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If ‘Yahuah IS Yahusha’ we are dead in our sins!

Now that we have evaluated the blasphemy that declares Yahuah came to Earth in the form of a sinful man and we killed him for our sins… a doctrine of demons and “another Gospel” message proclaimed at the end,

1 Timothy 4:1

The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

let me explain the effects of this blasphemy. It is said Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is unforgivable! That is true and I will explain why in this chapter.

One of the most basic tenants of the Faith of the Nazarenes, is that Yahusha was the fulfillment of the promise to The House of Zadok to be the Eternal High Priest. Yahusha offered his sinful life as a living sacrifice to live without sin as High Priest as he entered into covenant with Yahuah in Zechariah Chapter 3. His life was not taken unwillingly as a human sacrifice. He offered his life to save his brothers willingly even to the extent of orchestrating the events that led to his death:

·         Arranging his betrayal with Judah the Scicarii

·         Going ahead of the High Priest riding into Jerusalem on a donkey

·         Disrupting the “business” in the Temple throwing out the money changers

·         Forbidding his followers for fighting for his life and going willingly

·         Not standing up against the charges against him which could have saved his life

We never quite get the real story from our modern-day teachers, and anti-messianic “Jews” deny the Messiah leaving us all “questioning the sacrifice of Yahusha”. We have erred in our understanding the Plan of Salvation and run the risk of falling out of Covenant with Yahuah in our ignorance (lack of Knowledge). Worse yet, we are being led to commit blasphemy against the Spirit of Yahuah by modern translations that have literally written in the Spirit of the False Messiah.

Human Sacrifice Forbidden

Does Yahuah forbid one human from sacrificing another human... yes. But as with everything in Scripture, we cannot sound-bite that restriction! We must use Wisdom and seek out the "intent" of that restriction, given that it appears the entire Plan of Salvation depends on what "appears to be" a human sacrifice! Making Yahuah out to be a hypocrite; or Yahusha's sacrifice ineffective and an abomination.

There are several flaws that must be addressed:

1.        Blood does not cleanse of "sin"... WATER does through Mikveh.

2.        Blood consummates marriage covenants (even human marriage with breaking the hymen), and that is why Yahusha shed his blood. To consummate a ‘Marriage Covenant’ whereby we through Mikveh, are forgiven our sins in Covenant.

3.        Yahusha's sacrifice was not a "human sacrifice" (where one man sacrifices another), nor was it even a human sacrifice where Yahuah sacrifices a man at all!

4.        Yahusha "willingly went to his death" to save the lives of his Brothers! BIG difference. There is no greater love. It was one man willingly ready to die and a choice by that man to do so for the right reasons. He was not "sacrificed unwillingly" by another.

5.        Yahusha's real sacrifice was his ‘entire life’, not his death. His death was meaningless outside of his life, living The Heavenly Scroll and walking The Way by example and giving his life as a living sacrifice to his Father to consummate the ‘Marriage Covenant’ by giving his life for his Brothers.

There is a reason why one man cannot sacrifice another man. Man cannot (and did not) give "life” and is forbidden therefore (a man) from taking a life... Man cannot promise to raise another man from the grave (nor grant Eternal Life). This is why "human sacrifice" is forbidden.

Let’s break down these flaws one-by-one and shed a little more light on this topic.

Shedding blood to Consummate Covenants is required...

The "shedding of blood" is required to consummate any Covenant, including human marriage (which is a shadow of the Covenant we enter into with Yahusha NOT Yahuah. We enter into an Adoption Covenant with our Father). Yahusha's "blood" does not cleanse from sin it consummates the relationship with Yahuah (required to have our sin forgiven through Mikveh) by following Yahusha’s Righteous example and walking ‘The Way’ ourselves!

Yahuah reserves the right to give life, take life, and grant Eternal Life. The restriction on human sacrifice does not apply to Yahuah, who has the Power to both raise from the dead and grant Eternal Life (not to mention this life we have is His Gift to us in the first place). Yahuah is not "taking" anything that does not already belong to Him. He did not even "take" that from Yahusha, it was willingly offered in Love.

