Today, Christianity has
committed the Transgression of Desolation and abolished The Torah; and with it
Yahuah’ instruction on what is and what is not “food”. One thing to keep in
mind, is that Sha’ul was a Torah observant Rabbi, and things such as pork were
not “food”. Any reference to “food” by Sha’ul, in context, is not referring
to pork, because pork is not food any more than dirt is food. So, to assume
Sha’ul is saying pork is OK to eat is taking his writings out of context of The
Torah, and what Sha’ul believed as a Pharisee.
However, still we need to put
Sha’ul’s writings into context of what Sha’ul was addressing. Let us take a
look at one passage where it seems Sha’ul is teaching “all foods are clean”
keeping in mind he did not consider pork food to begin with, so below he is NOT
talking about pork. Below I will clarify the modern translations with my
comments in () then I will explain my comments.
1 Timothy 4
The Spirit clearly says that
in later times some will abandon the Faith (taught
in His Torah) and follow deceiving spirits and things taught
by demons. 2 Such teachings
come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a
hot iron.
Note: Sha’ul is identifying men who are misled by deceiving
spirits, not The Spirit of Holiness which teach us to keep His Commandments and
obey His Laws, Ezekiel 36:25,26.
3 They (false teachers) forbid people to marry and order them
to (severely) abstain from certain foods
(Sha’ul is addressing the pagan system of asceticism),
definition ‘asceticism’
self-discipline and avoidance of all forms of indulgence, typically for religious
Asceticism (/əˈsɛtɪsɪzᵊm/;
from the Greek: ἄσκησις áskēsis, "exercise" or
"training") describes a lifestyle characterized by abstinence from
worldly pleasures, often for the purpose of pursuing spiritual goals. Many religious
traditions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism advocate restraint with respect to actions of body,
speech, and mind.
which Yahuah created to be received
with thanksgiving (food is not to be used for the
purpose of Asceticism) by those who believe and who know the truth. 4 For everything Yahuah created (marriage and food) is good, and nothing (defined as food in The Torah) is to be rejected (Asceticism) if it is received with thanksgiving,
5 because it is consecrated by the word of Yahuah
and prayer (not by Asceticism, the EXTREME denial of the physical body). 6 If you point these things out to the brothers
and sisters (and correct them from practicing Asceticism), you will be
a good minister of Yahusha the Messiah, nourished on the truths of the Faith
and of the good teaching that you have followed. 7 Have
nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales (of Asceticism
which is extreme denial of your physical body from things Yahuah approves); rather, train yourself (Spiritually through the Word of Yahuah and prayer)
to be godly (as defined in The Torah).
8 For physical training (Asceticism) is of some value (on occasions such as fasting), but godliness (The Torah and prayer) has value for all things,
holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.
Below is how the Complete
Jewish Bible reads:
1 Timothy 4
1 The Spirit expressly states that in the acharit-hayamim
some people will apostatize from the Faith by paying attention to deceiving
spirits and things taught by demons.
2 Such teachings come from the hypocrisy of liars whose
own consciences have been burned, as if with a red-hot branding iron. 3 They
forbid marriage (celibate priests are an
abomination) and require abstinence from
foods (there is no command to fast from food,
that is a tradition) which God created
to be eaten with thanksgiving by those who have come to trust and to know the
truth. 4 For everything created by God (as
food defined in His Dietary Law, and pork is not food, it is poison) is good, and nothing received with thanksgiving needs
to be rejected, 5 because the word of God and prayer make it Holy. 6 If you
present all this to the brothers, you will be serving the Messiah Yahusha well;
it will show that you have digested the words of the Faith and of the good
teaching which you have followed. 7 But refuse godless bubbe-meises, and
exercise yourself in godliness. 8 For although physical exercise does have some
value, godliness is valuable for everything, since it holds Promise both for
the present life and for the life to come.
