The Birthright of all Nazarenes
this chapter, we are going to evaluate the Declarations made by (and of)
Yahusha the Nazarene, the First-Born Son of Yahuah through Resurrection (of
MANY more to come; each in our own order, 1Cor. 15:23). We
who are in The Yahushaic Covenant are “elohim potentials”. Just like Yahusha,
we are:
born “according to the flesh” by human means only outside of any
Divine influence, separate from Yahuah and prone to sin g4561 ‘sarki’,
being trained in this life for service in the next as Priests and
perfected in Obedience through suffering discipline as Children
of Yahuah,
made Righteous to Fulfill The Law through Mikveh in Living Water,
filled with the Fullness of Deity (the Ruach) through
Mikveh by Fire,
risen Divine and Begotten “according to the Spirit” into the
Family of Elohim as Adopted Children of Yahuah.
That is The Way of the Nazarene as I have
shown. However, most of us “walk about in total darkness” to this reality! Yahuah
expresses this to His future Begotten “ones”:
Psalm 82
6 “The ‘gods’ know nothing, they understand
nothing. They walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the
Earth are shaken. 6 “I said, ‘You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most
High.’ 7 But you will die like mere mortals; you will fall like every other
ruler (not realizing your destiny to Rule all of Creation).”
Religion has us all wallowing in insignificance, not
realizing “who we are destined to be”! Self-appointed teachers filled with The
Spirit of the False Messiah have us believing Yahusha was a God and not fully
human like the rest of us.
Scripture clearly reveals that we are exactly like Yahusha
was when he was human, and we will be exactly like Yahusha is now when we are
Resurrected in our own order. Yahusha is different in that he was the Forefather
of Everlasting Life, the first ‘elohim potential’ (human being) to complete the
process successfully and risen Divine by Yahuah. Yahusha is ‘The Way’ for all
of the other Children to follow, he is not the exception to every rule, he is
THE EXAMPLE… we follow!
As in Adam (the man) all die, so also in the Second
Adam (the man Yahusha) all (from first to last i.e. Yahusha is
the covenant, Isaiah 42:6, he is the first and last of the Resurrection)
shall be made alive through Resurrection as we follow Yahusha our elder Brother
in the Regeneration (Hebrews 19:28).
1 Corinthians 15
22 For as in Adam all die, so in (Covenant with the)
Messiah, all will be made alive. 23 But each in his own order (turn): Yahusha the Firstfruits (of Eternal Creation, the Firstborn of the dead, he is the
Firstborn Son); then at Yahusha’s coming (as
the Bridegroom to receive the rest of us who are in proper Covenant as
Yahusha’s Bride), those who belong to Yahusha (in
Covenant of Marriage).
We are NOT in a “Marriage Covenant with Yahuah” we are in an
‘Adoption Covenant’ with The Creator to become His Children not His wife (we
learned in Chapter 5 of this book).
We are taught that Yahusha was somehow "different"
than the rest of us... using the “Virgin Birth” as "some kind of
proof" that he was a demi-god. What we are never told, is that Yahusha was
“born according to the flesh” … he “came in the flesh”
and that is exactly what it means that he was a human being and
nothing more! So, allow me to educate us ALL, so that we are not ‘found in
idolatry’ out of our ignorance “lack of Knowledge, for which destroys His
people”. ‘Flesh’ is the Greek word, ‘Sarki” below:
g4561 ‘sarki’ - Thayer:
2a) the body of a man 2b) used of natural or physical origin, generation or
relationship 2b1) born of natural generation 4) the flesh, denotes mere human
nature, the Earthly nature of man apart from Divine influence,
and therefore prone to sin and opposed to God.
Yahusha was born according to… natural human birth (generation)
to two human parents outside of any Divine influence or “seed” (Yahuah is
Spirit and has no physical “seed”). He was born opposed to God and prone to
sin just like every other human being. He was “fully human in every way”. This
was necessary for Yahusha to demonstrate how “The Way” works… whereby a sinful
flesh can be washed clean through Mikveh, born again by the Ruach, and risen
Divine “according to the Ruach”, which is Yahuah’s “seed”. Thereby removing
our’ Fear of Death’. Because if Yahusha, who was fully human in every way, can
walk “The Way” and defeat death… so can we!
Hebrews 2
…14 Therefore, since the children have flesh and blood, Yahusha too, shared
in their humanity, so that by His death He might destroy him who holds the
power of death, that is, the devil, 15 and free those who all their lives
were held in slavery by their fear of death. 16 For surely it is not the Angels
He helps (because he was not and never was an “Angel”
or a god), but the descendants of Abraham (because he was a human
Scripture declares there is no difference between Yahusha
when he was human (he was the future Son of Yahuah, given the Spirit as an
earnest guarantee when he was born again at his Mikveh) and you and I
today... and there will be NO difference between us and Yahusha once we are
Resurrected! He was the Son of Yahuah in “the days of his flesh”
when he was but a human being (son of man), and we too, are the Children
of Yahuah just like he was.
1 John 3
1 See what great love the Father has lavished
on us, that we should be called Children of Yahuah (just
like Yahusha was)! And that is what we are (Children
of Yahuah...we are JUST like Yahusha was, elohim potentials awaiting Resurrection)!
The reason the world does not know us (Children of
Yahuah) is that it did not know him (we are
exactly the same). 2 Dear friends, now we are Children of Yahuah, and
what we will be (when we are Begotten through Resurrected)
has not yet been made known. But we know that when Yahusha appears (to receive his Bride), we shall be like him (when we are Begotten Divine through Resurrection),
for we shall see him as he is (in other words, when we
see him we will be as he is).
Sha’ul the Apostle made this crystal clear. That Yahusha was
“made / created / born / manifested” exactly like us! And that is
necessary because it takes a man, not a God, to break The Law of Sin and Death.
Sha’ul clearly says “for this reason” in order to remove our ‘fear of death’,
and give us comfort (the Comforter) that we too, can defeat death;
Yahusha has to be made exactly like us… no difference what so ever.
If he was some type of
pagan demi-god, it simply didn’t count… he cheated!
The only way our ‘fear of death’ can be removed, is if a man
just like us, walked “The Way” successfully; and Yahuah forgave his sin,
perfected him in Righteousness, and then granted him Eternal Life as a “god”
after his death through Resurrection. A path we all can actually walk.
Hebrews 2:10-18
10 In bringing many Sons and Daughters to
Glory, it was fitting that Yahuah, for Whom and through Whom everything exists,
(Yahuah) should make the pioneer of their
Salvation (Yahusha, the Forefather of Everlasting Life)
perfect through what he suffered (Yahusha was not born
perfect or obedient, Hebrews 5:8-9). 11 Both the One who
makes people Holy (Yahuah) and those who are
made Holy (Yahusha and all his Brother/Sisters)
are of the same Family (there is no difference between
us and Yahusha). So Yahusha is not ashamed to call them Brothers and
Sisters (he is NOT Yahuah nor is he our God/Elohim).
… 14 Since the (rest of the) Children (of Yahuah) have (come into
being in) flesh and blood, he too, shared in their humanity (he too, came into being “according to the flesh,” 1
John 4:1--3) so that by his death (the
death of a man not Yahuah) Yahusha might break the power of him who
holds the power of death (defeat The Law of Sin and
Death)—that is, the devil— 15 and free those who all their lives were
held in slavery by their fear of death (we were held
in slavery to the Death Decrees not The Law). 16 For surely it is not
Angels Yahusha helps (he is not and has never been an
“Angel” or “the Angel of Yahuah” who is Michael), but Abraham’s
descendants (human beings of a specific bloodline).
