The Law is now complete in Yahusha’s sacrifice to cover all
our transgressions. The Law has been strengthened and transposed to Spiritual
Intent; but with the understanding of the Spiritual Intent of the Commandments
comes Liberty in our actions.
Liberty is not a blanket that uniformly covers every
believer. Liberty is a personal gift given to each son of Yahuah based on
maturity; and is personal between them. Liberty is given based on
maturity and circumstance by Yahuah as a gift.
Each believer grows in Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding
and Yahuah perfects each son through discipline.
Hebrews 12:6
because Yahuah disciplines the one He loves,
and He chastens everyone He accepts as His son."
As the son matures over time more freedom and liberty is
granted by Yahuah. This process is called Sanctification. The same way
we as humans raise our children. The ultimate goal is that Yahuah can find the
son trustworthy and responsible. As we grow in maturity (from milk to meat)
as we walk in accordance to the Torah and are trained in Righteousness:
Hebrews 5:12 - Spiritual
Immaturity is not keeping The Law
12 For though by this time you ought to be
teachers (of the Torah and Prophets, there was no such
thing as the New Testament when he wrote this), you need someone to
teach you again the first principles of the oracles of Yahuah (that is the Torah); and you have come to need milk
and not solid food. 13 For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled
in the Word of Righteousness (the Torah),
for he is a babe. 14 But solid food belongs to those who are of full age (mature sons with minds set on Spiritual Law written on their
hearts), that is, those who by reason of use (keeping the Feasts/Torah/Sabbaths) have their (Spiritual) senses exercised (trained
through physical to Spiritual parallels) to discern (Spiritually) both good and evil (which is defined by The Law of Yahuah, good is obedience to
His Commands, evil is breaking them).
As we begin to learn the Spiritual Truths that the physical
rehearsals and Laws were designed to teach us; we are given more freedom and
liberty. But with more physical liberty comes more Spiritual responsibility and
the danger of taking license to sin. Yahusha explains this in the parable of
the Faithful servant:
Luke 12
42 And
the King said, “Who then is that Faithful and wise
steward, whom his master will make ruler over his household, to give them
their portion of food in due season? 43 Blessed is
that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes. 44 Truly, I say to you that he will make him ruler over all that he has. 45 But if that servant says in his heart (maturity is found in attitude of heart or Spiritual Intent),
‘My master is delaying his coming,’ and begins to beat the male and female
servants, and to eat and drink and be drunk, 46 the master of that
servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him, and at an
hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in two and appoint him his
portion with the unbelievers. 47 And that servant who
knew his master’s will, and did not prepare himself or do according to
his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. 48 But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes,
shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him
much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will
ask the more.
Yahusha is speaking in the Mystery Language (metaphorical
language) as he did most often to veil The Kingdom of Yahuah. This is a
very sobering concept for those of us whom Yahuah has anointed in a unique
service in this life. We have a grave responsibility because with our calling
comes unique Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding intended to “instruct many”. We
have been trained, only after we have been put in positions to fall hard to
develop in us the character and humility required will we be vessels worthy of
use. We are put through the fire or Kiln of Yahuah as we are refined and
purified. This is not a comfortable life to live. Once we are perfected to the
point of being used by Yahuah, we then have an awesome responsibility. Not only
to serve Him, but to do it in Truth not mislead any others as we will be held
to account for the lives of all those we mislead.
Daniel 11
33 And those men of Wisdom who understand (the hidden mysteries) shall instruct many; ... 35 And
some of those of understanding shall fall, to refine them, purify them, and
make them white, until the time of the end; because it is still for the
appointed time.
Mark 9:42
And whosoever shall offend one of [these]
little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were
hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.
We are not only held to account for our teaching, but also
our behavior. Liberty then can become a trap and a slippery slope to license if
maturity and discipline have not been properly developed. You must know when
you can exercise your liberty, and when you cannot! We are not to “cause our
your brother weaker in Faith stumble” by exercising our liberty in front of
them. As they will stumble in JUDGMENT and bear false witness and gossip. We
discussed this earlier in this book.
It is for this reason I waited 25 years to begin writing
books and teaching in earnest. Over the years I spent my time trying to
identify the lingering pagan doctrines in my understanding, so that I do not
mislead or teach false doctrines in error. I endured a very long process of
tearing down every high thing I had elevated above Yahuah coming out of
Christianity (yes, I was raised in the Christian Church). I was
patiently (while very uncomfortably) biding my time in that Kiln of Yahuah
to finish His work in me and then move on me. It was only then that I began
writing this book series.
The Apostle Sha’ul addresses liberty in several of his
letters. Let’s look first at Romans 14 where Sha’ul defines what has come to be
called “The Law of Liberty” although that is a man-made term, there is no such
“Law”. Rather it is a concept of truth in the process of sanctification. Sha’ul
speaks in the Mystery Language as well using physical to Spiritual parallels of
“eating meat and vegetables” referring to those strong in Faith and weak in Faith.