What Sha’ul is saying is
this: The heretics' false teaching (the myths and wives' tales)
supported a system of asceticism (the abstinence from certain foods and
disparagement of marriage, 4:3). Godliness for them apparently had mainly
to do with knowledge of "Spiritual" things. The body, they held,
could be controlled by rigorous self-denial (physical training, 4:8). But
genuine godliness is the life of Faith strengthened by training in the
Word of God (4:7)--that is, a lifestyle lived in obedience to the good
In Romans 14, Sha’ul is addressing Liberty not “physical
food”. He uses food as a metaphor for maturity and immaturity teaching by the
concept behind the letter of The Law and the ‘intent’ behind it. The Apostle Sha’ul
addresses liberty in several of his letters. Let’s look first at Romans 14, where Sha’ul defines what has
come to be called “The Law of Liberty”, although that is a man-made term, there
is no such “Law” in The Law of Yahuah, but rather it is a concept of truth in
the process of sanctification.
Romans 14 - The Law of
14 Receive one who is weak in the Faith, but
not if he wants to argue and create disputes. 2 For one believes he
may eat all Lawful things (defined in The Torah),
but he who is weak eats only vegetables (abstains
from meat in general a vegetarian). 3 Let not him who
eats (meat) despise him who does not
eat, and let not him who does not eat judge him who eats; for Yahuah has
received him. 4 Who are you to self-righteously judge another’s
servant? To his own master he stands or falls (by
Torah standards not your own moral code). Indeed, he will be made to
stand, for Yahuah is able to make him stand (as Yahuah
gives him the Spirit of loving obedience to His Law)
5 One person esteems one (Feast) day as better than another (some believe Yom Kippur is THE most Holy of all Holy Days),
while another esteems all (Feast) days alike.
Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind (and
not doubt his position because doubt is sin). 6 The one who
observes the day (of Atonement as the MOST Holy Day),
observes it in honor of Yahuah. The one who eats (on
the Day of Atonement), eats in honor of Yahuah, since he gives thanks to
Yahuah (in keeping the Day of Atonement), while
the one who abstains (fasts on The Day of Atonement),
abstains in honor of Yahuah and gives thanks to Yahuah. 7 For
none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself. 8 For if we
live, we live to Yahuah; and if we die, we die to Yahuah. Therefore, whether we
live or die, we are Yahuah’s purchased possession. 9 For to this end
(to purchase our Salvation from death) Yahusha
died and rose and lived again (to prove The Way is the
True Way that leads to Eternal Life, the Way, the Truth, and the Life),
that Yahusha might be King of both the dead and the living. 10 But
why do you judge your brother unrighteously? Or why do you show self-righteous
contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of
the Messiah. 11 For it is written:
“As I live, says Yahuah, Every knee
shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to Yahuah.”
12 So then each of us shall give
account of himself to Yahuah (we work out own Salvation
with fear and trembling). 13 Therefore let us not self-righteously
judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling
block in our brother’s way and cause him to stumble.
14 I know and am convinced by
the Messiah Yahusha that there is nothing common of itself (physically); but to him who considers (Spiritual Intent) anything to be common (physically), to him it is common. 15 Yet
if your brother is grieved because of your liberty (because he is accustomed to vegetables only or immature in
the meat of the Word of Yahuah), you are no longer walking in love. Do
not destroy with your liberty as a mature son the one for whom Yahusha died
(with that Liberty comes responsibility to the less
mature). 16 Therefore do not let your good (works you have liberty to do) be spoken of as evil (because you do them in the sight of an immature child who
then slanders you self-righteously, because to the less mature what you have
liberty to do is sin to them); 17 for The Kingdom of
Yahuah is not eating and drinking (physical acts),
but Righteousness and peace and joy in the Spirit of Holiness (Spiritual Intent). 18 For he who serves
Yahusha in these things (keeping in mind your
brother’s maturity level in love and be extremely careful with your individual
Liberty) is acceptable to Yahuah (because
he gave you that Liberty) and approved by men (because you did not exercise it in front of the Spiritually
19 Therefore let us pursue the
things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify
another (exercise your Liberty sparingly). 20
Do not destroy the work of Yahuah for the sake of exercising your
liberty. All Lawful things indeed are pure, but it is not profitable
to exercise your liberty if it causes the less mature to stumble (as they do not have such Liberty). 21 It
is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which
your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak. 22 Do you have
Faith (and have been given more Liberty)?