Yahusha’s life, not his death, is what pleased Yahuah

What very few people understand, is the “Covenant of Peace” given to Yahusha was prepared for him through the line of Zadok priests. Phineas was descended from Zadok the priest, the Zadok Priesthood is the true line of High Priests (not some mythical priesthood outside of Aaron descending from the King of Salem!). Yahusha inherited the office of Zadokite High Priest from his mother Miriam (he inherited the office of King through his father Joseph) making Yahusha Melchi Tzedek or ‘The Ruling Zadok High Priest’. This is “how” and “why” Yahusha became the “Eternal High Priest”!

Atonement was through a PROMISE as are all things made by Yahuah through Covenants. It does not require a “god” or Yahuah to come in the flesh to Atone (a God cannot atone for a man), it took a human High Priest in the Order of Zadok!

Numbers 25:13

Phineas the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the Priest. Behold I give to him my Covenant of Peace, and will be his, and his progeny after him, Covenant of Everlasting Priesthood in turn of his zealousness for his God, and he Atoned for the sons of Israel.

Breaking the Power of sin and death requires a “man” not a God

The Power of sin and death (that it has over us) is The Law (because we sin; and the Death Decrees in the Law demand our death), so if one man ever died innocent of sin in the Eyes of Yahuah, by walking the Path laid out by Yahuah, called The Way, then the Power of sin and death would be defeated, because death has no sting where there is no sin; and as Yahusha showed us, it is possible to be restored to perfection before we die!

Yahusha defeated sin and death by living Obedient as High Priest and dying innocent by walking The Way, and Yahuah (as Promised) did not issue the final Death Decree (the second death) over Yahusha, so the grave had no choice but to give him up!

Yahusha’s sacrifice was not a human sacrifice, it was one man laying down his life for his brothers, a willing personal sacrifice to save his brother’s life (as Yahuah Promised in Zechariah Chapter 3). Because Yahusha lived The Law completely (as High Priest as required by Yahuah in Zechariah Chapter 3), then willingly laid down his life. Yahuah promised to not only raise Yahusha from the grave, but to grant him eternal life and forgive the debts against all those who follow in his footsteps and give their lives too, as living sacrifices.

By consummating the marriage (by blood not death), we all now are forgiven our sins through Mikveh (in Covenant through Yahusha). If we had better teachers, we would better understand the reality of the Plan of Salvation, and we would realize Yahusha's sacrifice was neither his "death", nor was it a "human sacrifice". Yahusha willingly shed his blood to consummate a Marriage Covenant with Yahuah and gave his life as a LIVING SACRIFICE to Yahuah. Then went to his death willingly to save each one of us out of love not obligation.

To deny Yahusha that praise (he so deserves, by denying the point of his death and claiming him to be a demi-god), robs both Yahusha and Yahuah their respective Glory in the Plan of Salvation... and robs those who take this stance of their gift of eternal life (it is blasphemy against the Spirit of Yahuah to believe in Incarnation). It was not a "human sacrifice" and it was never intended to be... it was one amazing demonstration of faith and love by a human High Priest! Gods cannot “die” and Yahusha did not “fake his death”, and Gods cannot feel the pain of his beatings or those nails. If he was a “God” it meant nothing, it was a cosmic JOKE... and we are dead in our sins because as I am about to prove, it took a human being, not a god, to atone for sin! A “God” cannot atone for the sin of a human, it must be done by a human High Priest.


How did Yahusha defeat death?

This is the real question we are seeking to answer in this chapter. We are taught in Christianity that “Jesus who is God in the flesh paid the price for us, he bore our sin, he kept The Law so we don’t have to keep it, he died so we can live”. Just like that, just utter the name “Jesus” ... and you are in the clear, no need to do anything else, you can be lawless and sin all you like, and Grace will cover you. Jesus did it all!

This is simply not true. What Yahusha did do, was he was obedient to his role as Messiah (defined by Yahuah in Zechariah Chapter 3) and show us The Way by example that we must follow ourselves. Yahusha “bore our sin” in fulfillment of the scapegoat as a sin offering; he didn’t “die for our sin” that is a violation of the Law that no man is held to account for another’s sin. We still have to die physically for the sin in our own bodies and he didn’t do it all for us! WE have to follow in his example if we too, are to defeat death like he did. We must follow his example of Mikveh (ritual cleansing of sin), Circumcision (of heart our commitment to keep His Law) and bringing an Offering of our lives to the Altar on Passover (we are living sacrificial lambs).

