1-6: The Good Shepherd and his Sheep who enter through The
Narrow Gate of Passover
7-11: The children of The Dragon are blinded to True Reality
found in The Heavenly Scroll
12-16: Yahuah gave Yahusha the Authority to Offer his Life in
Obedience to His Will written in The Heavenly Scroll
17-21: The Father Loves the One who fulfills The Heavenly Scroll Isaiah
22-30: Yahusha entered into covenant with Yahuah to fulfill The
Plan of Salvation written in The Heavenly Scroll and is “One Family Father/Son
through covenant”
31-42: Yahusha denies Incarnation and rebukes the Pharisees false witness
of Blasphemy for claiming to be “god”.
Yahusha points to The Way through
The Narrow Gate of Passover as the Good Shepherd/VIRGO and
fulfillment of The Plan of Salvation written in The Heavenly Scroll:
He fulfills LIBRA by giving his life to pay
the dowry for the Sheep/Bride:
LIBRA/John 10:11:
The scales demand a price to be paid of this seed, a cross to endure; the
victim will be slain (as the Lamb/ARIES dies to
pay the dowry and redeem his Bride) and purchase a crown (earn the right to rule by willingly dying for the ones he
will rule over and demonstrating the Greatest Love of all).
As the Good Shepherd/VIRGO calls his Sheep
from among the Nations, they hear his voice and he leads the Sheep/Bride
through The Narrow Gate into The Kingdom/CANCER over the
Messianic Age of PISCES:
PISCES/John 10:3:
The Redeemer's people multiplied, supported and led by the Lamb, The Bride is
exposed on Earth, the Bridegroom is exalted.
CANCER/John 10:3:
The Great Bride, the two Houses of Yahudah/Judah and Israel are united (by the one who brings peace between the two Houses, The
Prince of Peace Isaiah 9:6), they are united and brought
safely into The Kingdom (the re-unification of the two
Houses of Israel into Remnant Israel).
The Good Shepherd gives his life for his Sheep and grants
them eternal life in covenant as his Bride.
AQUARIUS/John 10:9,10:
He pours out “Living Water from on High, humanity drinks of the Heavenly River
and the faithful live again
He gives his life at the end of the Age of ARIES/the
Lamb as the Age ends (the Lamb dies) and he is found Worthy by the
Gatekeeper Yahuah Who opens The Narrow Gate for all those who follow Yahusha’s
example of Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering on Passover.
ARIES/John 10:3:
The Lamb (gives his life at the end of the Age of ARIES/Lamb
dies) is found Worthy, the Bride is made ready/Righteous (by walking The Way), Satan is bound,
the strong man (Psalm 19) triumphs.

This Plan of Salvation was laid out as a physical example
for us to study in the first Exodus as Mosheh/Moses (the Good Shepherd)
led his sheep (Israel) out of bondage (Age of TAURUS) on
Passover (The Narrow Gate), through the wilderness (Age of PISCES)
and into the Promised Land (Age of AQUARIUS). Yahusha is portrayed in the stars as crucified in the 4th
Prophetic Day when the Age of ARIES/the Lamb ends (dies).
This is how Daniel knew the exact timing of The Messiah’s arrival! Daniel was
shown The Heavenly Scroll.
Matthew 7:13,14
13 Enter (into The Kingdom) through The Narrow Gate (of Passover).
For wide is the gate (the Way of the Gentiles
Ishtar/Easter) and broad is the road (of Incarnated demi-gods)
that leads to destruction (blasphemy against the Spirit of Yahuah),
and many (filled with The Spirit of the False Messiah/Incarnation)
enter through it. 14 But small is
the gate (in covenant with a Mediator) and narrow the road that leads
to Life (John 17:3 – ‘this is eternal life, that they
know You, the only True God’), and only a few find it.
Yahusha calls us all “Lambs of Yahuah” fulfilling the
Original shadow (Letter) found in The Spiritual Law, as we all are to
bring our own Lambs to the Altar on Passover.
Exodus 12:1-6
- the Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread
1 Yahuah said to Mosheh/Moses and Aharon/Aaron in Egypt, 2
This month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year. 3
Tell the whole community of Israel that on the tenth day of this month each
man is to take a lamb for his family, one for each household.
… 5 The animals you choose must be year-old males without
defect, and you may take them from the sheep or the goats. 6 Take
care of them until the fourteenth day of the month, when all the members of the
community of Israel must slaughter them (there were
many Passover Lambs) at twilight.
The Nazarenes understood that we are all Passover Lambs
and we are to follow the Good Shepherd’s example on Passover and walk The
Way of Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering just like he did
when he gave his life as THE Passover Lamb as a Light/example to the Nations.
Romans 12:1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of Yahuah’s Mercy
accepted His Firstborn Son Yahusha as a Sacrifice on Passover, which tore the
Veil open to the Mercy Seat), to offer your
(own) bodies (not just Yahusha, we too must follow
in his footsteps) as a Living Sacrifice (Living
Sacrificial Lamb on the Altar of Yahuah each Passover, as commanded),
Holy (prepared through Mikveh) and pleasing to Yahuah (Lambs without
spot or blemish 2 Kephah/2 Peter 3:14)—this is your True
and Proper Worship (on Passover Exodus 12:3).
