The Branch and The King of ALL Kings
Special thanks to David Hughes (Renown
Davidian Genealogy Expert), Dr. Robert Mock (Biblical Historian
and Researcher), and Robert Killian (Biblical Chronologist)
for their lifelong dedication to the for the true Messiah of Israel… this
chapter relies heavily on their research, expertise, and contribution
generously granted to the public domain.
Note: Throughout
this chapter, I will use quotes from other sources. These sources refer to the
Messiah by various names such as Yehoshua or even Jesus. I will quote these
sources directly and will not alter their quotes, so please replace these names
with the proper name Yahusha. These sources may also refer to Joseph as the
"foster or step father" of Yahusha. The Sabbath Covenant denies all
attempts to break the Scarlet Thread of Redemption by denying Joseph his rights
as the biological father of Yahusha. Yahuah has no physical seed, and Yahusha
came "in the flesh" which means 100% human, natural conception only,
outside of any Divine influence. Yahuah's seed is The Ruach and it is imparted
upon Mikveh when Yahusha was born again, and Yahusha was Begotten Divine upon Resurrection.
That is The Way. Born human, perfected, Begotten Divine through Resurrection. I
quote these sources not for their understanding of or belief in Incarnation,
but because of their dedicated study of history, lineages, and research into
the humanity of the Messiah.
2,000 years removed from the Messiah’s life and death, the
Nazarenes missing from the world scene for 1,700 years, and the False Religion
and False Teachers conquering the inhabitants of Earth; the truth of who the
Messiah, the Branch, truly is has been lost, hidden, and twisted to hide his
humanity. These revelations of Truth long hidden, will destroy the claims of
Incarnation, and therefore undermine the lie that all religions are built upon…
“The Messiah was not the biological son of Joseph” but rather was born with a
“Spiritual Divine Seed” as Yahuah literally “came into Miriam” to give birth to
Himself as a “God in the flesh”.
In this chapter, I am going to reveal the true bloodlines of
Yahusha the Branch, and demonstrate that when we restore his true father’s
bloodline (Joseph); a new picture of the Messiah begins to come into
focus. That of a long-prophesied human being, born within a very special
bloodline to rule over every major human dynasty on Earth. Truly the King
of all Kings through inheritance.
Hebrews 1:4
So he became as much superior to the angels
as the name (Melchi Tsedek, The King of Kings, Prince
of Peace, Forefather of Everlasting Life) he has inherited
(through bloodlines) is superior to theirs.
I pray this chapter will open your eyes to who Yahusha
really was, and bring his true sacrifice to life. As he was born to rule all of
humanity, yet he emptied himself of that birthright to be King of all Kings,
and instead took up the form (role) of The Suffering Servant to Fulfill
The Heavenly Scroll and Feast Cycle as he “did the Will of Yahuah” and denied
his own.
Philippians 2
6 Who, being in the form of God (not Yahuah in
substance, but an image of his Father as all sons are), thought it not
robbery to be equal with God (Yahusha knew Yahuah was
not a man, and claiming equality with Yahuah is robbing Yahuah of His Divine,
Immortal, Invisible, Spirit!), 7 but (instead
of claiming to be God as all demi-gods do... he) emptied Himself (in context to taking up the form of a servant, this is in
reference to King, NOT Divinity), taking the form of the suffering servant
(Messiah ben Joseph as required by Yahuah in The Heavenly Scroll, Feast Cycle, and Prophets), being
made (created by Yahuah) in human likeness (a human
being NOT a demi-god). 8 And being found in appearance as a man (born according to the flesh, by normal human gestation,
outside of ANY Divine Influence or seed, opposed to Yahuah and prone to sin… the
definition of “flesh”) he humbled himself (and
denied his birthright as King of Kings i.e. The Messiah ben David) and
became obedient to death (as he so agreed in Zechariah
Chapter 3, to give his life in love to save his Brothers, and Yahuah Promised
to forgive all our sin if Yahusha was obedient to death)—even
death on a tree.