John 14:6

Yahusha answered, "I am (his example is) The Way and (his example is) the truth and (his example is) the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (he is the mediating High Priest; we must be in covenant with him by following his example).


John 10:3-4

For I have given you an example (a true way that leads to eternal life), that you should do as I have done.


1 Peter 2:2121
But if you suffer for doing good (obey The Law) and you endure it (you will be conformed to the image of Yahusha, Romans 8:29 and 2 Corinthians 3:18, who was perfected in Obedience through suffering discipline then washed clean of his past through Mikveh), this is commendable before Yahuah. 21 To this (to be conformed to the image of His son by walking The Way of Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering on Passover) you were called, because the Messiah suffered (on Passover) for you (and tore the Veil giving you access to the Altar of Yahuah), leaving you an example (of what to do as he fulfilled the Spiritual meaning of Passover, John 13:15), that you should follow in his steps (being Mikveh’d, demonstrating a Circumcised heart, and bring your own Offering on Passover to the Altar of Yahuah).

Sha’ul understood The Way that Yahusha set by example that we are to follow! Just like all the Prophets foretold, which is washing away our sin through Mikveh, filling us as His Temple with the Fullness of Deity, and forgiving our sin and remembering it no more. This is the process called “being born again”; which is being washed clean with Living Water and then having His Law written on our heart by Fire and indwelling of the Spirit of Yahuah. It is The Way of Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering.

Colossians 2 – The Way

8 See to it that no one (Greek Christian) takes you captive through philosophy (Logos) and empty deception (sound bite implied doctrine), according to the (pagan) tradition of men (believe in demi-gods), according to the elementary principles (false spirits) of the world, rather than according to The Yahushaic Covenant. 9 For in covenant with Yahusha all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form (in our bodies), 10 and in The Yahushaic Covenant you have been made complete (in fullness of Deity), and Yahusha is the head over all rule and authority (as the Firstborn son of Yahuah through inheritance);


******************** Circumcision ************************


11 and in The Yahushaic Covenant you were also circumcised (in your heart) with a circumcision made without hands, in the removal of the body of the flesh by the circumcision of the same Spirit of Holiness (Righteous keeping of The Law) that is in the Messiah;


********************** Mikveh ***************************


12 having been buried with Yahusha in Mikveh, in which you were also raised up with Yahusha through faith in the working of Yahuah, who raised Yahusha from the dead.


******************* Offering************************


13 When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, Yahuah made you alive together with Yahusha, (a living sacrificial offering Romans 12:1) having forgiven us all our transgressions (by the blood of the Passover Lamb),

Yahusha did not do it all for us, he obeyed Yahuah, and set the Righteous example for us to follow. In doing so, Yahuah Promised to forgive our sin and cover the Death Decree against us as Sha’ul said... IF we follow his example! The Death Decree that Yahuah covers is called ‘The Second Death’ (or rather the final Spiritual Death Decree). He does not cover the first physical death decree, we still die. The Spiritual Death Decree (or second death) is ‘passed over’ for all who follow Yahusha’s example and put their Faith in (and properly celebrate) Passover which is The Narrow Gate. Very few people know what I am talking about and keep Passover properly. We follow the example of Rabbinical Judaism in keeping the Feasts... not Yahusha. Yahuah does not issue the final Death Decree and we then defeat death and live again if we “do this in remembrance of his example”. So, we all, like Yahusha, must physically die and pay the price of sin as we inherited death in our bodies. It is Spiritual Death that we do not suffer.  This process is explained in my book The Narrow Gate.

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Everyone dies for their own sin!

Yahusha did not pay our penalty of sin in our body, and he did not cover the first Death Decree… you are still going to die (just like he did). Every physical body must die a natural death due to sin (or be translated through transposition which is just another form of physical death). We know that Yahuah's Own Laws prevent anyone (including Yahusha) from being judged for another man’s sin. Each man is judged for his sin alone:

Deuteronomy 24:16

"The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin."

Yahuah would never violate His Own Law and put Yahusha to death for our sin! Yahusha died as all men do because he was 0% Divine and 100% human in every way.

