The first century Nazarenes rejected
incarnation and only accepted the “Virgin Birth” as a sign of Yahusha’s
anointing. These Nazarenes knew the Messiah and followed him in person or
followed his disciples. They believed that Yahusha was adopted when he was
Mikveh’d and Yahuah declared for the first time “this is My son, in whom I am
well pleased”. Yahusha was filled with the Spirit upon being washed clean with
Living Water which was his guarantee that Yahuah would raise him from the dead.
This is, in fact, exactly what the Scriptures teach. In this chapter, I am
going to demonstrate the concept of the “family of Yahuah”, of which, Yahusha
is the first begotten through resurrection (not human birth or creation).
Yahusha came to reveal the concept that
Yahuah’s purpose in Creation was to beget a family. Yahuah and Yahusha entered
into covenant to become “Father and Son” through adoption (born again), then
literally through resurrection.
Sha’ul clearly identified The Yahushaic Covenant as an
Adoption Covenant with Yahuah, not a “marriage”.
Ephesians 1
4 just as Yahuah chose us in (Marriage Covenant with)
Yahusha before the foundation of the world (The Plan of
Salvation was written in the Stars as a Bridegroom running the course of a Wedding,
Psalm 19), that we would be Holy and blameless before
Yahuah (as Children through Mikveh, see Ezekiel
36). In love 5 Yahuah Predestined us to Adoption as Sons
through (Marriage) Covenant with the Messiah
Yahusha (the Bridegroom, Matthew 5:1-12
and John 3:29 and Revelation 8:23 and Mark
2:18-20 and ... etc.) to Himself (the
Father of the Bridegroom), according to the kind intention of His Will (to create a Family… the Adoption Covenant was always the
Plan of Salvation), 6 to the Praise of the Glory of His grace, which He
freely bestowed on us in the Beloved (Family of Elohim).…
We see this Declared very clearly and explicitly...
John 1:12
Yet to all who did receive Yahusha (as the Groom), to those who believed in (the Marriage Covenant that bears) his name (The Yahushaic Covenant), Yahusha (through Marriage) gave them (who
are properly in Covenant) the right to become Children of Yahuah
(by Law).
Hebrews 2
11 For both He Who sanctifies (Yahuah) and those who are sanctified (Yahusha and the rest of the sons) are all from one
Father (Adoption Covenant); for which reason
Yahusha is not ashamed to call them brothers, 12saying, "I
SING YOUR PRAISE." 13 And again, "I, Yahusha, WILL PUT MY TRUST IN
YAHUAH HAS GIVEN ME (as a Bride in Covenant of Marriage).”
John 3:29
29 He who has the Bride is the Bridegroom; but the friend of the Bridegroom,
who stands and hears Him, rejoices greatly because of the Bridegroom’s voice (Proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll, Psalms 19).
Therefore, this joy of mine is Fulfilled (Yahusha
Fulfilled the Message contained in The Heavenly Scroll John Chapter 1.
He is the Fulfillment of the Debar/Predestined Plan in the flesh).
Matthew 25
4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars
along with their lamps. 5 The Bridegroom was a long time in coming (2,000 years at the end of the Age of Pisces before he returns to wed His Bride fulfilling the Fall
Feasts), and they all became drowsy and fell asleep (lost contact with the head, the meaning of The Yahushaic
Covenant). 6 At midnight the cry rang out: “Here’s the Bridegroom! Come
out to meet him!” (but they were misled and did not
realize by marrying Yahusha they would become Children of Yahuah) -----
Revelation 19
9 And the Angel said to me, “Write this:
Blessed are those who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.” And he
said to me, “These (written in The Heavenly Scroll Psalm,
119:89) are the True Words of Yahuah (as
John was given Understanding of the meaning of the stars).”
We see Yahusha teach this very thing. Yet another false teaching
going around today is “Echad means Yahuah IS Yahusha”! We see that Yahusha did
claim to be “one” with Yahuah.
