Before we journey
through Sha’ul’s letter to the Nazarene assembly in Rome, there are a
few things we must consider. In this Introduction, I will provide very
short summaries of topics found in other books in my Original Revelation
Sha’ul the Leader of the Nazarenes
of Romans Twisted by Christian Translators
Faith of Abraham” is based on The Ancient Path of Enoch
Sha’ul takes the Gospel The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel called
topic above is covered in great detail in my book series. The truth of
these topics will be critical to understanding the Book of Romans and
providing an accurate “in context” rendering of the text. For that
reason, you must read my book series as a study guide, or you will never
fully comprehend the degree we have been misled concerning Sha’ul’s
Rav Sha’ul was a Nazarene or Notsri not what
we would consider a Christian. The fact that Sha’ul was not only a
Nazarene, but the “Leader of the Sect of Nazarenes” indicates
what Sha’ul believed and taught in the letters that survive today. We
must go back to the first century to identify what the Nazarenes
believed and put Sha’ul’s writings in that context.
letter we have written by Sha’ul to the Nazarene assemblies he
established was written to a unique audience with unique challenges he
addressed. When attempting to understand any one letter, we must put
them into context of all his writings and teachings. What Sha’ul
mentions in passing in one letter is explained in more detail in
another. What the assembly in Rome faced, believed, and required was
different than what the assembly in Galatia faced, believed, and
required. We must assume there are many letters written to these
assemblies we do not have. What he taught each assembly was most
probably taught to all, we just no longer have those letters. For this
reason, a solid understanding of all his surviving letters must be
brought to bear on each individual letter.
was also a leading Pharisee of his day meaning he was an expert in the
Torah and Prophets. Being a Pharisee, he was also intimately familiar
with the oral traditions and human commands keeping the Jews (the House
of Judah) in bondage to the establishment. Being mentored by Gamaliel
who was the most famous Rabbi in Jewish history; there was no one more
qualified to break these bonds and confront the establishment than
accusations that Sha’ul was a “false teacher” are based on mistranslated
texts by the pagan Roman Christian Church. Please see my book The
Law and The Pauline Doctrine for the truth of what Sha’ul taught
and to overcome the twisted Greek appropriate lie that is … The
Pauline Doctrine.
Sha’ul was not a Roman Hellenized Christian but a Hebrew Nazarene. This
is stated clearly in the Book of Acts:
Acts 24:5-6
“For we have found
this man to be a pest and a mover of sedition among all the Jews
throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes:
Who also hath gone about to profane the Temple: whom we took, and
would have judged according to our law”
like John and Yahusha, was the leading figure in defense of the Ancient
Enochian Path (The Heavenly Scroll), the written Torah, Prophets, and
Messiah. That is what being a Nazarene was all about 2000 years ago and
remains true today. I will establish these beliefs in this book and then
use that context to understand the Book of Romans.
Nazarenes kept the hidden mysteries of Yahuah dating back to Enoch. They
were to guard these mysteries, watch over and protect them! They were
fierce opponents of all forms of paganism including the Babylonian
Talmud and Hellenism (the worship of Greek gods and twisting of The
Heavenly Scroll into what we know as the Zodiac today). The Nazarenes
rejected Incarnation outright and any concept associated with Babylonian
They rejected the Virgin Birth and the Trinity
Proclaimed the Name of The Creator Yahuah and that He is the only
followed the ancient Enochian Path (Enoch
Calendar and Enoch Zodiac)
rejected the worship of the Messiah as a demi-god believing him to
have been to two human parents a mother and a father
refused the label “Christians” outright and felt it slanderous
word Nazarenes means “followers of the Branch” which was foretold
in what the Bible calls The Heavenly Scroll given to Enoch. They “admit”
the stars and constellations proclaim a message to all mankind and
followed The Ancient Way of Enoch they called The Way. This
ancient path was rejected by the Hebrew people over time and carried
forward in secret by the Zadok Priesthood:
Jeremiah 6:16
This is what
Yahuah says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the
ancient (Enochian)
paths, ask where “the
good way” is, and walk in The Way (of
Enoch), and you will find
rest for your souls. But you said, 'We will not walk in it.'”