I want to begin this chapter by quoting Biblical Historian
Robert Mock MD:
“As we begin this series, we
will be relying upon the genealogical research of one of the prominent
researchers of the “Davidic Dynasty”, David Hughes. His 2007 publication of
“British Chronicles” has now vaulted David Hughes to one of the premier
researchers of ancient genealogies. At the end of each section, will be the
links to the many genealogical lineages from ancient empires and nations of the
world. The half a century before the birth of the Jewish messiah, Yehoshua
HaMaschiach (Jesus the Messiah), the land of Judea was swirling with intrigue,
international politics, political assassinations, royal sibling rivalries,
dynastic marriages, alliances, treaties, and geo-political machinations. There
surrounded by the last of the Maccabee rulers, and the first of the Herodians,
was the ancestral family of Yehoshua HaNotzri (Jesus the Nazarene). This
dynastic family of the House of David has been documented for almost two
millenniums in the Brit Hadassah (reNewed Testament) and for equally that long
has been argued, debated, and challenged about who were these people and what
was their role and involvement in the social culture of that man the Christians
call “Jesus of Nazareth”.
It has long been the position of
the Roman Christian Church and the orthodox apologetics that “Jesus” was born
in Nazareth to a poor peasant family, living in a small rural village, probably
had little education, spoke the colloquial Semitic language of Aramaic. They
have taught that He probably did not read nor speak Hebrew, Greek, nor Latin.
Yet, the historical and genealogical testimony that is today available testifies
to a different fact. As we open the sacred testimonies of the apostles and
disciples of Jesus, we first are met with two genealogies, one coming from the
royal lineage of the “chosen one”, King Solomon, who was chosen to follow in
the path of his father, King David, the king of United Israel. Solomon was the
youngest son of the last, but favorite bride of King David, Bathsheba. It is
this ancestral lineage of Yahusha from King Solomon to Joseph, we meet Prince
Joseph the father of Yahusha, where we will begin this series, learning about
the ancestors of Yahusha the Nazarene.
Here we begin our quest to flesh
in the historical data of the ancestral history of that man known as Rabbi
Yahusha that is presented by researchers and reset this information into the
history of the Jewish people. It is believed that the greater these traditions
fit and blend within the historically verified history of the Jews, the more
likely are the validity of these revelations. The scanty historical information
has belied any reliable reconstruction of the family of Yahusha for centuries,
but little by little the veil is disappearing.
It does not take making Yahusha into an Egyptian
Pharaoh or a Parthian Prince, for Yahusha’s real place in history is as a
Davidian Prince fully involved in the Jewish culture of His day.
With the roadmap of the vast
genealogical archives left by the Jewish royal and rabbinic chroniclers of the
royal House of David, the research widened when BibleSearchers received this
vignette of the family of Yahusha from Biblical chronologist, Robert Killian of
Monaco who is presently lives along the Mediterranean Sea in researching
Southern Gaul about the ancient traditions, local legends, and historical
records left by the Romans about the inroads of the Jewish Nazarenes that
spread out over the heartland of the Roman Empire with the “Good News” of “The
As one of the foremost researchers into the discrepancies of
the five major Biblical chronologies, the Antiquarian Researcher Robert Killian
“The Jesus Movement had been
surrounded by the family of Jesus. Joseph of Arimathea, who was born by Rachel
of Arimathea to Matthat-thrice,(married three times!), a son of Levi ben
Melchi, was the half-brother of "Heli", the father of the Virgin
Mary. Heli was first born of Matthat-thrice and was killed by the order of
Herod the Great in about 17 BC "for sedition". This Heli, like Joseph
of Arimathea, was a supplier of metal for all uses that were shipped from
Wales, Ireland and France to the Middle East.
