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Chapter 1

The Zadok Priesthood and the Royal Davidian Dynasty



In this chapter we are going to explore the authority Yahusha embodied to rule all of Israel as King and as High Priest. Most of us have always assumed Yahusha’s qualifications are based on Yahuah’s choice alone. Being raised “Christian” we have been taught to believe that The Holy Spirit implanted the seed of Yahuah into Miriam and she gave birth to “Yahuah in the flesh” who then became a demi-god (half man / half God) as Yahuah Himself “played” the role of “Messiah”. These claims are not true and neither of these claims are the basis for Yahusha’s claim to be The Messiah. In this chapter, we are going to establish Yahusha’s claim to Messiah based on Torah standards, by lineage, and by bloodlines.

Given the emphasis Yahuah placed on the bloodline required to be High Priest descending from Aaron through The House of Zadok and to be King descending from the bloodline of David; shouldn’t we have expected Yahusha to be a unique blend of both bloodlines? Shouldn’t we have expected?

      A unique coming together of bloodlines in one man to occur at the prophesied time in history (according to Daniel’s 70-week prophecy) to produce The Messiah of Israel?

      In that case, wouldn't those in Israel know this and be actively cultivating the Zadokite and Davidian bloodlines?

      And why is Yahusha called Melchizedek, what does that actually mean?

      What is the real reason King Herod killed his own children in a panic to kill the coming King of Israel?

      Lastly, why was the High Priest Caiphas so opposed to Yahusha if Yahusha were really The Messiah as to seek to kill Yahusha? Why didn’t Caiphas, as High Priest, seek out Yahusha to anoint him King?

      What about Miriam? Shouldn’t she have been some kind of “Princess of Israel” or Royalty to give birth to the Messiah?

      What about Yahseph? Shouldn’t he too have been a young “Lion of Judah” a Prince of Israel being a direct descendent of David to have fathered the Messiah?

I mean, given the degree to which both the Priesthood and Royal lines were treated in expectation of the coming Messiah, I would never have expected the Messiah to be born to two completely unqualified “nobodies” living in obscurity in Israel as we are led to believe! I would rather have expected to find that Mary (Miriam) was a Princess and Joseph (Yahseph) was a young “Lion of Judah” of the Davidian Dynasty and that their marriage was carefully “arranged” to potentially produce The Messiah according to blood lineage!  We will discover in this chapter, that Yahusha was indeed the unique combination of both bloodlines coming together at the prophesied time making him… Melchizedek or Ruling Zadok. “Melchi” means ruler or King and Zadok (Tzedek) means Righteous Priest. We are going to explore the Zadok Priesthood from which Yahusha descends and his Royal heritage through both lines of his parents Miriam and Yahseph. We are going to come to a clear understanding of exactly “who” Yahusha was by blood. We are going to learn what right Yahusha has to the Throne of David, and the claim to Eternal High Priest of Israel who was qualified to make the final Passover Sacrifice. Did it take a “God” to atone?  Or does it require a human High Priest? In this chapter we are going to investigate the following:

      Overview of The Zadok Priesthood

      The Messianic Expectation at the time of Yahusha’s birth

      Why King Herod wanted to kill Yahusha

      The Royal and Priestly Line of Miriam

      Miriam’s Zadokite heritage

      The arranged marriages of the 3 daughters of High Priest Yahusha III

      JoAnna and Hannah’s eligibility by Law to give birth to Princes and Princesses

      Eli the father of Miriam and Grandfather of Yahusha

      Princess Miriam’s childhood

      Daughters of Jerusalem

      “Why” Caiphas wanted to kill Yahusha

      Yahusha’s lineage to the House of Zadok

      Miriam’s lineage on her father Eli’s side

      Yahusha a theme among the names of the High Priest of Israel

      Prince Mattathias and Princess Alexandra II - The Paternal Grandparents of the Maiden, Miriam the mother of Yahusha



Overview of the Zadok Priesthood

When we are done we will have a totally new “view” of the man who is the Messiah and why he was executed.  Before we investigate the heritage and human bloodlines of The Messiah and his lineage coming from The House of Zadok (the High Priest to King David), we must first have a basic knowledge of the Priesthood that was established in Zadok.

Zadok (Hebrew: Tzadok צדוק, meaning "Righteous") was a Priest descended from Eleazar, the son of Aaron, which is the anointed line from which all High Priests must descend. The High Priest Zadok aided King David during the revolt of his son Absalom, and was instrumental in bringing King Solomon to the throne. After Solomon had the First Temple in Jerusalem constructed, Zadok was the first High Priest to serve in The Temple of Solomon. Those of the line of Zadok are called Zadokites or Zadok Priests and are the only ones qualified to serve in the office of High Priest over Israel. This is paramount, because if Yahusha is to be The Eternal High Priest. 

If Yahusha is to be qualified to offer the final sacrifice of The Passover Lamb, he must have been from The House of Zadok! If he was not, then he is not... The Messiah.

