John 3:2
Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has
not yet been made known. But we know that when Yahusha appears, we
shall be like he is now (Spiritual bodies),
for when we shall see him, we will be in our Spiritual Bodies (after
resurrection) as he is now in his Spiritual Body.
Flesh and blood or rather the physical realm
that is corruptible cannot inherit The Kingdom of God.
Corinthians 15:50
declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot
inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable physical
realm inherit the imperishable Spiritual Realm (the
physical Creation must die and be renewed Spiritually being
liberated by the sons of Yahuah - Romans 8:21).
For the Creation was subjected to futility (a
physical existence)
by Yahuah, not by its own will, but because of the Yahuah who
subjected it (it
is His Purpose, to train His sons to govern),
in hope 21 that the Creation itself will be set free from its
bondage to physical decay and brought into the glorious spiritual
freedom of the children of Yahuah (who
inherit and govern it).
22 We know that the whole Creation has been groaning together in the
pains of childbirth until the present time.
Your body in the physical realm is born of the
flesh. Your body in the Spiritual Realm is “reborn” upon Mikveh when
Yahuah revives your dead spirit (as a result of the fall) by filling you
the fulness of deity in your body as a guarantee of your transposition.
At that moment, you are born into the Spiritual Realm (but do not
receive access unto you die and are transposed into your Spiritual
John 3:6
Flesh is born of flesh, but spirit is born of the Spirit.
John 3:5
Yahusha answered, "Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can enter
the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.
Colossians 2:9
For in The Yahushaic Covenant all the Fullness of Deity dwells in
your body (Yahusha was Filled with the
Spirit of Yahuah upon Mikveh in Fulfillment of Zechariah 13:1).
Ephesians 3:19
19 and to know this love that surpasses Knowledge—that you may be
filled (in bodily form) to the
Measure of all the Fullness of God (which
is the Spirit of Yahuah Who Promises to pour out His Spirit on us,
Zechariah 13:1, like He did Yahusha when he was Mikveh’d).
The physical body comes first, then starting with
Yahusha the body is transposed into the Spiritual Body.
CAPRICORNUS - H1423. גֶּ֫דִי (gedi)
-- a kid (a young goat) Eternal life (for himself and his
Bride) comes from his death, he's the Arrow of God, he is pierced,
yet springs up again in abundant life.
1 Corinthians 15:45-47
45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became
a living physical being;” the last Adam BECAME (by the Power of the
Resurrection Romans 1:2-4) a body of life-giving Spirit (AQUARUIS…
he will Mikveh the Earth raising the dead in covenant with him with
Fire Matthew 3:11). 46 The Spiritual body, however, was not first,
but the natural body, and then the Spiritual body (upon
transposition/resurrection). 47 The first man was of the dust of the
Earth, the second man from what is written in The Heavenly Scroll
(that eternal life will result from his death – CAPRICORNUS)
AQUARIUS - 7627. שְׁבָט (Shebat)
-- to cease, rest, or desist.
He pours out living water from on high, humanity drinks of the
Heavenly river and the faithful live again, he is the deliverer of
the good news, Carrying the wood of the sacrifice over the earth.
CAPRICORNUS - H1423. גֶּ֫דִי (gedi) -- a kid
(a young goat) Eternal life (for himself and his Bride) comes from
his death, he's the Arrow of God, he is pierced, yet springs up
again in abundant life.
Creation too will undergo a “rebirth” through Mikveh as laid out in The
Heavenly Scroll and proclaimed by the Prophets.
- 7627.
שְׁבָט (Shebat) -- to cease,
rest, or desist
He pours out living water from on high,
humanity drinks of the Heavenly river and the faithful live again,
he is the deliverer of the good news (Gospel),
Carrying the wood of the sacrifice over the earth (as
the sun/stars/constellation proclaim The Good News to all mankind
day after day, night after night Psalm 19).
Isaiah 44:3
For I will pour out (living)
water on the thirsty land And streams on the dry ground; I will pour
out My Spirit on your offspring And My blessing on your descendants;
4 And they will spring up among the grass Like poplars by streams of
More on that later.
So, the questions remain:
“Did Yahuah raise Yahusha’s physical body, or was he given a new
Spiritual Body?
Does Yahusha exist somewhere in this physical Creation out in the stars
in a physical placed called Heaven?
Or does he exist outside this physical realm in a higher state of being
called the Spiritual Realm we simply call “Heaven” in our ignorance?
What happened to Yahusha’s physical body?”
Yahusha was given a new Spiritual Body. Yahuah
has not yet informed us on what that body actually is or can do.
1 John 3:2
Dear friends, now
we are children of God, and what we will be when transposed to
our Spiritual Bodies has not yet been made known to us. But we
know that when Yahusha appears at the end of the age of Pisces,
we shall be in our Spiritual Bodies like him, for when we
shall see him, we will be as he is now.
