John 13:15
For I have given you an example (Spiritual Path), that you should do as I have done (offer our own lives as living sacrificial lambs on Passover).
1 Peter 2:21
21 But if you suffer for doing good (give your
life as a Living Sacrifice) and you endure it (you
will be perfected just like Yahusha was perfected, through suffering,
ultimately perfected on Passover), this (life
sacrifice) is commendable before Yahuah. 21 To this (giving your own lives as living sacrificial lambs on Passover)
you were called (Exodus 12:1-3),
because the Messiah suffered (on Passover to set the example
John 13:15) for you (and tore the
Veil giving you access to the Altar of Yahuah Matthew 27:51),
leaving you an example (of what to do as he fulfilled
the Spiritual meaning of Passover), that you should follow in his steps
(and bring your own offering on Passover to the Altar
of Yahuah).
Please note, by living sacrifice I do not mean
to imply we all must literally die on Passover. We are to die “to self” and
live a sacrificial life in service to our King, in obedience to Yahuah’s will.
The Passover is far more than just a retelling of the Exodus
out of Egypt. It is more than just Yahusha suffering to pay the penalty of our
transgression on the torture stake on Passover. The blood of the Passover Lamb
(and the foreshadowing of the Messiah’s role) is The Scarlet
Thread of Redemption that runs throughout the entire Word of Yahuah. It
is His Plan of Salvation!
This Scarlet Thread of Redemption runs
from the prophecy in Genesis that the seed of a woman will
crush the enemy
then a lamb slaughtered to “cover” the sinful parts of the
bodies of Adam and Eve after they fell
through Abraham sacrificing his first-born son Isaac, who
was delivered by the sacrifice of a ram
leading to the Exodus where the blood of the lamb covered
the first born, and the angel of death passed over the homes who entered
into that covenant
culminating with Yahusha transposing these prophecies, physical
metaphors, and rehearsals to their Spiritual Truths. Showing us The Way unto
salvation leading us through The Narrow Gate as the Good Shepherd of all the
lambs of Yahuah to…
being expressed
in faith each year by offering our own
lives as living sacrifices on Passover, following in the footsteps of The Messiah
finding completion with the return of Yahusha and the
GREATER Exodus into the Millennial Kingdom. When Yahusha gathers all the
spotless lambs of Yahuah. Those who have followed his example on Passover and
offered themselves as spotless lambs on the altar to Yahuah each year in
obedience to His Law! Then the fulfillment of Mikveh is realized and the land
and people cleansed of their sin!
We see that the Passover is far more than just
a “Jewish” ritual given to Moses (who, by the way, was not even Jewish).
It is a fundamental principle in the Plan of Salvation i.e. The Scarlet
Thread of Redemption in every covenant:
Edenic Covenant – lamb that was slaughtered from the foundation of
the world, written in the stars
The Adamic Covenant – lamb slaughter to make clothing
to cover sin
The Noahic Covenant – Genesis 8:20, the first thing
Noah did after the flood is… make an Altar and sacrifice a “clean animal” i.e.
a Lamb on the Altar.
The Abrahamic Covenant – lamb slaughtered to provide
Salvation from death of the promised son Isaac and his descendants
Coming out of bondage – Israelites slaughtered a
personal lamb and put the blood on the doorpost to save the firstborn, leading
them out of bondage through the Passover
The Mosaic Covenant – each family brought their own
sacrificial Passover lamb as a sacrifice on Passover
The Yahushaic Covenant – each son of Yahuah follows
Yahusha’s footsteps in examining their own lives for spot or blemish and
offering their lives as living sacrifices on Passover
We are taught that Yahusha is the only Passover Lamb. Is
that true? No, we are all living sacrificial lambs offered on Passover! Yahuah gave us His instruction and laid out a “Moedim”, or
rehearsal, for us to learn this vital Spiritual Truth.