That liberty is between you and Yahuah. Happy is he who
does not condemn himself (be strong in your Liberty
don’t doubt it) in what Yahuah has approved and given you liberty to do.
23 But he who doubts his liberty is condemned when he takes
such liberty, because he does not take the liberty in Faith; for
whatever is not from Faith is sin (Liberty can
become a license to sin, that is why it is given ONLY to the most mature).
As with all things physical... "eating" has a
Spiritual Truth associated with it. If we are going to be Righteous Judges,
this physical to Spiritual Parallel must be firmly established. If we do not,
we will become self-righteous in our judgment and condemn others in our
ignorance of His Word! I am going to build to a MAJOR Scriptural Truth that
will probably shock everyone, and overcome a very serious abuse of The Torah in
the process...
We see all the prophets (John, David, Ezekiel, Jeremiah
etc.) were commanded to "Eat the Heavenly Scroll":
Ezekiel 3:3
Then he said to me, "Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill
your stomach with it." So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my
Jeremiah 15:16
Your words were found, and I ate them, and
your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by
your name, O Yahuah, God of hosts.
Revelation 10:9-10
So I went to the angel and told him to give
me the little scroll. And he said to me, “Take and eat it; it will make your
stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.”
Psalm 119:101-103
How sweet are your words (preserved in The Heavenly Scroll Psalms 119:89)
to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Job 23:12
I have not departed from the commandment of
his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my portion of food.
Psalm 19:10
More to be desired are they than gold, even
much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.
We see Yahusha instruct us to "eat his flesh and drink
his blood"
John 6
55 For My flesh is real food, and My blood is real drink. 56 Whoever eats My
flesh and drinks My blood remains in Me, and I in him. 57 Just as the living
Father sent Me (in fulfillment of The Heavenly Scroll Matthew
6:10) and I live because of the Father, so also the one who
feeds on Me will live because of Me.
What is going on here? How do we Spiritually Appraise this
physical shadow of “eating” and properly employ The Mystery Language? In this
section, I am going to help us understand "eating pork” and why it appears
in Scripture to be so devastating to your life that Yahuah declares you will
utterly perish!
Isaiah 66:17
…16 For Yahuah will execute judgment by fire
And by His sword on all flesh, And those slain by Yahuah will be many. 17"
Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go to the gardens, Following one in
the center, Who eat swine's flesh, detestable things and mice,
Will come to an end altogether," declares Yahuah.
One of the most grievous sins unto Yahuah is to abuse His
Torah and self-righteously condemn others by the letter of the Law as I have
shown so far in this book. One of the most damaging examples of this are what I
call “Torah Nazis”; those who abuse the Scriptures and the Dietary Laws
casting condemnation on others out of their own ignorance. These Torah Nazis go
about with the Torah in hand ready to "beat the daylights out of any and
every one "by the letter"... while they themselves are
lost in the "Milk" of the Word (the Letter), always
"learning but never coming to the knowledge of the Truth" which is
found in the Meat of the Word (Intent).

2 Timothy 3
1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will
be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient
to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving (in Judgment), slanderous (judging
others by the Letter not Intent), without self-control, brutal,
not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure
rather than lovers of Yahuah— 5 having a form of godliness (religiously obeying the Letter) but denying its power
(the INTENT). Have nothing to do with
such people. 6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain
control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins (that is why the self-righteously judge everyone around them,
they are GUILTY themselves) and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires,
7 always learning (to do this or that “by the Letter”)
but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth (of
the Intent of the Law).
