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The Battle of Jericho

I want to explore the Battle of Jericho and detail what Yahuah gave as a prophetic portrait of the same event, on a much greater scale, upon the Second Coming of the Messiah. All the stories and Feasts and Holy Days in the “Old Testament” were given as physical metaphors or "rehearsals" to teach us of greater Spiritual Truths.

These rehearsals were given to us so we would better understand The Plan of Salvation written in the stars and the events surrounding the first and Second Comings. In this section, I am going to cover all the major events surrounding the return of the Messiah in Revelation. I will demonstrate that each event is covered in detail on a smaller scale in the Battle of Jericho to give us better understanding of the events in the Book of Revelation. I will cover:

·         The Two Witnesses

·         The Scarlet Thread of Redemption

·         The 7 Seals

·         The 7 Shofars (shofars)

·         The Shout of the Archangel

·         The Appearance of the Messiah before the Ark of the Covenant

·         The Rapture or rather first resurrection of the dead.

·         The Messiah leading the army of Remnant Israel to reclaim the Earth for Yahuah

·         The Gold/Silver Vessels

·         The Great Earthquake

·         The collapse of all the kingdoms of Earth to become the Kingdoms of Yahuah governed by Yahusha

·         The destruction of the wicked on Earth (the Great Supper of Yahuah)

·         The cost to rebuild the Earth and govern it is the Firstborn Son of Yahuah. So too at the cost of Yahuah's youngest son, will the gates be established.

·         The 1,000-year rest of the Sabbath Millennium



Everything above in the Book of Revelation is the fulfillment of the portrait given to us by Yahuah at the Battle of Jericho. The Book of Joshua is the story of how Joshua (Yahusha in Hebrew) took the mantle and leadership of the Children of Israel in the wilderness from Moses and led them into the Promised Land. Providing a clear picture of how the Law (Moses) leads us through the wilderness (life) to the promises (eternal life), but Joshua (a prototype of the Messiah Yahusha) is the bridge to the promised rest which is The Kingdom of Yahuah in the coming 7th Millennium as laid out in the stars through Ages:

First, when making the comparison that Jericho represents the "Kingdoms of Earth” in Revelation, I want to point out that Jericho is a Kingdom not simply a "city". I know we all first learned of the Battle of Jericho in our Sunday School class and even had a clever little song we sang "and the walls came tumbling down...la la la" and we came to see Jericho as a small city. A small city as though The Promised Land was an organized self-governing country with borders and a central government. But that is not at all the case. Countries didn't exist at that time, people were ruled by Kings and lived in City-States with walls around them called Kingdoms. A castle was at the center with a king, the king had guards and an army to protect his Kingdom. People paid taxes to a king for protection. That is what Jericho was... a Kingdom. We know this because Jericho had a king and an army:

Joshua 6:2
Then Yahuah said to Joshua, “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men."

I want to make that point to demonstrate the Kingdom of Jericho is a "picture" of the Kingdoms of Earth in the Battle of Jericho not just a "city". Before the battle to take the Promised Land begins, Yahusha son of Nun sends in two "spies" to survey the land and bring back 2 reliable witnesses:

Joshua 2:1
Then Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies from Shittim. "Go, look over the land," he said, "especially Jericho." So they went and entered the house of a prostitute named Rahab and stayed there.

After the two witnesses were sent to "spy" out the land, the first battle to take the Promised Land was the Battle of Jericho. Below in the 6th Chapter of Joshua is the account of that battle:

