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Chapter 4

The fate of the Nazarenes


We, now, have laid a historical foundation for putting Sha’ul’s writings back into context of the Second Temple period Nazarenes. We looked at what the term Nazarene means in context of protecting and guarding the Torah, and Prophets and Messiah. We discussed how John the Immerser was the founder of the Nazarenes and mentor of Yahusha, who then took the role of Leader of the Nazarenes from John. How Yahusha’s younger brother Yaakov (James the just), took over as Zadok High Priest after Yahusha’s death and led the Nazarenes in Jerusalem. Then later, it was Rav Sha’ul who was the outspoken Leader of the Nazarenes, who played a very significant role in the growth of the Nazarenes going into the second century which laid the foundation for what defined a Nazarene for another 500 years. All of them, John/Yahusha/Yaakov/Sha’ul lost their lives for the cause of the Nazarene. I explained that Sha’ul would not even be considered a Nazarene if he taught The Pauline Doctrine, nor would he ever rise to the role of leading the Nazarenes. I explained how important it is to put ourselves within the language/cultural matrix of that time period what we call today, a Hebraic Mindset. We simply cannot understand the writings in Scripture outside of this historical context and Hebraic frame of mind in which the Scriptures were written.

But what happened to the Nazarenes? Where did they go and why did they disappear from history? In order to understand the writing of The Yahushaic Covenant, we must have a basic understanding of the political parties that existed at that time and what ultimately became of the Nazarene Sect.



Nazarenes stricken from history!

The word Nazarene was literally stricken from The Talmud and then forbidden among the new religion formed in Rome called Christianity. The identity of Yahusha as a Nazarene was hidden by literally twisting the Scriptures to say “Jesus of Nazareth”, instead of, Yahusha the Nazarene. Another attempt to hide the true identity and beliefs of the followers of The Branch. These facts concerning the intentional efforts to destroy from history the name Nazarene and what it stands for has been proven by modern Scholars. Yet the Christian Church refuses to acknowledge these truths because to admit them would be to admit they, The Christian Church, do not follow The Way or the teachings of The Branch who is Yahusha the Nazarene. The doctrine the Christian Church is founded, The Pauline Doctrine, is an abomination to Yahuah and contrary to what Yahusha taught, and literally contradicts the writings of Rav Sha’ul.

We have no concept of what a Nazarene is because the Christian Church in its pagan establishments and false teachers of Ba’al do nothing to inform us of the atmosphere in Jerusalem 2000 years ago. There were no such things as Churches, there were Jewish Synagogues and Ecclesia’s or assemblies of Nazarenes and other sects.

We read of these sects in the Yahushaic Covenant, and we pretty much just read over them because we are never told how important it is to know who these sects were and what they believed. We read of Pharisees and Sadducees and quote “Christians”, which were actually Nazarenes. Let me explain very simply what these groups were and the role they played in the language/culture matrix of first century Judea. This is extremely important for us so that we understand what happened with the Nazarenes and why they were banished from all sources of knowledge as history was re-written by the Roman victors of the Roman/Jewish wars and Hellenized Judaism. Then Christopaganism (the blending of the truth of Yahuah with pagan polytheism of Hellenism) was born at the Council of Nicaea, and all references to the Nazarenes in history, and the Talmud were replaced with the term… Christian.





The Real Players… there was not a Christian among them!

In the first century, at the time Yahusha lived and died (as the early Nazarenes began to emerge as the largest sect in Jerusalem, dwarfing the other sects), the people of Israel fell into one of the following categories. We must understand these sects if we are to have any understanding of what was going on in the Yahushaic Covenant, as they are mentioned and major players:

The Sadducees

These were the priests who served in the Temple who viewed themselves as elite and a higher class. They tried to hold on to the power they once had over the government under the Mosaic Law. They rejected deliverance from their oppressors (Rome) by Divine intervention and rejected the idea of a Messiah who would deliver them. They felt that as priests in the Temple they themselves would lead humanity and restore Jerusalem to prominence through their moral authority and the purity of Jewish faith. They also rejected the idea of a bodily Resurrection.