Eating is a metaphor for "what you accept as truth,
what you put your faith in, what you believe, etc." Eating “food” is a
physical to Spiritual Parallel of digesting the Truth, or accepting a lie. Sha'ul
the Apostle used "eating" as a metaphor in this way as I have
shown in this book, the prophets used it in this way, and Yahusha did as
We don't literally "eat" The Heavenly Scroll or
Earthly Scrolls, Yahusha was not literally saying we are to slice him up
barbecue his remains and eat him. He was speaking in The Mystery Language that
he was The Lamb and later at the Last Supper/Chagigah Meal, on the Eve of
Passover, he further elaborated on this, telling us that we are to keep
Passover and eat the Lamb in honor and remembrance of his sacrifice. We are to
accept Yahusha as the Messiah and put our faith in his sacrifice to cover our
sin as the blood of the Lamb. In other words, we are to "eat his flesh and
drink his blood”. In this way, "Lamb" is singled out among all
animals as a shadow of the true sacrifice. We are to "eat lambs
flesh" metaphorically speaking (and literally on Passover) to demonstrate
we are in covenant with Yahuah through Yahusha’s blood.
So, what about "eating swine flesh"? Is
Yahuah so petty that He is going to literally destroy everyone who has bacon
bits on their house salad?!?!?!
NO! That is a classic example of immaturity trying to
understand The Law by the letter when it is appraised Spiritually.
1 Corinthians 2
14 The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the
Spirit of Yahuah (understanding of Intent) but
considers them (the Intent of the Law)
foolishness (because they think Righteousness is based
on obedience to the Letter), and cannot understand them (the Intent of His Law) because they (the Intent of the Law) are spiritually appraised
"instructions" from a loving Father on how to eat healthy. The
penalty for breaking the Dietary Laws is NOT that Yahuah is going to kick you
out of His Kingdom... the penalty is bad health. Eating pork,
shellfish, etc. is simply not a good choice if you want to "live a long
life" as Yahuah has Instructed (Torah).
The "intent" of the Dietary Laws/Instructions is that we should not
just consume everything that taste good and watch what we eat and take care of
our physical bodies as they are His Temple. It only BEGINS with the Dietary
Laws as most of what we eat today we literally manufacture. We were supposed to
be mature and understand the intent behind what Yahuah was telling us.
I have to just shake my head when I see these Torah Nazis
out judging everyone by the letter, miss-teaching the Dietary Instructions
taking them extremely literal while denying their Intent. I look at their
photos and they are grossly overweight... addicted to coffee, soft drinks,
prescription pills, and probably consume every processed food they can get
their hands on... yet they "throw the book" at someone for eating a
piece of bacon on their cheeseburger.
So then... why does the Scriptures single out "swine
flesh" and seemingly say if you eat it you are going to "hell and
don't pass Go"? What is the REAL Truth of this matter... I am going to
help us all understand this and tie it all together with "eating" as
a metaphor and "The Lamb" as the proper sacrifice; and show us all
why if you eat "swine flesh" you cannot enter His Kingdom.
Scripture is not understood in isolation, it MUST be
understood in "context" as follows as I have laid out in this book:
Historical Context
Textual Context (kept in context not sound bitten)
Scriptural Context (kept in context of the Torah/Prophets and
Heavenly Scroll)
Spiritual Context (all Truth is revealed through physical to
Spiritual Parallels)
Today Scripture is misunderstood because it is taken out
of context. We sound bit verses and even sentences within a verse totally
out of context of what the Scriptures are saying. This is the case with eating
swine flesh. We fail to put that into context of HISTORY dating back to Babylon
where the false sacrifice was established as The Ishtar Pig or “eating swine
flesh” as a sacrifice.
The Bible is a story of two "Messiahs" and
two religions...
The False Messiah or "Beast/Pig of the Earth"
the True Messiah the Lamb of Yahuah.
The "Way of the Gentiles" is eating swine flesh AS
A SACRIFICE to their pagan demi-gods which are all fashioned after
Tammuz in Babylon as Mystery Babylon was spread across the Earth at the tower
of Babel. The False Messiah is the fulfillment of the corrupted Zodiac.