This rehearsal was to illustrate physically the concept
of personal sacrifice. In this rehearsal, defined in The Torah, Yahuah had the
children of Israel take one of their most prized lambs and slaughter it, one
for each household. We must understand the personal sacrifice this was
to them. They relied on their flocks for milk, meat, and for trade. This was a
significant personal sacrifice that each family had to make in
terms of their personal resources. There was not just one sacrificial lamb…
there were many.
Yahuah was teaching our ancestors (who were Spiritually
immature children) the value of personal sacrifice that was later to come
in The Yahushaic Covenant when that “lamb” we would bring would be our own
lives! Below is the definition of the physical rehearsal, notice that each man
had to offer his own Passover Lamb:
Exodus 12
- the Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread
1 Yahuah said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt,
2 “This month is to be for you the first month, the
first month of your year.
3 Tell the
whole community of Israel that on the tenth day of this month each
man is to take a lamb for his family, one for each
household. …
5 The animals you choose must be year-old males without
defect, and you may take them from the sheep or the goats.
6 Take care of them until the fourteenth day of the
month, when all the members of the community of Israel must slaughter them
(there were many Passover Lambs)
at twilight.
We have lost sight of this legal requirement today. We are
not properly taught The Law and we simply say “Jesus did it all for us”
and then go about keeping pagan celebrations. When what really happened, was
Yahusha paved the way, tore the Veil, and we all are to bring our own lives (by
Law) and lay them down at his Altar every Passover!
Ezekiel 36:26 – Mikveh,
Circumcision, Offering
…25 "Then I will sprinkle clean living
water on you (MIKVEH), and you
will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your
idols. 26 "Moreover, I will give you a new (CIRCUMCIZED)
heart (for the Intent of My Law) and put a new (loving) spirit (for My
Law) within you; and I will remove the (ritualistic)
heart of stone (obedience to the Letter alone) from
your flesh (which is enmity toward My Law) and
give you a heart of flesh. 27 "I will put My Spirit within you and cause
you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances (to bring your own Passover Lamb OFFERING to the Altar Exodus 12:1-3).…
This was literally fulfilled in Yahusha when he was born
again upon his Mikveh by Living Water and Fire by John the Immerser. He was
washed clean with Living Water (his body purified from sinful flesh), then
Yahuah poured out His Spirit on Yahusha (the Dove descended upon him), and then
Yahusha fled into the desert to offer his life to Yahuah as a Living Sacrifice.
Having been through the process personally of being “born of the Ruach”,
Yahusha explain…
6 Flesh is born of flesh, but spirit is born of the Spirit. 7
not be amazed that I said, ‘You must be born again.’ 8 The wind
blows where it wishes. You hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes
from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
Matthew 7
13 “Enter (into The
Kingdom) through the narrow gate (of
Passover). For wide is the gate (Easter)
and broad is the road (of incarnated demi-gods)
that leads to destruction (blasphemy against the
Spirit of Yahuah), and many (filled with The Spirit of the False Messiah/Incarnation)
enter through it.
14 But small
the gate (in covenant with a
and narrow the road that leads to life (this is
life, that they know You, the
only true God John 17:3), and only a few find it.
The “gate” that
leads us out of bondage of sin and into the promised land of Eternal life is (and
always has been) the Passover.
Yahusha speaks of this very same narrow gate as he illustrates (through
use of The Mystery Language) that he is the Passover Lamb, and we all
must follow his example on Passover. We are not just sit back and enjoy a Paganized
Seder or even worse a Pig on Ishtar Day (Easter).