Remember we have been looking at the book of Romans and the entire book is
confirming and about The Law of Yahuah.
Continuing in that context:
Romans 14 - The Law of Liberty
1 Receive one who is weak in
the Faith (does not keep The Law), but
not if he wants to argue and create disputes (about
the validity of keeping The Law). 2
one believes he may eat all Lawful things (a mature
son who eats meat, meaning, keeps the Torah and by reason of use is trained in
Righteousness, Hebrews 5:12), but he who is weak eats only
vegetables (sound bite implied doctrines). 3
not him who eats (speaks the Mystery Language in
keeping with the Torah) despise him who does not eat (understands Scripture literally, not Spiritually, because
they are babes in need of teaching), and let not him who does not eat (meat or keep The Law) judge (because
they are not qualified to judge) him who eats (meat
or keeps The Law); for Yahuah has received him (who
eats meat as a son of God). 4 Who
are you (who eats vegetables and does not know The Law
of Yahuah) to self-righteously judge (by your
own standards not The Law) another’s servant? To his own master he
stands or falls (by Torah standards, not your own
moral code). Indeed, he (who eats meat or keeps
The Law) will be made to stand, for Yahuah is able to make him stand (as Yahuah gives him the Spirit of loving obedience to His
Now Sha’ul gives a physical
example of the dispute over what “afflicting your soul” means
5 One
person esteems one (Feast) day as better than
another (some believe Yom Kippur is THE most Holy of
all Holy Days), while another esteems all (Feast)
days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind (and not doubt his position because doubt is sin). 6
The one who observes the day (of Atonement as
the MOST Holy Day), observes it in honor of Yahuah. The one who eats (on the Day of Atonement), eats in honor of Yahuah,
since he gives thanks to Yahuah (in keeping the Day of
Atonement), while the one who abstains (fasts
on The Day of Atonement), abstains from food in honor of Yahuah and
gives thanks to Yahuah.
7 For
none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself. 8
if we live, we live to Yahuah; and if we die, we die to Yahuah. Therefore,
whether we live or die, we are Yahuah’s purchased possession. 9
to this end Yahusha died and rose and lived again, that Yahusha might be King
of both the dead and the living. 10 But
why do you judge your brother (outside The Law)
unrighteously (by your own standards not Yahuah’s)?
Or why do you show self-righteous contempt for your brother? For we shall all
stand before the judgment seat of the Messiah. 11
it is written:
“As I live,
says Yahuah, Every knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to
12 So
then each of us shall give account of himself to Yahuah (according to The Law of Yahuah). 13
let us not self-righteously judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this,
not to put a stumbling block in our brother’s way and cause him to stumble.
14 I
know and am convinced by the Messiah Yahusha that there is nothing
common of itself (physically); but to him who
considers (Spiritual Intent) anything to be
common (physically), to him it is
common. 15 Yet if your brother is grieved
because of your liberty (because he is
accustomed to vegetables only or immature in the meat of the Word of Yahuah),
you are no longer walking in love. Do not destroy with your liberty as a
mature son the one for whom Yahusha died (with
that liberty comes responsibility to the less mature). 16
do not let your good (works you have liberty to do)
be spoken of as evil (because you do them in the sight
of an immature child who then slanders you self-righteously … because to
the less mature what you have liberty to do is sin to them); 17
The Kingdom of Yahuah is not eating and drinking (physical acts), but Righteousness and peace and joy
in the Spirit of Holiness (Spiritual Intent). 18
he who serves Yahusha in these things (keeping in mind
your brother’s maturity level in love and be extremely careful with your
individual Liberty) is acceptable to Yahuah (because he gave you that Liberty) and approved
by men (because you did not exercise it in front of
the Spiritually immature).
19 Therefore
let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which
one may edify another (exercise your Liberty sparingly).
not destroy the work of Yahuah for the sake of exercising your liberty.
All Lawful things (Yahuah has given you liberty to do)
indeed are pure, but it is not profitable to exercise your liberty if it
causes the less mature to stumble (as they do not have
such liberty and are not as mature in The Law). 21
good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your
brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak. 22
you have Faith (and have been given more liberty)?
That liberty is between you and Yahuah.
Happy is he who does not condemn himself (be
strong in your Liberty, don’t doubt it) in what Yahuah has
approved and given you liberty to do. 23
he who doubts his liberty is condemned when he takes such liberty,
because he does not take the liberty in Faith; for whatever is
not from Faith is sin.
Liberty is not something you can teach, it is a concept that
is very private between each believer and Yahuah. Liberty is based on the
believer’s maturity level in learning the physical to Spiritual parallels of The
Law. Those who do not understand the Spiritual Intent of The Law, must keep the
letter of The Law until they learn and mature in Spirit. This has been a very
hard lesson for me personally in my life. How to exercise the freedom and
liberty I have been given to reach the lost, while not doing it in such a way
as to ruin my reputation among those weaker in Faith.