The Pharisees

These were the Sages that controlled the synagogues throughout the country and identified with the people. They were a very close fraternity of teachers and preachers and were very zealous for the preservation of The Torah and were known as “Teachers of The Law”. Today they would be considered to be Doctorates in the Law or Lawyers if you will. They were thought of as reformers as they studied The Law and then applied The Law to everyday life in a very practical way leading to additions to The Law known as Takkanots. They were the “core” of Judaism as they controlled the synagogue system in Israel. They were very exact in their religious lives and were known as exaggerated in their tithe paying, very ostentatious in their prayers (which means they put on huge displays when they prayed to impress and attract attention to themselves). The Pharisees were looking forward to the coming Messiah ben David who would liberate Israel from her oppressors and establish a Glorious age of peace among all men. They believed in the Resurrection and the redemption of mankind.

The Essenes

This group was a very mysterious and secretive group that withdrew from the synagogues and The Temple into the wilderness. There “mission” was to look for, find, and protect The Messiah when he arrived. They knew the prophecies in Daniel and were waiting on the arrival of the Messiah. They split from the rest of the sects about 150 years before Yahusha was born when the other sects began working with Rome in the rule and security of Judea. They viewed the Sadducees as imposters and not true heirs to the Priesthood. The High Priest must come from the line of Zadok, as prescribed in The Torah. They setup a separate Temple Service outside Jerusalem in “the wilderness” for the true line of Zadok Priests after Herod had the last true Zadok High Priest killed, whose name was Yahusha III the High Priest, who oversaw the rebuilding of the Second Temple. John the Immerser was the grandson and heir to Yahusha III, and was sent to the Temple in the wilderness of the Essenes for training. The people in Israel knew that the High Priest in Herod’s Temple was not the legit High Priest. Herod simply appointed him after Herod killed Yahuah’s appointed, Zadok Priest Yahusha III. That is why they went into the wilderness to hear the true High Priest John teach and perform Temple service, such as Mikveh, in the Jordan River. The Essenes documented their beliefs in The Dead Sea Scrolls and spoke of The Great Notsri (or The Great Nazarene) who would be the great Teacher of Righteousness that would set “the way” straight (or the Branch). That is why the teachings of John, and then Yahusha, were called “The Way”.

The Nazarenes

were followers of the High Priest John the Immerser, the Fulfillment of the coming Elijah, who was prophesied to be the greatest Prophet of all (confirmed by Yahusha who said there was no one greater than John) and the true Teacher of Righteousness. John was prophesied to be the mentor of the Messiah Yahusha by John’s father, the Priest Zechariah.

Luke 1:68-79 - Zechariah’s Song

76 And you, my child, will be called a Prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before YAHUAH (as the greatest Prophet) to prepare the way for him (Yahusha) (that is why we call this path “The Way” because John was the Prophet to whom this path was given, who then mentored Yahusha in The Way), 77 to give his people the Knowledge of Salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, 78 because of the tender Mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven 79 to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.” 80 And the child grew and became strong in Spirit; and he lived in the wilderness until he appeared publicly to Israel.

Judaism tells us Moses was the greatest Prophet of all, Christianity tells us Yahusha was the greatest Prophet of all… John is intentionally left out of the conversation and the truth hidden. Yahusha, however, claimed John was the greatest Prophet of all.

Yahuah spoke through John the great Prophet, giving John the revelations that Yahusha would later teach as fundamental to his ministry. It was John that originally taught the revelations of baptism for remission of sin, the physical to Spiritual meaning of Passover (communion), the role of Satan, the role of Angels in the Heavenly Hierarchy, the war in the heavenlies, progressive revelation of Covenants, end time eschatology, and the value of communal living and of course, it was John who announced Yahusha as The Passover Lamb, anointed him as High Priest, and told the Nazarenes that Yahusha was Messiah ben Joseph. The Nazarenes where named after The Branch as they became known as keepers and preservers of the written Torah and protectors of The Messiah and Prophets. The majority of Essenes were converted to Nazarenes, followers of Yahusha… either by John the Immerser or later by Rav Sha’ul, John the Revelator, and Peter. The Nazarenes quickly grew to the largest sect of them all in the first century.

The Scribes

were basically the attorneys of their day. They were the glue that held the Jewish society together and bridged the gap between all the sects. You could say the Sadducees were a sect, the Pharisees were a fraternity, and the scribes were the professional class of their day. There were scribes found among all sects. They served the function of the Supreme Court today. They reviewed every new Takkanoh or human command of the Sadducees and Pharisees to ensure it was in line with the written Torah of Yahuah. Their job was to keep every aspect of Jewish life in line with the Ancient writings given to Moses from Yahuah. Yahusha said this concerning the scribes:

Matthew 13:52

And he said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the Kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.”

