The Battle of the Ages
Everything Yahusha was and is… we are and will be.
That is “the mystery of holiness”! This is denied by the Spirit of the
False Messiah which denies that WE are the same in essence as the
Messiah in every possible way.
1 Timothy 3:16
Great indeed, we confess, is the
Mystery of the Righteous, Kind, Loving man (g2623
‘chasid’) Yahusha the Messiah: who was born human of natural
origin outside of Divine influence (g4561
‘sarki’), vindicated by the Set Apart Ruach as the Son of Yahuah
upon his Mikveh (Matthew 3:17), seen by
Angels who rejoiced when he repented (Luke
15:10) and was forgiven by Yahuah (Zechariah
3:3), Proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world,
taken up (Resurrected) in Glory (as
Yahuah Honored the Plan of Salvation where he had Glory with Yahuah
before the world was Created in the Plan of Salvation written in the
1 John 3
1 Behold what manner of love the
Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God. And
that is what we are (Yahusha is NOT the ‘only
begotten son’)! The reason the world does not know us is that it
did not know him. 2 Beloved, we are now children of God, and what
we will be when resurrected has not yet been revealed. We know that when
Yahusha appears and we are raised from the dead, we will be just like
him, for we will see him in our Spiritual Body as he is now in his
Spiritual Body. 3 And everyone who has this hope in him (that
we are JUST LIKE HIM) purifies himself (from
the Spirit of the False Messiah that says he is God in the flesh, God
the son, part of a Godhead, etc.)
Yahusha is the “Notsri” or “Branch”. He was called
Yahusha the Nazarene because that is what all followers of John the
Immerser were called (it was John
who started the Sect of the Nazarenes as an offshoot of the Essenes).
John was prophesied to “make straight the ‘The Way’ of (for)
the Messiah” and teach the Messiah ‘The Way’ of Salvation through
Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering.
So, John was preparing ‘The Way for the Branch’,
and those who followed John were called “Nazarenes” which means,
“followers of the Branch”. What they believed was called ‘The Way’
because they taught the fulfillment of the Prophets with Mikveh,
Circumcision, and Offering.
John announced that he was not “the Branch”, and
then declared Yahusha “The Branch”. All the Nazarenes then followed
Yahusha and John was murdered for being their leader. A fate Yahusha,
then Sha’ul would face as Leaders of The Nazarenes.
So, let us simply list the Declarations made by The
Nazarene (or made of him) by
his followers. Then I will demonstrate that each one of these
declarations apply to all of the children of Yahuah. This is literally
the declaration of our birthright and it belongs to all of us!
This is what it means to declare “Yahusha came in
the flesh” under inspiration of The Spirit of Yahuah. It is only under
that true Spirit that we come to realize not just who the Messiah really
was, but who WE are as children of Yahuah.
1 John 4:1-3; 12
4 Beloved do not believe every
spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from Yahuah,
because many false Prophets have gone out into the world (claiming
to be the Incarnation of Yahuah). 2 By this you know the Spirit
of Yahuah: every Spirit that confesses that Messiah Yahusha (NOT
Yahuah) has come in the flesh (g4561
‘sarki’ - "human generation
(conception) only, outside of
any Divine influence (or seed), opposed to Yahuah and prone to
sin) is from Yahuah (and knows their
Father as they too are sons of God in the exact same way 1 John 3:1-3);
3 and every spirit that does
not confess Yahusha has come in the flesh (100%
human being not ‘God in the flesh’ but says Yahusha is Yahuah incarnate)
is not from Yahuah; this is the Spirit of the Antichrist (or
False Messiah. The False Messiah is an image of a man worshipped above
Yahuah or equal to Yahuah as ‘God incarnate’ see Romans 1) …12
No one has seen Yahuah at any time (because
Yahuah IS NOT Yahusha and did not “come in the flesh”)!
It is The Nazarene Creed, we all:
Are known by Yahuah
before the foundation of the world.
Are the sons of man.
Are the sons of God.
Came into being/born
“according to the flesh”; Begotten “according to the Spirit”.
fulfilled the
Righteous Requirements of The Law.
Embody the Fullness
of Deity in human form.
Are the image of the
Almighty God.
Are eternal priest in
the order of Zadok.