Joshua 6:1-27
1 Now the gates of Jericho were securely barred because of the Israelites. No one went out and no one came in. 2 Then Yahuah said to Joshua, “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men. 3 March around the city once with all the armed men. Do this for six days. 4 Have seven priests carry shofars of rams’ horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the shofars. 5 When you hear them sound a long blast on the shofars, have the whole army give a loud shout; then the wall of the city will collapse and the army will go up, everyone straight in.” 6 So Joshua son of Nun called the priests and said to them, “Take up the Ark of the Covenant of Yahuah and have seven priests carry shofars in front of it.” 7 And he ordered the army, “Advance! March around the city, with an armed guard going ahead of the Ark of Yahuah.” 8 When Joshua had spoken to the people, the seven priests carrying the seven shofars before Yahuah went forward, blowing their shofars, and the Ark of Yahuah’s covenant followed them. 9 The armed guard marched ahead of the priests who blew the shofars, and the rear guard followed the ark. All this time the shofars were sounding. 10 But Joshua had commanded the army, “Do not give a war cry, do not raise your voices, do not say a word until the day I tell you to shout. Then shout!” 11 So he had the Ark of Yahuah carried around the city, circling it once. Then the army returned to camp and spent the night there. 12 Joshua got up early the next morning and the priests took up the Ark of Yahuah. 13 The seven priests carrying the seven shofars went forward, marching before the Ark of Yahuah and blowing the shofars. The armed men went ahead of them and the rear guard followed the Ark of Yahuah, while the shofars kept sounding. 14 So on the second day they marched around the city once and returned to the camp. They did this for six days. 15 On the seventh day, they got up at daybreak and marched around the city seven times in the same manner, except that on that day they circled the city seven times. 16 The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the army, “Shout! For Yahuah has given you the city! 17 The city and all that is in it are to be devoted to Yahuah. Only Rahab the prostitute and all who are with her in her house shall be spared, because she hid the spies we sent. 18 But keep away from the devoted things, so that you will not bring about your own destruction by taking any of them. Otherwise you will make the camp of Israel liable to destruction and bring trouble on it. 19 All the silver and gold and the articles of bronze and iron are sacred to Yahuah and must go into His treasury.” 20 When the shofars sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city. 21 They devoted the city to Yahuah and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys. 22 Joshua said to the two men who had spied out the land, “Go into the prostitute’s house and bring her out and all who belong to her, in accordance with your oath to her.” 23 So the young men who had done the spying went in and brought out Rahab, her father and mother, her brothers and sisters and all who belonged to her. They brought out her entire family and put them in a place outside the camp of Israel. 24 Then they burned the whole city and everything in it, but they put the silver and gold and the articles of bronze and iron into the treasury of Yahuah’s house. 25 But Joshua spared Rahab the prostitute, with her family and all who belonged to her, because she hid the men Joshua had sent as spies to Jericho—and she lives among the Israelites to this day. 26 At that time Joshua pronounced this solemn oath: “Cursed before Yahuah is the One Who undertakes to rebuild this city, Jericho: “At the cost of his firstborn son he will lay its foundations; at the cost of his youngest he will set up its gates.” 27 So Yahuah was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout the land.

Summary of The Battle of Jericho

To summarize Joshua son of Nun sent two witnesses into the Promised Land then Yahuah gave Joshua the battle plan which he carried out in detail. He gave the order to redeem Rahab (the Great Grandmother of Yahusha the Messiah) and her entire household set apart by the scarlet thread. Then he sent 7 Priests with 7 shofars followed by an "armed guard" followed by the Ark of the Covenant followed by the Israelite army. They marched around the walls of the Kingdom of Jericho 6 times for 6 days without making a sound. The only sound was the Priests blowing the shofars. Then on the 7th day, they marched around the wall of Jericho 7 times with the Priest blowing the shofars. During the 7th trip around the city, the Priests blew one long sound of the shofars and the entire army erupted with a resounding SHOUT and the walls of the Kingdom of Jericho fell. Then the army went up to occupy the city and all the men, women, children, and cattle of Jericho died by the sword (were slaughtered) of the Israelite army. All the "gold, silver, bronze, and iron" vessels were put securely in the House of Yahuah. Rahab and her entire family were spared according to her oath and faith in Yahuah. The entire Kingdom of Jericho and everything in it was burned and purged. Joshua son of Nun pronounces a curse and establishes that the cost to rebuild the Kingdom would come at the expense of the firstborn son and at the cost of the youngest son.

Now, let’s take a journey through the Book of Revelation and see just how this physical metaphor or rehearsal at the Battle of Jericho plays out in order, to the very detail, in the event of Yahusha Son of Yahuah returning to lead Remnant Israel into the Sabbath Millennium where the entire Earth is "The Promised Land".