As Sha’ul clearly stated, in this physical realm we can only see into
the Spiritual Realm as “through a dim mirror” as there has been a veil
placed between the two dimensions after the fall of Adam
1 Corinthians 13:12 -
Amplified Bible
For now [in this time of imperfection,
physical realm] we see in a mirror dimly [a blurred reflection, a
riddle, an enigma], but then [when the time of perfection comes we
will see true Spiritual reality] face to face. Now I know in part
[just in fragments], but then I will know fully, just as I have been
fully known [by God].
That veil is represented by the physical shadow of
a “cloud”:
Matthew 17:4
2 There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the
sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. 3 Suddenly Moses
and Elijah appeared before them, talking with Yahusha. 4 Peter said
to Yahusha, “King, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will
put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses, and one for
Elijah.” 5 While Peter was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped
them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, in
whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him!”
Exodus 40:34,35
Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of
Yahuah filled the tabernacle…
Kings 8:10-12
And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy
place, that the cloud filled the house of Yahuah.
Yahusha did not "fly up into the sky in a physical cloud" and he will
not return that way. He passed through the "veil" which is and has
always been likened to a "cloud".
Yahusha "passed through that veil" ...
Hebrews 9
11 But when the Messiah came as high priest of the good things that
are now already here, he passed through (the
veil to) the greater and more perfect Spiritual Tabernacle
that is not made with human hands, that is to say, is not a part of
this physical Creation.
What is the "veil" you ask? It is our "flesh" or the physical body. That
is the veil placed over mankind in the Garden of Eden when Adam fell
from the Spiritual Realm to the physical realm, he was given a “clothing
of skin/flesh” and began to die, and the Spiritual Realm was no longer
accessible. Your physical body must be transposed to the Spiritual Body
for us to "pass through that veil" too... by walking The Way of Mikveh,
Circumcision, and Offering.
Hebrews 10:20-22
20 by the new and living way opened for us through the veil of His
flesh, 21 and since we have a great priest over the house of Yahuah
(who has passed through the veil and
received his Spiritual Body), 22 let us draw near with a
sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts
sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and our bodies
washed with pure water.…

In other words, now we see only physical shadows
cast by true Spiritual Reality. We can’t make out any detail in the
Spiritual Realm, Spiritual things are nothing more than dark silhouettes
or shadows.
Colossians 2
16 Therefore let no one judge you by
what you eat or drink, or with regard to a feast, a New Moon, or a
Sabbath (these are physical rehearsals). 17
These are a
shadow of
the things to
come in the Spiritual Yahushaic Covenant, but The
Heavenly Scroll, that casts
these shadows is speaking of Yahusha the
Messiah. Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and
the worship of angels disqualify you with speculation about what he
has physically seen. Such a person is puffed up without basis by his
unspiritual mind.…
Hebrews 8:5
The place where they serve is a copy and shadow of what is in
Heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the
tabernacle: "See to it that you make everything according to the
pattern shown you on the mountain."
Hebrews 10:1
For the law is only a shadow of the good things to come, not the
realities themselves. It can never, by the same sacrifices offered
year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship.
We too will follow in the resurrection having
our physical bodies transposed into Spiritual Bodies that are eternal.
Philippians 3
19 Their end
is destruction, their god is their belly, and their glory is in
their shame. Their minds are set on earthly things. 20 But our
citizenship is in Heaven (the Spiritual
Realm), and we eagerly await a Savior from there (because
that is where he went that we cannot go), the King Yahusha
the Messiah, 21 who, by the power of Yahuah who enables him to
subject all things to himself, will transform our lowly physical
bodies to be like His glorious Spiritual Body.…
1 Corinthians 15:48
As was the earthly man
was a physical being, so also are those who are of the physical
realm; and as is the Heavenly man, so also are those who are of
Spiritual Realm (Kingdom of Heaven).
see the physical body is “laid aside” not raised immortal. This physical
body is our “Temporary Sukkot”; and this physical realm is “the
wilderness” … the meaning of the Feast of Sukkot: see my book The
Fall Feasts.
Spiritual Body is the Temple of Yahuah (more on that later). We are
Spiritual beings (aliens) simply passing through this physical realm to
be trained in our temporary tents.
2 Peter 1:13-14
13 I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in
the Sukkot of my physical body, 14 because I know that this
temporary Sukkot will soon be laid aside (through
transposition into a Spiritual Body), as our King Yahusha the
Messiah has made clear to me.
1 Chronicles 29:15
For we
are aliens and temporary residents in your presence as were all our
ancestors. Our days on earth are like a shadow, without hope.