Are kings in the
order of Melchi Tzedek.
Are one with the
Are set apart during
Earthly life by the Ruach.
Are a Righteous Judge
over the Nations.
Demonstrate the Way
by our life example.
Are a Living
Sacrifice, a perfect Lamb on Passover.
Are triumphant over
The Law of Sin and Death, through Resurrection.
Are given the
Authority to forgive sin.
That is The Nazarene Creed! A coming Kingdom
of Royal Priests!!!!!!!!!
All Nazarenes have this Birthright and should
boldly declare that they are Children of Yahuah, just like Yahusha did.
Now let us take a journey into Scriptural Truth,
rarely taught today by our self-appointed teachers, who are filled with
The Spirit of the False Messiah and blaspheme the immortal, invisible
Spirit of Yahuah claiming He came to Earth as a man who died. Every
“claim” they make to imply Yahusha was a demi-god or “Yahuah in the
flesh” applies to each and every one of us! We are all children of
Yahuah in the exact same way, following the exact same path… born human,
born again by the Spirit as a guarantee, reborn Spiritually as a full
child of the Most High.
We are taught that Yahusha “pre-existed” and was
God before his human birth based on a sound bite of:
Peter 1:20
He was chosen before the creation of the world but
was revealed in these last times for your sake.
However, if we put this verse back into context, we
see Peter clarify that Yahusha was the “firstborn of the dead” and
glorified through his Resurrection, we just need to keep reading and
stop taking Scripture out of context to imply what we want to believe...
Peter 1
21 Through (Marriage)
Covenant with Yahusha, you believe in Yahuah (as
your Father through Adoption, John 1:12), Yahuah raised Yahusha
from the dead and Glorified him (Yahusha was
not a god, he was a mortal man who died. He could not raise himself, and
he was not Glorified until after his Resurrection); and so, your
Faith and Hope are in Yahuah (to raise you
from the dead as well)
Scripture declares that we all pre-existed in the
exact same way Yahusha did… in the debar/word/Plan of Yahuah.
Ephesians 1
Blessed be THE God (Shema) AND Father
of our Master Messiah Yahusha (Yahuah was his
‘God and Father’ too, just like Yahuah is ours), Who has blessed
us in Covenant with Yahusha with every Spiritual blessing in the
heavenly realms (we are co-heirs with our
brother, Romans 8:17). 4 For He chose us (just
like He did Yahusha, 1 Peter 1:20) to be in The Yahushaic
Covenant before the foundation of the world (in
the debar/word/Plan of Yahuah to beget a family, just like He did
Yahusha) that we would be Holy and blameless (without
spot or blemish; as we too, are Passover Lambs, 2 Peter 3:14) in
Yahuah’s presence. In love 5 He Predestined us (in
The Plan of Salvation before the world was the Light of Gen. 1:1)
for Adoption (we are in an Adoption Covenant
with Yahuah, not a Marriage Covenant) as His sons in
(law, through a Marriage) Covenant with
Yahusha the Messiah (who is the Bridegroom),
according to the good pleasure of Yahuah’s Will (to
beget a family)
Romans 8
28 And we know that Yahuah works all
things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called
according to His Purpose (or Plan to beget a
family, the light of
Gen. 1:1). 29 For
those Yahuah foreknew (before the world),
He also predestined (in the Plan of Salvation)
to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that Yahusha (would
not be the “only son”, but) would be the firstborn among many
brothers (Yahusha is the “only Begotten at
this point” son). 30 And those Yahuah predestined He also
called (out and set apart with His Ruach when
we are born again), those He called (out) He also justified (in
Covenant with Yahusha), those He justified (in
The Yahushaic Covenant) He also glorified (upon
Resurrection just like He did Yahusha)
With this foundation in context, here is the
meaning of 1 Peter 1:20:
Peter 1:20
He was chosen (in the
Plan of Yahuah Logos) before the creation of the world, but was
revealed (born/created/manifested and
fulfilled in the flesh) in these last times (the
4th prophetic day at the fullness of time to fulfill the Prophets)
for your sake (to fulfill The Plan of
Salvation, John Chapter 1).
