The idea that The Kingdom (which is a Divine
Government not a physical realm - royal power - g932 ‘basileia’)

will be of a physical nature was the
prevailing view of the people of Israel and they expected the
Messiah to come as a physical King and liberate Israel from
captivity and conquer the Earth and rule over it for 1,000 years.
They expected him to restore the physical nation of Israel to its
former glory. To serve in The Temple in Jerusalem. He did not do any
of that! So they turned on him and executed him by false witness
that he committed blasphemy and insurrection.
When Yahusha came, all Israel understood he
met all the physical requirements to be the Messiah:
He had the physical bloodline lineage to the Royal Line of King
David (through Solomon through Joseph his father),
He had the physical blood line lineage requirement to serve as a
Zadok High Priest in the Temple before the Altar (through his mother
He met all the prophetic requirements of “when” he would come at the
end of the Age of Pisces.
For more on that topic, read my book
Melchizedek and the Passover Lamb.

Buy Now!
When the legitimate High Priest of Israel,
John the Baptist (Elijah), announced that Yahusha was the Messiah
with his blessing, that was the confirmation the Jews needed so they
tried to install him as their physical King by force if needed.
John 6:15
When the people saw the sign that Yahusha had performed, they
began to say, “Truly this is the Prophet who is to come into the
world.” 15 Then Yahusha, realizing that they were
about to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a
mountain by himself.
refused to be their physical King as he did not come to be the
physical King of the physical nation of Israel. He came to usher in
the Kingdom of God and fulfill The Heavenly Scroll.
Daniel 4:35
"All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, but
He does according to His will written in the hosts of Heaven.
(sometimes translated as ‘starry hosts’ or ‘Heavenly hosts’.
Constellations host stars, so this means ‘constellations of The
Heavenly Scroll’)
Hebrews 10:7
Then I said, 'Here I am--it is written about me in the Heavenly
scroll-- I have come to do your will, my God! (Matthew
Matthew 6:10
Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is (written)
in (the)
scroll – Daniel 4:35).
The time for Yahusha to reign as King over Creation would not come
until the end of the Age of Pisces when he returns.
Ephesians 1:9-10
9 He made
known to us the mystery of His will according to his good pleasure,
written in The Heavenly Scroll which He purposed to fulfill in The
Yahushaic Covenant (Daniel 4:35),
10 to be put into effect when the ages reach their fulfillment (Age
of Pisces) —
Matthew 28:20
“and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And
surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age (of
Pisces when he returns rule in the Age of Aquarius).”
Since he refused their attempts to make him King, they assumed it was
because the timing was not right at that time. So they came back to him
again, and decided to just ask him when the physical Kingdom would be
established and he would be their physical King as they expected. His
Luke 17:21
20 When asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God
would come, Yahusha replied, “The kingdom of God will not come with
observable signs (it is Spiritual).
21 Nor will people say, ‘Look, here it is,’ or ‘There it
is.’ For you see, the kingdom of God is inside you and in your midst
Romans 14:17
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink (of
this physical Creation); but (it is
inside your Spirit) righteousness, and peace, and joy in the
Spirit of Holiness (Spiritual).
Yahusha came to bring Creation under submission to his Royal
Authority (Kingdom) and establish his sovereignty (g932 ‘basileia’),
then liberate all of Creation from bondage to decay and corruption
resulting from the fall of Adam.
Romans 8
18 I consider that
our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that
will be revealed in us. 19 For the Creation waits in eager
expectation for the children of God to be revealed. 20 For the
Creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by
the will of the one, Yahuah, who subjected it, in hope 21 that the
Creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and
brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.
So, Creation itself can never be a part of The Spiritual Kingdom of
God… like Yahusha who had to die and receive his perfect Spiritual Body
to enter the Kingdom, this Creation too must “die” and be renewed into a
perfect spiritual state. Where Adam failed, he would succeed (the second
Adam). Only then, once that was accomplished, he would be seated as the
Spiritual King by Yahuah to rule over that new Creation that will no
longer be subject to decay and corruption as its Spiritual King.