The Zadok Priesthood established itself in the time that King David fought against the revolt of his son Absalom. Zadok was a Levite High Priest, having descended down from Aaron, through Eleazar. Only descendants of Aaron through Eleazar could be High Priests. The entire tribe of Levi was chosen to be Temple Priests but not all could be High Priests. As the Dead Sea Scrolls indicate, Zadokites were "to be as one in following the Law and (sharing) wealth and reconciling (based on) the mouth of the sons of Zadok the keepers of the covenant.” You can learn more about the line of priests descending from Zadok here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zadok

The Hebrew Bible records how, before his death, Aaron was accompanied by his brother Moses and his sons Eleazar and Ithamar. Upon entry to the cave where he was to die, Aaron saw his brother Moses dress his elder son, Eleazar, with the garments of the High Priest. Moses anointed Eleazar the successor to Aaron as High Priest of Israel. Jewish commentaries on the Bible say that this initiation ceremony served as the catalyst for the stipulation that all future candidates of High Priesthood be patrilineal descendants of Eleazar the elder son of Aaron and not Ithamar, the younger son. This is the line that flows through Zadok the High Priest who served David and Solomon. This is the blood lineage that flowed through the veins of both John the Baptist and Yahusha the Messiah.

Zadok was a patrilineal descendant of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the High Priest  (2 Samuel 8:17; 1 Chronicles 24:3). The lineage of Zadok is presented in the genealogy of Ezra (his descendant) as being of ninth generation and direct patrilineal descent from Phineas the son of Eleazar; Ezra 7:1:

Ezra 7:1-4
...Zadok, The son of Ahitub, son of Amaryah, son of Azaryah, son of Mirayoth, son of Zerachyah, son of Uzzi, son of Bukki, son of Avishua, son of Phineas

Similarly, the Hebrew Bible relates how, at the time Phineas son of Eleazar appeased Yahuah’s anger, he merited the Divine blessing of Yahuah:

Numbers 25:13
Phineas the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the Priest. Behold I give to him My Covenant of Peace, and will be his, and his progeny after him, Covenant of Everlasting Priesthood in turn of his zealousness for his Elohim, and he atoned for the sons of Israel

This is extremely important when tracing the right of Yahusha to be the Eternal High Priest. Yahusha must have come from the lineage of Zadok which is the bloodline of High Priest prepared for him and to which is entrusted the “Covenant of Peace, Covenant of Eternal High Priest, and the right to Atone for sin” as defined in Numbers 25:13 above. If Yahusha cannot be proven to be a Zadokite High Priest, then he cannot mediate the "New Covenant of Peace", he cannot serve as Eternal High Priest, and he has no authority to be the sin offering and Atone for humanity. It is the convergence of the bloodline of David through Solomon and The House of Zadok that resulted in the “Ruling Zadok” or Melchizedek.  When looking back at the history of the Zadok High Priests we find:

      The High Priest to King David and King Solomon was Zadok

      The first High Priest in The Temple of Solomon was Zadok

      The last High Priest to serve in The Temple of Solomon was Yahuzadak (Yahuah Zadok)

      The first High Priest in The Temple of Herod was Yahusha III from The House of Zadok

      The High Priest at the time Yahusha was born was Yahusha ben Sie or Yahusha V from The House of Zadok

      The Eternal High Priest Yahusha the Messiah is from The House of Zadok

Are we beginning to see a "pattern" here? From the time of Yahusha's birth forward, the High Priesthood of Israel becomes totally corrupt. After the death of Yahusha III at the hands of Herod, Yahuah chose and anointed as High Priest, John the Baptist, the first male heir to the High Priest Yahusha III. John then anointed Yahusha the Messiah as the Eternal High Priest, Yahusha being the next heir after John to Yahusha III.  From that point on, the Temple High Priesthood was literally purchased from Rome by aspiring High Priests and then ultimately the High Priests were not even chosen for their bloodline but by casting lots. In 70 AD, the Temple of Herod was completely corrupted and the High Priest Phannias ben Samuel, serving at that time, was not even of the bloodline of Levi much less Aaron and Zadok. We see from Jewish History the state of the Priesthood at the time the Temple was destroyed.

When you realize how corrupt that Temple had become, the question isn't "how could Yahuah allow its destruction", but, rather, "what took so long?"

Phannias ben Samuel (in Hebrew: פנחס בן שמואל Pinhas ben Shmuel) (c. 70 CE) was the last Jewish High Priest. He did not originate from a Priestly family but was a Zealot and the leader of revolutionary forces. He died during the destruction of Herod's Temple in 70 CE. In order to see how far their power extended, the Zealots

...undertook to dispose of the High Priesthood by casting lots for it, whereas, as we have said already, it was to descend by succession in a family. The pretense they made for this strange attempt was an ancient practice, while they said that of old it was determined by lot; but in truth, it was no better than a dissolution of an undeniable law, and a cunning contrivance to seize upon the government, derived from those that presumed to appoint governors as they themselves pleased. Hereupon they sent for one of the pontifical tribes, which is called Eniachim, and cast lots which of it should be the high priest. By fortune the lot so fell as to demonstrate their iniquity after the plainest manner, for it fell upon one whose name was Phannias, the son of Samuel, of the village Aphtha. He was a man not only unworthy of the High Priesthood, but that did not well know what the High Priesthood was, such a mere rustic was he! Yet did they hail this man, without his own consent, out of the country, as if they were acting a play upon the stage, and adorned him with a counterfeit thee; they also put upon him the sacred garments, and upon every occasion instructed him what he was to do.  This horrid piece of wickedness was sport and pastime with them.”… Josephus (c. 75). "Book IV §151-158". The Jewish War. Page 746