So, ALL Nazarenes were “known before the foundation
of the world” not just Yahusha. That does not mean we literally
pre-existed in some physical form, it means we were pre-destined in The
Plan of Salvation, and it was by that Plan/Dabar/Word that was with
Yahuah in the Beginning.
The phrase “son of man” can be a reference to ORION
in The Heavenly Scroll or mean human being. Many are called “the son of
man” in Scripture, not just Yahusha. But all who are called “the son of
man” are 100% human, including Yahusha.
The Son of Man as it applies to Yahusha does have a
dual meaning, as Yahusha is the fulfillment of the Constellation ORION
in The Heavenly Scroll which is called ‘The Son of Man’. But for the
sake of our Nazarene Creed, we will stick with the basic meaning… “human
“According to the flesh” is an idiom for being born
human outside any Divine influence to two parents via a normal
conception process. This phrase is used often in Scripture both to
define Yahusha’s humanity, and to prove it means 100% human!
We see below that anyone who denies that Yahusha
was “merely of human origin, natural or physical origin, with no Divine
influence or Spiritual seed” is a deceiver filled with The Spirit of
the False Messiah:
2 John 1:7
For many deceivers are entered into
the world, that do not confess that Yahusha the Messiah is come in the
flesh (g4561 ‘sarki’ physical origin only,
outside of any Divine Influence). This is a deceiver and an
We see that this word “flesh” … means
natural/physical origin (not Spiritual), born of natural origin ONLY,
mere human/natural birth only... APART FROM DIVINE INFLUENCE...
G4563 ‘sarki’- Thayer: 2
a) the body of a man
2b) used of natural or physical origin,
generation or relationship
2b1) born of natural generation
the flesh, denotes mere human nature, the Earthly nature of man apart
from Divine Influence, and therefore prone to sin and opposed to God.
Yahusha was born 100% human/0% Divine
“according to the flesh”, then Begotten 0% human/100% Divine upon
Resurrection “according to the Spirit”.
Romans 1
2 which Yahuah Promised beforehand
through His Prophets in the Holy Scriptures (he
was Foretold, Predetermined, predestined… did not pre-exist), 3
regarding His Son, who was a descendant of David according to flesh (g4561
‘sarki’ physical origin only,
outside of any Divine Influence), 4 and who through the Spirit of
Holiness was Declared with Power to be the Son of God by His
Resurrection from the dead: Yahusha the Messiah
“According to the Spirit” is the opposite of
“according to the flesh” as those born into the Kingdom of Yahuah are
Resurrected with no flesh and bones.
1 Corinthians 15
49 And just as we all have born
the likeness of the Earthly man (according
to the flesh which means opposed to, with no Knowledge of Yahuah),
so also shall we bear the likeness of the heavenly man (and
be just like Yahusha). 50 Now I Declare to you, brothers, that
flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Yahuah, nor does the
perishable inherit the imperishable.
John 3
6 That which is born of the flesh (human
birth), is flesh (that includes Yahusha
who was born “according to the flesh,”
Romans 1:3);
but that which is born of the Spirit, is Spirit. 7 Do not be surprised
that I said to you: You must be reborn from above (Yahusha
is speaking from experience being born-again when Mikveh’d by John).
We see in 1 Corinthians 15:49 that we ALL came “in
the likeness of man”, which is the same phrase used of Yahusha:
Philippians 2:7
but emptied himself (of
his right to the throne, Messiah ben David), by taking the form
of a suffering servant (to fulfill the role of
Messiah ben Joseph), being born in the likeness of men (just
like we are... according to the flesh outside of ANY DIVINE INFLUENCE or
“Spiritual Seed”).
Yahusha came to show us The Way that we too can
fulfill all Righteousness required by The Law through Mikveh. This is
why Yahusha told John he had to be Mikveh’d, to “fulfill all
Righteousness” in him before he could be forgiven his sin, be
born-again by the Spirit, and serve as High Priest with no sin. That is
how Yahusha fulfilled The Law! Yahusha knew that Yahuah had established
a “Path” whereby a human being could be perfected in Righteous Obedience
through Living Water:
Matthew 3
15 Yahusha replied, "You ‘must’
Mikveh me now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all
Righteousness (in me)." Then John
consented (understanding Yahuah must forgive
his sin before becoming High Priest, Zechariah Chapter 3). 16 As
soon as Yahusha was Mikveh’d, he went up out of the water. At that
moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of Yahuah (poured
out on him, Zechariah 13:1) descending like a dove and resting on
him. 17 And a Voice from heaven said, “This is My Son, whom I love; with
him I am well pleased (this is Yahusha’s
Adoption day, as he was given an earnest guarantee of his future when he
would be “begotten Divine” by the Power of the Resurrection).”