Yahusha transcended this physical realm and went
to “prepare a place for us in his Father’s House (Spiritual Realm)”. The
Spiritual Realm… is where his Kingdom is and where we are destined to
follow. In our physical bodies (the veil), we cannot follow we must die
and be transposed first to enter that higher realm passing through “the
John 18:36 -
New Living Translation
Yahusha answered, “My Kingdom (royal
power - g932 ‘basileia’)
is not an earthly kingdom (a
physical place with boundaries).
If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed
over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom (royal
is not of this world (physical
realm or Creation g2889 ‘kosmos’).”
John 13:36
36 “My King,
where are you going?” Simon Peter asked. Yahusha answered, “Where I
am going (the Spiritual Realm), you
cannot follow me now (in your physical
body), but you will follow later (in
your Spiritual Body).”
John 13:33
Little children, I am with you only a little while longer. You will
look for me (in this physical realm),
and as I said to the Jews, so now I say to you: 'Where I am going,
you cannot come.'
John 14:2
In My Father's house (Spiritual
Realm) are many rooms (dimensions).
If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to
prepare a place for you?
The “power of the resurrection” literally
vaporized Yahusha’s physical body in a “twinkling of an eye” burning the
image of his physical body on the shroud that covered it.

Energy or light so powerful that even today with
our modern technology we cannot duplicate such a feat! All that was left
in that tomb was that shroud. No physical remains were found. The power
of that event “knocked out” the guards surrounding the tomb.
Romans 1:3
3 regarding His son, who was a descendant of David according to the
flesh (he was human in a physical body), 4 and who through the
Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of Yahuah
by his resurrection from the dead: Yahusha the Messiah our King
Before the fall of Adam, there was no veil
separating the physical and Spiritual Realm. Adam was in direct
communion with Yahuah and the perfect Creation. Adam was in a Spiritual
Eternal Body and given dominion over Creation. When Adam fell, he was
given a corruptible physical body (clothed in
garments of skin - Genesis 3:21)
and began to die along with the Creation he was intended to rule over.
Genesis 3:21-23
21And Yahuah
made garments of physical skin for Adam and his wife, and He
clothed them (gave them physical bodies
from the “dust of the Earth”). 22 Then Yahuah our Elohim
said, “Behold, the man has become like one of elohim, knowing good
and evil. And now, lest he reach out his hand and take also from the
tree of life, and eat, and live forever...” 23 Therefore Yahuah our
Elohim banished him from the Garden of Eden (the
Spiritual Realm) to (the physical
realm) to work the ground from which his physical body had
been taken.…
Being part of Creation, he could no longer rule
over it. His physical body no longer emitted the eternal light of his
Spiritual Body and veiled the Spiritual Realm. The little light the
physical body does embody (being made in only an “image” or “shadow”
of Elohim), is “leaking out” as we gradually die out.
“The human body literally glimmers. The
intensity of the light emitted by the body is 1000 times lower than
the sensitivity of our naked eyes. Ultraweak photon emission is
known as the energy released as light through the changes in energy
metabolism. We successfully imaged the diurnal change of this
ultraweak photon emission with an improved highly sensitive imaging
system using cryogenic charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. We found
that the human body directly and rhythmically emits light. The
diurnal changes in photon emission might be linked to changes in
energy metabolism.”
When Yahuah came in the Garden in the cool of
the evening, Adam and Eve were compelled to hide themselves. Why?
The first sign of disconnect was they realized they were naked. They
had been clothed with light like Yahuah covers himself “with light
as with a garment” (Ps 104:2). They observed the glow in which they
had previously been clothed was fading; their biophotons were
beginning to diminish.
This reality was displayed after Moses spent
forty days with Yahuah and upon coming down the mountain, he “did
not know that the skin of his face shone while he talked with Him”
(Exod 34:29). When the congregation saw him, “The skin of his face
shone, and they were afraid to come near him” (Exod 34:30), which
led Moses to “put a veil on his face” (Exod 34:33). (The
veil was a physical shadow of the veil Yahuah placed over the
Spiritual Realm)
Paul tells us that Moses “put a veil over his
face so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the
end of what was passing away” (2 Cor 3:13). That is, the glow in his
face began to wane. Thus, once Adam and Eve transgressed, death
entered their bodies and the connection to Yahuah broke.
***** Note: Credit Nazarene Brother
Yochanan Feargail who worked through these issues with me
and contributed greatly to this topic and others. ****
The Spiritual Body and Realm are made of pure
energy or “light”. Like unlimited power of the zero point energy
modules, we are projected down to the lower dimension of physical
reality into physical bodies that house a glimmer of that eternal light.
