1 Corinthians 11
23 For I
received from the Messiah what I also passed on to you: The Messiah Yahusha, on
the night (of The Day of Preparation that begins
the Passover Day) he was betrayed, took (leavened)
bread (artos),24 and
when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is
My body (sinful flesh), which is (given) for you (as
THE Passover Lamb to rip the veil Matthew 27:51 and
provide YOU access to the Altar so that you too can make your own living
sacrifice); do this in remembrance (Chagigah) of me (each year before Passover).”25 In the same way, after supper he took the cup,
saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood; do
this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance (Chagigah) of me.”26 For whenever you
eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim (Chagigah) the Messiah’s death (of his sinful flesh)
until he comes (you proclaim his resurrected
sinless life the next night using unleavened bread!).
What were Yahusha and his disciples doing that night that we
call “The Last Supper”? Were they having a “Jewish Seder”? No. Were they eating
crackers? No. Were they even eating unleavened bread? No! They were, in fact,
keeping the Chagigah on the eve of the 14th of Abib
before the Passover Day of Preparation. Yahusha was elevating the “remembrance
meal” that begins Passover to its spiritual fulfillment! The bread eaten that
night was not unleavened bread it was leavened bread that represented
Yahusha’s broken (sinful) body. Unleavened bread is not eaten until after
Yahusha is perfected through suffering on Passover and receives his perfect
eternal body…The Feast of Unleavened Bread.
A Chagigah literally means a "Festival
Offering", and they were held before the three Pilgrimage Festivals (Passover,
Shavuot, Sukkot). They dealt with the pilgrimage offering (lambs)
that men were supposed to bring into Jerusalem (to be slain on Passover the
next day). These Chagigah were traditionally held between
one to three days prior to a religious event (Passover, Shavuot or Sukkot),
and in this particular discussion it is being applied to the understanding of The
Last Supper that actually occurred one day prior to Messiah's
Crucifixion (which occurred on The Preparation Day), and also, applied
to the Passover Remembrance. As a matter of fact, the
Chagigah were, also Remembrance Meals. These meals included
discussions about the upcoming events (Passover, Shavuot or Sukkot). Neither a Chagigah nor the Passover is a Holy Sabbath or a
Holy convocation, they are "Remembrance Meals". The Chagigah, (Last
Supper in this case) occurred prior to the Passover preparation day and the
actual PASSOVER MEAL which is eaten on the first day of Unleavened Bread, and
were therefore the meal on the Chagigah was eaten with "Leavened
Bread" (artos).
Matthew 26:1-2 a Chagigah Conversation before Passover
1 And it came to pass, when Yahusha had
finished all these sayings, he said unto his disciples, 2 You know that after
two days (Abib 12th/13th)
is (the Feast of) the Passover
(includes Unleavened Bread),
and the Son of man (Messiah Yahusha)
is (already)
betrayed to be crucified (on the Preparation
Day of Abib 14th).
There is no way the Chagigah (Last Supper) was eaten
with unleavened bread two days prior to "Unleavened Bread". This
would destroy the Righteous Symbolism established by Yahuah; designed to teach
"The Plan of Salvation", which was perfectly prepared by Yahuah
in advance for the Messiah using the physical rehearsals. We see that
the Apostle Sha’ul below understood this very important fact, and even used the
proper word for leavened bread below:
1 Corinthians 11:23-24
For I have received of the King (Messiah) that which, also, I delivered unto you, That
the King Yahusha the [same] night in which he
was betrayed took bread (Strong’s G740, Artos, leavened
bread): And when he (Messiah) had given
thanks, he broke [it] (Leavened Bread or Artos),
and said, Take, eat: this is (symbolizes) My (physical) body, which is (physically)
broken for you: this do in remembrance of me (as an
act of Love as you prepare yourselves for Passover each year).
Artos; Strong’s G740
Food composed of flour (leaven) mixed with
water, allowed to rise, and baked. The Israelites made it in the form of an
oblong or round cake, as thick as one's thumb, and as large as a plate or platter;
hence it was not to be cut but broken.
From Dan Love, author of “The Spiritual Jew”:
From the above common
definition of "Artos" it is plain to see that a "Love
Feast" is nothing more than a type of "Chagigah" in which a
person, persons or event is "Remembered" or "Honored"
(shown love) for his/her/their/Yahuah’s contribution to something that is
worthwhile (a SELFLESS act) in which the lives of others are enriched.
