The Kingdom of Yahuah
has a sovereign King. This can get confusing because Yahusha was seated at the
right hand of the throne that Yahuah sits on. You see, the Kingdom of Yahuah
is not Creation. the Kingdom of Yahuah is a government
that rules creation.
Yahuah sits on the Throne
of Creation as the Creator over all Creation and Yahusha was
installed by Yahuah as His proxy King to govern it within the
Kingdom of Yahuah. Let us give Glory where Glory is due…
6 “This is what Yahuah says — Israel’s King (Yahusha had not yet been installed as Yahuah’s proxy King)
and Redeemer, Yahuah Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart
from me there is no Elohim.
Isaiah 44
24 “This is what Yahuah says— your Redeemer (Yahuah is the redeemer/savior, Yahusha is the acceptable
sacrifice i.e. Lamb of Yahuah), who formed you in the womb: I am Yahuah,
the Maker of all things, who stretches out the heavens, who
spreads out the earth by myself.
Isaiah 42
5 This is what Yahuah says— He who created the
heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and all that comes out
of it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it!
Isaiah 45
5 I am Yahuah, and there is no other; apart from me there
is no Elohim. 7 I form the light and create darkness, I bring
prosperity and create disaster; I,
Yahuah, do all these things. 12 It is I who made the earth and created mankind
upon it. My own hands stretched out the heavens; I
marshaled their starry hosts. 18 For this is what Yahuah says— He who created the
heavens, He
(alone) is Elohim; He who fashioned and
made the earth, He
founded it; He did
not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited— He says: "I am Yahuah, and there is no other (Elohim)."
Isaiah 46
5 "To
whom will you compare me or count me equal? To whom will
you liken me that we may be compared? 8 "Remember this, fix it
in mind, take it to heart, you rebels. 9 Remember the former things,
those of long ago; I am Elohim, and
there is no other; I am Elohim, and there is none like me. 10
I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to
come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.
Yahuah makes it crystal clear
that it was He alone who is the Creator and He alone sits on the Throne of
Creation. Yes, Yahuah is the Creator and He did it all
alone. Despite all the rhetoric from the Christian Church about “the Trinity”
and “divine emanation” and so forth… Yahuah cleared it up. He did it by Himself.
There was no one with Him.
There are two thrones, the
Throne of Creation and the throne that rules over the Kingdom of Yahuah.
Yahuah sits on the Throne of Creation, Yahusha sits at Yahuah’s
right hand and Yahusha’s power/authority is given him by Yahuah as Yahuah’s proxy
King over the Kingdom of Yahuah:
Matthew 26:64
Yahusha said
to him, “You have said so. But I tell you, from now on you will see the Son of
Man seated at the right hand of (the) Power (of Yahuah) and coming on the clouds of heaven.”
that Yahuah
worked in Yahusha when Yahuah raised Yahusha from the dead and seated Yahusha
at His right hand in the heavenly places (Kingdom of Yahuah).
If then you
have been raised with Yahusha, seek the (Spiritual)
things that are above (in the Kingdom of Yahuah),
where Yahusha is, seated at the right hand of Yahuah.
Now the point
in what we are saying is this: we have such a high priest, one who is seated at
the right hand of the Throne of Majesty (Throne of
Creation) in (the Kingdom of) heaven.
The King installed at the
right hand of Yahuah to rule His Creation within the Kingdom of Yahuah
is His firstborn son into that Spiritual Kingdom. Yahusha is that son. As
firstborn son, Yahusha received the inheritance of His Father to govern the
"For to
us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government (over Creation) shall be on his shoulders and he will
be called Wonderful Counselor, (the perfect image of)
Mighty Elohim, (fore) Father of Everlasting (life), and Prince of Peace.” There will be no end to
the increase of His government (the Kingdom of Yahuah)
or of peace, on the Throne of David and over His Kingdom, to establish it and
to uphold it with justice and righteousness (the Law)
from then on and forevermore.
1 In the past (6 covenants)
Yahuah spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various
ways, 2
but in these last days (in the Yahushaic
Covenant) Yahuah has spoken to us by his Son (Moses called Yahusha the greatest prophet of all who
would properly teach the Law),
Deuteronomy 18:15, 18-19
"Yahuah will raise up a Prophet like
me from your midst, from your brethren. Him you shall hear.... And Yahuah said
to me: I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren, and will put My words in His mouth, and He shall speak to
them all that I command Him. And it shall be that whoever will not hear My
words, which He speaks in My name, I will require it of him"
Continuing with Hebrews 1…
whom Yahuah appointed heir of all things (Yahusha
did not create anything, he was appointed his position), and for whom also Yahuah made the universe. 3 The Son is the
radiance (perfect image or reflection) of Yahuah’s glory and the exact representation
of Yahuah’s being (just like all sons are the exact
representation of their father physical to spiritual parallel. Yahusha was transposed into the full image of Yahuah as His literal
son through resurrection), upholding all things by Yahuah’s powerful
word (governs the Universe by the Law of Yahuah). After he
had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the
Majesty (Throne of Creation) in the
Kingdom of Yahuah. 4 So he (was not born but) became (after his transposition and birth as a elohim in the exact
representation of Yahuah’s being) as much superior to the angels as the
name he has inherited is superior to theirs.
Like all of the sons of Yahuah
who are being trained to govern under Yahusha, Yahusha had to be “trained”
through a life on Earth.
14 Since the (future) children (of Yahuah) have flesh and blood (by which they are trained by
a life on Earth), he (Yahusha) too
shared in their humanity (was trained by a life on
Earth) so that by his death he, Yahusha, might break the power of him
who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— 15 and free those who
all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death (not slavery to the Law). 16 For surely it is
not angels Yahusha helps, but Abraham’s descendants (the
bloodline of the sons of Yahuah remains defined by the Abrahamic Covenant).
For this reason he (Yahusha) had to be made
like them, fully human in
every way (he was not half man half elohim),
in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to
Yahuah (he is Yahuah’s High Priest, not Yahuah in the
flesh), and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. 18 Because he himself
suffered when he was tempted (trained in this life),
he is able (qualified through training) to help
those (brothers and sisters in the Family of Yahuah)
who are being tempted (in their training).
So we see that before Yahusha
would obtain his inheritance he had to be trained. Yahusha’s
unique role of Melchizedek (Ruling Zadok Priest) required Yahusha to be
trained both in the Law to govern but also in the Law of the Priesthood
to make atonement. I cover this in great detail in the 4th book in
this series Melchizedek and the Passover Lamb and will fully
develop Yahusha’s role in my book the Yahushaic Covenant.
Most people “assume” (mainly
because they are taught so in Christianity) that Yahusha was born perfect (teaching
he was literally Yahuah in the flesh). This is not the case, if it were Yahusha
would have had no reason to be put through a life on Earth like the rest of us
and certainly could not have died. In fact, scripture teaches us that Yahusha
was not born perfect:
Luke 2:40, 52
40 And the Child (Yahusha)
grew and became strong in spirit (learn through physical to spiritual parallels), (and became) filled with wisdom; and the grace (favor) of Yahuah was upon him. ... 52 And Yahusha
increased in wisdom and stature and in favor
with Yahuah and men.
Yahusha GREW in wisdom, strength, stature, etc.
just like John the Baptist who was Yahusha’s teacher, (see Luke 1:80). This
shows that Yahusha was not
born "perfect" but BECAME perfected like all other righteous men of Israel (Yet Yahusha
was the most Anointed One).
Hebrews 1:4
4 having
become so much better than the angels, as Yahusha has by
inheritance obtained (after life training)
a more excellent name than they (Yahusha wasn’t born
with it; he had to earn the position of King).
Hebrews 5:8-9
8 though Yahusha was a Son, yet he learned obedience
(Yahusha wasn’t always perfectly obedient that had to
be learned) by the things which he suffered. 9 And having
been perfected (Yahusha wasn’t born perfect, he
was trained to perfection), Yahusha became the author (forefather)
of eternal salvation (the forerunner to obtain it)
to all who obey him (enter into covenant with him and
follow his example),
Hebrews 7:28
28 For the law appoints as high priests men
who have weakness (Yahusha included, as he was a man
in need of being perfected), but the word of the oath, which came after
the law, appoints the Son who
has been perfected (Yahusha was
the first to achieve perfection and attain eternal life) forever.
Yahusha, like all the sons of
Yahuah, must have proven himself worthy to rule. He must demonstrate
while on this Earth:
- He was willing to serve Yahuah’s
creation and the sons of Yahuah before ruling over them.
- He loved Yahuah, His
Creation, and His family with the kind of love required to rule by giving
his life for them first.
- He had to study Yahuah’s
Righteousness defined by the Law and live it.
- He had to demonstrate that
he possessed the Seal of Yahuah’s Kingdom.
- He had to faithfully carry
“the standard” or display the Sign of Yahuah’s Kingdom.