Hebrews 2
14 Since the children have flesh and blood (and are held captive to the Law of Sin and Death), he too, shared in their humanity (he was human too, and captive to genetic death) so that by his death (the death of a human not God) he, Yahusha, might break the Power of him who holds the Power of death—that is, the devil— 15 and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. 16 For surely it is not Angels he helps (Yahusha was never an Angel!), but Abraham’s descendants (human being from a specific Bloodline). 17 For this reason (to break the Law of Sin and Death) he had to be made like them fully human in every way (simply does not get any clearer than that), in order that he might become a Merciful and Faithful High Priest (who are chosen from among men) in service to Yahuah (he is the Mediating High Priest chosen from among men, he IS NOT Yahuah ‘in the flesh’).

In fact, per Zechariah Chapter 3, Yahusha had his sin forgiven through Mikveh just like we do. Then as High Priest he offered sacrifices for his own sin as well as the sin of the people (Hebrews 5:3). The doctrine of Original Sin is a false doctrine too but that is outside the scope of this book.

What the Bible teaches is that through one man’s act of disobedience to The Law of Yahuah (Adam); sin was brought into the world and as a result of Adam's sin his body began to die. From that point forward, DEATH was passed to all men genetically and sin was in the world.

Romans 5:12
"Wherefore, as by one man… sin entered into the world, and death by sin (so death comes by you own sin not genetically); and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned (so our own sin justifies our own physical death which is genetic)"

The Bible says that death not sin is passed on in the body. We are not born into “original sin” we are born into a body that is ‘predisposed or prone to sin’ that is the definition of the word for ‘flesh’ in Greek. Sin was brought into the world (not our body) through one act of disobedience. Death however is passed to all men genetically as we are all born to die because all have sinned and fallen short no exceptions.

Romans 3:23
for all (all means ALL including Yahusha) have sinned and fall short of the glory of Yahuah (but can be restored to perfection Hebrews 5:8),


Hebrews 5

 8 though Yahusha was a (future) Son (of Yahuah ‘upon’ Resurrection, Romans 1:3), yet he learned Obedience (to his Father) by the things (discipline Hebrews 12:5-6) which he suffered (due to disobedience, Heb 12:6, Prov 3:12, Rev 3:19, Acts 17:11). 9 And having been perfected (through discipline as all Children of Yahuah are), Yahusha became (was not born that way) the  author of Eternal Salvation to ‘all’ who obey him.

In this way, the Law of sin and you die by decree called The Law of Sin and Death in the Mosaic Covenant reigned over humanity and we lived in bondage to the ‘fear of death’.

Hebrews 2:14-15

14 so that by his death he, Yahusha, might break the Power of him who holds the Power of death—that is, the devil — 15 and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their ‘fear of death’.

The Law was weakened by our flesh, it is ‘we’ who are not perfect and like Yahusha must be perfected! We are the weak link in The Law and our weaknesses made The Law incomplete and prevented The Law from delivering eternal life as promised. The Law had to be made complete through Grace (by covering the Death Decrees) for The Law to achieve its Righteous outcome which is eternal life.

Proverbs 3
1My son, do not forget My Torah, but let your heart keep My Commandments; 2 For length of days and years of life And Peace they will add to you.


Deuteronomy 11
20"You shall write them (The Torah) on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, 21 so that your days and the days of your sons may be multiplied on the land which Yahuah swore to your fathers to give them, as long as the heavens remain above the Earth.

It is in this way Yahusha “fulfilled” the Law by walking The Way, set an example for all of us to follow as he bridged the gap of our own weaknesses by covering the Death Decrees. But we have to walk The Way in his footsteps. We must have our bodies cleansed of sin through Mikveh, then filled with the Ruach which circumcises our hearts, and the give our lives as a living sacrifice.

Now, in Covenant with Yahusha, The Law is complete and delivers eternal life for obedience as Promised to all who obey Yahusha example as we read in Hebrews 5:9. However, this fleshly body which is predisposed to sin and designed genetically to die must pay the price for our sin, this includes Yahusha. Although Yahuah wiped away Yahusha’s sin through Mikveh (and ours too), this flesh cannot live Eternally and must be put to death so the Spiritual Body can live.

1 Corinthians 15
45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being” the last Adam BECAME a life-giving spirit (by the Power of the Resurrection Romans 1:2-4 he did not preexist). 46 The spiritual (body), however, was not first, but the natural (body), and then the spiritual (body). … 50 Now I Declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Yahuah, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.