The Narrow Gate
is literally “how” we keep Passover. Yahusha is the Shepherd of all the
Passover Lambs of Yahuah, and he led the way through the Narrow Gate on
John 10 – The Good Shepherd
and his sheep who enter through Passover
1 “Very truly I
tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen
by the gate (Passover), but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a
robber. 2 The one who enters by the gate (Passover) is the Shepherd
of the (rest of the) sheep. 3 The Gatekeeper (Yahuah) opens the gate
for him (the Shepherd Yahusha who leads us out
of a life of bondage into a new life of freedom from sin by his Passover
sacrifice), and the sheep (we too, are lambs of Yahuah)
listen to his (Yahusha’s) voice (example). He calls his own sheep (Passover Lambs Exodus 12:1-3) by name and leads them out (of this life of bondagte and into The Kingdom of Yahuah
through Passover). 4 When he (the Shepherd) has brought
out all his own (Lambs), he goes on ahead of them (offering his life as a living sacrifice and suffering at the
stake on Passover), and his sheep follow
him (in the Passover example he set by
offering their own lives each Passover)
because they know his voice (John 13:15). 5 But they will never follow a stranger (incarnated demi-gods); in
fact, they will run away from him (any
“Messiah” who claims to be “God in the flesh") because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.” 6
Yahusha used this figure of speech (Mystery Language Alert!),
but the Pharisees did not understand what he was telling them (1 Cor. 1:23). 7
Therefore Yahusha said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am (my example is) the
gate (the Passover Lamb and true and living
way to follow) for the (rest of the) sheep (lambs of Yahuah). 8
All who have come before me (claiming to be the
incarnation of “God”) are thieves and
robbers (robbing Yahuah of His Immortality and
Glory as Creator), but the (true) sheep have not
listened to them. 9 I am the Gate (the Passover Lamb and the Way or the example to follow); whoever enters through me (follows my reverent submissive example on Passover) will be saved (from
'the angel of death'. Yahuah will save them as He did Yahusha Hebrews 5:7-11
the meaning of Passover). They will come
in (by following Yahusha’s example of living
sacrifice on Passover) and go out (into The Kingdom of Yahuah),
and find pasture. 10 The thief (Jesus Christ) comes only to steal and kill and destroy (by abolishing Passover for Easter); I have come (to set
the example and show the way i.e. Shepherd)
that they may have (Eternal) life (by following my
example), and have it to the full. 11 “I
am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down his life (it is not a human sacrifice, Yahusha willingly gave his life
to save his brothers John
15:13 as a living sacrifice on Passover) for the sheep (to
follow as an example, as he Shepherds us through the gate, we are all Passover
1 Corinthians 1
– the Passover is The Point and it is VERY NARROW
Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has
not Yahuah made foolish the wisdom (human
traditions) of this world? 21 For since, in the Wisdom of Yahuah, the world
(the Roman Empire) through wisdom did
not know Yahuah, it pleased Yahuah through the foolishness of the message
preached to save those who believe. 22 For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek
after wisdom (through philosophy); 23 but we preach the
Passover sacrifice of Yahusha (THAT… is the way that leads to The Kingdom of Yahuah), to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks
We see Sha’ul do
just what he claimed; teach the Passover sacrifice of Yahusha below:
Hebrews 5
– Yahusha demonstrates Circumcision of Heart
During the days of Yahusha’s (human)
life on Earth (while he offered himself as a
LIVING sacrifice), he
offered up prayers and petitions (in the Garden of Gethsemane)
with fervent cries and tears to the one
God (Shema! Yahuah)
who could save him from death (that evening
on Passover because he was not a god),
and he (Yahusha) was heard
(by Yahuah and saved from death)
because of his reverent
submission (to the will
of Yahuah per Zechariah Chapter
3, which is true sacrifice. Not because he was God, but because he was obedient
and had a circumcised heart).
1 Samuel 15:22
But Samuel replied: "Does Yahuah delight in burnt offerings and
sacrifices as much as in obeying Yahuah (obedience
is the Spiritual attitude of our hearts)? To obey (Spiritual sacrifice) is better than (physical) sacrifice, and to heed is better than
the fat of rams (this type of dying to self and
living an obedient submissive life is
the example Yahusha set).
Psalm 51
16 For you do not
desire sacrifice; else would I give it: you do not delight in burnt offering.17 The (true
Spiritual) sacrifices of Yahuah are a broken Spirit: a broken and
a contrite heart, O Yahuah, you will not despise.