“The way of the gentiles” is a term used often in The Bible
and in every case it speaking of the religious practices of the pagan Gentiles
it is not referring to a physical path or destination. Below we see the same
phrase “the way of the Gentiles” referring to the religious practices or those
who display the religious practices of pagans. The phrase “Way of the Gentiles”
is translated in various translation to illustrate that it is an Idiom of “the
pagan ways of the Gentile Nations”:
Jeremiah 10:2
New International Version - This is
what the LORD says: "Do not learn the ways of the nations or be
terrified by signs in the heavens, though the nations are terrified by them.
NET Bible - The LORD says, "Do
not start following pagan religious practices. Do not be in awe of signs
that occur in the sky even though the nations hold them in awe.
GOD'S WORD® Translation - This is what the
LORD says: Don't learn the practices of the nations. Don't be frightened
by the signs in the sky because the nations are frightened by them.
Jubilee Bible 2000 - Thus hath the LORD said,
Do not learn the way of the Gentiles, and do not fear the signs of
heaven, even though the Gentiles fear them.
The Way of the Gentiles is eating swine flesh as a sacrifice
to demi-gods on the Spring Equinox… “Easer”.
The "Way of Israel" is eating lamb AS A SACRIFICE on
Passover to cover sin pointing to the role of the True Messiah who is the
fulfillment of The Heavenly Scroll.
It is in this context of history of two sacrifices that we
understand the prophets such as Isaiah condemning the practice of "eating
swine flesh" as a sacrifice. If you "eat" or "put your
faith in, believe, accept as true" the false sacrifice illustrated by
Easter (the Ishtar Pig) Yahuah will utterly destroy you as that is The
Way of the Gentiles and the blood of a Pig on the Altar desecrates
Yahuah's Altar, destroys the Temple (your body), and does not cover sin. This
is called “The Abominable Sacrifice that Destroys the Body Temple” or for short
The Abomination of Desolation. See my book The Antichrist Revealed! This is why
Antiochus sacrificed a pig on the Altar committing The Abomination of
Desolation... he was a sun worshipper and that was the sacrifice of the
Now getting back to "eating". Yahuah established
that we are to "eat" the sacrifices on Passover and The Day of
Atonement. It is a shadow or illustration that in The Yahushaic Covenant we are
to "eat the flesh and blood" of the Messiah, who is The Lamb of Yahuah.
We are to metaphorically “eat his flesh and drink his blood” or rather
"put our faith in, accept as true" that Yahusha is the fulfillment of
the Passover Lamb and his blood covers our sin.
The Gentiles ate their sacrifice too... for the same reason.
So, the prophets were condemning The Way of the Gentiles
when they spoke of eating the WRONG THINGS as SACRIFICES. Instead of Lamb and
Dove, they would sacrifice Pigs and Rats in keeping with the religion of
Mystery Babylon!
Isaiah 66:17
…16 For Yahuah will execute judgment by fire
And by His sword on all flesh, And those slain by Yahuah will be many. 17"
Those who sanctify and purify themselves (by offering
the WRONG sacrifices of Pigs and Rats) to go to the gardens, Following
one in the center (of the corrupted Zodiac),
Who eat swine's flesh (as a sacrifice to Tammuz called
Ishtar Day), detestable things and mice (instead
of clean things like Lambs and Doves as Yahuah commanded to be used as
sacrificial animals), Will come to an end altogether," declares
Yahuah (because those are the wrong sacrificial
animals and there is no forgiveness of sin in those sacrifices).
18"For I know their works (as they offer up
unclean sacrifices to a Holy Elohim) and their thoughts (their INTENT is to worship the false Messiah, the Earthly
Pig); the time is coming to gather all nations and tongues. And they
shall come and see My glory.…
Notice in Isaiah above, which is used to condemn all who eat
bacon with their eggs, that he is not talking about "eating
pork" in general or the Dietary Laws of good health, he is condemning
those who eat it as a sacrifice to "sanctify and purify" themselves!
