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Did Yahusha accept worship?

Did Yahusha accepted worship as a deity? If so, then it could be implied that Yahusha was Yahuah in the flesh. The issue at hand, is “Glory” which Yahuah declares that He alone is wise and to Him alone belongs “glory, majesty, dominion, and Power.”

Jude 1:25
25 to Yahuah Our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and Power, both now and forever.

Yahusha agreed:

Matthew 19:16-17
16 Behold, one came to him and said, "Good teacher, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?" 17 He said to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but one, that is, Yahuah. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments of Yahuah."


John 17:3
Now this is eternal life: that they know you Yahuah, the only true God, and (are in covenant with) Yahusha the Messiah, whom you have sent (as the mediator of that covenant).


Matthew 4:10
Yahusha said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship Yahuah your God and serve Him only.'"

To whom does Glory belong?

To answer the question; did Yahusha accept worship? We need to define the term glory. This is a very fine line that we are treading. While it is Yahuah alone to whom Glory (worship) belongs... it is Yahusha who embodies the very image of the invisible Yahuah. Yahusha represents (in bodily form) the INVISIBLE Elohim… Yahuah. Yahusha is the son of and a reflection of Yahuah and reflects the Glory of Yahuah. The same role Lucifer played and failed. There is glory due both the Father and His Firstborn-again son.

Glory as CREATOR belongs to Yahuah alone. The glory as King and Heir to all that Yahuah created belongs to Yahusha given to him by Yahuah as an inheritance.

It is with that clear understanding that we must approach Scripture. So, I am careful to whom I direct my worship as opposed to my praise. There is only ONE worthy of my worship.... and that is Yahuah. Yahusha is worthy of my highest praise. Below is the definition of the word glory and how I apply it and to whom:

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary


1 a : praise, honor, or distinction extended by common consent : RENOWN b : worshipful praise, honor, and thanksgiving <giving glory to God>

2 a : something that secures praise or renown <the glory of a brilliant career> b : a distinguished quality or asset

3 a (1) : great beauty and splendor : MAGNIFICENCE something marked by beauty or resplendence <a perfect glory of a day> b : the splendor and beatific happiness of heaven; broadly : ETERNITY

To #1 above, I give to Yahuah alone.

To #2 above, I give you Yahusha alone.

To #3, above I give to both.



To whom did Yahusha teach us to direct our worship?

To whom I give glory in the form of worship is not the real question here. The real question is, did Yahusha accept glory in the form of Divine worship that belongs to Yahuah? Or did Yahusha accept glory in the form of worship given to a superior man in rank and position? We see below that Yahusha directed all glory in the form of Divine worship to Yahuah alone:

Mark 12:28-30
28 Then one of the scribes came, and listened to all their discussion, and had noted how well He answered. So, he asked Him; what is the first commandment of all? 29 And Yahusha answered Him: The first of all the commandments is: Hear, O Israyl, Yahuah is our Father. Yahuah is one. 30 And you must love Yahuah your Father with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your might.


Matthew 4:10
Then Yahusha said to her; you get away, Satan! For it is written: Yahuah your Father you must worship, and Him only you must serve!


Matthew 23:9
And you must not pray to or worship any man on earth as a "Father," for you have only One Father, Who is in heaven.

But Yahusha accepted worship from his disciples!

Now concerning the rest of the Scriptures that appear to demonstrate that Yahusha was worshipped as in Divine Worship; I will just lump them all together and give you the reason behind it.

First, let me say that we are commanded to worship in Spirit (to Yahuah) and in (the) Truth (Yahusha is the truth and the way). So true worship of Yahuah is coming to Him by the example of the true way set by Yahusha. That is coming to Him through Yahusha by proxy.

John 4:24
24 Yahuah is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”


John 14:6
6 Yahusha answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through (in covenant with) me.


Next, I want to point out that the word translated "worship" is a word used to describe the act of bowing down which, in many cases, is not the intent of worshipping Yahuah or Divine Worship; but rather recognizing a superior in rank or messenger of Yahuah or ‘homage’.




special honor or respect shown publicly.

This is the meaning of the word we translated “worship” in our English Bibles.

Strong's #4352: proskuneo (pronounced pros-koo-neh'-o)

from 4314 and a probable derivative of 2965 (meaning to kiss, like a dog licking his master's hand); to fawn or crouch to, i.e. (literally or figuratively) prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore): --worship.

The word “worship” in English today has a quite different meaning to us, we associate with Divine Worship only. That is not how it is used in Scripture. Once again, we are not taught such vital information and the translators failed to use a word in English that better described the meaning in the original languages… to justify Incarnation.

In the case of bowing down before a messenger of Yahuah, those that bow are not worshipping the messenger but paying homage. They are bowing down recognizing the messenger ‘comes with the Power and authority of Yahuah’ giving Yahuah glory through the messenger… this would be an example of worshipping Yahuah in Spirit with the understanding that Yahusha is the true way to Him. It is a fine line but Yahusha understood that line as I will demonstrate.

Before I go any further, let me say that bowing down to Yahusha (as the anointed proxy of Yahuah and anointed King of Yahuah's Creation; the "Truth of Yahuah") is not Divine worship, it is respect. I have no problem with this type of “respectful worship (bowing down to)”. As long as we keep the understanding of Yahusha's superior position in the Kingdom, as well as the Power and authority of Yahuah given to Yahusha as "The Truth and the Light” of Yahuah. I have no problem with, and do not see that act as a violation of Yahuah's revealed will nor proof that Yahusha is Yahuah. As long as the Spiritual Intent of that act is Righteously directed toward Yahuah through Yahusha the proxy.