Psalm 104:2
“He wraps
Himself in light as with a garment; He stretches out the Heavens
like a tent,”
Matthew 17:2
And was
transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his
raiment was white as the light.
1 Timothy 6:16
Who only hath
immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto;
whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honor and power
everlasting. Amen.
Psalm 18:12
From the
brightness of His presence His clouds advanced--hailstones and coals
of fire.
Matthew 4:16
The people living in
darkness have seen a Great Light (ORION
the Bearer of the Light of Life had come riding on the clouds of
Heaven as The Heavenly Scroll witness to all mankind Psalm 19);
on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a Light has
dawned (The Heavenly Scroll has been
fulfilled in Yahusha, John Chapter 1).”
Luke 1:78
because of the
tender Mercy of our Elohim, by which the rising Sun will come to us
from The Heavenly Scroll (riding on the
clouds of Heaven/ORION the Bearer of the Light of Life/Son of Man
i.e. The Heavenly Scroll will be fulfilled)
Luke 2:32
a Light (Bearer)
for revelation to the Gentiles (ORION
coming in the clouds of Heaven), and the Glory (the
Sun/stars/constellations tell of the Glory of Yahuah Psalm 19 and
Enoch 35:3) of Your People Israel.
John 8:12
When Yahusha spoke
again to the people, he said, I am the (Spiritual)
Light (Bearer) of the world (ORION
the Son of Man/Light Bearer and Fulfillment of the Physical light of
the Sun Psalm 19). Whoever follows me (in
walking The Way) will never walk in darkness but will have
the Light of Spiritual Eternal Life (be
transposed into a Spiritual Body).
Next, we will examine The Second Coming and
determine if it will be Spiritual, physical, or both in some way.
With the understanding now that Yahusha was raised into a Spiritual Body
(whatever that is we don’t know) and entered the Spiritual Realm
to reign over Creation, we must discern the best we can what his return
will “look like”.
We see in Acts the Angels informed us he returns the same way we saw him
leave… in a Spiritual Body. We see the men in Galilee were
looking into the physical sky for the Messiah to return riding on a
cloud, and they were rebuked. Because Yahusha does not come from
the sky on a cloud, he comes the same way he went… in his Spiritual Body
through the veil/cloud.
Acts 1:11
11“Men of
Galilee,” the two Angels standing by said, “why do you stand here
looking into the sky (because he is not
coming back from the sky)? This same Yahusha, who has been
taken from you into the Spiritual Realm (Kingdom
of Heaven), will come back in the same way you have seen Him
go into the Spiritual Realm (Kingdom of
Yahusha was “taken to the higher (up) Spiritual Realm (Heaven) and
seated at the Right hand of Yahuah to rule Creation.
Mark 16:19
After the King, Yahusha, had spoken to them, he was taken up (to
a higher dimension) into the Spiritual Realm (Heaven)
and sat down at the right hand of Yahuah.
We see that during this event where Yahusha was
taken to the Spiritual Realm a “cloud” enveloped him. This is not a
“cloud in the physical sky” it is a Spiritual cloud representing the
veil that separates the physical from the Spiritual Realm as he passed
through to the presence of Yahuah. It is what creates the effect of
seeing through a dim mirror as Sha’ul explained. We see the same cloud
during the transfiguration when Yahusha stepped out of space/time into a
realm with no time to converse with Moses and Elijah (who represented
the Law and the Prophets). The same “cloud” that veiled the Glory of
Yahuah in the Holy of Holies.
Matthew 17:4
2 There He was
transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His
clothes became as white as the light. 3 Suddenly Moses and Elijah
appeared before them, talking with Jesus. 4 Peter said to Jesus,
“Lord, it is good for us to be here. If You wish, I will put up
three shelters—one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” 5
While Peter was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a
voice from the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am
well pleased. Listen to Him!”
Exodus 40:34,35
Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of
Yahuah filled the tabernacle…
1 Kings 8:10-12
And it came
to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place, that the
cloud filled the house of Yahuah, …
And when we see him return, it will not be on a
cloud in the sky, it will be in his Spiritual Body…
1 John 3:2
Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be when
transposed to our Spiritual Bodies has not yet been made known to
us. But we know that when Yahusha appears at the end of the age of
Pisces, we shall be in our Spiritual Bodies like him, for when we
shall see him, we will be as he is now in his Spiritual Body.
Corinthians 15:45-47
45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living
being;” the last Adam BECAME (by
the Power of the Resurrection Romans 1:2-4)
a life-giving Spirit (AQUARUIS…
he will
Mikveh with Fire Matthew 3:11).
46 The Spiritual body, however, was not first, but the
physical body, and then the Spiritual body. 47 The first
man was of the dust of the Earth, the second man from what is
written in The Heavenly Scroll...