Isaiah 48:3-6
3 I
foretold the former things long ago (written
in the stars on Day 4 of Creation), My mouth announced them (to
My Prophets who all read The Heavenly Scroll) and I made them
known (to all mankind by the Word of My
Testimony written in the stars Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3, given to all
mankind Deuteronomy 3:19); then suddenly I Acted, and the
Message proclaimed by the stars/constellations came to pass (at
the end of the Age of Aries). 4 For I knew how stubborn you
were; your neck muscles were iron; your forehead
was bronze. 5 Therefore I told you these things (in
The Heavenly Scroll) long ago (at
Creation so that you are without excuse because Yahuah is known
through His Handiwork Romans 1:20); before they were
fulfilled I Announced the Plan of Salvation to you (in
The Heavenly Scroll Psalm 19) so that you could not say, ‘My
images brought them about; my wooden image and metal god ordained
them.’ 6 You have heard these things (that
the stars proclaim day after day, night after night to all mankind
as a witness Psalm 19); look at all the stars/constellation (in
The Heavenly Scroll). WILL
Sun/stars/constellations are The Word of His Testimony called
The Way)?
Isaiah 48:11-15
11 For My Own Sake, for My Own Sake I
will do it; for how could dishonor come to My Name (Yahuah)?
I will not give My Glory (as Creator)
to another! 12 Listen to Me, O Jacob and Israel, My Called; I am He;
I am the Aleph, I also am the Tav. 13 My Hand has laid the
foundation of the Earth (by Himself Isaiah
44:24), and My Right Hand has spanned (Authored) The
Heavenly Scroll; when I summon the Sun/stars/constellations together
(i.e., the stars and constellations
contain a Secret Message Enoch 6:9), they will
minister together as a Divine Counsel to all mankind (to
proclaim His Handiwork/The Messiah/Plan of Salvation Psalm 19). 14 All
of you, gather yourselves together and hear (what
the Sun/stars/constellations proclaim day after day, night after
night Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3)! Who among them has foretold
these things in the heavens/stars? Yahuah has Loved him (Spoken
of in The Heavenly Scroll; Yahusha); He will do his pleasure
on Babylon, and his arm will be on the Chaldeans. 15 I, even I, have
Spoken (LOGOS/DABAR – ‘Spoken Promise in
the beginning’ John 1:1-14); yes, I have called him (Yahusha Luke
4:18). I have brought him (forth
as The Branch as My Eternal High Priest see Zechariah Chapter 3:8),
and his example, The Way,
(example of Mikveh,
Circumcision, and Offering) will
succeed (in producing Perfection and
Resurrection CAPRICORNUS/AQUARIUS called “The Doctrine of
Isaiah 40:26
Lift up your eyes and look to The
Heavenly Scroll: Who created all these stars and constellations? He
Who brings out the Starry Host (constellations
‘Host stars’) in order (of
the Sun’s path) one by one and calls forth each of the
constellations by name (called The
Heavenly Host or Host of Heaven which witness of the coming Messiah).
Because of His Great Power and Mighty strength, not one of them is
missing (there are 12 major Signs along
the ecliptic plane in every culture over the history of mankind).
If you would admit they proclaim (Isaiah
48:3-6) my Father’s Testimony (in
the stars which witness about Yahusha),
Enoch 35:3
I blessed Yahuah of glory, who had made those great and splendid
signs (of
the Zodiac),
that they might display the magnificence of his works (The
Plan of Salvation Psalms
to angels and to the souls of men; and that these (splendid
signs in The Heavenly Scroll)
might glorify all his works and operations; might see the effect of
his power; might glorify the great labor of his hands; and bless him
was a leader of the “sect of the Nazarenes” who followed The Way of
more on this topic, read my book The Nazarene.

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Concerning the Nazarenes in the first century, The Christian Church
Father Epiphanius tells us:
Epiphanius; Panarion
29:9:4, A.D. 374.
