The 7th Trumpet sounds on Yom Kippur.
After Yahusha makes atonement, the 7th Trumpet is sounded by
Gabriel to announce Yahusha as the fulfillment of The Heavenly Scroll.
This is the same event Daniel witnessed in Daniel chapter 7 as The Son
of Man is judged alongside The Dragon (False Messiah). Yahuah
anoints the Son of Man the King over The Kingdom and fulfillment of The
Heavenly Scroll.
The mighty King (messenger/malak means ‘king’
in Hebrew) appears standing with one foot on the sea and the other
on land, holding The Heavenly Scroll to reach it as he descends from
The Throne in Heaven.
The King cries out the Mystery of the Ages
written in The Heavenly Scroll sounds like seven (perfect)
The apostle John is commanded to seal up what
the thunders say about The Heavenly Scroll, and not reveal its
The King declares that the Mystery of God
found in The Heavenly Scroll to redeem a family from the grave would
be revealed on the sounding of the seventh trumpet.
John, like many Prophets before him, is
instructed to take The Heavenly Scroll and to eat it.
What is it that the King read out of The Heavenly
Scroll that John was told to seal up and not write down? It is called
The Mystery of the Ages. The secrets contained in the stars that
mankind has striven to learn since creation!
Enoch 9:6,7
6 Thou seest
what Azazel hath done, who hath taught all unrighteousness on Earth and
revealed (twisted) the eternal secrets
which were (preserved) in The Heavenly
Scroll, which 7 men were striving to learn.
Let us discern this Mystery from context of the
Scriptures and finally reveal at the “end” what the 7 Thunders
proclaimed written in the stars since creation.
Revelation 10
4 I was about to write (what
was revealed in The Heavenly Scroll), but I heard a voice from
Heaven saying, “Seal up what the seven thunders have said, and do not
write it down.” … 7 but that in the days of the trumpet call to be
sounded by the seventh angel, the Mystery of God (proclaimed
in The Heavenly Scroll) would be fulfilled (Revelation
The Mystery of Yahuah, hidden from the foundation
of the Universe in The Heavenly Scroll, is that Yahuah’s predestined
plan was to procreate a family of “godlike ones” called Elohim in His
Image to rule His Creation given them as an inheritance. Humanity has
sought the answer in the stars to the question “why are we here” since
creation. Each one of these family members, like the first born-again
son, were known before the foundation of the world.
Romans 8
28 And we know that Yahuah works
all things (after the Divine Council written
in the stars Daniel 4:35)
Daniel 4:35
the inhabitants of the Earth are accounted as nothing, but He does
according to His will written in the host of Heaven (The
Zodiac which hosts constellations. Constellations “host stars”)
together for the good of those who
love Him, who are called according to His purpose (to
beget a family of Gods Psalm 82:6).
Psalm 82:6
"I said, 'You are "gods"; you are
all sons of the Most High.'
29 For those Yahuah knew before
the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4),
Ephesians 1:4
For Yahuah chose us in covenant
with Yahusha before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless
in his sight. In love
He also predestined to be conformed
to the image of His (firstborn of the dead)
son, so that Yahusha would be the firstborn among many brothers (born
of the resurrection, he is our elder brother not our God). 30 And
those Yahuah predestined (as children),
He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified,
He also glorified.…
This family is likened unto a “body” which will
be the Spiritual Temple of Yahuah in and through which Yahuah dwells.
The head of this body is the first-born son Yahusha, and the body is the
assembly of Chosen Sons of Yahuah known as Remnant Israel. It is through
this family of “godlike ones” or elohim that the Universe will be
governed in righteousness for eternity by the Kingdom of Yahuah. This
body is His Temple the risen sons of Yahuah.
Below are the scriptures to support this
revelation with my commentary in parenthesis. We see Sha’ul in Hebrews
explain that we and the Messiah are “brothers and sisters” all sons and
daughters of Yahuah.