Events foretold in the Book of Revelation

As I stated before, I am going to cover the events in the Book of Revelation and demonstrate how the Battle of Jericho foretold of the Second Coming. From the two witnesses appearing to the blowing of shofars to the SHOUT that leads to the return of the Messiah to the Kingdoms of this Earth falling and becoming the Kingdoms of Yahuah and His Messiah Yahusha. All of it is covered in detail in the exact same order. Here we go.


The Two Witnesses - (Revelation 11 and Joshua 2:1)

In Revelation 11, two witnesses are sent to Earth to prophecy 1,260 days prior to the Second Coming and battle to reclaim The Promised Land for Remnant Israel. In the Book of Joshua (Joshua 2:1) two "spies" which are nothing more than witnesses are send into to the land of Canaan and specifically to the Kingdom of Jericho to survey and give a report.


The Scarlet Thread of Redemption

I could write an entire book on this subject. So, to prevent getting sidetracked let me say that there is a Scarlet Thread of Redemption that runs throughout the Word of Yahuah pointing us to the Messiah Yahusha. From Abel bringing a Lamb and shedding blood in Genesis to the substitute sacrificial ram with Abraham/Isaac to the blood on the doorposts of the Passover Lamb in Exodus to Rahab's scarlet thread in the book of Joshua, this is a primary theme in the Bible and also in the Battle of Jericho.


The 7 Seals (Revelation 8)

We see in the Battle of Jericho that the army was to walk "around" the walls of Jericho 7 times before the "last set of 7 Priests were to blow their shofars". Why? What could be the reasoning behind this action of walking AROUND the walls? This action would seem to be a "metaphor" for the 7 Seals which were "around" the Scroll. The sequence of events is identical to the events in Revelation, following the completion of the 7th Seal, 7 shofars are given to 7 Angels to sound. Following half an hour of silence, the Angels sound the 7 Shofar blasts just like in the Battle of Jericho when after walking around the city in complete silence 7 times the 7 Priests blow their shofars:

Revelation 8:1-2 - The Seventh Seal and the 7 Angels with 7 Shofars/Shofars

1 When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in Heaven for about half an hour. 2 And I saw the seven Angels who stand before Yahuah, and seven shofars were given to them.


The 7th Trumpet/shofar blast (Revelation 11)

Now the next sequence of events in the Battle of Jericho (after walking around the city 7 times like the opening of the 7 seals around the Scroll) was the sounding of the 7th trumpet/shofar blast, a long-distinguished blast. This too is the next sequence of events in Revelation and we read about it in Revelation 11.

Revelation 11:15
The seventh Angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in Heaven

"Loud voices" were heard upon the 7th Trumpet blast, just like in the Battle of Jericho when the army (loud voices) shouted after the 7th Trumpet blast. We also see that as a result of these "loud voices" that a great Earthquake occurred, and the Kingdom fell in both Revelation and Jericho.

Revelation 11:13
13 At that very hour there was a severe Earthquake and a tenth of the city collapsed.


The Great Earthquake

We see there is an Earthquake that caused the city to fall in Revelation 11:13. We also know from Ezekiel 38 who spoke of the events surrounding the Second Coming that there is a great Earthquake that again causes the walls of the city to fall:

Ezekiel 38:19-23

19 In My zeal and fiery wrath I declare that at that time there shall be a great Earthquake in the land of Israel. 20 The fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the beasts of the field, every creature that moves along the ground, and all the people on the face of the Earth will tremble at My presence. The mountains will be overturned, the cliffs will crumble, and every wall will fall to the ground. 21 I will summon a sword against Gog on all My mountains, declares the Sovereign God. Every man’s sword will be against his brother. 22 I will execute judgment on him with plague and bloodshed; I will pour down torrents of rain, hailstones and burning sulfur on him and on his troops and on the many nations with him. 23 And so I will show My Greatness and My Holiness, and I will make Myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am Yahuah.’