- He had to be obedient to
the ritual that Yahuah defined in His Law; whereby he could obtain Yahuah’s
Grace and Forgiveness.
- He had to demonstrate he
could be trusted with great wealth and remain humble.
- He had to be TRANSPOSED
into the Kingdom of Yahuah demonstrating with power Yahuah’s
choice of Yahusha as a son.
Yahusha demonstrated he was
willing to serve Yahuah’s creation and the sons of Yahuah before ruling over
them. At this point in this book, I have not yet defined all the qualifications
every son of Yahuah must have to enter His Kingdom. However, below I will
quickly demonstrate that Yahusha was a son by the evidence in his life. I will
fully define them in later chapters of this book.
Adam identified with his wife Eve in her sin and as a
result died for her.
Adam then had to serve after failing to properly
rule the Earth.
Adam was given dominion over his wife.
Adam had to
go through a life on Earth and serve Yahuah’s creation that he was intended to
Adam was literally the son of Yahuah having no parents.
Yahusha, the bridegroom, had to
identify with the transgressions
of his “bride” as the Passover Lamb and die for her.
serve her in this life
before ruling over her in the next life.
serve as The Groom, having dominion over his Bride, the
go through a
life on Earth and serve Yahuah’s creation that he would later govern.
be resurrected, becoming the actual son of Yahuah, into the Kingdom of Yahuah.
Yahusha had to fulfill the
requirements of the Messiah as foretold by the prophets of Yahuah. The prophets
describe a suffering servant known in prophetic circles as “the Messiah ben
Joseph”. Joseph was a prototype or forerunner of the suffering Messiah (physical
to spiritual parallel). Joseph was betrayed by his brothers, thrown in
the pit left to die, rose from the pit to be at the right hand of Pharaoh. Joseph then extended
forgiveness to his brothers and saved their lives in the 7-year Egyptian
drought. The entire story of Joseph son of Jacob is a physical to
spiritual parallel of the life of the coming Messiah.
Yahusha too would be betrayed
by his brothers (the Jews), go down into the pit (death), rise again to the
right hand of Yahuah and deliver the sons of Yahuah from death. Upon Yahusha’s death which he
suffered in love for his brothers; he was found worthy as a servant and given
the crown to rule. Let’s take a look at a few prophecies that speak of Yahusha’s
role as the suffering servant. Again, this book is only to serve as Cliff
Notes to the Kingdom of Yahuah. This is not intended to be an
in depth study of the suffering servant.
Just an introduction… let’s
look at Isaiah 53.
1 Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm
of Yahuah been revealed? 2 He (Yahusha) grew up
before Him (Yahuah) like a tender shoot, and
like a root out of dry ground (Yahusha had to grow in
wisdom and favor and was trained to perfect obedience). He had no beauty
or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should
desire him. 3 He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man (not
a God) of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people
hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. 4 Surely he took up our
pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him
punished by Yahuah, stricken by Him, and afflicted. 5 But he was pierced for our
transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the
punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. 6 We all, like sheep, have gone
astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and Yahuah has laid on him (as THE Passover Lamb) the iniquity (breaking the Law) of us all. 7 He was oppressed and
afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a (Passover) lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep
before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. 8 By oppression and judgment he
was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested? For he was cut off from
the land of the living; for the transgression (of the
Law) of My people he was punished. 9 He was assigned a grave with
the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor
was any deceit in his mouth. (Yahusha was tried and
found innocent for insurrection which is violence as well as blasphemy which is
10 Yet it was Yahuah’s will to crush him and cause
him to suffer,(Yahusha had to be trained and proven
worthy to rule Yahuah’s Creation) and though Yahuah makes his life
(Yahusha’s entire life not his death) an
offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days (promise of eternal life), and the will of Yahuah
(to procreate a family to govern Creation, Yahusha
being the first born son) will prosper in his hand (Yahusha will set the Way for all future sons to follow).
11 After he has suffered (to
pave the Way through the Narrow Passover Gate only),
he will see the light of life and be satisfied (resurrected
to eternal life); by his knowledge (of the Law)
My righteous (Torah Observant) servant will
justify many (by covering the death decrees in the Law
as Passover Lamb), and he will bear their iniquities (inability to keep His Law). 12 Therefore (by his knowledge of the Law and obedience unto death)
I will give him a portion among the great (seat Yahusha
at the right hand of Yahuah as King in the Kingdom of Yahuah),
and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he
poured out his life (for Yahuah’s purposes and his
brothers) unto death, (the
greatest expression of true love) and was numbered with the
transgressors. For he bore the sin of many (as
Passover Lamb), and made intercession for the transgressors (as High Priest).
Yahusha displayed, what at
that time was, the greatest expression of a “servant”; just before Passover Yahusha
washed the feet of his disciples. Yahusha set the example that
we too
must be servants before we can be found worthy to govern with him. Washing the feet of his
disciples was a physical to spiritual parallel.
John 13:1-17
1 It was just before the Passover Festival. Yahusha knew
that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having
loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end (Yahusha demonstrated the love required to rule). 2 The evening meal (yes, Yahusha kept Passover not Easter) was in
progress, and the devil had already prompted Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot,
to betray Yahusha. 3 Yahusha knew that the Father had put all
things under his power, and that he had come from (the
predestined Will of) Yahuah and was returning (as
a trained son) to Yahuah; 4 so
he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing (and
Mikveh’d himself), and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 After that, he poured water into a basin and
began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped
around him.
6 He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Master, are
you going to wash my feet?” 7 Yahusha replied (speaking of
the Physical to spiritual parallel of what he was doing), “You do not realize now what I am
doing, but later (when you have the Spirit of Yahuah)
you will understand.” 8 “No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.” Yahusha
answered, “Unless
I wash you, you have no part with me.” (Yahusha knew
he must demonstrate the heart of a servant to be King, and all those who rule
with him must do the same) 9 “Then, Master,” Simon Peter replied (not understanding the spiritual parallel), “not just
my feet but my hands and my head as well!” 10 Yahusha answered, “Those who have had a bath (already been Mikveh’d) need only to wash their feet;
their whole body is clean. And you are clean (his
disciples had been Mikveh’d making them spiritually white as snow in the eyes
of Yahuah), though not every one of you.” 11 For he knew
who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not everyone was (spiritually) clean. 12 When he had finished washing their feet, he
put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you
understand (the spiritual significance) what I
have done (physically) for you?” he asked them. 13 “You
call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Master,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14 Now that I, your Master and Teacher (not their God), have washed your feet, you also
should wash one another’s feet (physical to spiritual
parallel of having the heart of a
servant). 15 I have set you an (physical) example that you should do as I have done
for you (we too must live a life of service to our
brothers). 16 Very truly I tell you,
no servant (all the sons of Yahuah) is greater
than his master (Yahusha), nor is a messenger (Yahusha) greater than the one (Yahuah) who sent him (Yahusha
is saying that Yahuah’s Will is that His sons must first serve to be qualified
to rule). 17 Now that you know these
things, you will be blessed if you do them.
Only after fulfilling the
prophecies of the suffering servant, could Yahusha then return and fulfill the
prophecies of conquering king known as “Messiah ben David”. King David was a
forerunner or prototype (physical to spiritual parallel) of the
eternal Righteous King. Like David, Yahusha would return, vanquish the enemies
of Yahuah, set up the Kingdom of Yahuah, and be a righteous ruler after Yahuah’s
own heart.
At this time, 6000 years into
the Plan of Yahuah defined by the Sabbath Covenant, Yahusha has
fulfilled the prophecies of the suffering servant or Messiah ben Joseph
but has yet (it is not time) to fulfill the prophecies of the conquering king. That
time is now imminent.
Speaking to his disciples on
the importance and meaning of being a servant, Yahusha instructed his
Luke 22
24 A dispute also arose among them as to which of them
was considered to be greatest. 25 Yahusha said to them, “the kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those
who exercise authority over them call themselves benefactors. 26 But you are not to be like that. Instead, the
greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who
rules like the one who serves. 27 For
who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is
it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves.
28 You are those who have stood by me in my trials.
29 And I confer on you a kingdom (through inheritance), just as my Father conferred one
on me (as the first born son), 30 so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom
and sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
The Apostle Sha’ul discussed
this same topic expressing that the “heir”, although destined to be master of
all, must first be a servant.
Galatians 4:1-7
Now I say, That the heir (Yahusha and all the sons are
heirs of Yahuah), as long as he is a child (not
properly trained), is no different from a servant, though he be
master of all
Yahusha understood that in
order to rule as King, he must not only be willing to serve those whom he would
govern, but also demonstrate perfect love for them. Yahusha explained that type
of love:
John 15
12 My
command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one
than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
The Apostle Sha’ul
addresses this concept as well. He stresses how RARE it is for one man to die
for a Righteous man. He then says that it is almost inconceivable for a man to
die for a “good person”. But it is the highest expression of love for a man to
die for a sinner:
Romans 5
6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still
powerless, Yahusha died for the ungodly. 7 Very rarely will
anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might
possibly dare to die. 8 But Yahuah
demonstrates (John 3:16) his own love for us (by giving His first born son) in this: While we were
still sinners, Yahusha died for us.