Sha’ul addresses this
entire concept again in his letter to the assembly he established in Galatia. At
this point, we all should fully realize how utterly corrupt our modern
translations are. If you read Galatians in your English Bible you would come
away thinking Sha’ul taught The Law was abolished. To fully understand what
Sha’ul actually said in his letter to the Galatians, please read my book, The
Mistranslated Book of Galatians.

Buy Now!
Most people struggle to understand the lesson in the Gospels,
where Yahusha and his disciples were gathering food on The Sabbath. Gathering
food is not only “work”, but specifically against “the Letter of The Law”. We
are instructed to gather a double portion on the preparation day before the 7th
Day, so we don’t have to gather food/work on His Sabbath.
But here Yahusha is, openly (and on purpose as he usually
did) doing exactly what the “letter” seemed toforbid! Right in front of
the Pharisees, no less to provoke a response, so he could properly teach The
Law. What is going on? At this point in in this book, we have discussed the
concept of progressive revelation over time, and the transposition of The Law. The
letter of The Law was transposed in The Yahushaic Covenant to its final state,
that of “intent of the heart” and Yahuah’s intention behind the letter. As we
showed, this is the purpose of the “sermon on the mount”, to show us how to
approach The Law from intent, not the letter.
Yahusha lived his life at the highest level of obedience,
that a mature son, who understood the “meat” of The Law. He was not a child
addicted to the milk (the Letter). In fact, Yahusha was the one
prophesied by Moses and Samuel, who would properly teach The Law. That is
because the “letter”, as we have discussed, is the physical shadow, a training
aid, in developing mature children who understand “intent”. In other words, “intent”
means why did Yahuah give us this Law. Is the “letter” the end to all this
instruction, or is there a REASON why this instruction was given. To understand
Yahuah’s intentions behind the letter of The Law, you must have been given the
Ruach, the Spirit of Truth. We see that Yahusha was given that Spirit upon his
Mikveh as he was the first human to ever be “born again” Spiritually and the
“dove” descended upon him!
Yahusha was the fulfillment of many prophesies
Matthew 12
…17 This was to fulfill what was spoken through the Prophet Isaiah 42:1: 18 “Here
is My servant (he is NOT Yahuah in the flesh),
whom I have chosen (as High Priest from among men, Hebrews
5:1), My beloved (son), in whom
My soul delights. I will put My Spirit on him (Matthew
3:16), and he will proclaim justice (the proper
meaning of The Law) to the nations.
This was fulfilled, word for word, upon Yahusha’s Mikveh…
Matthew 3
16 As soon as Yahusha was baptized, he went
up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of
Yahuah descending like a dove and alighting on him (filling
his body with the fullness of deity, Colossians 2:9). 17
And a voice from heaven said, “This is My Son, whom I love; with him I am well
pleased (Isaiah 42:1).” -----
This is the condition ALL the sons of Yahuah obtain upon
being born again through water (Mikveh) and fire (Ruach)…
Ephesians 3:19
19 and to know this love that surpasses Knowledge—that you may be filled (in bodily form) to the measure of all the fullness of
Yahuah (which is the Spirit of Yahuah). ----
Ephesians 1:18-23
18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened (toward Yahuah’s intentions) in order that you may
know the Hope to which Yahuah has called you (to be
obedient), the riches of Yahuah’s Glorious inheritance in His holy
people (who know Him, and understand His intentions),
19 and Yahuah’s incomparably great Power for us who believe. That Power is the
same as the mighty Strength 20 Yahuah exerted when He raised Yahusha from the
dead (Yahusha did not raise himself, he was DEAD)
and seated Yahusha at His right hand (not Yahuah!)
in the heavenly realms (as foretold in The Heavenly
Scroll), 21 far above all Rule and Authority, Power and Dominion, and
Every Name that is invoked, not only in the present age (of Pisces) but also in the one (Aquarius) to come (when
Yahusha will Mikveh the Earth with Living Water). 22 And Yahuah placed
all things under Yahusha’s feet (not Yahuah)
and appointed Yahusha to be head over everything for the assembly (he is the Firstborn Son, who has preeminence), 23
which (the assembly of believers) is Yahuah’s
body (His Temple), (and
the assembly of believers are) the fullness of Yahuah who fills
everything (by His Ruach) in every way. ----
So we too, “embody the fullness of deity” just like Yahusha,
and obey at the highest level of intent! In Deuteronomy 18, Yahuah Promises,
through Moses, to raise a line of godly Prophets in Israel. That line would
culminate in one person; who would be the "Prophet like me", a High
Priest in the Order of Zadok, chosen from among men.
Deuteronomy 18:15:
"Yahuah your Elohim will raise up for you a Prophet (not a demi-god) like me (a
human being) from among your own brothers (he
is not our “God”, he is our brother, John 20:17 and Hebrews
2:11). You must listen to him."
