The Nazarene is as 'a lamb slaughtered from the
foundation of the world'
Mankind has denied Yahuah’s Witness of Yahusha, written into
Creation called The Heavenly Scroll. As a result, we have been
led astray by the Spirit of the False Messiah by teachers who teach that
Yahusha pre-existed with Yahuah. These false teachers are not anointed and by
denying the most critical Witness and Original Gospel (The Heavenly Scroll)
they are not capable of understanding the Scriptures. Yahuah Promised that
anyone who elevated the image of a man who died as God, would be given over to
a depraved mind and fall for the greatest lie of all… Incarnation.
Romans 1
“18 The wrath of Yahuah is being revealed from (the)
heaven(ly scroll) against all the godlessness
and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth (of
the One and Only Elohim, Yahuah, John 17:3) by their
wickedness (denying Yahuah’s Immortality claiming He
came to Earth and died!), 19 since what may be known about Yahuah (that He is Invisible, Col. 1:15 and John
1:18 and 1 John 4:12 and Hebrews 11:27 and 1
Timothy 6:16 and Ex. 33:20 and Job 9:11 and
1 Timothy 1:17 and Romans 1:20 and not a man, Numbers
23:19 and Hosea 11:9) is plain to them, because Yahuah
has made it plain to them (through Creation, The
Heavenly Scroll, and His Word). 20 For since the creation of the world Yahuah’s
Invisible qualities—his Eternal Power and Divine
Nature (immortality)—have been clearly seen,
being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. 21
For although they knew Yahuah, they neither Glorified Him as the Invisible,
Immortal Elohim nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became
futile (believing in Incarnation) and their
foolish hearts were darkened (by Yahuah so they
could not “see the Truth” in Scripture). 22 Although they claimed to
be wise (Hebrew Roots Teachers, Christian Pastors,
etc.), they became fools 23 and exchanged the Glory of the Immortal
Elohim for images made to look like a mortal human being!” (they were full of The Spirit of the False Messiah and
idolized the Messiah who died, and blasphemed the Creator) … 28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it
worthwhile to retain the Knowledge of Yahuah (that He
is IMMMORTAL and INVISIBLE and SPIRIT), so Yahuah gave them over to a
depraved mind (they do not understand the Scriptures),
so that they do what ought not to be done (blaspheme
the Holy Spirit (Ruach) which declares Yahuah is an Immortal Invisible Spirit
NOT a mortal man who died).”
The Heavenly Scroll is used by Yahuah to Witness the coming
Messiah to all the Prophets and Forefathers. We see written in Scripture in
many places that Yahusha was Predestined before the world was, as a Lamb that
would be slaughtered… in The Heavenly Scroll!
John 17
4 I have Glorified You on Earth by accomplishing the work You gave me to do (laid out in The Heavenly Scroll, Hebrews 10:7).
5And now, Father, Glorify me in Your presence with the Glory I had with You (written in The Heavenly Scroll as the coming King) before
the world existed (written into Creation on Day 4).
Hebrews 10
7 Then I said, ‘Here I am, it is written about me in The Heavenly Scroll: I have
come to do Your will, O Yahuah.’”
Matthew 6:10
Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on Earth as it is (written) in (the) Heaven(ly Scroll).
Ephesians 1
3 Blessed be Yahuah and Father of our Master Yahusha the Messiah (he is NOT Yahuah, Yahuah is his God and Father just like
Yahuah is ours), who has blessed us in The Yahushaic Covenant with every
Spiritual blessing in the Heavenly Realms (written in
the stars). 4 For Yahuah chose us in Yahusha before the foundation of
the world (we were Predestined in The Plan of
Salvation just like Yahusha, written in The Heavenly Scroll as the Bride)
to be Holy and Blameless in His presence. In love 5 Yahuah Predestined us for Adoption
as His sons through The Yahushaic Covenant, according to the good pleasure of
His Will (to beget a Family through Resurrection,
Yahusha the Firstborn from the dead in that Family)
1 Peter 1
19 but with the precious Blood of Yahusha, a Lamb without blemish or spot (foretold to come in The Heavenly Scroll). 20 He was
known (in The Heavenly Scroll) before the
foundation of the world (written in the stars, Psalm
19), but was revealed (the Plan of
Salvation was Fulfilled ‘in the flesh” when Yahusha was born, John Chapter
1) in the last times for your sake (in
the 4th prophetic day as foretold in The Heavenly Scroll). 21
Through Yahusha (in Covenant) you believe in Yahuah,
Who raised Yahusha from the dead (this is when Yahusha
became Divine, NOT at Creation) and Glorified him (with the Glory Yahuah has Spoken of him written in The
Heavenly Scroll); and so your Faith and Hope are in Yahuah (Who Authored The Heavenly Scroll, Isaiah 46).…
Sha’ul confirms that Yahusha did not pre-exist, but was
‘PORTRAYED’ as a Lamb that would be slaughtered before all humanity, written in
the stars.