John 3

6 That which is born of the flesh (human birth), is flesh (that includes Yahusha who was born “according to the flesh,” Romans 1:3); but that which is born of the Spirit, is Spirit. 7 Do not be surprised that I said to you: You must be reborn from above.


2 Corinthians 5

5 For we know that if the earthly tent (Sukkot) we live in is destroyed, we have a Temple from Yahuah, an eternal house proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll (the 3rd Temple made up of the sum total of His Children), not built by human hands (there will never be another 3rd physical temple). 2 Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed instead with our Spiritual dwelling (as Yahusha showed us the Power of the Resurrection), 3 because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked. 4 For while we are in this Sukkot (temporary dwelling), we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life (physical then Spiritual). 5 Now the one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is Yahuah, who has given us the Spirit as a deposit (just like Yahusha who was filled with the Ruach when he was born-again through Living Water and adopted Matthew 3:14-16), guaranteeing the Spiritual Body that is to come (AFTER our physical bodies not before)

A “God” Cannot Atone for the Sin of Mankind!

This cycle of “being born to die and dying guilty of sin to justify that death” had to be broken by a man just as it began with a man. If Yahusha was a demi-god, the entire concept of overturning Adam’s act would have no value. In order to defeat death, a man whose body was genetically engineered to “die” (which was justified because “all have sinned) had to die innocent in the eyes of Yahuah by walking The Way.

Hebrews 10:22

Let us draw near to Yahuah (properly presenting ourselves) with a sincere heart (True Circumcision) and with the full assurance that Faith (in the example set by Yahusha) brings (… that we can offer our own lives as living sacrifices because Yahusha has torn the Veil in two giving us access to the Mercy Seat of Yahuah), having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience (circumcision of heart) and having our bodies washed with pure Living Water (Mikveh).


Ephesians 5

25 Husbands, love your wives, just as the Messiah loved the body and gave himself up for her (as The Passover Lamb) 26 to make her holy, (ritually) cleansing her by the washing with Living Water (Mikveh), through the Commandments (Circumcision) 27 and to present her (properly) to himself as a radiant assembly, without spot or wrinkle or any other blemish (as spotless Passover Lambs of Yahuah), but Holy and blameless (Offerings).

Death then cannot hold an innocent man who has been ritually cleansed with Living Water through Mikveh and given an earnest guarantee when Yahuah breathes life back into his Spirit… because death is the penalty of sin; and Yahuah has to issue the final death decree for them to stay dead (the Second Death). So Yahuah Predestined a human Messiah, to come and live and serve as High Priest in complete obedience to His Law (after he was Mikveh’d and his sin taken away Zechariah 3). That is how Yahusha defeated death… He walked The Way laying down the example we all follow to defeat death. Yahusha accomplished his role defined in Zechariah Chapter 3… he mediated as High Priest then Yahuah honored His Promise, and death was defeated in ONE DAY and Yahuah forgave the sins of the land. We see Sha’ul stress this very thing:

Hebrews 5:8-9

8 though Yahusha was a Son, yet he learned Obedience (to Yahuah) by the things which he suffered. 9 And having been perfected (by Yahuah through Obedience and suffering throughout his life and ultimately washed clean, being Circumcised, and giving his life on Passover), Yahusha became the Author of Eternal Salvation (Forefather of Everlasting Life) to all who obey Yahuah (and follow Yahusha’s example). -

In other words, Yahusha’s life of being perfected by The Law of Yahuah then walking The Way to be cleansed with living water then reborn with fire became the example and the true way that leads to Eternal Life. The Truth, The Way, and The Life. The Messiah Yahusha was that man to break the Law of Sin and Death and then die innocent and defeat death in the process. Through the Messiah, one act of the obedience of one man (not God) resulted in Salvation from death for all who follow his example.

We see that DEATH not "sin" came through Adam genetically... and by "man" not "God" came the Resurrection of the dead!

1 Corinthians 15

20 But now the Messiah is risen from the dead (by Yahuah), and has become the Firstfruits (through Resurrection) of those who have fallen asleep (Firstborn Son of the Resurrection i.e., Eternal Creation not physical Creation, Firstborn of the dead, Revelation 1:5 and Colossians 1:18). 21 For since by man (Adam) came death, by Man (not God) also came the Resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in (one human) Adam all die, even so in (one human), the Messiah, all (the Children of Yahuah from the first to the last, Revelation 22:13)) shall be made alive (Begotten/Adopted by Yahuah as sons through Resurrection).