“But these sectarians… did not call
themselves Christians – but “Nazarenes” [Natsarim] . . . However,
they are simply complete Jews. They use not only the New Testament
but the Old Testament as well, as the Jews do… They have no
different ideas but confess everything exactly as The Law proclaims
it and in the Jewish fashion – except for their belief in Messiah,
if you please! For they acknowledge both the Resurrection of the
dead and the Divine Creation of all things, and declare that God is
One, and that His son is Yahusha The Messiah. They are trained to a
nicety in Hebrew. For among them the entire Law (Torah), the
Prophets, and the… Writings … are read in Hebrew, as they surely are
by the Jews. They are different from the Jews, and different from
Christians, only in the following. They disagree with Jews because
they have come to Faith in Messiah; but since they are still
fettered by The Law – Circumcision, the Sabbath, and the rest – they
are not in accord with Christians . . . they are nothing but Jews…
They have the Gospel according to Matthew in its entirety in Hebrew.
For it is clear that they still preserve this, in the Hebrew
alphabet, as it was originally written.”
on the above historical account, a Nazarene was what Epiphanius called
“a complete Jew”. But what else did they believe? John the Baptist rose
to the position of Zadok High Priest with the Spirit of Elijah, the
“Great Nazarene Teacher of Righteousness”, and those of who followed
John were originally of the Sect of the Essenes. This new sect who
followed John the Baptist became known as
Nazarenes. We know more
about the Nazarenes by examining their origin as Essenes and Ebionites.
From “Ebionites & Nazarenes: Tracking the Original Followers of
Jesus” by James Tabor:
This Ebionite/Nazarene
movement was made up of mostly Jewish followers of John the Baptizer
and later Jesus, who were concentrated in Palestine and surrounding
regions and led by “James the Just” (the brother of Jesus), and
flourished between the years 30-80 C.E. Non-Jews were certainly part
of the mix but the dominant ethos of the group was an adherence to
live according to Jewish law (Galatians 2:14). They were zealous for
the Torah and continued to observe the mitzvot (Commandments) as
enlightened by their Rabbi and Teacher…
Nazarene comes from the Hebrew word Netzer (drawn from Isaiah 11:1
and the Constellation VIRGO) and means “a Branch”—so the Nazarenes
were the “Branchites” or followers of the one they believed to be
the Branch–that is the Davidic Messiah…
- Referred
to themselves as The Way, Perhaps their most common designation was
the Yachad–the brotherhood
They were bitterly opposed to the corrupt Priests in Jerusalem, to
the Herods, and even to the Pharisees whom they saw as compromising
with that establishment to get power and influence from the
Hellenistic/Roman powers.
They had their own developed Halacha (interpretation of Torah)
- They accept
Paul (with caution) and believe in some aspect of the divinity of
Jesus (after his resurrection), even possibly the virgin birth (as
simply a sign), but viewed him as “adopted” as Son of God at his
Belief that Jesus as a human being with a
father and a mother
Sought out the “Path” reflected in the pre-Sinai revelation,
especially the time from Enoch to Noah.
Dedication to following the whole Torah, as applicable to Israel and
to Gentiles, but through the “easy yoke” or the “Torah of liberty”
of their Teacher Jesus, which emphasized the Spirit of the Biblical
Prophets in a restoration of the “True Faith,” the Ancient Paths
(Jeremiah 6:16; Matthew 11:28-30; James 2:8-13; Matthew 5:17-18;
9:13; 12:7), from which, by and large, they believed the
establishment Jewish groups of 2nd Temple times had departed.
Rejection of the “doctrines and traditions” of men, which they
believed had been added to the pure Torah of Moses, including
scribal alterations of the texts of Scripture (Jeremiah 8:8).
these historical records combined with the proper interpretation of the
Scriptures, we can confidently say Sha’ul:
Put his faith in The Heavenly Scroll called the ancient path where
the Plan of Salvation is laid out and Yahuah bears witness of
Believed in the intent of the written Torah and rejected the human
traditions of Rabbinical Judaism known today as The Talmud.
Believed that Yahusha the Nazarene was the Messiah.
Rejected the labels “Jew and Christian”
Rejected the worship of the Messiah and later the name “Jesus”
Believed the Messiah was born to two human parents
Rejected the efforts of the Christopagans to drag believers into
Lawlessness and pagan rituals.
Called upon and spoke the full Name of the Creator Yahuah.
Kept and taught his assemblies to keep the Sabbath and Holy Days.