The reason for the total desecration of the High Priesthood in Israel, after Yahusha took the position as Melchizedek, is that the role was Eternally spoken for. Yahusha was the last true Zadok High Priest. From that point forward the Priesthood collapsed.  After the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, it has never existed again; as it has been transposed to the Spirit in The Yahushaic Covenant. This is one of the topics of my book, The Yahushaic Covenant Volume 1 – The Mediator.


The Messianic Expectation at the time of Yahusha’s birth

First, it is important to understand the time in which Yahusha was born into this world. The atmosphere that existed 2,000 years ago in Israel was one of heightened Messianic expectations. The Jews (House of Judah) had been miraculously released from Persian captivity by the Persian King Cyrus. Cyrus gave the command for the Jews (as prophesied) to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple of Yahuah in preparation for the coming Messiah at the beckoning of the prophet Daniel. Cyrus did not want to face the same fate of Nebuchadnezzar! The prophet Daniel even laid out the place, time, and manner of the Messiah’s birth from the date Cyrus gave the command to rebuild Jerusalem and The Temple. That timeline had arrived in Israel for The Messiah to be born and it was foretold to be at the time of Yahusha’s birth. Simply put: The time was at hand for the coming of the Messiah and everyone knew it; both those seeking The Messiah and those seeking to destroy him.

Knowing all of this, the right-wing (Torah faithful) Jewish Zealots of the North Region of Galilee, the Davidian Zealots (those preserving the line of David), and the High Priest Yahusha III (the heir to the House of Zadok) were all carefully cultivating the bloodlines in preparation for the birth of the Messiah. King Herod was aware of these efforts. As a result, tensions were building between these factions and King Herod.

This coming Messiah (or King of Israel) was a direct threat to the Roman backed King Herod's throne.

King Herod, in response to this heightened state of urgency in Israel of the coming Messiah, responded by ordering the full implementation of his “pogroms” designed to eliminate all the descendants of the Davidian Dynasty. These descendants were called the “Lions of Judah” and considered Princes of Israel. These pogroms were also used to eliminate the Maccabeans (who ruled Judea before Herod), and even the Zadokite Priestly line (Zadok Priests). Herod was taking NO chances. This was a very chaotic time in Israel’s history as the Romans had defeated the Persians and the favor of the Jews to dwell in the land safely and rebuild Jerusalem and The Temple had faded under Roman control. The throne of Herod was anything but secure.

This Messianic, Davidic, and Maccabean opposition to King Herod in Israel is the context within which Yahusha was born. Now it becomes clear why King Herod ordered the execution of all male children under two. The time was ripe for the Messiah and the bloodlines were being cultivated to bring him into the world. Herod first attempted to selectively kill the Lions of Judah and the Zadokite priests, but when he found out The King had been born, he panicked and in desperation killed EVERY child regardless of bloodline under two years old… including his own sons.

With this historical context in mind, let us now examine the lineage of Yahusha the Messiah, through Princess Miriam (Mary) and Prince Yahseph (Joseph).

The parents of Yahusha were chosen in an arranged marriage to produce The Messiah, “according to the flesh” in keeping with Royal and Priestly bloodlines.



The Royal and Priestly Line of Miriam

Let us begin by examining the lineage of Miriam. Was Miriam an unknown young maiden living in obscurity in Judea? Or was she a Princess and considered royalty among those seeking The Messiah and under protective custody from the wrath of Herod?

In the Scriptures that survive, all that remains of Yahusha’s lineage is through Miriam’s father Eli in Luke. That, however, is only half his lineage through Miriam. What about Yahusha’s lineage through Miriam’s mother and father?  Lineage was extremely important to aspiring Royalty and were kept meticulously even today.  So what happened to his lineage charts? We know from reading my third book Christianity – The Great Deception,

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the degree the Romans turned Yahusha, the Jewish Rabbi/Healer, into a pagan Roman demi-god named “Jesus H. Christ” (after the gods Hesus Horus Krishna), and removed all Jewish heritage from his life. We also know from the Talmud, the extra-ordinary steps taken by Rabbinical Judaism to discredit Yahusha as the Messiah, even going so far as to change their calendar in 358 AD, so that Yahusha's birth would not fulfill Daniel's prophecy. Given these dramatic steps taken over 2000 years to hide the true identity of Yahusha, it seems his lineage through Miriam’s parents somehow “got lost” along the way as well!

We are about to find out why Yahusha's lineage through Miriam's mother was "misplaced".  Her lineage puts Yahusha directly in line as a Zadok High Priest!

