There is a vital disconnect
in the family of Yahuah in these last days. A misunderstanding of the Plan of
Salvation. We are being taught that Yahuah had to come to Earth as a man and
die! This is necessary (so they say), because of His own Law preventing
a husband from remarrying the same bride. Only the death of the husband
releases Yahuah from this “Law”. The problem is, not only is it impossible for
an Eternal being to die (that is what makes Him a God and eternal in the first
place, but Yahuah made a vow never to come to Earth as a man. He swore He would
never break that vow… and swore twice for emphasis! Yahuah does not break His
vows so we have a problem!
9 I will not
carry out my fierce anger, nor will I devastate Ephraim again. For I am Yahuah,
and not a man
"Yahuah is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man (Yahusha is called the son of man 87 times), that
He should repent (Yahusha went to Yahchanan to be
Mikveh’d for remission of sin); Has He said (He would never come to Earth as a man), and will
He not do it (keep this vow)? Or has He
spoken, and will He not make it good (on His
In Numbers 23:19, Yahuah made
a vow saying He was not a man nor the son of man (an idiom for human being),
then He proclaimed “will He not do it (fulfill His vow not to come to Earth
as a man), and will He not make it good (on this vow). Yahusha’s
favorite title for himself was “son of man”, saying he was a human being.
87 times Yahusha declared to us he was not a god, he was a human being. Yahusha,
the son of man, went to Yahchanan to be Mikveh’d for “remission of sin” in
other words to fulfill all righteousness in him, bringing him to
perfection. Yahuah clearly denied incarnation as did Yahusha on many occasions.
Yahuah is the Father and God of Yahusha, so says scripture on many occasions. So
Yahuah did not come to Earth as a man, break His vows, and die (impossible
for a God). We need only to listen to our elder brother speak these very
simply truths:
Yahusha said,
"Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father.
Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father
and your Father, to my God and your God.'"
The Plan of Salvation that
was first written in the stars, then prophesied to come was through a human
being who would be perfected then risen Diving to MEDIATE between Yahuah and
17:3 3
Now this is
eternal life: that they know you (Yahuah),
the only true God, and (come to You through)
Yahusha (the Mediator) who is the
Messiah (Anointed King of Israel), whom
you have sent (in fulfillment of Your promises as
foretold through the prophets).
Timothy 2:5
For there is
one God (Yahuah) and
one mediator
between Yahuah and mankind, the man (not the God) Yahusha the Messiah!
I want to quickly summarize
the meaning of The Plan of Salvation, and how Yahuah has provided
for the salvation of His children. It was never prophesied or promised that
Yahuah would come to Earth and die. That is “another Gospel message” than the
one preached by the Prophets, Yahusha, and his disciples! Those who preach
incarnation are to be cursed for blaspheming The Most High!
6 I am
astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one (Yahuah) who called you to live in the grace of The
Yahushaic Covenant, and are turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no
gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion (with incarnation) and are trying to pervert the
gospel of Yahusha the Messiah (that he was a human being
1 John 4). 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a
gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under Yahuah’s curse!
9 As we have already said, so now I say again (for
emphasis): If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what
you accepted, let them be under Yahuah’s curse!
Those who teach incarnation
are cursed for calling Yahuah a liar, saying
He broke His vow never
to come to Earth as a man in Numbers 23:19.
1 John 5
4 This is the
conquering Spirit (of Yahuah) that has
overcome the world, even our faith (in the promises
of Yahuah). 5 Who is it that overcomes the world?
Only the one
who believes that Yahusha is the son of Yahuah (not
Yahuah in the flesh) … Whoever
believes in the Son of Yahuah (and denies
incarnation) accepts this testimony (that
Yahusha was born (water) by the seed of David (bloodline) and begotten diving
through resurrection by the Spirit of Holiness… water, blood, and Spirit
1:2-3). Whoever does not believe Yahuah (that Yahuah is not a man nor the son of man)
has made Yahuah
out to be a liar (saying Yahuah came to
Earth as a man), because they have not believed the testimony Yahuah
has given about his Son (that he was born human,
inherited the title Melchizedek, and begotten divine).
More on the testimony of
water, blood, and spirit later. Yes, Yahuah married both The House of Israel
and the House of Judah. We read how both houses were unfaithful to Yahuah, and
by Law He issued them a certificate of divorce. This was part of the Plan of
Salvation to illustrate that we cannot be in a direct marriage covenant with
Yahuah, and create a “need” for the Messiah to mediate a “New Covenant” where
he is the Bridegroom and we are Yahusha’s Bride. Yahuah then had His prophets
foretell of a Messiah, a Mediator, whom Yahuah would choose among men, perfect,
and bring to perfect obedience. Yahuah would enter into a “Father/Son” covenant
with that Messiah. That man would be risen Divine through resurrection (not
human birth) to Mediate a New Covenant as Eternal High Priest, and atone
for the unfaithfulness of the children of Yahuah. That is the Plan revealed the
Heavenly Scroll and in the Earthly scrolls.
2 which (a Mediator)
promised beforehand (Yahusha did not pre-exist)
through His prophets in the holy Scriptures (both
Heavenly and Earthly Scrolls), 3 concerning His (first born) Son (from
the dead Revelation 1:5), who was born (human) of a descendant of David (by both parents) according to the flesh (it takes two human parents to pro-create “according to the
flesh”), 4 who was declared the (Divine)
Son of Yahuah with power by the resurrection from the dead, according to
the Spirit of holiness (Yahuah’s Spiritual Eternal
Seed), Yahusha the Messiah
8 though
Yahusha was a (future) Son (of Yahuah upon resurrection
Romans 1:3),
he learned obedience (to Yahuah) by
the things which he suffered (due to disobedience).
9 And having been perfected (he was not born
perfect or a god), Yahusha became the author of eternal salvation to
all who obey him (and follow his righteous example
and abide in covenant with him as his bride)
The doctrine of incarnation
says that Yahuah came to Earth as a man, was imperfect, disobedient, and had to
be perfected in obedience… Blasphemy!
Yahuah prepared a special
bloodline for the coming Messiah to inherit, whereby, he would be qualified to
be a “Mediator” between Yahuah and those He chooses as a New Bride (not the
old brides). That bloodline was the Zadok bloodline of High Priests. Yahuah
would then orchestrate a lineage to the throne of David through Solomon
(through Yahusha’s father Joseph), and this man would be born a unique genetic
mixture of the Royal Bloodline of David and the House of Zadok. This firstborn
son of Yahuah would inherit the title Melchizedek the “Ruling Zadok”, and be
given the throne of David and serve in the Office of Zadok High Priest
Yahuah would then, as a sign
of his place in the Plan of Salvation, have this son born a miraculous birth,
by planting the seed of Joseph into Mariam’s womb outside of physical sexual
union (mankind can do this today through in vitro fertilization. This Messiah
would be born to a Davidian Prince (Joseph) and a Hasmonean Princess Miriam
from the line of Zadok… and Melchizedek was born into this world John Chapter 1
as the prophetic word became a reality being fulfilled in the “flesh” and lived
among us!
Concerning the righteous line
of High Priest prepared for the Messiah; Zadok was a patrilineal descendant of
Eleazar who was the son of Aaron the high priest. (2 Samuel 8:17; 1
Chronicles 24:3). The lineage of Zadok is presented in the genealogy of
Ezra (his descendant) as being of ninth generation and direct
patrilineal descent from Phineas the son of Eleazar (Ezra 7:1, see 1
Chronicles 5:30) where he is placed ninth in descent from Phineas.