He is condemning the FALSE SACRIFICE of the Gentiles (the Way of the Gentiles)
and all those who put their faith in the Ishtar Pig to "sanctify and
purify" themselves. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Dietary
Laws, we are speaking in parables and metaphor of the true vs false Messiah and
true vs false sacrifice. The False Sacrifice of Babylon (all pagan religions)
is EATING SWINE FLESH on Isthar Day as a sacrifice to purify and sanctify
themselves. The True Sacrifice of Yahuah is EATING LAMB on Passover to sanctify
and purify. It is within THAT context that "eating swine flesh" costs
you your eternal life. NOT having bacon bits on your salad.
It is the epidemy of hypocrisy to keep the Dietary Laws
"by the letter" as if that is where true righteousness is found.
While denying the "intent' of those same instructions by eating all kinds
of "junk" and justify that because it isn't listed in the Dietary
Law. Then set yourself up as other's judge and a "judge over the Law"
by condemning others for their diet. This judgmental Spirit has plagued the
body of believers all the way back 2000 years ago. We call these self-righteous
hypocrites “Pharisees”:
James 4
10 Humble yourselves before Yahuah (knowing you too have broken His Dietary Laws in your
lifetime), and He will exalt you (forgive you
for YOUR bad eating in the past). 11Brothers, do not slander one another
(by judging others by the letter condemning others for
their bad eating). Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him (by the Law) speaks against the Law and judges it. And
if you judge the Law, you are not a practitioner of the Law, but a judge
of it (because no one has the authority to judge
another's servant by the Law). 12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge,
the One who is able to save and destroy. But who are you to judge your
Romans 14
3 The one who eats everything must not belittle the one who does not, and the
one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does (because they are instructions for good health), for Yahuah
has accepted him (because they have NO bearing on
Eternal Life just on good health). 4 Who are you to judge someone else’s
servant (by the Dietary Laws)? To his own
master he stands or falls (by the Blood of the Lamb
NOT religiously following the Dietary Laws by the letter). And he will
stand, for Yahuah is able to make him stand (forgiving
our transgressions of the Dietary Instructions, there is NO condemnation).
This is exactly what Yahusha condemned in the Pharisees. A
religious judgmental Spirit. It is paramount to saying "hey
everybody, look at how Holy I am... I keep The Torah, see how perfect I am in
obeying the Dietary Laws!" Just like the Pharisees praying out
loud, over giving their alms and making it publicly known, or walking out
looking all pathetic so everyone knew they were fasting, and so forth.
WALK THE WALK, get in the gym, eat right all the way around
as THAT is what the Dietary Laws are telling us. And KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT in
judgement of others for "their diet". Hypocrites!
Matthew 23:33
33 (Yahusha said to the judgmental, self-righteous
hypocritical Pharisees) You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you
to escape being sentenced to hell?
Matthew 7
1 Do not judge, or you will be judged. 2 For
with the same judgment you pronounce, you will be judged; and with the measure
you use, it will be measured to you. 3 Why do you look at the speck in your
brother’s eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye?…
Liberty is a very real principle in The Kingdom. Liberty is
the privilege that Yahuah has retained whereby He trains His Children in love.
It is not a license to sin, it is “room to grow” as we progress in obedience
through a process called sanctification within a personal Father/Child
relationship with Yahuah.
I illustrated this concept with The Parable of the Stove. I
wanted to provide another parable to help us understand this concept more
as the head of my home and Father to my children, lay down instructions to my
children so that I can see to their growth and maturity. I have two children:
Yaakov and Suzie. Yaakov is the older son and desires nothing more than to
please me. Suzie, well, she is a little creative and likes to explore and
sometime pushes the boundaries. Yaakov in his zeal to please, watches every
move Suzie makes just waiting for her to “slip up” and ignore one of my
instructions. When she does, Yaakov is quick to come a running to me and can be
quite the “tattle tail”… “Daaaad… Suzie did “this or that” again!”.
of my “instructions” is “thou shalt not make marks on the walls!”