In the Book of Joshua, it doesn't exactly say it was an Earthquake that brought down the walls of Jericho. However, it is the commonly accepted scientific explanation for those walls falling. We are beginning to see that every event in the Battle of Jericho was a detailed look on a smaller scale of what would happen at the time of the Second Coming. Since Scripture interprets Scripture, I believe it is safe to draw the conclusion that a smaller more regional Earthquake brought down the wall of Jericho too since it is spoken of in Revelation and Ezekiel as the cause in the final event.

We see in the Battle of Jericho that a loud SHOUT is heard, and the walls of the Kingdom of Jericho fell. We also see, that upon the loud SHOUT of the Archangel the Kingdoms of Earth fall too in Revelation 11:

Revelation 11:15
The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in Heaven, which said: “The kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of Yahuah and of His Messiah, who will reign for ever and ever.”

The Shout of the Archangel

We also see this loud SHOUT after the Last Trumpet blast in 1 Thessalonians where Paul is describing the exact same event in the same order and same detail. Here Paul is describing the assembly of the Army of God to retake Earth (I will get to more on this later):

1 Thessalonians 4:15-17
15 For this we say to you by the Word of Yahuah, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the King will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the King himself will descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of an Archangel, and with the trumpet of Yahuah. And the dead in covenant with the King will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet Yahusha in the air.


The Appearance of The Messiah before the Ark of the Covenant

In the Battle of Jericho, we see that an armed guard or WARRIOR is sent ahead of the Ark of the Covenant. Who is that a portrait of? Well, in Revelation we see the exact same event being fulfilled. We see in Revelation 11 just after the 7th Trumpet and the SHOUT of the Archangel which heralds the return of Yahusha the Heavens open up and we see the Ark of the Covenant, the same time as the Earthquake:

Revelation 11:19
Then Yahuah’s Temple in Heaven was opened, and within His Temple was seen the Ark of His Covenant. And there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an Earthquake and a severe hailstorm.

We see the Messiah coming as a WARRIOR ahead of the Ark of the Covenant in Revelation 19. This was the same time that Heaven was standing open with the Temple and Ark on display followed by the Army of Yahuah… just like in the Battle of Jericho:

Revelation 19:11-16 - The Heavenly Warrior Defeats the Beast
11 I saw Heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges (TAURUS) and wages war. 12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. 14 The armies of Heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. 15 Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations (ORION). “He will rule them with an iron scepter (TAURUS).” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh, he has this name written:


The Rapture & Resurrection

In the story of the Battle of Jericho, we see the Israelites "go up" to battle after the 7th Trumpet and SHOUT to take the Kingdom of Jericho. This is the exact sequence of events foretold in Revelation and 1 Thessalonians as to when the living saints (left alive at the time of the Second Coming) are "raptured" or "go up". The truth concerning the "rapture" is that it is the building of the Army of Yahuah in the sky preceding the final battle on Earth to retake the Promised Land. We too, who remain alive, will "go up" to do battle just like the Israelites did at Jericho. The living will NOT precede those dead who rise first.

Of course, the "traditional" teaching of the Christian Church who, having done away with the O.T., is one of complete miSunderstanding. While Christians are taught a "pre-trib" rapture and that we are "taken to Heaven" this is not the story told in the Bible nor the story told in 1 Thessalonians nor the story told at the Battle of Jericho.

In every case, the "going up" is the building of an army to go into battle. Paul is clearly teaching in accordance with the rest of the Word of Yahuah, that at THE LAST SHOFAR of the 7 blasts, Yahusha descends with a loud SHOUT and the dead rise first followed by those alive at the time and we meet Yahusha IN THE AIR not some mythical place called “Heaven”. They with the risen dead then come directly back down to Earth to liberate it.