The Welch myth and legends tell
of Anna, the mother of Mary had been a "Cornish Princess". Of course,
the Church maintains that she was the wife of Joachim. This was the position of
Saint Jerome who wrote his genealogical findings from his "stay in
Jerusalem" almost 400 years after the event. The clear relations of Miriam
and Theudas, as well as, the family of Clopas (Alphaeus), there is much
"Controversy" about exactly who were the children of the "twin
brothers", Clopas, and Ptolas.
It turns out that Ptolas was
killed in about 6 AD, when Jesus was, perhaps, 8 or 9 years old. Ptolas and
Clopas, the two uncles of Jesus, had been born in 26 BC to Jacob ben Matthan,
who, first had a daughter born of Eucharia, a young Jewish princess. That
daughter was Miriam (b. 36 BC). Then, Jacob was "appointed" Patriarch
of Jerusalem" by Herod and sent to Egypt, with about 3000 troops, to help
Caesar "Octavian" in the conquest of Anthony and Cleopatra in 30 BC.
It was at this time that a "posthumously" born daughter of Julius
Caesar and the Queen Cleopatra was "given to a foreign Prince". This
"daughter" was three weeks short of her 13th birthday when her
full-blood brother, Caesarion, was "strangled" at the order of
Octavian, who said, 'there was not enough room for two Caesars in the Roman
Empire". It was, apparently, this young girl that, from that time was
known as Cleopatra of Jerusalem. The Grandmother of Yahusha the Messiah.
Before the end of 29 BC she had
born Joseph (the Carpenter and Father of Yahusha the Messiah) and it was then,
in 26 BC, that the "twins" Ptolas and Clopas were born. Just three
years later, in 23 BC Herod had Jacob (Yahusha’s Grandfather) "killed for
sedition" and "gave" Jacob's wife to the High-Priest, Simon ben
Boethus, while, in the same year Herod took Miriamne II, Simon's daughter, as
his own 3rd wife. Then, just two years after that marriage, Herod
"took" this Cleopatra of Jerusalem as his 5th wife, having, in the
interval, also married the Samaritan wife Malthrace, who would give birth to
Archelaus and Antipas.
So, we find the young Cleopatra
of Jerusalem at 25 years of age. By then she had had 5 sons with three
different husbands for, in 20 BC she gave birth to Philip and in 18 BC she bore
another Herod. It was this Herod who would become "just a common citizen
of Rome" at the time of the division of the Herodian era in 1 BC after the
death of Herod the Great. The Roman records tell us that: early in the year
before the shipping lanes were "safe" Archelaus and Antipas sailed
for Rome with the intent to claim their portion of the Herodian portion of the
Empire. It is mentioned that Philip and his mother Cleopatra of Jerusalem
(Yahusha’s Grandmother) did the same a bit later that spring. Her first three
sons, Joseph (Yahusha’s Father) and the "twins" were secreted away to
the Galilee area to the old fortified home of Hezekiah, Jacobs second brother
who had been "caught" and killed previously, by Herod as "being
a robber". At least seven children had been "secreted away"
in 23BC. The four of Jacob and the three daughters of Joshua ben Fabius (Phabi)
who had been High-Priest also from 36 BC to 23 BC when he was, like Jacob,
involved in "sedition".”
With that introduction from some of the most renown and
foremost Biblical and historical scholars, introducing…
The Nazarene
“King of Kings”
Yahusha the Messiah!
The Messiah Yahusha has many titles, one of which is The
King of Kings as The Nazarene (Branch) was the Fulfillment of The
Scarlet Thread of Redemption through human bloodlines.
All the titles given to Yahusha were through human
bloodlines and inheritance giving Yahusha the Authority to rule as King and
serve as High Priest. We see King David prophetically speak of the coming
Messiah who would be given the inheritance of those who came before him. We
know this is prophetically speaking of the Eternal King Yahusha as he inherited
Eternal Life (a Promise in The Torah) and his years of life will be “as
many generations” …
Psalm 61:5
4 Let me dwell in Your tent forever; Let me
take refuge in the shelter of Your wings. Selah. 5 For You have heard my Vows,
O God; You have given me the inheritance of those who fear Your Name. 6 You
will prolong the King's life; His years will be as many generations.