When we think of Yahusha, we
envision he was a poor carpenter’s son because that is what we are taught in
Christianity. If you are reading this book, you should have already read the 4th
book in this series Melchizedek and the Passover Lamb. In that
book I reveal the true lineage of Yahusha. Yahusha was the product of an
arranged marriage between Joseph and Miriam who were both considered Royalty in
Israel at that time.
Joseph was a prince from the
Royal Davidian Line and considered one of the young “Lions of Judah”. Miriam
was a princess; the grand-daughter of the Zadok High Priest Yahusha III on her
mother’s side and was the granddaughter of Prince Mattathias and Princess
Alexandra II (Ester of Jerusalem) on her father’s Eli’s side. Miriam’s father
was Heli ben Mattat or Prince Alexander Helios III (Eli).
The reason Yahusha was living
a simple life of a carpenter was because he and his mother Miriam were
literally being held in protective custody of the Temple from King Herod’s
wrath where Yahseph, the father of Yahusha, had “sent them away” when he
discovered Miriam was with child. Yahseph (Joseph) sent them to live with
Elizabeth who herself was living in protective custody. The life they were living
in protective custody had nothing to do with their wealth as they all were
Jewish Royalty (that is why King Herod wanted them all dead, they all were a
threat to Herod’s Throne).
That brings me to the Prophet
Daniel and the “Babylonian Wise Men” who delivered a King’s Ransom to Yahusha
at his home. The “Christian” tradition of the 3 wise men at the manger is
totally unscriptural. Not only were there not just 3, but they didn’t deliver
that wealth to Yahusha in a manger.
Let’s look a little closer at
exactly what transpired to understand the inheritance Yahusha received from the
Prophet Daniel:
Daniel was a young Jewish man, was
made a eunuch (castration)
Daniel was given a Babylonian name
of Belteshazzar
Daniel served under Nebuchadnezzar,
Belshazzar, Darius, and Cyrus
Daniel was given charge over the
Chaldeans (Semitic wise men/astronomers) of whom many where Jews
Daniel was visited by the Angel of
Yahuah, Gabriel, and given many revelations concerning future events and
of the coming of the Messiah
Daniel rose to such
prominence in the Babylonian Court that he amassed a fortune. He rose to the
position of 3rd Ruler in all of Babylon and was the King of the
Then commanded
Belshazzar, and they clothed Daniel with scarlet, and put a chain of gold about
his neck, and made a proclamation concerning him, that he should be the third
ruler in the kingdom. {30} In that night was Belshazzar the king of the
Chaldeans slain.
Daniel was so prominent in
Babylon; he was literally favored above all and was set over the King’s entire
Then this
Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent
spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.
Daniel was a very wealthy
“King” by the time of his death. Since Daniel was a eunuch he had no
son to pass on his inheritance. Knowing his Messiah would one day
be born in Bethlehem, Daniel gave instructions to his Jewish Chaldean
astronomers (whom Daniel trained) to secure and save his inheritance until the
sign of the “Coming of the King” in the heavens was revealed. The executors of
Daniel’s will (the school of Chaldean Astronomers trained by Daniel),
500 hundred years later, saw this “sign in the heavens” and began to prepare to
deliver Daniel’s treasure to the child born “King of the Jews” in Israel.
The wealth of Babylon,
was delivered to the King of the Nazarenes!
500 hundred years after the
death of Daniel, Daniel’s treasure finally reappears in Scripture with the
Chaldean “wise men” at Yahseph’s (Joseph) and Miriam’s (Mary's) home in
Judea. It doesn’t show up in a manger in Bethlehem (oh how tradition
And when they
were come into the house (of Joseph and Mary)
they saw the young child with Miriam his mother, and fell down, and worshipped
him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts;
gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.
Yahusha was about 2 years old
at this time. We don’t know the extent of the estate of Prince Yahseph and Princess
Miriam (Joseph and Mary). We don’t know the extent of Daniel’s Estate that was
given to the Messiah as an inheritance since Daniel had no family. We can
rightfully deduce, however, that Yahusha was FAR FROM POOR but a very wealthy
prince of Israel.
The point here is that in
lieu of Yahusha’s great wealth, that rivaled that of a King… we know nothing
about it and assume he was poor. Yahusha could have, as was the practice of the
Jews at that time, PURCHASED his place in the Temple inner circle from Rome. Instead,
Yahusha demonstrated a simple life of a poor servant proving his worthiness to
rule in the face of great wealth.
As I pointed out in the 4th
book in this series, Melchizedek and the Passover Lamb, Yahusha studied
under his elder cousin (and High Priest of Israel) John the Baptist. John was
the leader of the Nazarene’s who were considered “Keepers of the Law”.
Nazarenes were a sect among
the Jews in Israel who followed John the Baptist at the time Yahusha lived.
Under John’s direction, the Nazarenes (knowing the prophecies of Daniel
concerning the timing of the Messiah’s coming) bathed in the Mikveh daily in
expectation of the Messiah’s arrival.
Yahusha and many of his
disciples were first followers of John the Baptist and were all... Nazarenes.
When John consecrated Yahusha as his successor, his followers then followed Yahusha
“the Nazarene” and accepted him as the Messiah.
Nazarenes were spoken of as
guardians of the Torah, Prophets, and Messiah. It is a mistranslation in our
Bibles where it says “Jesus of Nazareth”. Not only is his name not Jesus, not
only did the town of Nazareth not exist then, but the terms "sect of the
Nazarenes" and "Yahusha of Nazareth" are the same. They both
employ the adjective nasraya or Notsri meaning branch, which is
referring to the prophecy in Isaiah concerning the Branch and prophecy of
Zachariah concerning the Branch. The English word “Nazarene” (Greek Nazaraios,”
Aramaic “Natsraya,” or Hebrew “Notsri”) comes from the Hebrew word netser
(branch), which itself is derived from the verb natsar which means “to guard,
watch, keep, or preserve.” in context speaking of the Torah. Yahusha was indeed
a Notsri and keeper of the Torah. That is why he was called Yahusha the
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Yahusha studied under John
and was a Nazarene or “keeper of the Law” who was trained by John “to guard,
watch, keep, or preserve” the Torah. When the time presented itself, Yahusha
clearly proclaimed he did NOT abolish the Torah (Law and Prophets) but actually
brought them to their fullest meaning and intent spiritually:
17 “Do
not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have
not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you,
until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke
of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is
accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets
aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be
called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands
will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For
I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and
the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
The Yahushaic Covenant is defined by the Law.
This is the
covenant I will make with them after that time, says Yahuah. I will put my laws
in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.
the Law was transposed to
serve Yahusha as High Priest/Righteous Judge/King.
"for when
there is a transfer of the priestly office (of Levi to
Melchizedek), out of necessity there is ALSO A TRANSFER of the LAW of
the priesthood (by which the Priesthood has authority)"
To be in covenant with Yahusha
is to keep the Law as he did:
John 15
9 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now
remain in my love. 10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love,
just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.”
For more see
my book The Law and The Pauline Doctrine.

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The literal “seal” or “mark”
on the forehead of the children of Yahuah is known as the Shema. It is literally
the name of Yahuah and the knowledge that He is ONE (not a Trinity). It is the
GREATEST commandment in all of the Word of Yahuah. It is required for entry
into the Kingdom of Yahuah. I will explain the Shema or the Seal
in detail in Chapter 8 of this book.
Here I want to show that Yahusha
properly proclaimed the Shema and demonstrated the Seal of the Kingdom of
Yahuah and proclaimed that it is required to attain eternal life:
Mark 12 - Seal on your
28 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them
debating. Noticing that Yahusha had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of
all the commandments, which is the most important?” 29 “The most important one,” answered Yahusha, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: Yahuah our Elohim,
Yahuah is one Elohim!”
Now this (the knowledge that Yahuah is the only true Elohim, the Shema)
is eternal life: that they know you, the only true Elohim, and (be in covenant with) Yahusha the Messiah, whom you
have sent.
I will fully explain the Sign
of the Kingdom of Yahuah in Chapter 9 of this book. The
Sign of the Kingdom of Yahuah is the keeping of the Sabbath. Yahusha kept the Sabbath and
repeatedly taught on the Sabbath:
And when the
Sabbath had come, He began to teach in the synagogue.
So he came
to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. And as his custom was, he went into
the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.
Now it
happened on another Sabbath, also, that he entered the synagogue and taught.
Now he was
teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath.
Then he went down
to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and was teaching them on the Sabbaths.
In fact, Yahusha understood the
Sabbath Covenant and that he would return to rule as King to fulfill the
Sabbath Covenant in the 7th prophetic day or 7th
Millennium known as the Millennial Reign:
Mark 2:27-28
he said to them, "the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the
Sabbath. Therefore the Son of Man is also King of the Sabbath.