1 Corinthians 15:50
declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot
inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable (Creation)
inherit the imperishable Spiritual Realm.
He did not come to simply liberate Israel as its physical King. David
was the physical shadow, Yahusha the Spiritual Truth and fulfillment of
that shadow cast by The Heavenly Scroll. You cannot govern over
something and be of it. So, while he was human, he was part of
Creation that was corruptible, he had to die and be transposed to his
Spiritual Body so that he could rule OVER Creation from the Spiritual
Realm outside physical Creation.
1 Corinthians 15:44
It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory. It is sown in
weakness; it is raised in power. 44 It is sown a natural
body; it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body,
there is also a spiritual body. 45 So it is written: “The
first man Adam became a living being;” the last Adam a life-giving
John 3:6
Flesh is born of
flesh, but spirit is born of the Spirit.
The Battle of the Ages laid out in The Heavenly Scroll is between the
serpent/dragon and the Son of Man/Orion. That battle is over who will
sit at Yahuah’s Right Hand and rule Creation. The enemy had no interest
in ruling over Israel, its (Satan/dragon/serpent) motive was to ascend
into “Heaven” and usurp the Spiritual Throne in Heaven.
That is why Satan tempted Yahusha in the desert to accept Jerusalem
and be the King of the physical nation of Israel. If Yahusha accepted
that offer, he would fail to fulfill The Heavenly Scroll and therefore
be unworthy to be seated as the King over Creation! Then Satan
(serpent/dragon) would ascend to “Heaven” and sit himself on the
Spiritual Throne.
Isaiah 14:13-14
13 You said
in your heart: “I will ascend to the Heavens; I will raise my throne
above the stars of God. I will sit on the mount of assembly, in the
far reaches of the north. 14 I will ascend above the tops of the
clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”…
Instead, Yahusha came to fulfill the order laid out by Yahuah that he
must fulfill written in The Heavenly Scroll rehearsed annually by the
Feast Cycle

He must first come to suffer and die for the
Creation to demonstrate his love for Yahuah and His Creation. To serve
as High Priest and die on Passover to cover the sins of the rest of his
brothers in Yahuah’s eyes.
A true King after Yahuah’s own heart would be
willing to die for his subjects not lord over them. Yahusha had to die
for many reasons, but to prove himself worthy to rule for eternity he
had to demonstrate the ultimate sacrifice of love. Then he returns to
fulfill the Fall Feasts as conquering King over all Creation.
John 15:13
There is no
greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
Before Yahusha could rule over Creation, he had to demonstrate he had
the faith and confidence to exercise his authority as a son of Yahuah
over Creation. This is the meaning of the miracles he performed. He had
to establish that as a son of Yahuah and heir to Creation he could bring
Creation to submission to his will. He did that by demonstrating power
over the physics the Creation adheres to (the Law of Physics) by turning
water into wine. He demonstrated power over sickness and disease, raise
the dead, fed a multitude when there was no hope, and even the ability
to “vibrate” at a frequency that enabled him to walk on water and
through walls. And finally, to defeat the genetic death sentence passed
down by Adam.
Robbing death of her sting by “cashing in” the earnest guarantee he was
given when he was Mikveh’d and “born again” (the Spirit descended upon
him) that Yahuah would raise him from the dead as promised in The
Heavenly Scroll (CAPRICORNUS).
John 3:5
Yahusha answered,
"Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God
unless he is born of water and the Spirit.
Romans 5:12
Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death
through sin, so also death was passed on to all men, because all
Ephesians 1:14
13And in Him, having
heard and believed the word of truth—the gospel of your salvation—
you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, 14 which is the
pledge of our inheritance until the redemption of those who are
Yahuah’s possession, to the praise of His glory.
- H1423.
(gedi) -- a kid (a young goat)
Eternal life (for himself and his Bride)
comes from his death, he's the Arrow of God, he is pierced, yet
springs up again in abundant life.
With that understanding, what did Yahusha mean
“the Kingdom is inside you” and “in our midst”?