Sha’ul Declared that Yahusha was given his name/title through
‘inheritance’, and David Declared that Yahusha would be given “the Nations” as
his ‘inheritance’ as King of all Kings by bloodlines:
Hebrews 1:4
So he became as much Superior to the Angels
as the name (Melchi Tsedek, The King of Kings)
he has ‘inherited’ (through human bloodlines, The
Scarlet Thread of Redemption) is Superior to theirs.
Psalm 2:7-8
"I will surely tell of the Decree of
Yahuah: He said to me, 'you are My Son, Today (upon his Resurrection) I have Begotten you. 'Ask of
Me, and I will surely give the nations as your ‘inheritance’ (he will be King of all Nations as an heir by bloodlines),
And the very ends of the Earth as Your possession (to
rule over as King of ALL Kings).
Philippians 2 9
Therefore Yahuah exalted Him to the Highest
Place (King of all Kings), and gave him the
name above ALL names (Melchi Tsedek, The King of Kings),
10 that at the name of Yahusha (the King of Kings)
every knee should bow (in respect for Royalty),
in heaven and on Earth and under the Earth.
In this chapter, I am going to present to us The King of
Kings. I am going to breakdown the Royal Lineage of King Yahusha through his
parent’s lineage and the lineage of both sets of his grandparents. I am going
to demonstrate that Yahusha was a unique genetic mixture of all Kings and
Earthly Dynasties. As a young child, Yahusha was taken to Egypt as a safe haven
for his protection from the upheavals in the Herodian dynastic throne. There he
would also be shielded as the heir to the Caesar of Rome from the watchful eye
of Augustus Caesar (Octavian) who was seeking the children born to Julius
Caesar and Cleopatra and King Herod.
Matthew 2:14
“Then he (Joseph)
arose, he took the young child and his mother by night and departed for Egypt,
and was there (in protective custody) until the
death of Herod, that it might be Fulfilled which was spoken by Yahuah through
the Prophet, saying, “Out of Egypt I called My Son.” (Hosea 11:1)
Biblical Historian Dr. Robert Mock states:
“He was welcomed as the royal
heir of Cleopatra’s Ptolemaic Imperial throne of Egypt, honored as the
recipient of Zadokian high priest genetic bloodlines, respected as the heir to
the Hasmonean throne, watched with awe as the heir to the royal thrones of
Assyria, Babylon, the Medes and Persians, yet recognized as the long awaited
Jewish messiah from the loins of Kings David and Solomon (through Joseph’s
seed). The prophetic voice would proclaim that here was the future “King of
In addition, the wealth of Babylon was delivered to his
doorstep when he was 2 years old as he was given the Prophet Daniel's
inheritance. Daniel had accumulated the wealth of 3 Kings! Daniel passed down
his estate to the coming King through the Chaldean Astrologers whom Daniel
trained to find the newborn King of Kings.
Yahusha was not, as Christianity would have us believe,
some unknown born to two unknown parents. He was royalty, and everyone knew it!
The fact is, Yahusha was far from “poor” and even further
from “unknown”. The Babylonian Ambassadors of Daniel did not go door to door
looking for a pregnant “virgin”! They followed the Sign of the Son of Man in
The Heavenly Scroll (Virgo giving birth to the King planet
Jupiter) directly to Bethlehem as prophesied by Isaiah and Daniel. Then
inquired about the newborn King who was long awaited and very much a public
figure as he was royalty on every side of the family tree. This is what Yahusha
"emptied himself" of... His birthright as King of Kings, to take on
the role of the "Suffering Servant". Yahusha knew he must Fulfill The
Plan of Salvation as written in The Heavenly Scroll:
Psalm 119:89
Your word, Yahuah, is Eternal; it stands
firm (written) in (the)
Heaven(ly Scroll, Psalms 19).