Observed the sacred Enochian calendar not the solar calendar.
Rejected Incarnation.
Taught the ‘intent’ of The Law over the letter.
that Yahusha is Yahuah’s Firstborn AGAIN
Son, adopted upon his
Rejected the Greek Hellenistic Mindset.
Kept Circumcision, the Sabbath, and Holy Days
we find today is a "movement" among almost all Scholars who have come to
recognize that Sha'ul's writings were twisted, mistranslated, and
intentionally altered by Christianity to "do away with The Law"! Textual
Critics are finding many instances in the modern English translations as
well as with the Greek copies of the original Hebrew scripts, where the
translators subtracted words and then added words and phrases to twist
Sha’ul’s writings to create The Pauline Doctrine.
It is
admitted among Scholars that Sha'ul did not intend to teach against
‘The’ Law, Feasts, and Sabbaths of the Most High. Let me quote from
The Jerusalem Perspective which is a Christian site of true scholars and
textual critics:
Source: ‘The Western Captivity of the Apostle Sha’ul’ by Jack
Poirier columnist for The
Jerusalem Perspective.
"No area of modern textual
criticism is more prominent, and theologically momentous, than the
developments that have taken place in the past forty years
concerning our understanding of what the books of Romans and
Galatians are all about.
"It is now a commonplace
observation among scholars that Sha’ul’s most basic convictions were
misrepresented by the most dominant streams of Western theology.
Although a more detailed discussion would include a number of lesser
figures as well, it is significant that the principal culprits in
the Westernization of Sha’ul (e.g., Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Karl
Barth, et al.) are all deserving of chapter (on how Sha’ul's was
misrepresented in their teachings) in a general history of the
Church. This shows how central the interpretation of Sha’ul is to
the Christian history of ideas. As it goes with Sha’ul, so with the
there you have it... Sha'ul's writings were twisted by the Greek
‘exactly’ as Jeremiah, Peter and Sha'ul warned us they would be.
1 Corinthians 1:23
but we preach the Messiah
crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Greeks---
2 Peter 3:16-17
He writes the same way in
all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters
contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and
unstable (Greek) people distort, as
they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. ---
Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your
guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the
‘Lawless’ and fall from your secure position.
Jeremiah 8:7-9
But My people do not know the ordinance of Yahuah (Eternally
preserved in the stars Psalm 119:89).
8 How can you say, we are wise men (h2450
chakam - 'astrologers'
and know ‘the secrets preserved in The Heavenly Scroll which men
were striving to learn’ Enoch 6:9),
And the Word of Yahuah's Testimony (that
Yahusha is The Branch foretold in The Heavenly Scroll)
is with us? But behold, the ‘lying
pen of the scribes’ has made My Word (LOGOS/DABAR
- 'Spoken Promise in the beginning' Eternally preserved in
The Heavenly Scroll Psalm 119:89)
into a lie (by
removing The Word of His Testimony).
9 The wise men (h2450
chakam – ‘astrologers’)
are put to shame (for
twisting The Heavenly Scroll into Incarnation the 'Mystery' of the
Babylonian Zodiac called The Way of the Gentiles),
They are dismayed (by
the constellations/stars/Sun to worship them Jeremiah 10:2 – "Do
not learn the way of the nations (corrupted Babylonian Zodiac), and
do not be dismayed
at the signs/constellations/stars of The Heavenly Scroll”)
and caught (in
idolatry Deuteronomy 4:19 – “When you look to the heavens and see
the sun, moon, and stars—all the stars in the sky—do not be led
astray to bow in worship to them and serve them.”);
Behold, they have rejected the Word of My Testimony (The
Heavenly Scroll),
And what kind of wisdom (Spiritual
Understanding of The Plan of Salvation written in the stars which
proclaim The Glory of Yahuah Psalm 19:1, which is Yahusha Hebrews
1:3, and declare His Handiwork Psalm 19 and Enoch 35:3 and many more
do they have (because
the Scriptures are literally based on The Heavenly Scroll/Plan of
Salvation/LOGOS written in the stars at Creation which is what
Yahusha came to fulfill Hebrews 10:7 and Matthew 6:10)?