...Zadok, The
son of Ahitub, son of Amaryah, son of Azaryah, son of Mirayoth, son of
Zerachyah, son of Uzzi, son of Bukki, son of Avishua, son of Phineas
Similarly, the Hebrew Bible
relates how, at the time, Phineas (son of Eleazar) appeased Yahuah’s anger
through his piety. He merited the divine blessing of Yahuah to be the prophesied
lineage of the coming Melchizedek:
Book of
Numbers 25:13
Phineas the
son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest. Behold I give to him my covenant
of peace, and will be his, and his progeny after him, (a) covenant of everlasting
priesthood in turn of his zealousness for his God, and he atoned for the
sons of Israel.
This is extremely important
when tracing the right of Yahusha to be the Eternal High Priest. Yahusha must
have come from the lineage of Zadok, which is the bloodline of High Priest
prepared for him. This is “how” Yahusha was entrusted to mediate the Covenant
of Peace, server as the Eternal High Priest, and exercise the right to atone
for sin! It was not because Yahusha was a “god”! This is clearly laid out in
Scripture and defined in Numbers 25:13 above. Those under the Spirit of the
False Messiah (incarnation) have been given over to a depraved mine and cannot
understand Scripture! They do not teach us the Truth, when the Truth is right
in from of their eyes.
If Yahusha cannot be proven to
be a Zadok High Priest, then he cannot mediate the "New Covenant of
Peace", he cannot serve as Eternal High Priest, and atone for
humanity. Nothing about Yahusha was “super spiritually appraised because he
was some kind of demi-god”, everything was laid out in detail by Yahuah
through bloodlines.
since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens (fulfilled The Heavenly Scroll), Yahusha the (firstborn) son of Yahuah (from
the dead Revelation 1:5), let us hold fast our confession (that Yahusha came in the flesh
1 John 1:4).
15 For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses (he was not a god), but a high priest who has been
tempted in all things as we are (he was human,
Yahuah cannot be tempted by Evil
James 1:13), yet without sin (in
the office of High Priest in context
3). 16 Therefore let us draw near (to
Yahuah through the Mediator) with confidence (that
we are accepted into His family as children, the Bride of His firstborn son)
So Yahusha became
as much superior to the (other) messengers, as the name (Melchizedek) he has
inherited (through blood lineage) is superior to theirs.
To learn more about the
bloodlines of our King and High Priest, please read my book Melchizedek and The
Passover Lamb. Visit my website
for more information.

Buy Now!
Yahuah would then bare witness of this Messiah, with 3
concurring witnesses, water, blood, and spirit:
· Water: he would be born human through his mother’s womb
· Bloodline: he, by the seed of David, would inherit and
restore the Throne of David (through Joseph), and would inherit and restore the
Priesthood of Zadok (through Miriam)
· Spirit: he would be begotten divine through resurrection
by the seed of Yahuah, the Ruach.
John 5
4 This is
the conquering Spirit that has overcome the world, even our faith (in the promises of Yahuah). 5 Who is it that
overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Yahusha is the son of
Yahuah (not Yahuah
in the flesh?) 6 This (Yahusha) is the one who came by
water (the womb of a woman) and
blood (of the seed of David)—Yahusha the Messiah. He did
not come by water only, but by
water and blood.
And it is the Spirit who testifies (that
Yahusha is the son of Yahuah by the power of the resurrection),
because the Spirit is the truth. 7 For there
are three (witnesses) that testify (that Yahusha is The son of Yahuah): 8
Spirit of Holiness, the water and the blood; and these three are in
agreement (that Yahusha is The Son of Yahuah).
9 We accept (the lying) human testimony
(of incarnation, the Spirit of the False Messiah),
but Yahuah’s testimony is greater because it is the testimony of Yahuah,
which he has given about his Son Yahusha (born
human through water by the seed of the
bloodline of
David, begotten Divine by the Spirit of Holiness Romans
1:2-4). 10 Whoever
believes in the Son of Yahuah accepts this testimony. Whoever does
not believe Yahuah (that Yahuah is not a man nor
the son of man)
has made Yahuah out to be a liar (saying Yahuah came to Earth as a man), because
have not believed the testimony Yahuah has given about his Son (that he was born human, inherited Melchizedek, and begotten
divine). 11 And this
is the testimony: Yahuah has given us eternal life, and this life is (found) in (covenant with)
his Son (John 17:3). 12 Whoever
has the (Spirit of the) Son (that Yahusha was born
human begotten divine through resurrection) has (eternal) life; whoever does not have (the testimony about) the Son of Yahuah does not have
(eternal) life.
- Romans
2 which (a Mediator)
promised beforehand (Yahusha did not pre-exist)
through His prophets in the holy Scriptures (both
Heavenly and Earthly Scrolls), 3 concerning His (first born) Son (from
the dead Revelation 1:5), who was born (human) of a descendant of David (by both parents) according to the flesh (it takes two human parents to pro-create “according to the
flesh”), 4 who was declared the (Divine)
Son of Yahuah with power
by the resurrection from the dead (Revelation 1:5), according to the Spirit
of holiness (Yahuah’s Seed), Yahusha the
In the Plan of Salvation,
Yahuah would enter into covenant with His firstborn son (to be his Father)
to forgive the sins of all His children… this adoption covenant is detailed in
Chapter 3. You will tell me, Sha’ul, we never heard this prophecy
before! This is because those who teach under
The Spirit of the False
Messiah cannot teach this prophecy. It contradicts their false doctrine,
clearly showing Yahusha is NOT Yahuah; and in fact had his sin forgiven him
through Mikveh! They will tell us that this is referring to our Messiah’s great
grandfather Yahusha III. This is not so, as this prophecy is clearly speaking
of The Branch, and illustrating an event that never occurred in
Yahusha III’s life. Yet it is illustrating a critical event that DID occur in
our Messiah’s life.
The prophecy, in Zachariah
Chapter 3, gives us a front row seat to the conversation that happened between
Yahuah and Yahusha in the desert after Yahusha was Mikveh’d by John (and
declared The Passover Lamb, then fled like the scapegoat into the desert to
seek Yahuah’s anointing as Messiah/Branch). Yahusha, then, fled into the
desert with the sins of the world just placed on his shoulders by the High
Priest John; for 40 days/nights looking for confirmation from his Father. This
event is detailed in Mark Chapter 1.
Mark 1
1 This is the
beginning of the Good News about Yahusha the Messiah, the Son of Yahuah (not Yahuah), 2 as the prophet Isaiah wrote:
"I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way.” 3
“This is a voice of one who calls out in the desert: 'Prepare the way for the
Messiah. Make the road straight for him (through
Mikveh).'“ 4 John was Mikveh’ing people in the desert, and
preaching a Mikveh of changed (circumcised)
hearts and lives (living sacrifices) for
the forgiveness of sins. 5 All the people from Judea and Jerusalem were going
out to him (they knew he was the true High Priest).
They confessed their sins and were baptized by him in the Jordan River. 6 John
wore clothes made from camel's hair, had a leather belt around his waist, and ate
locusts and wild honey. 7 This is what John preached to the people:
"There is one coming after me who is greater than I; I am not good enough
even to kneel down and untie his sandals. 8 I immerse you with water, but he
will immerse you with the Set Apart Spirit of Yahuah.” 9 At that time Yahusha
came from the town of Nazareth in Galilee and was Mikveh’d by John in the
Jordan River. 10 Immediately, as Yahusha was coming up out of the water, he
saw heaven open. The Set Apart Spirit came down on him like a dove (as an earnest guarantee of his future resurrection), 11
and a voice came from heaven: "(today)
You are my Son, whom I love, and I am very pleased with you." (as Yahusha fulfilled all righteousness) 12 Then
the Spirit sent Yahusha into the desert (in
fulfillment of the scapegoat). 13 He was in the desert forty days
and was tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and the angels came
and took care of him.