John 10
30 I and my Father are one.
The question is, did he mean “echad” or “yachad”? In the NT,
when Yahusha said "I and the father are one" he defined what he meant
later in that same book as yachad not echad. Yachad means “unified one” where
echad means “the only one”.
The concept of "one" as it relates to Yahusha and
Yahuah (and indeed all of us) is simple, it is “one Family/Yachad”. It
was Yahusha that said he was "One" with Yahuah but wall we have is
the Greek not the Hebrew to know which one he meant, so let us let Yahusha
himself define what that means. Did he teach he was echad with Yahuah?
Absolutely not... a little later in that same book, Yahusha clearly defined
what he himself meant by that (as Scripture ALWAYS interprets Scripture);
we are ONE through Covenant in Mind, Will, purpose, Spirit, and Family...
He is our Father, we are His Children and Yahusha is our Brother. We are all
YACHAD with Yahuah not Echad.
John 17:19-21
"And for their sakes I sanctify myself
(as a Son in Covenant with Yahuah), that they
also might be sanctified through the truth (that by
entering into a Marriage Covenant with me, they will become Children of Yahuah
by Law, John 1:12). Neither pray I for these alone, but
for them also which shall believe on me through their word (confess that Yahusha is our Messiah, our Mediating High
Priest, our elder Brother in Resurrection order, our Bridegroom through
Marriage); That they all may be one (Family as
Children of Yahuah); as Thou, Father, art in (an
Adoption Covenant with) me (through Resurrection
to become my Father), and I in (Covenant with)
thee (to become Your Firstborn from the dead, SON),
that they also may be one (Family) in (Covenant with) us: that the world may believe that
Thou hast sent me (in Fulfillment of The Heavenly
Scroll, where Yahusha was given Glory as coming King with Yahuah in The Beginning)."
Hebrews 10:7
Then I said, 'Here I am--it is written
about me in the Heavenly Scroll-- I have come to do Your Will, my God (Yahuah is Yahusha’s “God” too!)
Matthew 6:10
Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done, on
Earth as it is (written) in (the) Heaven(ly Scroll).
So, by Yahusha’s own definition, “One” is through Covenant!
Beware of false teachers.
Our “Hope” is in the Resurrection of the dead, which is the
Transposition of our physical bodies to our Eternal bodies. It is literally,
the Adoption… as literal sons/daughters of Yahuah. As I demonstrated earlier in
this book, the Original Nazarenes who knew Yahusha personally understood he was
born human and adopted into the Family of Yahuah through Mikveh! This is the
“yearning” we feel inside our Spirits, as we have been given an earnest
guarantee (the Ruach given once we are Mikveh’d) that Yahuah will Beget
us Divine, just like He did Yahusha... Mikveh when the guarantee is given that
we will be adopted into the Family just like it was Yahusha’s.
Romans 8:23
And not only [they], but ourselves also,
which have the First Fruits of the Spirit even we ourselves groan within
ourselves, waiting for the Adoption, the Redemption of our body.
Yahuah entered into an Adoption Covenant with Yahusha to be
his Father not his Husband.
2 Samuel 7
14 I will be his Father, and he
shall be My Son. If he commits iniquity, I will chasten him with
the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men (which is exactly what happened to Yahusha and “how” he was
Just as it was foretold...
Luke 1
32 He will be great, and will be called The
Son of the Highest; and Yahuah will give him (they
are not the same being) The Throne of His father David.
This was Fulfilled when Yahuah Resurrected Yahusha (not
when he was born to Mary/Joseph).
Acts 13
33 Yahuah has Fulfilled this for us their
children, in that He has risen up Yahusha. As it is also written in the second
Psalm: "You are My Son, Today I have Begotten You (upon Resurrection NOT human birth)."
All Children of Yahuah are ‘Begotten through Resurrection’,
and it is then they are Divine, not before...