Continuing with Hebrews 5
8 son (of Yahuah) though he was (not Yahuah),
he learned obedience (to Yahuah the same way we all do)
what he suffered
(ultimately death to “self”
and suffering
on Passover) 9 and, once made perfect (after his final Passover
suffering on the torture stake), he
example) became (after his suffering on the
stake) the source of Eternal Salvation
fulfillment of the Passover Lamb) for
who obey
him (and follow his example and offer themselves as living sacrificial
lambs on Passover) 10 and was designated by Yahuah to be High Priest in the
order of Melchizedek (the Eternal High Priest, Zechariah. 3, who would rip the Veil
and provide “once for all the sons of Yahuah” access to the Mercy Seat to come
near and offer themselves as living sacrificial lambs
Romans 12:1).11 We have much to say about this, but it is hard to make
it clear to you because you no longer try to understand (1
Cor. 1:23)
Sha’ul goes on teaching the Passover sacrifice of Yahusha
and the physical to spiritual parallel of “leaven” being sin. He uses
unleavened bread as a physical to spiritual parallel of how we are to set aside
our own bodies as Passover Lambs. We are to examine ourselves for
“spots and blemishes” like the Israelites did their physical lambs before
offering them on Passover.
We see below,
again, clear reference to the fact that we all are to be living Passover
sacrificial lambs of Yahuah without “spot or blemish”, offering ourselves in
the example Yahusha set on Passover each year, just as Yahuah Commanded:
1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of Yahuah’s
Mercy (Who accepted His First Born son Yahusha as a sacrifice on Passover, which tore the
Veil open to the Mercy Seat), to offer your (own)
bodies (not just Yahusha, we too must
follow in his footsteps) as a living sacrifice (living sacrificial
lamb on the Altar of Yahuah each Passover, as Commanded), Holy (set apart and prepared through Mikveh) and
pleasing to Yahuah (as Passover lambs without spot or blemish 2 Peter 3:14)—this
is your true and proper Worship (on Passover
as Commanded by Yahuah that each man should bring his own Passover lamb to the
Altar Exodus 12:3).
2 Peter 3
14 Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things (the Appointed Times of Yahuah specifically Passover), be diligent to be found (Faithful to the Spiritual Truth of Passover) by Him in peace, without
spot and blameless (referring to our
bodies as living sacrificial lambs removing the
leaven and giving your lives as living sacrificial lambs Romans 12:1); 15 and
consider that the longsuffering (on Passover) of our King is Salvation (through THE Passover Lamb who
has granted us access to the Altar) —as also our beloved brother Sha’ul,
according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you (about Passover 1 Cor. 1:23), 16 as also in all his letters, speaking in them
of these things (specifically Passover see 1
Corinthians 1:23), in which are some things hard to understand, which
untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they
do also the rest of the Scriptures. (1 Cor. 1:23)
Again, Peter is
telling us the Passover that Sha’ul preached (which was a stumbling
block to the Jews and foolishness to the Greeks), was TWISTED by the
Jews (Seder) and Greeks (Easter). This is why it is The NARROW
GATE. We see the Apostle Sha’ul encourage us to keep The Feast of Unleavened
Bread (when the Passover Lamb was eaten) in keeping with the
physical to Spiritual parallels it was intended.
Corinthians 5
7 Get rid
of the old yeast, so that you may be a new unleavened batch (after offering yourselves as living sacrifices on Passover)
—as you really are (destined to become. The 7-day
Feast of Unleavened Bread is a shadow of the Millennial Kingdom). For
Yahusha, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed (as
our example and to tear the veil that we may enter and make our own Passover
offerings of our lives as living sacrificial lambs).