Lying on the desert floor
starving, dehydrated, and on the verge of death, we know Satan came to Yahusha
and tempted him to take Jerusalem by force. This is where the vision in
Zachariah Chapter 3 picks up. We have Yahusha lying on the desert floor
suffering from dehydration and starvation looking like a “stick snatched from
the fire of the hot sun”, and Satan mad because Yahusha refused his offer.
Now let’s listen in to the
conversation where Yahuah confirms that Yahusha is the Messiah, and they agree
on Yahushua’s role in the Renewed Covenant. We see the “covenant” between Yahuah
and Yahusha laid out very clearly. Yahuah promised Yahusha that if he is
faithful to his end of the agreement, then Yahuah would forgive all His sons of
their sin! This is the critical prophecy and overwhelming PROOF that Yahusha is
the Messiah. It is also proof to Jews that Yahusha is named by name as the
Branch. But because we have been taught incarnation, we deny the ONE
prophecy that could change the entire conversation…
3 –
consecration of Yahusha as High Priest, King of Kings, and Eternal Judge
1 Then he
showed me Yahusha, the high priest, standing before the angel of Yahuah, and
Satan standing at his right side to accuse him (Mark
1:13). 2 Yahuah (through His proxy
messenger) said to Satan, “Yahuah rebuke you, Satan! Yahuah, who has
chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you (because Satan offered
Yahusha to take Jerusalem by force)! Is not this man a burning stick
snatched from the fire?” (Yahusha was starving and dying
in the hot sun of the desert Matthew 4:1-11) 3 Now Yahusha
was dressed in filthy clothes (metaphor of
Isaiah 64:6) as he stood before the messenger of Yahuah. 4 The
messenger said to those who were standing before him, “Take off his filthy
clothes.” Then Yahuah said to Yahusha, “See (after
taking off his filthy rags i.e. sin Isaiah 64:6), I have
taken away your sin (through Mikveh),
and I will put fine garments (of the High Priest)
on you.” 5 Then I (Yahuah) said (through the messenger), “Put a clean turban (of the High Priest) on his head.” So they put a
clean turban on his head and clothed him (in the
garments of the High Priest), while the messenger of Yahuah stood
New Covenant made directly with Yahusha****
6 The messenger
of Yahuah gave this charge to Yahusha: 7 “This is what Yahuah Almighty says: ‘If
(Yahuah makes a conditional promise) you will
walk in obedience to me and keep my requirements (as
High Priest) you will govern my house (i.e.
King over creation) and have charge of my courts (Eternal Judge), and I will give you a place (right hand of Yahuah) among these standing here.
8 “‘Listen, High Priest Yahusha, you and your associates seated (who came) before you (probably
Adam, Enoch, Moses, Elijah, etc.), who (those
seated before him) are men symbolic of things to come (they were all shadows of The Messiah, but were not the
Branch): I am going to bring (you)
my servant (from this point forward),
Branch (he is The Messiah). 9
See, the stone I have set in front of Yahusha! There are seven (number of perfection) eyes on that one stone (to witness), and I will engrave an inscription on
it,’ says Yahuah Almighty, ‘and I will remove the sin of this land in a single
day’ (the day Yahusha, in obedience, dies as
Passover Lamb)
This is the most important
passage of scripture in the entire Bible. Yet, no one teaches it because our teachers are filled with The Spirit
of the False Messiah… incarnation. This one prophecy proves Yahusha is the
Messiah, and literally spells out his role and how we are saved by Yahuah
through Yahusha’s obedience to our Father. This is the reason Yahusha went to
Yahchanan to be Mikveh’d, to “fulfill all the righteous requirements of the
Law” in him, and bring him to perfection, just like Yahusha proclaimed:
replied, "Let me be Mikveh’d now; it is properly required in The Law, for
us to do this to fulfill all righteousness (have his
sin washed away with living water)."
That is what Mikveh is for,
and why John (Yahchanan) was in the desert, he was commission to “set the path
straight for the Branch” and immersing him for the remission of sin. No other
reason! Yahusha was setting the proper example we all must follow to have our
sin washed clean by Yahuah with living water. We just witnessed in
Chapter 3 exactly what Yahusha’s role was in the Renewed Covenant. He was
the Messiah (the Branch) and had to from that point forward (after
Mikveh as High Priest) walk in complete obedience to the Law and set the
righteous example that we are to follow. And if he would do that, Yahuah
promised to cover the death decrees in the Law, that is called Grace.
Scripture reveals how Yahuah
would hand pick a “New Bride” for His firstborn son. Not the old ones, but this
one would be “chosen” not based on bloodline alone and be a small remnant from
both the old brides. It would be taken from among the House of Israel and the
House of Judah… this New Bride would be called
Israel. It would be wed to Yahuah’s son, not to Yahuah.
24 even us (Remnant Israel in context), whom he also called,
not only from among the Jews (The House of Judah)
but also from among the Gentiles (where The House
of Israel is scattered)?
Sha’ul goes into great detail
about this New Bride and how there is a new criterion that makes this Bride
“New”. It is a totally new group who are chosen not based on bloodline alone.
Yahuah would literally chose
a bride for His firstborn son, and marry His son to this New Bride. His chosen
children would then be given the opportunity to “abide in” covenant with His
firstborn son.
"If anyone does not
abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them,
and cast them into the fire and they are burned.
It is through a Mediator,
now, that we become “one” with Yahuah in family as ADOPTED sons/daughters, not
through a direct marriage to Yahuah (He is our Father not our Husband)! We are
one with Yahuah by being married to His son!
17:3 3
Now this
is eternal life: that they know you (Yahuah),
the only true God, and (come to You through)
Yahusha who is the Messiah, whom you have sent (in
fulfillment of Your promises as foretold through the prophets to be the
Timothy 2:5
For there
is one God (Yahuah) and one mediator
between Yahuah and mankind, the man Yahusha the Messiah
John 17:19-21
for their sakes I sanctify myself (through the
Truth of Scripture), that they also might be sanctified through the
truth. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on
me through their word (enter into covenant); That
they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in (covenant
with) me, and I in (covenant with)
thee, that they also may be one in (covenant with)
us (through me): that the world may
believe that thou hast sent me (to mediate)."
Yet to all
who did receive Yahusha as the Messiah, to those who believed in (the covenant that bears) his name, he gave the
right to become children of Yahuah.
11 For both
He who sanctifies (Yahuah) and those who
are sanctified (Yahusha and the rest of the sons)
are all from one Father; for which reason Yahusha is not ashamed to call
them brothers, 12saying, "I WILL PROCLAIM YOUR NAME TO MY BRETHREN, IN
"I, Yahusha, WILL PUT MY TRUST IN YAHUAH." And again, "BEHOLD, I
YAHUAH HAS GIVEN ME (as a Bride)."…
His firstborn son would
become the Bridegroom and the rest of His children would become the Bride of
the Messiah. This is the meaning behind the Annual Wedding Celebration we call
The Appointed Times or Holy Days.