Hebrews 2:10-18
10 In
bringing many sons and daughters to glory, it was fitting that Yahuah,
for whom and through whom everything exists; (Yahuah)
should make the pioneer of their salvation (Yahusha)
perfect through what he suffered (a life and
death on Earth). 11 Both the one who makes people holy (Yahuah)
and those who are made holy (Yahusha and all
his brother/sisters) are of the same family (we
are literally “elohim” and offspring of Yahuah). So Yahusha is
not ashamed to call them (Remnant Israel)
brothers and sisters (Yahusha is our elder
brother, not our Elohim). 12 He says, “I (Yahusha)
will declare Your Name (Yahusha declares the
Shema or “Seal” of the Kingdom of Yahuah) to my brothers and
sisters; in the assembly I will sing Your praises (we
don’t sing praises to “Jesus” we worship Yahuah alone).” 13 And
again, “I (Yahusha) will put my trust
in Him (Yahuah).” And again he says,
“Here am I, and the (rest of the)
children Yahuah has given me (to shepherd and
rule).” 14 Since the (future)
children have flesh and blood (are trained by
a life on Earth), he (Yahusha)
too shared in their humanity (as a
human trained by a life on Earth) so that by his death (Yahusha’s
NOT Yahuah’s) he, Yahusha, might break the power of him who holds
the power of death that is, the devil (the
blood of Yahusha covers the decrees in the Law overcoming the Law of Sin
and Death. With the decrees in the Law covered; the Law then becomes the
Law of the Spirit of Life)— 15 and free those who all their lives
were held in slavery by their fear of death (Yahusha
freed us from the Law of Sin and Death by covering the decrees in the
Law that demand our death. We are not held in slavery to the Law but
fear of death for disobeying it). 16 For surely it is not angels
Yahusha helps, but Abraham’s descendants (the
bloodline of the sons of Yahuah remains defined by the Abrahamic
Covenant). 17 For this reason he (Yahusha)
had to be made like them (he was made human
not a demi-god), fully human in every way (can’t
get any clearer than that, incarnation is a LIE) in order that
he might become a merciful and faithful high priest (NOT
“God in the flesh” but a Wonderful Counselor Isaiah 9:6) in
service to Yahuah (he is Yahuah’s High
Priest, not Yahuah in the flesh), and that he might make
atonement for the sins of the people (because
the Law that governs sacrifices and atonement has been transposed to
Heaven to serve Melchizedek). 18 Because he himself suffered when
he was tempted, he is able to help those (brothers
and sisters in the Family of Yahuah) who are being tempted (as
our High Priest).
Next, Sha’ul continues describing this amazing
Mystery of the Family of Yahuah. This “family” is known as “Elohim”
which means “gods”. We are human all came according to the flesh. Yahuah
is not human He is “Elohim”. Upon resurrection or the transposition of
our bodies from physical to Spiritual we too will be “elohim”, begotten
in Yahuah’s full image as sons. We see that pro-creating a family of
“gods” was the very “purpose of Yahuah” in creation.
Ephesians 1
1 Sha’ul, an apostle of Messiah
Yahusha by the will of Yahuah, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and
to the faithful in (covenant with)
Messiah Yahusha: 2 Grace be to you, and peace, from Yahuah our Father (of
Elohim), and from the King Messiah Yahusha. 3 Blessed be the
Elohim (Sha’ul declares the Shema or “Seal” of
the Kingdom of Yahuah) and Father of our King Messiah Yahusha (Yahusha
is NOT Yahuah in the flesh), who (Yahuah)
hath blessed us (His sons, Elohim) with
all spiritual blessings in Heavenly places (The
Heavenly Scroll) in (covenant with)
Yahusha (we are co-heirs): 4 According
(to Yahuah’s purpose) as He (Yahuah)
hath chosen (predestined) us in
covenant with Yahusha (we are in covenant with
Yahuah through the Yahushaic Covenant which is a marriage covenant where
“the two shall become one”. It is in that way that Yahusha and all his
brothers/sisters are ONE with Yahuah) before the foundation of
the world (it was Yahuah’s purpose from the
beginning before creation to pro-create a family and govern in with His
King written in The Heavenly Scroll), that we should be holy and
without blame before Him (Yahuah) in
love (through a marriage covenant with the
firstborn from the dead son Colossians 1:18): 5 Having
predestinated us unto the adoption of children-in-law (through
marriage covenant called The Yahushaic Covenant whereby Yahuah becomes