While this crucial information concerning Yahusha’s lineage through Miriam’s mother was “removed” from our knowledge (although it was carefully kept as all Royalty does), we can know who Miriam’s mother was for certain and reconstruct her true lineage. The Bible records Miriam (Yahusha’s mother) went to live with her “kinswoman”, Elizabeth, while with child. Elizabeth was Miriam’s auntie, the sister of Miriam’s mother Hannah. We can go back into the historical record to discover that Elizabeth was one of three daughters of the High Priest Yahusha III. One of Elizabeth’s sisters was named Hannah who was married in an arranged marriage to Eli. Eli is the father of Miriam, making Elizabeth Miriam’s “kinswoman or auntie” just like the Scriptures state, making Hannah her mother. Knowing who Miriam's mother was, we can research historically ALL the blood running through the veins of Yahusha the Messiah!

Yahusha’s mother Miriam and grandmother Hannah were, in fact, considered Royalty in Israel; and both candidates to give birth to The Messiah.  They were both descended from the Zadokite Priestly line and married to Lions of Judah or Davidic Dynasty heirs:

   Miriam was the grand-daughter of the first High Priest (Yahusha III) to serve in the Second Temple - She was the daughter of Hannah (Anna) who was the daughter of the High Priest Yahusha III. Yahusha III was the first High Priest to serve in the second Temple coming out of Babylonian/Persian captivity. Yahusha III was a High Priest in the line of Zadok or a Zadokite High Priest who was to re-establish the House of Zadok in the office of High Priest.

   Miriam was the daughter of Heli, a Davidic and Hasmonean Prince – Heli, as he is called in the genealogy of Yahusha in the Bible, was also known as Alexander Helios (Heli) III in history. Eli was the son of the future Maccabean Queen Alexandra II, who at the time was known by her Jewish name, Esther of Jerusalem. Heli, the shortened nickname for Helios (“The Sun”), was a descendant of both the Maccabean Kings of Judea and a prince of the House of David, for his father was Matthan ben Levi, a Davidian Prince who was first married in his youth to the vivacious royal princess, Elizabeth of Jerusalem. Heli was executed in the world where many Davidian aspirants, as the “young Lions of Judah”, were eliminated by the cruel and tyrannical King Herod the Great who was not of the line of David but appointed by Rome; the Lions of Judah were a threat to Herod’s throne.

What we are never taught in the “Christian Church” is that Miriam grew up in the shadows of the High Priests of Israel in protective custody as both Davidic Royalty and Zadokite priestly authority. Far from being some unknown young maiden, Miriam was being carefully nurtured as a potential candidate to give birth to The Messiah! I guess you could say… “all eyes were upon her”!

Miriam's Zadokite Heritage

Yahusha III (the Messiah’s great grandfather) was the High Priest in Jerusalem during this chaotic Herodian period between the years of 36 to 23 BCE. Yahusha III had 3 daughters and no sons. High Priest Yahusha III died prior to his grand-daughter’s (Miriam’s) birth. Yet having lived when King Herod had fully launched his pogroms (violent mob attacks which eventually claimed his life) against the young Lions of Judah, the Maccabeans, and the Zadokite priests, Yahusha III was careful to ensure his 3 daughters were properly married and then put into protective custody safe from King Herod.  The 3 daughters of Yahusha III, the High Priest of Israel, were carefully nurtured to all be “potential” mothers or grandmothers of the coming Messiah. These 3 daughters were named Elizabeth (the mother of John the Baptist), Hannah (Anna... the grandmother of Yahusha the Messiah), and Joanna (Jane).

A father, with no sons, High Priest Yahusha III knew that his Zadokite lineage (the Zadok Priesthood line of Aaron descending from Zadok the High Priest of King David) would become extinct unless his three daughters: JoAnna, Elizabeth, and Hannah (Yahusha’s Grandmother) as dynastic heiresses to Zadok were properly placed (according to the Torah) with future husbands. So while they were very young children, Yahusha III arranged their marriages to young “Lions of Judah” who descended from King David through Solomon (the Royal Line).

Hannah (the grandmother of Yahusha) and her two sisters were orphaned (by Herod) and initially and secretly placed in the protective custody of the Zealots in the northern regions of Galilee. This was done by the High Priest Yahusha III before he died to ensure they were kept safe from Herod’s pogroms. Here in the hot-bed of Jewish nationalism, they were shielded from King Herod by the right-wing nationalists and Davidian Zealots who were plotting to overthrow the throne of Herod. These right-wing Zealots regarded these young women as Royalty and instrumental in the coming of The Messiah to overthrow King Herod. King Herod was king only by the protective shield of the Roman mantle of power and had no right to the Throne. Herod was first installed and given protection by the Roman triumvir Mark Anthony, and later by Octavian, the future Caesar Augustus. He was never “anointed” by Yahuah as King. Herod knew that and knew the prophesied King was coming soon.

So, the 3 daughters of the High Priest Yahusha III were “keys” to the coming of the prophesied Messiah and considered Royalty in their day. The children of these 3 daughters (including Prince John "the Baptist" and the Princess Miriam) were considered Royalty as well. Over the next 30 years the battle between the chosen King/High Priest Yahusha and the corrupted King Herod and his chosen High Priest Caiphas would culminate in the final execution of Yahusha the Messiah. Let’s continue our journey back into Yahusha’s lineage through Miriam’s mother Hanna.