The Spring Feasts are
the engagement between the Messiah and His Bride. The Fall Feasts are “The
Wedding Supper of the Lamb”, where the Bridegroom Yahusha marries this New
Bride called Remnant Israel.
This was foretold in The
Heavenly Scroll from the foundation of the world, as this Messiah would be
portrayed as crucified, a lamb seen slaughtered at the foundation of the world
as witnessed in The Heavenly Scroll.
All inhabitants
of the earth will worship the beast--all whose names have not been written in
the Lamb's book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.
His firstborn son would have
to shed his own blood, as bloodshed is required to consummate a marriage
covenant. In Psalms below we see that as the sun and moon rises and sets daily
and night after night… knowledge concerning The Plan of Yahuah is proclaimed
without voice or speech from one end of the Earth to the other to all mankind
from The Heavenly Scroll.
Psalm 19
19 The heavens
shamayim - the stars and constellations of the
Zodiac) are telling of the glory of Yahuah; And their expanse is
declaring the work of His hands. 2 Day to day (the Zodiac)
pours forth speech, And night to night (the Zodiac)
reveals knowledge. 3 There is no speech, nor are there words; Their (stars and constellations of the Zodiac) voice is
not heard. 4 Their line (ecliptic plane through
which the sun appears to travel when viewed from Earth) has gone out
through all the earth, And their utterances to the end of the world. In them (the constellations) He has placed a tent for the
sun, 5 Which (the Sun) is as (a shadow or metaphor) a bridegroom (the Messiah) coming out of his chamber (to run the course of a wedding and marry the Bride); It
rejoices as a strong man (Messiah) to run his
course (Plan of Salvation). 6 The Sun’s rising
is from one end of the heavens, And its circuit (Zodiac
or Path) to the other end of them; And there is nothing hidden from
its heat.
David is clearly describing
the Zodiac, the chart of the sun moving across our skies, and the “line of the
sun” (called the ecliptic) that goes throughout all the earth; as it runs its
course each year through the Signs of the Zodiac (called constellations or
starry hosts). David properly understood the message contained in the
Zodiac. The sun rises from one end of heaven, and then its “circuit or Zodiac”
is like a “bridegroom coming out of his chamber” as The Heavenly Wedding
is foretold. The Feast Cycle is a celebration in detail of this wedding. This
is fulfilled in Yahusha the Messiah. Yahusha proclaims himself the “bridegroom”,
and says those who “hear His voice” (speaking of the Zodiac
19:2) rejoice; and it is Yahusha’s joy to be the fulfillment of that
message. Yes, the Zodiac is the original Gospel message proclaiming the
He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend
of the bridegroom, who stands and hears Him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s
voice (proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll
19). Therefore, this joy of mine is fulfilled (Yahusha fulfilled the message contained in The Heavenly
Matthew 25
The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with
their lamps.
The bridegroom was a long time in coming (2,000
years at the end of the Age of Pisces), and they all became drowsy
and fell asleep. 6 At midnight the cry rang out: “Here’s the
bridegroom! Come out to meet him!”
And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are
those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” And he said to me,
“These (words written in The Heavenly Scroll)
are the true words of Yahuah.”
In other words, David sees
the Sun as a prototype for The Messiah. This physical metaphor of the sun as
the bridegroom pointing to The Messiah is repeated throughout scripture. This
is, in fact, true as the Sun was created as a witness of the coming of the
Messiah, and what the Messiah would do. This striking declaration in
19 clearly tells us that Yahuah built into the Zodiac the story of
redemption, and through the stars He has been witnessing His Plan to all
humanity in a unique view only from Earth. This firstborn son is
Yahusha. Yahusha entered into a covenant personally with Yahuah, and fulfilled
his obligations to Yahuah. Yahuah promised to make him His Eternal High Priest,
Judge, and King over creation which Yahuah would give to him as an inheritance.
The rest of the children of Yahuah then enter into covenant with the Mediator
as his Bride becoming children of Yahuah. Yahuah then becomes our Father not
our Husband through marriage between the Messiah and his Bride.
This is the real question we
are seeking to answer. Did Yahusha raise himself from the grave? Was he
literally a God, Yahuah in the flesh? The answer to this question should be
quite obvious. Death is the penalty of sin. All humans must die (for all have
sinned) and pay that penalty, even Yahusha. “God” cannot die, that is what
makes Him “eternal”. It is a contradiction and blasphemy. Even true, fully
begotten “sons of Yahuah” which are born of the dead (Rev 1:5) cannot die! Only
fully humans… with no ‘god’ in them are capable of dying.
and they can
no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God's children, since they
are children of the resurrection.
We see below that Yahusha
cried out to the ONE GOD (who did not die) to save him from death. We also see,
the Yahuah saved Yahusha from death NOT because he was a “god”, but because of
his piety (reverent submission to the Will of Yahuah to honor their agreement
in Zachariah Chapter 3).
6 just as He
says also in another passage, "YOU ARE A PRIEST FOREVER ACCORDING TO THE
ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK." 7 In the days of His flesh (when
he was only human), He offered up both
prayers and supplications (repentance) with loud crying and tears to the One able to save
Him from death, and He was heard because of His piety. 8 Although He was a Son,
He learned obedience from the things which He suffered.…
So not only was Yahusha not a
“god” or “God in the Flesh” which is blasphemy, but he was not yet a fully
begotten son of Yahuah! He, like all mankind, had been Mikveh’d and given an
earnest guarantee of his future resurrection. Yahusha had to pay the price of
sin… which is death of the physical flesh. We have been so conditioned by the
Spirit of the False Messiah that blasphemy is commonplace in our mouths, and
the Truth sounds like blasphemy! While the truth is boldly proclaimed in the
pages of scripture that Yahusha was born human to two parents by the seed of
David, then fully begotten Divine by the power of the resurrection… we have
been given over to a spirit of stupor… and simply cannot “see” with our own
1 John
4 –
The Spirit of the False Messiah is “incarnation”
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they
are from Yahuah, because many false prophets have gone out into the world (claiming to be the incarnation of God). 2 By this you
know the Spirit of Yahuah: every spirit that confesses that Messiah Yahusha
has come in the flesh (a man) is from
Yahuah; 3 and every spirit that does not confess Yahusha has come in the
flesh (but says Yahuah came in the flesh)
is not from Yahuah; this is the spirit of the antichrist (or False Messiah) … 12 No one has seen Yahuah at
any time! (Because Yahusha is not Yahuah in the
flesh or a demi-god).
2 John
7 -
of Antichrist Deceiver
7 For many
deceivers have gone out into the world (teaching incarnation the Spirit of
the False Messiah) who
do not confess Yahusha the Messiah as
coming in the flesh (but teach that Yahuah came in
the flesh). This (spirit) is
a deceiver and an antichrist. 8 Look to yourselves, that we do not lose those
things we worked for, but that we may receive a full reward. 9 Whoever
transgresses (blasphemes the Spirit of Yahuah)
and does not abide in the doctrine of the Messiah (that he came in the flesh, not a god) does not
have (the Spirit of) Yahuah. He who
abides in the doctrine of the Messiah (that he came
to Earth as a human being) has both the Father and the Son. 10 If
anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine (but
rather teaches incarnation), do not receive him into your house nor
greet him; 11 for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds (of committing blasphemy)
We are taught in Christianity
that “Jesus paid the price for us, he bore our sin, he kept the Law so we don’t
have to keep it, he died so we can live, he was God the Father become the Son
in the Flesh”. Just like that, just utter the name “Jesus” ... and you are in
the clear, no need to do anything else, you can be lawless and sin all you like;
Grace will cover you because God died for you. That is another Gospel message!
