The doctrine of incarnation is the very foundation
of Christianity and many other, if not most, pagan religions dating back
to Babylon where it originated.
“For Christians, the incarnation shows
that Jesus was fully God and fully human. It is an essential part of
belief in the Trinity, and in many ways it forms the basis of
Christianity” … The incarnation - God and authority in
Christianity - GCSE Religious
As I have shown thus far, this doctrine came about
4 centuries after the Messiah died through Greek pagan philosophers and
Abingdon Dictionary of Living Religions, page 767, tells us:
TRINITY (Ch). The Dogma formulated authoritatively in fourth century
church Councils, that Christians worship one God in three persons
(Father, Son, Holy Spirit) and one substance. Under pressure to explain
to a hostile pagan Roman world how Christians counted themselves
monotheists, Christian apologists (notably Justin Martyr, d. 165)
combined Johannine and Stoic-Platonic (both
Johanne and Plato are Greek pagan philosophers) understanding
of the term Logos ("Reason," or "Word") in order to maintain that the
Son was both God's own self-expression and a being distinct from him.
Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 7, page 449:
Logos (Greek: “word, "reason, or plan"), plural logoi, in Greek
philosophy and theology, the Divine reason implicit in the cosmos,
ordering it and giving it form and meaning. Though the concept defined
by the term Logos is found in Greek, Indian, Egyptian, and Persian
philosophical and theological systems, it became particularly
significant in Christian writings and doctrines to describe or define
the role of Jesus Christ as the principle of God active in the creation
and the continuation structuring of the cosmos and in revealing the
Divine plan of salvation to man. It thus underlies the basic Christian
doctrine of the pre-existence of Jesus… The identification of Jesus
with the Logos was further developed in the early church but more on the
basis of Greek philosophical ideas than on Old Testament motifs.
This doctrine is made up of several “sound bites”
of Scripture taken out of context and strung together to imply what is
not sound doctrine. It is blasphemy and a clear violation of sound
doctrinal Scripture. Below are a few of the out-of-context scriptural
references strung together out of context to have us blaspheme our
1 Timothy 3:16
And without controversy great is
the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in
the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in
the world, received up into Glory.
Colossians 2:9
For in Christ all the Fullness of
Deity dwells in bodily form.
Hebrews 2
For this reason, he had to
be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might
become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that
he might make atonement for the sins of the people.
By combining these verses which are mistranslated
to begin with and taking them out of context it is taught Jesus if fully
God and fully man while he walked the Earth.
In this section I will address each one of the
above Scripture. We will look at them in context, line upon line, and
discern the Righteous meaning, proper translation, and intent. I will
demonstrate how poorly inspired the English Bibles truly are. We will
examine how this doctrine that is so fundamental to Christianity was
Did Yahusha embody the
fullness of deity? Yes. Do I embody the fullness of deity
as Yahusha did? Yes. Is there any difference between us as
sons of God… NO!
The next Scripture
that Trinitarians love to quote out of context is how Yahusha embodies
the fullness of God to somehow make the quantum leap that Yahusha was
Yahuah in the flesh fully God and fully human.
I would like to point
out; there is not one Scripture in the entire Bible that says "Yahuah
came to earth in the flesh and became a man, by the name Jesus Christ".
No not one. Not even one that comes close. Every Scripture Trinitarians
point to... says nothing of the sort, nor do these verses apply
exclusively to Yahusha but rather all the Children of Yahuah.
Because Yahusha
embodied the fullness of deity, doesn't mean he is
Yahuah or a god-man; it means
he had been born-again and filled with the Spirit of Yahuah to the
fullest measure. We read this in the Gospels where Yahusha was
baptized and the Spirit of Yahuah descended upon him (the dove was a
physical to spiritual metaphor). He was not “full of Deity” prior to
that point, he had not yet been born-again through Mikveh. His flesh was
full of sin (sinful flesh) and had to be purified first through Mikveh
then he could be filled with The Spirit as a guarantee.
Below is the sound
bite used by Christian Trinitarians:
Colossians 2:9
in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form.
Ok, let us now tell
the whole story here. Yes, Yahusha did embody the fullness of deity in
human form as he was the perfect human image of the invisible God AFTER
he was Mikveh’d by John and walked The Way. I am not here to debate or
deny that he ultimately was full of Deity. Yahusha fulfilled the
prophecy in Isaiah:
Isaiah 42:1
is my servant (proxy), whom I uphold,
my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him (we
read this when the ‘dove’ descended on him), and he will
bring justice to the nations.
What I am here to do
is to show that in the same exact way, we too have the potential to
achieve the fullness of deity in the exact same way… The Way:
Ephesians 3:19
and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled (in
bodily form) to the measure of all the fullness of God (which
is the Spirit of Yahuah).