In my book, Melchizedek
and the Passover Lamb, I go into detail concerning the Mikveh (Baptism)
of Yahusha by John. Mikveh, is the ritual cleansing of sin defined in the Law
whereby Yahuah washes away our sin. It is a requirement of salvation.

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The Mikveh of Yahusha was
also the process by which he was anointed High Priest and Passover Lamb by
John, the outgoing High Priest of Israel.
13 Then Yahusha
came from Galilee to the Jordan to be Mikveh'd by John. 14 But John tried to
deter him, saying, “I need to be Mikveh'd by you, and do you come to me?” 15 Yahusha
replied, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all
requirements in the Law.” Then John consented.
After Yahusha was Mikveh’d by
John he fled into the wilderness to seek Yahuah’s confirmation. We see a vision
of Yahusha after being in the desert for 40 days in Zachariah 3. We see Yahuah confirm that Yahusha
was in fact the Messiah and High Priest:
3 - Garments
for the High Priest, Yahusha
1 Then he
showed me Yahusha the high priest standing before the angel of Yahuah,
and Satan standing at his right side to accuse him. 2 Yahuah (through His proxy the Angel before whom stood Yahusha and
Satan) said to Satan, “Yahuah rebuke you, Satan! Yahuah, who has chosen
Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the
fire?” 3 Now Yahusha was dressed in filthy clothes (metaphor of sin) as he stood before the angel. 4 The
angel said to those who were standing before him, “Take off his filthy
clothes.” Then Yahuah said to Yahusha, “See (after
taking off his filthy rags), I have taken away your sin (fifthly rags Isaiah 64:6, it is through Mikveh that sin is
ritually washed away by Yahuah), and I will put fine garments (of the High Priest) on you.” 5 Then I said, “Put a
clean turban (of the High Priest) on his head.”
So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him (in the garments of the High Priest), while the angel of Yahuah
stood by. 6 The angel of Yahuah gave this charge to Yahusha: 7 “This is what Yahuah
Almighty says (again Yahuah speaking through His proxy
Angel): ‘If (Yahuah makes a conditional
promise) you will walk in obedience to me and keep my requirements (the Torah), then (here
is the promise if he keeps the Torah and obeys the Will of Yahuah) you
will govern my house (i.e. King over creation)
and have charge of my courts (Eternal Judge),
and I will give you a place (right hand of Yahuah)
among these standing here. 8 “‘Listen, High Priest Yahusha, you and your associates
seated (who came) before you (probably Adam, Enoch, Moses, Elijah, etc.), who (those seated before him) are men symbolic of things
to come (Physical to spiritual parallels): I am going to bring (you) my servant (from this
point forward), the Branch (he is the
9 See, the
stone I have set in front of Yahusha! There are seven eyes on that one stone,
and I will engrave an inscription on it,’ says Yahuah Almighty, ‘and I will
remove the sin of this land in a single day (the
day Yahusha, in obedience, dies as Passover Lamb).
But, when did this vision
occur in Yahusha’s life? It occurred just after John the High Priest
consecrated (through Mikveh) Yahusha as High Priest in succession. The ritual
of Mikveh washed away his prior life and as Yahuah said, "He had taken
away his sin" and removed the sin of the world (dirty rags) from him. Yahusha
then fled into the desert like the scapegoat. After spending 40 days/nights in
the desert sun starving to death, Yahusha literally looks like a "burning
stick snatched from the fire" of the desert sun.
Now, after just being
cleansed of sin through Mikveh (baptism), Yahusha is stripped of his
"filthy rags" or sin of the world, and clothed in the garments of a
High Priest. Yahusha was literally by blood the successor to John
the Baptist who succeeded High Priest Yahusha III who restored the House of
Zadok to the Office of High Priest in the Second Temple.
Yahuah then declares "See
(as I promised you in the Torah concerning Mikveh),
I have taken away your sin, and put fine garments on you". And then it
goes on to describe the garments of the High Priest that were put on Yahusha.
Then Yahuah tells Yahusha to
"listen" because Yahuah would bring about (in Yahusha) his
servant, the Branch (obvious reference to the Messiah), in other
words Yahuah would make THIS High Priest His Messiah! And if Yahusha
"will walk in obedience to me and keep my requirements (the Torah), then you will govern my house and have
charge of my courts, and I will give you a place among these standing here".
This is an "if... then..." statement. If Yahusha will keep the
Torah, then Yahuah will engrave in stone that He (Yahuah) will “remove
the sin of this land in a single day” because of Yahusha's piety.
The Apostle Sha’ul taught the
exact same "conditional" role, that Yahuah heard Yahusha BECAUSE of
his piety (obedience to the Law) not because Yahusha was the second member of a
pagan Babylonian Trinity as we have been taught:
During the
days of Yahusha's life on earth (as a human),
he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one (Yahuah) who could save him from death, and he was
heard (by Yahuah as Yahuah promised in Zachariah 3)
because of his reverent submission/piety (obedience to
the Law).
So Yahusha, through reverent
obedience to the Torah would become qualified as the Ruling Zadok
through inheritance; he then could offer himself up as the first born son and
proper sacrifice for sin. Doing away with the yearly “substitute” of a physical
lamb (physical to spiritual parallel), and fulfilling the prophetic portrait of
Abraham sacrificing Isaac (physical to spiritual parallel), but this time with
no substitute! Yahuah actually sacrificed His first born.
12 - Yahuah Is My Strength
and My Song
1 You will say in that day:
“I will give thanks to you, O Yahuah,
though you were angry with me,
your anger turned away,
you might comfort me.
2 “Behold, Yahuah is my salvation (Yahu’sha);
will trust, and will not be afraid;
for Yahuah Elohim is my strength and my song,
he has become my salvation (fulfilling His word to
send a Messiah).”
3 With joy you will draw water from the wells
of salvation (AQUARIUS). 4 And
you will say in that day:
“Give thanks to Yahuah,
upon (or cry out to ‘shua’) his name (Yah’shua),
make known his deeds among the peoples,
that his name is exalted.
5 “Sing praises to yahuah, for he has done gloriously;
let this be made known in all the
earth (he sets a sign among the nations).
6 Shout, and sing for joy, O inhabitant
of Zion (Remnant Israel in exile among the nations),
for great in your midst is the Holy One
of Israel (Yahuah is ONE, not a bi-entity or a
Trinity, the Shema).”
So we see in this prophecy
many interesting things, which I would like to discuss. Many times we just
“read over” the scriptures, especially the prophetic word that came from Yahuah
through the mouths of His prophets. We are not going to make that critical
error today, we are going to do as David did, that endeared David to the heart
of Yahuah, meditate on His Word (Psalms 1:2). As sons of Yahuah, we are to
“meditate on His word day and night” so that is what we will do here.
but his
delight is in the law of Yahuah, and on his law he meditates day and night.
Many times, we just read
over the scriptures for the sake of laying claim to the personal fame of “I
have read the entire Bible!”
While that is important, it
is even more important to meditate on it, seek out the context of it, and
understand it from the standpoint of intent.
This chapter of Isaiah (Yesha
Yahu) provides a very good opportunity for me to demonstrate the process by
which prophecy should be understood… which is in context of all scriptures! There
are a few things that stand out in this prophecy that I would like to address:
Dual prophecy – speaking of
Yahusha personally, and then Remnant Israel and the greater exodus
“Yahuah is my strength” declaring
“in that the day” the Messiah was created by Yahuah
“In that day you will say” – Ages…
the end of this age
“Yahuah is my salvation”
proclaiming the name of the Messiah Yahu’sha
“call upon his name” or “cry out
to Yahuah” proclaiming another version of the Messiah’s name Yah’shua
“Yahuah is my song” referring to
the Song of Moses and the Lamb sung by the Elect
“with joy you will draw water from
the wells of salvation” – the Water Ceremony and the Age of Aquarius the Water
“people of Zion” referring the
Remnant Israel, His people in captivity among the nations
This prophecy, as is the case
with many, is a dual prophecy. It has an application for the Messiah
personally, and then for the greater family of Yahuah at the end of the age of
Pisces as we enter into the Age of Aquarius (the Kingdom Age). This teaching
will be controversial as I address the humanity of the Messiah, the Mazzaroth
(we call Zodiac), the Ages of mankind, the two ways of writing the Messiah’s
name, and more. All hidden within this one Chapter of Isaiah! Let me begin by
illustrating the first somewhat hidden application; the Messiah.
When exactly did Yahuah
become the God/Elohim and strength of Yahusha? Let us examine scriptures and
clearly define that exact moment when Yahusha was created by Yahuah. While this
is going to be controversial, it is only so because we have elevated the image
of a man as God in error (Romans 1). Yahusha was the “image” of Yahuah... the
human image. Now, Yahusha is the perfect Spiritual image of his Father. In
fact, we all are instructed to conform during this life to the image of Yahusha
by following his human example. In doing do, we too will be resurrected into
the perfect Spiritual image of our Father. Yahusha is the “first born brother”
of many more sons/daughters of Yahuah to come!