Luke 17:20-21
20 When asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come,
Yahusha replied, “The kingdom of God will not come with observable
signs (it is Spiritual). 21 Nor
will people say, ‘Look, here it is,’ or ‘There it is (because
it is not physical).’ For you see, the kingdom of God is
inside you and in your midst (Spiritual).”
Remember, the Kingdom refers to Yahusha Divine
Authority to exercise sovereignty over Creation.

We will examine all aspects of a physical Kingdom revealed in the
first 6 covenants and how Yahusha “ushered in the Spiritual Kingdom” by
transposing each one to the Spirit inside us. He fulfilled every
physical covenant as those were physical shadows cast by The Heavenly
Scroll fulfilled in the 7th final Spiritual Covenant called The
Yahushaic Covenant.
Colossians 2
Therefore let no one judge you by what you eat or drink, or
with regard to a feast, a New Moon, or a Sabbath. 17
These are a
physical shadow of
the spiritual things to
come, but the body
that casts it (The
Heavenly Scroll) is speaking of Yahusha the Messiah.
18 Do not let anyone who delights in
false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you with
speculation about what he has seen (as if
the Kingdom is physical). Such a person is puffed up without
basis by his unspiritual mind.…
9 He made known to us the mystery of His will
according to His good pleasure, written in The Heavenly Scroll which
He purposed to fulfill in The Yahushaic Covenant (Daniel
4:35), 10 to be put into effect when the ages reach their
fulfillment (end of the Age of Pisces)
Philippians 3
19 Their end
is destruction, their god is their belly, and their glory is in
their shame. Their minds are set on earthly things. 20 But our
citizenship is in Heaven, and we eagerly await a Savior from there,
the King Yahusha the Messiah, 21 who, by the power that enables Him
to subject all things to Himself, will transform our lowly bodies to
be like His glorious body.…
1 Corinthians 15:48
As was
the earthly man, so also are those who are of the earth; and as is
the Heavenly man, so also are those who are of Heaven.
Ephesians 2:19
Therefore you
are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the
saints and members of God's household, 22 Instead, you have come to
Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the Heavenly
Hebrews 12:22
You have come
to myriads of angels 23 in joyful assembly, to the congregation of
the firstborn, enrolled in Heaven
Galatians 4:26
But the Jerusalem above (this
physical realm) is free (in the
realm of the Spirit), and she is our mother.
Luke 17:20-21
20 When asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come,
Yahusha replied, “The kingdom of God will not come with observable
signs (it is Spiritual). 21 Nor
will people say, ‘Look, here it is,’ or ‘There it is (because
it is not physical).’ For you see, the kingdom of God is
inside you and in your midst (Spiritual).”
What do all these verses mean?
Earthly kingdoms are a physical shadow cast by
The Heavenly Scroll which proclaims a Spiritual Kingdom to come to
govern physical Creation. We can learn more about the Spiritual Kingdom
(Divine Government in the Spiritual Realm) by evaluating the structure
of an Earthly Kingdom; specifically, the Kingdom of Israel of old which
was the divine shadow of greater things to come. The King was David then
Solomon and consisted of:
A God
A Covenant with that God
A King ruling under as proxy of that God
Various government positions under the King (administrators, governors,
police, etc.)
An Army (soldiers, military commanders, etc.)
A Capital City
A Capital Building (Temple)
An Altar
An Ark to hold the “constitution” with Laws to live by and defined
punishments for breaking that Law
Sacrifices to restore those who violate the Law back to citizenship in
good standing with the King
A Priesthood to attend the Temple, Altar, and Sacrifices which mediates
between the citizens and that God
A Sign, Standard or “Flag”
A Seal
National Celebrations
Then there is the land occupied by that
Government which is fluid as that Kingdom conquers more or loses less
land over time.
We are going to address what Yahusha meant in
detail when he said:
Luke 17:20-21
20 When asked
by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Yahusha
replied, “The kingdom of God will not come with observable signs (it
is Spiritual). 21 Nor will people say, ‘Look, here it is,’ or
‘There it is (because it is not physical).’