The arranged marriages of High Priest Yahusha III's daughters

The future husbands of these 3 Zadokite heiresses (3 daughters of Yahusha III) were carefully chosen according to their bloodline. They were selected from among the Lions of Judah (descendants of the Kingly line of David through Solomon) and men of noted priestly lineage of The House of Zadok:

      Hannah (the mother of Miriam) was given in marriage to a Davidian and Maccabean prince, Alexander III Helios called Eli.

      JoAnna was given in marriage to a Davidian Nasi and Prince of Israel, Joachim.

      Elizabeth (the mother of John the Baptist) was given in marriage to a noted priest, Zecharias of the course of Abijah.

Elizabeth was betrothed to be the wife of a priest of a noted Zadok Priestly lineage and from the Lion of Judah. Since Elizabeth was an heiress of the Zadok house of her father the High Priest Yahusha III and her husband was of the Tribe of Levi, her son, Prince John the Baptist, would be eligible to become the High Priest and King of Israel making him a potential candidate for Messiah. Yet, it was John’s role to become the chosen High Priest of Yahuah and to transfer the sins of the Passover Lamb onto Yahusha as the fulfillment of Elijah.

This is the reason many Jews of that time believed John to be The Messiah. John too was well known among the Jews living in Israel coming from royal descent and carefully cultivated lineage… while we are led to believe John was some "wild guy yelling at the top of his lungs" in the middle of nowhere and the masses just happen to "wander out to see him", actually he was very well known. The Jews knew he was a High Priest by blood and descendent of the Davidian Dynasty. That is why they came out to see and hear him. John was qualified by blood on both sides of Zadokite High Priest and Royal Davidian descent just like Yahusha the Messiah was, his 2nd cousin. They suspected he might be The Messiah.

Prince John the Baptist (I'll explain why he was considered a Prince by Law), however, knew he wasn’t the Messiah. In fact, Princess Miriam (I'll explain why she too was considered a Princess by Law) was sent to live with her auntie Elizabeth (John’s mother) after being told by Angelic Decree that her son was The Messiah.

Again, while we are led to believe, Yahseph (Joseph), “put her away silently”, because he was embarrassed that she was with child and couldn’t explain it. That is not at all the truth. Yahseph put her away silently with Elizabeth (who was in protective custody) to protect her and his son from King Herod! During this time, Prince John was made intimately aware by his mother that the baby in his Cousin Miriam’s womb was the prophesied Messiah by Angelic Decree. John would later learn from his father that his role was to pave the way for him as High Priest, mentor him, and as prophesied “make straight his path” as Elijah (More on this later).

It would be Prince John the Baptist, the grandson of Yahusha III the High Priest, that would be heir to the office of the High Priest. This made John uniquely qualified (as The Zadokite High Priest in succession to Yahusha III) to Mikveh (consecrate) Yahusha the Messiah as the next High Priest in succession. Yahusha was the next male heir after John to Yahusha III.

JoAnna and Hannah Eligible by Law to give Birth to Princes and Princesses

I have been referring to John as a Prince and Miriam as a Princess... why? I stated that they were considered royalty at that time. This is because JoAnna and Hannah (daughters of High Priest Yahusha III) were betrothed to husbands of the House of David as very young girls. According to the Royal Primogenitor Law, they were eligible to be mothers of Prince and Princesses of the House of David. According to the ruling of the Great Sanhedrin in 37 BCE, their sons would also be eligible to sit on the Throne of David as the King of Israel. If Yahuah so willed, it was possible that either one of these girls could be blessed to be the mother of the expectant Messiah. Therefore, Miriam, the daughter of Hannah, was a Princess in the Davidian Dynasty bloodline by Law! John the son of Elizabeth was a Prince by Law. But that is not all. Miriam was also a Maccabean Princess on her father Eli’s side, as Eli was a Maccabean Prince named Alexander III Helios.

Princess Miriam was far from some unknown peasant living in Judea, she was a Davidian and Maccabean Princess groomed carefully to give birth to The Messiah and kept in protective custody of The Temple.

NOTE: Keep in mind that only Royalty kept their lineage back to the Davidian Dynasty. It is so even today with Royalty as they carefully interbreed, protect, and document their lineage. It must be noted here that Yahusha was well aware of his lineage on both sides of his family tree because, being Royalty himself, this was carefully kept for him. He taught these Royal lineages to his disciples in Matthew and Luke (probably more lineages in Mark and John that were "lost"). Again, this only makes sense in the context of Miriam and Yahseph being of Royal descent. If Miriam and Yahseph were just unknown ordinary Jews living in obscurity in Israel, they would not have known their lineage to King David and certainly not all the way back to Adam. They would not have been qualified to bring The Messiah into this world.