We are going to address the following questions:
Does Yahusha return physically or Spiritually?
Yahusha told his disciples he would return in their lifetime; doesn’t
that make him a false prophet? It has been 2,000 years since his
disciples “tasted death”.
Who witnesses his return; all remaining inhabitants of the Earth or just
those raised into their Spiritual Bodies to be with him?
The Yahushaic Covenant is the Spiritual fulfillment of the shadows cast
in the physical realm by The Heavenly Scroll. It is the fulfillment of
all the previous 6 physical covenants whereby Yahuah laid out His
Kingdom through physical to Spiritual Parallels over time through
Progressive Revelation. For more information, please read my book
The Kingdom.
This vital truth was lost and denied by all mankind for the past 2,000
years. Just like the Jews in the first century expected a physical King
to liberate physical Jerusalem and restore the physical Kingdom of
Israel to its former glory at the end of 4,000 years, so too
Christianity teaches that same doctrine concerning the Second Coming at
the end of the 6,000 years. That doctrine is as false today as it was
2,000 years ago.
Yahusha’s Kingdom is not of this physical world, it governs from the
Spiritual Realm OVER a liberated Creation.
John 18:36 -
New Living Translation
Yahusha answered, “My Kingdom (royal
power - g932 ‘basileia’)
is not an earthly kingdom (a
physical place with boundaries).
If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed
over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom (royal
is not of this world (physical
realm or Creation g2889 ‘kosmos’).”
His Kingdom is “inside us” our Spirits. It is not something you can
physically “see” around you in the physical realm.
Luke 17:20-21
20 When asked
by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Yahusha
replied, “The kingdom of God will not come with observable signs (it
is Spiritual). 21 Nor will people say, ‘Look, here it is,’ or
‘There it is (because it is not physical).’
For you see, the kingdom of God is inside you and in your midst (Spiritual).
If Yahusha does not return from the sky riding a physical cloud for all
to see in this physical realm, then what does “Son of Man Riding on
the Clouds of Heaven” refer to? It refers to The Heavenly Scroll
where Yahusha is represented by “the Son of Man” which is the
constellation ORION.
ORION “rides the milky galaxy in the stars” which are the “clouds of
Heaven” as seen from Earth. This occurs in the Fall each year beginning
with the Feast of Trumpets. Think of The Heavenly Scroll as a “movie
trailer” played out over and over for all mankind to see since Creation.
Below is the meaning of the pictograph (constellation) of ORION in The
Heavenly Scroll:
ORION the Light Bearer and Son of Man
“The coming Prince of Peace, the light (of the World), the one who
holds the double-edged sword in his hand (the Word of Yahuah), he is
the coming of The Branch on the Clouds of Heaven, the one wounded by
the serpent, the foot that crushes the head of the serpent.”

The Son of Man riding on the clouds of Heaven
is witnessed by all mankind, all who has ever lived.
Psalm 19:1-6
Heavenly Scroll (Shamayim
- stars, Sun, and constellations) are telling of the
Glory (which
is Yahusha Hebrews 1:3) of Elohim (John
1:14); And their expanse (The
Divine Counsel) is declaring the Work of His Hands (Enoch
35:3, John 1:3). 2 Day to day The Heavenly
Scroll pours forth speech, And night to night the
Sun/stars/constellations reveal Knowledge. 3 There is no
speech, nor are there words; Their voice is not heard. 4
Their line (Zodiac
means ‘line/path/way the Sun takes travels through the
constellations’) has gone out through all the
Earth (the
ecliptic plane), And their utterances to the end
of the world (John
1:9). In the stars/constellations Yahuah has placed a
tabernacle for the Sun (Luke
1:78-79, Matthew 4:16-17, the center of the Enoch Zodiac, the Throne
in Heaven), 5 Which (the
Sun) is as a Bridegroom (John
3:19) coming out of his chamber (to
marry the Bride John 3:29); It Rejoices as a Strong
to run (riding
the clouds of Heaven) his course (of
a wedding as the Groom… the
feast Cycle/The Heavenly wedding). 6 The Sun’s
rising (Luke
1:78, Matthew 4:16-17) is from one end of the Heavens
And its circuit (Zodiac)
to the other end of them; And there is nothing hidden from its
Enoch 35:3
I blessed Yahuah Author of Glory (The
Heavenly Scroll - Psalm 19:1), Who had made those great and
splendid signs, that they might display (to
all mankind - Deut. 4:19) the magnificence of the works of
His hands (The Plan of Salvation - Psalm
19) to Angels and to the souls of men; and that
these (splendid signs in The Heavenly
Scroll) might glorify all His works and operations (the
Plan of Salvation);
Deuteronomy 4:19
When you look up to the sky (sky is Hebrew 8064 ‘shamayim’/The
Heavenly Scroll) and see the sun, moon, and stars (speaking of the
Zodiac/The Heavenly Scroll) — the whole Heavenly Creation (Mazzaroth
Job 38:28) — you must not be seduced to worship and serve them
(Signs/Divine Counsel/Starry Hosts/Hosts of Heaven… we call
constellations which ‘host stars’) for Yahuah your Elohim has
assigned them (the stars/constellations) to all the people of the
world (they were created by Yahuah to proclaim the coming Messiah
Yahusha: see Psalm 19, they are not gods... they are Divine
PICTOGRAPHS with meaning defined by their names which were given by
Yahuah Psalm 147:4, Isaiah 40:26).