Here (1 Corinthians 11:23-24)
we have Messiah speaking a most symbolic message to his followers during a
Chagigah (Remembrance Meal, "Love Feast" or Gathering). Messiah
plainly states that the (Artos) represents his physical body; meaning that
"Artos” (leavened bread), which is, also, a metaphorical representative of
sin (self) is a true representation of himself as a (physical) man.
In other words, as a man Messiah
was a sinner just like the rest of us are (sinners). However, Messiah is, also,
represented Spiritually by a lamb without blemish. Is this a scribal error? No,
it is not, because while Messiah was a sinner in the flesh (for all have sinned
and fallen short of the Glory of Yahuah), Messiah was, also, Spiritually Clean
(without spot Spiritually speaking). So how can this be? Simply this:
"We" do not need a physically perfect god or GOD or animal to die for
"Us". Messiah (a sinner) has demonstrated to the world that sinners
can become "The Perfected Children of Yahuah" if they will only
follow his (a sinner's) perfect example of being a "Seeker of Yahuah’s
Righteousness", and that any man (or woman) has this capability available
to him or her, because he (Messiah as a sinner) has shown "Us" that
it is possible for a human to become "Spiritually Perfected". Yes,
"Spiritually Perfected Sinners" are exactly what Yahuah seeks to
become His children. Children that have experienced SIN and have REJECTED it
(this is called REPENTANCE).
Could there have been any other reason for Messiah to
have gathered with his disciples? What could have motivated the "Foot
Washings"? Why did Yahusha “gird himself with a towel”?
It should be noted that Jewish people in the Second Temple
period (when Yahusha lived) could only enter the Temple if they were ritually
pure. Everyone arriving in Jerusalem for Passover was deemed ritually unclean
from their travels. They had to use a Mikveh pool before they could fulfill
their religious obligations (such as bringing their own lambs on Passover to be
slaughtered). Over 150 Mikveh pools have been discovered around The Temple
ruins in Jerusalem. With this in mind, let us look more deeply at the Mikveh on
Passover (shining the light of history that surrounded the Second Temple period
when Yahusha gave his life as a living sacrifice on Passover):
John 11:55-57
55 Now the Passover of the Jews was at hand.
Many went up to Jerusalem out of the country before the Passover (to celebrate the Chagigah Meal on the 13th/14th),
to purify themselves (through Mikveh to become
Spiritually CLEAN; symbolized by physical cleansing, and humility). 56
Then they (the multitude of Jews) sought
for (Messiah) Yahusha and spoke one with
another, as they stood in the temple, "What do you think? Isn't he coming
to the feast?" (the people didn't want to kill
Yahusha; they wanted to commune with him) 57 Now the chief priests
and the Pharisees (these are your killers)
had commanded that if anyone knew where he was, he should report it, that they
might seize him.
John 13:2-11 – the Mikveh on the Chagigah in preparation for the beginning
of Passover
2 And (the
Chagigah) supper (on the eve of the 13th
of Abib with leavened bread) being ended (and
the 14th of Abib began which is Day of Preparation or Passover Day),
the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot (i.e. GREED got hold of him), Simon's [son], to
betray him; 3 Yahusha knowing that the Father had given all things into his
hands, and that he was come from (the Plan of)
Yahuah, and went to Yahuah (was about to offer his
own body as the Passover Lamb serving as High Priest, he must be Mikveh’d
before he could make the proper sacrifice); 4 He (Yahusha) arose from supper, and laid aside his
garments (took off his clothes and Mikveh’d
himself); and (then) took a
towel (to dry himself off), and girded
himself (wrapped the towel around his waist… now it
is purification time for the rest of his disciples). 5 After that (he cleansed himself through Mikveh, dried himself off, and
wrapped a towel around his waist) he poured (living) water into a basin, and began to Mikveh
the disciples' feet, and to wipe [them] with the towel he was girded with.