Luke 20
36 for they cannot even die anymore,
because they are (eternal) like Angels, and are
(fully begotten) Sons of Yahuah,
being Sons of the Resurrection (not human
birth, Yahusha died so obviously, he was NOT fully Begotten until after his
‘Adoption through Resurrection’. Fully Begotten Sons of Yahuah cannot die!).
Revelation 21
7 He that overcomes (death
through Resurrection) shall inherit all things; and I will be his God,
and he shall be My Son (not wife).
All those who enter into the Marriage Covenant with Yahusha
(The Yahushaic Covenant) will be Begotten (Adopted) through
Resurrection the same way Yahusha was.
Galatians 4
4 But when the time had fully come, Yahuah
sent His (future Begotten) Son, born of a woman
(another way of saying he was 100% human, just like
Yahusha said of John the Baptist in Matthew 11:11. This does not
mean Joseph was not his father, it is an idiom), born
under The Law, 5 to redeem those held under the (Death
Decrees which are the) curse of The Law, that we might receive our Adoption
as Sons. 6 And because you are Sons, Yahuah sent the
Spirit of His Son into our hearts on Shav'uot, crying out, “Abba, Father!”
Ephesians 1
4For Yahuah chose us in Himself before the
foundation of the world (just like He did Yahusha,
Yahusha was Predetermined in the ‘Plan of Salvation’, he did NOT pre-exist)
to be Holy and blameless in His Presence. In love 5 Yahuah Predestined us for Adoption
as His Sons in Marriage Covenant with Yahusha the Messiah, according to
the good pleasure of His Will to Beget a Family, 6 to the Praise of Yahuah's Glorious
Grace, which Yahuah has freely given us in the Beloved Family of
Romans 8:15
For you have not received a spirit of
slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a Spirit of Adoption
as Sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!"
1 John 3:1-2
See how great a Love the Father (not husband) has bestowed on us, that we would be
called Children of Yahuah (not His wife);
and such we are for this reason the world does not know us, because it did not
know him (our Elder Brother Yahusha). Beloved,
now we are Children of Yahuah, and it has not appeared as yet
what we will, be we know that when Yahusha appears, we will be like him (we too, will be Divine Sons, he is our brother, NOT our god)
Romans 8:21
that the Creation itself also will be set
free from its slavery to corruption into the Freedom of the Glory of the Children
(not wife) of Yahuah. -----
Yahusha was the first human to be perfected and risen
Divinely. He is the First of the Harvest (First of the First Fruits of the
grave), with many more Sons/Daughters to come!
1 Corinthians 15:23
But there is an order to this Resurrection:
Yahusha was raised as the First of the Harvest (he is
part of the Harvest too, just like the rest of us Children); then all (of the Bride) who belong to Yahusha (the Groom) will be raised (as
Adopted Children in Law of Yahuah) when he comes back.
John 1
11 He came to His own, and His own did not
receive Him. 12 But to all (the Bride) who did
receive Him (as the Groom in keeping The Holy Days),
to those who believed in (the Marriage Covenant that
bears) His name, He gave the right to become Children of God — 13
Children born not of blood (but of
Spirit), nor will of the flesh (at
human conception), nor will of man (but the Plan of Salvation), but born of Yahuah
(the Ruach by the Power of the Resurrection
just like Yahusha).
We are taught the Babylonian Doctrine of Incarnation using
the birth of the Messiah to justify the Madonna and Child story. I want to
address this shortly here because a miraculous birth does not imply that Yahuah
came to Earth as a man or that Yahusha is a demi-god!
How can the Virgin Birth be a “fundamental doctrine” when it
is never mentioned even as a Doctrine at all by anyone in the Bible? It was not
taught by Yahusha, or by any of the writers in The Yahushaic Covenant. As I
have shown, it was rejected outright by the Nazarenes for 500 years and it
found its way into our Bibles through syncretism and Hellenism.