The Law of the Spirit of Life i.e., a man living in complete obedience to The Law; having his sin forgiven through Mikveh, demonstrating a contrite Spirit and Circumcised heart, and giving his life up to serve Yahuah has received the promise of Eternal Life. Yahusha, that man, became the example for all the Children of Yahuah and he is called the "Forefather of Everlasting Life" and made Righteous in the eyes of Yahuah.

Now, to all of us who follow in his footsteps in obedience to Yahuah, we too, are declared Righteous. Not by Faith alone, but by a process of obedience to The Law, suffering through Faith, and expressing our faith by keeping Passover in light of Yahusha’s sacrifice. In doing so, Yahusha’s blood or sin offering is accepted by Yahuah to cover the second Death Decrees on our behalf and we too, are found innocent after we die… and we too, will defeat death through Resurrection:

James 2:16-26 – we must walk The Way … “deeds”

16 Faith and Deeds (walking The Way). Faith alone does not save, nor does deeds alone. You must have both. …17 In the same way, Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action (you must follow in Yahusha’s footsteps), is dead. 18 But someone will say, “You have Faith; I have deeds.” Show me your Faith without deeds, and I will show you my Faith by my deeds. 19 You believe that there is one God (The Shema). Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder. … 24 You see that a person is considered Righteous by what they ‘do’ and not by Faith alone…26 As the body without the Spirit (does not walk Th e Way) is dead, so Faith without works (walking The Way) is dead.

Yahusha being fully human denied the fleshly desire to sin after his Mikveh into the office of High Priest where he was forgiven and perfected, and obeyed Yahuah even to the point of willingly going to his own death (which was not Yahusha's own will). It is the ultimate demonstration that Yahusha set aside his selfish will to live, and obeyed Yahuah's Will that he die IF he loved his Brothers enough to pay that price.

This was Yahuah’s Plan from the Beginning! Written in the stars before the foundation of the world... To literally perfect a human being (Yahusha) through suffering, making Yahusha our "Pioneer of our Salvation" our "Forefather of Everlasting Life" our ultimate example… all meaning the same thing.

Yahuah orchestrated our Salvation through His Human Messiah which was His Plan from the Beginning written in the stars, prophesied in Genesis where the seed of a woman would crush the head of the serpent, and foretold through all his Prophets, His Ordained Times, and countless shadow pictures such as Joseph, David, Joshua, Sampson, and so forth. That Plan of Yahuah’s was fulfilled in Yahusha:

Hebrews 2
14 Since the children have flesh and blood (and are held captive to the Law of Sin and Death), he too, shared in their humanity (he was human too, and captive to genetic death) so that by his death (the death of a human not God) he, Yahusha, might break the Power of him who holds the Power of death—that is, the devil— 15 and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. 16 For surely it is not Angels he helps (Yahusha was never an Angel!), but Abraham’s descendants (human being from a specific Bloodline). 17 For this reason (to break the Law of Sin and Death) he (Yahusha) had to be made like them fully human in every way (simply does not get any clearer than that), in order that he might become a Merciful and Faithful High Priest (who are chosen from among men) in service to Yahuah (he is the Mediating High Priest chosen from among men, he IS NOT Yahuah ‘in the flesh’).


The Messiah had to be 100% human! Or the Plan of Salvation has failed!

Sha’ul is teaching in Hebrews 2, the exact same message I am trying to convey. Since the Children of Yahuah are Firstborn flesh and blood, the Messiah had to be born flesh and blood to ‘atone’ for them and break the Power of death.

Nowhere in Scripture does it say it takes ‘God’ to die to save us. Nowhere in Scripture did Yahuah Promise to come to Earth and die; that is impossible. For this reason (to defeat death), the Messiah HAD TO BE HUMAN not God or a demigod. A man, like Adam, had to undue the effects of what Adam brought into the world. A “God” cannot ‘Atone’ for a human being.

He could not have been Yahuah in the flesh. He had to be and was human.... fully human in every way, so says Sha’ul in Hebrews 2:17. Because if he were not, he could not undue what was done by Adam who was human. Yahusha is the “second chance Adam” not “God in the flesh”. As I said previously in the last chapter: A man brought sin and death into the world... it would take a man to take it out of the world.