6 He came to Simon Peter, who said to him,
“Master, are you going to wash My feet?” 7 Yahusha replied, “You do not realize
now what I am doing? But later you will understand.” 8 “No,” said Peter, “you
shall never wash My feet.” Yahusha answered, “Unless I Mikveh you, you have no
part with me.” 9 “Then, Master” Simon Peter replied, “not just My feet but My
hands and My head as well!” 10 Yahusha answered, “Those who have (already) had a bath (Mikveh)
need only to wash their feet; their whole body is (already
spiritually) clean. And you are (spiritually)
clean, though not every one of you.” 11 For he knew who was going to betray him;
and that was why he said not everyone was (spiritually)
We see Yahusha Mikveh the feet his disciples in a ritual
that symbolically represented his disciples “following in his footsteps”. So,
the ritual cleansing of the Mikveh is a vital aspect of keeping Passover! Not
only was it customary for all Jews to be Mikveh’d before the preparation day,
but we see Yahusha Mikveh himself and his disciples on the day before Passover
as they kept the Chagigah or remembrance meal. They were preparing the physical
bodies through Mikveh and their minds through remembrance for the events of the
coming Passover preparation day.
Before we continue, I want to clear up one of the most
misleading and mistranslated portions of Scripture in the Gospels. We see the
effect of bias Christian translators in full effect in the gospel
of Mark. In the 14th Chapter of the Book of Mark (in most of your Bibles)
it plainly states that Yahusha was not killed on Passover, but rather, was
alive and well preparing with his disciples to eat the Passover Meal (on the
first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread)! This is a total contradiction from the true accounts of the Messiah
being killed ON the preparation day for the Passover, then laid in the tomb
quickly that evening (so the Jews could go eat the Passover Meal on the first
day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread).
Below is the NIV’s version of Mark 14:
Mark 14:12-16 The Last Supper
12 On the first day of the Festival of
Unleavened Bread, when it was customary to sacrifice the Passover Lamb Yahusha’s
disciples asked him, “Where do you want us to go and make preparations for you
to eat the Passover?” 13 So he sent two of his disciples, telling them, “Go
into the city and a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him. 14 Say
to the owner of the house he enters, The Teacher asks: ‘Where is My guest room,
where I may eat the Passover with My disciples?’ 15 He will show you a large
room upstairs, furnished and ready. Make preparations for us there.” 16 The
disciples left went into the city and found things just as Jesus had told them.
So they prepared the Passover.
Below is the proper translation:
Mark 14:12-16 The Chagigah
12 Now before (two
days prior Matthew 26:1-2) the day of Unleavened Bread when they
killed the Passover Lambs (on the Passover i.e. the
Day of Preparation), his disciples said to him “where do you want us
to go to prepare (ourselves speaking of the
Chagigah) that your own may eat the Passover (Chagigah meal on the eve of the 14th in
remembrance, and to prepare ourselves for the Passover Season)”. 13
Then he sent out two of his disciples and said to them: “Go into the city, and
there you will meet a man carrying a pitcher of water, follow him. 14 And
wherever he enters, say to the owner of the house; The Teacher says: Where is My
guest room in which My disciples may eat the Passover (Chagigah meal in preparation for the Passover)
together? 15 And he will show you a large upper room, furnished and prepared;
there make ready for us (to keep the Chagigah meal
to begin Passover)”. 16 And his disciples went out, and came into
the city, and found as he had said to them; and they made ready for (the coming) Passover.
In the Exodus story, the children of Israel
were led out of "bondage" by The Way of Mikveh, Circumcision, and
Offering into The Promised Land (a picture of The Kingdom of Yahuah).
Each year, we too celebrate
that same path. We are led out of bondage to sin (leavened bread) on the Eve of
Passover by The Way of Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering ON Passover into the
Feast of Unleavened Bread which is a 7-day celebration of the coming Kingdom
where there is no sin (unleavened bread).
Why 7-days. Numbers in
Scripture have meaning. 7 is the meaning of perfection, and points to His
Perfect Kingdom.
Why do we retell the story of Exodus on Passover?
1 Corinthians 10
1 I do not want you to be unaware, brothers, that our forefathers were all
under the cloud, and that they all passed through the sea. 2 They were all
Mikeh'd into (the Covenant of) Moses in the
cloud and in the sea. 3 They all ate the same spiritual food.
What in the world is Sha'ul talking about?!?!? Well, let me
explain. Let us all, this Passover, forgo the pagan Sedar and eat of that same
"Spiritual Food"!