Deuteronomy 18:18, gives us the same Promise in Yahuah’s own
words: "I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brothers
(not a god, demi-god, or Yahuah in the flesh);
I will put My Words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I Command
him (obviously, he is NOT Yahuah)." We
see this same Promise made through Samuel:
1 Samuel 2
35 But I will raise up for Myself a Faithful Priest (chosen
from among men, Hebrews 5:1, not a demi-god) who will do
according to what is in My heart and in My soul (he is
not Yahuah, he does Yahuah’s will); and I will build him an enduring
house, and he will walk before My anointed always (NOT
Yahuah, he walks before Yahuah as High Priest and Mediator, 1 Cor 8:6
and John 17:3 and 1 Timothy 2:5).
My point? Yahusha, after his Mikveh, was filled in bodily
form with the FULLNESS of Deity, which is the Ruach! Yahuah began to reveal His
intentions behind the letter to Yahusha, making Yahusha the greatest Prophet of
all, who properly taught The Torah from the standpoint of intent, not the
letter! The fulfillment of the Promises made the line of Zadok High Priest, a
High Priest who lived The Law and obeyed it, at the greatest level… intent! The
likes of a mature son… had never been seen in Israel until that day, and the
“children addicted to milk/letter” Pharisees did not like it… at all. They had
brought the people under bondage to the letter, and here Yahusha was freeing
them with the Knowledge of intent.
Matthew 11
…29 Take my yoke (understanding of The Law from intent)
upon you and learn from me (how to discern The Law for
yourselves); for I am gentle and humble in heart (has a loving heart toward The Law), and you will find
rest for your souls (from the burden of obedience by
the letter). 30 For My yoke (intent) is
easy and My burden (of The Law) is light.”
Yahusha understood the “intent” of the Sabbath that Yahuah
gave us one day/week, so that we could rest from the curse of Adam. This day is
a GIFT to mankind. Mankind was not created to be in bondage to The Sabbath! So,
Yahusha understood Yahuah’s intention, and therefore was granted Liberty in
light of the “letter”. If the need presented itself, Yahusha would be Righteous
by gathering food, because his “intention” was Righteous, realizing The Sabbath
was made for man… not the other way around.
What few people realize is that Yahusha was actually
FULFILLING the letter and intent of the Law on The Sabbath, not breaking it.
The Sabbath is not taught properly today (as it was not 2,000 years ago). Let
me demonstrate clearly that Yahusha was not breaking the Law by picking food.
he Sabbath is a rehearsal for the coming Kingdom. It is
where we "rest from the curse of Adam" i.e. for 6,000 years we labor
under the curse of Adam, then that curse is lifted for the 7th Millennium. The
Jews then, and today, do not understand Yahuah's intentions. Yahusha did.
The “law of the Sabbath” is that we are to rest from the
curse of Adam which is “by the sweat of your brow you will eat”. That is
a metaphor for the fact that we will have to slave labor during the 6,000 years
for a wage. Yahusha lived by the "intent" not the "letter".
The "curse of Adam" that was over the Israelites in the wilderness,
rather what they did 6 days a week that they were to rest from is...
They would get up go collect Manna then travel all
day…. Repeat.
So Yahuah was very specific to them, and told them not to
leave their house (to travel) and do not go picking Manna (He had provided a
double portion the day before, so there would not be any to "find"
anyway so don't bother.) Stay home and REST from that activity. The Israelites were to rest from "traveling and picking
Manna" as that is what they did as "labor" they had no
"jobs or occupations" they were nomads/wanderers. So, that as very
specific to them, and them alone.
Now, we can do whatever on The Sabbath that we will be doing
in the Kingdom. We will still "work" by the scientific definition
(which is exerting energy) and work quite hard! The Jews totally missed it and
laid heavy restrictions on the people based on their ignorance of
Yahuah's intentions when he said "don' leave your house and don't go
gather Manna”. Even today Rabbinical Judaism has totally missed the point!
They still teach you cannot "lift a finger" which is NOT The Law of
the Sabbath. Once the Israelite settled in the land, that was no longer
their cures. They didn't get up every day and "gather manna and
travel", they had occupations and the "intent" of
the Sabbath is to rest from your SERVITUDE "labor" not all
labor. What you do for a living... your JOB.
In the Sabbath Kingdom, we will no longer be building
houses for others to live in, we will no longer be planting vineyards to make
wine to sell to others etc. But we WILL be building house that we live
in, and planting Vineyards for our own enjoyment.
So Yahusha told them "if they understood the intent of
the Law" they would never be accusing him of breaking the Sabbath. He had
"mastered the intent" of the Sabbath… ie “Master of the Sabbath”
Matthew 12
…7 If only you had known the (intent of The Law and)
meaning of ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the
innocent. 8 For the Son of Man is MASTER of the (intent
of the) Sabbath.”
In fact... by picking berries for himself to enjoy... he was
FULFILLING THE SABBATH right before their very eyes!