our Father by Law) by (the life
sacrifice of) Messiah Yahusha to Himself (Yahuah
as a sin offering Romans 8:3, Hebrews 9:11-14, 1 Peter 1:18-19, Hebrews
7:27), according to the good pleasure of his (Yahuah’s)
will (to pro-create a family… His Purpose),
6 To the praise of the glory of
His (Yahuah’s) grace, wherein Yahuah
hath made us (through Yahusha whose blood
covers the decrees) accepted in the beloved (family
of Elohim). 7 In whom (Messiah Yahusha)
we have redemption (from the Law of Sin and
Death) through his blood (Yahusha is
the Passover Lamb), (we have)
the forgiveness of sins (decrees in the Law
for violating His Commands are covered by the blood), according
to the riches of His (Yahuah’s) grace (it
is Yahuah who forgives sin and accepts Yahusha’s sacrifice to satisfy
the decrees that demand our death for breaking His Law, that is the
definition of Grace);
8 Wherein (covenant
with Yahusha) He (Yahuah) hath
abounded toward us (unlimited Grace) in
all wisdom and prudence; 9 Having made known unto us (elohim)
the mystery of His will (to
beget a family), according to His (Yahuah’s) good pleasure which
He hath purposed (predestined to create)
in (the full image of) Himself (He
is the Father of the family of Yahuah called elohim, Yahuah is the One
True Living Elohim): 10 That in the dispensation of the fullness
of times (proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll…
the end of the Age of ARIES when the “lamb dies”) He (Yahuah)
might gather together (again) in one (family
through the covenant of marriage, the two shall become one) all
things in (covenant with Yahusha the)
Messiah, both that which is written in The Heavenly Scroll, and which
written on Earth (the Prophets); even
in Him(self, Yahuah will reconcile creation
through the sacrifice of His Son): 11 In whom (the
first born Son, Messiah Yahusha) also we (too)
have obtained an inheritance (as sons of
Yahuah, we inherit the Universe), being predestinated according
to the purpose of Yahuah who worketh all things after the
Divine Council of His own will (which is
written in the stars, which Yahusha brought with him to fulfill “on
Earth as it is written in The Heavenly Scroll” - Matthew 6:10):

12 That we (sons
of Yahuah) should be to the praise of His glory, who first
trusted in Messiah Yahusha (and express our
faith in the Passover Lamb not the Easter Pig of Ishtar).
13 In whom (Yahusha)
you also trusted (was the Messiah proclaimed
in the stars), after that you heard the word of truth (preserved
in The Heavenly Scroll Psalms 119:89, Psalm 89:2), which is the
gospel of your salvation: in whom (Yahusha)
also after that you believed, you were sealed with that holy Spirit of
promise (the Spirit of Yahuah is the “blood of
the family of Yahuah” a Spiritual Parallel of a human bloodline or
14 Which is the earnest (guarantee)
of our (future) inheritance (as
sons of Yahuah) until the redemption (transposition
of our bodies from the Physical Realm to the Spiritual Realm) of
the purchased possession unto the praise of His glory.
17 That the Elohim (Sha’ul
again declares the Shema) of our King Messiah Yahusha (Yahuah
is Yahusha’s Elohim too), the Father of glory, may give unto you
the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him(self):
18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened (to
His Purpose to procreate a Family); that you may know what is the
hope of His (Yahuah) calling (you
as a son), and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in
the saints (we inherit the Universe
created by Yahuah to give to His children),
19 And what is the exceeding
greatness of Yahuah’s power toward us (as sons)
who believe, according to the working of His (Yahuah's)
mighty power, 20 Which He (Yahuah)
demonstrated in the Messiah, when Yahuah raised Yahusha from the dead (confirming
Yahusha’s sonship), and Yahuah set Yahusha at Yahuah’s own right
hand (of the throne of Creation. Yahusha is
Yahuah’s proxy King who sits on the Throne that governs Creation)
in the Kingdom of Yahuah, 21 Far above all principality, and power, and
might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this
world, but also in that which is to come:
22 And (Yahuah)
hath put all things under his (Yahusha’s)
feet, and Yahuah gave Yahusha (the first born
Son) to be the head (of His Family)
over all things to the assembly (of His sons),
23 Which is His (Yahuah’s Temple or)
body, the fullness of Him (Yahuah) that
fills all in all.