2 Corinthians 4:6
6 Seeing it is Yahuah, that said, Light
shall shine out of darkness, who shined in our hearts, to give the Light of the
Knowledge (Proclaimed by the stars, Psalms 19)
of the Glory of Yahuah in the face of Yahusha the Messiah.
1 Corinthians 2 - Sha’ul
speaking to former pagans who knew and abused the Zodiac
1 And so it was with me, brothers and
sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I
Proclaimed to you the Testimony of Yahuah (about
Yahusha written in the stars). 2 For I resolved to know nothing while I
was with you except Yahusha the Messiah and him crucified (before the foundation of the world written in the stars
before our very eyes, Galatians 3). 3 I came to you in
weakness with great fear and trembling. 4 My message and my preaching were not
with wise and persuasive words (of human literal
wisdom), but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s Power, 5 so that your
Faith might not rest on (literal) human wisdom,
but on Yahuah’s Power (in a Mystery Language).
6 We do, however, speak a message of (Spiritual)
Wisdom among the (Spiritually) mature, but not
the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age (who
viewed the Zodiac literally and worshipped the signs and the Sun), who
are coming to nothing. 7 No, we Declare Yahuah’s Wisdom, a Mystery that has
been hidden (in the Heavenly Scroll) and that
Yahuah Destined for our Glory before time began (writing
it in the stars on day 4 of creation). 8 None of the rulers of this age
understood it (because it was corrupted by the
watchers, Enoch 9:6)
Galatians 3
You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched
you (obviously, they were denying the Prophets who Spoke
of Yahusha)? Before your very eyes (in The
Heavenly Scroll) Yahusha the Messiah was clearly portrayed as crucified
(as a Witness to all mankind, Psalms 19)
…7 Understand then (what is foretold in the stars),
that those who have Faith are children of Abraham. 8 Scripture (the Word written in the heavens, Psalm 119:89)
foresaw that Yahuah would Justify the Gentiles by Faith, and Yahuah announced
the Gospel in advance to Abraham (via The Heavenly
Scroll, Genesis 15:5; saying): “All nations will be
blessed through you.”
Romans 10:17
Consequently, Faith comes from hearing the
message, and the message is heard through the Word about the Messiah (what "Word" about Yahusha?). 18 But I ask:
Did they not hear? Of course they did: “Their voice (constellations)
has gone out into all the Earth, their Words (concerning
Yahusha) to the ends of the world.” (Sha’ul
quotes Psalms 19)
John confirms that Yahusha is ‘portrayed’ as a Lamb that was
slain in The Heavenly Scroll in Revelation. We see John literally Witness, in a
vision, The Heavenly Scroll and given revelation as to what it says.

Revelation Chapter 5
And I saw in the right hand of Him Who sat on
The Throne, a (Heavenly) Scroll written inside
and on the back (Scroll made up of 3D Heavenly “signs”/pictographs),
sealed with seven seals (7 classical planet). 2
And I saw a mighty Malak/Angel Proclaiming with a loud voice: Who is worthy to
open the (Heavenly) Scroll, and to release its
seals? 3 And no one in heaven, nor in Earth, neither under the Earth was able
to open the (Heavenly) Scroll, neither to look
at it. 4 And I wept bitterly, because no one was found worthy to open and to
read the (Heavenly) Scroll, neither to look
upon it. 5 But one of the elders said to me: Do not weep! Behold (in the Heavenly Scroll, the pictograph of Leo, the last sign
in the Plan of Salvation written in the stars), the Lion of the Tribe of
Yahdah (Leo the Lion, associated with the Tribe of Judah), the
Root of David, has overcome (the Dragon, Draco…
the meaning behind the constellation Leo) to open the (Heavenly) Scroll and to release its seven seals (7 stars of Pleiades).