This becomes extremely important because when Yahusha is accused of blasphemy, he said he was the son of God (Yahusha ben Yahuah). Yahusha explained to the accusing Jews that his references to “son of God” was because he could trace his lineage back to Adam who had no parents and was called Adam ben Yahuah (Adam the son of God).  Since all male descendants were considered “sons” of their fathers, grandfathers, great grandfathers, and so on, Yahusha’s claim to “son of God” was by blood lineage to Adam. When Yahusha explained this to his accusers, they recognized this reality and accepted his claim. Only to later bring that same charge against him again. At that point, Yahusha saw no need to continue defending himself. He was innocent of blasphemy, never claiming himself to be God, but the son of God through Adam and had already proved it to them. That is why Yahusha died “innocent” of the charge of blasphemy. Not because, as the Christian Church teaches, he was God; but because he was not God and never claimed to be God. His claim was the son of God through Adam.

Princess Miriam’s childhood

Princess Miriam, the young maiden, was called a “child of sorrow”. Miriam’s father, Prince Alexander III Helios, was executed by King Herod the Great in a series of persecutions or pogrom against the Davidians. It was Herod’s attempt to eliminate any rival to the Throne of Judea. The death of Heli occurred (according to Davidian genealogist David Hughes) around 15 BCE. The young maiden Miriam was placed in protective custody along with her mother Hannah (who served in The Temple until she died). Miriam was placed in the Order of the Temple-Virgins until she was eligible for marriage about the year of her bat Mitzvoth at the age of 12-13 years of age. At which point she was given in marriage to a young Lion of Judah or Davidian Prince named Yahseph (Joseph). The reason Yahseph readily excepted Miriam’s explanation for why she was with child is because… it made perfect sense to him. He knew that he and his young fiancé were being groomed to give birth to The Messiah. He also knew that ALL major players in the Plan of Yahuah were born miraculous births: John the Baptist, Sampson, Isaac, and others. So knowing all of this, it would stand to reason to young Yahseph that indeed… he was the father of the chosen Messiah. This is why he sent Princess Miriam to live with her auntie Elizabeth. Elizabeth was already living under the watchful eye of protective custody with her son Prince John.

Daughters of Jerusalem

We see several references to these women held in protective custody of The Temple. They, as Royals, were known as “Daughters of Jerusalem”. Only once we realize who these women were (and their blood relation to Yahusha) can we understand statements made by The Messiah. Below we see Yahusha speaking to his aunties (all Royal Daughters of Jerusalem in protective custody being daughters of the High Priest Yahusha III). These women all played a major role in Yahusha's life as they literally helped to raise him as a child:

Luke 23:28
Yahusha turned and said to them, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children.

Now it makes sense. His aunties and their children were all in danger as well. We also see that Yahusha was taken to see his grandmother Hannah in The Temple (where she was in protective custody) when he was consecrated. Below we see that Hannah’s true identity as a Zadokite Princess and daughter of Yahusha III had been concealed by The Temple to protect her from the wrath of Herod. Below she is referred to as "the daughter of Penuel". After the death of Hannah’s husband at the hands of Herod, Hannah returned to Temple service because she was actually the daughter of the High Priest Yahusha III not Penuel, as we will see:

Luke 2
36 There was also a prophet, Anna, the daughter of Penuel, of the tribe of Asher (
this is her new identity). She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage (not a long marriage), 37 and then was a widow (by Herod) until she was eighty-four. She never left the Temple (she was in protective custody) but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying (for the lives of her children and grandchildren who were being hunted by Herod). 38 Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to Yahuah and spoke about the child (her grandson) to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.

We don’t know what Hannah “spoke about the child” but no doubt, being his grandmother and daughter of Yahusha III, it probably was to witness to Yahusha’s lineage as a Zadokite High Priest (as that lineage was being carefully concealed). The conversation probably went something like "look, I am not the daughter of Penuel, but Yahusha III, placed in protective custody of The Temple. This child is my heir and heir to both the House of Zadok and the Davidian Dynasty. He is the Redemption of Jerusalem."

As a young girl, Miriam was taken to the Temple with Hannah, and lived as a child protégé in the custody of the Temple (a Daughter of Jerusalem). There, she was an eye-witness to the exaltation of the Divine ministry of the Priests in the temple of Herod. The construction project to transform this ancient Temple into the most glorious temple in the entire Roman Empire by Herod the Great was started just prior to Miriam’s birth in 20 BCE. This construction would continue throughout her lifetime.

These were the tender impressionistic years where she witnessed the High Priests transported to the Throne of the Almighty in the beautiful and Glorious Temple rituals that commanded all the senses of the beholder. If there was a young Jewish maiden, who knew and understood the true halakhic observance of what Torah life was like, it was the Princess Miriam. Surrounded by the Priests speaking Hebrew, listening to the international delegations speaking Greek, who came from nations around the world, and daily listening to construction workers speaking Aramaic and the Roman guards speaking Latin, Princess Miriam, no doubt absorbed and mastered the life of a poly-linguist. She no doubt passed all this knowledge on to her son, Yahusha, who was being groomed to become The Messiah. Here in the most awesome monument of religious expression, Herod the Great erected his image of religious power, as the Temple of Herod rose as the largest platformed temple in the entire Roman Empire, all under the watchful eye of Princess Miriam.

Grief and sorrow as a child would remain with Miriam the rest of her life. This grief culminated as she watched her firstborn son, driven to the “stake” by whips on the road to his execution as a Royal Davidian Prince and an heir of the Zadokite High Priesthood of Israel.