This is when Yahusha became “the son of Yahuah”,
upon his rebirth, not his human birth! Very few people realize that what
happened to Yahusha when he was Mikveh’d by John was the fulfillment of
Yahuah’s Promise; where we would be Mikveh’d clean and the Righteous
requirements of the Law would be fulfilled in each of us, then Yahuah
would pour our His Spirit. This is exactly what happened to Yahusha!
Zechariah 13:1
that day (speaking of the Yahushaic Covenant)
there shall be a fountain (of Living Water)
opened to the House of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem (to
Mikveh) for sin and for uncleanness (this
is the purpose of John performing the Mikveh on Yahuah! John had no
other commission).” I will pour My Spirit upon your offspring (Yahusha
was the first human to be Born Again in fulfillment of this prophecy as
he was Mikveh’d and the Spirit was poured out over him), and My
blessing (of Eternal Life) on your
descendants (Yahusha was the first human this
was fulfilled in becoming the Forefather of Everlasting Life).
Ezekiel 36
24 “‘For I will take you out of the
nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back
into your own land. 25 I will sprinkle clean Living Water on you, and
you will be clean (Yahusha was Mikveh’d clean
with Living Water by John); I will cleanse you from all your
impurities and from all your idols (see High
Priest Yahusha, “I have forgiven your sin” Zechariah 3:4). 26 I
will give you a new heart (to know Yahuah’s
Loving ‘Intent’) and put a new Spirit (of
loving obedience to ‘Intent’) in you; I will remove from you your
heart of stone (ritualistic adherence by the
letter written in stone) and give you a heart of flesh (teach
the ‘Intent’ of Yahuah behind the letter of The Law). 27 And I
will put My Spirit in you (after Yahusha was
Mikveh’d clean with Living Water, the “dove” descended upon him and
filled his body with all the fullness of Deity/Spirit of Yahuah,
Colossians 2:9) and move you to follow My Decrees and be careful
to keep My Laws …
By following that Righteous path called “The Way”
that Yahusha set, we too fulfill the Righteous requirements of The Law:
Romans 8
3 For what The Law was Powerless to
do in that it was weakened by the flesh, Yahuah did by sending His Own
Son in likeness of sinful man (a sinful human
being to show us The Way), as an offering for sin (as
he was given Authority to make Atonement as a Zadok Priest). He
thus condemned sin in the flesh (by being
Mikveh’d clean and walking with no sin as High Priest, and thereby dying
innocent in the eyes of The Law), 4 so that the Righteous
standard of The Law might be fulfilled in us (too),
who do not live “according to the flesh” (there
that phrase is again, it means ‘separate from Yahuah’) but
according to the Spirit (follow Yahusha’s
example of Mikveh, Circumcision, Offering whereby we become one with
So, we too, must fulfill the Righteous requirements
of the Law through Mikveh just like Yahusha did. Most people believe
that Yahusha was “a living Torah”. That is the pagan concept of Logos!
Yahusha was the Plan of Yahuah (Logos/Dabar) written in The Heavenly
Scroll fulfilled, not the ‘Logos’ or ‘living expression of the Torah’.
He was not born perfect, nor did he always walk in perfect obedience.
So, he was not a “Living Torah” or ‘Logos’… He came to fulfill The
Heavenly Scroll:
Ephesians 1:10
as a plan (Logos/DABAR)
for the fullness of time (end of the Age of
ARIES), to bring all things proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll and
fulfilled on earth in Yahusha.
Hebrews 10:7
Then I said, 'Here I am--it is
written about me in The Heavenly Scroll-- I have come to do Your Will,
my Elohim! (Matthew 6:10)
Matthew 6:10
Your Kingdom (declared
in heaven Matthew 4:17) come, Your Will be done, on Earth as it
is written in The Heavenly Scroll (Psalm 19,
119:89, 89:2, Daniel 4:35).