28 And we know
that Yahuah causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him,
to those who are called according to His purpose. 29 For those whom He
foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so
that Yahusha would be the firstborn among many brethren.
An image is not, by
definition, the subject; any more than a photograph of you is actually... you! One
is an “image” and the other is the source, no matter how perfect that image is...
it will never be the actual source... it is an image.
In no known Universe, or
language, is an “image” the source, or it would not be called an “image”! That
is the very definition of “image” ... it is a likeness of (reflection of) the
source... but not the source.
I am going to prove, in this
teaching, that Yahuah became Yahusha’s God (Elohim), Strength, and Hope... when
he was created human in his mother’s womb; just like every other human being. I
will also show, that Yahusha claimed to be nothing more than a human being 87
times before his resurrection, we just won’t listen to him! We are determined
to remake Yahuah in our image, and reject the true human image of Yahusha, and
we say he is the source instead of the reflection/image of Yahuah.
We have believed in error
that Yahusha “pre-existed” and “was co-creator” and “was the Angel of Yahuah”
in the original scriptures (OT), and in fact, was a demi-god born into this
Earth half man half God. Some, even go so far as commit blasphemy against
Yahuah saying He lied and broke His promise to never come to Earth as a human
being by saying “Yahusha IS Yahuah in the flesh”. That is the Spirit of the
False Messiah speaking, not the Ruach of Yahuah!
This “idea” is a Babylonian
doctrine where Ishtar was impregnated by the “rays of the Sun” a god named “the
LORD/Ba’al” and “came back to Earth as her son” Tammuz. This is the source of
this belief that has led the Christian Church to commit the Abomination of
Desolation. It is called in scripture “the Spirit of the False Messiah” which
is the denial that Yahusha was simply a human being.
1 John
4 Beloved, do
not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from
Yahuah, because many false prophets have gone out into the world (claiming to be the incarnation of God). 2 By this you
know the Spirit of Yahuah: every spirit that confesses that Messiah Yahusha has
‘come in the flesh’ (an idiom for human being)
is from Yahuah; 3 and every spirit that does not confess Yahusha has come in
the flesh (but says the Messiah is God in any way, or the
Trinity) is not from Yahuah; this is the spirit of the antichrist (or False Messiah. The False Messiah is an image of a man
worshipped above Yahuah as ‘God’) … 12 No one has seen Yahuah at any
time! (Because Yahusha was not ‘Yahuah in the flesh’
or a demi-God in any way).
We see above, a “promise”
made by Yahuah, and a challenge to all of us to remember that He is not a
human, and will NEVER come to Earth as a man. Any attempt to idolize the
Messiah by claiming He is “Yahuah in the flesh” or was a god in any way... is
elevating the “image of a man who died” in our hearts as “God” above Yahuah,
and is forbidden (see Romans 1).
Some translations of Numbers
23:19 say ‘human being’ and others say ‘son of man’. That is because they are
the same thing, ‘son of man’ and ‘came in the flesh’ are Hebrew Idioms for
‘human being’ born to two human parents.
So, we Yahuah will never come
to Earth as a man and would never repent. That He is perfect and invisible. We
also know Yahusha’s favorite title for himself (no matter what we think he was)
was ‘son of man’. 87 times he outright declared he was a ‘human being’! The son
of his Earthly father Yahsep (yes, Miriam was a virgin, but Yahuah used
Yahseph’s seed in the miracle just like He did Isaac, Sampson, Jeremiah, and
John the Immerser... all born miraculous births OUTSIDE of sexual
intercourse... and Yahuah used the seed of their fathers! Yahuah would not
violate the order of His Own Creation).
Yahusha, we know, went to
John the Immerser to be baptized for repentance of sin (that was John’s
commission, to set the path straight for the Messiah), to fulfill all
righteousness through the ritual of Mikveh. In other words, for the Messiah to
begin his ministry as High Priest of Israel (being the great grandson of
Yahusha III, the last Zadok High Priest), he had to have “his sin washed away”
to fulfill all righteousness in him, so that as High Priest he could walk and
know no sin. I know, we all have been misled to believe Yahusha was a “perfect
god” from birth. Let’s see what scripture says!
For we do not
have a HIGH PRIEST who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but a HIGH
PRIEST who in every respect has been tempted (Yahuah
cannot be tempted James 1:13; therefor Yahusha cannot be “God in
the flesh”) as we are, yet, as HIGH PRIEST, without sin.
So Sha’ul was correct in
stating that as High Priest, Yahusha was tempted and sinned not. It is through
Mikveh that we are made whole in keeping the Law before Yahuah; and we fulfill
the righteous requirements of the Law. Remember, Yahuah is not a man, nor the
son of man, that he should repent. Yahusha was both, and went to John for
repentance of sin as John fulfilled his commission to “set the path of the
Messiah straight” as his father Zechariah the priest foretold in
1:77 “To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission
of their sins.” This is why Yahusha went to John! He had to be Mikveh’d in
order to “fulfill all righteousness” in him, set his path strait, through
Mikveh, and anoint him High Priest of Israel and transfer the sins of the world
onto the shoulders of Yahusha as the scapegoat. I explain all of this in great
detail in my book Melchizedek and the Passover Lamb. In that book
I introduce us all the REAL Messiah of Israel!
John 1
John said, “I
am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the
Messiah,’ as the prophet Isaiah said.”
In Zachariah Chapter 3, we
see a prophetic picture of this very day, when Yahusha was Mikveh’d by John,
then fled into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. This is where the Eternal
High Priest Yahusha, the King of Kings, and the Judge is anointed directly by
Yahuah after “having his sin forgiven” through Mikveh. Zachariah Chapter 3
gives us a prophetic “front row seat” in the desert, and picks up after 40 days
when Yahusha is laying there starving to death, having just rejected Satan’s
proposal, Satan now very mad about it, and the Angel of Yahuah finally comes to
him. Satan immediately turns on Yahusha and begins to accuse him before the
Angel of Yahuah:
Zechariah 3 - Garments for the High Priest, Yahusha
1 Then he showed
me Yahusha the high priest standing before the angel of Yahuah, and Satan
standing at his right side to accuse him. 2 Yahuah (through
His proxy the Angel before whom stood Yahusha and Satan) said to Satan,
“Yahuah rebuke you, Satan! Yahuah, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not
this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?” 3 Now Yahusha was dressed in
filthy clothes (metaphor of sin) as he stood
before the angel. 4 The angel said to those who were standing before him, “Take off his filthy clothes.” Then Yahuah said to
Yahusha, “See (after taking off his filthy rags),
I have taken away your sin (filthy rags Isaiah 64:6,
it is through Mikveh that sin is ritually washed away by Yahuah), and I
will put fine garments (of the High Priest) on
5 Then I
said, “Put a clean turban (of the High Priest)
on his head.” So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him (in the garments of the High Priest), while the angel
of Yahuah stood by. 6 The angel of Yahuah gave this charge to Yahusha:
7 “This is
what Yahuah Almighty says (again Yahuah speaking
through His proxy Angel): ‘If (Yahuah makes a
conditional promise) you will walk in obedience to me and keep my
requirements (The Torah), then (here is the promise if he keeps The Torah and obeys the Will
of Yahuah as High Priest) you will govern my house (i.e. King over creation) and have charge of my courts
(Eternal Judge), and I will give you a place (right hand of Yahuah) among these standing here. 8
“‘Listen, High Priest Yahusha, you and your associates seated (who came) before you (probably
Adam, Enoch, Moses, Elijah, etc.), who (those seated before him) are men
symbolic of things to come (Physical to spiritual
parallels): I am going to bring (you) my
servant (from this point forward), the Branch (he is The Messiah).
9 See, the
stone I have set in front of Yahusha! There are seven eyes on that one stone,
and I will engrave an inscription on it,’ says Yahuah Almighty, ‘and I will
remove the sin of this land in a single day (the day
Yahusha, in obedience, dies as Passover Lamb).
What is important here, is
that there is NO REQUIREMENT for Yahusha to be “God” or to live his entire life
with no sin. In fact, it is openly stated here, that Yahusha’s sin was forgiven
through Mikveh when anointed High Priest by John (the outgoing High Priest). The
ONLY requirement, directly from Yahuah’s mouth, is that Yahusha walk the path
of HIGH PRIEST with no sin; exactly as Sha’ul declared! If Yahusha could do
that, then Yahuah would accept his life as a sin offering, and forgive the rest
of the sons of Yahuah their sin. That is why John and Yahusha said he willingly
gave his life for his brothers (he is our brother not our God), there is no
greater love than that!
Yahuah had made Yahusha a
promise and Yahusha was following through with his end of the agreement.
1 John
By this we
know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our
lives for the brothers.
Greater love
has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.