Romans 8:19-25
19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of Yahuah to be revealed (
because it is the sons of Yahuah that will govern it in righteousness). 20 For the creation was subjected to futility (when Adam fell), not willingly, but because of Yahuah who subjected it (the fall of creation was part of Yahuah’s plan) in hope (of liberating it through His future sons); 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered (Paul uses future tense speaking of creation being delivered. He is speaking of the future fulfillment of The Fall Feasts) from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of Yahuah. (Paul understands the “purpose” in all of this is that creation is turned over to be governed by the children of Yahuah) 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors (Paul is confirming here The Sabbath Covenant that for 6,000 years creation labors from the effects of sin per The Sabbath Covenant) with birth pangs together until now (the 7th Millennium, the Sabbath is yet to come Hebrews Chapter 4). 23 Not only that, but we also who have the Firstfruits (Paul is confirming the Feasts of Yahuah here… The Passover Lamb/Feast of First Fruits/Spring Feasts) of the Spirit (Given on the Feast of Weeks or Shav’uot), even we ourselves groan within ourselves (along with creation because we have not yet been resurrected either), eagerly waiting for the adoption (into the Family of Yahuah through resurrection), the redemption of our body (the resurrection on the Feast of Trumpets as Paul teaches the Fall Feasts). 24 For we were saved (Paul stresses the past tense here because we were saved during the Spring Feasts by the Passover Lamb) in this hope (that Yahusha will return again and fulfill the Fall Feasts, resurrecting our bodies so that WE can then liberate creation), but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees (Paul is stressing that we must still have hope for we have not yet witness the fulfillment of the Fall Feasts, so hope endures)? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it (the Fall Feasts) with perseverance (Paul is encouraging us to endure in hope of the future fulfillment of the Fall Feasts because those who persevere until the end shall be saved).

The "SHOUT" that is given that raises the dead is probably not unlike that which Yahusha let out when he called Lazarus from his grave.... "COME FORTH, ARISE" or something along those lines. We are gathered as an ARMY OF Yahuah that is descending back to Earth to wage war and overcome it (more on this in the next chapter). We ascend into the clouds (atmosphere of Earth) meeting Yahusha the King and joining Yahuah's returning army in the air. We are not taken to Heaven we are assembled in the sky then launch an assault on the Kingdoms of Earth to retake it… just like in the Battle of Jericho.

1 Thessalonians 4:15-17
15 For this we say to you by the Word of Yahuah, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the King will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the King himself will descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of an Archangel, and with the trumpet of Yahuah. And the dead in covenant with the King will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet Yahusha in the air.


The Messiah leading the Army of Remnant Israel to reclaim the Earth for Yahuah

So, after the Last Trumpet followed by a loud SHOUT, the dead rise first then the living "go up" with

them and the Army of Yahuah is assembled with Yahusha the Warrior/King commanding. We see in Revelation the martyrs are given white robes and so too are the risen dead and assumed living all of whom make up the Army of Yahuah who returns with Yahusha to wage war on Earth:

Revelation 6:11
Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they had been was completed.


Revelation 19:11-14 - The Heavenly Warrior Defeats the Beast
11 I saw Heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. 12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of Yahuah. 14 The armies of Heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean.

We clearly see those sons of Yahuah who have died over the years are given white robes and told to wait until the full number of the Army of Yahuah is assembled at the end of the 6th Prophetic Day as foretold in The Heavenly Scroll. This is confirmed by the King himself that he returns at the end of the age of PISCES (end of the 6th prophetic day).

Matthew 28:20
“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age (
this is the Age of PISCES, the Messianic Age).”

That final assembly of this returning army occurs upon the last of 7 shofar blasts one for each prophetic day in The Plan for Mankind laid out in The Heavenly Scroll announcing the beginning of the 7th called The Millennial Reign the ultimate fulfillment of The Sabbath Covenant.

Then we hear a SHOUT and the return of Yahusha when the dead rise and the living assume into the air and are assembled behind the returning King. NOT to go to Heaven for an eternity of "cloud floating harp frolicking and pillow fighting"... we actually go up into the sky and come back to Earth as an ARMY to wage war... and then rule over it for 1,000 years.