For you see, the kingdom of God is inside you and in your midst (Spiritual).”
And in the process define the Spiritual Kingdom
to come … before can do that, we must first understand of few of the
“Keys to Understanding” that is vital to this subject. Physical to
Spiritual Parallels and the concept of transposition.
is the transfer of position from one lower state to another higher state
of existence without changing the meaning and intent of that being
transposed. One of the terms I use most when teaching on The Kingdom is
Transposition. I use this term because it is the word chosen by
the Apostle Sha’ul to describe the “change” that occurred in both the
physical Law and Priesthoods in his letter to the Hebrews.
Sha’ul used the Greek word “metathesis” in
Hebrews 7:12 when explaining how the Law and the Priesthood of Levi in
The Mosaic Covenant “changed” in The Yahushaic Covenant. Metathesis
means “transposition” or “transfer of position”. Transposition is the
“key” to understanding The Yahushaic Covenant as that is what is meant
be “The Renewed Covenant”! That is how The Yahushaic Covenant differs
from every other covenant.
Today the word transposition is used in music
and the musical application beautifully and very accurately illustrates
the point. “Transposition” in music is the shifting of a melody, a
harmonic progression or an entire musical piece to another key, while
maintaining the same tone structure.
This is exactly what happened with the Law and
the Priesthood from The Mosaic Covenant to The Yahushaic Covenant and in
fact all of Yahuah’s covenants with mankind. They were first given
orally, then transposed to “written in stone”, and ultimately transposed
to “written in our hearts” while maintaining their structure and
validity. They went through a transfer of position (transposition) from
oral to written to spirit.
Nothing established by Yahuah has ever been
“abolished” other than the decrees found within the Law for violating
His commands. Even those decrees were not “abolished” they were covered
by the blood of the Passover Lamb for those who believe and keep
Passover as commanded. They are still active for those who do not
believe and who do not keep Passover and will condemn anyone not covered
by the blood of The Passover Lamb; they have not been “abolished”. So
actually, nothing Yahuah has ever done has been “abolished” by anyone or
anything. No one has that authority… the have been “fulfilled” in the
realm of the Spirit.
It would probably help if I quickly showed a
very solid example of the “Keys” to understanding scripture being
actively employed. Let’s look at the Apostle Sha’ul, as he employs
progressive revelation, physical to spiritual parallels, and
We see these “keys” employed by Sha’ul, as he
makes the point clearly in the book of Hebrews, that the Levitical
Priesthood was a physical teaching tool to help us understand the role
of the Spiritual Zadok Priesthood. Sha’ul explains that both the Law and
the Priesthood of Levi were transposed to serve Yahusha as the Eternal
Spiritual Zadok High Priest. Sha’ul says there was a “change” in the Law
which is true. Unfortunately, our English translations are not very
accurate and translated the word “change” poorly leading to the
interpretation that the Law’s change was that it was abolished. Sha’ul
used the Greek word “metatheses” when describing what happened to the
Below is the proper translation of the word
“metathesis” that was translated "change" that occurred in the Law in
Hebrews 7:12. The word translated "change in the Law" in Hebrews 7:12 is
the Greek word #3331 in Strong's. If you look this word up, the proper
translation and meaning of this word is NOT change as in
abolished as taught by Christianity but rather it is "transferred to
Heaven"... transposition.
d3331 - metathesis
transposition, i.e. transferal (to the Spiritual Realm of
‘Heaven’), disestablishment (of a law from physical to
spiritual): -- change to (from physical to Spiritual),
removing (from physical to Spiritual), translation
(from physical to Spiritual as in resurrection).