8 Therefore let us keep the Festival (of Unleavened Bread), not with the old bread (eaten on the eve of the 14th of Abib during the
Chagigah meal representing the old body of flesh) leavened with
malice and wickedness, but with the (hope of the
heavenly resurrected body of) unleavened bread of sincerity and
Colossians 2
8 See to it that no one (Greek Christian) takes you captive through philosophy
(pagan ‘Logos’ for example) and empty deception
(sound bite implied doctrine), according to the
(pagan) tradition of men, according to the elementary
principles (false spirits i.e. The Spirit of Error)
of the world, rather than according to The Yahushaic Covenant. 9 For in (covenant with) Yahusha all the fullness of Deity
dwells in bodily form (in our bodies), 10 and
in The Yahushaic Covenant you have been made complete (in
fullness of Deity Ephesians 3:9), and Yahusha is the head over all rule
and authority (as the first born son of Yahuah through
Circumcision *****************
11 and in The Yahushaic Covenant you were
also circumcised (in your heart) with a
circumcision made without hands (Paul is teaching the
transposition of The Law into the Spirit), in the removal of the body of
the flesh (carnal mindset) by the circumcision
of the same Spirit of Holiness (righteous keeping of
The Law) that is in the Messiah;
*************** Mikveh
12 having been buried with Yahusha in
Mikveh, in which you were also raised up (in covenant)
with Yahusha through faith in the working of Yahuah, who raised Yahusha from
the dead (Paul is saying we have been given the Spirit
of Holiness which is the power of Yahuah that raised Yahusha).
Offering/blood ******************
13 When you were dead in your transgressions
and the uncircumcision of your flesh (carnal mindset),
Yahuah made you alive together with Yahusha, (and
Yahuah through Mikveh) having forgiven us all our transgressions (by the blood of the Passover Lamb), 14 (Yahuah) having canceled out the certificate of debt
consisting of (His judicial) decrees against us
(Death Decrees found in The Law), which was
hostile to us (because we transgressed His Commands
and Ordinances); and Yahuah has taken the decrees in The Law out of the
way, having nailed those death decrees to the cross (with
Yahusha and forgiven our sin). 15 When Yahusha had disarmed the rulers
and authorities (by dying innocent), Yahusha
made a public display of them (defeating The Law of
Sin and Death), having triumphed over them through (the power of) Yahuah (who
raised Yahusha from the grave).
Sha’ul is
explaining that the physical rehearsal of sacrificing your own Passover Lamb
each year was nothing more than a teaching tool to help us understand
our role in The Yahushaic Covenant:
Hebrews 10
1 The law is only a shadow (physical example/rehearsal) of the good things that are coming
(The Spiritual Kingdom of Yahuah)—not
the (spiritual) realities themselves.
For this reason, it (the physical
examples/rehearsals in The Law) can never, by the same (physical) sacrifices (of
a lamb) repeated endlessly year after year, make perfect those
who draw near to worship (perfection is found in
personal sacrifice, and the spiritual attitude of the heart not outward
physical rituals). 2 Otherwise,
would they (physical sacrifices) not
have stopped being offered? For the worshipers would have been cleansed once
for all, and would no longer have felt guilty for their sins. 3 But those sacrifices are an annual reminder
of sins. 4 It is impossible for
the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins (forgiveness
of sin comes from repentance of heart i.e. is spiritually offered not
physically. Reverent submission as Yahusha demonstrated in The Garden of
Gethsemane). 5 Therefore, when the Messiah came into
the world (to fulfill Passover), Yahusha
said: “Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a (sinful) body you prepared for me; 6 with
(physical) burnt offerings and sin
offerings you were not pleased. 7 Then I said, ‘here I am (offering My sinful body broken as a living sacrifice to deny
My sinful will and reverently submit to your will)—it is written
about me in the (heavenly)scroll (as a lamb that was slaughtered before the foundation of the
world Revelation 13:8) — I have come (to deny My selfish sinful
flesh and) to do your will (not My own Luke
22:42), My God (Yahusha is
NOT Yahuah, Yahuah is the God of Yahusha).’” 8 First
he said, “Sacrifices and offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings you did
not desire, nor were you pleased with them”—though they were offered in
accordance with the law (Yahuah’s rehearsals became
a burdensome ritual Micah 6). 9 Then
he said, “Here I am, I have come to do your will (Yahusha
made this clear on Passover when he prayed in the garden Luke 22:42).” (In doing so,
dying to his selfish will in obedience to Yahuah’s Will) He (Yahusha) sets aside (transposes)
the first (physical ritual example) to establish
the second (Spiritual Truth of reverent submission
of will). 10 And by (following) that (same)
will (of our own obedient submission),
we (too) have been made holy
(set apart)
through (Mikveh and by
following the example of) the (living)
sacrifice of the body of Yahusha the Messiah (who)
once for all (the sons of Yahuah tore the veil!