In other words, the scribes had the responsibility of determining if a Takkanoh (human command) was “new” or if it in fact, conformed to the written Torah of “old”. If it was “new” it was to be rejected. So, the scribes were a very important part of the Kingdom.

The Zealots

These were your freedom fighters to the Jews and terrorist to the Romans. They were extremely anti-Gentile and believed that Israel had been contaminated by them. They took up the sword literally to defend The Torah. They came to the forefront when the son of Herod the Great was defeated in 6 AD and Rome gained control of Israel and Jerusalem. We know at least two of Yahusha’s disciples, Simon the Zealot, and Judas the Sicarii, were taken from this sect and it is suggested that all the disciples were chosen from among the Zealot movement. That may be why Peter’s first reaction, when Yahusha was arrested, was to lop off the ear of one of the guards!

The Sicarii

These were the Special Forces or assassins of the Zealot Party. They were ultra-conservative right wing. Where the Zealots fought Rome on a national level, the Sicarii were mercenaries and personal assassins who sought out and eliminated the Hellenized Jewish traitors who sympathized with Rome. There is even evidence that Judas “Iscariot” was Judas the Sicarii. That is why he was called upon by Yahusha to carry out the covert mission of betrayal.

The Peasants

Most those living in Judea at that time were simply peasants. The poor working class who spread themselves among all various other sects according to who they thought best sympathized with their needs.

So, these were the players on the religious/political scene in the first century. These sects (accept the peasants) only commanded about a few thousand each, except the Zealots, who numbered in the few hundreds, and then the Sicarii whose numbers were extremely small. Until Yahusha came and died, the Sect of the Nazarenes ‘out grew them all in numbers’, eventually, numbering in the tens of thousands representing a threat to those who controlled The Temple (the Sadducees) and those who controlled the Synagogues (the Pharisees) and eventually, to the cults in Rome we know today as Christians.

It was a real mess in the early first century with the execution of Yahusha, then the stoning of Steven by the High Priest Jonathan who was then assassinated by the Sicarii for stoning Steven. Then Annas, the brother of Jonathan, became High Priest and then he has James the Just (younger brother of Yahusha the Messiah) assassinated in retaliation for his brother’s death… and so went the power struggle in Israel right after the Messiah’s death and before the destruction of The Temple.




‘Judas the betrayer’ or Yahudah the Scicarii (assassin)?

Let me give you another example of how far we have been misled about the life of Yahusha and those who followed him. Not ONLY were we given a Hellenized version of the Messiah known as the false demi-god Jesus. Not ONLY were we given a Hellenized version of Rav Sha’ul known now to us as “Paul the ex-Jew who created Christianity” (when it was actually the pagan Sun Worshipping Emperor Constantine who owns that honor). But let’s look at Judas!

We are told that he betrayed Yahusha and was an enemy of the Messiah in our mistranslated Greek appropriate Bibles. Judas was actually a Sicarii named Yahudah (Judas is a Hellenized name). Judas Iscariot is not his “name” at all. He was known as Yahudah the Sicarii. He was one of those double agents of the extreme right wing party of Zealots, you know the undercover agents or special forces arm of the Zealots. He was a trained assassin and a very close and devout follower of Yahusha. He was so trusted by the group that he watched over the money purse (yes, the collected money as they taught which is Commanded in Scripture).

Yahusha literally setup up his own “betrayal” and could trust that most important task (that was critical to his Fulfilling his role as Messiah and dying on Passover) to no one else. No other disciple of Yahusha was qualified or trained to pull off such a role of “double agent” as was Yahudah the Sicarii. Judas (I’ll call him that for clarity) did not intentionally betray the Messiah; he worked with Yahusha to orchestrate the events that would enable him to be arrested, tried, and Fulfill his role as Passover Lamb!



Judas Iscariot, (died c. ad 30), one of the Twelve Apostles, notorious for betraying Jesus. Judas’ surname is more probably a corruption of the Latin sicarius (“murderer” or “assassin”) than an indication of family origin, suggesting that he would have belonged to the Sicarii, the most radical Jewish group, some of whom were terrorists.

Yahusha and Judas hatched a secret plot unknown to the rest of the disciples (to keep them from interfering in it as Peter did by drawing his sword later in the Garden). So Yahusha led them to believe that Judas was the enemy and that is how the writers of the Gospel knew Judas. They had no idea what really happened, so they portray him in a negative light. Then, of course, they downplay how they themselves, all to a man, literally betrayed Yahusha ‘themselves’ after his death, and denied even knowing him. Had Judas not killed himself (or been assassinated himself by the Sicarii, which is what I believe actually happened, as he was hung and gutted), I’m sure he would have eventually disclosed what really happened and he would still be known as the devout follower and very close ally of Yahusha that he really was.