Sha’ul is speaking of physical to spiritual
parallels as he illustrates that the Levitical Priesthood was given to
help us understand physically what Yahusha would do spiritually as
Eternal High Priest before the Spiritual Altar in ‘Heaven’ to mediate
between his brother/sisters and Yahuah (physical to spiritual
parallels). And given the final High Priest has come and taken his
position as the Melchi Tzedek (Ruling High Priest of the Houses of David
and Zadok) ... the human priesthood of Aaron was TRANSFERRED over to
Yahusha and so was the Law by which the priesthood has authority to make
sacrifices and offerings! Neither of them was abolished but rather
underwent a transfer of position from physical to spiritual. Below is
how Hebrews 7:12 should have been translated:
Hebrews 7:12
"for when there
is a transfer of position of the priestly office (of
mortal men to the Eternal Royal High Priest of the House of Zadok
i.e. Melchizedek), out of necessity there is ALSO A TRANSFER
of the LAW of the priesthood (by which
Yahusha has the authority to serve as the Eternal High Priest)"
In other words, Sha’ul is explaining that the
Law that defines the priesthood and sacrifices had to be
transferred with Yahusha “out of necessity” because Yahusha lives
eternally. Yahusha would have no authority as High Priest without the
Law that defines the High Priesthood.
Now Yahusha is the Spiritual High Priest and has
all the duties and authority provided him by the Law of Yahuah
concerning sacrifices and atonement. Both the High Priesthood and the
Law were "transferred to Heaven" or transposed spiritually from the
physical realm to the spiritual realm as the Kingdom of Yahuah had
arrived in the 7th Covenant. This was to fulfill Yahusha’s role as the
fulfillment of the promise to the House of Zadok:
Numbers 25:13
Phineas the
son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest. Behold I give to him my
covenant of peace, and will be his, and his progeny after him, (a)
covenant of everlasting priesthood in turn of his zealousness for
his God, and the right to atoned for the sons of Israel
The Yahushaic Covenant is the Spiritual Truth
promised in The Heavenly Scroll that casts the physical shadows in the
previous 6 physical covenants.
Ephesians 1:9-10
9 He made
known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure,
written in The Heavenly Scroll which He purposed to fulfill in The
Yahushaic Covenant (Daniel 4:35),
10 to be put into effect when the ages reach their fulfillment (end
of the Age of Pisces) —
Colossians 2
…16 Therefore let no one judge you by
what you eat or drink, or with regard to a feast, a New Moon, or a
Sabbath. 17
These are a
physical shadow of
the spiritual things to
come, but the body
that casts it (The
Heavenly Scroll) is speaking of Yahusha the Messiah.
18 Do not let anyone who delights in
false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you with
speculation about what he has seen (as if
the Kingdom is physical). Such a person is puffed up without
basis by his unspiritual mind.…
These shadows were to teach us of greater
Spiritual Truths to come as each physical shadow was transposed
to the Spiritual Realm:
- Yahuah
Covenant with Yahuah
– The Yahushaic Covenant (Spiritual transposition of all physical
covenants) - Isaiah 42:6
Melchi Tzedek
A King ruling under as Yahuah’s proxy – Yahusha -
2 Samuel 7:13-16, Luke 1:32-33, Revelation
5, Constellation LEO
A High Priest to mediate between the citizens and Yahuah –
Book of Hebrews
A Spiritual “Nation” of Royal Priests – the risen Sons of Yahuah -
1 Peter 2:9
Various government positions under the King
- Ephesians 4:11, 1 Corinthians 12:28
o apostles
o prophets
o evangelists
o pastors
o teachers
o givers
o administrators
o counselors
o healers
Army of God
– Spiritual army - Joel 2:11, Joshua
5:13-15, Revelation 19:14
Capital City
– New Spiritual Jerusalem - Galatians 4:26,
Ephesians 2:19-22
Capital Building (Temple) – The sum total of the risen
Sons of Yahuah - 1 Corinthians 6:19, John
2:21, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 6:16 Ephesians 2:21,22
– the hearts of the risen Sons of Yahuah -
I Peter 2:5
– the hearts and mind of the risen Sons of Yahuah
- Spiritual Sacrifices (praise, broken spirit,
contrite heart, living Spiritual sacrifices, faith) -
Psalms 51:17, Romans 12:1, James 2:18, 1
Peter 2:5 1 Peter 2:9
to attend the Temple, Altar, and Sacrifices which mediates between the
citizens and Yahuah – the risen Sons of Yahuah -
Revelation 1:6, Exodus 19:6, 1 Peter 2:5
Standard or “Flag” – the Sabbath
– the Shema
National Celebrations
– Fall Feasts, Shav’uot, Spring Feasts
– those who have been born-again by walking The Way, display the Sign,
and have the Seal of the Kingdom.