So, the same writer in
the NT that said Yahusha embodied the fullness of deity also said that
the unbelievable knowledge of the love of Yahuah is that WE TOO can be
filled with the full measure of deity. Does that make us part of the
Godhead? Are we “Gods came to Earth in the flesh”? Do we then become
fully God and fully man too? Are we Yahuah just in another form and
Now, I do not take
anything out of context so let me do what Trinitarians do not and
explain in context. I want to be sure that I make my position clear on
this. After Resurrection, Yahusha is completely deity (elohim)
and in no way is he now human. Yahusha is the literal son of Yahuah (a
god) but he still is not Yahuah. Yahuah too is Elohim (God).
Elohim is a designation of "God" as opposed to human. Yahusha and Yahuah
are the personal names referring to the individual deities (post
Resurrection) as family members of Elohim, Father and now Son (of
many more sons of the Resurrection to come). But while on earth
before Resurrection Yahusha was, as are we, "elohim potentials" and
100% human or “fully human in every way” Hebrews 2:5-18. We are filled
with the Spirit of Yahuah as a guarantee that we will be begotten (resurrected)
fully into the family of Yahuah as elohim (gods).
Here is my point. The
verse in Colossians 2:9 is saying that (for the first time in history)
a human man has been perfected and Yahuah filled that man with the
fullest measure of His Spirit:
8 though Yahusha was a Son, yet he learned obedience (to
Yahuah) by the things which he suffered. 9 And having been
perfected, Yahusha became the author (father)
of everlasting life (i.e., Everlasting Father
Isaiah 9:6)
to all who obey Him (Yahuah),
and the total fullness of the Spirit of
Yahuah dwelt in his body.
Therefore all the sons
of God are "destined" to be conformed to the image of Yahusha. We too
are being filled with the Spirit of Yahuah striving to achieve that same
exact perfection as the Messiah by following his Righteous example.
1 Peter 2
To this you were called, because
Yahusha suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow
in his steps.
Sha’ul clearly points
this very concept out in Ephesians on several occasions. First,
let us look at chapter 1 verses 18-23. Sha’ul is praying that ALL SONS
of Yahuah come to know the same strength and Power of Yahuah that
existed in Yahusha. In verses 22 and 23 Sha’ul brings this important
revelation out by clearly stating that "we" (the Children of Yahuah)
are the body of the Messiah. And we, as this body, are the
"fullness of Him (Yahuah) who fills everything” i.e., the fullness of
deity in bodily form:
Ephesians 1:18-23
18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that
you may know the hope to which Yahuah has called you, the riches of
Yahuah’s glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and Yahuah’s
incomparably great Power for us who believe. That Power is the same as
the mighty strength 20 Yahuah exerted when He raised Yahusha from the
dead and seated Yahusha at His right hand on the Throne in Heaven, 21
far above all rule and authority, Power and dominion, and every name
that is invoked, not only in the present age of Pisces but also in the
Age of Aquarius to come. 22 And Yahuah placed all things under Yahusha’s
feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the assembly, 23
which (the
assembly of believers) is Yahuah’s body (His
Temple), (and
the assembly of believers are) the fullness of Yahuah who
fills everything in every way.
Now, again later in
Chapter 3, Sha’ul again prays that we (the Children of Yahuah)
are conformed to the same image of the Messiah and that we too achieve
the fullness of Deity in bodily form...
Ephesians 3:19
and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to
the measure of all the fullness of God.
Yahusha was not Yahuah
in the flesh, nor was he half man half god. He was the human messiah who
was the first to be filled to the fullness of the measure of Yahuah
through His Spirit. In doing so, Yahusha became the PERFECTED IMAGE
(not Yahuah, but the "image" of Yahuah) in human form while on
Hebrews 5:8-9
8 though He
was a Son, yet He learned Obedience (to
Yahuah) by the things which He suffered (process
of Sanctification John 17:19). 9 And having been perfected
(he was not born
that way, he was born ‘sarki’ in the flesh prone to sin and opposed to
Yahuah), He became the Author of Eternal Salvation to all
who obey him (by
walking The Way by example that we are to follow in covenant 1 John 2:6)
All men are created in
the image of God, but Yahusha was the PERFECT human image of the
INVISIBLE God… and we too are to be conformed to that perfect image by
walking The Way:
Colossians 1
13 Who (Yahuah) hath delivered us
from the Power of darkness, and hath transposed us into the kingdom of
His dear (firstborn) Son (Yahusha):
14 In whom (Yahusha) we have
redemption (to Yahuah) through his (Yahusha’s)
blood (that consummated the marriage covenant,
we become ‘one with Yahuah’ as Yahusha was), even the forgiveness
of sins (the decrees in the Law for
transgressing Yahuah’s commands are covered by the blood of the lamb):
15 Who (Yahusha) is the (perfect
human) image of the invisible God (the
proxy of Yahuah), the firstborn (Feast
of Firstfruits) of every (eternal)
Genesis 1:27
Yahuah created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created
We see below that
Yahusha considered it robbing Yahuah of His Glory to even imply that
Yahusha was equal to Yahuah. Yahusha could not even conceive of such a
Philippians 2:5-6
5 Let this mind (Spirit of Holiness) be
in you, which was also in Messiah Yahusha: 6 who, being in the form (Spiritual
Image or human proxy) of Yahuah (NOT
Yahuah Himself), thought it not (nothing
short of) robbery to be equal with Yahuah?