Yahuah had made Yahusha a
conditional promise... if he would walk sin free as High Priest in obedience to
the Torah, then willingly lay down his own life out of love for his brothers...
Yahuah would forgive each of us. Yahusha’s life was willingly given in an act
of ultimate love, it was not a human sacrifice!
You see, Yahuah is invisible
and the everlasting Almighty Elohim. Yahusha was his human image/proxy and then
became the first born of eternal creation, being the first fruits of the
The Son is the
(human) image (or
proxy) of the invisible Yahuah, the firstborn over all creation.
The Bible is explicitly clear
that Yahusha was born 100% fully human in every way. In fact, Yahusha HAD TO
BE HUMAN to make atonement, a “God” cannot atone for something a human (Adam)
brought into this world.
If Yahusha was Yahuah in the
flesh or a demi-god in any way... we are dead in our sins:
10 In bringing
many sons and daughters to glory (not just His first
born son), it was fitting that Yahuah, for whom and through whom
everything exists, (Yahuah) should make the
pioneer of their salvation (Yahusha) perfect
through what he suffered. 11 Both the one who makes people holy (Yahuah) and those who are made holy (Yahusha and all his brother/sisters) are of the same
family. So Yahusha is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters (he is not our God, he is our elder brother, High Priest, and
King). 12 He says, “I will declare your name (Yahuah)
to my brothers and sisters; in the assembly I will sing your praises.” 13 And
again, “I (Yahusha) will put my trust in him (Yahuah).” And again he says, “Here am I (your son), and the (rest of
the) children Yahuah has given me (to rule over).” 14 Since the
children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity (he was human too) so that by his death (the death of a man not God) he might break the power
of him who holds the power of death (defeat the Law of
Sin and Death)—that is, the devil— 15 and free (all
who now live by the Law of the Spirit of Life) those who all their lives
were held in slavery by their fear of death (we were
held in slavery to the death decrees not the Law). 16 For surely it is
not angels Yahusha helps, but Abraham’s descendants (alone).
17 For this reason he (Yahusha) had to be made
like them (he was made human just like I was), fully
human in every way (doesn’t get any clearer
than that), in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high
priest (all High Priests are chosen from among men… Hebrews
5:1) in service to Yahuah, and that he (being
a human High Priest) might make atonement for the sins of the people. 18
Because he himself (as a man not a god)
suffered when he was tempted (proof he was not Yahuah,
Yahuah cannot be tempted by evil), he (as a
man, a human High Priest) is able to help those who are being tempted.
Yahusha was not born a
“perfect” demi-god, but “perfected” through a life of tribulations as a human
being (son of man). He was not born “obedient”, but rather disobedient; and had
to learn obedience like every other human being. He was not “Yahuah in the
flesh”, in fact he did not even know Yahuah, but had to grow in the knowledge
of his Heavenly Father like every other human being! Yahusha became, after
resurrection, not before... better than the angles. Before that, he was but
8 though He
was a Son, yet He learned obedience (to Yahuah)
by the things which He suffered. 9 And having been perfected, He became
the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him (Yahuah)
2:40, 52
40 And the
child (Yahusha) grew and became strong in
spirit, (and became) filled with wisdom; and
the grace (favor) of Yahuah was upon him (the Ruach). ... 52 And Yahusha increased in wisdom
and (increased in) stature, and (increased) in
favor with Yahuah and men.
4 having
become so much better than the angels, as Yahusha has by inheritance (not because he was a god) obtained a more
excellent name than they.
In fact, the concept that
Yahusha was somehow a God or Yahuah in the flesh, was not something he could
even comprehend!
5 Let this
mind be in you (that Yahuah alone is the ONLY true Elohim
John 17:3) which was also in Yahusha the Messiah, 6 who,
being in the form (human image) of Yahuah, 6
who, although Yahusha existed in the (human)
form (or image) of Yahuah, did not regard
equality with Yahuah a thing to be grasped, 7 but made himself of no
reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men
(according to the flesh i.e. born human Romans
1:1-6). 8 And being found in appearance as a man (not a god or demi-god), He humbled himself (before Yahuah) and became obedient (to the will of Yahuah) to the point of death (to save his brothers), even the death of the stake. 9
Therefore (after his death) Yahuah also has
highly exalted Yahusha (they are not the same being
nor are they equal) and (Yahuah) has
given Yahusha (upon resurrection) the name
which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Yahusha every knee should bow
(in respect to authority not divine worship),
of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and
that every tongue should confess (Strongs #3670, homologeo, enters into a marriage covenant) that Yahusha
the Messiah is our King, to the glory of Yahuah the Father (we bow in reverent respect to Yahusha as King and through
Yahusha glory i.e. worship is reflected to Yahuah the only true Elohim).--------
It should be quite obvious
that the son is not the Father, he is not invisible, and he was created human
(in every way) and THEN begotten eternal upon resurrection. Prior to that,
Yahusha was the “son of man” i.e. a human being. In fact, Yahusha did not even
exist prior to being formed in his mother’s womb! As I will clearly show. Many
of you reading this will simply ignore the obvious... and continue in your
belief that Yahusha was somehow, some way a god because “a mere man could never
accomplish” and fulfill the Plan of Salvation. I put forward, that if he was a
“god” how does that make his life/death meaningful in any way? A “god” would
simply be unaffected by his suffering or “fake death” as a god cannot die. This
is the definition of a god! Now, the reality that Yahusha was a human being,
makes what he did exponentially more impressive! WORTHY is the Lamb... what a
demonstration of faith and love.
Yahuah was Yahusha’s
“strength” ... and Yahusha, as proxy, is the strength of Yahuah. But “when” did
Yahuah become Yahusha’s strength and song/hope? This is an important issue
because as Yahusha said 87 times, he was a human being. But many of still cling
on to the pagan philosophy of god-men, and believe Yahusha to be a demi-god…
not a human being; even though that is what he said over and over again.
Note: See my teaching on
a Pagan Philosophy from my book The Nazarene.

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But is there scripture that
clarifies the prophecy in Isaiah 12 that Yahuah was Yahusha’s strength
beginning in the womb of his mother? If so, can we determine exactly when
Yahuah became Yahusha’s “strength”. Was it at creation that Yahuah created
Yahusha? Has Yahuah always been Yahusha’s strength because they are the same
being? Or, as Yahusha said 87 times, Yahuah become Yahusha’s “strength” when He
created Yahshua as a human being beginning in his mother’s womb?
The son
of man.
The answer to this age old question,
as we battle back and forth trying to turn Yahuah into a man (making Him out to
be a liar) and Yahusha into a demi-god against his will (remember he said he
was a human being 87 times) is found it Psalms. We find out that Yahuah became
Yahusha’s strength as stated in Isaiah 12 when he was created and set apart by
the Holy (Set Apart) Spirit, which was upon him at his human birth. This is
“when” Yahusha was created by Yahuah and only from that point forward was
Yahuah the strength of Yahusha! Let’s take a look.
The Psalm in question is
Psalm 22, a clear prophecy of the coming Righteous King, who would sit on the
throne of David. King David speaks in first person for his heir to come, and
declares that Yahusha’s existence began when he was created human in his
mother’s womb. Yahusha knew this prophecy of himself, and even quoted it on the
stake when he died (fully begotten sons of Yahuah cannot die Luke 20:36)! The
fact that Yahusha died is 100% evidence that he was in no way a god! He was, yes,
the son of man a human being, hence he died. He was not fully begotten by
Yahuah’s seed until he was resurrected.
for they
cannot die anymore, because they are equal to angels and are sons of Yahuah, being
sons of the resurrection.
Again we see references to
both ways of writing the Messiah’s name: Yahusha and Yahshua in this text (and
many others).
1 My God, my
God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, from the
words of my groaning? 2 O my God, I cry (shua) by
day, but you do not answer, and by night, but I find no rest. 3 Yet you are
holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel. 4 In you our fathers trusted; they
trusted, and you delivered (yasha) them. 5 To
you they cried (shua) and were rescued (yasha); in you they trusted and were not put to
shame. 6 But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by mankind and despised by the
people. 7 All who see me mock me; they make mouths at me; they wag their heads;
8 “He trusts in the Lord; let him deliver him; let him rescue him, for he
delights in him!” 9 Yet you are he who took me from the womb; you made
me trust you at my mother's breasts. 10 On you was I cast from my birth, and
from my mother's womb you have been my God.
We see in Isaiah 12; it
begins with “You will
say in that day (the day of his crucifixion): I will give thanks to you, O Yahuah, for though you were angry with me,
your anger turned away, that you might comfort me.” This is the same
perspective as we find in Psalms 22 as Yahusha felt forsaken by Yahuah.
For the sake of Isaiah 12, I
want to focus on verses 9 and 10 of Psalms 22:
9 Yet you are He who
took me from the womb (Yahuah set Yahusha apart by His
Ruach as He did Sampson and John the Immerser and others when he was born, not
before); you made (created) me trust you
at my mother's breasts (this is when Yahusha was
created). 10 On you was I cast from my birth (not
before), and from my mother's womb you have been my Elohim (Yahuah was not Yahusha’s Elohim before that… because he did
not exist!).