The Roman procurator Pontius Pilate abducted his responsibility and gave defacto authority to the hands of the feared family of high priests, Ananias and Caiphas, from the House of Hanan, for the execution of Yahusha. But “why” would the High Priest in Israel at the time want to execute the obvious Messiah instead of anoint him King?

Why Caiaphas wanted to kill Yahusha

Here was Ananias, the high priest of the House of Zadok who (though truly was of the authorized family of high priests but not anointed by Yahuah... that anointing went to John the Baptist) became a Hellenistic seeking internationalist. He bought with impunity the rights to the office of the high priest from the current Roman procurator. This “House of Ananias” was a family of Sadducees, who had become transformed by the monetary obsession of power, greed, and control called the “Golden Calf” and used their wealth to become the shakers and movers of the geo-political forces that moved through Jerusalem. Their wealth was gained by laundering money in The Temple and abusing the office of High Priest. This is why the true Zadokite High Priest anointed by Yahuah, John the Baptist, rebelled against the corruption of The Temple and served Yahuah directly “in the wilderness”. John wanted nothing to do with the corrupted priestly system in place in The Temple at that time. Many Jews were well aware of this too and followed the teaching and authority of John including Yahusha.

The Patriarch of the family, Ananias, and his high priest son-in-law, Caiphas, were co-conspirators who sought to destroy Yahusha. Yahusha was the one Davidian, who carried in his genes, the potent fusion of Davidian and Zadokite bloodlines (remember John, the other genetic potential, had been executed already). Yahusha carried the potent bloodline of the Royal mantle as a Priest-King of Israel and the Messianic mantle as the Maschiach Yisra’el (Messiah of Israel) of the House of David. He was a direct threat to The House of Ananias.

Yahusha’s life and ministry inspired the hatred of the House of Ananias, for only Yahusha was capable of toppling the power and authority of this powerful high priestly family, that had turned the sacred House of Yahuah (the Temple of Herod) into a “den of thieves”.

So, Patriarch Annanias and his son-in-law, the high priest Caiphas became the head of the “leading Jews” that instigated, plotted and conspired to fulfill their dream to eradicate this famous Rabbi of Galilee named Yahusha the Natsri (Nazarene which means The Branch) the Royal descendant of David and the Zadokite High Priest Yahusha III.

In the gospels, they were “The Jews” who sought to destroy Yahusha. It was Yahusha HaNotzri (Yahusha the Nazarene or THE BRANCH) who had garnered a large following in the foothills surrounding the Sea of Kinneret (Galilee). This large following was no accident as Prince Yahseph and Princess Miriam were well known candidates to be the parents of The Messiah. The people (looking for the Messiah) knew Yahusha was a Royal Prince/High Priest as he was the child of a very carefully cultivated bloodline of Prince and Princesses and High Priest in the line of Zadok to Aaron.  The Jews were eagerly awaiting The Messiah’s arrival and came out in droves to hear Prince Yahusha the High Priest speak to see if he was in fact… The Messiah. Ananias and Caiaphas knew Yahusha was the Rabbi who threatened to bring his Spiritual revolution to the doorsteps of the Temple! And they knew he was qualified to be the Ruling Zadok (Melchizedek). In fact, that is exactly what Yahusha did. As in the Bazaar of Hanan, with a whip in his hand, he threw out the money changers and almost toppled the power of the House of Ananias/Caiaphas.

Here in the temple called the “Temple of Herod, Inc” was being conducted the most lucrative money laundering enterprise in the Eastern Roman Empire. Think of a movie theater today, and how you cannot bring food in. You are forced to buy food at exorbitant prices. In that day, when you went to The Temple to make an offering, you had to purchase the animals to be sacrificed from The Temple Priests at exorbitant prices (you couldn't bring your own). I don't remember this statute in the Torah! People worked and did business in a multi-cultural world at that time with many currencies. You also had to “change your money” from one currency to the next in The Temple to give offerings at an exorbitant exchange rate. I don't remember reading that requirement in the Torah either? No these were not authorized activities to be taking place in The Temple. This was the source of the financial power of Caiaphas and the REAL reason behind his motivation to have Yahusha executed. Not only was Yahusha the legitimate High Priest in the Order of Zadok but he was threatening to overthrow the “money”. We all know how well that goes over, when you are a threat to “the money” you must die. 

Yahusha’s lineage to the House of Zadok


When looking at the genealogy above of Yahusha through Miriam’s mother Hannah, we see Hananeel the Egyptian, the father of the famous Boethus family of seven sons. He was Miriam’s great-great-great grandfather. Hananeel arrived into Jewish history as one of the giants of the Priests of the House of Zadok. Hananeel is reputed as one of the High Priests who sacrificed the Red Heifer.