Matthew 6:10
Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on
Earth as it is (written) in (the) Heaven(ly Scroll).
Hebrews 10:7
It was Yahuah’s Will from the foundation of the world, that
Yahusha come first to serve, not Rule. Although he was born to literally, be
The King of all Kings with Royal Ties to all dynasties of Earth, heralded as
the newborn King by all… he had to empty himself of those titles, those
bloodline, that right… and become a servant to all humanity and die and pay the
dowry for his Bride. He had to demonstrate the greatest Love by giving his life
for those he would later be given the privilege of Ruling over... as King of
Kings when he returns.
John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.
Matthew 20:28
“just as the Son of Man did not come (the first time)
to be served (as King i.e. Messiah ben David), but to serve (as the suffering
servant and die as Messiah ben Joseph), and to give His life as a ransom (dowry) for many (his Bride
on Passover)."
Yahusha’s lineage has been studied for centuries. Bible
researchers, experts in Royal Dynasties, Lineage experts, and scholars have
poured over all the historical records dating back to well before the birth of
the Messiah. Tracing the Royal bloodlines as they mixed, intermarried to build
alliances, and cultivated their bloodlines to safeguard their Royal Heritage.
Resulting in generation after generation of descendants that could rule multiple
cultures and inherit the Thrones of multiple dynasties. These historical
records were compared against the Biblical account and a very clear picture
began to emerge of one man… born to a Princess name Miriam and a Prince named
Yahseph (Joseph) at the turn of the first century. That man was named Yahusha
the Nazarene. What emerged from all the historical data was nothing short of…
The King of Kings
I am not going to go through all the historical records and
lineage charts of all the Royalty in Yahusha’s family tree. I am just going to
show you a very small part of the greater genetic tree; Yahusha’s
mother/father, and both sets of grandparents on both sides of the tree. We need
go no further than just his grandparents to realize Yahusha carried the Royal
Dynasty of the Pharaohs, being a descendant of the last Pharaoh of Egypt...
Cleopatra. He was also a descendant of Julius Caesar of Rome. He was a
descendant of the Davidian Dynasty, a Royal Priest in the Order of Zadok, heir
to the Hasmonean Dynasty of Judea, and the list gets even longer when you
branch out further into the full genetic “tree”!
The paternal grandfather of Yahusha was a Davidian Prince who
married the daughter of the Royal dynastic families of both the imperial
dynasties of Egypt and Rome and thereby received the Royal genetic lineage to
both Imperial Thrones.
The maternal grandfather of Yahusha, was also a Davidian Prince
whose mother was the heir to the Throne of the Hasmonean Dynasty of Judea and
became the last Maccabee ruler of the Jews, yet married the dynastic heiress of
the High Priest of Israel from the official High Priest lineage of Zadok the
High Priest of King David.
So allow me to introduce us all to
The King of All Kings!

Considering all the historical facts in first century Judea
BCE, we learn more about Heli the Davidian (the father of Princess Miriam,
the mother of Yahusha). Historical records provide the missing pieces of
the puzzle. We learn of the life that of a historical prince whose age was the
same and who lived a life within the same social circle that paralleled the
life of Miriam’s father Heli (short for Helios). This young man was
called, Prince Alexander III Helios. He was the son of the future Maccabee
Queen Alexandra II, who was also known in historical records by her Jewish
name, Esther of Jerusalem.
Prince Alexander III Helios, was executed by King Herod
during the pogroms against the Princes of David in the years of 20 to 16 BCE or
17 to 13 BCE, when his daughter Miriam was about 7 years old. Heli, the
shortened nickname for Helios (“The Sun”), was a descendant of both the
Maccabee/Hasmonean Kings of Judea and a Prince of the House of David. Heli’s
father was Matthan ben Levi (Biblical Prince Mattathias the Nasi, President
of the Sanhedrin). Yahusha is a descendant of the Maccabean Priest
Mattathias who was killed in the battle with Antiochus IV during the
Abomination of Desolation…
Matthan ben Levi
(Yahusha’s Great-Grandfather) was a Davidian Prince married in his youth to the
Royal Princess, Elizabeth of Jerusalem also known as Princess Alexandra II.