Remember, Judas didn’t do it for the money, that was how he fooled the Chief Priests into thinking he rejected Yahusha. He didn’t take the money! He was a Sicarii! He despised the Hellenized High Priests and Council and was the most radical of all the disciples about Yahusha. A Sicarii would give his own or take another life in a heartbeat to preserve what he believed; he would never sell out for a few pieces of silver! He was simply doing his job; a job only he was trained and willing to do in service to his master. The pieces of silver were all part of the deception… as proven when he threw it back in the faces of the Sanhedrin.

So, this begs the question “why did he kill himself?” That is a very good question. I don't have the answer to that and we'll probably never know. He may have, even though it was what Yahusha wanted him to do, simply have been unable to deal with it once he saw the extreme torture the Messiah was put through. I doubt Yahusha shared with him that he would be killed in such a way or even killed at all. Judas probably was just told he'd be arrested, tried, and found innocent (which is what happened). I doubt Judas had any idea the innocent verdict would be overturned in such a dramatic way, Barabbas released, and Yahusha tortured to death. I suspect once Judas saw what happened he thought something went terribly wrong and regretted what he had done... or it is very possible he too, was assassinated by the very Sicarii he belonged to, as he was found hung to death then slaughtered (something a man cannot do to himself).

I just wanted to show yet another example of how Rome (the Greeks) rewrote history and how we today see the Bible through the eyes of Rome. Rome rewrote the events surrounding Yahusha’s execution putting the blame on the Jews, when it was really Rome who killed our Messiah with the help of Hellenized Rome appointed High Priests.

Let’s get back to the history of the Nazarenes. I want to explain what happened to them and why in only recent history we know anything about them! When they were, in fact, the true followers of the Messiah and composed the early “church”. So, for the record, let me explain the conflict of the first century that spanned all the way into the fourth century. History that the Christopagan church does not want you to know.


Pharisees and Sadducees rejected Yahusha as the Messiah and began writing down the Oral Traditions and adding to the Torah (bringing the people under a massive yoke of bondage to human tradition). We see Yahusha rebuke them for this practice:

Matthew 12

4"They tie up heavy yokes and lay them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are unwilling to move them with so much as a finger. 5"But they do all their deeds to be noticed by men; for they broaden their phylacteries and lengthen the tassels of their garments.…

The Nazarenes, beginning with John the Immerser, then Yahusha the Branch, then Yaakov the Just, then Sha’ul the Apostle… all Leaders of the Nazarene sect, confronted the Pharisee’s human traditions and taught freedom from those human laws (teaching the pure ‘intent’ of the Torah). Yahusha taught the simplicity of Yahuah’s Commands alone found in the written Torah which are quite easy to follow:

Matthew 11:30

29 "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me (not the Takkanots of the Pharisees), for I am gentle and humble in heart (not puffed up with pride and self-absorbed like the Pharisees), and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30 "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

Yahusha was teaching The Commandments of Yahuah who said keeping Yahuah’s Commands are simply not that difficult

Deuteronomy 30
11"For this Commandment which I Command you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it out of reach.

What we know today as Judaism, is based on what is called, the Babylonian Talmud, which was comprised between the 3rd-5th Century and is a bloated 6,200-page library of books full of human laws! This monster set of books was written down around the same time as the creation of modern day Christianity. This is the environment in which modern day Rabbinical Judaism evolved. Even today there are many sects among Judaism.

What we know as modern Judaism evolved from this conflict between the Nazarenes and the Pharisees.


What we find in the historical record is the Nazarenes were Yahudim (or Jews) in the Second Temple period, who accepted Yahusha as the Messiah, rejected the name Jesus and refused to be called Jews, who interpreted the Mosaic Law outside of the traditions of the Pharisees and who routinely believed in, called upon, and pronounced the name Yahuah. Yes, the same division that exists today, also defined the differences in the first century.

We Nazarenes today are those who follow (like the True followers of) Yahusha…

·         reject the authority of Rabbinical Judaism to add to the Word of Yahuah,

·         reject the authority of the Pope to add to the Word of Yahuah,

·         reject the traditions of men (namely the Hellenistic Rabbis and the Christian Church),

·         reject the reverent superstitious stupidity of those who refuse to use the Name of the Creator and Praise His Holy Name…

·         reject all forms of paganism specifically the Spirit of the False Messiah known as Incarnation.

