angels He says, "Who makes his (the Messiah's) angels winds, and his servants a flame of fire?" (Answer: Yahuah will do this for All of His sons)
(Apostle Paul speaking) but of the Son (the Messiah) He says, "Your throne, THEOS (Strong's #2316), is forever and ever; The scepter of uprightness is the scepter of your kingdom (On Earth).
9 You have loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; Therefore THEOS
(#2), your THEOS (#1), has anointed you With the oil of gladness above your fellows."

Note: This is so obvious as to be laughable. If Theos always refers to The Supreme Being Yahuah (and it does not), then it makes zero sense that this verse would establish Theos as being subservient to Himself.

If Theos is not always the supreme being Yahuah (which is the case), then this verse does make sense; and (again), just as in the case of the term Kurios, definitely establishes a "Chain of Command," wherein the Messiah is the highest ranking created being in the universe; but he is still not The Self-existent Creator, Yahuah.

This type of confusion is why uninspired hellenized Jews and other uninspired paganized translators should never have been used to translate the Inspired word of Yahuah. Only Yahuah's elect
(Chosen Few) have the ability to understand and interpret Yahuah's words; for it is The Holy Spirit (mind of Yahuah) that reveals truth (John 14:26; 1 Corinthians 2:13). Therefore, pagan Roman Catholic or pagan Greek translators, whether Jewish born or not, will always misinterpret the Spiritually inspired word(s) of Yahuah. If they didn't, then this refute would not be necessary.

(Apostle Paul speaking) And, "You, Kurios (Yahuah), in the beginning, laid the foundation of the earth. The heavens are the works of your hands.

If necessary read about the Kurios and Theos in the message "My Lord and My God."

The Old Testament Verses

Did Isaiah call him God?

Isaiah 7:14
14 Therefore the Lord
(Adonay)(Yahuah) Himself will give you a sign: behold, a virgin (young maiden) shall conceive, and bear a (human) son, and shall call his name Immanuel (Strong's #6005, meaning "G_d is with us" - Spiritually Speaking, not physically speaking).

Note: Obviously the Messiah was not actually named Immanuel or Emmanuel, and therefore this was not a literal statement, but a figurative one. This is the same Hebrew concept as Yahuah is with us through His Ambassador, Proxy or Kurios (who is Yahusha Messiah). This is another case of wishful thinking, and it would be completely out of sync with all scripture if the figurative meaning of the name Immanuel were taken literally.

Isaiah 9:6
6 For unto us a
(human) child is born, unto us a (human) son is given; and the government (of the Coming Kingdom of Yahuah on Earth) shall be on his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful (Strong's #6382, "PELE," A Miracle or A Wonder or A Marvel), Counselor (Strong's #3289, "YA'ATS," One who guides or advises), Mighty "EL" (Strong's #410, "EL," Strength, Mighty, and may be used with ANY deity or idol, but normally as a compound word, similar to "El Shaddai"), Everlasting Father (Strong's #1, "AB" figuratively used in a future or remote application as a Chief or Principal or as a father, but not THE FATHER) , Prince of Peace (self-explanatory).

(Return to Matthew 1:23)

Did Jeremiah call him God?

Jeremiah 23:5-6
5 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD
(Strong's #3068, Yehovah, Jehovah, The "Self-existent G_d"), that I (YHWH) will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice on The Earth (by proxy).
6 In his
(Messiah's) days (as future King of Yahuah's Kingdom on Earth) (New or Spiritual) Judah shall be saved, and (New or Spiritual) Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (Strong's #3072, Yehovah tsidqenuw, a symbolical epithet of the Messiah) or "The Righteousness of Jehovah."

Click Here to return to "Did Paul Call Him G_d?"
(Philippians 2:5-6)

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