What we have done to Yahusha, is nothing short of
turn him into a “God” in idolatry against The Most High. Jesus has
fulfilled the very defining prophecy that the false messiah would
elevate himself above all that is called God!
2 Thessalonians 2
- The Man of Lawlessness and the Spirit behind him…
4 He will oppose and will exalt himself (as
God incarnate) over everything that is called God or is
worshiped, so that he sets himself up in Yahuah’s temple (our
hearts), proclaiming himself (a man)
to be the incarnation of God.
The Spirit of the False Messiah (known as the
Dragon in The Heavenly Scroll) was foretold to conquer the Earth in
the end, and it has done just that. It permeates every teaching, every
translation of the Bible.
The blasphemous doctrine that “Yahuah came to
Earth as a sinful man and died” has become THE gospel message
instead of “The Kingdom of Yahuah is within you”. We have fallen
for another gospel and those who commit this abomination are cursed for
blaspheming the Creator.
Galatians 1:8
But even if we or an angel from
heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let
them be under Yahuah's curse!
In this chapter, I am going to show that Yahusha
the Nazarene did not pre-exist and certainly did not “descend down from
heaven” as some kind of demi-god. This doctrine that claims that Yahusha
was with Yahuah at Creation and is immortal along with The Father as
some type of “godhead” is a pagan doctrine originating in Babylon. Is
this idea that the Father literally sent His Only Son to Earth from
Heaven as a demi-god to save humanity, a pagan lie? Blasphemy of the
Holy Spirit?
As with
most sound bite doctrines, we always find they contradict clear explicit
Scripture. You cannot have it both ways, either “Jesus emptied himself
of his Deity… or he was the fulness of Deity” … which is it?
Colossians 2:9
For in Christ all the fullness
of the Deity lives in bodily form.
Philippians 2:7
6 [Jesus], existing in the
form of God, did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7
but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in human
likeness. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself
and became obedient to death—even death on a stake.
Philippians 2:7 it does not say what Yahusha emptied himself of. We are
left to fill in the blanks. Did Yahusha exist first in the Spirit, empty
himself of his Divinity, come to Earth and take up the form of a man? Is
that the implication of the verse above in Philippians? We must use
context to fill in the blanks and as I have shown, it is a contradiction
of Colossians 2:9 right out of the gate!
We have
all been taught and even believed that “Jesus pre-existed and in the
fulness of time he emptied himself of Divinity and came to Earth and
took up the form of a man”.
Philippians 2:7 is used to promote the Roman God-man Savior. Is this
what Sha’ul said?
is THE WAY. He was created flesh (came into being in the flesh 1
John 4:2, VIRGO) and was then raised in his Spiritual Body by the
Power of the Resurrection (Romans 1:4, CAPRICORNUS). We follow
him in the regeneration/Resurrection whereby we shed this temporary
Sukkot and enter the Promised Land/Kingdom.
Matthew 19
Yahusha said to them, "Truly I
tell you, at the renewal of all things (first
Resurrection), when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne (reference
to The Heavenly Scroll/Plan of Salvation/LEO), you who have
followed me in the regeneration/Resurrection (CAPRICORNUS)
will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
Messiah is the Firstfruits from the grave, he is the firstborn of the
Resurrection, and we each follow him in our own order as Yahusha
fulfills The Heavenly Scroll.
1 Corinthians 15:23
But each in turn: The Messiah,
the firstfruits (from the grave to receive his
Spiritual Body); then, when he comes, those who belong to him. 24
Then the end of the Age of Pisces (The
Messianic Age) will come (and the Age
of Aquarius will begin The Kingdom Age), when He hands over the
kingdom to Yahuah the Father after He has destroyed all dominion,
authority, and Power (LEO).
physical bodies are our Sukkot (temporary dwelling), and this
life is our wilderness and we long to follow Yahusha in the regeneration
and receive our Spiritual Bodies too and enter the Promised Land.