Hebrews 5

12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way, death came to all people, because all sinned (no exceptions not even Yahusha)— 15 But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did Yahuah’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Yahusha the Messiah, overflow to the many! 18 Consequently, just as one man’s trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one man’s Righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. 19 For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made Righteous.

Now, having proven himself as a human that could obey and withstand the temptation of his flesh (while in the desert for 40 days/nights of severe temptation before being consecrated High Priest) ... Yahusha was chosen by Yahuah from among all mankind as High Priest to serve Him for Eternity (fulfilling the Promise to the House of Zadok... see my book, “Melchizedek and the Passover Lamb”). Yahusha HAD to die, not only for us but for himself (to pay the price of the genetic structure he inherited from Adam, he was 100% human and his death proved it). He too, was in a human body predisposed to death genetically and that body had to be put to death for Yahusha to enter The Kingdom of Yahuah which is a Spiritual Kingdom. He had to make that sacrifice as the human High Priest out of love for his brothers and in order to enter the Kingdom.

Let us look at Hebrews 5 in more detail to show that Yahusha had to make the Passover Sacrifice for himself as well. We see that Yahusha as High Priest is chosen from among men in vs. 3 "he is obligated to offer sacrifices for sins, as for the people, so also for himself".

Hebrews 5

1 For every High Priest (Yahusha was the High Priest of Israel by bloodline of Zadok, consecrated High Priest by Yahuah, Zechariah Chapter 3) taken from among men is appointed on behalf of men in things pertaining to Yahuah, in order to offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins; 2 he can deal gently with the ignorant and misguided, since he himself also is beset with weakness; 3 and because of it he is obligated to offer sacrifices for sins, as for the people, so also for himself. 4 And no one takes the honor to himself, but receives it when he is called by Yahuah, even as Aaron was. 5 So also Yahusha did not Glorify himself so as to become a High Priest, but Yahuah Who said to Yahusha "YOU ARE MY SON, TODAY I HAVE BEGOTTEN YOU"; 6 just as Yahuah says also in another passage, "YOU ARE A PRIEST FOREVER ACCORDING TO THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK." 7 In the days of Yahusha’s flesh (when he was fully human in every way), Yahusha offered up both prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears to the One (God, Yahuah, The Shema) able to ‘save’ Yahusha from death (Yahusha did not rise from the dead, he was risen by Yahuah), and Yahusha was heard because of Yahusha’s piety (NOT because he was a demi-god! But because of his reverent Obedience to The Law, see Zechariah Chapter 3). 8 Although Yahusha was a Son (not Yahuah), Yahusha ‘learned’ Obedience (to the ONE GOD) from the things which he suffered (Yahuah is Unity and Perfection ‘Aleph/Tav’ He needs no perfecting! Absolute proof that Yahuah is NOT Yahusha). 9 And having been made perfect (Yahusha was NOT born perfect being simply a man), Yahusha became (he was not always, he BECAME after his submission and death on Passover) to all those who obey Yahuah and follow Yahusha’s example, the source of Eternal Salvation (his example is our source, Yahusha is the Forefather of Everlasting Life), 10 being designated by Yahuah as a High Priest (from among men verse 1) according to the order of Melchi Tzedek (see the chapter on Melchi Tsedek). 11 Concerning Yahusha we have much to say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing. (that is a true statement especially today)

So, what Sha’ul is saying above, is that it took a human High Priest to offer the final sacrifice for himself and for all those in covenant with him. As we read in Zechariah Chapter 3, Yahusha fulfilled his responsibility to show The Way by example and be obedient to his role as The Branch. As a result, Yahuah too, fulfilled His Promise (in Zechariah Chapter 3) and “forgave the sin of the land in one day”. When Yahusha said “it is finished”, Yahuah covered the Second Death Decree and released all those being held in bondage to death.

If Yahuah is Yahusha as the false doctrine of Incarnation teaches, then we are dead in our sin. Because it does not take a “god” to come to Earth to save us, it takes an obedience human High Priest to offer the final sacrifice of his life as the Passover Lamb to Yahuah, who is eternal, invisible, and incapable of coming in sinful flesh and dying.



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