“What does remembering the Exodus out of Egypt” have to with
anything? Why does Passover come before the Feast of Unleavened Bread? I am
going to demonstrate a very real example of how "tradition" fails us
every time as we remain addicted to MILK and never mature to the meat of His
Word. We just go through the motions (because Yahuah said so) on The Holy Days,
year after year, performing the pagan Seder (literally making things up to do
to retell the story of the Exodus) and NEVER coming to the knowledge of the
What is that "truth" of Exodus that Yahuah expects
us to understand? What does it have to do with Passover then Unleavened
Bread?!?! I could ask this question of 1,000 "teachers of the
Torah" and not 1 of them could answer it! These teachers cannot even
properly instruct us on “how” or "when" to do these appointed times
properly, much less “why”? They simply teach us rituals as if the only reason
we really do these things is because Yahuah said so! They fail to understand
Yahuah’s INTENT and how these are moedims of The Way laid out first in The
Heavenly Scroll where the Plan of Salvation was originally revealed.
The Way through The Narrow Gate involves entering “clean”
through living water by performing the MIKVEH, this is how we are “purified”. Then
we are to “sanctify” our minds to please Yahuah as we demonstrate a reverent
contrite heart (expressing our desire and intent to follow Yahuah’s Instructions
and Yahusha’s example). This is called CIRCUMCISION of the Heart. Finally, we
are to offer our own lives as OFFERINGS (living sacrifices) to both Yahuah (as
His Children) and Yahusha (as his Bride).
Zodiac (The Heavenly Scroll) literally means “path” or “The
Way” and reveals this Spiritual Truth as Yahuah laid out The Way and The Plan
of Salvation at creation. It is pointing to the marriage covenant we would
enter into with the Bridegroom. The Heavenly Scroll foretells of The Messiah
walking The Way and portrays him as “a lamb that would be slaughtered before
the foundation of the world”. Yahusha fulfilled The Way at the end of the Age
of Aries (Lamb) as the Lamb dies and the Age transitioned to Pisces (the
Messianic Age).
LIBRA: The scales demand a price to be paid of this seed, a stake to
endure; the victim will be slain
SAGITTARIUS: The double-natured seed (servant/king) triumphs as a warrior
and pleases the heavens
AQUARIUS: He pours out “living water” from on high, humanity drinks of the
heavenly river and the faithful live again
The Way was then laid out as a physical shadow to teach us
this Spiritual Truth. This is why we are to remember the Exodus! In The Exodus
out of Egypt (bondage of sin and death) the Israelites walked The Way of Mikveh
(through the red sea), Circumcision of Heart (at the foot of Mt. Sinai), and
Offering (of The Passover Lamb). The prophets were given this revelation and
understood The Heavenly Scroll and realized the Exodus out of Egypt was
foretelling of The Yahushaic Covenant:
Jeremiah 31
9 as I bring them back (the Greater Exodus).
I will lead them beside streams of Living Water (MIKVEH)
on a level Path (The Way) where they will not
Isaiah 43
25 "I, even I, Am the One Who washes away your transgressions (through Mikveh) for My Own sake, And I will remember
your sins no more (through the blood of the Lamb
Psalm 23:2
2 The Shepherd makes me lie down in green pastures (the Kingdom); He leads me beside quiet (Living) waters (MIKVEH).
3 He restores my soul (CIRCUMCISION); He guides
me in the paths of righteousness (a new and living
sacrificial way OFFERING) For His name's sake.…
Zechariah 14: 8
On that day Living Waters shall flow out from Jerusalem (to Mikveh the people), half of them to the eastern
sea and half of them to the western sea. It shall continue in summer as in
Isaiah 44
3 For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry
ground (to Mikveh for forgiveness of sin and
uncleanliness again we see in the Renewed Covenant the importance of Mikveh);
Zechariah 13:1
“In that day (speaking of the Yahushaic
Covenant) there shall be a fountain (of Living
Water) opened to the House of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem
(to Mikveh) for sin and for uncleanness.” I
will pour My Spirit upon your offspring (and per
Jeremiah 31, write My law on their hearts Circumcising our hearts so we see
Mikveh and Circumcision), and My Blessing (of
Eternal life) on your Descendants.
Ezekiel 36
24 “‘For I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all
the countries and bring you back into your own land. 25 I will sprinkle clean (Living) water on you (Mikveh),
and you will be purified. I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from
all your idols (as He prepares you to be His Temple).