The Spiritual Kingdom promised in The Heavenly Scroll (to govern
Yahuah’s Creation) casts shadows that were reflected in 6 major physical
Yahushaic - Then Yahuah promised a final 7th
Covenant whereby the King proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll would
come and transpose all aspects of the shadow or physical “kingdom”
to the Spiritual Realm. This was to occur at the end of the Age of
Pisces, the 4th prophetic day, when Aries the “Lamb” ends or “dies”.
That was the meaning behind killing a Lamb on Passover, to keep hope
alive of when the Messiah would come and die.
The future King would come as the Prince of Peace to reunify the House
of Israel and the House of Judah into one Spiritual Nation called
Remnant Israel. The future King would have to be trained by a life on
Earth and demonstrate true love for Yahuah’s Creation and People by
giving his life as the Passover Sacrifice.
Let’s take a brief tour of the covenants in The Bible. Next, I summarize
each covenant to demonstrate how each one progressively revealed vital
aspects of the Kingdom of Yahuah in the physical realm to be transposed
in The Yahushaic Covenant in the Spiritual Realm.

The Sabbath Covenant established Yahuah as The
Creator as He laid out His Plan for Mankind to reveal the Spiritual
Kingdom over a 7 prophetic day timeframe written in The Heavenly Scroll.
It is between Yahuah and His Creation and the basic revelation in that
covenant was:
The Sabbath Covenant
was defined as 6 days then a Sabbath Rest on the 7th Day specifically. This 7-day portrait is a
Physical to spiritual parallel
that established the timeframe by which Yahuah would introduce His
Kingdom through covenants and progressive revelation. The “days” are
prophetic days where 1 day = 1 thousand years. So the Sabbath Covenant
establishes a 6,000-year timeframe by which Yahuah would train His sons
by putting them through a life on Earth. It is during this life that
Yahuah would purchase their salvation to serve Him in His Kingdom. At
the end of 6,000 years Yahuah would establish His Kingdom on Earth and
further train His sons to rule under the authority of Yahusha the
Messiah. At the end of 7,000 years His Kingdom would be complete, His
sons trained to rule, and
the Kingdom of Yahuah
would then expand to govern all of His Creation for eternity… Yahuah
blessed and sanctified the Sabbath (7th Day) and made it
The Sabbath would serve as a “sign” between Yahuah and His chosen sons
for eternity in all covenants and those who keep the Sabbath are set
apart from His Creation with Him. It is the Sabbath that is “the
Standard of
the Kingdom of Yahuah”.
Keeping the Sabbath weekly is expressing faith and hope in the coming
Kingdom of Yahuah.
Yahuah reveals in these first covenants with
He has given His sons the authority to rule Creation.
Yahuah discloses His intent to choose a human King/Messiah through the
“seed of a woman” who would crush all those opposed to Yahuah’s
Yahuah establishes the “system of training” used to train His chosen. A
system of “right” and “wrong” defined as “obedience to Yahuah’s
commandments” known as the Law.
It is the Law that is the foundation of and constitution of His Divine
The Law in the Edenic/Adamic Covenants was active but unknown to man as
it was in the Mind of Yahuah. It was slowly being
transposed from the Mind
of Yahuah to man orally in the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 26:5).
Yahuah renewed the two previous covenants with
Noah after destroying the remnant seed of the Nephilim (Satan’s sons
from the seed of women) from the face of the earth. In this covenant:
Yahuah made a promise not to destroy this planet again by flood. The
rainbow is the sign of this promise.
The Noahic Covenant is a continuation of the previous two covenants and
all aspects of the Edenic/Adamic Covenants are still in effect nothing
changed, it just needed to be renewed as mankind started over with Noah.