Yahusha tore the veil and provided access to the altar of Yahuah. Revealing the
meaning and spiritual truth of Passover. We no longer
go through the same ritual physical example of killing an animal year after
year Hebrews 5:1 above, now we offer ourselves as lambs of Yahuah
on Passover as we are to be living sacrifices and follow in the example set by
Sha’ul continues teaching how to
keep Passover, instructing the ritual of Mikveh. Sha’ul is explaining
that in the tradition of Israel, in order to become a member of the
commonwealth of Israel, you had to be Circumcised, Mikveh’d and
bring an Offering to burn on the Altar. Now those physical training tools
have been realized in their spiritual truths in The Yahushaic Covenant:
Hebrews 10:22
Let us draw near to (the
Altar of) Yahuah (properly presenting
ourselves) with a sincere heart (true
CIRCUMCISION) and with the full assurance that
faith (in the example set by Yahusha)
brings (… that we can offer our own lives as living
sacrifices because Yahusha has torn the veil in two, giving us access to the
mercy seat of Yahuah), having our hearts sprinkled (with the blood
to cleanse us from a guilty conscience (the
covering of the Death Decrees) and having our bodies washed with
pure (living) water (MIKVEH).
In Ephesians, we again, see Sha’ul use the Spiritual truth
of Passover and the Mikveh to prepare the Bride to meet her husband for the “appointed
time” as spotless Passover Lambs.
Ephesians 5
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as the Messiah
loved the body and gave himself up for her (as the Passover
Lamb) 26 to make her holy, (ritually)
cleansing her by the washing with (living)
water (Mikveh), through the commandments
(circumcision of heart) 27 and to present her (properly) to himself as a radiant assembly,
without spot or wrinkle or any other blemish (as
spotless Passover Lambs of Yahuah), but holy and blameless.
The proper way to keep Passover, Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering
is taught throughout both the “Old and New” Covenants. We have as an assembly,
lost our way and now are consumed with pagan rituals..
We are to give this life up, do His Will not our own and
serve His Coming Kingdom and seek that first above all. This is called living a
"sacrificial life" i.e. a "Living Sacrifice" Sha'ul calls
"a new and living sacrificial way" because we now live for our Father
as we are bought with a price (Yahusha's life who gave up his own life to save
his brothers).
Hebrews 10
19 Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place
by the blood of Yahusha (who tore the veil giving us
access), 20 by the new and living (sacrificial)
way (of Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering)
opened for us through the curtain of His body, 21 and since we have a great
priest over the house of Yahuah, 22 let us draw near to Yahuah (His mercy seat) with a sincere heart and with the
full assurance that faith (in Yahusha) brings (that Yahuah will forgive our transgressions and remember our
iniquity no more), having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty
conscience (fulfillment of Red Heifer) and having
our bodies washed with pure living water (Mikveh).
This is what the example of each household bringing a lamb
to the altar was supposed to teach us. Each and every one of us must bring our
own lives and lay it at the altar of Yahuah each Passover as "lambs
without spot or blemish" by walking The Way:
to cleanse our bodies... the OUTTER COURT
to cleanse our minds... the Holy of Holies
Offering to cleanse our hearts ... INNER COURT / Altar
In doing so, we become "living stones" in the
final Temple of Yahuah
You see, The Temple was designed to represent the human body
which is His Temple. There are 3 chambers and ALL THREE must be purified and
sanctified! This is accomplished through Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering.
We renew this covenant with Yahuah to be Living Stones in
His Temple each and every year... on Passover.