Isaiah 65:21
21 "They (in the Kingdom to come) will
build houses and inhabit them; They will also plant vineyards and eat their
fruit. 22"They will not build and another inhabit, They will not plant
and another eat;
By picking berries and eating them for his own enjoyment, he
was fulfilling the intent of the Sabbath. Yahusha “job” was not to get up every
morning, gather Manna, and travel all day to reach the Promised Land”. That
specific restriction simply did not apply to him or his disciples. We were
brought under a heavy yoke by the Pharisees/Rabbis and even today, those who
pretend to "know the Law" no NOTHING of it. Yahusha brought us
understanding of what those law mean, Yahuah’s intentions. Intent literally
sets you free from all this confusion and bondage to tradition and religion.
Matthew 11
29Take My yoke upon you and learn (intent) from
Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Intent trumps the Letter, but even the "letter"
has been abused to the point we are held in bondage even today. Let us look at
another example of a heavy yoke by those who teacher “the letter” outside of
understanding the intent.
This is yet another example of not understanding what The
Sabbath Day truly means. The answer to this question is the same as why Yahuah
had the Israelite stoned to death for "picking up a stick".
Numbers 15:32-36
32 Now while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man
gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. 33 And those who found him gathering
sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron, and to all the congregation. 34 They put
him under guard, because it had not been explained what should be done to him.
35 Then Yahuah said to Moses, “The man must surely be put to death; all the
congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” 36 So, as Yahuah
commanded Moses, all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned
him with stones, and he died.
Is Yahuah really that petty?!?! That you would be put to
death for playing fetch with your dog? Of course not. This again is a prime
example of how little we understand The Law of Yahuah and the Sabbath.
It was not the act of "picking up a stick"
that angered Yahuah... it was that the intent of picking up the stick was to go
home and kindle a fire! He was put to death for the intentions of
picking up that stick, not for picking up the stick!
As I was explaining in my last comment on why Yahusha was
not breaking The Sabbath by picking berries, it comes down to the basic
understanding of The Intent of The Sabbath Day. At the heart of The Sabbath
Covenant is the Plan of Salvation which is laid out in The Heavenly Scroll...
6,000 years (Age of Taurus, Aries, and Pisces) then a
Kingdom Age (of Aquarius). This time frame was reflected in Creation with
Yahuah working 6 days and resting the 7th. In that plan, the "Day of the
LORD" as it is called (the Day of Yahuah) is a day of WRATH that
occurs at the end of the 6th prophetic day... just before The Sabbath
Millennium which is what we rehearse every 7 days. First from not working as I
just demonstrated but also by not kindling a fire. That is “the Law” not
“though shalt not pick up a stick!”. The Law is very simple and there are
REASONS (intentions) for these restriction. They are teaching us of the coming
Kingdom through rehearsals.
Exodus 35
2"For six days work may be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a
holy day, a sabbath of complete rest (from your “work”
what you do for a living… the curse of Adam) to Yahuah; whoever does any
work (that thing you do the other 6 days) on it
shall be put to death. 3"You shall not kindle a fire in any of your
dwellings on the sabbath day."
"Kindling a fire" is a physical metaphor for
"the Wrath of Yahuah"...
1 Corinthians 3
13 each one’s work will become clear; for
the Day of Yahuah will declare it, because their works will be revealed by
fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is.
Jeremiah 23:29
"Is not my word like fire,"
declares Yahuah”
Jeremiah 5:14
Therefore, thus says Yahuah, the God of
hosts, "Because you have spoken this word, Behold, I am making My words in
your mouth fire And this people wood, and it will consume them.
Hebrews 12:29
for our "God is a consuming
Exodus 24:17
The sight of the glory of Yahuah (giving
His Law to Moses) was like a consuming fire on the top of the mountain in the
eyes of the children of Israel.
Deuteronomy 4:24
For Yahuah your God is a consuming fire, a
jealous God.
Deuteronomy 9:3
Therefore understand today that Yahuah your
God is He who goes over before you as a consuming fire. He will destroy them
and bring them down before you; so you shall drive them out and destroy them
quickly, as Yahuah has said to you.
So the physical rehearsal on The Sabbath, is that we kindle
a fire (to cook a meal) on the eve of The Sabbath (to represent The Day of
Yahuah) which is when Yahusha returns with the Army of Yahuah (risen Elect) to
wage war and destroy the armies of man gathered in the VAlley of Magiddo called
The War of Armageddon ...just before the Kingdom Reign begins (6 months later
after the dead are burried). This occurs between Trumpets (the return of the
King) and Atonement (when Yahusha atones for creation) knows as the 10 Days of
Revelation 2
Do not be afraid of what you are about to
suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and
you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of
death, and I will give you life as your victor's crown.