17 For this reason (to remove our fear of death),
he (Yahusha) had to be made like them (he was made human just like the rest of us), fully
human in every way (doesn’t get any clearer
than that), in order that he might become a Merciful and Faithful
High Priest (all High Priests are chosen from among
men not gods… Hebrews 5:1) in service to Yahuah (he is not Yahuah in the flesh, he is was a human High Priest
in service to Yahuah… the MEDIATOR), and that he might make Atonement
for the sins of the people (as the Fulfillment to the
Zadok line of High Priest made through Phineas, Numbers 25:13).
18 Because he himself suffered (discipline by his
Father) when he was tempted (proof he was
not Yahuah, Yahuah cannot be tempted by evil James 1:13), he is able to help those
(Brothers and Sisters who are human) who are
being tempted (because he lived this life exactly as
we are... 100% human in every way!).
Yahusha simply is not our God or any different than anyone
else in the Family of Yahuah, he is our Brother. Yahusha is
different in anointing and position… he is the MOST anointed, and the
‘Firstborn in the Family’ so he gets the inheritance and The Throne. He was
consecrated directly by Yahuah as High Priest. In those ways, Yahusha has
pre-eminence in the Family.
Colossians 1 – Sha’ul
explains the difference in Glory between the Father and the Son through
comparison and contrast
15 The Son is the image (not the source) of the Invisible Father (Yahuah is Invisible and we are all images of God, Genesis 1:27), the Firstborn
over all (Eternal) Creation (being the Firstborn of the dead through Resurrection, the
First Fruits of the Eternal Kingdom).
*now Sha’ul changes the subject to give Glory to
The Creator Yahuah *
16 For in YAHUAH all things were
created (He did it all by Himself, Isaiah 44:24):
things in heaven and on Earth, visible and invisible, whether Thrones or Powers
or Rulers or Authorities; all things have been created through Yahuah
and for Yahusha (as an inheritance, Colossians
1:12)). 17 Yahuah is
before all things, and in Yahuah all things hold together (by His powerful Word… “let there be Light, and there was Light”).
*Sha’ul now
change of subject back to Yahusha *
18 And
Yahusha (in contrast to
Yahuah) is the head of (the Children of Yahuah)
The Body (NOT Creation, Yahuah sits on that Throne
and will NOT give His Glory to another, Isaiah 42:8),
The Assembly; he is the Beginning and the Firstborn from among the dead
(he is NOT before all things, Yahuah is verse 17),
so that in everything (in The Family of Yahuah, the
Body, the Assembly) he might have the preeminence (among the rest of the Children of the Resurrection).
19 For Yahuah was pleased to have all his
Fullness dwell in Yahusha (upon his Mikveh when the
Ruach descended and filled Yahusha), 20 and
through (Covenant with) Yahusha, Yahuah will
reconcile to HHHHimself all things, whether
things on Earth or things in heaven, by making Peace through his Blood, shed on
The Tree (Yahusha MEDIATES the Covenant of
Peace as High Priest in Fulfillment of the Promise
to The House of Zadok, Numbers 25:12).
Yahuah is Yahusha’s God and Father in the same exact way. Yahuah
is NOT Yahusha. We see below, from the mouth of Yahusha himself, his
relationship to Yahuah is no different that is ours.
John 20:17
17 Yahusha said to her, "Do not cling to
Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My Brothers
and say to them, 'I am ascending to My Father AND your Father, and to My
God AND your God.' "
Throughout The Yahushaic Covenant (N.T), we see the writers declare
over and over again that Yahuah alone is the “God and Father” of Yahusha…
Yahusha is NOT “God” or “The Father in the flesh” or “the Everlasting
Father” that is a mistranslation.
He is the Forefather of
Everlasting life the same way Abraham is called the “Faith Father” or
“Forefather of our Faith”
We see the writers declare the Shema, that Yahuah is THE
GOD… period. They NEVER included Yahusha in that declaration... ever. Below are
just a few examples, if you really look in the Yahushaic Covenant (N.T.), you
see these men of Yahuah openly declare ‘The Shema’ that Yahuah is the ONE
and ONLY GOD… and He is the God AND Father of Yahusha just like He is
ours, it is a Family, there is NO such thing as a “Godhead”; that is Babylonian
Paganism and that term is nowhere to be found in The Scriptures.
Ephesians 1:3
Praise be to (Yahuah)
THE God AND Father of our King Messiah Yahusha…
1 Peter 1:3
Praise be to (Yahuah)
THE God AND Father of our King Messiah Yahusha! -----
John 17:3
Now this is Eternal Life: that they know
you (Yahuah), THE ONLY TRUE God, and (come to You through) Yahusha who is the Messiah (not god), whom you have sent (in Fulfillment The Heavenly Scroll and Your Promises as foretold through
the Prophets to be the Mediator).
1 Timothy 2:5
For there is ONE God (Yahuah… period) and one mediator
between Yahuah and mankind, the MAN (not god)
Yahusha the Messiah -----
We see that we are all “Sons of God”, and that we are exactly
like Yahusha before he was Resurrected, and we will be exactly as he
is now ‘after’ we are Resurrected (each in our own order after
the Firstborn son). He is our Brother not our God, and Yahuah is
the God and Father of us all! Yahuah is Begetting a Family, that is
His “purpose”.
I am going to define Yahuah’s Purpose in Creation, and how
that Purpose was accomplished through Yahusha the Messiah, who is “the First
and the Last”. We have two Gospel messages confronting us today. One is ‘The
Gospel’… the other is, well, “the other gospel”.
Galatians 1:6-9
6 I am astonished that you are so quickly
deserting the One Who called you to live in the Grace of the Messiah and are
turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently
some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the
Gospel of Yahusha.
The True Gospel, is that Yahuah had a “Purpose” in Creation,
and that Purpose is accomplished in Covenant with Yahusha. The “other Gospel”,
which is really no gospel at all because it in no way removes our fear of
death, is that “God came to Earth in the form of a man (the Messiah),
to get Himself killed to save us from having to obey His Righteous
Instructions.” To understand the True Gospel message, we must first understand
that Yahuah had a “Purpose” in mind (called The Plan of Salvation) before He
began His creative acts.
Everything He did, He did according to that Purpose/Plan as
we read in John:
John 1
1 In the Beginning was the Plan of Yahuah (Hebrew
Debar, NOT Greek Logos), and the Debar was with Yahuah (and defined His Purpose in Creation), and the Debar (Plan) was Yahuah's. 2 The same Plan was in the
Beginning with Yahuah. 3 All things were done according to the Plan of Yahuah,
and without the Plan of Yahuah nothing was done, that was done.
But what exactly was that ‘purpose’? Was it to spend
4,000 years giving us His Righteous Instructions,
only to come down here and
let us kill Him so we don’t have to do them?
No. But that is what is being taught today!
Simply stated, Yahuah’s Purpose/Predestined Plan (Debar)
was to Beget a Family of “Godlike Ones” called Elohim. Then give this amazing
Universe/Creation as His inheritance to His Family. Then organize this Family
of “Gods” into a Divine Government of Priests and Kings (Royal Priesthood)
to rule over His Creation for Eternity; with His Righteous Instructions as the foundation
of / or constitution of... that government. For a full breakdown
of this amazing truth. Please see my book, The Kingdom. This “Mystery” has been
hidden from Creation, revealed in The Messiah, then hidden again by the False
Religion. We see below, that we simply do not know or understand this most
basic Knowledge, that we are Yahuah’s literal Children. Instead, we walk
about in total darkness.