Hebrews 5:8-9
8 though he was a Son (and
Yahuah disciplines all His sons. Hebrews 12, Proverbs 3:12), yet
he learned Obedience (to Yahuah) by the
things (discipline) which he suffered (for
disobedience). 9 And having been perfected (sanctified
John 17:19-21), he (after being
perfected) became (The
Way) the Author of Eternal Salvation (Forefather
of Everlasting Life Isaiah 9:6) to all who obey him (and
follow in his footsteps of being perfected through discipline for
disobedience and Mikveh’d to fulfill the Law).
We see above, that Yahusha was a Child of Yahuah,
and Yahuah disciplines ALL His children with Divine Discipline to
perfect them in Righteous Obedience... that not only includes Yahusha,
but specifically includes Yahusha as he had to be perfected (Hebrews
5:9) before Offering his life as The Passover Lamb and becoming
the Forefather of Everlasting Life (Author
of Eternal Salvation)!
Hebrews 6
5 And have you forgotten the
encouraging words Yahuah spoke to you as his children? He said, “My
Child, don’t make light of the Yahuah’s discipline, and don’t give up
when He corrects you. 6 For Yahuah disciplines those He loves (and
He loves Yahusha), and He punishes each one He accepts as His
Child (and He accepted Yahusha as His Son upon
Mikveh).” 7 As you endure this Divine Discipline, remember that
Yahuah is treating you as His Own Children. Who ever heard of a child
who is never disciplined by its father (this
includes Yahusha the SON)? 8 If Yahuah doesn’t discipline you as
He does all of His Children, it means that you are illegitimate and are
not really His Children at all (Yahusha is NOT
the exception, he is the Rule/Way).
We want to say that Yahusha is the son of God… then
we turn around and say nothing applies to Yahusha as a son! If that is
true, we are dead in our sin...
Mikveh is to wash away sin and uncleanliness…
oh, but that doesn’t apply to
Yahusha when he went to John to be Mikveh’d!
Yahuah disciplines all His Sons, the ones He loves to prefect them in
Obedience… oh, but that
doesn’t apply to Yahusha.
We are all born human according to the flesh outside of any Divine
Influence or “Spiritual Seed” …
oh, but that doesn’t apply to
We are all known before the foundation of the world, chosen by Yahuah in
the Plan of Salvation… oh,
but that doesn’t apply to Yahusha…
Says who? The deceiving Spirit of Incarnation is
who says. Yahusha is The Way, he is not the exception to every
rule, to every law, because he was some kind of demi-god above it all.
If he was a pre-existing demi-god, then the ‘Plan of Salvation’ has
failed, and we remain dead in our sin.
We are taught that “Yahusha IS Yahuah, who came
to Earth in sinful bodily form” based on this out of context sound
Colossians 2:9
For in Yahusha all the Fullness of
Deity dwells in bodily form (Yahusha was
filled with the Spirit of Yahuah upon Mikveh in fulfillment of Zechariah
What we are not taught, is that the same writer
said we all have the potential to embody the Fullness of Deity
in our bodies when we too walk The Way:
Ephesians 3:19
19 and to know this love that
surpasses Knowledge—that you may be filled (in
bodily form) to the Measure of all the Fullness of God (which
is the Spirit of Yahuah Who promises to pour out His Spirit on us,
Zechariah 13:1, like He did Yahusha when he was Mikveh’d). -----
So, like Yahusha, who was filled with the Spirit
upon Mikveh and then embodied the fullness of Deity, we all are filled
to the fullest measure in our body of the Spirit of Yahuah (Deity).
This is called ‘being born again’ Spiritually through Mikveh and Fire!
All the Children of Yahuah were created in the
image of Almighty Elohim (Yahuah).
It is blasphemy to remake Yahuah into our own image (saying
Yahuah came to Earth as human named Yahusha) because Yahuah is an
Immortal, Invisible Spirit, not mortal visible man! He created us to be
like Him, not the other way around.
We know that Yahusha is NOT Yahuah, he is the
perfected human image of the invisible Elohim Who is Spirit, not
flesh. Below, I replace all the passive voice references to “him” with
the proper names in context to clarify what is being said:
Colossians 1
14 in
(covenant with) Yahusha, we have
redemption (back to Yahuah as adopted children),
the forgiveness of sins (through Mikveh).