2 Corinthians 5
5 For we know that if the
earthly tent (Sukkot) we live in is
destroyed, we have a Temple from Yahuah, an eternal house proclaimed in
The Heavenly Scroll (the 3rd Temple made up of
the sum total of His Children), not built by human hands (there
will never be another 3rd physical temple). 2 Meanwhile we
groan, longing to be clothed instead with our Spiritual dwelling (as
Yahusha showed us the Power of the Resurrection), 3 because when
we are clothed, we will not be found naked. 4 For while we are in this
Sukkot (temporary dwelling), we groan
and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be
clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may
be swallowed up by life (physical then
Spiritual). 5 Now the one who has fashioned us for this
very purpose is Yahuah, who has given us the Spirit as a deposit (just
like Yahusha who was filled with the Ruach when he was born-again
through Living Water and adopted Matthew 3:14-16), guaranteeing
the Spiritual Body that is to come (AFTER our
physical bodies die not before).
did not exist Spiritually first, then “empty himself of his divinity”
… he existed first in the flesh physically in the likeness of all man:
1 Corinthians 15
45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being” the
last Adam BECAME (by the Power of the
Resurrection Romans 1:2-4 he did not preexist) a
life-giving spirit. 46 The spiritual (body),
however, was not first, but the natural (body),
and then the spiritual (body). 47
The first man was of the dust of the earth, but the second man is from
what is written in The Heavenly Scroll... 49 And just as we have born
the likeness of the Earthly man (according to
the flesh which means opposed to, with no Knowledge of Yahuah),
so also shall we bear the likeness of the heavenly man (and
be just like Yahusha). 50 Now I Declare to you, brothers, that
flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Yahuah, nor does the
perishable inherit the imperishable.
John 3
6 That which is born of the
flesh (human birth), is flesh (that
includes Yahusha who was born “according to the flesh,”
Romans 1:3); but that which is born of the Spirit, is
Spirit. 7 Do not be surprised that I said to you: You must be reborn
from above (Yahusha is speaking from
experience being born-again when Mikveh’d by John).
Then he
was filled with the Holy Spirit (fulness of Deity) upon walking
The Way of Mikveh and he was adopted as the Firstborn-again son of
Luke 3
and the Holy Spirit descended on him (and
he was filled) in bodily form (with
Deity) like a dove. And THEN (not
before at his human creation) a voice came from heaven: "You
are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."
was risen Divine by the Power of the Resurrection.
Romans 1
2 concerning Yahusha, which
Yahuah PROMISED beforehand through His Prophets in the holy Scriptures (he
did not pre-exist), 3 concerning His Son, who was born of a
descendant of David (through both parents)
according to the flesh (flesh 'Sarki' g4561:
Thayer's def =#4 - born to two human parents, outside ANY Divine
Influence, prone to sin, and opposed to Yahuah), 4 who was
declared (Divine) the Son of Yahuah
with Power by the Resurrection from the dead (not
his human birth, he the firstborn of the dead Col 1:8 and Revelation 1:5
and first of the Resurrection 1 Cor 15:23 and Firstfruits of the grave 1
Cor 15:20), according to the Spirit of holiness (Yahuah’s
Spiritual Seed given as an earnest guarantee after his Mikveh when he
was born-again and adopted), Yahusha the Messiah
promised Yahusha the throne IF he first emptied himself of his right to
rule and served as High Priest and fulfilled The Heavenly Scroll.
Zechariah 3 - Yahusha's sin forgiven through Mikveh,
Yahuah consecrates Yahusha High Priest directly, and enters into The
Yahushaic Covenant to "forgive our sin."
7 “This is what YAHUAH
Almighty says: ‘IF (YAHUAH makes a conditional
promise, a COVENANT) you will walk in obedience to me and keep my
requirements (of The Branch foretold in The
Heavenly Scroll to come FIRST as Suffering Servant and die THEN
Conquering King rule), THEN (here is
the promise if he fulfills The Heavenly Scroll as The Glorious Righteous
Branch VIRGO) you will govern my house (i.e.
King over the government that will govern creation Isaiah 9:6 and
Constellation LEO) and have charge of my courts (Eternal
Judge 2 Cor 5:10), and I will give you a place (right
hand of YAHUAH Mark 16:19) among these standing here
SOUND DOCTRINE line upon line and precept upon precept. Let us see if
the way this is taught can hold up to my scrutiny by putting it back
into proper context and translation. Below is the proper interpretation
of this verse in context of The Plan of Salvation.
had to fulfill The Heavenly Scroll and empty himself of his right to the
throne and become a suffering servant and give this life up as a ransom
to his Father for his bride. Then he would be risen from the grave to
rule as the Conquering King and given his Bride as his Queen to rule by
his side.

came to fulfill the Will of Yahuah written in The Heavenly Scroll.