Psalms 82
5 They do not know nor do they understand; They walk about in darkness; All the
foundations of the Earth are shaken. 6 I said, "You are gods, and
all of you are Sons of the Most High. 7 "Nevertheless you will die
like men and fall like any one of the princes.”
We see in Ephesians, that Yahuah had a “Purpose in Creation”,
and THAT Purpose is “a Mystery” … it is called “The Mystery of the
Ephesians 1:9
9 Having made known unto us (elohim) the Mystery of His Will (to Beget a Family), according to His (YAHUAH’s) good pleasure which He hath Purposed (Predestined to Create) in (the
full image of) Himself (He is the Father of
Elohim, Psalm 82:6, The One True Living God, John 17:3).
To understand this verse, we must put it into context of all
of Ephesians Chapter 1, where His purpose is laid out very clearly. Below I put
Ephesians into “context” with my context in parenthesis:
Ephesians 1
1 Sha’ul, an apostle of Messiah Yahusha by the Will of Yahuah, to the Children
of Yahuah which are at Ephesus, and to the Faithful in (Covenant with) Messiah Yahusha: 2 Grace be to you, and Peace, from
Yahuah our Father (of Elohim), and from the
King Messiah Yahusha (our Brother). 3 Blessed
be THE Elohim (Sha’ul declares The Shema) and
Father of our King Messiah Yahusha (Yahuah is the “God
and Father” of Yahusha too), Who (Yahuah)
hath blessed us (His Sons, elohim) with all
Spiritual blessings in Heavenly Places (The Kingdom of
Yahuah) in (Covenant with) Yahusha (we are co-heirs Romans 8:17): 4
According (to Yahuah’s Purpose) as He (Yahuah) hath chosen (Predestined)
us in (Covenant with) Him(self: John 17:19-21), before the
foundation of the world (it was Yahuah’s Purpose from
the Beginning, before Creation, to ‘pro-create a Family’. We too, existed
before the foundation of the world, just like Yahusha, in the Plan of Salvation
written in The Heavenly Scroll, Romans 8:29-30), that we
should be Holy and without blame before Yahuah (as His
Children) in love:
5 Having Predestinated us (as Light, Ephesians 5:7-14) unto the
Adoption of Children (of Yahuah) by (in Covenant with) Messiah Yahusha to Himself (Yahuah), according to the good pleasure of His (Yahuah’s) Will (to
pro-create a Family… His “Purpose”), 6 To the Praise of the Glory of His
(Yahuah’s) Grace, wherein Yahuah hath made us (in covenant with Yahusha; whose Blood covers the Death Decrees)
accepted in the beloved (Family of Elohim). 7
In whom (Messiah Yahusha) we have redemption (from The Law of Sin and Death) through his Blood (Yahusha is The Passover Lamb, as foretold in The Plan of
Yahuah before the foundation of the world, written in the stars, Psalm 19),
(we have) the forgiveness of sins (Death Decrees in The Law for violating His Commands are
covered by the Blood), according to the riches of His (Yahuah’s) Grace (it is
Yahuah Who forgives sin and accepts Yahusha’s sacrifice to satisfy the Death
Decrees); 8 Wherein (Covenant with Yahusha)
He (Yahuah) hath abounded toward us (unlimited Grace) in all Wisdom and Prudence;
9 Having made known unto us (elohim, Psalm 82:6) the “Mystery” of
His Will (to Beget a Family), according to His
(Yahuah’s) good pleasure which He hath Purposed
(Predestined to Create) in (the full image of) Himself (He
is the Father of Elohim, the One True Living God): 10 That in the ‘dispensation
of the Fullness of times’ (as foretold in The
Heavenly Scroll and by His Prophets, Romans 1:2-4) He (Yahuah) might gather together (again) in one (through the
Covenant of Marriage with the Messiah, the two shall become One) all
things in (Covenant with Yahusha the) Messiah,
both which are in (The Kingdom of) heaven, and
which are on Earth; even in Him(self, Yahuah will reconcile
creation through the sacrifice of His Son):
11 In whom, Yahuah, (along with the Firstborn Son, Messiah Yahusha) also
we (too) have obtained an Inheritance (as Sons of Yahuah, we inherit the Universe as co-heirs),
being Predestinated according to the purpose of Yahuah Who worketh all things
after the counsel of His Own Will (Purpose/Plan/debar the
light of, Gen. 1:1): 12 That we (Children of Yahuah) should be to the Praise of His
Glory, Who first trusted in Messiah Yahusha (and
express our Faith in The Passover Lamb).
13 In whom, Yahusha, you also trusted (was the Messiah, the Fulfillment of The Heavenly Scroll, Psalm
19), after that you heard (preached day
after day, night after night in the stars) the Word of Truth (eternally preserved in The Heavenly Scroll Psalm
119:89), the Gospel of your Salvation (written
in the stars at Creation): in Whom (Yahusha)
also after that you believed (was The Messiah the
fulfillment of The Son of Man), you were sealed (after Mikveh) with that Holy Spirit of Promise (the Spirit of Yahuah is the “Blood of the Family of Yahuah”
a Spiritual Parallel of a human Bloodline or Family). 14 Which is the
earnest (guarantee) of our (future) Inheritance (as sons
of Yahuah) until the redemption (transposition
of our bodies from the Physical Realm to the Spiritual
Realm) of the purchased possession unto the Praise of His Glory. ….
17 That THE ELOHIM (Sha’ul again declares the Shema) of our King Messiah Yahusha (Yahuah is Yahusha’s God too), the Father of Glory,
may give unto you the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation in the Knowledge of Him(self): 18 The eyes of your Understanding being
enlightened (to His Purpose to procreate a Family);
that you may know what is the Hope of His (Yahuah)
calling (you as a Son/Daughter), and what the
riches of the Glory of His inheritance in the Saints (we
inherit The Universe), 19 And what is the exceeding greatness of
Yahuah’s Power toward us (as His Children) who
believe, according to the working of His (Yahuah’s)
Mighty Power,
20 Which He (Yahuah)
‘demonstrated’ in the Messiah, when Yahuah Raised Yahusha from the dead
(confirming Yahusha’s Son ship when Yahusha became
‘fully begotten and Divine’), and Yahuah set Yahusha at Yahuah’s Own
Right Hand (as King) in The Kingdom of Yahuah,
21 Far above all Principality, and Power, and Might, and Dominion, and every
name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
22 And (Yahuah) hath put all things under his (Yahusha’s) feet, and Yahuah gave (upon Resurrection) Yahusha (the
Firstborn Son of the Resurrection) to be the head (of His Family) over all things (Yahusha has preeminence) to the Assembly (of His Sons), 23 Which (His
Family) is His (Yahuah’s Temple or)
Body, the Fullness of Him (Yahuah) that fills
all in all.
So, there it is plainly stated with context. Yahuah’s
“Purpose” in Creation was to Beget a Family to express His boundless love
toward! That Love is expressed to us through Yahusha the Messiah (in Covenant) as Adopted Children:
1 John 4:7-12
7 Dear friends, let us Love one another, for Love comes from Yahuah. Everyone
who Loves has been born of Yahuah and knows Yahuah. 8 Whoever does not Love
does not know Yahuah, because Yahuah is Love. 9 This is how Yahuah showed his
Love among us: He sent His One and Only (Begotten)
Son (of the Resurrection at this point)
into the world (to Fulfill The Plan of Salvation
written in the stars, John 1) that we (all,
from the first to the last) might live through him (through the Covenant that bears his name i.e. The Yahushaic
Covenant). 10 This is Love: not that we Loved Yahuah (first), but that he Loved us (first) and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins (to cover the Death Decrees amounting to a ‘certificate of
debt’ against us). 11 Dear friends, since Yahuah so Loved us, we also
ought to Love one another. 12 No one has ever seen Yahuah (because Yahuah is NOT Yahusha); but if we Love one
another, Yahuah lives in us and his Love is made complete in us (we obtain the Fullness of Deity in bodily form, just like
Yahusha did, Ephesians 3:19).