Sha’ul does not say that every knee shall bow to Yahusha; it is before Yahuah that every knee shall bow in worship. Yahusha is the Judge not The Creator.

We stand before Yahusha, we hit our knees before Yahuah:

Romans 14:10-11
For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of the Messiah. 11 For it is written in Isaiah 45:23: “As I live, says Yahuah, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to Yahuah.” 12 So then each of us shall give account of himself to Yahuah.

Yahuah looks at the "Spiritual Intent" not the physical act alone. One person could "bow down" to Jesus in an act of Godly worship while another can "bow down" to the Messiah Yahusha in an act of recognizing his superior position and by proxy give worship to Yahuah. One would be justified, the other in idolatry.

However, a witness to those two people both bowing down would not know the "intent" of their heart and describe both using the same word in Hebrew and Greek/Latin. So those words describe both physical acts of Divine Worship and reverence to authority.

Worship of Yahusha is not Divine worship

Ok, among the many passages of the New Testament that presents Yahusha as being the object of "worship" is Matthew 14:33.

Matthew 14:33
33 Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped (bowed down before) him (to pay homage), saying, truly you are the son of God (they bowed down to Yahusha in the sense of respect for his superior position as son of Yahuah. They did not worship him as Yahuah).

Here we have a clear situation - one of many recorded in the New Testament - of Yahusha being "worshipped", yet those worshipping him did not worship him as Yahuah but as the Son of Yahuah, which to them, meant that they recognized him as their Messiah (King) or as an emPowered, Righteous agent of the Almighty God. They were bowing down as an act of respect to authority before Yahusha and as an act of worship to Yahuah through His proxy.

Although many think the term "worship" is only applicable to "God", in fact the term relates to showing reverence even to a fellow man. Christian teachers do not make this distinction as they are false teachers and lead us astray to believe Yahusha was worshipped as a Deity. Then these false teachers take that sound bite out of context and assume Jesus is God. In every case bowing down to Yahusha is in the context of showing reverence to a higher authority.

As the Strong's Lexicon points out, the Greek term is simply "used of homage shown to men and beings of superior rank". The Greek word rendered “worship” in the NT is the Greek word proskyneō. Below, is the Strong’s entrance for the word:

Lexicon :: Strong's G4352 – proskyneō
in the NT by kneeling or prostration to do homage (to one) or make obeisance, whether in order to express respect or to make supplication

In the 2nd Temple era when Yahusha lived; kneeling or prostration to do homage (to one) or make obeisance (which is translated as ‘worship’ in the NT), whether to express respect or to make supplication was a common practice. It remains a common practice even today in the Orient in Japanese, Chinese, Muslim, and other cultures around the world.

The often-referenced instances of Yahusha being worshipped are another example of the desperation of Christians to find any shred of proof for their unsubstantiated and false doctrines. This is another example of the biased use of implicit (implied) proofs (not explicit Scripture) by those promoting the mystery Babylon man-God or traditional Trinitarian Christianity and counterfeit Messiah Jesus Christ.

They IMPLY what is not there by using mistranslation, misdirection, our ignorance, and stringing together sound bites of Scripture out of context.


The reference, A Dictionary of Biblical Languages With Semantic Domains: Hebrew (Old Testament), by James Swanson, defines the Hebrew word often translated "worship" as - "take a stance of bowing low in an act of respect or honor, but not necessarily worship of deity" (Genesis 43:28).

The reference in Genesis below is just such an example of the type of “worship” Yahusha accepted:

Genesis 43:28
And they answered, Thy servant our father is in good health, he is yet alive. And they bowed down their heads, and made obeisance (worshipped him - proskyneō).

We know Joseph was a "shadow" of the coming Suffering Servant and above he is "worshipped" not in his own right but because he was "a servant of his father" so they showed Jacob respect THROUGH Joseph. This is exactly the case with the Messiah. He is a "servant of our Father" and we give glory to Yahuah by showing Yahusha respect for his superior position.

This term "obeisance" is from the Hebrew equivalent of the Greek term used in the verse from Matthew proskyneō shown above, as well as most other New Testament verses where "worship" is the translation. The proper translation should read “bowed down to” not “worshipped”. Again, we see the bias of uninspired Hellenized translators. Matthew, as many of you already know, is now strongly assumed to have been initially written in Hebrew; however, even if it was not, it was still written by a Hebrew from memory of conversations in Hebrew.

From Strong's Lexicon we determine the Hebrew term to mean:

Strong's Number 7812 shachah {shaw-khaw'}

to bow down, prostrate oneself before a superior man in homage

before God in worship

before false gods

before angels


Note: that the term can even refer to "worship" of false gods! Of course, this is precisely the type of worship practiced by Trinitarians (and all others) that promote the antichrist (replacement Messiah) deception that “Jesus was God in the flesh”. That is blasphemy and idolatry against the Most High who alone is God.

Obviously, the context of Genesis is not referring to worship of Yahuah. It records Joseph's brothers bowing before him i.e. "worshipping" him (obeisance) as someone of much higher rank.

Since Joseph was "worshipped" do they also claim he was God? Of course not. We simply need to do a small amount of research into the meaning of the Greek and Hebrew words that were translated as “worship” to realize there are two types of “worship”. Worship directed to Yahuah and worship directed to Yahusha as a superior in rank and authority as the son of Yahuah.



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