6 And I looked (into the stars), and behold (in The Heavenly Scroll), in the midst of The Throne
and the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been
slain, having complete Power and complete Knowledge and
Understanding, which signify and represent the ‘COMPLETE’ Plan of Yahuah
(the 7 Spirits/7 stars of Pleiades) sent forth into all the Earth. 7 And he
came and took the Scroll out of the right hand of Him Who sat upon The Throne.
8 And when he had taken the (Heavenly) Scroll,
the four living creatures and twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb,
each one of them having a harp (constellation Lyra),
and golden bowls full of incense (constellation Crater),
which are the prayers of the saints. 9 And they sang a new song, saying: You
are worthy to take the (Heavenly) Scroll, and
to open its seals (Meaning of the pictograph Aries);
for you were slain (meaning of the pictograph Libra),
and have redeemed us to Yahuah by your Blood out of every tribe, and language,
and people, and nation (meaning of the pictograph of Pisces);
10 And have made us Kings and Priests to our Father (meaning
of the pictograph of Cancer); and we will reign upon the
Earth (meaning of the pictograph of Leo);.
11 And I looked, and I heard the voice of many Malakim/Angels (he was looking at the stars) surrounding The Throne,
and the (4 living) creatures, and the (24) elders; and the number of them (the stars in the sky which represent Malakim/Angels)
was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, 12 Saying with
a loud voice: Worthy is
the Lamb who was slain (in The Heavenly
Scroll) to receive Power, and Riches, and Wisdom, and Strength, and
Honor, and Glory, and Blessing! 13 And every creature which is in heaven, and
on the Earth, and under the Earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are
in them, I heard saying: Blessing, and Honor, and Glory, and Power belongs to
Him Who sits on The Throne (of Creation, Yahuah),
and to the Lamb (who sites on Yahuah’s Right Hand),
forever and ever! 14 And the four living creatures said: HalleluYahuah! And the
twenty-four elders fell down and worshipped Him Who lives forever and ever.
We are taught that this is proof that he pre-existed. We do not
realize the context of each one of these verses (that refer to Yahusha as ‘a
Lamb that would be slaughtered’) is speaking of The Heavenly Scroll where
Yahuah gave Glory to the coming King in The Heavenly Scroll at Creation!
Isaiah 46
9 "Remember the former things long
past (written in the stars at Creation), For I
am Yahuah, and there is no other; I am Yahuah, and there is no one like Me, 10
Declaring the End from the Beginning (written in the
stars at Creation), And from Ancient times (before
the world was, John 17:5 and Ephesians 1:4 and 1
Peter 1:20) things which have not been done, Saying, My Purpose
(to send a human mediating High Priest and King)
will be established, And I will accomplish all My Good Pleasure (the Plan of Salvation written in the stars)';
11Calling a bird of prey from the east, The man (not
demi-god) of My Purpose (the one spoken of in
The Heavenly Scroll) from a far country (out of
Egypt, Matthew 2:15 and Hosea 1:1). Truly I
have Spoken; truly I will bring it to pass. I have Planned it (The Plan of Salvation from Creation), surely I Will
do it (and that ‘Debar’ or Predestined Plan written in
the stars became “flesh” and Fulfilled when Yahusha was born, John
Chapter 1)
Psalm 19
2 The heavens (the place in the sky where the stars
are located i.e. Zodiac) are telling of the Glory of Yahuah (the Glory of Yahuah is Yahusha! 2 Corinthians 4:6);
And their expanse is Declaring the Work of His hands. 2 Day to day (The Heavenly Scroll) pours forth speech, And night to
night reveals Knowledge. 3 There is no speech, nor are there words; Their (signs of the Zodiac/Constellations) voice is not
heard. 4 Their line (Zodiac means line or path of the
sun) has gone out through (and seen by)
all the Earth, And their (signs of the Zodiac)
utterances to the end of the world. In them (the
constellations) He has placed a tent for the sun (the Zodiac), 5 Which is as a Bridegroom (Yahusha) coming out of his chamber; It rejoices as a
strong man (Glorious Righteous Branch/human Messiah)
to run his course (of a Wedding, the Feast Cycle).