Ephesians 3:19
19 and to know this Love that surpasses Knowledge—that you may be filled (in bodily form) to the Measure of all
the Fullness of Yahuah (which is the Spirit
of Yahuah, just like Yahusha was upon his Mikveh!).
This is confirmed in Hebrews, let me break that down in
context as well:
Hebrews 2:10-18
10 In bringing many Sons and Daughters to Glory (His
purpose), it was fitting that Yahuah, from Whom and through Whom
everything exists (Isaiah 44:24);
should make the pioneer of their Salvation (Yahusha)
perfect through what he suffered (a life and death on
Earth). 11 Both the one who makes people Holy (Yahuah)
and those who are made Holy (Yahusha and all his
Brother/Sisters) are of the same Family (we are
literally “gods” and offspring of Yahuah). So Yahusha is not ashamed to
call them (Remnant Israel) Brothers and Sisters
(Yahusha is our elder Brother, not our God).
12 He says, “I (Yahusha)
will Declare Your Name (Yahusha declares The Shema)
to my Brothers and Sisters (he is NOT
Yahuah or our God); in the Assembly I will sing Your Praises (we don’t sing praises to “Jesus” we Worship Yahuah Alone).”
13 And again, “I (Yahusha) will put my trust in
Him (Yahuah).” And again he says, “Here am I,
and the (rest of the) Children Yahuah has given
me (to Shepherd and Rule).”
14 Since the (future)
Children have flesh and blood (and trained by a life
on Earth), he (Yahusha) too, shared in
their humanity (he too, was a mere human) so
that by his death he, Yahusha, might break the power of him who holds the power
of death (by being perfected through suffering and his
sin wiped away through Mikveh, Yahusha died innocent and therefore broke the power
of sin and death) that is, the devil (the Blood
of Yahusha covers the Decrees in The Law overcoming The Law of Sin and Death.
With the Decrees in The Law covered; The Law then becomes The Law of the Spirit
of Life)— 15 and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by
their fear of death (we now have confidence in our own
Resurrection, because Yahusha was not a god, he was human just like us, and
proved ‘The Way’ works, if we follow his example. So, he removed our ‘fear of
16 For surely it is not Angels Yahusha
helps, but Abraham’s descendants (the Bloodline of the
sons of Yahuah remains defined primarily by the Abrahamic Covenant, Yahuah’s Promise
to Abraham has not failed, Joshua 21:45 and Romans 9:6).
17 For this reason (to
remove our fear of death by example) he (Yahusha)
had to be made like them (he was made human not a
demi-god, so we know we too, can defeat death by following his example),
fully human in every way (can’t get any clearer
than that) in order that he might become a Merciful and Faithful
High Priest (Wonderful Counselor) in Service to
Yahuah (he is Yahuah’s High Priest, not Yahuah in the
flesh), and that he might make Atonement for the sins of the people (as he Fulfilled the Promise made to the Zadok line of High
Priest through Phineas, Numbers 25:13). 18 Because he himself suffered
when he was tempted (he is not Yahuah in the flesh, Yahuah
‘cannot’ be tempted by evil, James 1:13), he is able to help those (Brothers and Sisters in the Family of
Yahuah) who are being tempted (he is the human
mediator Risen Divine as Eternal High Priest, he is NOT Yahuah Who Alone is God).
We see Yahusha and Sha’ul confirm this revelation:
John 17
3 Now this is Eternal Life: that they know You (Yahuah),
the Only True God, and (come to You through) Yahusha
who is the Messiah, whom You have sent (in Fulfillment
of Your Promises as foretold through the Prophets to be the Mediator).
1 Timothy 2:5
For there is One God (Yahuah) and One mediator
between Yahuah and mankind, the man (yes
it says ‘man’) Yahusha the Messiah.
The Gospel message is not:
“God came to Earth as man, and let us kill him to
save us from having to do His Commandments”.
That is “the other gospel” ... that is no gospel at
So, we see that Yahuah’s Purpose was to create a Family by
Begetting them through Resurrection (Yahusha the First of many to come).
We also see that Yahusha was not perfect either, but had to be perfected. We
see that he had to be 100% human in every way in order to accomplish The Plan
of Salvation. We see that the only way our fear of death can be removed, is if
The Messiah was just like us in every way, so that ‘The Way’ to Yahuah would be
proven by a human not a “god”. If he was any different that you and I, then
that proves nothing. Of course, a “god” can live a perfect life! Of course,
death cannot hold a “god”, gods are immortal to begin with. What did it prove
if Yahusha was “God in the flesh”? How would that prove to us we can defeat
death? How does that prove that Yahuah will be Faithful to forgive us our sin? Scripture
clearly teaches that Yahusha was a sinful human being, perfected through
suffering discipline, the forgiven through Mikveh and Risen Divine... that is ‘The
Way’! And now it has been proven!
We have a Spirit of comfort (the Comforter) knowing
that if he can do it… so can we. We just have to follow his example and put our
Faith in Yahuah that if He Resurrected Yahusha after following ‘The Way’, then
He will do the same for us, and we will defeat death the same way Yahusha did. We
are to “do as he has done”, “walk as he walked”, “follow his example” and so
Now, let’s examine how Yahusha is “the First and the Last”
and how Yahuah accomplished His Purpose (Predestined Plan) in Yahusha
the Messiah.
We are taught that “Yahuah is Yahusha” which is blasphemy. However,
that is what we are taught and even what our English Bibles seem to say that (or
imply it). One of the sound bite implied lies we are taught is that Yahuah
claimed to be the “First and the Last” by saying He is Alpha and Omega, and
then Yahusha said in Revelation that he too, is “the First and the Last”. The
quantum leap then is made to “imply” they must be the same being! Not so fast
there… false teachers. Let’s look at that just a little bit closer, shall we?
What Yahuah actually said is that He is the Aleph/Tav! The
Scriptures were Hellenized into Greek to read “Alpha/Omega”. In Greek, the
letters do not have any meaning in and of themselves, so we “imply” that
because Alpha is the first letter and Omega is the last letter that Yahuah was
saying He is the first and the last. Which is what Yahusha did actually say of
himself in Revelation 1:11.
HOWEVER… Alpha and Omega is not what Yahuah said. He said in
Hebrew He is the Aleph/Tav and in Hebrew, letters are pictograph with meaning.
Yahuah was not saying He was “Alpha/Omega” at all; He was using the pictograph
language of Hebrew to say “I am the Standard of Unity (Aleph) and Perfection
(Tav). All of the sudden, we realize in the Hebraic Mindset, Yahuah and
Yahusha did NOT claim the same title at all! Yahuah said “He is
unity/perfection” and Yahusha said he was “the First and the Last”.
But what does “I am the First and the Last” actually mean? We
are told it means Yahusha was the first thing ever created in Gen. 1:1,
before Yahuah Created the heavens and the Earth. Interesting, because it does
not say that in Genesis Chapter 1 anywhere! It says Yahuah
Created Everything, Yahuah said… Yahuah said… Yahuah said. Then we read in
Isaiah, that Yahuah ALONE is “God” and that He ALONE is The Creator and He did
Isaiah 44
24 “This is what Yahuah says— your Redeemer, Who formed you in the womb: I am
Yahuah, the Maker of all things, Who stretches out the heavens, who spreads out
the Earth by Myself.