Hebrews 10:7
Then I said, 'Here I am--it is
written about me in The Heavenly Scroll-- I have come to do Your Will,
my Elohim! (Matthew 6:10)
Matthew 6:10
Your Kingdom (declared
in heaven Matthew 4:17) come, Your Will be done, on Earth as it
is written in The Heavenly Scroll (Psalm 19,
119:89, 89:2, Daniel 4:35).
Daniel 4:35
"All the inhabitants of the
earth are accounted as nothing, but He does according to His will
written in the host of heaven (The Zodiac
which hosts constellations. Constellations “host stars”)
In Mark
Chapter 10 Yahusha teaches his role in fulfilling Yahuah’s will written
in The Heavenly Scroll. To fulfill that Scroll as the Branch, he must
empty himself of the right to rule the Earth as Conquering King to walk
the path of High Priest and Suffering Servant to die to pay the dowry
and ransom/redeem his Bride:
Mark 10
44 and whoever (fulfills
The Heavenly Scroll) wants to be first (rule
as The Lion of the Tribe of Judah/LEO) must be a servant
of all (first come as The Suffering Servant to
die for his Bride LIBRA). 45 For even the Son of Man (in
The Heavenly Scroll) did not come to be served (as
Conquering King TAURUS), but (to
empty himself of his right to rule VIRGO and) to serve (as
The Suffering Servant CAPRICORN), and to give His life as
a ransom (dowry CAPRICORN) for
many (to redeem his Bride PISCES).”
We see
Sha’ul teach the same thing, as the Age of Pisces is the Messianic Age
when the Messiah reclaims his Bride from among the nations.
Therefore The Nazarenes used the fish symbol; it is the symbol of the
Messianic Age of Pisces:
Titus 2
14 Yahusha (emptied
himself of his right to rule mankind VIRGO) gave himself (offered
his life) for us to redeem us (pay the
dowry PISCES) from all lawlessness and to purify for
himself a people (Bride/PISCES)
for His own possession (marriage covenant),
zealous for good deeds.
Ephesians 5
25 Husbands, love your wives,
just as the Messiah loved the body and gave himself up for her (as
The Passover Lamb end of the Age of ARIES) 26 to make her holy, (ritually)
cleansing her by the washing with Living Water (Mikveh),
through the Commandments (Circumcision)
27 and to present her (properly) to
himself as a radiant assembly, without spot or wrinkle or any other
blemish (as spotless Passover of Lambs of
Yahuah), but Holy and blameless (Offerings).
The Jews
knew Yahusha was heir to the throne by bloodline and were trying to
convince him to disobey The Heavenly Scroll (and Feast Cycle) and
seat him as their King to liberate them from Roman occupation. Yahusha
knew this was not the order written in the stars that he must fulfill
and gave up the right to rule as King (emptied himself of it):
John 6:15
Yahusha, knowing that they
intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a
mountain by himself.
They did
not want him to fulfill what is written in heaven and come first as the
suffering servant! So, they killed him. This is why Satan was tempting
Yahusha not to “empty himself of his right to be king” and
if Yahusha would deny his destiny to first serve as High Priest and die,
then Satan would give him the Kingdoms of this World and Yahusha would
rule in this life.
Matthew 4:1-11
Then Yahusha was led by the
Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil (Zechariah
3:1). 2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was
hungry (like a stick snatched from the fire of
the hot sun Zechariah 3:2) .... 8 Again, the devil took
him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world
(Jerusalem specifically and Satan was rebuked
because Jerusalem is not his to give away Zechariah 3:1)
and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you (if
you will deny Yahuah's Will to empty yourself of your right to Rule as
Conquering King and take up the role of High Priest to die as Suffering
Servant),” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me. (Zechariah
3:1)” 10 Yahusha said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is
written: ‘Worship the Yahuah your Elohim and serve him only.’” 11 Then
the devil left him (to accuse him before
Yahuah Zechariah 3:1), and angels came and attended him (Zechariah
Satan was tempting Yahusha’s faith in
his role proclaimed in the stars to come first as the suffering servant
(in the 4,000th year) to die (as
a Lamb that is slaughtered at the turn of the Age of Aries to Pisces).
Yahusha could not rule as King for eternity without first dying to
redeem the ones he would later rule over in the next life. Then he would
rule as Conquering King in the 6,000th year at the
turn of the Age of Pisces to Aquarius.
was the most royal human being ever born by inheritance/human
bloodlines! He was born heir to the throne of EVERY human dynasty. He
would very easily have assumed the throne over Babylon, Persia, Egypt,
Rome, Israel and more and taken his place as King of Kings… but that was
not The Plan of Salvation.