I see some of us, maybe even most of us, are not yet quite
"getting it" and that is OK. We look at all these "sound bites"
and we take them and string them together while ignoring The Mystery Language
the Scriptures are encoded with (idioms, parallels, metaphors, parables, etc.).
If you do not understand the use of idioms (short phrases to represent a much
larger more complex idea) such as "the blood" to point to The
Yahushaic Covenant, you will come away confused because we must take ALL
Scripture in context to understand any one verse such as:
Revelation 1:5
And from Yahusha the Messiah, who is the
faithful witness, and the first-begotten of the dead, and the prince of the
kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his
own blood.
No verse exists in isolation and no one verse contains the
entire Plan of Salvation. No verse "says it all". The Plan of
Salvation is revealed over time through covenants and spans 6,000 years and
over 66+ books! What I am teaching here is a very advanced teaching that
alludes most who "teach". I am not "minimizing" anything.
"The Blood of Yahusha" is an idiom for The Yahushaic Covenant whereby
our "sins are forgiven and our iniquities are remembered no more".
These verses such as Rev 1:5 are referring to that covenant
and to enter into that covenant (consummated by his blood) to have your sins
"washed away" involves a process called The Way whereby we are
"born again". These verses do not go into that "process"
they just refer to the covenant with that idiom "the blood of
christ". The process is Mikveh to wash your body ritually from sin,
circumcised your heart/mind, and have the death decrees covered by the blood of
the Lamb. You must be born again with Living Water within the context of
accepting the blood to consummate a marriage covenant with the Messiah to
become a "child of Yahuah".
I am going to be explaining this process called The Way in
the coming days. I have not even begun to show us these things. We cannot take
1 or 2 scriptures and ignore the rest of the Word of Yahuah... I teach the
entire Word of Yahuah in context (sound doctrine), I do not teach "sound
bite doctrines". Every time you see "blood of christ" that is the
same thing as saying The Yahushaic Covenant, but that covenant involved MUCH
more than just "the blood" and is not talking about the function of
"offering/blood" within that covenant. It is called an "idiom".
Ezekiel 36:26 – Mikveh,
Circumcision, Offering
…25 "Then I will sprinkle clean water
on you (MIKVEH), and you will be clean; I will
cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. 26 "Moreover,
I will give you a new (CIRCUMCIZED) heart (for the Intent of My Law) and put a new (loving) spirit (for the
Intent of My Law) within you; and I will remove the (ritualistic by the letter) heart of stone from your
flesh (which is enmity toward My Law) and give
you a heart of flesh. 27 "I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to
walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances (to bring your own Passover Lamb OFFERING to the Altar Exodus
Hebrews 10:22
Let us draw near to (the Altar of) Yahuah (properly
presenting ourselves) with a sincere heart (true
circumcision) and with the full assurance that faith (in the example set by Yahusha) brings (… that we can offer our own lives as living sacrifices
because Yahusha has torn the veil in two, giving us access to the mercy seat of
Yahuah), having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty
conscience (the spiritual equivalent of the Red Heifer)
and having our bodies washed with pure (living)
water (Mikveh).
Ephesians 5
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as the
Messiah loved the body and gave himself up for her (as
the Passover Lamb) 26 to make her holy,
cleansing her by the washing with (living)
water (Mikveh), through the commandments (circumcision of heart) 27 and to present her (properly) to himself as a radiant assembly, without
spot or wrinkle or any other blemish (as spotless
Passover Lambs of Yahuah), but holy and blameless.
The Creator promised a "path" or "a way"
for us to enter into the covenant (by the blood) it is called The Way which is
Yahusha's example. Yahusha's example he laid down of Mikveh, Circumcision, and
Offering on Passover is "the way", his example is True, and his
example leads to eternal life (the way, the truth, and the life) and it is The
Way that I am defining clearly for us.
Jeremiah 31
as I bring them back. I will lead them beside
streams of Living Water (Mikveh) on a level
Path (The Way) where they will not stumble.