It was accepted in limited form by the first century
Nazarenes only to mean the Yahusha was the Firstborn Son of Joseph and Miriam
to prove his right to the Throne of David. Miriam’s womb was a “virgin womb”
meaning she had never had a child before. What we are not taught (conveniently)
is that even if there were a Miracle performed at Yahusha’s birth (which
there very well may have been) it was to be expected!
Many men in The Bible who were instrumental in the Plan of Salvation
were born highly anointed by Yahuah through Miraculous births as a “sign”. Each
one’s birth announced by an Angel. Each one of these men were born Miraculously
outside of sexual intercourse, yet the “seed” of their father was used
by Yahuah in the conception process:
The Miraculous Birth of Adam
Of course, Adam didn't have any parents and Adam is directly called the Son of
Yahuah in the most literal terms. Adam had NO parents at all male or female,
but the Breath of Yahuah Alone gave Adam life. Yet... we do not worship Adam as
equal to Yahuah and part of a polytheistic deity! Why is Adam considered human
when it was truly the Breath of Yahuah from which he originated?
The Miraculous Birth of Isaac
Isaac was the Chosen One and brought about in a Miraculous way to Abraham and
Sara who BOTH were his parents. Abraham and Sara had given up on sexually
conceiving and had turned to a slave woman Hagar to conceive the child and
believed Ishmael to be the fulfillment of the Promise. Not only were they no longer
trying, but Sara’s womb was dead and she didn’t believe it. But that Miracle
did not make Isaac part of a GODHEAD. We do not worship Isaac as equal to
Yahuah and part of a polytheistic deity! In the account of Isaac’s Miraculous
Birth in Genesis we know Sara’s womb was “dead” and Sara too, conceived a child
of Promise named Isaac through the Miraculous intervention of the Angel of
Yahuah. This child too, was “brought” by an Angel of Yahuah and conceived with
“The Spirit of Holiness” which means set apart. How does this differ from
Mary/Joseph? It doesn't. Why is Abraham considered the biological father of
Isaac when it was Yahuah Who gave Sara the child? Because Yahuah used Abraham's
seed in the Miracle.
The Miraculous Birth of Sampson
Just like Sampson was a Chosen One from the womb, a Nazarite to God, a
Righteous Judge, and brought about in a Miraculous way to Manoah and his wife
who WERE BOTH his true parents. But that did not make Sampson part of a
GODHEAD. We do not worship Sampson as equal to Yahuah and part of a
polytheistic deity! In Judges 13:2-5, Manoah’s wife was barren and unable to
have children and at that time the act of sex was only performed to provide an
heir, so it is highly doubtful Manoah was having a lot of sex with his barren wife.
The Angel of Yahuah appeared to her too, and gave her a son named Sampson who
was a “Nazarite to Yahuah”. How does this differ from Mary/Joseph? It doesn´t.
Why is Manoah considered the biological father of Sampson when it was Yahuah
Who gave his wife the child? Because Yahuah used Manoah´s seed in performing
the Miracle.
The Miraculous Birth of John the
The Miraculous birth of John the Baptist is recounted in Luke’s Gospel where we
learn of the elderly Priest Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth, who was barren.
While Zechariah was performing his priestly duties in The Temple (not out
having sex with his wife), the Angel Gabriel came to him and prophesied the
birth of a son. Because Zechariah doubted the Word of the Angel, he was struck
dumb until the day of the birth, at which time, filled with the Holy Spirit, he
proclaimed his prophetic canticle (Lk 1:68-79). But... this did NOT make John
the Baptist part of the GODHEAD. We do not worship John as equal to Yahuah and
part of a polytheistic deity! Why is Zechariah considered the biological father
of John when it was Yahuah Who gave Elizabeth the child? Because Yahuah used
Zechariah´s seed in performing the Miracle.
In each case above, Yahuah came and announced the birth of a
child through a Messenger then brought about that birth in a Miraculous way using
the seed of the biological father… outside of sexual conception. Yahusha is
different in that he was the most anointed of all and in true form Yahuah came
to announce his birth through a Messenger and then in a Miraculous way the
child was conceived with the seed of his biological father. Yahuah “comes over”
all mothers with His Ruach and “Breathes” (that is what the Ruach is, the
Breath of Yahuah, not some physical seed) life into the child in the
womb. Just like He did Miriam.
