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Chapter 19

In this chapter, the Battle of the Ages end with Mystery Babylon defeated. Yahusha emerges from the fray covered in blood riding a white horse and he is called The Fulfillment of the Word (found in The Heavenly Scroll).

  • The marriage between the Bride (the Elect) who has prepared herself and clothed in white linen, and the Groom (the Messiah) is consummated on Yom Kippur (Revelation 19:5–10).

  • Yahusha who holds the title Immanuel “faithful and true witness” rides in on a white horse. "With Justice he makes war" (Revelation 19:11). Yahusha the Messiah is the rider mentioned in chapter twelve. John references Psalm 2:9 "He will rule them with an iron scepter" (Revelation 19:15).

  • The war begins between the children of Yahuah and the world. When the war is won, the Beast and the false prophet (Pope) are cast into the metaphorical “lake of fire”. The rest of the dead are not laid to rest, but left out for “the Great Supper” a final offering. (Revelation 19:20–21).

  • The Army of Yahuah made up of its King Yahusha and the rest of the Children of Yahuah return to rule the Earth dressed in fine linen riding white horses with Crowns.

For more on Yahusha being the fulfillment of the Word proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll, not “the Incarnate Word of God” as in the pagan philosophy of “word became flesh” see my book The Testimony of Yahuchanon.

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Is Yahusha the “Word of God” in the flesh?

Yahusha is the fulfillment of the Word of Yahuah written in the stars. That is what the Book of Revelation and Gospel of John Chapter 1 (both written by the same guy) is all about! He is not the personification of the Word or Incarnation of the Word. That is pagan.

As you can see below, the Doctrine of Incarnation that led to the acceptance of the pagan Babylonian Trinity through syncretism did not come about until 4 centuries after Yahusha lived and died. That false doctrine that Yahusha is literally "Logos" or “Word of God” in the flesh and not the fulfillment of Yahuah's predestined plan written in the stars evolved in the 4th Century through the "tradition and reasoning" under the influence of pagan Greek philosophers such as Plato...

The Abingdon Dictionary of Living Religions, page 767, tells us:
TRINITY (Ch). The Dogma, formulated authoritatively in fourth century church Councils, that Christians worship one God in three persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) and one substance. Under pressure to explain to a hostile Roman world how Christians counted themselves monotheists, Christian apologists (notably Justin Martyr, d. 165) combined Johannine and Stoic-Platonic understanding of the term Logos ("Reason," or "Word") in order to maintain that the Son was both God's own self-expression and a being distinct from him.

So, we read above The Trinity was justified not through the Word of Yahuah (because it cannot be it is Blasphemy) it was justified using Hellenism or the “combined Johannine and Stoic Platonic” pagan philosophy of the term “Logos”. We read below that the term logos was defined by Christians according to the interpretations of pagan influenced philosophers in order to promote a false pagan God-savior:

Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 7, page 449.
LOGOS (Greek:"word, "reason, or plan"), plural logoi, in Greek philosophy and theology, the divine reason implicit in the cosmos, ordering it and giving it form and meaning. Though the concept defined by the term logos is found in Greek, Indian, Egyptian, and Persian philosophical and theological systems, it became particularly significant in Christian writings and doctrines to describe or define the role of Jesus Christ as the principle of God active in the creation and the continuation structuring of the cosmos and in revealing the divine plan of salvation to man. It thus underlies the basic Christian doctrine of the pre-existence of Jesus… The identification of Jesus with the logos was further developed in the early church but more on the basis of Greek philosophical ideas than on Old Testament motifs.

The concept of Logos was based on Greek philosophical ideas not on any prophecy or Old Testament “motifs” or Hebrew understanding at all. It is a pagan philosophy of Hellenism.

The Religions of Ancient Greece and Babylonia clearly tells us that the Greek philosophical ideas were developed in Alexandria, Egypt from the pagan Babylonian mystery religions. These ideas pertaining to the meaning of Logos penetrated as a result of modern religious thought through the philosophy of Greece and Egypt.