… we are modern day Nazarenes. The battle between the Nazarenes and Pharisees (or Rabbinical Jews) and the Nazarenes and the Christian Church of today is no different than what was going on in the early first century.

Originally (in the early days after Yahusha’s death) the Nazarenes, Pharisees, and Sadducees all attended synagogue together. However, this rift between them widened in dispersion (or Diaspora) after Rome destroyed Jerusalem and dispersed all of them among the Gentile nations and refused all Jews from entering Jerusalem. There was a short period of time where all factions (Pharisees, Sadducees, and Nazarenes) were in relative peace together. However, this didn’t last long.

Writes Ray Pritz, in his book Nazarene Jewish Christianity,

"On the Jewish side, the exclusion of the Nazarenes was not nearly so gradual. At the end of the first century, the birkat ha-minim (curse) was formulated with the sect (of the Nazarenes) specifically named. This is recorded in both patristic and Jewish sources. Nonetheless, we have found it possible that there was some limited synagogue attendance by Nazarenes into the early decades of the second century. In addition to this, we find continued contact between the two communities in the form of a polemic (verbal attacks) or dialogue. Such contact should not surprise us, since the Nazarenes lived in the same geographical areas with predominantly Jewish communities. However, as the polemic (verbal attacks) and distrust grew, the separation and isolation from the Jewish community were increased. Different steps along the way effected this separation: the flight to Pella, the birkat ha-minim, the refusal of the Nazarenes to recognize and support Bar Kochba (as the Messiah). By the middle of the second century, the rift was probably complete" (p. 109).

Let’s look at this curse, read 3 times a day in the synagogues, known as the Birkat ha-Minim, that was placed directly over the Nazarenes because they refused the Pharisee’s human traditions and rejected the yoke of bondage placed over the people. The Nazarenes also proudly proclaimed the name of The Creator Yahuah and accepted Yahusha as their Messiah. It was for these reasons the Nazarenes were rejected as “heretics” by the Pharisees and kicked out of the synagogues (sound familiar?). Heretics in Hebrew is “mim” which the Pharisees defined as:

"He who casts off the yoke [of the Law as defined by the Talmud], and he who severs the Abrahamic covenant (is not circumcised); he who interprets the Torah against (or outside of) the halakic tradition (the Talmud), and he who pronounces in full the Ineffable Name—all these have no share in the world to come".

So, all those Gentiles who accepted the Torah and Messiah were rejected as ‘heretics’ for not being circumcised when they were born. The original Nazarenes were considered ‘heretics’ because they all interpreted the Torah outside of the Talmud and spoke the name of Yahuah.  During this time, all those who followed the teaching of the Pharisees who denied the Messiah ben Joseph (Yahusha) and looked only for the Messiah ben David (the conquering king LEO), eventually accepted Simon bar Kochba as the Messiah. Simon bar Kochba was a Jew in the second century who gathered an army to wage war against Rome, and succeeded in establishing an independent Jewish state for 3 years in AD 130. The Nazarenes refused to take up arms with and support Simon bar Kochba and rejected this false messiah where the other factions embraced this man as the Messiah. This created an unbridgeable rift between the Nazarenes and the other sects and was the last straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak.

The Nazarenes were driven out of the Synagogues and the Hellenized Rabbinical Jews then placed a curse over the Nazarenes to be read 3 times a day in the Synagogues called the Birkat ha Minim which is, “blessings on the heretics”. It was not really a blessing, it was a curse and a slap in the face directed specifically toward the Nazarenes. This curse over the Nazarenes read:

"For the apostates let there be no hope. Let the Nazarene and the heretics be destroyed in a moment. And let them be blotted out of the Book of Life and not be inscribed together with the righteous. Blessed art thou, O Lord, who humblest the arrogant"

Well, Yahuah did just that over the coming centuries and humbled these arrogant Jews, who were so bold as to speak a curse of the true followers of the Messiah 3 times a day…that it turned into a curse on their own heads. The true sons of Yahuah, the Nazarenes, were then cast out as heretics by both the Hellenized Jews and the Hellenized Christian Church.