Isaiah was not prophesying a literal human woman would give
a virgin birth... he was reading The Heavenly Scroll, and telling us this
"Sign" would announce the birth of the Messiah at the turn of the Age
from Aries to Pisces. The constellation Virgo would give birth to the King
planet Jupiter as laid out in Revelation 12, the same sign heralds his return
on the turn of Pisces to Aquarius when Yahusha returns, called The Sign of the
Son of Man.
There seems to be confusion about exactly what baptism is,
and what role "Water" plays in context of "Fire". We see in
Scripture, the Command to be immersed in Living Water, and a “baptism by Fire”
mentioned. Some teach Water was replaced by Fire, others understand the
Requirement to be Mikveh’d in Living Water, but struggle to understand exactly
what baptism by Fire means.
Few teachers understand this themselves, that is why there
is a lack of Understanding among the people. So, let me shed some Light on
this, in context, letting Scripture interpret Scripture “line upon line,
precept upon precept”; and lay down “sound doctrine” to overcome “sound bite
doctrine” to help us all fully comprehend the process of being “born again”
through Living Water and Fire.
Before we go any further, let’s search the Scriptures to
understand the Mystery Language, and discern what Living Water and Fire
‘represent’ in The Kingdom of Yahuah (which is a Spiritual Kingdom).
Living Water represents the life giving “Breath” of Yahuah
known as The Ruach or “Spirit of God”. Whenever you see mention of rain, water,
or lack thereof, it is speaking of “inspiration from above”.
Yahusha Fulfills the sign of Aquarius in The Heavenly Scroll,
as he is “the Water Bearer” who pours Living Water over all the Earth.
Isaiah 32:15
“Until the Spirit is poured out upon us from
on high (Fulfillment of Aquarius in The Heavenly
Scroll), and the wilderness becomes a fertile field, and the fertile
field is considered as a forest.
Just as he Promised in John 14:15, John
14:26, and John 15:26. This is in Fulfillment of Isaiah,
as we see Living Water is a metaphor of His Spirit (Ruach):
Isaiah 44
3 For I will pour out (Living) Water on the thirsty land (Mikveh) and streams on the dry ground; I will pour
out My Spirit on your Offspring (Fulfillment of
Aquarius in The Heavenly Scroll) and My Blessing on your Descendants; 4
and they will spring up among the grass like poplars by streams of water.” … and
“with joy you will draw water from the ‘Wells of Salvation’ (reference to the
Messiah who is the Living Water and Salvation of Yahuah, John 7:38)”
The “image of Aquarius” fits Isaiah 44 perfectly, below. We
see the grave giving up the dead (the skull), The Branch pouring out Living
Water from on High, poplars popping up by the stream of Living Water.

We see Yahusha confirm the physical to Spiritual parallel of
Living Water/Spirit as “Streams of Living Water” flow from within us who have
been filled with The Ruach (Spirit):
John 7:38
To the one who believes in me, it is just as
the Scripture has said: 'Streams of Living Water will flow from within
Fire – represents the Word of Yahuah… His Law. In the
physical Covenant of Moses, we are Commanded to put tzitzits on the four
corners of our garments, to show outwardly that we were “clothed in The Law of
Yahuah” (rather immersed in His Word). Yahuah’s Word is the that “Fire”.
Jeremiah 23:29
“Is not My word like Fire," declares
1 Corinthians 3
13 each one’s work will become clear; for The
Day will Declare it, because their works will be revealed by Fire; and the Fire
will test each one’s work, of what sort it is.
With that understanding in mind, let us solve the puzzle of
Living Water and Fire and come to a firm Understanding of the Purpose of
Later in this book, I will explain how Yahusha Fulfilled the
pictograph (constellation) of Aquarius.