The Religions of Ancient Greece and Babylonia, by A. H. Sayce. pages 229-230
Many of the theories of Egyptian religion, modified and transformed no doubt, have penetrated into the theology of Christian Europe, and form, as it were, part of the woof in the web of modern religious thought. Christian theology was largely organized and nurtured in the schools of Alexandria, and Alexandria was not only the meeting place of East and West, it was also the place where the decrepit theology of Egypt was revivified by contact with the speculative philosophy of Greece. Perhaps, however, the indebtedness of Christian theological theory to ancient Egyptian dogma is nowhere more striking than in the doctrine of the Trinity. The very terms used of it by Christian theologians meet us again in the inscriptions and papyri of Egypt. Originally the trinity was a triad like those we find in Babylonian mythology. The triad consisted of a divine father, wife, and son. The father became the son and the son the father through all time, and of both alike the mother was but another form.

It is from the pagan mystery religions that the Greek philosophers developed the idea of Logos:

The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, Volume 3, page 1085
Among the systems offering an explanation of the world in terms of the
logos, there are the Mystery Religions. These cultic communities did not see their task as lying in the communication of knowledge of a scientific nature, but of mysteries to their initiates who strove for purification in the recurrent enactment of sacred actions. The Foundation for these cultic actions was Sacred Text. Among them were the cults of Dionysus, the Pytha-goreans, and the Orphic Mysteries. By means of these cults, non Greek thought, such as in the Isis-Osiris Mysteries, which Osiris the logos created by Isis is the spiritual image of the world. Similarly in the cult of Hermes, Hermes informed his son Tat in the Sacred Text belonging to the cult, how by God's mercy, he became logos, and thus a son of God. As such, he (Hermes) brought regulation and form into world, but himself remained a mediating being between God and matter, on one side, and God and man on the other. The logos can also, however, appear as the son of Hermes, resulting in a triple (trinity) gradation: God (who is Zeus), Son (Hermes), and LOGOS. It was through syncretism that we have the word “Logos” or “Word” written in our English Bibles instead of “The Spoken Promise / Plan of Yahuah” which is what the word Logos means in Greek and Debar in Hebrew! Neither word means “in the flesh”:

For more information on this topic, please read my book Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit which is a full vindication of The Spirit of Truth vs. The Spirit of the Antichrist which is Incarnation.

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit by Rav Sha’ul

King of Kings and Lord of Lords…

In this chapter of Revelation, Yahusha rides in with the “shem” or title/name written on his banner “King of Kings and Lord of Lords”. Putting that sound bite back into context, we see that in context Yahusha has many crown, a crown for each title he holds… we know Yahusha has many “titles” or “names” which in Hebrew means “reputation”… we are not talking about his personal name, Revelation 19:12 is speaking of his titles.


3.A more common meaning of the word for “name” in Hebrew (SHEM) in the Bible is ‘the essential reality of who someone is’, as in Proverbs 21:24. “A proud and haughty person’s SHEM is scorner.” In Exodus 34:14 we read,” Yahuah, Whose SHEM is jealous, is a jealous Elohim.” In a more famous example, the prophet Isaiah gave Messiah’s SHEM as being


• “Wonderful,

• Counselor,

• the Image of Mighty EL,

• the Father of Everlasting Life,

• the Ruler of Heaven.” (Isaiah 9:5-6)


He certainly is all of those, and they are some of His royal titles, but none of them are His Name. The plural form of SHEM is SHMOT. The Bible has many SHMOT for Elohim which are royal titles and revelations of the reality of Who He is, but not names as such. In Biblical Hebrew, to trust in Someone’s SHEM means to trust Him because of Who He is. To bless Someone’s SHEM means to bless Him because of Who He is. Now before we proceed to idioms, would you like to work a small puzzle? Here it is: Untangle the visual pun in Revelation 19:16:“And on his robe and on his thigh (banner-correct translation ) He has His SHEM written: KING OF KINGS, AND MASTER OF MASTERS.”


The Sabbatarian Network provides information on the following numbers, words, and combinations of the following numbers, and words, and many more: 1, 2, 7, 15, 24, 40, 616, 666, 144000, Abel, Abib, abominations, abortion, Abraham, Acts, Adam, aggelos, Aish, Alexander Hislop, allegories, altar, analogies, ancient, angel, annual, anoint, anthr