15 The Son is the (perfected human)
image of the Invisible Elohim Yahuah, Yahusha is the Firstborn over all
(Eternal) creation (Firstborn
of the Dead, the Firstfruits of the Resurrection). 16 For Yahusha
all things were created (by Yahuah as an
inheritance for His future children, Yahusha the Firstborn of the Dead
of many more to come, each in our own order, 1 Corinthians 15:23),
things in heaven and on Earth, visible and invisible, whether Thrones or
Dominions or Rulers or Authorities. All things were created through (the
debar/Plan of) Yahuah and for Yahusha (as
an inheritance for the firstborn son of Yahuah)
Genesis 1:
So Yahuah Created mankind in His Own
Image, in the Image of Elohim He Created them; male and female He
Created them.
We are to be conformed to His Divine Image… NOT
make Yahuah conform to our human likeness; saying He came to Earth as a
man and then we killed “God”. That is ridiculous! Yahuah is immortal and
cannot be killed, and invisible and cannot be seen, and Spirit and
cannot be found in the image of a man! Yahuah made a double oath that He
would never come to Earth as a man.
Numbers 23:19
19 Yahuah is not a man, that He
should lie, neither the "Son of Man" (Yahusha
was called the Son of man 87 times), that He should repent (and
was baptized for repentance by John): Has He said (Declared
an Oath), and will He not do it (never
come as a man oath #1)? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it
good (on this Promise Oath #2)?
Yahusha claimed these titles based on
Psalm 82:6, which says we
all are gods, Children of Yahuah! So that birthright is ours too!
John 10:34-36
34 Yahusha answered them, “Is it not
written in your Law (Psalms 82:6), ‘I
said, you are gods’? 35 If he called them gods to whom the Word of
Yahuah came—and Scripture cannot be broken (it
applies to all of us) 36 do you say of him whom the Father
consecrated (as High Priest Zechariah Chapter
3) and sent into the world (to show us
The Way, just like Yahuah sent John into the world, 1 John 1:6),
‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’? (No.
Blasphemy is claiming Yahuah came in the flesh or saying a man is
We all can claim that same birthright, per Psalms
82:6 because Scripture cannot be broken!
Psalm 82
6 I have said, Ye are (all)
gods; and all of you are Children of the Most High.
We see below that we are just like Yahusha in every
1 John 3
1 See what great love the Father
has lavished on us, that we should be called Children of Yahuah (just
like Yahusha)! And that is what we are (we
are JUST like Yahusha was, Elohim potentials awaiting Resurrection)!
The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him (we
are exactly the same). 2 Dear friends, now we are Children of
Yahuah, and what we will be (when we are
Resurrected) has not yet been made known. But we know that when
Yahusha appears (to receive his Bride),
we shall be like him (when we are begotten
Divine through Resurrection), for we shall see him as he is (in
other words, when we see him we will be as he is).
Yahusha’s claim to Melchizedek was through
human bloodlines as he inherited the Throne of David through his father
Joseph, and the office of Zadok High Priest through his mother Miriam.
See my book, Melchizedek and The Passover Lamb for more on
All who enter into The Yahushaic Covenant are
begotten Divine through Resurrection and seated as eternal Kings under
the authority of The King of Kings, and priests under the authority of
our High Priest in the order of Zadok… So, we all will inherit the title
“Melchi (King) Tzedek (Zadok
Revelation 5:10
You have made them to be a Kingdom
and Priests to serve our Elohim, and they will reign (as
Melchi/king Tsedek/priest) on the Earth."
We see that we rule under the Authority of the King
of Kings
Revelation 1
5 and from Yahusha the Messiah,
the Faithful Witness, the Firstborn from the dead, and the Ruler of
the Kings of the Earth. To him who loves us and has released us from
our sins by his Blood, 6 who has made us to be a Kingdom, Priests to his
God and Father — to Yahuah
be the Glory and Power Forever and Ever!
Yahusha was given an earnest guarantee of his
future birth into the Kingdom upon his Mikveh, as the Spirit of Yahuah
filled Yahusha to the fullest measure. We too, are given that same
earnest guarantee upon our Mikveh (if
done properly).