Deuteronomy 33:26
“There is none like the Elohim of Yahshurun, Who (ORION) rides the
clouds of Heaven to your help, And are proclaimed through The
Heavenly Scroll in His Majesty/Glory (Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3).
Psalm 104:3
He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters; He makes the
clouds of Heaven (the Milky Way) His chariot (as ORION rides on the
clouds of Heaven); He walks upon the wings of the wind;
The Son of Man riding the clouds of Heaven
is not speaking of a physical return of the Messiah, but rather that at
the end of the Age of Pisces Yahuah will restore knowledge of His Will
written in The Heavenly Scroll.
It is ORION riding the clouds of Heaven that all mankind sees
throughout history, even those who killed the Messiah. ORION has been
riding the clouds of Heaven during the Fall Feasts since Creation.
Revelation 1:7
Behold The
Heavenly Scroll, He (ORION)
is coming with the clouds of Heaven, and every eye will see him (proclaimed
in the stars Psalm 19, Galatians 3) --even those
who pierced him. And all the tribes of the Earth will mourn because
of him (Revelation
12). So shall it be! Amen.
If Yahusha was speaking of his physical return
when he prophesied those around him would “see the Son of Man coming
in the clouds of Heaven”, then yes, he is most definitely a false
prophet! But if he was simply telling them they would be given a vision
of The Heavenly Scroll where he is represented by ORION riding the milky
galaxy (clouds of Heaven) then no he is not a false prophet but a TRUE
Matthew 26:64
“You have said
it yourself”, Yahusha answered. “But I say to all of you, from now
on you will see (in
a vision and
understand The Heavenly Scroll - 3708 horáō) the Son
of Man (ORION)
sitting at the Right Hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds
of Heaven.”
Matthew 16:28
“Truly I tell
you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see
vision of ORION - 3708 horáō) the Son of Man coming in
his Kingdom (riding
the clouds of Heaven)."
These verses should have been more properly translated. “See” is not
with our literal eyes, it is “eyes to see” with your mind’s eye.
3708 horáō –
properly, see, often with metaphorical meaning: "to
see with the mind" (i.e., spiritually see), i.e. perceive (with
inward spiritual perception).
Yahusha clearly explained this, he was not
speaking of his physical return but that he would reveal the contents of
The Heavenly Scroll!
John 8:28
Then Yahusha said to them: “When you have (admitted
The Heavenly Scroll Isaiah 48:3-6) and lifted up your
eyes to the stars (shamayim/The
Heavenly Scroll) to see (perceive
with your mind - 3708 horáō) the Son of Man riding on
the clouds of Heaven, then you will know that I am The Son of Man (ORION
– ‘the coming of The Branch, the Light Bearer’), and
that I do not do my own will, but the Will of The Father written in
The Heavenly Scroll (Hebrews
10:7, Matthew 6:10).”
Daniel 4:35
35 "All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as
nothing, but He does according to His will written in the
hosts of Heaven. (sometimes
translated as ‘starry hosts’ or ‘Heavenly hosts’. Constellations
host stars, so this means ‘constellations of The Heavenly Scroll’)
Psalm 89:2
I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you have
established your faithful promise (LOGOS)
of salvation in The Heavenly Scroll itself.
Psalm 119:89
Your Word (LOGOS
Yahuah, is Eternal; it Stands Firm written in The Heavenly Scroll.
Hebrews 10:7
Then I said, 'Here I am--it is written about me in the Heavenly
scroll-- I have come to do your will, my God! (Matthew
Matthew 6:10
Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is (written)
in (the)
We see this to be true as many of his disciples
were given a vision of and read The Heavenly Scroll and Yahusha’s
prophecy was fulfilled in their lifetime. It seems to coincide with
death or near-death experiences. Let us hope it does not take that for
us today to come to our senses and recognize The Spiritual Realm and The
Heavenly Scroll that proclaims it.
see this come true when Stephen was stoned, he was the first one to
understand the witness of the Messiah as the “Heavens opened up” and
Steven saw Yahusha “coming in the clouds of Heaven” in a vision … so
just like Yahusha said “before you die, you will know him as the coming
Conquering King” as Stephen was given that witness as he was being
stoned to death just before he died!