Suzie was 2 years old she had marked all over the walls with a non-erase
marker! Yaakov came running in “Daaad… Suzie just made marks all over her
walls!!!!” I went in and sure enough little Suzie, the future painter, had done
just that. She had broken my “instruction” not to mark on the walls. Yaakov had
her scared to death I was going to come in and “kill her” for it. I walked in,
saw precious little Suzie shaking in her skin. My heart went out to her because
I would NEVER “kill her” for ignoring one of my “instructions”. In fact, I gave
her a big hug and encouraged her creativity realizing at 2 years old she was
not mature enough to understand (or even remember) my “instruction” not to mark
on the walls. Yaakov couldn’t believe I didn’t “kill her on the spot” for being
disobedient to me. After all, HE never marked on the walls, HE was the “good
Suzie was 15 she was quite the rebellious teen. Pushing the envelope with her
creativity and at times willfully disregarding my “instructions”. One day
Yaakov came running “Daaaad… Suzie marked on the walls again!”. I went into her
room and she had saw fit to spray paint her boyfriend’s name right above her
bed lol! This time, realizing she “new better”, I was forced to discipline
Suzie and she was grounded for a month. Unlike when she was 2, she knew better
and showed willful disregard for my “instructions”. Yaakov was still furious I
didn’t “kill her on the spot”, after all HE was the good one and never ever
marked on his walls. The punishment simply was not good enough, he felt he knew
better how to raise little Suzie than her Dad and continuously condemned Suzie
as if HE were her Father.
Suzie was 25 living at home attending art school, Yaakov came running in again
“Daaaad… Suzie has marked on the walls AGAIN!” I went to see thinking… “what on
Earth has Suzie done. Surely I have raised her better than this. She is an
adult!” I went in her room, and Suzie had completed repainted the entire room a
beautiful powder blue and even painted an amazing mosaic of our family
demonstrating how much she loved her Father. I was so proud of her, I could
barely contain my tears. She knew my “instruction” not to mark on the wall, but
she had grown and matured and understood that my intent was not to deface the
walls. She had wanted to make her room more beautiful for me and cover up her
spray painting episode with a beautifully painted mosaic. Yaakov was beside
himself. He just couldn’t understand my pride in Suzie and why I didn’t just
“kill her on the spot” for what he saw as disobeying a very clear instruction
of mine. Now Yaakov resented Suzie because her room was more beautiful than his
room, yet she repeatedly “broke my Laws” regarding marking on the wall!
just “didn’t get it”. How could I love Suzie so much after she was "so
disobedient to my instructions". He failed to realize that my instructions
were only to help guide Suzie to become all I had hoped she could become.
just could not grasp, that my little Suzie was FAR MORE IMPORTANT to me than my
This parable is to illustrate the concept of
"Liberty" and that I never gave my son Yaakov "charge over his
sister" because he did not love her enough to extend Grace to her. Only a
Father loves a child with that kind of love.
We see in this parable that when my child was in a state of
immaturity not understanding my instructions, I extended to her
"Liberty" in light of the letter of my Law and accepted her even
though she had broken my "instruction".
We see then later as she was more mature and understood my
instruction and broke it, I withdrew my "Liberty" and she had to face
the consequences in her life for her disobedience. I did this so that she would
appreciate my instructions and come to see me as a Loving Father looking after
her as she matured to ensure she did not "go astray".
We see then, even later, she matured even more to the point
of Adult. Now I extended to her full Liberty because she now
"understood" my instructions and my "intent" behind them,
so she was given the right to do as she pleased because I trust that I have
succeeded in raising her properly.
The "instructions" were never the point, and her
obedience to them never had any impact on my love for her and accepting her as
my child. They were simply there to help guide her as I personally mentored her
as she grew from a child to an adult.
Yaakov never came to that point of maturity. He was
convinced that his obedience to my instruction dictated my love and acceptance
of him as my child. He later became bitter, judgmental, and self-righteous
toward others because "he was obedient" and felt that warranted my
love above my other children. I never truly trusted Yaakov because the
"intent of his heart" was not really loving obedience to me, it was a
selfish desire to be #1 and better than Suzie.