We are seeing in these last days, a major push to identify
Yahusha as the Aleph/Tav. Translations such as The Cepher (which in my opinion
is the most abominable translation ever penned) is literally adding Aleph/Tav
in Scripture where it is not written. This is a shameless effort to promote
Incarnation by violating the Command not to add to or subtract from the
Scriptures! The Cepher has everyone fooled by using the proper names and Hebrew
words, then very craftily, twists the Scriptures to promote Incarnation, even
totally changing the text in Philippians 2:11 to read, “Yahuah is
Yahusha’ which is blasphemy. The Declaration of Salvation is NOT “Yahuah
is Yahusha”, it is that Yahusha is The Messiah (Mediator) to the Glory
of Yahuah. He is Yahuah’s Firstborn Son. It doesn’t get any clearer, yet we
fall for this lie over and over. Listen to Yahusha, not The Cepher if
you want to be granted Eternal Life”
John 17:3 3
Now this is Eternal Life: that they know
You (Yahuah), the Only True God, and (come to You through) Yahusha who is the Messiah (to the Glory of his Father), whom you have sent (in Fulfillment of Your Promises as foretold through the Prophets
to be the Mediator).
1 Timothy 2:5
For there is One God (Yahuah) and one mediator between Yahuah and mankind,
the man Yahusha the Messiah
Hebrews 1
1 Yahuah, Who at various times and in different ways, Spoke in times past to
our fathers through the Prophets, 2 Has in these last days spoken to us through
His Son (Yahuah did not come to Earth!), Whom,
Yahusha, Yahuah has appointed heir of all things (the
Universe), for Whom, Yahusha, Yahuah also made the world; 3 Who,
Yahusha, being the reflection of the Perfection of Yahuah (Yahusha is the “image of” not the source), and the
representation of Yahuah’s Plan, by upholding all things concerning that which
was Spoken by Yahuah through The Law and the Prophets, when He had purged sins,
sat down on the right hand of Yahuah on High (obviously
NOT Yahuah), 4 Becoming so much better than the Malakim/Angels, 2
Yahusha has by Inheritance obtained a more excellent Name than they (King of Kings, Melchi Tsedek, etc. through human Bloodlines).
is NOT Yahusha, they are Father/Son! It is that simple and there is no need to
complicate the issue with idolatry. I want to prove that The Cepher, and all
those who teach that Yahusha and Yahuah BOTH claimed to be the Aleph/Tav (in an
effort to write “Incarnation” into the Scriptures), that not only
are they mistaken, not only are they twisting the Scriptures, but
they are literally ‘adding’ to the Scripture and breaking The Law in the
The Hebraic Mindset and meaning of “Aleph and Tav”, have
been twisted into Greek through Hellenism. The Greek and the English
translators have even altered the Scriptures by writing, “Alpha and Omega” (in
two places), to build into the Scripture… the ‘Spirit of the False
Messiah’, which is the belief in ‘Incarnation’ in any form. The translators
made it look as though Yahusha claimed to be Yahuah and said he was the Aleph
and Tav, when he never made such a claim… anywhere!
The Greek phrase “Alpha and Omega” is misleading, as it does
not carry forward the Hebraic mindset behind the Aleph and Tav! What the Bible
translators did not realize (or they rejected) is that each individual
Hebrew letter can be a word or phrase unto itself, with a specific meaning.
This is clearly pointed out by Fabre d'Olivet in his book, The
Hebraic Tongue Restored. Dr. d'Olivet, in which he gives clear, precise
explanations of the meanings of each individual Hebrew letter and what they
point out or Declare. On page 98 of his book, Dr. d'Olivet also states, “that
knowing each Hebrew letter has a meaning of its own, is the key to understanding
the Scriptures”. In reference to the letters Aleph and Tav, Dr. d'Olivet gives
clear proof that these two letters make statements in their own right.

The first letter in the Hebrew alphabet, as Dr. d'Olivet
points out from The Hebraic Tongue Restored on pages 95 and 287, stands for unity.


On pages 98 and 465 of this book, Dr. d'Olivet clearly
points out that the letter TAV, the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, means
and stands for perfection.

Incredible as it may sound, both single letters Aleph and
Tav, are in themselves Hebrew words that have specific meanings. As Clark, in
his Commentary, and the writers of The Anchor Bible have shown, the Alpha and
Omega should have been written: the Aleph and the Tav.
The Anchor Bible, Revelation Volume 38, page 379,
gives us the explanation of this phrase.
“The Alpha and the Omega. The
Hebrew would be aleph and tav, probably standing respectively for Urim and
Thummim, the sacred lots of the high priest used to determine the will of God,
and also meaning all "encompassing."
Adam Clarke, in his Commentary, Volume 6, page 971,
agrees that Alpha and Omega are Aleph and Tav in Hebrew, as the Scriptures were
Hellenized and twisted into Greek to remove all Hebrew flavor and meaning.
“[The beginning and the ending.]
That is, as Aleph or Alpha is the beginning of the Alphabet, so am I the author
and cause of all things; as TAV or Omega is the end, or last letter of the
Alphabet, so am I the end of all things, the destroyer as well as the
establisher of all things.”
The phrase “Alpha and Omega” is written four times in the
King James Version of the Scriptures (which is the foundation of most
English Bibles). However, this phrase should only have been written one
time. It was added to the Scriptures twice, in order to infer that it is
Yahusha the Messiah Who is “Alpha and Omega”. This needs to be corrected as it
has given rise to justifying The Spirit of the False Messiah that Yahuah came
to Earth as a man named Jesus. Even those who have come out of “Babylon” and
come to know the true name of the Messiah, are still stuck in idolatry
worshipping a man who died above Yahuah as “God-Incarnate” which is
forbidden (Romans 1).
We have all been taught erroneously, that it was “Jesus”
speaking in the Book of Revelation. This is not true… it was “the Messenger of
Yahuah” speaking to Yahchanan (John the Revelator), showing Yahchanan
what must take place on Earth as it was written in The Heavenly Scroll. The
Messenger of Yahuah was delivering a message from Yahusha and Yahuah.
Revelation 1
1 The revelation from Yahusha the Messiah,
which God (Yahuah) gave him to show his
servants what must soon take place. Yahuah made it known by sending His Angel
to his servant John, 2 who testifies to everything he saw (in The Heavenly Scroll)—that is (The Heavenly Scroll), the Word of Yahuah and the
Testimony of Yahusha the Messiah (The Heavenly Scroll
is Yahuah’s Testimony of Yahusha, Psalms 19). 3 Blessed is the one who
reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and
take to ‘heart’ what is written in it, because the time is near.
We see further confirmation that it is the Messenger of
Yahuah speaking not Yahusha as it continues… and the Messenger says He is
bringing Words from both Yahuah and Yahusha…
4 Yahchanan to the seven churches that are in Asia:
Grace to you and Peace from Him (Yahuah) Who is
and Who was and Who is to come (the Eternal Almighty),
and from the seven Spirits (the Heavenly Menorah)
who are before His Throne, 5 and (in addition to
Yahuah) from Yahusha the Messiah the (True)
Faithful Witness (Immanuel), the Firstborn of
the dead (he is NOT the Eternal Almighty, Yahusha is
the first created of all Eternal Creation), and the Ruler of Kings on
Earth (not King of Creation, that is Yahuah. Yahusha
is the proxy King over the Earth).