You see, Yahuah was not lying
when He declared He was all alone at creation, and did it all by Himself! Yahusha
was not there, he wouldn’t be created by Yahuah for another 4,000 years as the
prophets foretold. Yahuah, speaking prophetically of the coming Messiah said
the exact same thing:
24 “This is what Yahuah says— your Redeemer, who formed
you in the womb (Psalms 22:9-10): I am Yahuah, the
Maker of all things, who stretches out the heavens, who spreads out the
earth by myself.
Isaiah 42
5 This is what Yahuah says— He who created the
heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and all that comes out
of it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it:
Isaiah 45
5 I am Yahuah, and there is no other; apart from me there
is no God. 7 I form the light and create darkness, I bring
prosperity and create disaster; I,
Yahuah, do all these things. 12 It is I who made the earth and created mankind
upon it. My own hands stretched out the heavens; I
marshaled their starry hosts. 18 For this is what Yahuah says— He who created the
heavens, He
(alone) is God; He who fashioned and
made the earth, He
founded it; He did
not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited— He says: "I am Yahuah, and there is no other (God)."
Isaiah 46
5 "To
whom will you compare me or count me equal? To whom will
you liken me that we may be compared (not even
Yahusha, there is no one)? 8 "Remember this, fix it in
mind, take it to heart, you rebels. 9 Remember the former things,
those of long ago; I am God, and
there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me (not even Yahusha). 10 I make known the end
from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My
purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please (Yahusha
did the will of Yahuah not the other way around).
6 “This is
what Yahuah says — Israel’s King (Yahusha had not yet been installed as
Yahuah’s proxy King and wouldn’t until the end of the Age of Pisces) and
Redeemer, Yahuah Almighty: I am the Aleph and I am the Tav (unity and
perfection); apart from me there is no God (don’t call me good, there is only
One who is good and that is Yahuah Mark 10:18).
No matter how clear scripture
is that Yahusha was born human “by the seed of David NOT Yahuah”, then resurrected
divine as the first born son of Yahuah by Yahuah’s “seed” which is the Spirit
or Ruach… we just simply will not accept this overwhelming scriptural truth. We
see Sha’ul teach this crystal clear truth just before he warned us NOT to
elevate the image of a man who died above Yahuah as God in our hearts (exactly
what we have done, Yahusha was a human being who died, on Yahuah):
1 Sha’ul, a
servant1 of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of Yahuah,
2 which Yahuah promised (to send a human messiah)
beforehand through his prophets in the holy Scriptures, 3 concerning his (first born) Son (of the
resurrection), who, Yahusha, was descended from David (the seed of man) 2 according to the flesh (an idiom for human being) 4 and Yahusha was then
declared to be the Son of God (fully begotten divine)
in power according to the Spirit of holiness (the seed of Yahuah) by his
resurrection from the dead, Yahusha the Messiah our King…. 24 For although they
knew Yahuah (was not a man Numbers 23:19),
they did not honor Yahuah as (the only) Elohim or give thanks to Him (as creator), but they became futile in their thinking
(that God had come to Earth as a man), and
their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools,
23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal Elohim, Yahuah, for images (Yahusha is the ‘image’ of the invisible Yahuah Colossians
1:15) resembling mortal man (Yahusha declared
he was a human being, the “son of man” 87 times)
We have been misled to believe
that it could only take a God to come to Earth and die to save us, even though
scripture clearly says that only a man can undue and atone for what a man
brought into this world. Yahusha HAD TO BE HUMAN to atone for humanity. A “God”
cannot make atonement for something a “God” did not do! If Yahusha was a god in
anyway, we are dead in our sins! Only a human High Priest can make such
atonement before Yahuah.
14 Since the
children have flesh and blood (and are held captive
to the Law of Sin and Death), he too shared in their humanity (he was human too and captive to genetic death) so
that by his death (the death of a human not God)
he, Yahusha, might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is,
the devil— 15 and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their
fear of death. 16 For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham’s descendants.
17 For this reason (to break the Law of Sin and
Death) he (Yahusha) had to be
made like them fully human in every way, in order that he might become a
merciful and faithful high priest (who are chosen
from among men) in service to Yahuah, and that he (being a human High Priest) might make atonement for
the sins of the people. 18 Because he himself (as a
man, not a god) suffered when he was tempted (proof
he was not Yahuah, Yahuah cannot be tempted by evil), he (as a man, a human High Priest) is able to help those
who are being tempted
Let me get back to our
teaching on Isaiah 12 and how Yahuah is our strength, we are discussing Psalms
22 and the fact that Yahusha was created by Yahuah from his mother’s womb and
not before that. Now, as if that is not crystal clear enough, there will be
those who simply will not accept this clear
declaration of when Yahusha was created by Yahuah. We love to cling to our own
understanding even though it is a clear contradiction of explicit scripture.
We will remake Yahuah in
our own image (a man in the image of Yahusha) no matter what! We have been
doing this since Tammuz in Babylon.
I will be called a “false
teacher”, and as I frequently am… shunned by many over this teaching when all I
am doing is teaching exactly what the Bible declares about Yahusha. He as a
human being, son of man, created in his mother’s womb… as all men are. Let’s
take a deeper look into these two verses 9 & 10 in Psalms 22, as we
“meditate” on His Word and seek out even deeper meaning. Some translations
9 But you
took Me from My mother's womb, Yahuah! You made Me trust in You, even from
My mother's breast. 10 I was cast upon You from My birth; from My mother's
womb, You are My Strength.
The word-for-word Hebrew
translation of Psalm 22:9-10, from The Interlinear Hebrew-English Old Testament
shows the word ‘from’ in these Scriptures circled below, it is Hebrew

The Dictionary of Old
Testament Words for English Readers, says that the Hebrew letter circled above,
mem, is ‘prefixed
to a substantive, which denotes the preposition’. OK Sha’ul, we are not Hebrew
linguistic experts… put this in layman’s terms please…. Alright, let’s look at
Hebraic Tongue Restored, by Fabre d'Olivet, which tells us what these
prepositions mean when the Hebrew letter ‘mem’ is prefixed.
OR PARTITIVE ARTICLE. __ The movement which this article expresses, with nouns
or actions that it modifies, is that by which a noun or an action is taken for
the means, for the instrument, by which they are divided in their essence, or
drawn from the midst of several other nouns or similar actions. I render
it ordinarily “by from, out of, by; with, by means of, among, between, etc.”
The New World Dictionary
of the American Language, Second College Edition, gives a complete definition of the word ‘from’
in Hebrew ‘mem’ as “beginning at, starting with, out of”. Therefore,
the word translated ‘from’ in Psalm 22:10, means “beginning at,
starting with”.
Yahusha is prophetically
pictured through King David to say that; “Yahuah was His strength from the
beginning, starting with the point Yahusha Messiah was conceived in His
mother's womb”.
This can only mean one
thing: that before Yahusha was in His mother's womb, Yahuah was not His
strength, hope, or his “God”, because Yahusha did not yet exist.
He had no need of strength,
nor hope, nor a God. Yahuah was only Yahusha's strength, hope, and God,
beginning at, starting with, His mother's womb. That is the truth of scripture
concerning when Yahusha’s existence began. There should be no debate, it is
settled right there in the Word of Yahuah in explicit form. The belief that Yahusha had
his beginning in the womb as flesh is the Spirit of Yahuah. The denial and belief
in the incarnation and Trinity is the Spirit of the False Messiah. Anyone who elevates the image
of a man in their hearts as God above Yahuah, will be given over by Yahuah to
believe a lie. The Spirit of the False Messiah is anyone who denies that Yahusha
was a mere man (came in the flesh) beginning with, started at the time he was
conceived in his mother’s womb.
1 John
1 Beloved,
do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from
Yahuah, because many false prophets have gone out into the world (claiming to be the incarnation of God). 2 By this you
know the Spirit of Yahuah: every spirit that confesses that Messiah Yahusha has
come in the flesh (a human being,
son of man) is from Yahuah; 3 and every spirit that does not confess
Yahusha has come in the flesh (but
says Yahusha is a demi-god, or Yahuah in the flesh) is not from Yahuah;
this is the spirit of the antichrist … 12 No one has seen Yahuah at any time!