6 Its rising is from one end of the heavens (Zodiac),
And its circuit (Zodiac means, circuit or path or The
Way) to the other end of them; And there is nothing hidden from its
Let us refresh our memory as to what The Heavenly Scroll
VIRGO: A virgin will give birth to a beautiful Glorious and
Righteous Branch. The seed of the woman will be a man of humiliation to rise to
be the desire of nations and will become exalted first as Shepherd then as Harvester.
LIBRA: The scales demand a price to be paid of this seed, a stake/cross
to endure; the victim will be slain and purchase a Crown. SCORPIO: There
is a conflict between the seed and the serpent leading to a struggle with the
enemy, the enemy is vanquished. SAGITTARIUS: The double-natured seed
(servant/king) triumphs as a warrior and pleases the heavens, builds fires of
punishment, casts down the dragon. CAPRICORNUS: Eternal Life comes from his
death, he's the Arrow of Yahuah, he is pierced, yet springs up again in
abundant life. AQUARIUS: He pours out “Living Water” from on high,
humanity drinks of the heavenly river and the Faithful live again, he is the Deliverer
of the good news (Gospel), Carrying The Way by example over the Earth. PISCES:
The Redeemer's people multiplied, supported and led by the Lamb, The Bride is exposed
on Earth, the Bridegroom is exalted. ARIES: The Lamb is found Worthy,
the Bride is made ready, Satan is bound, the strong man triumphs. TAURUS:
The conquering Ruler comes, the sublime vanquisher, to execute the great
judgment, he is the ruling Shepherd King. GEMINI: The Marriage of the
Lamb, the enemy is trodden down, the Prince comes in great Glory. CANCER:
The great Bride, the two Houses of Judah and Israel are united, they are
brought safely into the Kingdom. LEO: The Lion King is aroused for
rending, the Serpent flees, the Bowl of Wrath is upon him, his Carcass is
devoured. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah Rules as King.
As I have demonstrated in this book, Yahusha is the
Fulfillment of the Plan of Salvation written in The Heavenly Scroll “in the
flesh” when he was born. That is the proper translation of John Chapter 1.
Yahusha was given Glory by Yahuah as the Passover Lamb and King of Kings in the
stars at Creation. Yahusha did not pre-exist, he was created in his mother’s
womb as I will prove later.
But how, exactly, is Yahusha portrayed in The Heavenly
Scroll as a Lamb that was slain? What is it that all the Prophets “saw” when
they looked into the “heavens”? I have been studying The Heavenly Scroll for
years, and even written one of the most eye opening books restoring the Witness
in Creation of Yahuah that Yahusha is the Messiah. I highly recommend everyone
read my book, Creation Cries Out! The Mazzaroth.
To understand how Yahusha is seen as a Lamb slain, we must
understand how to read The Heavenly Scroll as the Prophets of old. The Heavenly
Scroll portrays the Plan of Salvation counter clockwise beginning with Virgo ending
with Leo. The Plan for Mankind (a 7,000-year plan) is foretold going
clockwise beginning at the cusp of Gemini and Taurus. We see the Seraphim
sitting just over that cusp, holding The Heavenly Scroll. The Plan for Mankind
ends with the next Seraphim sitting over the Age of Aquarius.

Yahusha was foretold to come on the cusp of Aries and Pisces
by drawing a direct line across from Virgo in the Plan of Salvation to the
other side where the timeframe is laid out.

Each age is 2,000 years, so Yahusha was seen in The Heavenly
Scroll as coming in the 4,000th year when the Sign of the Son of Man
was in the sky marking the transition of the ages. Mankind has used these signs
in the sky to mark the age in which they lived. The bull was worshipped in
Egypt during the Age of Taurus (that is why the Israelites coming out of
Egypt made a Golden Calf). The Ram (Aries) was the substitute for
Isaac, then the Passover Lamb annual sacrifice marked the entire age of Aries.