Yahusha heir to
the Maccabee Dynasty by marriage
Miriam’s Grandmother was Princess Alexandra II (Elizabeth
of Jerusalem) who was married to Matthan ben Levi. Yahusha’s
great-grandmother, Princess Elizabeth of Jerusalem, later known by her regnal
name, Queen Alexandra II was remarried to King Alexander II, the 8th Maccabee
king, who was executed in 49 BCE. They had two children; Prince Aristobulus III
(Yahusha’s great-great step uncle), who became the 58th High Priest as a
Maccabee, and Princess Mariamme I.
She became the Maccabee Princess that married King Herod the
Great, as his 2nd wife. By marrying King Herod (as heiress of the Maccabee
Dynasty), she gave King Herod the royal “right” to the Hasmonean throne of
Judea. This was well known to King Herod as the picture begins to come into
focus as to “why” Herod wanted Yahusha dead; Yahusha was a direct descendant
and threat to his throne on every level. Yahusha was heir to the Throne of
David AND the Hasmonean Throne upon which Herod was seated illegitimately
through marriage.
Hanna was one of the 3 daughters of High Priest Yahusha III
placed in protective custody of The Temple. Known as The Daughters of
Jerusalem, she was married to a Davidian Prince named Heli to carefully cultivate
the bloodlines to produce the Messiah, the Melchi Tsedek. It is through Hanna
that Yahusha inherited the title Tsedek (High Priest of the House of Zadok).

Yahusha the Fulfillment of the Promise of Eternal
Priest to The House of Zadok!
For a very detailed accounting of Yahusha’s role as High
Priest of Israel, please read my book, Melchizedek and The Passover Lamb,
free on

Buy Now!
Biblical Historian Dr. Robert Mock writes:
“We have already hinted that the
grandfather of Miriam was Yehoshua III, the high priest of Israel about twenty
years before Miriam’s son Yahusha HaNotzri was born. Yahusha III, the High
Priest of Israel, was one of the most mysterious of all the high priests in the
era of King Herod the Great.
He came to power as the High
Priest of the Temple in Jerusalem in 36 BCE, one year after the Great Sanhedrin
made the momentous vote to include the Davidian lineages of the Abuites and the
Rhesaites whose descendants as the Princes of David, came from Jewish Persian
Governor Zerubbabel’s first two wives, the Babylonian Princess bride, Amytis
and the Persian Princess bride, Rhodogune.
Who was the High Priest that presided over the Sanhedrin
when that vote was taken? We are not sure, but Yahusha III’s grandfather,
Boethus, is a good candidate.
the genealogies of the “High Priest of Israel” by Davidian genealogist, David
Hughes, Boethus was a Zadokian descendant, the 31st in descent from Zadok, the
High Priest of King David.
This is of special note, because
it was the Yahuah of Hosts that specifically noted to King David and his son,
King Solomon that it would be the High Priest Zadok and his descendants who
would carry the hereditarial responsibility to be the chosen in descent of the
House of Aaron to preside in the honored position as the High Priests of
Israel. They were to represent the national consciousness of the Israelites and
the Jewish people in the sacred services at Pesach (Passover and the Festival
of First Fruits), Pentecost, Yom Kippur (Day of Judgment), and Succoth
(Festival of Tabernacles).”
Ezekiel 44:24
And the Priests, the Levites, the sons of
Zadok.. My nation they should instruct between Holy and mundane, and between
impure and pure - they should cause them to know them. And on quarrels they
should stand to judge using My Justice and Judge him. And My Law and My
Statutes in all My Feasts they should guard and My Sabbaths they should
Also in Yahusha family tree was the Great High Priest
Hananeel the Egyptian, as in the traditions of the Red Heifer, he was one of
the esteemed Priests who was privileged to sacrifice the eighth Red Heifer in
order to collect the “Ashes of the Red Heifer” in order to purify the Holy
sanctuary and the “purification water of ashes” used in all the purification
rites within The Temple.