Zephaniah 1:14-18
Near is the great day of Yahuah, Near and
coming very quickly; Listen, the day of Yahuah! In it the warrior cries out
bitterly. A day of wrath is that day, A day of trouble and distress, A day of
destruction and desolation, A day of darkness and gloom, A day of clouds and
thick darkness, A day of trumpet and battle cry Against the fortified cities
And the high corner towers
Isaiah 13:9-11
Behold, the day of Yahuah is coming, Cruel,
with fury and burning anger, To make the land a desolation; And He will
exterminate its sinners from it. For the stars of heaven and their
constellations Will not flash forth their light; The sun will be dark when it
rises And the moon will not shed its light. Thus I will punish the world for
its evil And the wicked for their iniquity; I will also put an end to the
arrogance of the proud And abase the haughtiness of the ruthless.
Isaiah 13:4-6
A sound of tumult on the mountains, Like that
of many people! A sound of the uproar of kingdoms, Of nations gathered
together! Yahuah of hosts is mustering the army for battle. They are coming
from a far country, From the farthest horizons, Yahuah and His instruments of
indignation, To destroy the whole land. Wail, for the day of Yahuah is near! It
will come as destruction from the Almighty.
Ezekiel 30:3-4
"For the day is near, Even the day of
Yahuah is near; It will be a day of clouds, A time of doom for the nations.
"A sword will come upon Egypt, And anguish will be in Ethiopia; When the
slain fall in Egypt, They take away her wealth, And her foundations are torn
As I said, this event is foretold in The
Heavenly Scroll as Isaiah witnessed
Isaiah 27:1
In that day Yahuah will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, With His
fierce and great and mighty sword, Even Leviathan the twisted serpent; And He
will kill the dragon who lives in the sea.
This is the meaning behind the constellation LEO:
"The Lion King is aroused for rending,
the Serpent flees, the Bowl of Wrath is upon him, his Carcass is devoured. The
Lion of the tribe of Judah rules as King."
To summarize, not "kindling a fire" is the point,
it is not that we cannot make food. So, the rehearsal of The Sabbath is:
- kindle a fire on the eve of the Sabbath to remind us
Yahuah's wrath is coming upon the nations just prior to the beginning of the
7th Millennium as laid out in The Heavenly Scroll, the Prophets, and The Feast
- we DO NOT Kindle a Fire on The Sabbath Day, because Yahuah's wrath is not
kindled during the Kingdom Reign (until the very end)
- we rest from our labor to represent the curse of Adam being lifted in the
Kingdom Reign
- we CELEBRATE this day, we do not sit around "doing nothing" we do
the things we will be doing in the Kingdom like Yahusha did when he picked
berries for his own enjoyment.
Again, these moedim were given as rehearsals so we
come to know what they mean, what they represent... the greatest level of
obedience is not "doing them by the letter" but understanding them in
our hearts... this is why Sha'ul said the REAL way to celebrate Unleavened
Bread is not the "letter" by removing leaven from your home, that
means nothing to Yahuah. We are to realize what leaven represents, and what
our "home" represents and mature to the point of obedience to the
INTENT which is removing "sin" from our "lives".
No one I know of properly teaches the "intent of the
Law", in other words we have very few qualified teachers of The Yahushaic
Covenant. We have immature teachers teaching us the immature 'milk' of the word
"do this don't do that" and we should be well beyond that at this
point. But instead of seeking out the 'intent' of these things, we just go
through the motions, condemning ourselves and others by the letter like little
children. Never coming to the true knowledge of Spiritual Things.
Mark 4
…11 And Yahusha told them, “The mystery of
the kingdom of Yahuah has been given to you, but to those on the outside,
everything is expressed in parables, 12 so that, ‘they may be ever seeing but
never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they
might turn and be forgiven.’” 13 Then Yahusha said to them, “Do you not
understand this parable? Then how will you understand any of the parables?…
Exactly my point!!! How are the people ever going to
understand when the TEACHERS are babies in maturity and NOT qualified to teach
The Yahushaic Covenant themselves? This is what Isaiah was telling those
immature trying to teach who made a mockery of the Scriptures. They were little
Isaiah 28
…9 "To whom would He teach knowledge,
And to whom would He interpret the message? Those just weaned from milk? Those
just taken from the breast? (NO!) For precept
must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line;
here a little, and there a little (not sound bite
doctrine but in context of INTENT)
Sha'ul the Apostles expressed this same frustration:
Hebrews 5:12 - Spiritual
12 For though by this time you ought to be
teachers (of the spiritual intent of The Torah),
you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of
Yahuah (the INTENT of the letter of the Law);
and you have come to need milk (the letter) and
not solid food (Spiritual Intent). 13 For
everyone who partakes only of milk (letter only)
is unskilled in the word of righteousness (the
Spiritual Law), for he is a babe. 14 But solid food belongs to those who
are of full age (mature Saints with minds set on the
Law of the Spirit of Life), that is, those who by reason of use (keeping the Feasts/Torah/Sabbaths) have their (Spiritual) senses exercised (trained
through physical to Spiritual parallels) to discern (the intent of) both good and evil (which is defined by the INTENT of the Law of Yahuah, good is
obedience to His intentions, evil is breaking them).