Stay tuned. I will explain this more fully. Any one post I
make is one post is not the full teaching, that is in my book The Narrow Gate.
To understand what is required to enter into the
"blood" or covenant that bears the name of Yahusha (who consummated
it) we must understand Scripture as a whole, not through sound bites strung
together ignoring their context and understand The Mystery Language and use of
Isaiah 43
25 "I, even I, Am the One Who washes
away your transgressions (through Mikveh) for
My Own sake, And I will remember your sins no more (through
the blood which consummates the covenant that covers the death decrees in The
Law against us).
The literal function of the blood is different than the
idiom, Sha'ul defines the function and The Way of Living Water to wash away sin,
Circumcision to sanctify the mind, and the blood to cover the death decrees:
Colossians 2
8 See to it that no one (Greek Christian) takes you captive through philosophy
(pagan ‘Logos’ for example) and empty deception
(sound bite implied doctrine), according to the
(pagan) tradition of men, according to the elementary
principles (false spirits i.e. The Spirit of Error)
of the world, rather than according to The Yahushaic Covenant. 9 For in (covenant with) Yahusha all the fullness of Deity
dwells in bodily form (in our bodies), 10 and
in The Yahushaic Covenant you have been made complete (in
fullness of Deity Ephesians 3:9), and Yahusha is the head over all rule
and authority (as the first born son of Yahuah through
Circumcision *****************
11 and in The Yahushaic Covenant you were
also circumcised (in your heart) with a
circumcision made without hands (Paul is teaching the
transposition of The Law into the Spirit), in the removal of the body of
the flesh (carnal mindset) by the circumcision
of the same Spirit of Holiness (righteous keeping of
The Law) that is in the Messiah;
*************** Mikveh
12 having been buried with Yahusha in
Mikveh, in which you were also raised up (in covenant)
with Yahusha through faith in the working of Yahuah, who raised Yahusha from
the dead (Paul is saying we have been given the Spirit
of Holiness which is the power of Yahuah that raised Yahusha).
Offering/blood ******************
13 When you were dead in your transgressions
and the uncircumcision of your flesh (carnal mindset),
Yahuah made you alive together with Yahusha, (and
Yahuah through Mikveh) having forgiven us all our transgressions (by the blood of the Passover Lamb), 14 (Yahuah) having canceled out the certificate of debt
consisting of (His judicial) decrees against us
(Death Decrees found in The Law), which was
hostile to us (because we transgressed His Commands
and Ordinances); and Yahuah has taken the decrees in The Law out of the
way, having nailed those death decrees to the cross (with
Yahusha and forgiven our sin). 15 When Yahusha had disarmed the rulers
and authorities (by dying innocent), Yahusha
made a public display of them (defeating The Law of
Sin and Death), having triumphed over them through (the power of) Yahuah (who
raised Yahusha from the grave).
We are seeking "The Way" and Yahusha's example is
that 'True Way that leads to Eternal Life' John 14:6... Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering.
Yahusha will receive all those who follow his example:
MIKVEH: Prepare themselves properly to receive
through Mikveh. Inwardly reflecting on their own Passover offering (their own
lives as living sacrifices) purifying that offering from spot or blemish.
CIRCUMCISION: Circumcising their hearts in
submission to The Law of Yahuah.
Offering themselves as living Passover sacrifices on the Altar of Yahuah
each year (as a reminder of their sin in remembrance of Yahusha’s broken body
on Passover that covers their sin).
That is… The Narrow Gate! Mikveh, Circumcision,
and Offering. The same requirements that have always existed for being joined
to the “Commonwealth of Israel” i.e. The Family of Yahuah. On that day, that
the Messiah returns to receive those who have taken The Narrow Gate to
Salvation on Passover, the Mount of Olives will split in two, and we will
realize the final fulfillment of the Mikveh:
Zechariah 14:4
On that day, his (Yahusha
the Messiah’s) feet shall stand on
the Mount of Olives that lies before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of
Olives shall be split in two from east to west by a very wide valley, so that
one half of the Mount