Sha’ul is describing the Mystery of the Ages,
which is the revelation of the eternal family of Yahuah predestined and
purchased through the blood of the Lamb. That Yahuah’s family is His
Glory. The head of the body (Yahuah’s Spiritual Temple) is the
Messiah, the first-born Son, and the rest of His sons are the body. This
body of sons of Yahuah (head and all) will liberate creation and
rule over it within a divine system of government.
This “mystery” is written in The Heavenly Scroll:
Daniel 4:35
"All the inhabitants of the Earth
are accounted as nothing, but He does according to His will written in
the host of Heaven (The Zodiac which hosts
constellations. Constellations “host stars”)
Psalm 119:89
Your Word (LOGOS/DABAR),
Yahuah, is eternal; it stands firm written in The Heavenly Scroll.
Psalm 19:1-6
1The Heavenly Scroll (Shamayim
- stars, Sun, and constellations) are telling of the Glory of
Elohim (John 1:14); And their expanse
is (The Divine Council) declaring the
Work of His Hands (Enoch 35:3, John 1:3).
2 Day to day The Heavenly Scroll pours forth speech, And night to night
the Sun/stars/constellations reveal knowledge. 3 There is no speech, nor
are there words; Their voice is not heard.
Psalm 89:2
I will declare that Your Love
stands firm forever, that you have established your faithful Promise (LOGOS)
of Salvation in The Heavenly Scroll itself.
Jubilee Chapter 6:16-18
– The Rainbow the sign of Shav’uot
16 He set His bow in the cloud for
a sign of the Eternal Covenant (Heavenly Wedding) that there 17
should not again be a flood on the Earth to destroy it all the days of
the Earth. For this reason, it is ordained and WRITTEN IN THE HEAVENLY
SCROLL, that they should celebrate the Feast of Weeks in this 18 month
once a year, to renew the Wedding Vows of the covenant every year.
Psalm 68:32-34
32 “Sing to Elohim, O Kingdoms of
the Earth, Sing Praises to Yahuah, Selah.” 33 To him (ORION
the Bearer of the Light of Life) who rides upon the highest (clouds
of) Heaven, which Yahuah declared from ancient times to
Enoch (in The Heavenly Scroll the
Ancient Paths Jeremiah 6:16, Enoch 35:3) “Behold The Heavenly
Scroll”, Yahuah Speaks forth with His Voice, a Mighty Voice (as
His Creation Cries Out! The stars/constellation proclaim the Plan of
Salvation ‘day after day, night after night to all mankind’ - Psalm 19).
34 The (meaning of the) Constellations
ascribe strength to Elohim; His Glory is proclaimed over (the
course of the year as the Sun travels through them) and His
strength is revealed in The Heavenly Scroll (Sun/stars/constellations
Shamayim as SIGNS of the Zodiac - Enoch 35:3, Psalm 19, Genesis 1:14).…”
Enoch 35:3
When I beheld them (the
stars and constellations), I blessed the Creator; every time in
which they appeared, I blessed the King of Glory (Yahuah,
the stars tell of His Glory Psalm 19), Who had made those great
and splendid signs (constellations),
that they might display the magnificence of this works to Angels and to
the souls of men; and that these might glorify all His Works and
Operations; might see the effect of His Power; might glorify the great
labour of His Hands; and bless Him forever.
Hebrews 10:7
I said, 'Here I am--it is written about me in The Heavenly Scroll-- I
have come to do Your Will, my Elohim! (Matthew
Matthew 6:10
Your Kingdom (declared
in Heaven Matthew 4:17) come, Your Will be done, on Earth as it
is written in The Heavenly Scroll (Psalm 19,
119:89, 89:2, Daniel 4:35).
Matthew 4:17
From that time on Yahusha began to proclaim, “Repent and be Mikveh’d,
for the kingdom proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll is near (to
being fulfilled).”
Note: I realize I keep
posting these verses, but I cannot stress this enough. The Earthly
Scrolls (OT and NT) are literally based on what is written in the stars
no matter what organized religion which is The Beast tells you.