Epiphanius, an early "church father" of the pagan sect known as Christians, wrote of these "Nazarenes," whom he viewed as Judaizing heretics because they refused to use the name “Jesus” and denied Incarnation (and kept The Law). Nevertheless, in Epiphanius writings, we see the definition again of what the Nazarene truly stood for. We see that the Nazarenes refused to use the name Jesus or go by the designation of Christian… nor did they keep the name Jews but called themselves Nazarenes. Epiphanius writes speaking of the Nazarenes:

"These heresies...passing over the name of Jesus, did not call themselves Iessaians and did not keep the name Jews; they did not call themselves Christians, but Nazarenes, taking this name from the place Nazareth. But actually, they remained wholly Jewish and nothing else. For they use not only the New Testament but also the Old, like the Jews. For the Legislation and the Prophets and the Scriptures, which are called the Bible by the Jews, are not rejected by them...They are not at all mindful of other things but live according to the preaching of the Law as among the Jews: there is no fault to find with them (as being Jews) apart from the fact that they have come to believe in Christ. "For they also accept the Resurrection of the dead and that everything had its origin in God. They proclaim one God and his Son Jesus Christ. They have a good mastery of the Hebrew language. For the entire Law and the Prophets and what is called the Scriptures, I mention the poetical books, Kings, Chronicles, and Esther and all the others, are read by them in Hebrew, as is the case with the Jews, of course. Only in this respect they differ from the Jews and Christians: with the Jews, they do not agree because of their belief in Christ, with the Christians [sic] because they are trained in The Law, in Circumcision, the Sabbath and other things" (see Pritz, Nazarene Jewish Christianity, p. 33-34).

So again, we see directly from one of the Christopagan church fathers that the Nazarenes were well trained in Hebrew. They read and kept The Torah and Prophets, refused the title “Jews or Christian” and called themselves Nazarenes, rejected the name Jesus and used Yahusha and openly cried out to Yahuah by name. They differed from the Jews only is the respect they accepted Yahusha as the Messiah. They differed from the Christians in the fact they kept The Law, Sabbaths, and Holy Days of Yahuah and reject the Christopagan Lawlessness and pagan holidays.

That is why the pagan church in Rome rejected the Nazarenes. Because they were Jewish in every way and they just accepted Yahusha as the Messiah. The Pharisaic Rabbinical Jewish Leaders were threatened by the Nazarenes because they influenced the people to reject their human traditions and because they accepted Yahusha as the Messiah. This was a direct threat to their ability to control the people. Epiph-a-nius tells us that ‘a system of hatred was devised by the Pharisees against the Nazarene followers of Yahusha to pollute the minds of every generation that followed… all simply because they accepted Yahusha as their Messiah and rejected the human traditions of the Pharisees’. Epiph-a-nius writes:

"However, they are very much HATED by the Jews. For not only the Jewish children cherish hate against them but the people also stand up in the morning, at noon, and in the evening, three times a day and they pronounce curses and maledictions over them when they say their prayers in the synagogues. Three times a day they say: 'May God curse the Nazarenes.' For they are more hostile against them because they proclaim as Jews that Jesus is the Christ, which runs counter to those who still are Jews who did not accept Jesus" (ibid., p. 35).

Epiphanius himself considers the Nazarenes "under a curse," because of their adherence to The Laws of Yahuah, including the Sabbath and Holy Days, Passover, and the like. To Epiphanius, they were nothing more than Jews, although professing the Messiah. He wrote, "for they are rather Jews and nothing else" (Panarion 29, 9:1, quoted in Pritz' book, ibid., p. 34).

The Nazarenes, being primarily Jewish, kept up their Knowledge of Hebrew, and maintained an internal system of education to teach Hebrew and the Torah to subsequent generations. They could read the Old Testament, or Tanakh in the original Hebrew, and probably at least one of the Gospels, the Gospel of Matthew in Hebrew. As I showed earlier in this book, they also denied Incarnation and knew Yahusha to be born to two human parents and adopted a Son of Yahuah upon Mikveh (exactly what the Bible teaches). The Nazarenes existed in public view well into the third century, and were actively engaged in a dialogue -- "heated, no doubt," says Ray Pritz -- with rabbinic Judaism. Pritz adds that the Nazarene Jewish Church was "familiar with the developments within Judaism and rejected the authority of the Pharisaic scholars to interpret Scripture definitively." Pritz goes on:

"...Nor did they accept as binding on themselves (or on any Jews) the Oral Law as embodied in the Mishnah (the first version of the Talmud). These Jewish Christians view Sha’ul and his mission favorably and evidently even accepted -- in theory at least -- the unity of the Church as composed of both Jewish and Gentile believers in Christ...And finally, this group had not lost hope that the Jewish people might yet turn to accept Jesus as the Messiah" (p. 70).