Yahuah reveals His chosen bloodline among the
sons of men. In the Abrahamic Covenant Yahuah reveals:
The bloodline would run through Abraham/Isaac/Jacob and be called
It is from within this bloodline that Yahuah would introduce His chosen
family to His Creation, train them through a life on Earth, and prepare
them for His coming Kingdom.
It is through this bloodline that Yahuah would bring forth “Yahuah’s
Salvation” which is what the name
Yahusha means in Hebrew.
Yahuah also reveals the
physical to spiritual parallel
of the Promised Land and His promises to His sons of inheritance.
The Abrahamic Covenant contains all the terms and conditions of the
previous 3 covenants with the addition of the chosen bloodline and
promises to that bloodline.
the Law of Yahuah
was then fully
transposed to Abraham
orally and the Oral Law was passed down from generation to generation.
The Mosaic Covenant builds on all the previous
covenants as Yahuah:
His Law from oral to written down in stone as He reveals the
“Constitution of His Kingdom” in detail. The instructions to His sons on
how to be righteous before Him known as
the Law of Yahuah.
Yahuah firmly establishes
in stone that His Kingdom is a
kingdom of law.
Yahuah establishes and defines various “cabinets/positions” within His
Kingdom such as High Priests, Priests, Judges, Kings, etc.
Yahuah chose specific bloodlines within “Israel” to serve Him as Priests
(Levi) and High Priests (Aaron) and finally The Zadok Priesthood. These
priesthoods served as physical examples of what Yahusha would do
spiritually as the Ruling Zadok High Priest i.e., Melchi Tzedek.
Yahuah reveals specific seasons i.e., Holy Days which were to serve as
training aids (Physical
to spiritual parallels) to help His chosen know the Messiah when
he came/comes again. These are a celebration of the Plan of Salvation
written in The Heavenly Scroll.

The Davidic Covenant builds on all previous
covenants as Yahuah:
Established a physical righteous King to serve as an example of the
coming Spiritual King (Physical
to spiritual parallels).
It was established that the Throne of David would be the throne and
bloodline through which the Messiah and King would come to govern His
Kingdom for eternity.
Yahuah established His Throne, Capital City, Temple, and Altar in detail
physically as
physical to spiritual parallels
of the Spiritual Realities in the Spiritual Realm.
The Yahushaic Covenant builds on all previous
covenants and “fulfills” them all by transposing them to their fullest
expression in the Spiritual Realm. This is how The Yahushaic Covenant is
“new” or renewed in the Spirit.
The “intent” behind the “letters” supersedes the
physical act. Up to this point, Yahuah had fully defined His coming
Kingdom through
physical to spiritual parallels
so that we could understand The Yahushaic Covenant and gain insight into
The Spiritual Kingdom of God. Then Yahusha came to “usher in that
Kingdom” which is not of this physical world.
All previous 6 physical covenants are
TRANSPOSED to Spiritual
Reality in the Yahushaic Covenant:
Covenant) – Yahusha fulfills the Sabbath Covenant when he
returns to reign as King of the 7th Millennium and gives
us “rest”.
Edenic Covenant) – Yahusha is given all authority over
Creation and trains the sons of Yahuah to rule Creation.
the Kingdom of Yahuah
is set up on a smaller scale over the Earth during the 7th
Millennium and “Eden” is restored.
Adamic Covenant) Established the system for training His
sons to rule and foretold of His coming Messiah/King that would
crush all rebellion against Him – Yahusha is that prophesied king
who is born of a woman and crushes the head of the enemy. As the
first born of the resurrection and first son to be
the Kingdom of Yahuah;
Yahusha is called “the Second Adam” and “forefather of everlasting
Mosaic Covenant) Yahusha
from written in stone or “the letter” to the Spiritual intent of
your heart. the Law is transposed from
the Law of Sin and Death
the Law of the Spirit of Life
as Yahusha’s blood covers the decrees in the Law that demand our
death for disobedience. The Priesthood is
Spiritual Kingdom under a new eternal High Priest… Melchizedek. the
Law that defines the role of the priesthood is
Spiritual Kingdom of Yahuah to give Yahusha authority to make the
proper sacrifices and atonement as High Priest.