Ephesians 1:14
who is a deposit (the
Ruach) guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those
who are Yahuah’s Possession--to the praise of His Glory.
2 Corinthians 1:22
set His Seal of ‘ownership’ on us,
and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to
come (our future birth as begotten sons
through Resurrection just like Yahusha the Firstborn of the Dead).
This is exactly what we see happen to Yahusha when
he was Mikveh’d by John! It was the fulfillment of the promised new
Zechariah 13:1
In that day (speaking
of the Renewed Covenant) there shall be a fountain (of
Living Water) opened to the House of David and to the inhabitants
of Jerusalem (to Mikveh) for sin and
for uncleanness (this is the purpose of John
performing the Mikveh on Yahuah! To fulfill the Law).” I will
pour My Spirit upon your offspring, and My blessing on your descendants.
Yahusha said.
John 10
30 I and my Father are One.
Those filled with The Spirit of the False Messiah
claim some “hidden meaning of Echad in Hebrew”. They never tell
us about the Hebrew word Yachad which means “one” too! Let us not
make that mistake here. Let us put it right back into context where
Yahusha defined what he means, and that we all are ONE Family with
Yahuah through Covenant or Yachad! Just keep right on reading in
John 17:19-21
17 "And for their sakes I sanctify
myself (in covenant), that they also
might be sanctified through the truth (of the
adoption covenant). Neither pray I for these alone, but for them
also which shall believe on me through their word (enter
into The Yahushaic Covenant); That they all may be One (Family);
as Thou, Father, art in (an adoption covenant
with) me (to be my Father), and
I in (covenant with) Thee (to
be Your son), that they also may be One in (covenant
with) us (to be adopted as children too):
that the world may believe that Thou hast sent me (as
the covenant to the Nations…
Isaiah 42:6, to give to all who enter the right to become adopted
children of Yahuah, John 1:12)."
Below is the real meaning of John 10:30
John 10
30 I and my Father are One Family;
we are Father and Son.
We too are one family with our Father Yahuah. So, I
too can say “I and my Father are one”.
We read that Yahuah sent His Ruach to “come over
(not into) Miriam” to set the child apart from birth. This is the same
thing that happed to Sampson and John the Immerser. Both “Nazarites” or
“set apart for Yahuah” from birth.
But we all are “set apart” by the Ruach coming over
us at some point in our lives when we are Mikveh’d by Fire.
1 Peter 1
5 But just as Yahuah Who called
you is Holy (set apart), so be Holy (set
apart) in all you do, 16 for it is written: “Be Holy (set
apart), because I am Holy (set apart).”
17 Since you call on a Father Who Judges each man’s work impartially,
live your lives in reverent fear during your temporary stay on Earth.
1 Corinthians 6
1 Dare any of you, having a matter
against another, go to (a Court of) Law
before the unRighteous (those who do not keep
The Law of Yahuah), and not before the Saints? 2 Do you not
know that the Saints will Judge the nations?
1 Corinthians 6
1 Dare any of you, having a matter
against another, go to (a Court of) Law
before the unRighteous (those who do not keep
The Law of Yahuah), and not before the Saints? 2 Do you not
know that the Saints will Judge the nations?
Yahusha came to show us “The Way” of Mikveh,
Circumcision, and Offering. We are to “walk as he walked” and enter
through The Narrow Gate.
Ephesians 5
25 Husbands, love your wives, just
as the Messiah loved the body and gave himself up for her (as
the Passover Lamb) 26 to make her Holy, (ritually)
cleansing her by the washing with (Living)
Water (Mikveh), through the
Commandments (Circumcision of Heart) 27
and to present her (properly) to
himself as a radiant assembly, without spot or wrinkle or any other
blemish (as spotless Passover Lambs of Yahuah),
but Holy and blameless (as a living sacrifice).
By following his example, we too demonstrate The
Way to others in our lives.
1 Peter 2:21
To this you were called,
because Yahusha suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you
should follow in his steps.
1 John 2:6
whoever says he abides in (Covenant
with) him (Yahusha) ought to
walk in the same way in which he walked (and
set the same example with our lives).