We must be Faithful to study the Book of Revelation, because
the Messenger speaks (as a proxy) for both Yahuah and Yahusha. The Messenger
identifies “who” he is speaking for each time the Messenger speaks! We are
going to examine each place in Scripture where it is taught that Alpha and
Omega was used by Yahusha, and we are going to prove it was Yahuah speaking
through His Messenger, not Yahusha speaking directly. Let’s look at Revelation
Chapter 1, and continue to reveal 'who is who' and who is speaking
Revelation 1
5 (the Messenger gives Glory where Glory is due, first
to Yahusha) To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his
Blood (speaking about Yahusha), 6 and has made
us to be a Kingdom and Priests to serve his (Yahusha's)
God and Father (clearly Yahuah is Yahusha's "God
and Father"!)—to Him (the God and Father
Yahuah) be Glory and Power for ever and ever! Amen.
7 (Now, Yahuah
speaks from His Throne, and Testifies about Yahusha. Yahuah tells Yahchanan to
behold the constellation Orion, which represents the Messiah in The Heavenly
Scroll) "Look (at Orion), he is
coming with the clouds (of heaven, the Milky Way),”

This Scripture cannot be any clearer than it is. This is Yahuah
speaking about Himself. "Lord God" is always “Yahuah Elohim” in
Scripture, He is the Only Everlasting, Almighty True God, Yahusha is the First
Created Son (verse 5)!
John 17:3
Now this is Eternal Life: that they know
You (Father, Yahuah), the Only True God, and (come to You in Covenant with) Yahusha the Messiah,
whom You have sent (as prophesied in The Heavenly and
Earthly Scrolls).
Isaiah 45:5
I am Yahuah, and there is no other, besides Me there is no God!
Now, Aleph and Tav are written again in Revelation 1:11, in
the King James Version (says Alpha/Omega in error). This is where the
translators ADDED to the words of this book (something The Cepher fails to
inform its readers, of course). It is a violation of Yahusha and Yahuah’s Instruction
to add or subtract from the Book of Revelation! So, let us continue with verse
9 of Revelation in the King James Version Bible, I underlined the words added.
Revelation 1 – King James
9 I John, who also am your brother, and
companion in tribulation (tribulation began 2000 years
ago,), and in the Kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ (Yahusha the Messiah), was in the isle that is called
Patmos, for the word of God, and for the Testimony of Jesus Christ (Yahusha the Messiah). 10 I was in the Spirit on the
Lord's (Yahuah’s) day, and heard behind me a
great voice, as of a trumpet, 11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega (added), the first and the last: and, What thou seest,
write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto
Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto
Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.
The words above, underlined, were added to this part of Scripture.
It is very sad when even ‘Yahoo answers’ know more about the attempt to build
"Incarnation" into our Bibles, than most of us on Facebook who claim
to know "Yahuah"!
"Some Trinitarians in the past
thought that it was a good idea to add words to the Bible, in order to help
bolster the unscriptural Trinity doctrine. One of the places they added words
was in Revelation 1:11. The inserted words are "I am the alpha and the
omega, the beginning and the end." This phrase is not found in the most
ancient extant Greek manuscripts. Most modern biblical scholars are sure that
these words aren't original - the UBS's Greek New Testament version 4 doesn't
even mention it as a rejected reading. Nowhere does the Bible associate the
words "Alpha and the Omega" with Jesus Christ. That title belongs to
Jehovah, and Jehovah alone. Some do, though, associate "Alpha and the
Omega" with Jesus in Revelation chapter 22. In verse 13, God says he is
the Alpha and the Omega. Then, in verse 16, it appears that it is Jesus who has
been talking. However, the words "I Jesus" is the writer's indication
that the speaker has just changed. This was very common in the writings of
ancient times, since they did not use quotations marks, or any punctuation at
all. An example of this occurring is in Revelation chapter 1, when God says he
is the Alpha and the Omega in verse 8, but then the writer indicates a change
in speaker in verse 9 by writing "I John." Since no one thinks that
Yahchanan is God because of theses verses, why do some think Jesus said
"Alpha and the Omega" in chapter 22? Trinitarian bias.
Exactly my point! I could not have said it any better. Shame
on these modern translations that continue to propagate this outright lie! And
The Cepher, for using that as a basis to add Aleph/Tav in other places
referring to Yahusha!
Nowhere in Scripture did Yahusha say that he was the Aleph
Tav or Alpha and Omega. He said he was "the first and the last"
referring to "Firstborn from the grave" and that he is the
"Beginning and Ending" of the ‘Plan of Salvation’ written in stars. It
has been proven by textual critics that the oldest Greek manuscripts did not
contain that statement in Revelation 1:11, it was added to
promote "Incarnation"! Revelation 1:11 saying, "I
am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last". These characters, which were
repeated here, (because Yahuah used them in Revelation 1:8); are
not found in the Alexandrian copy, the Complutensian edition, the Vulgate
Latin, Syriac, and Ethiopic versions of Revelation.
NOTE: To understand
Revelation, you must shed the light of The Heavenly Scroll in the book. Please
watch my video teaching proving Yahchanan was shown The Heavenly Scroll by
Yahuah ... I cover Daniel, Ezekiel, and Yahchanan in videos posted on my
YouTube Channel here:
Let me continue with Revelation Chapter 1,
with verse 9 the way it was actually written in the Greek manuscripts:
Revelation 1
9 I, John, your Brother and companion in the suffering and Kingdom and patient
endurance that are ours in (Covenant with)
Yahusha, was on the island of Patmos because of the Word of Yahuah and the
Testimony of Yahusha (Proclaimed in The Heavenly
Scroll). 10 On the Day of Yahuah, I was in the Spirit (being shown The Heavenly Scroll), and I heard behind
me a loud Voice like a Shofar (Yahuah Speaking, His Voice
is like a loud Shofar blast, Hebrews 12:19), 11 which
said: “Write on a Scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus,
Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.” 12 And I turned
to see (in The Heavenly Scroll) the Voice that
Spoke with me (Yahuah had Spoken, identified Himself
as Aleph/Tav, The Father, verse 8). And having turned (he didn’t see Yahuah), I saw (in The Heavenly Scroll) a golden seven lamp lampstand (7 classical planets also seen as the seals over The Heavenly
Scroll); 13 And in the midst of the seven lamp lampstand (in The Heavenly Scroll / stars) One like the Son of
Man (constellation Orion represents the Son of Man in
the Heavenly Scroll), clothed with a garment (of
the High Priest) down to the feet (tallit - Psalms
110:3) with a girdle of gold about his chest (chest plate of the High Priest, Zechariah Chapter 3,
Yahusha was consecrated High Priest by Yahuah and adorned the garments of the
High Priest). 14 The hair of his head was white like wool (Yahchanan begins describing the constellation Orion),
as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet glowed
like bronze which had been fired in a furnace; and his voice sounded like many
(Living) Waters (reference
to the Water Bearer of Aquarius). 16 And in his (Orion’s) right hand he had seven stars (constellation
Pleiades - Amos 5:8, Job 9:9, Rev. 14:14-20); and out of his mouth went a sharp, two-edged sword (the sword of Orion, a metaphor of the Word of Yahuah);
and his face was like the sun (the sun is a metaphor
of the Messiah, see Psalms 19) shining in its strength. 17
And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead (literally
“scared to death” so to speak). Then he (the
Angel of Yahuah now speaks for Yahusha after showing Yahchanan, Orion, the Son
of Man) placed his right hand on me and said (speaking
for Yahusha, represented by Orion, the Messengers says): “Do not be
afraid. I am the First (born from the grave)
and the Last (the end all be all of the Plan of
Salvation). 18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive
for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.