Davidic Covenant) Yahusha is the Spiritual Righteous King
from the line of David and sits on the Throne of David for eternity.
Yahusha TRANSPOSES the Temple, the Altar, and the Capital City to
the Spiritual Kingdom of Yahuah. Yahuah’s Temple is our body, His
Altar is in our hearts, His Capital City is made up of all of the
sons of Yahuah; Yahusha the cornerstone. All the physical
metaphors, examples, rehearsals, shadow-pictures find their fullest
expression Spiritually as Yahusha “fulfills” them all and ushers in
the Kingdom of Yahuah.
As we can see with each new covenant the
previous covenants are still valid. Each covenant adding to the
Law, defining new elements of
the Kingdom of Yahuah,
and progressively disclosing new physical shadows that parallel
Spiritual Truths to come in The Yahushaic Covenant.
John 18:36 -
New Living Translation
Yahusha answered, “My Kingdom (royal
power - g932 ‘basileia’)
is not an earthly kingdom (a
physical place with boundaries).
If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed
over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom (royal
is not of this world (physical
realm or Creation g2889 ‘kosmos’).”
Next, I will address the following vital aspects
of The Kingdom to come proving without a doubt the Kingdom to come is a
Spiritual Kingdom NOT a physical kingdom. That kingdom will reign over
(not a part of) our inheritance which is the physical Universe. The
following chapters will cover:
The Spiritual King
The Spiritual High Priest
The Spiritual Priesthood
The Spiritual King’s Return
The Spiritual City
The Spiritual Altar
The Spiritual Sacrifices
The Spiritual Law
The Spiritual Temple
The Citizens
The Greater Exodus
All… “inside us” … our Spirits … as Yahusha told
the Pharisees who were expecting a physical Kingdom - Luke 17:20-21.
Every “physical description” of the coming
Kingdom was Yahuah showing His prophets a VISION of Spiritual Things
that otherwise they would not “see” with their physical eyes. The word
translated “see” or “behold” should have been translated “perceive” as
in with your SPRIRITAL mind…
3708 horáō –
properly, see, often with metaphorical meaning: "to
see with the mind" (i.e. spiritually see), i.e. perceive (with
inward spiritual perception).
The prophets did not see literal physical
things, they experienced
horáō or
a vision of the mind of Spiritual Things unseen in the physical realm
Revelation 1:10
On the Day
of Yahuah, I was in the Spiritual Realm, and I heard behind me a
loud voice like a trumpet,
Revelation 4:2
And immediately, I was in the Spiritual Realm: and, behold (understand
with your mind), a throne was set in The Heaven Scroll,
and one sat on the throne…
And he carried me away into the Spiritual Realm to
a great and high mountain, and shewed me (a
vision of) that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending
out of Heaven from Yahuah,
Daniel 7:1-2 & 9-16 (in
context of Revelation Chapter 4-5)
1 In the first year of
Baalshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream, and visions in his
mind (as he studied The Heavenly Scroll of
Enoch) as he lay on his bed (looking
up at the stars and constellations). Then he wrote down his
dream (H2493. A revelation from Yahuah, he
was not asleep, he was wide awake writing down his visions),
beginning the account of these matters: 2 Daniel spoke, and said; I
saw (The Heavenly Scroll) in my
vision by night (by night - because he was
observing the stars, not sleeping), and behold
(perceive with your mind what is written
in the stars).
But most, almost all do not have such “eyes to
perceive with their Spiritual Mind” and can only “see” the physical
realm with their physical eyes.
Acts 28:27
27 For the heart
of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing,
and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their
eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and
should be converted, and I should heal them.
in order that the righteous requirement of the
law might be fulfilled inside us, who walk not according to the
physical realm but according to the Spiritual Realm (guided
by the Spirit of Yahuah). For those who live according to the
physical realm set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those
who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of
the Spiritual Realm…