Miriam’s Lineage on Her Father’s Side

On the other side of the tree; Miriam’s father (Prince Alexander III Helios) was apparently not as much Hellenized as he was anti-Herodian.  Miriam’s father was Eli((or Heli). Eli was the son of the future Maccabean Queen Alexandra II, who at this time was known by her Jewish name, Esther of Jerusalem. Heli, the shortened nickname for Helios (“The Sun”), was a descendant of both the Maccabean Kings of Judea and a Prince of the House of David, for his father was Matthan ben Levi, a Davidian Prince who was first married in his youth to the vivacious Royal princess, Elizabeth of Jerusalem. This Royal lineage was passed on to Yahusha the Messiah.

It appears that Prince Heli had the same aspirations and hopes for “Israel” as the High Priest within the Temple at Jerusalem. In the era, in which parents chose the husband of their daughters, Heli found favor with the High Priest Yahusha III. High Priest Yahusha III (the great grandfather of The Messiah Yahusha) was the son of Phabi, the founder of the House of Phabit, and the grandson of Boethus. Yahusha III was the Alexandrian Zadokite priest that King Herod (in 37 BCE) asked to return to Jerusalem, in order to restore the Zadokite dynastic reign again over the office of the High Priest. Herod’s reasons were more subliminal and sinister, for he eventually plotted to eliminate the Maccabees from holding either Royal or Priestly offices in Jerusalem, and eliminate their presence entirely from Judea. Then Herod had Yahusha III killed.

It appears that either Prince Heli or his father Mattathias ben Levi was approached by the High Priest Yahusha III, to marry Hannah thereby securing the bloodline survival of the Zadok Priestly line (by uniting it with the Davidian bloodline). A perfect match to produce MelchiZADOK (Ruling Zadok). It would be from this unique mix of Royal bloodlines, that the Messiah Yahusha would be born, the grandson of Prince Eli and Princess Hannah; and the heir to Yahusha III and The House of Zadok.

Prince Heli and Princess Hannah gave birth to Princess Miriam who was born about the year of 20 to 19 BCE. This Jewish maiden, Princess Miriam, was a Davidian Princess on her father’s side, and a Zadokite Priest heiress on her mother's. This young maiden was of supreme interest to the Priestly elite. She was the granddaughter of the High Priest Yahusha III, who died apparently the year of 23 BCE, by execution, according to some scholars, for sedition against the throne of Herod. From all appearances, Yahusha III, the High Priest, never knew his granddaughter, Miriam, as she was born about three years later in the year of 20 to 19 BCE.

Yahusha a Theme among the Names of the High Priest of Israel

It must be noted at this point, that while many have considered that “Yahusha” in Aramaic was a unique name in Jewish society; what we do know, is that the name Yahusha was a quite frequent name in 1st century Judea. The name is found in the lineages of King David and in the lineage of the High Priests of the House of Zadok. Even the name of the Messianic Prototype and successor to Moses, Joshua (Yahusha) was a foreshadowing of the name of the coming Ruling Zadok "Melchizedek". The name of Yahusha was relatively common as the name of the High Priests of Israel actually. There was a total of five High Priests that were named Yahusha. It seems Yahuah was trying to tell us something of the Eternal High Priest who would serve Him.

Prince Mattathias and Princess Alexandra II - the Paternal Grandparents of the Maiden, Miriam the mother of Yahusha

Mary’s father, Heli or Alexander Helios III as he was known in history, was a Prince of David, whose father, Prince Mattan or Mattathias was renown, if for nothing else but for his marriages to three notable women in Judea. His 1st wife was Esther of Jerusalem, his 2nd, Rachel of Arimathea, and his 3rd wife was Salome of Jerusalem, an Idumean Herodian princess, who was called “The Proselyte”.  His 1st wife, Esther of Jerusalem, became the mother of Heli ben Mattat or Prince Alexander Helios III (Eli). Eli became the father of Princess Miriam, the mother of Yahusha. Esther of Jerusalem can be identified as the future Maccabean Queen known by her Greek name as Queen Alexandra II, who was the great grandmother of Yahusha.




We have examined the historical and genealogical evidence that Yahusha was not only a Davidian and Maccabean prince, but was the heir to anointed High Priest of Israel from the lineage of the House of Zadok.  Yahusha was next in line heir to Yahusha III behind John the Baptist. In one of the most potent genetic merges in Jewish history, we find that Yahusha ben Yahseph was a genuine genetically eligible Priest-King. He would later be recognized as an eligible member of the Order of Melchizedek to serve as High Priest in succession to John the Baptist. Abraham gave the title Melchizedek to the King of Salem (the city JeruSALEM was founded upon). The first High Priest-King was Shem, the son of Noah. Here was a true fusion of the genetic tree between the House of Aaron the Levite, The House of Zadok the High Priest to David and Solomon, and King David the Judaite. As such, a REAL threat to King Herod and the High Priest Caiphas.

It is well known that the family of Prince Yahseph, the father of Yahusha, came from a family of Royal Davidian princes, all of whom carried the hidden dream of being the Promised One, or the father of the Promised One who would sit on the seat of their ancestral forefather, King David. In contrast, Miriam’s family lived in the aura of the majesty and beauty of the Temple culture of the Jews in Jerusalem.  Now that we have a better understanding of who Yahusha really was, let us look deeper into Yahusha’s role as Melchizedek and The Passover Lamb of Yahuah.



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