What Yahusha did do, was he
was obedient to his role as messiah (defined by Yahuah in Zachariah Chapter
3) and show us the way by example that we must follow ourselves. Yahusha
“bore our sin” in fulfillment of the scapegoat and as a sin offering in that Yahuah
accepted his offering and through that sacrifice we now can approach Yahuah’s
throne personally. He didn’t “die for our sin” (we still have to die
physically for the sin in our own bodies) and he didn’t do it all for us. We
have to follow in his example if we too are to defeat death like he did. We
must follow his example of Mikveh (ritual cleansing of sin),
circumcision (of heart our commitment to keep his law),
and bringing an offering of our lives to the altar on Passover (we
are living sacrificial lambs).
Yahusha answered,
"I am (his example is) the way and
(his example is) the truth and (his
example is) the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (in covenant with him by following his example).
For I have
given you an example (a true way that leads to
eternal life), that you should do as I have done.
Peter 2:2121
But if you
suffer for doing good (obey the Law) and
you endure it (you will be conformed to the image
of Yahusha, Romans 8:29 and 2 Corinthians 3:18, who was perfected
through suffering), this is commendable before Yahuah. 21 To this
(to be conformed to the image of His son) you
were called, because the Messiah suffered (on
Passover) for you (and tore the veil
giving you access to the Altar of Yahuah), leaving you an example (of what to do as he fulfilled the spiritual meaning of
Passover), that you should follow in his steps (being Mikveh’d, demonstrating a circumcised heart, and bring
your own offering on Passover to the Altar of Yahuah).
Yahusha did not do it
all for us, he obeyed Yahuah, and set the righteous example for us to follow. In
doing so, Yahuah promised to forgive our sin and cover the death decree against
us as Sha’ul said... IF we follow his example!
The death decree that Yahuah
covers is called ‘The Second Death’ (or rather the final spiritual death
decree). He does not cover the first physical death decree, you
still must die! The spiritual death decree (or second death) is ‘passed
over’ for all who follow Yahusha’s example and put their faith in (and
properly celebrate)
Passover. Very few people know what I’m
talking about and keep Passover properly. We follow the example of Rabbinical
Judaism... not Yahusha. Yahuah does not issue the final death decree, and we
defeat death and live again if
we “do this in remembrance of his
example”. So we all, like Yahusha, must physically die and pay the price of sin
as we inherited death in our bodies (not physical die on Passover, we give our
lives on the altar as living sacrifices). It is Spiritual Death that we do not
suffer because after we die, like Yahusha, we defeat death and are raised to
eternal life by Yahuah. Let me explain.
I said that Yahusha did not
pay our penalty of sin in our body, and he did not cover the first death
decree… you still are going to die. Every physical body must die a natural
death (or be translated through transposition,
which is just another form
of physical death). We know that Yahuah's own laws prevent anyone (including
Yahusha) from being judged for another man’s sin. Each man is judged for
his sin alone:
fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children
be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own
We all are going to pay for
our sin through physical death just like Yahusha did. Yahuah would never
violate His own law, and put Yahusha to death for our sin! Yahusha was a “sin
offering” only in the respect that he obeyed Yahuah and Yahuah promised to
forgive our sin AFTER we die and pay the price for it. Yahusha died as all men
do, he was not born into sin, our physical bodies die for our own sin. For
all have sinned Romans 3:23. There was no exception in that statement. Original
Sin is a false doctrine. Death, not sin, is passed on from Adam into our
genetic code. Then we all fall for “sin” and that death sentence we inherited
is justified.
In fact, per
Chapter 3, Yahusha had his sin forgiven through Mikveh just like we do.
The entire doctrine of “Original Sin” is a false doctrine. What the Bible
teaches is that through one MAN’S act of disobedience to the Law of
Yahuah (Adam), “sin” was brought into the world (not our body), and as a
result of Adam's sin his body began to die. From that point forward, DEATH
was passed to all men genetically and sin was in the world.
as by one man… sin entered into the world, and death by sin (so death comes by your own sin not genetically);
and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned (Yahusha died)"
The Bible says that death (not
sin) is passed on in the body, we are not born into “original sin”. We are
born into a body that is predisposed to sin. Sin was brought into the world (not
our body) through one act of disobedience. Death however is passed to all
men genetically as we are all born to die. In this way the "law" of
sin and you die by decree, called the Law of Sin and Death
over humanity, and we lived in bondage to the fear of death. It is this threat
of death that held us captive not the Law of Yahuah:
14 so that by
his death he, Yahusha, might break the power of him who holds the power of
death—that is, the devil — 15 and free those who all their lives were held in
slavery by their fear of death (not in slavery to
the Law as Christianity teaches)
Kings 14:6
the children of the murderers he slew not: according unto that which Yahuah
commanded, saying, the fathers shall not be put to death for the children, nor
the children be put to death for the fathers; but every man shall be put to
death for his own sin."
soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the
father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the
righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the
wicked shall be upon him.”
"Yet ye
say, the way of Yahuah is not equal. O ye house of Israel, I will judge you
every one after his ways.”
"In those
days they shall say no more, the fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the
children's teeth are set on edge. But every one shall die for his own iniquity:
every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge."
As we read before the Law was
weakened by our flesh, it is we who are not perfect! We were the weak
link in the Law, and our weaknesses made the Law incomplete and prevented the
Law from delivering eternal life as promised. The Law had to be made complete
through grace (by covering the death decrees), in order for the Law to
achieve its righteous outcome which is eternal life.
1 My son, do
not forget my Torah, but let your heart keep my commandments; 2 For length of
days and years of life and peace they will add to you.
shall write them (the Torah) on the
doorposts of your house and on your gates, 21 so that your days and the days of
your sons may be multiplied on the land which Yahuah swore to your fathers to give
them, as long as the heavens remain above the earth.
It is in this way Yahusha
“fulfilled” the Law; he bridged the gap of our own weaknesses by covering the
death decrees. Now, in covenant with Yahusha, the Law is complete and delivers
eternal life for obedience as promised. This is called
The Law of the
Spirit that Leads to Life. However, this fleshly body predisposed to
sin and designed genetically to die… must pay the price for our sin.
The penalty of sin is
death which is in our genetic structure because of Adam. So the sentence of
"physical death" is justified because we all individually fall for
the temptation of sin in this world.
This is extremely important
to understand, because Yahusha showed us The Way a human being can live
a life pleasing to Yahuah, that results in the resurrection from the dead. If
we follow that path, we too as humans can defeat death in the exact same way! The main theme of The
Yahushaic Covenant is that Yahusha defeated the ‘Law of Sin and Death’ by
fulfilling the requirements of the Passover Lamb. Now those in covenant with
him live in freedom (from the threat of death) in what is called the
‘Law of the Spirit of Life’. Before we go any further, first let me define
The Law of Yahuah – An all-encompassing term for
the commands/law, ordinances, and decrees of Yahuah. So when we say “the Law”
we are referring to all 3 aspects combined:
30 "Go,
tell them to return to their tents. 31 But you stay here with me so that I may
give you all the commands, decrees and ordinances you are
to teach them to follow in the land I am giving them to possess."
As we read above, the Law
contains commands,
decrees, and
so let me quickly define each one:
Commands also called Laws
- Simply speaking these are the 10 commandments, the dietary Laws,
the judicial laws, the Laws of ritual purity, the sacrificial laws,
and so forth.