If he
opted not to empty himself of his right to rule, he would have died and
ceased to exist and everyone else with him. If he emptied himself of his
right to rule instead serving as High Priest and giving his life as a
ransom, then Yahuah promised to “forgive the sin of the world in a
single day”.
Zechariah 3
8 “‘Listen, High Priest
Yahusha, you and your associates seated (who
came) before you (probably Adam, Enoch,
Moses, Elijah, etc.), who (those seated
before him) are men symbolic of things to come (forerunners
of The Branch): I am going to bring (you)
My Servant (from this point forward),
the Branch (fulfillment
of The Heavenly Scroll). 9 See, the stone I have set in front of
Yahusha! There are seven fountains of Living Water on that one stone,
and I will engrave an
inscription on it,’ says Yahuah Almighty, ‘and I will remove the sin of
this land in a single day (the day
Yahusha, in Obedience, dies as Passover Lamb).
would raise him from the dead and he would rule for all eternity and
redeem us all from death as promised (Logos/Dabar) in The
Heavenly Scroll.
CAPRICORNUS: Eternal life
comes from his death (he is granted eternal life by the Power of the
Resurrection), he’s the Arrow of God, he is pierced, yet springs up
again in abundant life (the firstborn of the dead).
But no
one had ever been risen from the dead! So Yahusha demonstrated AMAZING
faith to give up the right to be the ruler of the Earth, empty himself
of his royal heritage, and take up the role of Suffering Servant and
die… even death on a stake. When all he had to go on was what is written
in the stars because he was NOT a god. Even still… Yahusha’s faith
wavered, going to the garden THREE times to get out of having to die on
Passover, and literally crying out to Yahuah to honor His promises and
save him from death.
Does this
sound like a “pre-existing demi-god” to you? What would Yahusha have to
fear if he were really a god who “emptied himself of his Divinity and
came to Earth as a man” knowing death was nothing to fear that he
preexisted the life in the first place!
Below we
see Yahusha “cry out to Yahuah for salvation” from death:
Hebrews 5:7
During the days of Yahusha’s
life on earth (when he was imperfect,
disobedient and LEARNING obedience Hebrews 5:8-9), he offered up
prayers and petitions (repentance) with
fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death (the
penalty of sin/disobedience and he was scared to death to die Matthew
26:28), and he was heard because of his reverent submission to
Yahuah (because he was obedient NOT
because he was a demi-god).
For more
information on the King of Kings, please ready my book The Nazarene
where I go into historical documents proving his human lineage.

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Now, let
us read the verse in question… in context. And we see it is an amazing
proclamation of The Plan of Salvation NOT that Yahusha was a pagan
Philippians 2
6 [Yahusha], existing in the
IMAGE (Colossians 1:15) of God (not
just Yahusha but all of us were created and exist in the “Image of “God”
Genesis 1:27), did not consider equality with Yahuah a thing to
be grasped (because it is blasphemy… he could
not even wrap his mind around the notion he was “God in the flesh” which
is an oxymoron), 7 but (Yahusha came to
fulfill The Heavenly Scroll Hebrews 10:7 and Matthew 6:10)
emptied/humbled Himself (of his right to be
King in this life The Conquering King), taking the form (instead)
of a servant (The Suffering Servant and
fulfill The Spring Feasts in the proper order), being made in
human likeness (not a demi-god, fully human in
EVERY way Hebrews 2:17). 8 And being found in appearance as a man
(‘in the flesh’ not a god), he humbled
himself (to the Will of Yahuah written in the
stars Daniel 4:35) and became obedient (to
The Heavenly Scroll Hebrews 10:7 and Matthew 6:10) to death (CAPRICORNUS
- to pay the dowry and redeem his Bride
Mark 10:44, PISCES) — even death on a stake (on
Passover as foretold in the stars LIBRA).
Those who would have us believe The Spirit of the
False Messiah (incarnation)
would teach us that this prophecy in Isaiah is proof that Yahuah sent
Yahusha from his abode in heaven. We are taught Yahusha was with Yahuah
from the first announcement at creation and it was Yahusha who spoke
creation into existence (not Yahuah) as co-creator through Divine
Emanation (a pagan philosophy as I have shown). Let me quote the
NIV first without the context and proper translation.