26 I will give you a new heart and put a new Spirit in you (CIRCUMCISION of heart); I will remove from you your
heart of stone (ritualistic observance to the Letter)
and give you a heart of flesh (a loving heart toward
the ‘Intent’ of His Law). 27 And I will put My Spirit in you (just like He did Yahusha when the dove descended upon him
after his Mikveh) and move you to follow My Decrees and be careful to
keep My Laws (as Israel did at Mt. Sinai).
Yahusha was that fulfillment! He was “taken out of Egypt”...
Hosea 11:1
"When Israel was a
child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son.
Matthew 2
where (in Eygpt) he stayed until the
death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what Yahuah had said through the prophet
Hosea: "Out of Egypt I called my son."
Then Yahusha followed The Way laid out in The Heavenly
Scroll in his lifetime where he was lead out of bondage to sin/death for approximately
“40 years” just like Israel being perfected by Yahuah before he could enter The
Kingdom by being born again (John 3:3 "unless you are born again (mikveh,
circumcision, offering) you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven)...
Hebrews 5
8 though Yahusha was a (future) Son (of Yahuah ‘upon’ Resurrection, Romans 1:3), yet
he learned Obedience (to Yahuah) by the things
which he suffered (due to disobedience, Heb 12:6, Prov
3:12, Rev 3:19, Acts 17:11). 9 And having been perfected (through discipline as all sons of Yahuah are),
Yahusha became (was not born that way) the
author of Eternal Salvation (The Way) to ‘all’
who obey him (and follow his Righteous example of
Mikveh to purify, Circumcision to sanctify, and offering his life as an
On Passover, Yahusha told us he had given us an example that
we should follow (John 13:15). That example he set on Passover was MIKVEH (as
he fully immersed himself, then Mikveh’d the disciples’ feet), CIRCUMCISION of
heart when he prayed in the Garden and gave up his own will, then OFFERING
himself as a true living sacrifice ritually purified and sanctified as Yahuah
had laid out. Making Yahusha the “perfect sacrifice”.
The Way is how we all come out of “bondage/Egypt” through
Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering to enter the Kingdom. Sha’ul explains this
as The New and Living Sacrificial Way.
Hebrews 10:22
Let us draw near to Yahuah (properly presenting
ourselves) with a sincere heart (True
Circumcision) and with the full assurance that Faith (in the example set by Yahusha) brings (… that we can offer our own lives as living sacrifices
because Yahusha has torn the Veil in two giving us access to the Mercy Seat of
Yahuah), having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty
conscience (Red Heifer) and having our bodies
washed with pure Living Water (Mikveh).
Ephesians 5
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as the Messiah loved the body and gave
himself up for her (as The Passover Lamb) 26 to
make her holy, (ritually) cleansing her by the
washing with Living Water (Mikveh), through the
Commandments (Circumcision) 27 and to present
her (properly) to himself as a radiant
assembly, without spot or wrinkle or any other blemish (as spotless Passover Lambs of Yahuah), but Holy and blameless.
For the first time in our lives, let us all remember the
Exodus out of Egypt for what Yahuah intended this Passover. We celebrate The
Way on Passover that leads to The Kingdom (The Feast of Unleavened Bread) where
there is no leaven! That “Way” is Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering.
The Way of the Gentiles is eating Swine Flesh as a sacrifice
to "sanctify and purify" themselves on Ishtar Day (Easter)... as they
celebrate the corrupted version of The Zodiac!