– these are the ordained times such as
The Sabbath, and the ordained festivals (spring and fall feasts).
Decrees – these are the divine judgments or
judicial decrees within the Law that levy judgment against us for violating the
commands and ordinances within the Law. Only the decrees were “nailed to the
stake” as our transgressions were forgiven by Yahuah and covered by the blood
of the lamb Yahusha as agreed upon in Zachariah Chapter 3.
"The Law" -
called Ho Nomos by Sha'ul in Hebrew. Together, the commands, decrees, and
ordinances make up what we call ‘The Law’. The Law first existed in what Sha’ul
the Apostle refers to as ‘the Law of Sin and Death’. The Law, was then
transposed by Yahusha into ‘the Law of the Spirit of Life’. Let me explain and
clearly define these terms used by Sha’ul the Apostle…
the Law of Yahuah with active death decrees for disobedience as it existed in
written form passed down from Adam through Moses. The first (and every
subsequent “law”) came with a corresponding judicial decree for breaking
that law. The first Law was given in Eden with “you shall not eat of the apple”
(law) and then the decree “or you shall surely die”. That is where the
Law of sin and you die was first introduced. Over time as new laws were added,
so were new judicial decrees for each new law Yahuah revealed as he
progressively disclosed the ‘constitution’ of his Kingdom. Since we all have
sinned, we were being held captive by the death decrees and in bondage to the
fear of death.
the Law of Yahuah with the death decrees covered by the blood of the Lamb (this
is called Grace). The covering of the death decree which Sha’ul called a
‘certificate of debt’ (we owed with our lives) was a free give that we
did not deserve. This is the definition of ‘Grace’. By covering the death
decrees and forgiving the ‘certificate of debt’ we owed Yahuah, we are restored
to a state of perfect obedience and freeing us from slavery to the fear of the
death decrees. Our sin is forgiven through Mikveh and the decrees covered by
our faith in Yahusha as the Passover Lamb.
In effect the Law has
not changed, it was just made whole or ‘complete’ through grace (the covering
of the death decrees in the Law).
With the understanding of terms,
it becomes clear what Sha’ul the Apostle is saying in Romans 1.
1 Now there is
no condemnation (referring to the Death
Decrees/Certificate of Debt) for those in The Yahushaic Covenant. 2
For the Law of the Spirit of life in (covenant with)
Yahusha the Messiah, has made me free from the Law of Sin and Death
(the death decrees in the Law are covered and paid in
full). 3 For what the Law could not do
eternal life as promised) because the Law was made weak by our flesh
(because we broke the Law and the decrees in the
Law condemned us to death for disobedience), Yahuah did (provided Eternal Life as a free gift to those who try to
keep the Law and fail i.e. Grace) by sending His own (firstborn) Son in the likeness of sinful flesh (as a man fully human), on account of sin (to defeat it by living obedient to the Law and dying
innocent): Yahusha condemned sin in the flesh (our genetic death sentence), 4 that the
righteous requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us (who are Mikveh’d into the Yahushaic Covenant and brought
into total obedience to the Law) who do not walk according to the flesh
(disobedient to the Law) but according to the
This is the reason Yahusha
went to John to be Mikveh’d, to “fulfill all the righteous requirements of the
Law” in him, and bring him to perfection.
replied, "Let me be Mikveh’d now; it is properly required in The Law, for
us to do this to fulfill all righteousness (have his
sin washed away with living water)."
Then Yahusha fled into the
desert where Yahuah consecrated him High Priest personally and said:
3Now Yahusha
was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel. 4 The angel said to
those who were standing before him, “Take off his filthy clothes.” Then he said
to Yahusha, “See, I have taken away your sin
(earlier through Mikveh), and I will put fine garments on you.”
Yahusha was setting the
proper example that we all must follow to have our sin washed clean by Yahuah
with living water. Most people think walking according to the Spirit is somehow
walking in some super spiritual state, letting the Spirit guide us while we
completely ignore the Law. The Spirit Sha’ul is referring to is the Spirit of
loving obedience to the Law prophesied in Ezekiel 36: 26, 27).
36: 26, 27
according to the new Spirit I will give you a new heart (for my Law and write my Law on it) and put a new
spirit (of loving obedience) in you; I
will remove from you your heart of stone (legalistic
observance of the Law out of fear of death) and give you a heart of
flesh. And I will put my (loving) Spirit
in you and move you to follow (the Spiritual Intent)
my commands and be careful to keep (the Intent of)
my laws.
Now, continuing with Romans 8...
5 For those
who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh (and abolish the Law of Yahuah), but those who
live according to the Spirit (of loving obedience
to the Law), the things of the Spirit
Law is Spiritual Romans 7:14). 6 For to be carnally minded is
death (you’ll be judged by the decrees in the Law),
but to be spiritually minded is life and peace (because
in loving obedience to the Law the decrees against you are covered by the blood
of the lamb resulting in peace and a spirit of comfort). 7 Because
the carnal mind is hatred against Yahuah; for it is not subject to the Law of
Yahuah, nor indeed can be. 8 So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please
Yahuah (because they hate the Law of Yahuah and
abolished it in their hearts).
13 Therefore
did that which is good (the Law) become a cause
of death for me? May it never be! Rather it was sin, in order that it might be
shown to be sin by effecting my death (through the
death decrees) through that which is good, so that through the
commandment sin would become utterly sinful. 14 For we know that the Law is
spiritual, but I am of flesh, sold into bondage to sin.
For it is not
those who hear the Law who are righteous in Yahuah’s sight, but it is those who
obey the Law who will be declared righteous.
As we just read in Romans
8:6, to be spiritually minded is life and peace! This Spirit Sha’ul is
referring to, is the comforter that Yahusha and Ezekiel
prophesied would come upon us. We have a spirit of comfort, now that the
death decrees are covered, and we no longer live in bondage to the fear of sin
and death. Sha’ul is saying that Yahusha “nailed the death decrees that demand
our death” in the Law, to the stake (covering them with the blood of the
Lamb). Now that Yahusha was obedient unto death, the Law of Yahuah has
become the Law of the Spirit of Life as Yahusha has removed our
enmity (fear of death) toward the Law.
Through Yahusha the Messiah,
those in covenant with him are found in perfect obedience to the Law (the
righteous requirements are fulfilled in us, just like they were in Yahusha when
he was Mikveh’d to “fulfill all righteousness in him”!). This is because
Yahuah forgives our transgression, and covers the ‘certificate of debt’ against
us that justified our physical death. The promise for obedience to the Law is
eternal life, so once that certificate of debt is forgiven... we defeat death
through resurrection exactly like Yahusha did! Now, in the Yahushaic Covenant,
the Law has been transposed to the Law of the spirit of loving obedience that
leads to eternal life. Sha’ul discusses this in detail in Colossians.
13 When you
were dead in your transgressions (held captive to
the death decrees) and the uncircumcision of your flesh (lost among the Gentile nations), Yahuah made you
alive together (in covenant) with
Yahusha, having forgiven us all our transgressions (covered
the death decrees), 14 having canceled out the certificate of
debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and Yahuah
has taken the certificate of debt (death
decrees in the Law, NOT THE LAW) out of the way, having nailed the
certificate of debt (that justifies our physical
death) to the stake with Yahusha.
This cycle of “being born to
die, and dying guilty of sin to justify that death” had to be broken by a man,
just as it began with a man. If Yahusha was a demi-god or God in the
flesh, the entire concept of overturning Adam’s act would have no value.