Yahusha’s disciples used the fish as a symbol during Pisces, and so forth.

As each age ended, the ‘mascot’ was said to have died out,
and there was a birth of a new age and new mascot. This is why the Golden Calf
was such a mistake, not that Yahuah didn’t know what they were doing attempting
to Glorify Him by exalting the Age of Taurus, but because they demonstrated a
total lack of Knowledge of The Heavenly Scroll in doing so. They had been in
The Age of Aries since Abraham/Isaac ushered in a new age, but the Israelites
had lost contact with Yahuah’s Plan of Salvation while in Egyptian captivity
and they proved they did not know Yahuah by building a “bull”, instead of a
Passover Lamb, so Yahuah re-instituted the Knowledge of His Scroll and set for
the Command to keep Passover with a “Lamb that would be slaughtered” to
illustrate the message in The Heavenly Scroll (not a bull).
As the Scroll reads, Yahusha must die and his death results
in Eternal Life. Yahusha dies marking the end of The Mosaic Covenant and the
Passover Lamb sacrifices, depicted in the Scroll as “Aries/Lamb” dying (the
age expires).
So, we see in The Heavenly Scroll, the birth of the King and
the Spring Feasts, and the death of Aries (the Lamb). Described by the
Prophets as “a Lamb that is slain” as Yahusha’s death ushered in the Age of
Pisces. On the following page I show how Yahusha was “portrayed as crucified”
and “a Lamb that was slaughtered before the foundation of the world”.

Many today accuse Yahusha of being a False Prophet because,
they claim, he prophesied that he would return in his own lifetime. He did not
return so therefore he is a False Prophet and not the Messiah the accusation
goes. The prophecy in question is:
Matthew 16:28
"Truly I tell you, some who are standing
here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his
How do we understand this? Is Yahusha a False Prophet or did
this prophecy come true making Yahuah as True Prophet? Could it be that Yahuah
has turned us over to a depraved mind for denying and twisting The Heavenly
Scroll (Romans 1) so that we are now helplessly lost in our own
ignorance and deception?
Romans 1
18 The wrath of Yahuah is being revealed
from (the) heaven(ly
scroll... Shamayim/Mazzaroth) against all the godlessness and wickedness
of people, who suppress the truth (of its message)
by their wickedness (turning The Heavenly Scroll into
witchcraft Galatians 3:6-8 and worship the signs of the Zodiac, Sun,
Moon, and stars), 19 since what may be known about Yahuah (the Plan of Salvation) is plain to them (proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll day after day, night
after night Psalms 19), because Yahuah has made it plain to them (by authoring the life of Yahusha into the fabric of Creation
on Day 4 this message goes out unto all the Earth Psalms 19, given to all
mankind Deuteronomy 3:19). 20 For since the creation of
the world (day 4 of Creation when Yahuah created the
sun, moon, and stars) Yahuah’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and
divine nature—have been clearly seen (written in the
stars at creation Enoch 35:3 in The Zodiac), being
understood from what has been made (in heaven),
so that people are without excuse (for denying Yahusha).
21 For although they knew Yahuah (is The Creator),
they neither glorified Him as Elohim nor gave thanks to Him (for the Plan of Salvation written in the stars), but
their thinking became futile (twisting the Zodiac and
signs into 'gods' and witchcraft) and their
foolish hearts were darkened (to worship the
creation over The Creator). 22 Although they claimed to be wise (through religion, tradition, philosophy and mythology),
they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal Elohim (the Glory of Yahuah is Yahusha 2 Corinthians 4:6!
So they exchanged Yahusha) for images made to look like a mortal
human being (incarnated demi-gods) and birds
and animals and reptiles (the signs of The Zodiac).
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it
worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God (that He is
IMMMORTAL and INVISIBLE and SPIRIT found written in the stars Enoch 35:3),
so Yahuah gave them over to a depraved mind (they do
not understand the Scriptures OR The Heavenly Scroll), so that they do
what ought not to be done (blaspheme the Holy Spirit
which declares Yahuah is immortal invisible Spirit NOT a mortal man who died
and worship the Sun).”