(Because Yahusha was not Yahuah in the flesh or a
We see in 1 John 4 above that
Yahusha had “come in the flesh”. We see this every time Yahusha’s
creation, or when he was born or manifested (all mean the same thing), is
mentioned Scripture reveals that he came in the “flesh”. That
knowledge is so key, that you cannot be saved if you deny it! It is literally
THE fundamental understanding of The Plan of Salvation. So we better
understand what the scripture is telling us. We see again in 2 John that the
denial that Yahusha “came according to the flesh” is a deceiving Spirit
of the False Messiah:
2 John 1:7
For many deceivers are entered into the world, that do not confess that Yahusha
the Messiah is come in the flesh (g4561 ‘sarki’ – merely
of human origin). This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
The word
means... natural/physical origin (not Spiritual), born of natural origin ONLY,
mere human/natural birth only... APART FROM DIVINE INFLUENCE...
g4561 ‘sarki’
- Thayer:
2a) the body of a man
2b) used of natural or physical origin, generation or relationship
2b1) born of natural generation
4) the flesh, denotes mere human nature, the earthly nature of man apart
from divine influence,
and therefore prone to sin and opposed to
There is the proof! Yahusha
was not only NOT Yahuah in the flesh (that is impossible per the definition of
‘flesh’ is outside Divine Influence), but Yahusha was not born from any “divine
influence” or “divine seed” of Yahuah at all! He was totally human born apart
from any divine influence, and therefore prone to sin and APPOSED TO GOD. Just
like every other human being.
He was born 100% human,
0% Divine upon his human birth. He would later be born again upon Mikveh, fill
with the full measure of deity in his body when the Spirit descended upon him,
and the begotten Divine through resurrection.
Exactly like each and every
other son/daughter of Yahuah. Yahusha is The Way NOT the
exception to The Way. It just does not get any clearer that
- Romans 1
2 which Yahuah promised beforehand through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures
(he was foretold, predetermined, predestined… did not
pre-exist), 3 regarding His Son, who was a descendant of David according
to flesh (outside of any Divine influence), 4
and who through the Spirit of holiness (this is
Yahuah's seed) was declared (Divine) with
power to be the Son of Yahuah by His resurrection from the dead: Yahusha the
Born human... begotten
Divine! Yahusha is The Way... not the exception to The Way. We are all born human...
and will be begotten Divine.
When looking at Isaiah
Chapter 12 as a prophecy concerning the coming Messiah, In verse 2 we read
“Behold, Yahuah is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid; for Yahuah
Elohim is my strength (beginning when I was created
human in my mother’s womb Psalms 22) and my song and he has become my
salvation (when He resurrected me from the grave
Romans 1:4)”. Now let us look at this prophecy in Isaiah Chapter 12 from
the second prophetic viewpoint; Remnant Israel at the end of the age of Pisces.
Now I want to show
how this prophecy in Isaiah 12 points to Yahusha at the end of this Age, as
Remnant Israel enters the Kingdom Age of Aquarius. In my book Creation Cries
Out! I fully define the ages of mankind as foretold in the Heavenly Scroll
called the Mazzaroth in the Bible. We know it today as the Enoch Zodiac.
The Ages begin with Adam
and Eve in the Age of Gemini and progress every 2000 years culminating in the
Age of Aquarius the Water Bearer...
Every 2000 years a major
event occurs during the transition of the Ages. These events are heralded by
what Yahusha called “the sign of the son of man” in the “sky”. The
Hebrew word for “sky” in
Shamayim which means “visible place
in the sky where the stars are located” referring to the Mazzaroth. This “sign
in the Mazzaroth/Zodiac” is described in great detail in Revelation Chapter
12. It is a sign in the constellation Virgo giving birth to a child/king (the
King planet Jupiter).

In my book
Cries Out! The Mazzaroth, I explain how the transition from the Age of
Taurus to the Age of Aries was marked by the “sign of the son of man” in
the sky, that heralded the birth of Abraham. Then that same sign appeared in
the sky 2000 years later at the transition of Aries to Pisces, and heralded the
birth of Yahusha. Then I demonstrate that same sign appears in the sky again in
2017 on the Feast of Trumpets to herald the transition to the Age of Aquarius,
the Kingdom Age.

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The prophecy in Isaiah Chapter
12 is speaking in a dual nature both of the “that day” when Yahusha was
born in his mother’s womb on the cusp, and “that day” he returns on the cusp of
the Age of Aquarius… the water bearer. So let us take a look at this prophecy a
little closer. We know that “in that day”,
spoken of by Isaiah, when we will “draw water from the wells of salvation”
is specifically talking about the Age of Aquarius the Water Bearer. Yahusha
made this clear as well. Knowing the Plan of Salvation written in the Heavenly
Scroll, Yahusha was well aware of the Sabbath Covenant and meaning of 2000 year
ages. He knew he would not return until the end of the Age of Pisces 2000 years
Matthew 28:20
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with
you always, to the end of the Age (of Pisces).”
Isaiah tells us that “in
that day you will say behold! Yahuah is my salvation” and “you draw
water from the wells of salvation” and “proclaim unto all the Earth that
the Holy One of Israel has delivered Zion out of the nations”. This is
speaking of the end of this age (Pisces) and the beginning of the Age of
Aquarius, when the Messiah returns as the Lion (Leo) of the Tribe of
Judah and defeats the serpent (Serpens)… exactly as foretold in the
Heavenly Scroll! John the Revelator revealed this fulfillment in the Book of
Revelation as he too was given a vision of The Heavenly Scroll and the
fulfillment of it.
5 -
The Opening of the Scroll
of the Mazzaroth
5 Then I saw
in the right hand of the one who was seated on the throne a scroll written on
the front and back (3D scroll of heavenly pictographs)
and sealed with seven seals (the 7 visible planets
were seen as seals over The Heavenly Scroll, also the 7 lampstand Heavenly
Menorah). 2 And I saw a powerful angel proclaiming in a loud voice: “Who
is worthy to open the (Heavenly) scroll and to
break its seals?” 3 But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was
able to open the scroll or look into it (because it
speaks of only 1 man). 4 So I began weeping bitterly because no one was
found who was worthy to open the scroll or to look into it. 5 Then one of the
elders said to me, “Stop weeping! Look (at The
Heavenly Scroll and understand the pictograph of Leo), the Lion of the
tribe of Judah, the root of David, has conquered (the
serpent which is the meaning of Leo); thus (because
he has fulfilled the scroll) he can open the scroll and (break) its seven seals (and
read it, proving he alone is the one of whom it speaks. That testimony destroys
all other demi-gods specifically the image of Jesus Christ).”
We see in this chapter of
Isaiah a direct reference to the name of the coming Messiah who will return and
deliver “Zion” at that time. The name of the Messiah is a compound sentence
name. That sentence or expression that the name of the Messiah proclaims is
“Yahuah is my salvation”. Yahseph and Miriam were instructed to name their
child Yahusha for “Yahuah will save His people from their sin”.
Yahu’sha is a contraction of
the two Hebrew words ‘Yahuah Yasha’ or Yahuah Salvation. It is contracted with
the short poetic form of Yahuah or ‘Yahu’ combined with the word for salvation
‘yasha’… YAHUah+yaSHA = Yahu’sha. Meaning “Yahuah is my salvation”.
So anytime you see the phrase
“Yahuah is my salvation” you can replace that phrase with its contracted form,
Yahu’sha, without changing the meaning of the sentence.
So in Isaiah Chapter 12
we read that “in that day (at the end of the Age) you will say ‘Behold!
Yahusha”… pointing directly to the name of the Messiah and King.
Now that we know Yahusha was
created and his existence began like every other human being, in his mother’s
womb; we must understand what “resurrection” truly is. It is the transposition
of our physical bodies into our spiritual bodies and our literal “birth” as
sons of Yahuah into His Kingdom. Yahusha was literally the first son of Yahuah
to be perfected in life through training and transposed into
the Kingdom
of Yahuah. The Apostle Sha’ul summed this up very well:
1 Sha’ul, a
servant of Yahusha the Messiah, called to be an apostle and set apart for the
gospel of Yahuah (which is the Kingdom of Yahuah)—
2 the gospel He (Yahuah) promised beforehand
through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures (the Torah
and Prophets ARE the Holy Scriptures) 3 regarding his Son (who would by example set the Way into that kingdom),
who as to his earthly life was a descendant of David (a
human being or “son of man”), 4 and who, through the Spirit of holiness
(the seed of Yahuah) was appointed the Son of Yahuah
in power by his resurrection from the dead: Yahusha the Messiah our King
(Yahusha was born human the son of Joseph and Mary. Yahusha
was appointed the son of Yahuah by the resurrection).
In the past (6 covenants)
Yahuah spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various
but in these last days (in
the Yahushaic
Covenant) Yahuah has spoken to us by his Son (Moses called Yahusha the greatest prophet of all who would
properly teach the Law), whom Yahuah appointed (through resurrection) heir of all things, and for
whom also Yahuah made the Universe (this is Yahuah’s
3 The Son is the
radiance (reflection) of Yahuah’s glory and the
exact representation of Yahuah’s being (Yahusha was
transposed into the full image of Yahuah as His literal son), upholding
all things (as King) by Yahuah’s powerful word
(the Law). After he had provided purification
for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in
the Kingdom of Yahuah.
4 So he became (after
his transposition and birth as a elohim in the exact representation of Yahuah’s
being) as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is
superior to theirs.