This all brings me back to Rav Sha’ul and his writings. Remember, I am tracing where the Nazarenes began with the Essenes as John the Immerser emerged as Elijah, who became the first Nazarene through Yahusha the Nazarene, then through Sha’ul the Leader of the Nazarenes to the 4th century when they disappeared from historical view. What we find is their belief system never changed for 300 years and remained committed to The Torah, the Prophets, the Messiah and the Holy Days of Yahuah… being the ‘defenders’ of the things of Yahuah.

I make this point to demonstrate that obviously Rav Sha’ul, who was their outspoken Leader in the beginning during the first century, did not change any of these beliefs but rather taught them to all the assemblies he established.


That is why they continued to believe in The Torah/Prophets/Messiah and reject Christianity and Hellenized Judaism for the next 300 years. If Sha’ul their Leader taught The Pauline Doctrine to his assemblies, this would not be true of the Nazarenes for the next 300 years. They would not have continued to be defined by the same beliefs held by John and Yahusha. We would have seen a change in their belief system if Rav Sha’ul, their early outspoken Leader, taught The Pauline Doctrine and abolished The Law and the Sabbath and the dietary Laws and so forth. But we see no change whatsoever in the doctrines of the Nazarenes over a 300-year span. They began Torah observant Jews who accepted Yahusha as the Messiah, denied incarnation, defended The Torah (by ‘intent’ not letter) against human traditions, spoke the name of the Creator in full, and rejected the name Jesus and the labels Jews or Christians. These attributes defined every Nazarene that lived then and today, including Rav Sha’ul the Apostle. The Nazarenes eventually went into hiding after the Council of Nicaea as Constantine put out a death threat to all who did not bow to his new religion of Christianity. They then faded from the historical record until about 40 years ago, when Yahuah moved again to reclaim His chosen ones… the Nazarenes.

It is vital to know the progression of the conflict between the Nazarenes and the Pharisees and the Nazarenes and the Christians. We must interpret Sha’ul’s writing in that context. Sha’ul was consistently being accused of “teaching against the Law” by the Pharisees. That is how it is presented in our English Bibles. But the fact is, the Pharisees considered their written Oral Torah, known first as the Mishnah, and now the Talmud as “the Law” so that is what they were accusing Sha’ul of teaching against; and they were right! Yahusha and Sha’ul rejected those traditions in favor of the written Torah as did all Nazarenes before and after them. Sha’ul was carrying forward the example Yahusha set in condemning these extra-Torah traditions in Matthew 15:1-20. Neither Yahusha nor Sha’ul rejected the written Torah which Sha’ul calls “the customs of our fathers” (Acts 21:24). The Jewish leaders were bearing false witness against Sha’ul, who openly admitted to being committed to The Torah, Acts 28:27.

We see in Sha’ul’s letters, the battle that raged between himself and the Pharisees over The Law vs. the Talmud. Sha’ul even sympathized with the assembly in Thessalonica, who was coming under fire from the pagan community around them for rejecting their pagan rituals, in favor of Yahuah’s Sabbaths and Holy Days. Sha’ul tells them he and the church in Jerusalem came under fire from their countrymen as well, and explained why the Jews persecuted the Nazarenes:

I Thess. 2:14-16

For, brothers, you came to be imitators of Yahuah’s congregations in Judea that are united with the Messiah Yahusha — you suffered the same things from your countrymen as they did from the Judeans who 15 both killed the King Yahusha and the Prophets, and chased us out of Judea too. They are displeasing Yahuah and opposing all mankind 16 by trying to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles.

So, pagan Christians and Hellenized Jews were trying to keep the Nazarenes from spreading the Gospel to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel scattered among the Gentiles as they were Commanded to do by Yahusha in the Great Commission.