The destruction of the wicked on Earth (the Great Supper or Day of Yahuah

Next in the Battle of Jericho, the Israelite army goes in and puts the sword to all men/women/children and purges the land of the wicked. This is exactly what the Army of Yahuah does after being assembled in the air with the Warrior/King Yahusha. We, the Army of Yahuah lead by Yahusha, defeat the False Messiah and False Prophet and we go after and put to death by the sword those wicked of Earth who followed The Beast and destroyed the Earth.

2 Thessalonians 2:6-8
6 And you know what is now restraining him, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, but the one who now restrains it (
Archangel Michael see Daniel 12 and Revelation 12) will continue until he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the King Yahusha will slay with the breath of his mouth and annihilate by the majesty of his arrival.


Matthew 13:40-42
40 As the weeds are collected and burned in the fire, so will it be at the end of the age (of PISCES). 41 The Son of Man will send out his Angels, and they will weed out of his Kingdom every cause of sin and all who practice lawlessness. 42 And they will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.…

Again, more on this in the next chapter. This slaughter of the wicked is called The Great Supper of Yahuah and is described in detail below in Revelation and in Joel. Just like the Battle of Jericho all the wicked in the land, man/woman/child, is put to death by the sword:

Revelation 19:17-21
17 And I saw an angel standing in the Sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather together for the great supper of Yahuah, 18 so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and the mighty, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, great and small.”


Birds of Prey (Owl and Raven) feasting on the Serpent


19 Then I saw the beast and the kings of the Earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army. 20 But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. 21 The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.


The Gold/Silver Vessels

We also see that the Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron vessels were put into the "House of Yahuah" at the Battle of Jericho. What do these vessels represent? They represent the Chosen Remnant of Yahuah. Paul uses this same language in 2 Timothy:

2 Timothy 2:19-21
19 Nevertheless, Yahuah’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: “Yahuah knows those who are His,” and, “Everyone who confesses the name of Yahuah must turn away from wickedness.” 20 In a large house there are vessels not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. 21 Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.


The Destruction of the Earth by Fire

Just like in the Battle of Jericho when Jericho was destroyed and purged by fire, In Revelation 18 we see that "Babylon" is destroyed by fire:

Revelation 18:8
Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is Yahuah our God who judges her

In Isaiah we see the entire Earth is destroyed by fire:

Isaiah 24:6
Therefore a curse consumes the Earth; its people must bear their guilt. Therefore, Earth’s inhabitants are burned up, and very few are left.

The cost to rebuild the Earth and govern it is the Firstborn Son of Yahuah. So, at the cost of Yahuah's youngest Son, will the gates be established.

In the Battle of Jericho, we see that after Jericho is purged with fire, Joshua son of Nun sets the cost of rebuilding the Kingdom at the expense of the owners "firstborn son" and "youngest son". We know from the Bible that the cost of redeeming this planet back to Yahuah and the Remnant back to Yahuah came at the expense of Yahuah's Firstborn Son. And it is with the purchased lives of the eldest to the youngest of the Sons of Yahuah that this Earth will be governed, rebuilt, re-established, after the Earth is purged by fire and everything in it destroyed.


The 1,000-year rest of the Sabbath Millennium

Finally after the 6 Days (6,000 year parallel) of "work" walking around the walls of Jericho, on the 7th Day (Sabbath Millennium parallel) and the Battle of Jericho is over, the Israelites occupy the Promised Land which was given them as a place of total "rest":

Joshua 21:43-44
43 And Yahuah gave unto Israel all the land which He swore to give unto their fathers; and they possessed it and dwelt therein. 44 And Yahuah gave them rest round about, according to all that He swore unto their fathers; and there stood not a man of all their enemies before them; Yahuah delivered all their enemies into their hand.

With that introduction, overview, and example found in the Battle of Jericho, we are going to interpret the Book of Revelation in that context but most importantly in the context that it was given… The Heavenly Scroll.


The Sabbatarian Network provides information on the following numbers, words, and combinations of the following numbers, and words, and many more: 1, 2, 7, 15, 24, 40, 616, 666, 144000, Abel, Abib, abominations, abortion, Abraham, Acts, Adam, aggelos, Aish, Alexander Hislop, allegories, altar, analogies, ancient, angel, annual, anoint, anthr