Notice Yahusha did not say “Alpha and Omega", nor did
he say "Aleph and Tav”, he said “I am the first and the last”! So in
Revelation Chapter 1, it is Yahuah (The Aleph and Tav) speaking through
His Messenger to Yahchanan, until Yahuah directs John’s attention to the constellation
Orion. Then, as Orion, Yahusha (the First Born from the Grave, i.e. First
and the Last) speaks through the Messenger to John. In other words,
Yahusha told Yahchanan not to be afraid, for he was alive forevermore. Yahusha
did not identify himself by that title Alpha and Omega (Aleph/Tav) he
said he was the First Born of Eternal Creation and the last indicating his
Then, the phrase Alpha and Omega is again written in
Revelation 21:6-7, which is speaking of Yahuah.
Revelation 21:6-7, KJV
6 And He said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha
(Aleph) and Omega (Tav),
the Beginning (Unity) and the End (Perfection). I will give unto him that is athirst of
the Fountain of the Water (Yahusha, Aquarius the Water
Bearer) of life freely. 7 He that overcometh will inherit all things (as Yahuah
gives an inheritance through His First-Born Son, Yahusha); and I will be
His Father (Yahuah is the Father of all His Sons
including Yahusha), and he shall be My Son.
Yahuah is the Father, so it is definitely Yahuah Who is
doing the Speaking in this prophecy. The words "beginning" and
"end" are Hellenized twisting of the meaning of “Aleph and Tav”. It
should read "I am Aleph and Tav, Unity and Perfection". This is where
the twisting come in because Yahusha is "the Beginning and End, First and
the Last" of Eternal Creation. Yahuah is Eternal period. By putting
in Alpha and Omega the translating the meaning of those Hellenized words
instead of Aleph and Tav, they made it look as though both Yahuah and Yahusha
claimed the same title!
Now, we come to the second Scripture in which the literal
words Alpha and Omega were added, in order to say that Yahusha is the Alpha and
Omega. This Scripture is Revelation 22:13. Revelation 22:16
undeniably states that these are Yahusha's words.
Revelation 22:12-17, KJV—
12 And behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man
according as his work shall be. 13 117 [I am Alpha and
Omega] the beginning and the end the first and last. 14 Blessed are they
that do His Commandments, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may
enter in through the Gates into the Cities. 15 For without are dogs, and
sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth
and maketh a lie. 16 I, Jesus, (Yahusha) have
sent mine Angel, to testify unto you these things in the Churches. I am the
Root and the offspring of David, and the Bright and Morning Star. 17 And the
Spirit and the Bride say, Come. And let him that heareth, say, Come. And let
him that is athirst, come. And whosoever will, let him take the Water of Life
The King James has a footnote number 117,
which I put in red in verse 13. The footnote of this Bible, shows that the
Alexandrian (NU) and the Vatican (M) texts omit the phrase, Alpha and Omega.
Because it was added by Scribes!
Footnote 117: NU-Text and M-Text read “the First and
the Last, the Beginning and the End”.

Yahuah claimed the titles Aleph and Tav which means Unity
and Perfection. The translators mistranslated and Hellenized the Scriptures to
say "Alpha and Omega” and then used the definition of those Greek words to
say "Beginning and Ending" which is the title of Yahusha. Then
added "Aleph and Tav" to the Scriptures where Yahusha is speaking,
twisting the meaning of the words in the Book of Revelation! Then we are taught
that it is only Yahusha (Jesus) speaking the entire time, when in fact it is
the Angel of Yahuah speaking in proxy for both Yahuah and Yahusha!
Well, you might say, "What difference does it make that
those three little words were added to this Scripture in Revelation 22:13?"
Never before has there been a True Understanding of what Yahuah actually said
when He identifies Himself as the Unity and Perfection (Aleph and Tav).
Since we know that Yahuah said that He is Unity and Perfection (not first
and last) in Revelation 21:6, let us thoroughly study the
Scriptures to come to Yahuah's Truth.
In Revelation 1:8, the Being Who is speaking,
identifies Himself as the Almighty, Who we all know is Yahuah. Following, is an
exact copy of this Scripture from The Concordant Version of the Sacred
Scriptures, which one can see, differs greatly from the more modern Greek

Almost all English versions of the Bible render Revelation
1:8, in the same way that the King James Version is translated.
Revelation 1:8, KJV—
I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the
Ending, saith the
which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
By merely leaving this text as it is written, a tremendous
understanding has been lost. However, if these two Greek letters are researched
in detail, one will readily see that Yahuah is revealing much more about
Himself than just being "the Beginning and the End" because He is
Aleph and Tav in Hebrew!
In the Greek alphabet, the letter Alpha is the first letter,
and Omega is the last letter. However, in the Hebrew Language, in which even
the so-called New Testament Scriptures are now known to have been originally
written, the letter Aleph is the first letter, and the letter Tav is the last.
It is an admitted fact by the Biblical scholars that
Revelation 1:8 should say in Hebrew:
I am the ALEPH and the TAV
Getting back to the beginning of this teaching, we defined
the meaning of the Aleph and the Tav. Yahuah was saying
Yahusha claimed to be the Firstborn from the dead… the First
(of Eternal Creation) and the Last (preeminent among the sons
of Yahuah).
Colossians 1:15-20
15 He is the image of the invisible Yahuah (not Yahuah), the Firstborn of all (Eternal) Creation (of the Resurrection,
Luke 20:36). 16 For by Yahuah all things were Created, in
heaven and on Earth, visible and invisible, whether Thrones or Dominions or
Rulers or Authorities—all things were Created through Yahuah and for Yahusha.
17 And Yahuah is before all things (The Creator),
and in Yahuah all things hold together. 18 (now He
changes subject) And Yahusha is the head of the body, the church.
Yahusha is the beginning (First and Last), the
Firstborn from the dead, that in everything (Yahuah Created)
Yahusha might be preeminent (First and the Last, the
“end all be all”). 19 For in Yahusha all the Fullness of Yahuah’s Spirit
was pleased to dwell (full of the Holy Spirit),
20 and through Yahusha, Yahuah would reconcile to Himself all things, whether
on Earth or in heaven, making Peace (between the Two Houses)
by the Blood of his sacrifice (Yahuah would Reconcile
Creation in Covenant with Yahusha, and call out a Remnant Family from among The
House of Israel and The House of Judah).
Below is the meaning of preeminence:
1. the fact of surpassing all others; superiority.
Yahusha claimed to be the “end all be all” of Yahuah’s Plan
and Creation, not the “Aleph and Tav” (Unity and Perfection), that title
belong to Yahuah! Whenever anyone attempted to imply that he was
“perfection/Tav” Yahusha stopped them in their tracks…
Mark 10
17As Yahusha was setting out on a journey,
a man ran up to him and knelt before him, and asked him, "Good Teacher,
what shall I do to inherit Eternal Life?" 18 And Yahusha said to him,
"Why do you call me good? No one is good except Yahuah Alone (Who Alone is UNITY and PERFECTION i.e. Aleph/Tav).
