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Yahusha the Ruling Zadok... "Melchizedek" who offered the final Passover sacrifice and put to death sin in the world!


In this book, I am going to fully document my beliefs concerning Yahusha the Messiah and the Scriptural support for them. Let this book be the foundation for what I believe, for what I write, and for what I say from this point forward. The stars in the sky called The Heavenly Scroll lays the foundation for what The Bible declares; that Yahusha first existed at his human birth to both his parents Joseph (Yahseph) and Mary (Miriam). The proof that he was born with the seed of Yahseph is that he died as death is passed on genetically to all men through the father's seed (Adam). The Bible declares that Yahusha was born imperfect, void of the knowledge of Yahuah. The Bible further declares that Yahusha was born disobedient with his own selfish will (as all men are) and had to learn obedience. The Bible declares that Yahusha was in need of repentance from sin and that his Faith in Yahuah wavered at times and he was consumed with guilt and exceedingly sorrowful. I realize this is not what we have been taught our entire lives, but it is what the Bible declares.

The Fulfillment of the Passover Lamb

In this book, I am going to explore how Yahusha, as Melchizedek and Passover Lamb, took away the sin introduced into the world by Adam while being "fully human in every way". I will explain the significance of the Torah in the life of Yahusha as it applies to The Passover Lamb, human Messiah, and Eternal High Priest. The goal in this book is to truly understand the depths of the sacrifice and Blood of Yahusha the Messiah. I will introduce the true lineage of Miriam (Mary) as a Princess of Israel and Daughter of Jerusalem. I will introduce Yahseph (Joseph) as a Prince of Israel and a Lion of Judah and explaining how Yahusha's bloodline was carefully cultivated to bring about Melchizedek (the Ruling Zadok). I will attempt to break free from the context of "Yahuah had to die" in the form of the second member of the Trinity named "Jesus", realizing this is what we all have been taught as The Plan of Salvation. I will explain why the sacrifice that freed humanity from The Law of Sin and Death... had to come by the Blood of a human Messiah and High Priest, not the death of God. Yahusha's humanity is important to fulfill the Torah, Prophets, and Plan of Salvation as Yahuah had laid out. If Yahusha was anything more than a man, then the Plan of Salvation was not fulfilled. I will explain how The Law of Sin and Death is The Law with active decrees against us. The Law of the Spirit that leads to Life is The Law with those decrees covered by the Blood of The Passover Lamb, restoring us to perfect obedience and heirs of the promise of Eternal Life.

The Purpose of this Book

This book will explore the meaning behind the baptism of Yahusha and explain why it is critical to the Plan of Yahuah. That Plan is to purchase His Elect's Salvation from the curse of death levied by the Decrees in The Law. This Plan of Salvation is expressly laid out in prophecy from Genesis to Revelation. It is given to us in the physical examples of the Priesthood, the sacrifices, and detailed in "rehearsals" or physical metaphors found in the Torah.

The Torah is the foundation of Yahusha's claim to be the Messiah, therefore, we will establish that it is "alive and active" today.  The Torah defines his role as Melchizedek and establishes his right to rule through bloodlines. All the prophecies and rehearsals in the Torah and Prophets were designed to point to The Messiah and continue to this day to help us understand his role. The Torah explicitly explains his role on Earth to take away sin in the world that holds us all hostage to death. Yahusha literally put to death "sin" by literally dying sinless and therefore defeated death. Death, the penalty of sin, cannot hold he who is "without sin". Yahusha was then able to defeat the curse of death passed on to mankind through the genetic structure all men inherit from Adam. I want to explore what "spotless" or "without sin" means and from what point Yahusha was considered "sinless" by Yahuah. We will ask and answer the hard questions such as: Must Yahusha have lived his entire life without sin? Is there any real evidence in Scripture that would help us determine Yahusha's state of perfection vs. sin at his execution on Passover?

Saved by Faith in His Promises

If we are truly "saved by Faith in the promises of Yahuah", then we all should know and understand what those promises are. We should know how Yahuah fulfilled them to bring about our Salvation through Yahusha the Messiah. Faith is not Faith if what we have put our trust in was not promised by Yahuah! So what we claim as "Faith" had better be firmly grounded in a promise made by Yahuah or we are going to be greatly disappointed.

The Plan of Salvation fulfilled in Yahusha's Life

I want to look at the events in the life of Yahusha, in light of the Torah, so that we have a full understanding of... "The Plan of Salvation" fulfilled in him. We were given an entire revelation of Yahuah (the Bible) for a reason and not one word has been "abolished". None of us should be happy with the simplistic and totally untrue explanation that "Yahuah came to Earth as Jesus, died for us, and that death only has meaning because Yahuah died for us in the form of “Jesus”" … as though that is the Plan of Salvation. Yahuah made no such promise and denied that explicitly.

Numbers 23:19
Yahuah is not a man, that He should lie (
Yahusha was fully human Hebrews 2:17); neither the son of man (Yahusha was called the son of man in the NT 87 times), that He should repent (Yahusha was Mikveh’d (baptized) by John for repentance).

No, that explanation or fabricated “Plan of Salvation” taught by Christianity is not in The Bible at all. It is not what is revealed by Yahuah as "The Plan of Salvation". Yahuah promised a human Messiah that would die as a sin offering and gave us everything we needed to know about that Messiah in The Passover Lamb, Feast Cycle, and the role of High Priest.  This book is centered (as Yahusha's life was) on the baptism (Mikveh) of Yahusha when he was introduced to the world by his 2nd cousin,  John the Baptist, with the bold declaration in John 1:29:

Behold! The Lamb of Yahuah, who takes away the sin of the world!"

It is from this point that Yahusha is consecrated as the High Priest in the Order of Zadok (literally re-establishing the Priestly Order of Zadok and taking on the title Melchizedek which means Ruling Zadok). It is also at this point that Yahusha is made The Passover Lamb of God and the sins of the world are placed on his shoulders. Right after having the sins of the world placed on his shoulders Yahusha fled into the desert as "the scapegoat". I will show exactly what happened after 40 days/nights in the wilderness when Yahuah came to his rescue.  Yahusha would later offer the final sacrifice of The Passover Lamb as Melchizedek, doing away with the yearly substitute of the Lamb for the life of the first born son. He was that first born son and fulfilled the “type and shadow” of Abraham sacrificing Isaac. The yearly Passover Lamb was the substitute for Isaac pointing to Yahusha's role up until "the day" when Yahuah would offer his own first born son to fulfill it and take away the sin of His people.

The pivotal point in the life of Yahusha was the day he became The Messiah, High Priest, and Passover Lamb. So I will explain how John, the legitimate High Priest, transferred all authority of High Priest over to Melchizedek at his baptism. Yahusha's documented journey as Messiah begins here at his baptism and ends a little over a year later on Passover when he makes the final sacrifice as "a spotless lamb of about a year" as defined in the Torah.


The Sabbatarian Network provides information on the following numbers, words, and combinations of the following numbers, and words, and many more: 1, 2, 7, 15, 24, 40, 616, 666, 144000, Abel, Abib, abominations, abortion, Abraham, Acts, Adam, aggelos, Aish, Alexander Hislop, allegories, altar, analogies, ancient, angel, annual, anoint, anthr