Isaiah 48
12 “Listen
to me, Jacob, Israel, whom I have called: I am He; I
am the first and I am the last. 13 My Own Hand laid the
foundations of the Earth, and My Right Hand
spread out the heavens; when I summon them,
they all stand up together. 14 “Come together, all of you,
and listen: Which of the idols has foretold these things? Yahuah’s
chosen ally will carry out His Purpose against Babylon; His Arm will be
against the Babylonians. 15 I, even
I, have spoken; yes, I have called him. I will bring him, and he will
succeed in his mission. 16 “Come near Me and listen to this:
“From the first announcement I have not spoken in secret; at the time it
happens, I am there.” And now the Sovereign
has sent me, endowed with His Spirit.17 This
is what Yahuah says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am Yahuah
Your God, Who Teaches you what is best for you, Who Directs you in the
way you should go.”
The first point that needs to be addressed with
this passage is “I am the First and the Last” in verse 12. The
translators took what in Hebrew was, “I
am Aleph and Tav,” and translated it “First and the Last”
because they were translating the GREEK translations of Alpha and Omega.
Alpha and Omega are the first and the last letters in the Greek
alphabet. Then that mistranslation is used to say Yahuah is Yahusha
because Yahusha said he was the “First and the Last” in the book of
Revelation. As I have shown in my book Unlocking the Book of
Revelation, Yahuah did not say He was the “First and the Last”, but
rather He is “Unity and
Perfection” which is the meaning of the Hebrew pictographs “Aleph
and Tav”!
Also, in the Book of Revelation, Yahusha never said
he was Aleph and Tav, the translators added that to the Book of
Revelation! Yahusha did say he was the “First and the Last”.
So, the truth is, Yahuah never claimed to be the
“First and the Last”. That is the meaning of “Alpha and Omega” in GREEK.
Not, Aleph and Tav in Hebrew which means “Unity and Perfection”. And
Yahusha never claimed to be “Aleph and Tav”, but rather only “the First
and the Last” of the Resurrection as he is the Covenant, whereby the
rest of the sons are Resurrected from the First to the Last. For a more
detailed look into this topic, please read my book Unlocking the Book of

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The next point that needs to be made is all
Scripture is clarified by CONTEXT as Scripture interprets Scripture. I
will show the context of this prophecy clearly to demonstrate that it in
no way supports this claim that Yahuah is Yahusha or that Yahusha
was “sent from heaven as a god among men”.
Before I begin and show the proper translation and
context, let me bring your attention to two verses spoken by Yahusha the
Luke 4:18
The Spirit of Yahuah is on me,
because He has anointed me to preach (not
because I am a god).
John 18:20
"I have spoken openly to the world,"
Yahusha replied. "I always taught in synagogues or at the Temple, where
all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret."
These are two declarations made directly by
Yahusha. Let us keep this context in mind because this is called
CONTEXT where Scripture literally interprets Scripture if we are
faithful in our study and honest with His Word.
Below is the proper translation, in context, under
The Spirit of Yahuah NOT the Spirit of the False Messiah (which
is sound bite driven through mistranslations to mislead us).
Isaiah 48
For My own sake, for My own sake I will do it; for how could dishonor
come to My Name (Yahuah)? I will not
give My Glory (as Creator) to another (not
even Yahusha)! 12 Listen to Me, O Yaaqob and Yisrayl, My Called;
I am He; I am Unity (Aleph), I also am
Perfection (Tav) (Yahusha
is neither, he was born imperfect and disobedient, perfected through
suffering discipline for disobedience, Hebrews 10:2, and openly declared
“do not call me ‘good’, there is ONE Who is ‘good’… Yahuah,” Mark 10:18).
13 My Hand has laid the foundation of the Earth (Yahuah
Alone is Creator and did it all by Himself, Isaiah 44:24), and My
Right Hand has spanned (Authored) The
Heavenly Scroll (Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3, Daniel
4:35); when I summon them together (together
the stars and constellations conspire to hold a secret, Enoch 9:6),
they will minister together (to all the Earth
to Proclaim the Messiah/Plan of Salvation, Psalm 19).