Let us now examine one of the most controversial statements
by Sha’ul the Apostle… eating meat sacrificed to idols!
The Apostle Sha’ul taught the transposition of The Law from
written in stone (defined by physical act) to written on our hearts (defined
by Spiritual Intent), just like Yahusha did. Yahusha taught
Spiritual Intent, giving the examples of adultery, murder, etc. Sha’ul, in this
case, is teaching Spiritual Intent as it applies to meat sacrificed to idols; using
a very extreme example to prove a very important point.
Spiritual Intent (while strengthening The Law), also
provides "liberty"! Liberating us from sin, defined by physical
act, because the physical act alone is not sin. It is the
"intent" behind the act. Sha’ul uses one of the most extreme examples
to teach this concept of "liberty" in light of "intent". Sha’ul
is saying that eating meat, the act alone, is not sin. What makes eating that
meat a sin, is the "Spiritual Intent of your heart"... if you believe
that those idols are gods and eat that meat in an act of worship to them… THEN
the act of eating meat is a sin of idolatry. If in your heart, you know those
gods are not real, and YOU did not sacrifice (pray over) that meant to
an idol… then it is just meat and the act of eating meat is not a sin.
Sha’ul was commissioned to take the Gospel to The Lost Sheep
of the House of Israel, who were living as pagans. He would have to exercise
his "liberty" in order to enter their home, dine with them, and reach
them with the Gospel. In that endeavor, he no doubt encountered situations
where the meal was "sacrificed to an idol" as the home was a pagan
home (Temple). Sha’ul, however, knowing The Law was transposed by Yahusha
to "intent", could eat that meat because it was JUST MEAT and his
intent was not to worship an idol thereby, cleansing his conscience; giving him
liberty to reach those lost sheep. There was no other way to reach them, they
weren’t exactly attending Synagogue! Sha’ul had to become all things to all
1 Corinthians 9:19-23
19 Though I am free and belong to no one, I
have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. 20 To the
Jews (The House of Judah) I became like a Jew,
to win the Jews. To those under The Law (The House of
Judah, or Jews) I became like one under The Law (though I myself am not under the curse of The Law, I am under The Yahushaic
Covenant and the decrees against me have been covered), so as to win
those (Jews) under the (curse of the) Law. 21 To those (lost
sheep of The House of Israel) not having The Law (as Yahuah had divorced them for breaking The Law) I became like
one not having The Law (though I am not free from Yahuah’s Law but am under
The Yahushaic Covenant), so as to win those (of
the Lost Sheep of The House of Israel living as pagan Gentiles) not
having The Law (exercising his Liberty to dine with
them). 22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all
things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some (a remnant from both houses). 23 I do all this for the
sake of the Gospel, that I may share in its blessings (his
intentions were Righteous, intent trumps the letter).
The Spiritual Intent of Sha’ul (or the attitude of Sha’ul's
heart) was Righteous, as he (in his heart) knew that idol was not a god,
but a piece of stone. So the act of eating that meat was therefore not a sin,
because his attitude was Righteous in trying to reach that family thereby
cleansing the meat. Simply put, Sha’ul was not the one who sacrificed that meat
to an idol, he was just “accused” of it because he was dining with Gentiles.
1 Corinthians 8 - Take Care
with Your Liberty
4 Therefore concerning the eating of things
sacrificed to idols, we know (in our heart)
that there is no such thing as an idol in the world, and that there is no God
but one (Sha’ul declared The Shema, Deut. 6:4).
5 For even if there are so-called gods whether in heaven (demons parading around as gods) or on Earth (men parading around as god incarnate), as indeed
there are many gods and many human rulers, 6 yet for us there is but one God,
the Father (again Sha’ul declares The Shema), from whom are all things (created) and we exist for Yahuah; and one King,
Yahusha the Messiah, for whom are all things (given
by inheritance), and we exist through him (in The
Yahushaic Covenant as co-heirs).