In the Scripture above
it is stated as a rhetorical question as Yahusha thought equality with
Yahuah was nothing short of robbing Yahuah of His Glory. Here is another
translation of this same verse:
Philippians 2:5-6
New American Standard Bible
5 Have this attitude in yourselves, which was also
in Messiah Yahusha, 6 who, although he existed in the form (image)
of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped,
We must be very
careful with the Hellenized (paganized)
mistranslated version
of our modern Bibles. Some translations read as follows:
Philippians 2:5-6
New King James Version (NKJV)
5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Yahusha the
Messiah, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to
be equal with God,
The above translation
is a mistranslation of that verse. The glory of Yahusha is that he
reflects the glory of Yahuah as his proxy or image and, as an image or
reflection, the glory of Yahuah shines off Yahusha on to us.
2 Corinthians 4:4
4 whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest
the light of the gospel of the glory of Messiah, who is the image of
Yahuah, should shine on them.
An image is not the
actual subject. It is a likeness of, a picture of, something that stands
in place of... Yahusha was Yahuah's human proxy, the human
image of the invisible immortal Yahuah. Yahusha was not invisible or
immortal… he died, and everyone saw it. Yahusha was the first to be
perfected in Holiness (in accordance with obedience to Yahuah's will).
He is THE TRUE WAY, the example that we are to follow as we, too,
keep Yahuah's will, commandments, and appointed times/feasts/solemn
assemblies. Yahuah gave us instructions on how to be His sons. Yahusha
lived those instructions, and we are to follow that example.
In the process we too
are to be filled with all the fullness of deity! But that does not make
us Yahuah or part of any pagan Trinity; it makes us Children of
Yahuah and perfect images of our Father… as we are conformed to the
image of his Firstborn-again risen son.
People bring to me verses of Scripture that seem to
either directly say, or imply, that Yahuah is Yahusha, or that Yahusha
pre-existed, or that Yahusha was a demi-god fully man while at the same
time fully human (an impossible contradiction). A brother asked
me “Does
1 Timothy 3:16 show that
Yahuah was manifest in the flesh?”
No., when properly understood and rendered in
context, it says the exact opposite! The Lying
Pen of the Scribe Strikes Again (and
again, and again, and a...)
1 Timothy 3:16 - King
James Bible
And without controversy great is the
mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the
Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the
world, received up into Glory.
Not so
fast! Yahuah’s Word, the Plan of Salvation, and Yahuah Himself
has been hidden in plain sight and His Word sealed. One of those “seals”
is what I call The Lying Pen of the Scribe.
Jeremiah 8:8
"'How can you say, "We are wise
because we have the Word of Yahuah," when your teachers/scribes have
twisted it by writing lies?
The King James Bible
intentionally twisted this
verse to write into the Bible the doctrine of Incarnation/Trinity, a
doctrine of demons called The Spirit of the False Messiah. Did Sha’ul
say “God was manifest in the flesh”? Let us look and see what the Greek

We see above, King James took the liberty of adding
“God” into the verse above, instead of “he” speaking of Yahusha. It
literally says “he who was revealed in the flesh” not “God
was revealed in the flesh”.
A little “sleight of hand” twisting this verse.
The “he” in question is Yahusha not Yahuah…
1 John 4:1-3; 12
4 Beloved do not believe every
spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from Yahuah,
because many false Prophets have gone out into the world (claiming
to be the Incarnation of Yahuah). 2 By this you know the Spirit
of Yahuah: every Spirit that confesses that Messiah Yahusha (NOT
Yahuah) has come in the flesh (g4561
‘sarki’ - "human generation
(conception) only, outside of
any Divine influence (or seed), opposed to Yahuah and prone to
sin) is from Yahuah; 3 and every spirit that
does not confess
Yahusha has come in the flesh (100% human
being not ‘God in the flesh’ but says Yahusha is Yahuah incarnate)
is not from Yahuah; this is the Spirit of the Antichrist (The
False Messiah is an image of a man worshipped above Yahuah or equal to
Yahuah as ‘God incarnate’ see Romans 1) …12 No one has seen
Yahuah at any time (because Yahuah IS NOT
Yahusha and did not “come in the flesh”)!