14 All of you, gather yourselves
together and hear (what The Heavenly Scroll
Proclaim day after day, night after night, Psalm 19)! Who among
them has foretold these things (written in The
Heavenly Scroll from the foundation of the world, Rev. 13:8 and Eph. 1:4
and 1 Peter 1:20 where Yahusha is portrayed as a Lamb that is
slaughtered)? Yahuah has loved him (given
Glory in The Heavenly Scroll as The Branch/Nazarene who is the Messiah
Yahusha, John 17:5); He will do His pleasure on Babylon, and His
Arm will be on the Chaldeans. 15 I, even I, have spoken; yes, I have
called him (Yahusha, Luke 4:18). I have
brought him (forth as The Branch as My Eternal
High Priest, see Zechariah Chapter 3), and his ‘Way’ (example
of Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering) will succeed (in
producing perfection and defeating death through Resurrection, called
The Way).
now, what follows is a prophetic
look at the literal words Yahusha will speak. We see Yahuah say
"gather together and hear him"... this is what he will say that we need
to hear, it is not Yahuah speaking now, it is a prophetic look
into Yahusha's anointed message ****
16 "Come near to Me (the
one spoken of in verses 14-15 above), hear this; I have not
spoken in secret from the beginning (I have
spoken openly in the synagogues not in secret, John 18:20); from
the time that it was (predestined for me in
The Heavenly Scroll vs. 13 above, and I was sent by my Father after
being Mikveh'd by John and consecrated High Priest in the desert not
“from heaven,” see Zechariah Chapter 3), I am there (with
this message as foretold). And now Father Yahuah sends me with
His Spirit" (that descended upon Yahusha AFTER
his Mikveh, Matt. 3:16… when Yahuah consecrated Yahusha as High Priest
and “brought him forth out of the desert as The Branch,” Zechariah
Chapter 3)! This is a prophecy of what
Yahusha will literally say and SAID in Luke 4:18). 17 "This is
what Yahuah your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israyl (obviously,
this is Yahusha speaking FOR Yahuah Who is our Father, Yahusha now
quotes Yahuah), says: “I am Yahuah your Father Who Teaches you to
succeed, Who Leads you by the ‘way’ you should go. 18 Oh, if only you
had listened to My Laws” (this was Yahusha's
message to Yahuah’s people who had gone astray)"
Now let me address yet another Scripture taken out
of context and twisted.
Was Yahusha the first thing created, then “through
him” Yahuah created the Universe through Divine Emanation?
One of the Scriptures used to justify the Spirit of the False
Messiah and elevate the Messiah into something other than a human being
who “came in the flesh” outside any Divine Influence is the following
sound bite:
Colossians 1:15
The Son is the image of the
invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
First let us consult “context” …
Psalm 89:27
I will indeed (future
tense) appoint him as My firstborn (at
his Mikveh “this is my son…” Matthew 3:17), the highest of the
kings of the earth (Kings and High Priest were
anointed and consecrated through Mikveh).
Romans 8:29
For those Yahuah foreknew, He also
predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that Yahusha
would be the firstborn (of the dead Revelation
1:5) among many brothers (each in their
own order 1 Corinthians 15:23).
Revelation 1:5
and from Yahusha the Messiah, who is
the faithful and true witness (Immanuel),
the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth.
Yahusha was not Eternal or Divine at his human
birth! Nor did he exist before his human birth. He was born “according
to the flesh” then risen Divine “according to the Spirit”.
Romans 1
concerning Yahusha, which Yahuah Promised beforehand through His
Prophets in the Holy Scriptures (both The
Heavenly and Earthly Scrolls, he did not pre-exist), 3 concerning
His Son, who was born of a descendant of David (through
both parents) according to the flesh (through
human conception only, outside of any Divine influence, opposed to
Yahuah and prone to sin
g4561 ‘sarki’ -),
4 who was Declared (Divine) the Son of
Yahuah with Power by the Resurrection from the dead (NOT
his human birth), according to the Spirit of Holiness (Yahuah’s
Spiritual Seed), Yahusha the Messiah
Yahusha is not the firstborn of all physical
creation, he is the firstborn of the dead, the first and the firstfruits
of the Resurrection. He is the firstborn over all ETERNAL Spiritual
Creation, his Kingdom is not of this physical world.
Colossians 1:18
And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning (of
the Resurrection and the end as we all are Resurrected in the Covenant
that bears his name from the first to
the last) and Firstborn from among the dead (not
his human birth nor at creation), so that in all things (in
the Family of Yahuah) he may have preeminence (Superior
Authority as King; he is “before Abraham” in Resurrected birth order
"before Abraham was born, I am foremost and foretold in the Plan of
Salvation, and have Superior Authority over Moses").