To summarize, the Nazarenes who followed Rav Sha’ul, their Teacher and Founder of many of their assemblies, continued to put their faith in The Heavenly Scroll, endorse the entire Old Testament, keep The Torah, Observe the Sabbaths and Holy Days, go by the sacred Enoch calendar, speak the full Name of Yahuah and Yahusha, reject Incarnation, all while rejecting the name Jesus and the labels Christian and Jew. This is the ‘historical record’ (for all who care to learn) that directly opposes The Pauline Doctrine. Ray Pritz writes in his book Nazarene Jewish Christianity that I have been quoting from, a very good book by the way…

"The Nazarenes, as Jews, continued to observe certain aspects of Mosaic Law, including circumcision and the Sabbath, and it was this which brought about their [eventual] exclusion from the Christian Church. This rejection and exclusion was, however, gradual" … "There emerges from our considerations an entity (called Nazarenes), a viable (true) entity of Law-keeping Christians of Jewish background. These were direct descendants of the first Jewish believers in Jesus (taught by Rav Sha’ul) .... These Jewish Christians were called Nazarenes after Jesus, and probably received the title on the basis of early Christian interpretation of certain Old Testament passages (e.g. Isa. 11:1) as referring to the Messiah (as the Branch) and specifically to Jesus himself (as that Branch)"

The continued existence of the Nazarenes can be traced with reasonable certainty down to the fourth century. That is when they disappeared from the historical record as they fled for their lives from Constantine’s newly formed pagan religion of Christianity, who sought them out to put them to death. Over the next century, the Christian Church would alter, twist, and falsely teach the writing of Rav Sha’ul into what we know today as, The Pauline Doctrine. This false doctrine is a total fabricated lie and complete contradiction of what the Nazarenes, especially Rav Sha’ul, believed.



Again, let me lay the foundation from historical records what the Leader of the Nazarenes, Rav Sha’ul, believed and taught:

1.        He put his faith in The Heavenly Scroll where the Plan of Salvation is laid out and Yahuah bears witness of Yahusha

2.        He believed in the written Torah and rejected the human traditions of Rabbinical Judaism known today as The Talmud.

3.        He believed that Yahusha the Nazarene was the Messiah.

4.        He rejected the labels “Jew and Christian”

5.        He rejected the name Jesus

6.        He rejected the efforts of the Christopagans to drag believers into Lawlessness and pagan rituals.

7.        He routinely called upon and spoke the full Name of the Creator Yahuah.

8.        He kept and taught his assemblies to keep the Sabbath and Holy Days.

9.        He observed the sacred calendar not the solar calendar.

10.     He rejected Incarnation.

11.     He taught the ‘intent’ of The Law over the letter.

What we find today is a "movement" among almost all Scholars who are now recognizing that Sha'ul's writings were twisted, mistranslated, and intentionally altered by Christianity to "do away with The Law"! Textual Critics, those who compare the modern English translations with the Greek copies of the original Hebrew scripts, are now finding many instances where the translators subtracted words and then added words and phrases to twist Sha’ul’s writings to create The Pauline Doctrine.

We are now learning that The Pauline Doctrine, which is a total misrepresentation of Sha'ul's work, was promoted during the Reformation period by the likes of Augustine, Luther, Calvin, etc.... and only now, within the last 40 years, are Biblical Scholars beginning to realize HOW WRONG THOSE REFORMERS WERE!!! They, the Reformers, led the Church astray as much so, if not more than, the Catholic Church they were trying to break free from... it is now "commonplace" among Scholars (those who care to go back into history and put themselves into the Language/Cultural Matrix, known as the Hebraic Mindset), to prove that Sha'ul did not intend to teach against ‘The’ Law, Feasts, and Sabbaths of the Most High. Let me quote from The Jerusalem Perspective which is a Christian site of True Scholars where they publish their work:

Source: ‘The Western Captivity of the Apostle Sha’ul’ by Jack Poirier columnist for The Jerusalem Perspective.

"No area of modern textual criticism is more prominent, and theologically momentous, than the developments that have taken place in the past forty years concerning our understanding of what the books of Romans and Galatians are all about.

"It is now a commonplace observation among scholars that Sha’ul’s most basic convictions were misrepresented by the most dominant streams of Western theology. Although a more detailed discussion would include a number of lesser figures as well, it is significant that the principal culprits in the Westernization of Sha’ul (e.g., Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Karl Barth, et al.) are all deserving of chapter (on how Sha’ul's was misrepresented in their teachings) in a general history of the Church. This shows how central the interpretation of Sha’ul is to the Christian history of ideas. As it goes with Sha’ul, so with the Church."

And there you have it... Sha'ul's writings were twisted by the Greek ‘exactly’ as Peter and Sha'ul warned us they would be.

1 Corinthians 1:23

 but we preach the Messiah crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Greeks---

Peter knew this too. and warned us to be on our guard...against Lawlessness. Peter knew the Greeks would twist the writing of Sha'ul into a Lawless Lie!

2 Peter 3:16-17

 He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable (Greek) people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. --- Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the ‘Lawless’ and fall from your secure position.



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