Acts 7
55 But Stephen was filled with the Holy Ruach (Yahuah
breathed on Stephen). He looked toward (the)
Heaven(ly Scroll), where he saw our
glorious Elohim and Yahusha standing at his right side (in
The Heavenly Scroll). 56 Then Stephen said, “I see the
Heaven(ly scroll) open (like
a Scroll Revelation 6:14 and Hebrews 1:12) and
the Son of Man (Orion) standing at
the right side of Yahuah (coming in the
clouds of Heaven the Milky Way)!”
later, all the rest of his disciples received the revelation of Yahusha
in the stars, as Orion riding on the clouds of Heaven as King…
the clouds of Heaven is the Milky Way… The Heavenly Scroll is the
confirming witness of Yahuah that Yahusha is the coming King (Leo) the
Lion of the Tribe of Judah…
Sha’ul had the same vision as he was “taken to the third Heaven”! Sha’ul
deflects the attention away from himself with the age old technique “I
have a friend who” because he doesn’t want to boast. He then goes on to
say he was taken to the third Heaven which is a metaphor for “shown
advanced revelations of The Heavenly Scroll”. The number 3 in The
Mystery Language means:
“Three stands for that which is solid, real, substantial, complete, and
entire.”… Numbers in Scripture by E.W, Bullinger
Sha’ul, below, is saying that Yahuah had given him visions of what is
contained in The Heavenly Scroll that were “solid, real, substantial,
complete, the ENTIRE revelation”.
Corinthians 12
I must go on boasting. Although there is nothing to be gained, I
will go on to visions and revelations from Yahuah (he
did not literally go to a place called the third level of Heaven, he
saw VISIONS and REVELATIONS). 2 I know a man in covenant with
Yahusha (he is speaking of himself in
third person) who fourteen years ago (when
Sha’ul was nearly stoned to death, like Stephen he too saw the
Heavenly Scroll open up) was caught up to the third Heaven (was
given ‘solid, real, substantial, complete’ understanding of The
Heavenly Scroll). Whether it was in the body or out of the
body I do not know— Yahuah knows (Sha’ul
was unconscious from being stoned half to death). 3 And I
know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do
not know, but Yahuah knows— 4 was caught up to paradise (shown
The Heavenly Scroll like Daniel, Ezekiel, John, Enoch who were all
‘taken to Heaven’ in the same way?) and heard inexpressible
things, things that no one is permitted to tell (they
are secrets preserved in The Heavenly Scroll Enoch 9:6).
5 I will boast about a man like that, but I will not boast about
myself, except about my weaknesses. 6 Even if I should choose to
boast (that this was speaking of himself),
I would not be a fool, because I would be speaking the truth. But I
refrain (from saying it was me), so
no one will think more of me than is warranted by what I do or say,
7 or because of these surpassingly great revelations (he
was shown Yahusha coming as King of Heaven in The Heavenly Scroll).
in the book of Revelation witnessed and literally described The Heavenly
Scroll and its meaning, he described and identified Orion as the “coming
of the Branch” riding on the clouds of Heaven… For more
information on the vision John witnessed and the meaning behind the Book
of Revelation, please read my book Unlocking the Book of
Revelation 1
12 And I turned (in the Spirit Revelation
1:11) to see (in The Heavenly
Scroll) the voice that spoke with me (Yahuah
had spoken, identified Himself as Aleph/Tav, the Father). And
having turned (he didn’t see Yahuah),
I saw (in The Heavenly Scroll) a
golden seven lamp lampstand (the Heavenly
Menorah which are the 7 classical planets also seen as the seals
over The Heavenly Scroll); 13 And in the midst of the seven
lamp lampstand (in The Heavenly Scroll /
stars) One like the Son of Man (constellation
Orion represents the Son of Man in the Heavenly Scroll),
clothed with a garment (of the High Priest)
down to the feet (tallit - Psalms 110:3)
with a girdle of gold about His chest (chest
plate of the High Priest Zachariah Chapter 3, Yahusha was
consecrated High Priest by Yahuah and adorned the garments of the
High Priest). 14 The hair of His head was white like wool (John
begins describing the constellation Orion), as white as snow;
and His eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And His feet glowed like
bronze which had been fired in a furnace; and His voice sounded like
many (Living) waters (reference to
the Water Bearer of Aquarius). 16 And in His (Orion’s)
right hand He had seven stars (constellation Pleiades);
and out of His mouth went a sharp, two-edged sword (the
sword of Orion, a metaphor of the Word of Yahuah);
and His face was like the sun (the sun is
a metaphor of the Messiah see Psalms 19)
shining in its strength. 17 And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet
as though dead (literally “scared to
death” so to speak).