Mishnah Tractate Parah 3:5
“The first heifer that was burned was under
the supervision of Moses on that 2nd day of Nissan in the second year from the
Exodus. The second heifer was burned under the supervision of Ezra; two were
burned by Shimon Ha Tzaddik; two were burned by Yochanan, the High Priest, the
seventh by Eliehoenai, the son of He-Kof, the eighth by Hanamel, the Egyptian,
the ninth by Ishmael, son of Piabi and the tenth will be burned in the time of
the Moschiach.”
In the next chapter, I will fully document the true Priesthood
that Yahusha came to inherit as The Royal Priest of the House of Zadok or
Melchi Tsedek.
Yahusha is heir to
the last Pharaoh of Egypt, Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt and Julius Caesar the
Dictator of Rome; who were the parents of Cleopatra of Jerusalem (Yahusha’s
Paternal Grandmother). Cleopatra of Jerusalem became the “foreign wife” of
the Patriarch Jacob ben Matthan (the Patriarch of Jerusalem). Prince
Jacob (Joseph’s father) already had one daughter, and with his new
bride, the highly profiled daughter of Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt, they soon
had three more children. One of which was Yahusha’s father Joseph.

Again Dr. Robert Mock writes:
“Prince Jacob ben Matthan
married Princess Cleopatra of Jerusalem, the posthumous daughter of Queen
Cleopatra VII of Egypt and Julius Caesar, the Dictator of Rome. Together they
lived for eight years, between the years of 30 to 23 BCE, in the metropolitan
city of Jerusalem. Jacob presided over his official business as the Prince of
Israel in the role as the Patriarch of Jerusalem. During these years, Jacob and
Cleopatra’s family grew to three sons and one older half-sister. One of which
was Prince of David Joseph (Yosef), known as the “Carpenter”, who became the
father of; Yahusha ben Yosef (Yahusha the son of Joseph) Prince Joseph, it is
believed, was born about 29 BCE. Despite the aging halakhic decree, “you are
not a Jew unless your mother is a Jew”, it did not detract from Prince Joseph
being recognized as a “royal heir of King David”. Strange as it may be, it did
not make a difference with the High Priest who officiated at the betrothal of
Prince Joseph ben Jacob and the young “temple virgin” Miriam who was orphaned
when her father, Prince Alexander III Helios, was executed by King Herod during
the pogroms against the Princes of David in the years of 20 to 16 BCE or 17 to
13 BCE, when Mary was between four and seven years old.”

Dr. Robert Mock explains how Yahusha was heir to the
Babylonian Dynasty through his Grandfather on his father Joseph’s side; Jacob
ben Matthan the Patriarch of Jerusalem:
“Who was this Jacob ben Matthan
that suddenly became the favored of King Herod the Great? Tracing back five
hundred years prior, according to the conventional dates of history, Governor
Zerubbabel was the guest of his grandfather, King Jeconiah, who had only
recently been released from prison and restored as the “favorite” in the court
of the new king of Babylon, King Evil-Merodach, the son of King Nebuchadnezzar.
With his father, Prince Shealtiel, the 2nd Exilarch of the Jews, they
frequented the Palace of King Nebuchadnezzar, where the royal Babylonian family
was in residence. There the young Prince Zerubbabel met the Babylonian princess,
Amytis, who was to become his new child bride, in a dynastic wedding sealing
the good relations between the Jews and the Babylonians.
The Babylonian King
Evil-Merodach ruled for twenty-two years, according to the Jewish calendar of
history, and during these years, Prince Zerubbabel and his new Babylonian
Princess bride, Amytis, had a son whom they named, Prince Sheshbazzar. Here was
the ancestral forefather of Prince Jacob ben Matthan.