In order to defeat death, a man whose body was genetically engineered
to “die” (which was justified because “all have sinned”) had to die innocent
in the eyes of Yahuah by walking obedient to His instructions and being
perfected. That is the glorious message behind the Gospel; that it is possible
for a human being (who sinned) to be perfected and die innocent in
the eyes of Yahuah through faith and Mikveh!
Death, then, cannot hold an
innocent man, because death is the penalty of sin. Yahuah has to issue the
final death decree for them to stay dead (the Second Death). Yahuah
predestined a human Messiah (foretold in both The Heavenly and Earthly Scrolls),
to come and live and serve as High Priest. This man would be perfected through
discipline by follow the instruction of Yahuah to become righteous, then
Mikveh’d clear of sin, and would live from that point forward in complete
obedience to His Law as High Priest. That is how Yahusha defeated death…
Yahusha accomplished his role defined in Zachariah Chapter 3 (being
the heir to the promise to the House of Zadok to mediate a covenant of peace,
reign eternally as High Priest, and make atonement)… then Yahuah honored His
promise, and death was defeated in ONE DAY when Yahuah forgave the sins of the
land as Yahuah fulfilled his end and proclaimed “it is finished!”.
Yahusha was literally saved by his faith in himself as the Passover Lamb having
been perfected through obedience and Mikveh. That is The Way to Yahuah
that we all can follow that will result in our resurrection as well. As we
follow Yahusha in the resurrection “path”.
28 And Jesus
said to them, "Truly I say to you, that you who have followed Me, in
the regeneration when the Son of Man will sit on His glorious throne, you
also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29 "And
everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or
children or farms for My name's sake, will receive many times as much, and will
inherit eternal life.…
What is “that path we
8 though
Yahusha was a Son, yet he learned obedience (to
Yahuah) by the things which he suffered. 9 And having been perfected
(by Yahuah through obedience and suffering
throughout his life and ultimately on Passover), Yahusha (his example) became the author of eternal
salvation (forefather of everlasting life
9:6-7) to all who obey Yahuah (and
follow Yahusha’s example John 1:12).
In other words, Yahusha’s
life, of being perfected by the Law of Yahuah, became the true way to eternal
life by example.
His way is the true way that leads to eternal
life. The Truth,
the way, and the life.
The messiah Yahusha was that
man to break the ‘Law of Sin and Death’ and then die innocent and defeat
death in the process. Through the Messiah, one act of the obedience of one
man (not God) resulted in salvation from death. We see that DEATH
(not "sin") came through Adam genetically... and by "man"
(not "God") came the resurrection of the dead!
Corinthians 15
20 But now the
Messiah is risen from the dead (by Yahuah),
and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep (first born son of the resurrection
Romans 1:3-4).
21 For since by man (Adam) came death,
by Man (not God) also came the
resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in (one human)
Adam all die, even so in (one human),
the Messiah, all (the sons of Yahuah)
shall be made alive (begotten by Yahuah as sons
through resurrection).
The Law of the Spirit of Life
i.e. a man living in complete obedience to the Law, having his sin forgiven
through Mikveh, demonstrating a contrite spirit and
heart, and giving his life as a living sacrificial
offering to
serve Yahuah has received the promise of eternal life. Yahusha, the man,
became the example for all the sons of Yahuah and he is called the
"forefather of everlasting life" and made righteous in the eyes of
Yahuah. Later in this book, I am going to show that The Way through The Narrow
Gate of Passover is Mikveh, circumcision, and offering.
Now, to all of us who follow
in his footsteps in obedience to Yahuah, we too are declared righteous. Not by
faith alone, but by a process of obedience to the Law, suffering through faith,
and expressing our faith by keeping Passover in light of Yahusha’s sacrifice.
In doing so, Yahusha’s
“blood” or sin offering is accepted by Yahuah to cover the second death
decrees on our behalf and we too are found innocent after we die… and we
too will defeat death through resurrection:
16 Faith and
Deeds (works of the Law). Faith alone
does not save, nor does deeds alone. You must have both. …17 In the same way,
faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. 18 But someone
will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and
I will show you my faith by my deeds. 19 You believe that there is one God (The Shema). Good! Even the demons believe
that—and shudder. … 24 You see that a person is considered righteous by what
they do and not by faith alone…26 As the body without the spirit is dead, so
faith without works of the Law is dead.
Yahusha, being fully human,
denied the fleshly desire to "sin" after his Mikveh in the office of
High Priest, and obeyed Yahuah even to the point of willingly going to his own
death (which was not Yahusha's own will). It is the ultimate
demonstration that Yahusha set aside his selfish will to live, and obeyed
Yahuah's will that he die, IF he loved his brothers enough to pay that price.
This was Yahuah’s plan
from the beginning! Written in the stars before the foundation of the world...
To literally perfect a human being (Yahusha) through suffering, making Yahusha
our "pioneer of our salvation" our "forefather of everlasting
life" our ultimate example… all meaning the same thing.
Yahuah orchestrated our
salvation through his human messiah NOT by coming to Earth and dying! This was
His plan from the beginning written in the stars. It was prophesied in Genesis
where the seed of a woman would crush the head of the serpent. It was foretold
through all his prophets, His Ordained Times, and countless shadow pictures
such as Joseph, David, Joshua, Sampson, and so forth. That plan of Yahuah’s was
fulfilled in Yahusha:
14 Since the
children have flesh and blood (and are held captive
to the Law of Sin and Death), he too shared in their humanity (he was human too and captive to genetic death) so that by
his death (the death of a human not God) he, Yahusha, might break
the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— 15 and free
those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. 16 For
surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham’s descendants. 17 For this reason
(to break the Law of Sin and Death) he (Yahusha) had to be made like them fully human in
every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest (who are chosen from among men) in service to
Sha’ul is teaching above in
Hebrews 2, the exact same message I am trying to convey. Since the children of
Yahuah are first born flesh and blood, the Messiah had to be born flesh and
blood to atone for them and break the power of death. Nowhere in Scripture
does it say it takes ‘God’ to die to save us. Nowhere in Scripture did Yahuah
promise to come to Earth and die; that is impossible. For this reason, the
messiah HAD TO BE HUMAN, not God or a demigod. As I defined earlier, Yahusha
came “in the flesh”. The word flesh means...
natural/physical origin (not Spiritual), born of natural origin ONLY, mere
human/natural birth only... APART FROM DIVINE INFLUENCE...
g4561 ‘sarki’
- Thayer:
2a) the body of a man
2b) used of natural or physical origin, generation or relationship
2b1) born of natural generation
4) the flesh, denotes mere human nature, the earthly nature of man apart
from divine influence,
and therefore prone to sin and opposed to
He could not have been Yahuah
“in the flesh” because the very definition of that word is a
contradiction. He had to be and was human.... fully human in every way so says
2:17. Because if he wasn’t fully human in every way… he could not undue
what was done by Adam who was human. Yahusha is the “second chance Adam”. A man
brought sin and death into the world... it would take a man to take them out of
the world.
Now, having proven himself as
a human that could obey and withstand the temptation of his flesh... Yahusha
was chosen by Yahuah from among all mankind as High Priest to serve Him for
eternity (fulfilling the promise to the House of Zadok... see my book
and the Passover Lamb). Yahusha HAD to die, not only for us but for
himself (to pay the price of the genetic structure he inherited from Adam, he
was 100% human and his death proved it).