Daniel 7
11 I beheld (The Heavenly Scroll),
then, because of the voice of the great words which ‘the horn’ (Strong’s
H7162 - should be ‘Shofar’, Yahuah’s voice sounds like a loud Shofar
blast -Hebrews 12:19- do not confuse this with the other ‘horns’ in
Daniel, this one is a musical instrument, the Shofar) spoke;
I beheld (what is written in The Heavenly
Scroll) until the beast was slain and his body destroyed, and
given to the burning flame (message behind
the pictographs of Sagittarius). 12 As concerning the
rest of the beasts, they had their governments taken away; yet their
lives were prolonged for a season and time (message
behind the pictograph of Taurus). 13 I saw in the
night (sky) visions (of
The Heavenly Scroll, like I said he was laying down at night looking
at the stars), and behold (the
constellation Orion), One like the Son of man came with
the clouds of Heaven (the Milky
Spiritual Body is a multi-dimensional body that can interact in both the
physical and Spiritual Realms.
see this many times with angels/messengers who appear in the physical
realm. We see this after Yahusha received his Spiritual Body yet
remained in the physical realm and seen by many witnesses before going
to the higher Spiritual dimension/realm. This is obvious as the Divine
Spiritual Government made up of resurrected sons of Yahuah liberate and
govern Creation.
Romans 8:21
20 For the Creation was subjected to futility by Yahuah, not by its
own will, but because of the Yahuah who subjected it (it
is His Purpose, to train His sons to govern),
in hope 21 that the Creation itself will be set free from its
bondage to physical decay and brought into the glorious Spiritual
freedom of the children of Yahuah (who
inherit and govern it).
22 We know that the whole Creation has been groaning together in the
pains of childbirth until the present time.
that is not the point. The point is we have been misled concerning his
return. What is seen by all mankind is the Son of Man riding the clouds
of Heaven in the stars first as a sign, called The Sign of the Son of
Man in the Shamayim. When we see this, we are to look up and
understand The Heavenly Scroll…
speaks of our imminent redemption at the end of the Age of Pisces…
PISCES - H1709.
דָּאג (dag) -- a fish
The Redeemer's people multiplied, supported and led by the Lamb, The
Bride is exposed on earth, the Bridegroom is exalted.
the beginning of the Age of Aquarius
AQUARIUS - 7627.
שְׁבָט (Shebat) -- to cease,
rest, or desist
He pours out living water from on high,
humanity drinks of the Heavenly river and the faithful live again,
he is the deliverer of the good news (Gospel),
Carrying the wood of the sacrifice over the earth (as
the sun/stars/constellation proclaim The Good News to all mankind
day after day, night after night Psalm 19).
fact, the Spiritual Return occurs after the “Great and Terrible Day of
Yahuah” after which very few are left alive in this physical realm.
Obviously when it says every eye shall see the Son of Man riding the
clouds of Heaven it is not speaking of Yahusha’s Spiritual return
which happens after the Day of Yahuah when only a very few are left. It
is speaking of ORION riding the clouds of Heaven in The Heavenly Scroll
which every eye has seen since Creation!
the Great and Terrible Day of Yahuah which lays waste the Earth and
those who live in this physical realm, upon Yahusha’s return the rest of
the sons of Yahuah are raised, then the “very few left alive” are
translated/transposed to their Spiritual Bodies, and THEN “see him” in
the Spiritual Realm all in their Spiritual Bodies.
1 John 3:2
Dear friends, now
we are children of God, and what we will be when transposed to
our Spiritual Bodies has not yet been made known to us. But we
know that when Yahusha appears at the end of the age of Pisces,
we shall be in our Spiritual Bodies like him, for when we
shall see him, we will be as he is now.
this Creation which was laid waste is reborn Spiritually returning to a
pre-fall state of perfection (the Garden of Eden) as our inheritance.
Romans 8:21
20 For the Creation was subjected to futility by Yahuah, not by its
own will, but because of the Yahuah who subjected it (it
is His Purpose, to train His sons to govern),
in hope 21 that the Creation itself will be set free from its
bondage to physical decay and brought into the glorious Spiritual
freedom of the children of Yahuah (who
inherit and govern it).
22 We know that the whole Creation has been groaning together in the
pains of childbirth until the present time.
Next, we will continue defining the Kingdom that is “within us and in
our midst” that is veiled by our physical bodies.
The Spiritual High Priest and Priesthood
The Spiritual City
The Spiritual Altar
The Spiritual Sacrifices
The Spiritual Law
The Spiritual Temple
The Citizens
The Greater Exodus
The Final Battle of the Ages