Isaiah 66:17
…16 For Yahuah will execute judgment by fire And by His sword on all
flesh, And those slain by Yahuah will be many. 17" Those who sanctify and
purify themselves (by offering the WRONG sacrifices of
Pigs and Rats) to go to the gardens, Following one in the center (of the corrupted Zodiac), Who eat swine's flesh (as a sacrifice to Tammuz called Ishtar Day),
detestable things and mice (instead of clean things
like Lambs and Doves as Yahuah commanded to be used as sacrificial animals),
Will come to an end altogether," declares Yahuah (because
those are the wrong sacrificial animals and there is no forgiveness of sin in
those sacrifices). 18"For I know their works (as they offer up unclean sacrifices to a Holy Elohim)
and their thoughts (their INTENT is to worship the
false Messiah, the Earthly Pig); the time is coming to gather all
nations and tongues. And they shall come and see My glory.…
As Passover is approaching, usually the day before but could
be 2-3 days before (Matthew 26:1-2), we begin to celebrate
the coming Passover Season. We see below, Yahusha and his disciples began
planning for the Passover Season a couple of days prior with planning of the
Matthew 26:1-2 Chagigah Conversation before Passover
1 And it came to pass, when Yahusha had
finished all these sayings, he said unto his disciples, 2 You know that after
two days is [the feast of] Passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be
What did Yahusha and his disciples talk about on the day
before the Passover Season began, when they met together for the Chagigah? They
all knew that Yahusha would be crucified on Passover, so this was a time to get
together before it all began and “remember” what it is all about. The Passover
is one of the most central themes in The Plan of Yahuah, and we should talk
about the meaning of the Passover rehearsal and its final fulfillment such as:
a lamb being slain to provide “clothing of skin” to cover
Adam/Eve’s sinful parts (physical to spiritual
parallel that the blood of the lamb covers our sin)
Abraham offering his first born son when Yahuah “passed over”
Isaac delivering him from death through the sacrifice of a lamb (physical to spiritual parallel that Yahuah would offer His
firstborn son to save us all from spiritual death),
the firstborn of Israel being saved by the blood of a lamb on
their doorpost in the Exodus (physical to spiritual parallel that we all would
exodus this physical life of bondage and enter the promised land through the
the High Priest offering a national sacrifice of the Passover
Lamb along with each man offering his own Passover Lamb for his individual
family each year (physical to spiritual parallel of Yahusha’s
sacrifice to rip the veil, enabling all of us to follow his example and offer
our OWN sacrifice on the Altar)
Yahuah fulfilling these examples by offering His firstborn son Yahusha
on Passover to provide access to the altar of Yahuah to all his children, the spiritual truth has been revealed.
the sons of Yahuah offering themselves as living sacrifices every
Passover, the spiritual truth has been revealed.
Yahusha returning and “leading the children of Israel” into the
Promised Land upon his return in the Second Exodus, the
spiritual truth has been revealed.
These are the discussion we should be having on the eve of
13th as Passover begins on the 14th at sunset. Our minds
must be set properly and our “mindset” must be righteous. Speaking of this very thing, The Apostle Sha’ul said of
1 Corinthians 11:27
So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the
cup of the Messiah in an unworthy manner (not
understanding the spiritual significance, and not properly being Mikveh’d and
examining himself for “spot or blemish”) will be guilty of sinning against
the body and blood of the Messiah.
We have had 6,000 years to learn the spiritual lesson!
Have we learned the lesson these “shadows of greater spiritual truths” were
designed to teach us? No. Was the physical “shadow picture” of Passover
designed to teach us the spiritual truth of The Jewish Seder? NO!
The Seder has nothing to do with Passover.
I certainly hope that is not what Yahusha suffered and gave
his life as a living sacrifice for! Every year, year by year for thousands of
years we have ritualized keeping Passover, and now we have reduced it
down to a simple token meal called The Jewish Seder (which is itself stolen
from the Roman banquet called the symposium)! Worse yet, we have changed it
completely to the Christian celebration of Easter stolen from Babylon!
We have missed the very spiritual lessons the Passover
Season was given by Yahuah to teach us. That each one of us, as sons of Yahuah,
are destined to be perfected in this life through suffering and we are to offer
ourselves as spotless lambs in the Temple of Yahuah on His altar each Passover
as living sacrificial lambs!
Instead, we adopted a Roman ritual and apply it to Judaism,
then steal it from Judaism and apply it to Christianity. In the process we have
reduced Yahuah’s wonderful Plan of Salvation down to a simple meaningless
ritual call The Seder. Talk about missing the point by a country
So let us discard all the pagan rituals and Jewish
traditions that have lead us nowhere over 2000 years, and keep
Passover the way Yahuah instructed us. Let us learn the lessons the physical
rehearsal/examples were designed to teach us. Let us wean ourselves off the
“milk of the word” and partake of the “meat of the word” and grow from children
to full sons of Yahuah. Let us, offer ourselves to Yahuah the way He intended
us to in the example set by our Messiah.
It all begins just prior to the Passover Season with the
Chagigah remembrance meal, by discussing the physical to spiritual parallels of
the upcoming rehearsal and properly preparing our bodies through Mikveh! Then
the rehearsal begins the next day with The Preparation Day and the killing of
the lambs on Passover, on the Altar of Yahuah.