(Sha’ul just
established his attitude of heart when approaching a meal, we are not held to
account for another's sin, so if someone else sacrificed a piece of meat to an
idol, the only thing Sha’ul would be held to account for was his own Spiritual
Intent, not that of the person who sacrificed it)
7 However not all men have this Knowledge (and in their heart believe the idol is a god); but
some, being accustomed to (worshipping) the
idol until now, eat food as if it were (their intent)
sacrificed to an idol; and their conscience (Spiritual
Intent) being weak is defiled. (it isn't the
food that defiles them, it is the intent of their heart, the belief in
the idol) 8 But food will not commend us to Yahuah (it isn't the food that is in question, it is the Spiritual
Intent behind it); we are neither the worse if we do not eat, nor
the better if we do eat. (it is just food) 9
But take care that this liberty (of Spiritual Intent
that Yahusha taught as The Law was transposed to Spirit) of yours does
not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak (who
need milk not solid food as they have not learned physical to Spiritual
transposition of The Law, and still identify sin through physical act not
attitude of heart). 10 For if someone (who is
weak in Faith) sees you (your act),
who have Knowledge (of Spiritual Intent and the
liberty), dining in an idol’s temple (eating at
the home of a pagan as you try and reach them with the Gospel), will not
his (the person who sees you) conscience, if he
is weak, (does not understand the concept of attitude
of heart defines sin not the act) be strengthened to eat things
sacrificed to idols (thinking, hey Sha’ul did it, so
can I! That is NOT the proper intention and it would be sin to them)? 11
For through your Knowledge (of attitude of heart
giving you liberty to eat, because in your heart you know the god is not real
and it is just meat) he who is weak (in the
Spiritual Truth of The Law) is ruined, the brother for whose sake
Yahusha died. 12 And so, by sinning against the brethren and wounding their
conscience when it is weak, (doesn't have the Knowledge
of intent over act) you sin against The Yahushaic Covenant.
13 Therefore, if food causes my brother to stumble (because
he is not strong in The Yahushaic Covenant and does not understands
Spiritual Intent over physical act), I will never eat meat again, so
that I will not cause my brother to stumble (and
exercise liberty from the letter that has not been granted them by Yahuah).
Sha’ul is simply teaching the transposition of The Law, and
the liberty that provides those whose attitude is Righteous when it comes to
this physical world and physical acts. Very much like Yahusha and his disciples
gathering food on The Sabbath...
Christmas is a great example of how to apply what Sha’ul was
teaching. As even in his day, December 25th was celebrated as the rebirth of
the sun and a day of worship to Baal. The meal they ate on Christmas in
worshipping the god-men Christos saviors (all of whom were born on December 25th)
would be considered "sacrificed to an idol". Does that mean we cannot
dine with our families on December 25th without “eating meat
sacrifices to an idol/Jesus”?
December 25th is a day when my extended family gathers to
worship Jesus Christ (the latest incarnation of the incarnated sun
god-men). Can I gather with them without being "guilty" of
worshipping Baal or the false messiah Jesus? I know in my heart that
Baal and Jesus are not “God”, and that December 25th is just another day
to me. So I have "liberty" to spend time with my family as that is my
"intent", it is not to worship Jesus or Baal. Furthermore,
being among family members I rarely see, puts me in front of my family members
that I may become all things to all men, and possibly win them over (which is
always my intent). Below, I replace "meat sacrificed to an idol"
with the specific example of meat sacrificed to an idol on Christmas Day.
1 Corinthians 8
4 Therefore concerning the gathering together
on Christmas Day, we know (in our heart)
that there is no such thing as "Jesus was born on Christmas", and
that there is no God but one Yahuah not Jesus. 5 For even if there are
so-called gods whether in heaven (the sun is a god
i.e. Baal) or on Earth (Jesus parading around
in our hearts as god incarnate), as indeed there are many gods and many
human demi-gods called Christos, 6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father
Yahuah, from whom are all things (created) and
we exist for Yahuah; and one King, Yahusha the Messiah, for whom are all things
(given as an inheritance), and we exist through
The Yahushaic Covenant as co-heirs. (my
attitude is that Yahuah alone is God ... Jesus nor Baal exists, it is just
another day to me)7 However not all men have this Knowledge (and view December 25th as a day of worship, a holy day to
them); but some, being accustomed to celebrating the birth of Jesus
until now, celebrate Christmas as if it were (their
intent) a day of worshipping Jesus; and their conscience being weak is
defiled (on Christmas Day because to them it is a holy
day). 8 But gathering with family on a specific day of the year will not
commend us to Yahuah; we are neither the worse if we choose not to gather with
family on that day, nor the better if we gather with our family on that day. 9
But take care that this liberty of yours (to gather
with family on December 25th with the intent to spend time with family not
celebrate the birth of Jesus) does not somehow become a stumbling block
to the weak. 10 For if someone (weak in Faith)
sees you, who have Knowledge (that it is just another
day), having dinner with family on Christmas Day, will not his (the person who sees you) conscience, if he is weak, (thinks you are celebrating Christmas) be strengthened
to actually keep Christmas Day as a holy day? 11 For through your Knowledge (that it is just another day and your Liberty to gather with
family on that day) he who is weak (in the
Spiritual Truth of The Law) is ruined (because
by your example he thinks it is OK to celebrate the meaning of Christmas),
the brother for whose sake Yahusha died. 12 And so, by sinning against the
brethren and wounding their conscience when it is weak, (doesn't have the Knowledge of Intent over act) you
sin against The Yahushaic Covenant. 13 Therefore, if getting together on
a Christmas Day causes my brother to stumble (because
he is not Strong in The Yahushaic Covenant and understands Spiritual
Intent over act), I will never gather on that day again, so that I will
not cause my brother to stumble.