John 10:3-4
For I have given you an example (Spiritual
Path), that you should do as I have done (offer
our own lives as living sacrificial lambs on Passover).
1 Peter 2:21
To this you were called, because
Yahusha suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow
in his steps.
Hebrews 10:22
Let us draw near to (the
Altar of) Yahuah (properly presenting
ourselves) with a sincere heart (true
circumcision) and with the full assurance that Faith (in
the example set by Yahusha) brings (…
that we can offer our own lives as living sacrifices because Yahusha has
torn the veil in two, giving us access to the Mercy Seat of Yahuah),
having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience (the
Spiritual equivalent of the Red Heifer) and having our bodies
washed with pure (Living) Water (Mikveh).
We see that in the physical shadow in the Tanakh,
each one of us were to bring our own Passover Lamb to the altar:
Exodus 12
1 the Passover and the Festival of
Unleavened Bread 12 Yahuah said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, 2 “This
month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year. 3
Tell the whole community of Israel that on the tenth day of this month
each man is to take a lamb for his family.
This is fulfilled in The Yahushaic Covenant,
whereby each of us give our lives as a living sacrifice on Passover:
Romans 12:1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and
sisters, in view of Yahuah’s Mercy (to save
you from death like Yahusha), to offer your (sinful
human) bodies as a living sacrifice (Spiritual
Spotless Lambs of Yahuah on Passover), Holy and Pleasing to
Yahuah--this is your True and Proper Worship (on
For more information on this, see my book,
The Narrow Gate!

Buy Now!
Yahusha was the first human perfected in Righteous
Obedience through Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering, and therefore died
innocent the perfected sacrifice. In doing so, death is the penalty of
sin and cannot hold one who has been perfected! So Yahusha therefore
defeated death. We, in following that same path called The Way will
defeat death the same exact way, through Mikveh, Circumcision, and
1 Corinthians 15
20 But now the Messiah is risen from
the dead, and has become the Firstfruits of those who have fallen
asleep. 21 For since by man (Adam) came
death, by Man (not
God) also came the Resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in (one
human) Adam all die, even so in (one
human), the Messiah, all (the Children
of Yahuah from the first to the last) shall be made alive (begotten
by Yahuah as sons through Resurrection. Yahusha is the ‘first and the
last’ i.e. the covenant whereby all from the first to the last defeat
death and live). 23 But each one (of
the Children of Yahuah) in his own order (after
Yahusha, the eldest son): The Messiah the Firstfruits (first
of the sons to be resurrected), afterward those who are the
Messiah's (Bride through covenant) at
his coming (First Resurrection when the
rest of the sons will be begotten).
Those filled with The Spirit of the False Messiah
claim that Yahusha is “God” because he forgave sin. They, of course,
fail to tell us that we too, have that authority. This does not make us
“Yahuah”, it makes us ‘Children of Yahuah’ who will govern His Creation.
Forgiveness of sin is a delegated right to the Righteous Judges among
us… which are VERY FEW and far between. Most are self-Righteous
abominations to Yahuah in the way they twist His Torah, and judge others
by “sight” not “eyes to see” the ‘Intent
of the heart’.
John 20
21 So Yahusha said to them again,
“Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” 22 And when
He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the
Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them;
if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”
I am a Nazarene! Filled with The Spirit of Yahuah,
which cries out Abba Father as I am His Son with all that implies! I (and
all the true Children of Yahuah) are the Son of Yahuah in every way
Yahusha is, as he is our brother, the Firstborn!
Let The Spirit of the False Messiah blaspheme
that Spirit of Adoption, and deceive all those who are perishing; to
be blind to the birthright that belongs to all those who are in
PROPER Covenant!
To understand the full context of your own
birthright, you must understand “The Yahushaic Covenant” .... I break
down the Covenant we are under in detail in my book
The Yahushaic Covenant Vol. 1:
The Mediator, overcoming
the Doctrine of Incarnation with the Truth and showing us all, that
we too, are
everything Yahusha claimed to be as a ‘Son of Yahuah’!
There is so much knowledge we must know to
understand what has been hidden from us, too much to put into this book.
I have written a very in-depth book series that walks us out of Babylon
and into the Truth of The Yahushaic Covenant in detail. This book series
The Battle of the Ages
from Creation to the return of The Messiah.