Yahuah’s Plan/debar or “Purpose” is called “the Light” in Psalm
119:105. The Light in Genesis 1:1, is “The Plan of
Salvation” (the Word of Yahuah that became flesh, the Debar written in the
stars on day 4) by which He accomplished everything. Then Yahuah created
the sun/moon/stars on Day 4 and wrote the “Plan of Salvation” into the heavens,
called The Heavenly Scroll. The Heavenly Scroll then became the “Light of the
World” literally, as a physical to Spiritual parallel that foretells of the
coming Messiah (Psalm 19). Then on prophetic Day 4 (4,000th
year) as foretold in The Heavenly Scroll, Yahusha was created in
Fulfillment of “The Plan of Salvation” written in the stars, and the True Light
then shined upon us, as John Chapter 1 Proclaims.
Yahusha said “I am the Light of the World” because he was
the Fulfillment of that Plan/debar and the sun was a metaphor of the coming
Messiah as David Proclaims in Psalm 19. But he didn’t stop there,
remember the “Purpose” of Yahuah was to Beget a Family, not just Yahusha. That
is why Yahusha said WE ALL are the Light of the World…
Matthew 5:14-16
14 “You are the Light of the World. A town
built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it
under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone
in the house. 16 In the same way, let your Light shine before others, that they
may see your good deeds and Glorify your Father in heaven.
Ephesians 5
For you were once darkness, but now you are
Light in Yahuah (Fulfillment of His Predestined
Plan/Light of Gen. 1:1). Live as Children of Light 9 (for the Fruit of the Light consists in all Goodness,
Righteousness and Truth) 10 and find out what pleases Yahuah. 11 Have
nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12
It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But
everything exposed by the Light becomes visible—and everything that is
illuminated becomes a Light.
That is the REAL Gospel. Yahuah not only foreknew Yahusha…
but all of us! And His Plan (the light in Gen. 1:1) was to Beget
a Family, and we ALL are the Fulfillment of “the Light” or Plan/Purpose of our
Now, let’s put some context around “I am the First and the
Last” and let Scripture interpret Scripture... without sound biting it and
pouring into it all the Greek pagan mindset of “Logos” and twisting the Scriptures
Alpha and Omega are written in Revelation 1:11
in the King James Version. The translators ADDED to the words of this book by
adding “Alpha and Omega”. It is a violation of Yahusha and Yahuah’s Instruction
NOT to add or subtract from the Book of Revelation! Below is how it actually
reads, Yahusha did not say “Alpha and Omega” the translators conveniently put
that in there to build in the pagan doctrine of Incarnation!
Revelation 1:5
and from Yahusha the Messiah, who is the Faithful Witness (Emmanuel), the Firstborn from the dead.
Again, we see this clarified:
Colossians 1:18
And he is the head of the body, the church;
he is the Beginning and Firstborn from among the dead, so that in all things he
may have preeminence.
Romans 8
29 For those Yahuah Foreknew, He also Predestined to be conformed to the image
of His Son, so that he would be the Firstborn among many Brothers. 30 And those
He Predestined He also called, those He called He Also Justified, those He
Justified He also Glorified.
Every time Yahusha is mentioned, it is NOT being
created first before the foundation of the world, it is NOT being born Divine
upon human birth... it is being the Firstborn of Eternal Creation i.e. the
Resurrection from the dead!
Yahusha is the First (born of the dead) and the Last
(Adam). We see that in Adam all were made alive in the flesh, and then
all died… from the first to the last, everyone died “in Adam”. Yahusha,
however, is the source and First born of Eternal Creation, in whom we all (from
the fist to the last) will be made alive through Resurrection.
Colossians 1
14 in (Covenant with) Yahusha, we have
redemption (from death i.e. Resurrection), the
forgiveness of sins (the Death Decrees in The Law are nailed
to the stake/covered by the Blood of the Lamb). 15 The Son is the (human) image of the invisible Elohim (he is NOT Yahuah, he is an image of his Father as all
children are), the Firstborn over all (Eternal)
16 For Yahusha, all things were created (by Yahuah as an Inheritance, Romans 8:17),
things in heaven and on Earth, visible and invisible, whether Thrones or
Dominions or Rulers or Authorities. All things were created through Yahuah and
for Yahusha (as an Inheritance).…
20 But now the Messiah has been risen (by Yahuah) from the dead, and has become (a fully begotten Son upon Resurrection not birth to
Mary/Joseph) the First Fruits of those who have fallen asleep (Firstborn of the dead, Rev. 1:11, not the
first thing created in Genesis). 21 For since by man (Adam) came death (The Law of
Sin and Death), by Man (yes, it says MAN not
God... Yahusha is the Second Adam NOT “God in the flesh”) also came the
Resurrection of the dead (The Law of Sin and Death has
been defeated). 22 For as in Adam all die (being
held to account for the Decrees in The Law), even so (those who abide) in The Yahushaic Covenant shall all
(from the “First to the Last”) be made alive (Begotten by Yahuah as Sons through Resurrection). 23
But each one (of the Sons of Yahuah) in his
own order (after Yahusha, the eldest son):
The Messiah the First Fruits (First and ONLY at this
point of the Sons to be Resurrected), afterward those (to the Last) who are in Covenant with Yahuah through
Yahusha (from the “First to the Last”) at
Yahusha’s Coming (First Resurrection when the rest of
the Sons will be Begotten).
Yahusha is “the First born” as Yahuah Fulfills His Purpose
in Creation to Beget a Family. Yahusha is the “Only Begotten Son” of the Resurrection
at this time. But soon, that will change as we all will be Begotten
by Yahuah in our own order,
1 Corinthians 15
22 For as in Adam all die, so in covenant
with the Messiah all will be made alive (through
resurrection). 23 But each in his own turn: Yahusha the firstfruits;
then at His coming, those who belong to Him in covenant.
Yahusha the First Fruits. So, we read that “in Yahusha all
shall be made alive” through Resurrection.
In other words, In Yahusha all (from the First to the
Last) will be made alive. Yahusha (who is the Covenant to the nations, Isaiah
42:6) is “the First and the Last” of the Resurrection! That is the
context of what Yahusha said in Revelation!
When Yahusha said “I am the First and the Last” he was
stating that he is the Covenant whereby the Resurrection (from the first to
the last) is accomplished as Yahuah has Foreordained:
Isaiah 42
6 "I am Yahuah, I have called you in
Righteousness (to walk The Way of the Nazarene, Fulfilling
The Law through Mikveh, Matthew 3:15, being born again with Fire,
John 3:3-8), I will also hold you by the hand and watch
over you (to Fulfill the Adoption Covenant, Zechariah
3:7), And I will appoint you (Yahusha)
as a Covenant (of Peace) to the people (The Yahushaic Covenant), As a Light (the Fulfillment of The Heavenly Scroll, where the Sun, which is the physical light of the world, is
a metaphor of Yahusha who is the Spiritual Light) to the nations.
We see that Yahusha is the Covenant! So “in him” or “in Covenant
with him” or “in his name” (in the Covenant that bears his name) all
from the first to the last will be “made alive” through Resurrection… he is the
Firstborn of the dead, the Forefather of Everlasting Life (NOT Everlasting
Father), the First Fruits of the Grave, the Firstborn Son of many more to
come etc.
In The Yahushaic Covenant (in Him)
Yahuah is accomplishing His Purpose/Plan from the Beginning to Beget a Family
through Resurrection. That is what John Chapter 1 is all about,
how Yahusha is the Fulfillment of the debar/Light/Word/Plan of Yahuah and that
in Covenant with him, Yahuah is accomplishing His Purpose, the Mystery of the
Ages, to Beget a Family through Resurrection:
John 1:12
But to all who did receive him (abide in Covenant with him), who believed in (the Covenant that bears) his name (The Yahushaic Covenant), he gave the right to become
Children of Yahuah!