This is identical to how Yahuah trains His Children! And how
His "children" behave toward each other. Some love Yahuah and desire
to become all they can be to make Him proud and others do not care who they
"become inside" but demand they are "perfect" simply
because the obey His instructions, never realizing those instructions were
actually there to be broken, so that Yahuah can be involved in their life to
train them, discipline them, extend to them Liberty, and PROVE His love for
Daniel 12
…9 He said, "Go your way, Daniel, for
these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time. 10 "Many will
be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of
the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.
Daniel 11:35
Some of the wise will stumble, so that they
may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end.
Hebrews 12
…7 Endure suffering as discipline; Yahuah is
treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? 8 If you
do not experience discipline like everyone else, then you are illegitimate
children and not true sons. 9 Furthermore, we have all had earthly fathers who
disciplined us, and we respected them. Should we not much more submit to the
Father of our spirits and live?…
The Law (Instruction) are not (and have never been) what
makes us Righteous. They are "instruction in how to become Righteous"
as we are destined to break them and Yahuah trains us through discipline in a
process called sanctification. And ONLY those who "fall" are purified
and refined in that way.
The Self-Righteous like Yaakov who think "their
obedience" is what pleases Yahuah and makes them accepted in His sight...
do not know Yahuah as a "Father".... and are not His children.
The "Yaakovs" of the world just don't "get
it". They are exactly as Sha'ul described them, unloving, brutal,
self-righteous believing their "works" are what makes them righteous
and gives them the right to judge everyone else. They have a FORM of godliness
(obedience to the letter) while ignoring the very substance of The Law which is
INTENT!!! They are "ever learning and NEVER able to come to the knowledge
of the Truth"...
2 Timothy 3
1 But mark this: There will be terrible times
in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves (SELF-RIGHTEOUS), lovers of money, boastful (on how THEY are perfect in obedience), proud (of themselves), abusive (toward
others pointing out "their sin"), disobedient to their parents
(they do not really obey their Father in love),
ungrateful (for His mercy and Liberty), unholy
(in their intent), 3 without love (for those who are struggling and growing),
unforgiving (toward everyone for "their sin"
condemning them to death), slanderous (go about
saying "he look at him, HE BROKE THE LAW), without self-control (in their rage toward others), brutal (in judgment), not lovers of the good (intentions of Yahuah), 4 treacherous, rash,
conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of Yahuah— 5 having a form of
godliness (obedience to the letter) but denying
its power (the INTENT). Have nothing to do with
such people (they are NOT His Children, they are an
abomination to Him. They are divisive and destroy His Family from within).
... 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.
These are you TORAH NAZIS and Facebook is chalk full of
them... they are everywhere trolling your Facebook page seeking out whom they
may devour with their judgment and words... Haters (murders) out to assassinate
others reputation to make themselves "look better" in contrast by putting
others down and elevating themselves on a self-made pedestal. That pedestal is
their reward, they will NEVER see His Kingdom.
What these Self-Righteous Hypocrites do not realize is...
The Father LOVES His prodigal son because THAT son stepped out there and at least
"tried" and failed. Then returned and repented, therefore GREW in
Wisdom and Knowledge... just like Yahusha...
Luke 2:52
And Yahusha grew in wisdom and stature, and
in favor with Yahuah and man.
How did he "grow" by being disobedient and being
disciplined... as he was a TRUE son...
Hebrews 5:8-9
8 though He was a Son, yet He learned
obedience (to Yahuah) by the things (discipline) which He suffered (for disobedience). 9 And having been perfected (as a child through that process), He became the
author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him (Yahuah).
I know this was "harsh" but it is desperately
needed in the world today. It is time for some tough love and stop patting
ourselves on the back for "how righteous we all are" and start LOVING
our neighbors and deeply desiring their salvation through GRACE and LIBERTY not
"just the Letter of the Law" but the INTENT of it.