This is where we are today. We have denied The Heavenly
Scroll all together and come against its message saying it is witchcraft! With
that knowledge, let us see what Yahusha prophesied exactly!
What was Yahusha prophesying; his return or the revelation
of The Heavenly Scroll? We see Yahusha say “see the Son of Man coming in his
Kingdom” and we immediately assume this is speaking of The Second Coming! This
is because we have turned our backs on The Heavenly Scroll and do not recognize
or understands these Scriptures.
"See the Son of Man coming in his kingdom"
is an idiom for The Heavenly Scroll where Orion (the Son of Man)
is coming on the clouds of heaven (Milky Way) in The Heavenly

Here again, we are met with very poor translation outside of
the context of The Heavenly Scroll.... and our blindness because we have denied
The Original Revelation and do not understand The Mystery Language the Bible is
written in.
Yahusha was making a reference to The Heavenly Scroll and
telling his disciples that Yahuah would confirm to them that he was the ‘Conquering
King to come’ by revealing to them The Heavenly Scroll. The constellation Orion
means "the coming of the Branch" as a Conquering King. Yahusha was
not saying they would live to see his literal return, in fact, Yahusha told
them that would not happen until the end of The Age of Pisces on the cusp of
Matthew 28
…19 Therefore go and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And
surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age (ages are 2,000 years! He knew the Plan of Salvation as it is
written in The Heavenly Scroll).”
Yahusha was telling his disciples that some of them would
receive the revelation contained in The Heavenly Scroll where he is pictured by
Orion coming as Conquering King on the “clouds of heaven”.
We see this come true when Stephen was stoned, he was the
first one to understand the witness of the Messiah as the "heavens opened
up" and Steven saw Yahusha "coming in the clouds of heaven" in a
vision (read The Heavenly Scroll properly)... so just like Yahusha said
"before you die, you will know him as the coming Conquering King" as
Stephen was given that witness as he was being stoned to death just before he
Acts 7
55 But Stephen was filled with the Holy Ruach
(Yahuah breathed on Stephen). He looked toward
(the) heaven(ly Scroll),
where he saw our glorious Elohim and Yahusha standing at his right side (in The Heavenly Scroll). 56 Then Stephen said, “I see
the heaven(ly scroll) open (like a Scroll Revelation 6:14 and Hebrews
1:12) and the Son of Man (Orion)
standing at the right side of Yahuah (coming in the
clouds of heaven the Milky Way)!”
Then later, all the rest of his disciples received the
revelation of Yahusha in the stars, as Orion riding on the clouds of heaven as
King... the clouds of heaven is the Milky Way... The Heavenly Scroll is the
confirming witness of Yahuah that Yahusha is the coming King (Leo)
the Lion of the Tribe of Judah...
Then Sha'ul had the same vision as he was "taken to the
third heaven"! Sha’ul deflects the attention away from himself with the age-old
technique “I have a friend who” because he doesn’t want to boast. He then goes
on to say he was taken to the third heaven which is a metaphor for “shown
advanced revelations of The Heavenly Scroll”. The number 3 in The Mystery
Language means:
“Three, therefore, stands for that which is solid,
real, substantial, complete, and entire.”… Numbers in Scripture by E.W,
Sha’ul, below, is saying that Yahuah had given him visions
of what is contained in The Heavenly Scroll that were “solid, real,
substantial, complete, the ENTIRE revelation”.
2 Corinthians 12
1 I must go on boasting. Although there is
nothing to be gained, I will go on to visions and revelations from Yahuah (he did not literally go to a place called the third level of
heaven, he saw VISIONS and REVELATIONS). 2 I know a man in covenant with
Yahusha (he is speaking of himself in third person)
who fourteen years ago (when Sha’ul was nearly stoned
to death, like Stephen he too saw the Heavenly Scroll open up) was
caught up to the third heaven (was given
‘solid, real, substantial, complete’ understanding of The Heavenly Scroll).
Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know— Yahuah knows (Sha’ul was unconscious from being stoned half to death). 3
And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not
know, but God knows— 4 was caught up to paradise (shown
The Heavenly Scroll like Daniel, Ezekiel, John, Enoch who were all ‘taken to
heaven’ in the same way?) and heard inexpressible things, things that no
one is permitted to tell (they are secrets preserved
in The Heavenly Scroll Enoch 9:6). 5 I will boast about a man like that,
but I will not boast about myself, except about my weaknesses. 6 Even if I
should choose to boast, I would not be a fool, because I would be speaking the
truth. But I refrain, so no one will think more of me than is warranted by what
I do or say, 7 or because of these surpassingly great revelations (he was shown Yahusha coming as King of Heaven in The
Heavenly Scroll).
And so did John in the book of Revelation as he witnessed
and literally described The Heavenly Scroll and its meaning, he described and identified
Orion as the "coming of the Branch" riding on the clouds of Heaven...
12 And I turned to see (in The Heavenly Scroll)
the voice that spoke with me (Yahuah had spoken,
identified Himself as Aleph/Tav, the Father). And having turned (he didn’t see Yahuah), I saw (in The Heavenly Scroll) a golden seven lamp lampstand (7 classical planets also seen as the seals over The Heavenly
Scroll); 13 And in the midst of the seven lamp lampstand (in The Heavenly Scroll / stars) One like the Son of
Man (constellation Orion represents the Son of Man in
the Heavenly Scroll), clothed with a garment (of
the High Priest) down to the feet (tallit -
Psalms 110:3) with a girdle of gold about His chest (chest plate of the High Priest Zachariah Chapter 3, Yahusha
was consecrated High Priest by Yahuah and adorned the garments of the High
Priest). 14 The hair of His head was white like wool (John begins describing the constellation Orion), as
white as snow; and His eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And His feet glowed
like bronze which had been fired in a furnace; and His voice sounded like many
(Living) waters (reference
to the Water Bearer of Aquarius). 16 And in His (Orion’s) right hand He had seven stars (constellation Pleiades); and out of His mouth went a
sharp, two-edged sword (the sword of Orion, a metaphor
of the Word of Yahuah); and His face was like the sun (the sun is a metaphor of the Messiah see Psalms 19)
shining in its strength. 17 And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as though
dead (literally “scared to death” so to speak).
Daniel 7
11 I beheld (The
Heavenly Scroll), then, because of the voice of the great words which
‘the horn’ (Strong’s H7162 - should be ‘Shofar’,
Yahuah’s voice sounds like a loud Shofar blast Hebrews 12:19, do not confuse
this with the other ‘horns’ in Daniel, this one is a musical instrument, the
Shofar) spoke; I beheld (what is written in The Heavenly Scroll) until
the beast was slain and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame (message behind the pictographs of Sagittarius). 12 As
concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their governments taken away; yet
their lives were prolonged for a season and time (message
behind the pictograph of Taurus). 13 I saw in the night (sky) visions (of The
Heavenly Scroll, like I said he was laying down at night looking at the stars),
and behold (the constellation Orion), One like
the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven (the
Milky Way).
Click on the link below for more on this topic from my book The
Wedding Invitation:
The star names that tell the story of Orion the light
Star name: Betelgeuse = The coming of the branch.
Star name Rigol = the foot that crushes the serpent.
Star name Al Nitak = the wounded one (wounded by the serpent).
Story behind the pictograph of Orion:
“as the coming prince, the
light, the one who holds the double-edged sword in his hand, he is the coming
of The Branch, the one wounded by the serpent, the foot that crushes the head
of the serpent.”
This is why Yahusha references the son of man, Orion, 87
times! He was telling us clearly, that he is the fulfillment of that original
revelation and prophecy written in the stars. He is "the coming of the
branch". This is why the prophets called him "the Branch", each
and every prophet read The Heavenly Scroll and understood the meaning of the
Heavenly Pictograph of Orion. This is why he is called Yahusha the Nazarene
(Branch)! Click on the link below for more on this topic from my book
The Wedding Invitation:
ORION - The Son of Man
Coming in the Clouds of Heaven
Now to our original question: “Is Yahusha a False Prophets
or did his prophecy come true?” I leave it to you to decide.