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Galatians 3

Galatians 3

The Spirit of Truth is Obedience to The Law combined with Faith in the Promises of Yahuah

1 O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you, that you would not Obey the truth of The Torah? Before your very eyes, written in the Stars as a Witness to all men, Yahusha Messiah has been openly portrayed before you 'as a Lamb that was slain before the world was in The Heavenly Scroll', to reconcile all men who enter into The Yahushaic Covenant to Yahuah.

2 I would like to know just one thing from you: Do you receive the Spirit of Loving Obedience to The Law by doing anything outside of The Law? Or by hearing anything outside of the Faith which establishes The Law? 3 Are you so foolish? Having made a beginning in the Spirit, as you were given an earnest guarantee of your future inheritance upon your Mikveh, are you now trying to attain perfection through the flesh, by disobeying the Spiritual Law (of ‘Intent’ which is perfect and defines Righteousness), knowing those in the flesh cannot submit to The Law or please Yahuah? 4 Have you suffered so much for nothing to only now turn your back on The Law, if it really is for nothing? May it never be, return to the message you received from me.

5 Therefore, is the Spirit of Truth that teaches us to Obey The Law out of Love given to you, and mighty works done among you, by doing anything outside of The Law, or hearing anything outside of the Faith?

6 Just as Abraham followed The Law of Yahuah, it was accounted to him for Righteousness! 7 Therefore, then, understand that those who are of the Faith that is demonstrated through works, those who follow Messiah and walk as he walked in Obedience to The Law, the same are the children of Abraham.

8 And the Scriptures, both The Heavenly and Earthly Scroll, prophesied that Yahuah would justify the The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel scattered among the Gentile nations through the Faith which establishes The Law, the message preached before to Abraham by The Stars so that: In you all the nations will be blessed as you identify yourself as Lost Sheep among the nations and witness to all nations you have been scattered. 9 So, those of the Faith of Abraham whose Faith was manifested by his Obedience to The Law are blessed with the same Faith of Abraham which was established by his Obedience to The Law of Yahuah.

Those outside the Law are cursed

10 But as many as are doing works of The Law, outside of The Law of Faith, are under the curse of the Death Decrees! You must have Faith in the Passover Lamb to cover your transgressions, otherwise you are judged by Death Decrees in The Law. For this is the Death Decree that is written in Deuteronomy 27: 26: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in The Book of The Law, to do them”. This Decree is covered for those in The Yahushaic Covenant who do works of The Law combined with Faith.

11 That no man is justified before Yahuah by keeping The Law alone outside of Faith, that is quite evident, for those justified will live The Torah by Faith. 12 And The Law is not contrary to the Faith, on the contrary; Faith establishes The Law, for the man who keeps these Laws will live by them in Faith.

13 Messiah has redeemed us from the curse of The Law, not The Law, by becoming a curse for us and nailing the Death Decrees to the stake, for it is written in Deuteronomy 21:23: Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.

14 He redeemed us by paying the dowry for his Bride, and covering the Death Decrees, in order that the blessing and Promises given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles where you, The Lost Sheep of Israel, have been scattered. It is through Yahusha Messiah that by the Faith in the Promises Yahuah made in The Torah, we might receive the Promise of the Spirit of Truth, which teaches us to keep His Law. It is through that Faith that the Law is established in your ‘hearts’, and we please and come to know Yahuah as our Father.

The transposition of The Law from oral to written in stone does not abolish The Promise

15 Brothers, let me give you an example: Even in ordinary life, no one can do away with, nor can they add to a human covenant once it has been duly ratified; so, it is in this case as Yahusha ratified with his blood, The Covenant of Law.

16 Now the Promises were made to Abraham concerning the Faith in keeping The Law. Yahuah does not say: And to seeds, as if to the others, but: And to your Seed, meaning The Messiah and by extension those who are in The Yahushaic Covenant.

17 Now I say this; The Law, which came into written existence 430 years after the verbal covenant was already ratified by Yahuah with Abraham who was given The Law orally --does not do away with, nor abolish the Promise. The Promise exists in both legal states of the Law, orally and written in stone.

18 For if the inheritance is outside The Law, then it is no longer from the Promise, because the Promise of Eternal Life and inheritance in The Kingdom is in The Torah for Obedience to The Law, you cannot abolish The Law without abolishing the Promise along with it; but Yahuah has given The Law verbally to Abraham through the verbal Promise that he would be a blessing to all nations. The Law is part of that blessing to the nations.

19 What, then, was the purpose of the written Law? It was added in stone 430 years after the verbal covenant which contained the Oral Law… for forgiveness of transgressions as we see sin forgiven in The Law in Leviticus 19: 20-22. The Law ruled until The Seed would come to Whom it had been Promised, ordained by malakim through the hand of a mediating Eternal High Priest. 20 However, a Mediator implies more than one party because you must have two parties have a Covenant, but Yahuah is only ONE, so Yahusha is the other one; and serves as a Mediator between Yahuah and mankind.

21 Therefore is The Law against the Promises of Yahuah? By no means! For if there were any Law which could have given true life, then justification would have come through that Law. The Law is a set of instructions, that come with a Promise. Eternal Life is based on the Promise… so they go together. You can’t have one without the other, they are not against each other... they are a function of one another.

22 However, that which is written; the Law, Prophets, and Writings, has shut all up in the power of sin, as all have sinned, creating a need for a mediating High Priest/Messiah, in order that the Promise through the Faith in Yahusha might be given to the ones who believe and enter into The Yahushaic Covenant. Therefore, is the Law against the Promise of Yahuah? By no means! For since the Law was given to define Righteousness and identify sin, it was never designed to be able to deliver from the penalty of sin, deliverance from sin is through the Promise of the coming Passover Lamb, who would cover the Death Decrees, making The Law whole, as The Law was made weak by OUR flesh requiring a sacrifice/mediator.

23 But before the Faith in Yahusha came to us, we were guarded in the Power of The Law which created in us a need for and Hope in the coming Messiah, being shut up together and protected by a tutor to point us to the Messiah until the Faith in Messiah would be revealed; unveiled and uncovered.

24 So in that The Law reveals our sin and creates a need for a Mediator, The Law is our teacher, leading us into covenant with the Messiah, so that we might be justified through the Faith in the Passover Lamb Promise, which, Faith, is demonstrated through works of The Law. 25 But now that the Faith in the Passover Lamb has been fulfilled, are we no longer under the training of that teacher?

26 For you all are Adopted Sons of Yahuah, through the Faith in Yahuah’s Promises found in The Law for Obedience in Covenant with Yahusha The Messiah to cover your transgressions. 27 For as many of you as have been Mikveh’d into The Yahushaic Covenant, like the Messiah you must become conformed to his Righteous example of Obedience.

28 Is there not the Yahdai (Jew) as well as the Greek; Gentile? Is there not the slave as well as the freeman? Is there not the male and the female? For all of you must be one with Yahuah in Covenant with Yahusha the Messiah; as he is one with our Father in Covenant. 29 And if you are One with Yahuah, as The Messiah is One in Covenant, then you are a seed of Abraham, heirs according to the Promise through Loving Obedience to His Commandments.


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