The descendants of Governor
Zerubbabel and his Babylonian wife, Amytis, became known as an illegitimate or
“bastard” lineage by the Torah decree of Ezra the Scribe who returned in the
second aliyah (return) of the Jews near the completion or just after the
dedication of the Temple of Zerubbabel. The new governance of the Jewish people
was being established. This time, the Jewish people would be governed by a
theocratic government under the religious rule of the Zadokian high priest
dynasty with the religious clerics.”
Christianity and Judaism have hidden the true
reality of this Royal Family of Yahusha the Messiah. Instead of being poor and unknown,
as we are “told”, they were actually the most Royal Family in Israel, Rome, and
Egypt! And very well connected and involved in Jewish society and in the upper
class of society. Kings (Herod) did not set out a massive manhunt to kill
“nobodies”. They do not kill their own children out of fear of a poor
peasant child.
They do undertake pogroms to seek out and
DESTROY a child that has the Royalty of every Dynasty running through his
This is why, even though he was innocent,
Caiphas still did not stop Yahusha’s execution... because he was a threat to
Rome too! Yahusha was NOT killed by the “Jews”! He was killed by the Roman and
Jewish ELITE!
Dr. Robert Mock:
As BibleSearchers have long
affirmed, the role of the family of Jesus was more dynamically involved in the
geo-political world surrounding Judea than most Christian historians have been
willing to give credit. We appeal to the genealogical research as reported in
the “Davidic Genealogies” by David Hughes and note his credentials in his book,
“The British Chronicles” which came to print in 2007, has now made him world
renown. As we look at the life of Miriam, the orphaned child of the Davidic
prince, Heli (Prince Alexander III Helios), according to the genealogy of Jesus(Yahusha)
as recorded in the Gospel of Luke, do we comprehend the involvement of this
dynamic family in Jewish religious and Judean political history?
If the genealogies are
documented to the best of historical second temple scholarship, than the
Maccabee or Hasmonean influence into the life the first century Jewish messiah,
Jesus the son of Mary (Yahusha ben Miriam), was significant. We can only begin
to comprehend the force of the allegiance of the people of Judea and Galilee to
the aura that surrounded even one who was recognized as a Prince of David. With
the historical layering of the religious and political history over the
genealogy of Yahusha the Nazarene, we discover some amazing paths that crossed the
worlds of the Hasmoneans, the Herodians, the Caesars of Rome, and the woman
Pharaoh who coveted Judea.
What an amazing, such relationships, appeared to be. Some
may be threatened that the great-grandmother of Yahusha the Messiah
(HaMaschiach) may have been the last Pharaoh of Egypt, Cleopatra VII who was of
Greek Seleucid descent. But we have to consider that the great grandmother of
King David, Ruth, was of the cursed lineage of the Moabites by the incestuous
relationship between Lot, the nephew of Abraham and his daughter. Her life
became one of the revered stories in the bible of love, Faith, and devotion.
Was not the great-great grandmother of King David,
Rahab, a double cursed Canaanite prostitute from Jericho, yet she became one of
the revered women to be honored as the ancestress grandmother of the Messiah?
For centuries, the quest of the BibleSearcher has been to
discover the historical Yahusha the Messiah. Taken away from the mystical past
of Jewish history, separated from His Jewish religion, and divorced from His
Jewish philosophical and theological foundation of the Hebrew Worlds of
Creation, the Image of Yahuah, the Purpose of the Sinai Covenant, and the
Shadow-pictures of the Festivals of Yahuah, the historical Messiah Yahusha was
transplanted onto a Hellenistic Greco-Roman portrayal of God. To the Christian,
the historical “Jesus” many times gets lost in the ascendant Son of God.
To take Yahusha away
from His own human history has in essence corrupted our understanding of who He
really was. “By losing his humanness, we
also lost a lot in the understanding his Divine role being about “His Father’s
business” as he was sent as an emissary to this planet Earth”.... Dr.
Robert Mock