Revelation 1:5
Yahusha the Messiah, who is the
Faithful Witness (Emmanuel), the
Firstborn from the dead, and the Ruler (pre-eminence)
of the Kings of the Earth.
1 Corinthians 15:23
“there is an order to this
Resurrection: Yahusha was raised as the first of the harvest (firstborn
of Eternal Creation); then all who belong in The Yahushaic
Covenant will be raised when he comes back.”
John 18:36
Yahusha answered, “My Kingdom is not
an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from
being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this
Let us see if we can determine from Scripture when
Yahusha was created. Was it “before the foundation of the world” as in
before creation? Or was he born simply human and created in his mother’s
We read in Psalms 22, the fact that Yahusha was
created by Yahuah from his mother’s womb and not before that. Now, as if
that is not crystal clear enough, there will be those who simply will
not accept this clear declaration of when Yahusha was created by Yahuah.
We love to cling to our ‘own’ understanding and remake Yahuah in our
own image (a man in the image
of Yahusha) no matter what!
Yahusha was a human being, son of man, firstborn of
the dead, Firstborn-again son, created in his mother’s womb as all men
are THEN Resurrected Divine! He was not a pre-existing deity.
Romans 1
concerning Yahusha, which Yahuah Promised beforehand through His
Prophets in the Holy Scriptures (both The
Heavenly and Earthly Scrolls, he did not pre-exist), 3 concerning
His Son, who was born of a descendant of David (through
both parents) according to the flesh (through
human conception only, outside of any Divine influence, opposed to
Yahuah and prone to sin
g4561 ‘sarki’ -),
4 who was Declared (Divine) the Son of
Yahuah with Power by the Resurrection from the dead (NOT
his human birth), according to the Spirit of Holiness (Yahuah’s
Spiritual Seed), Yahusha the Messiah
Let us take a deeper look into these two verses 9 &
10 in Psalms 22, as we “meditate” on His Word and seek out even deeper
meaning. Some translations read:
Psalm 22:9-10
9 But you took me from my mother's
womb, Yahuah! You made me trust in You, even from my mother's breast. 10
I was cast upon You from my birth; from my mother's womb, You are my
Let us put a little more “context” around this
obvious declaration that Yahusha was literally created in his mother’s
womb as David was inspired to speak in the first person of the coming
King (which he did often in Psalms). The word-for-word Hebrew
translation of
Psalms 22:9-10, from The
Interlinear Hebrew-English Old Testament, shows the word ‘from’ in these
Scriptures is Hebrew ‘mem’.
Dictionary of Old Testament Words for English Readers, says that
the Hebrew letter, mem, is
‘prefixed to a substantive, which denotes the preposition’. OK Sha’ul,
we are not Hebrew linguistic experts… put this in layman’s terms
please…. Alright, let us look at
The Hebraic Tongue Restored, by Fabre d'Olivet, which tells
us what these prepositions mean when the Hebrew letter ‘mem’ is
EXTRACTIVE OR PARTITIVE ARTICLE. “The movement which this article
expresses, with nouns or actions that it modifies, is that by which a
noun or an action is taken for the means, for the instrument, by which
they are divided in their essence, or drawn from the midst of several
other nouns or similar actions. I render it ordinarily “by from,
out of, by; with, by means of, among, between, etc.”
The New
World Dictionary of the American Language, Second College Edition,
gives a complete definition of the word ‘from’ in Hebrew ‘mem’
as “beginning at, starting with,
out of”. Therefore, the word translated ‘from’ in Psalm 22:10, means
“beginning at, starting with”.
Yahusha is prophetically pictured through King David to say that; “Yahuah
was his Strength from the beginning, starting with the point Yahusha
Messiah was conceived in his mother's womb”. This can
only mean one thing: that before Yahusha was in His mother's
womb, Yahuah was not his strength, hope, or his “God”, because Yahusha
did not yet exist. He had no need of strength, nor hope, nor a
God prior to being created in his mother’s womb.
Yahuah was only Yahusha's strength, hope, and God,
beginning at, starting with, His mother's womb. That is the truth of
Scripture concerning when Yahusha’s existence began. There should be no
debate, it is settled right there in the Word of Yahuah, in explicit