He too was in a human body
predisposed to death genetically and that body had to be put to death for
Yahusha to enter The Kingdom of Yahuah. He had to make that sacrifice as the
human High Priest. Let’s look at Hebrews 5 in more detail to show that Yahusha
had to make the Passover Sacrifice for himself as well. We see that Yahusha as
High Priest is chosen from among men in vs. 3 "he is obligated to offer
sacrifices for sins, as for the people, so also for himself".
GOD"... actually, it is the exact opposite!
I get asked all the time
"how could a man do all the work of salvation? It HAD TO BE GOD"
I am told. Not only is that untrue, because it is impossible for Yahuah to die,
be tempted by evil in the process, or “come in the flesh”. It is also clearly
stated that the Messiah had to be a human, and the sacrifice of death for
humanity had to come at the hands of a human high priest for the people and for
himself. He (a human being) had to overturn what Adam (a human being) brought
into this world. A man brought sin into this world, and a man had to take it
1 For every
high priest (Yahusha was the High Priest of Israel
by bloodline of Zadok, consecrated High Priest by Yahuah Zachariah Chapter 3)
taken from among men is appointed (by Yahuah
Zachariah Chapter 3) on behalf of men in things pertaining to
Yahuah, in order to offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins; 2 he can deal
gently with the ignorant and misguided, since he himself also is beset with
weakness; 3 and because of it he is obligated to offer sacrifices for sins, as
for the people, so also for himself. 4 And no one takes the honor to
himself, but receives it when he is called by Yahuah, even as Aaron was. 5 So
also Yahusha did not glorify himself so as to become a high priest, but Yahuah
who said to Yahusha "YOU ARE MY SON, TODAY I HAVE BEGOTTEN YOU"; 6
just as Yahuah says also in another passage, "YOU ARE A PRIEST FOREVER
ACCORDING TO THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK.” 7 In the days of Yahusha’s flesh (when he was fully human in every way
Heb. 2:17),
Yahusha offered up both prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears to
the One (God, Yahuah, The Shema) able to
save Yahusha from death (Yahusha did not rise from
the dead, he was risen by Yahuah), and Yahusha was heard because of
Yahusha’s piety (NOT because he was a demi-god! But
because of his reverent obedience to the Law see Zachariah Chapter 3).
8 Although Yahusha was a Son (not Yahuah),
Yahusha learned obedience (to the ONE GOD)
from the things which he suffered. 9 And having been made perfect (Yahusha was not born perfect being simply a man),
Yahusha became (he was not always, he BECAME after
his submission and death on Passover) to all those who obey Yahuah
and follow Yahusha’s example, the source of eternal salvation (his example is our source), 10 being designated
by Yahuah as a high priest (from among men verse 1)
according to the order of Melchizedek (see my book
and The Passover Lamb). 11 Concerning Yahusha we have much to
say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing. (that is a true statement especially today).
So what Sha’ul is saying
above, is that it took a human high priest to offer the final sacrifice for
himself and for all those in covenant with him. As we read in Zachariah Chapter
3, Yahusha fulfilled his responsibility, to show the way by example and be
obedient to his role as the Branch. As a result, Yahuah too fulfilled His
promise (in Zachariah Chapter 3) and “forgave the sin of the land in one
day” including Yahusha’s. When Yahusha said “it is finished” Yahuah covered the
second death decree and released all those being held in bondage to death. We
see in the Gospel account that the graves gave up their dead at that moment.
What we don’t realize is that we all followed Yahusha that day in the
resurrection just like he told the thief on the stake next to him.
You see, the resurrection is
an event that occurs outside of the boundaries of time (in the realm of the
Spirit) and we witnessed the first resurrection of the dead on that day. When
Yahusha said it is finished and Yahuah covered the second death decree (which
was holding us in bondage to death) and death was defeated. More info on the
resurrection in my book The Yahushaic Covenant Volume 1 –
The Mediator...
We never quite get the real
story from our modern day teachers filled with the Spirit of the False Messiah
teaching “incarnation”, and anti-messianic “Jews” who deny the messiah leaving
us all “questioning the sacrifice of Yahusha”. We have erred in our
understanding of the Plan of Salvation, and run the very real risk of falling
out of covenant with Yahuah in our ignorance (lack of knowledge). Worse
yet, we are being led to commit blasphemy against the Spirit of Yahuah by modern
translations to declare Yahuah is Yahusha and that Yahuah had to come to Earth
and die.
The problem is that we have
not found an anointed teacher and are listening to "self-appointed"
ones with no understanding. Leading us astray. It is of the utmost importance that
we understand the sacrifice of Yahusha, his humanity at the time, and “why” he
was qualified to make atonement! He was not Yahuah in the flesh, Yahuah did not
come and die, and a God cannot atone for humanity!
Does Yahuah forbid one human
from sacrificing another human... yes. But as with everything in scripture, we
cannot sound-bite that restriction! We must use wisdom and seek out the
"intent" of that restriction, given that it appears the entire Plan
of Salvation depends on what "appears to be" a human sacrifice!
Making Yahuah out to be a hypocrite; or Yahusha's sacrifice ineffective and an
There are several flaws that must
be addressed:
- Blood does not cleanse of "sin"... WATER does
through Mikveh.
- Blood consummates marriage covenants (even human
marriage with breaking the hymen), and that is why Yahusha shed his blood. His
blood was shed to consume a marriage covenant, whereby we THROUGH Mikveh we are
forgiven our sins in covenant.
- Yahusha's sacrifice was not a "human sacrifice"
(where one man sacrifices another), nor was it even a human sacrifice
where Yahuah sacrifices a man at all!
- Yahusha "willingly went to his death" to save
the lives of his brothers! There is no greater love. It was one man willingly
ready to die, and a choice by that man to do so for the right reasons. He was
not "sacrificed unwillingly" by another. He literally orchestrated
the events on that Passover.
- Yahusha's real sacrifice was his entire life, not his
death. His death was meaningless outside of his life, living the Torah by
example, and giving his life as a living sacrifice to his Father; to
consummate the marriage covenant by giving his life for his brothers.
There is a reason why one man
cannot sacrifice another man. Man cannot give "life", and is
forbidden therefore from taking a life... Man cannot promise to raise another
man from the grave (nor grant eternal life). This is why "human sacrifice"
is forbidden.
The "shedding of blood"
is required to consummate any covenant, including human marriage (which is a
shadow of the covenant we enter into with Yahuah). Yahusha's
"blood" does not cleanse from sin, it consummates the relationship
with Yahuah (required to have our sin forgiven through Mikveh) by
following Yahusha’s righteous example! Yahuah reserves the right to give life,
take life, and grant eternal life. The restriction on human sacrifice does not
apply to Yahuah (who has the power to both raise from the dead and grant eternal
life, not to mention the life we have is his gift to us in the first place). Yahuah
is not "taking" anything that does not already belong to Him. And he
did not even "take" that from Yahusha, it was willingly offered in
Yahusha's sacrifice was
efficient because it was not his death, it was his obedient life that
overturned the power of sin/death brought into this world by Adam. As it took
one man "Adam" to introduce sin into this world, it took one man
"Yahusha the second Adam" to take it out. Yahusha, by willingly
giving his entire life to Yahuah, living in obedience to the Law, then
willingly giving that sacrificial life back to Yahuah (by dying to save his
brothers), died innocent in the eyes of the Law. Death’s power is held
in sin, so if a man every died innocent, then Death would be defeated. A God
cannot accomplish that requirement. It had to be a man.