This verse in no way says, or even implies, that
Yahusha was a God or God in the flesh! We see almost every translation
has corrected this twisted verse. Every other translation properly
rendered this verse "he" as in Yahusha, NOT "God".

So, let us look a little
deeper, shall we?
What 1 Timothy 3:16 say is, “Yahusha was revealed
in the flesh”. The phrase “in the flesh” means... “natural/physical
origin (not Spiritual),
born of natural origin ONLY, mere human/natural birth only... APART FROM
DIVINE INFLUENCE” ... The word translated “flesh” is g4561.
So, Yahusha “came in the flesh” and was not a
demi-god or “God in the flesh”! He was created human of natural origin,
to two human parents outside of any “Divine seed” or even “Divine
influence” ...
The word translated “godliness” simply expresses a
MAN who is Righteous before Yahuah, it is
g2653, ‘chasid’.
It does not in any way point to “Yahuah” or even a pre-existing
demi-god. Godliness speaks of a kind, loving, gracious human being!

With the understanding of what these words mean,
let us correctly render
Timothy 3:16, in its full expression and meaning “in context,” as I like
to do:
1 Timothy 3:16
Great indeed, we confess, is the
Mystery of the Righteous, Kind, Loving man (g2623
‘chasid’) Yahusha the Messiah: who was born human of natural
origin outside of Divine influence (g4561
‘sarki’), vindicated by the Set Apart Ruach as the Son of Yahuah
upon his Mikveh (Matthew 3:17), seen by
Angels who rejoiced when he repented (Luke
15:10) and was forgiven by Yahuah (Zechariah
3:3), Proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world,
taken up (Resurrected) in Glory (as
Yahuah Honored the Plan of Salvation where he had Glory with Yahuah
before the world was Created in the Plan of Salvation written in the
What we have in 1 Timothy 3:16, is truly the
“secret of Holiness” and the progression by which The Messiah was
created/made manifest, perfected, then risen Divine.
Hebrews 5:8-9
8 though he was a Son, yet he learned Obedience
(to Yahuah) by the things (discipline)
which he suffered (for disobedience). 9
And having been perfected (through discipline
and suffering), He became (was not born
that way) the Author of Eternal Salvation to all who obey him (and
follow his Righteous example).
Yahusha was a manifested/created/born HUMAN as the
fulfillment of the Dabar/word (Predestined
Plan of Salvation written in The Heavenly Scroll), then he was BORN
AGAIN upon his Mikveh, the Angels Witnessed Yahusha’s rebirth and
rejoiced in Heaven as he was forgiven and fulfilled The Law. Then
Yahusha was filled with the Ruach and at that time embodied the fullness
of Deity in his body. He was then preached among the nations, believed
on in the world, and then Resurrected in fulfillment of The Plan of
Salvation which was Promised in The Heavenly Scroll. Yahuah had given
Yahusha “Glory” in The Heavenly Scroll that he would defeat death, and
reign as proxy King and be seated at the Right Hand of Yahuah our
CAPRICORNUS: Eternal life comes from his death, he’s the
Arrow of Yahuah, he is pierced, yet springs up again in abundant life.
LEO: The Lion King is aroused for rending, the Serpent
flees, the Bowl of Wrath is upon him, his Carcass is devoured. The Lion
of the tribe of Judah rules as King.
This is the exact same progression Sha’ul taught in
Romans 1
2 concerning Yahusha, which Yahuah
Promised beforehand through His Prophets in the Holy Scriptures (both
The Heavenly and Earthly Scrolls, he did not pre-exist), 3
concerning His Son, who was born of a Descendant of David (through
both parents) according to the flesh (human
origin only outside of Divine intervention), 4 who was Declared (Divine)
the Son of Yahuah with Power by the Resurrection from the dead,
according to the Spirit of Holiness (Yahuah’s
Spiritual Seed), Yahusha the Messiah.
It is interesting to note the very next verse after
1 Timothy 3:16:
1 Timothy 4:1
The Spirit clearly says that in
later times some will abandon the Faith (that
Yahusha came in the flesh outside of any Divine influence) and
follow deceiving spirits (Incarnation, the
Spirit of the False Messiah,
1 John
4:1-3; 12) and things taught by demons.
This is a serious matter! We all have been misled
for 1,700 years by the False Religion and continue to be misled today by
false teachers and twisted translations!