2 Kephah/2 Peter 3:14,15
14 Therefore, beloved, looking forward
to these things (the Appointed Times of Yahuah specifically Passover), be diligent to be found (faithful to
the Spiritual Truth of Passover) by
Him in peace, without spot and blameless (referring to
our bodies as Living Sacrificial Lambs removing the leaven and giving your
lives as Living Sacrificial Lambs Romans 12:1); 15 and consider that the longsuffering (on Passover) of our King (to pay the
dowry for his Bride and fulfill The Heavenly Scroll) is Salvation (he, ORION,
pours out Living Water and the faithful live again)
Ezekiel 36:25-27 – Mikveh,
Circumcision, Offering
25 Then I will sprinkle clean
water on you (MIKVEH), and you will be clean; I will cleanse
you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. 26 Moreover, I
will give you a new (CIRCUMCISION) heart and put a New (Loving) Spirit within you; and I
will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27
I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My Statutes, and you
will be careful to observe My Ordinances (to bring your own Passover Lamb, (OFFERING), to the
Altar Exodus 12:1-3)
1 John 2:6
whoever says he abides in (covenant with) him (Yahusha)
ought to walk in the same way in which he walked (follow Yahusha’s example).
For I have given you an example (Spiritual
path), that you should do as I have
done (offer our own lives as Living Sacrificial Lambs on Passover).
Colossians 2:8-15 – IN
8 See to it that no one (Greek Christian) takes
you captive through philosophy (pagan ‘LOGOS’ for example)
and empty deception (sound bite implied doctrine), according to the
tradition of men, according to the elementary principles (false spirits
i.e. The Spirit of Error) of the world, rather than according to The
Yahushaic Covenant. 9 For in (covenant with) Yahusha
all the Fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form (we are reborn Spiritually and filled
with His Spirit in our bodies Ephesians 3:19), 10
and in The Yahushaic Covenant you have been made complete (in Fullness
of Deity), and Yahusha is the head over all rule and authority (as the Firstborn
Son of Yahuah through inheritance);
11 and in The Yahushaic
Covenant you were also Circumcised (in your heart) with a Circumcision
made without hands (Sha’ul/Paul is teaching the transposition of The Law into the
Spirit), in the removal of the body of the flesh (carnal mindset) by
the Circumcision of the same Spirit of Holiness (Righteous keeping of The Law)
that is in The Messiah;
12 having been buried with
Yahusha in Mikveh, in which you were also raised up (in covenant) with
Yahusha through faith in the working of Yahuah, Who raised Yahusha from the
dead (Sha’ul/Paul
is saying we have been given the Spirit of Holiness which is the Power of Yahuah
that raised Yahusha).
13 When you were dead in your
transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh (carnal mindset), Yahuah
made you alive together with Yahusha, (and Yahuah through Mikveh)
having forgiven us all our transgressions (by the Blood of the Passover Lamb),
14 (Yahuah) having canceled out the ‘certificate of
debt’ consisting of (His judicial) Decrees against us (Death Decrees
found in The Law), which was hostile to us (because we
transgressed His Commands and Ordinances); and Yahuah has taken
the Death Decrees in The Law out of the way, having nailed those Death Decrees
to the stake (with Yahusha and forgiven our sin). 15 When
Yahusha had disarmed the rulers and authorities (by dying innocent by walking The
Way), Yahusha made a public display of them (defeating The
Law of Sin and Death through Resurrection), having triumphed over
them through (the Power of) Yahuah (Who raised Yahusha from the grave).
Sha’ul is explaining that the physical rehearsal of
sacrificing your own Passover Lamb each year was nothing more than a teaching
tool to help us understand our role in The Yahushaic Covenant and remind
us of the timing The Messiah would come at the end of The Age of ARIES the
Lamb (the Age dies):
Hebrews 10:1-10
1 The Law is only a shadow (physical
example/rehearsal) of the Good Things
that are Coming (The Spiritual Kingdom of Yahuah)—not the (Spiritual) realities
themselves. For this reason, it (the physical examples/rehearsals in
The Law) can never, by the same (physical)
sacrifices (of a lamb) repeated
endlessly year after year, make perfect those who draw near
to worship (perfection is found in personal sacrifice, and the Spiritual
attitude of the heart not outward physical rituals). 2 Otherwise, would they (physical
sacrifices) not have stopped being offered? For
the worshippers would have been cleansed once for all and would no longer have
felt guilty for their sins. 3 But those
sacrifices are an annual reminder of when our sins will be forgiven.
4 It is impossible for the blood of bulls and
goats to take away sins (forgiveness of sin comes from
repentance of heart i.e. is Spiritually offered not physically. Reverent
submission as Yahusha demonstrated in The Garden of Gethsemane). 5 Therefore, when The Messiah came into the world
fulfill Passover), Yahusha said: Sacrifice and Offering
You did not desire, but a (sinful)
body You prepared for me; 6 with (physical) burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased. 7 Then
I said, ‘here I am (offering my sinful body broken as a Living Sacrifice to
deny my sinful will and reverently submit to Your Will)—it is written about me in The Heavenly Scroll (as a Lamb
that was slaughtered before the foundation of the world Revelation 13:8) — I have come (to deny my selfish sinful flesh and) to do Your Will (written in
The Heavenly Scroll Hebrews 10:7, Matthew 6:10), My God (Yahusha is NOT Yahuah, Yahuah is the
God of Yahusha just like Yahuah is our God and Father John 20:17).’” 8 First He said, Sacrifices and Offerings;
burnt offerings and sin offerings You did not desire, nor were You pleased with
them—though they were offered in accordance with The Law (Yahuah’s
rehearsals became a burdensome ritual Miykahyahu/Micah 6). 9 Then he said, Here I
am, I have come to do Your Will (on Earth as it is written in The
Heavenly Scroll. Yahusha made this clear on Passover when he prayed in the
Garden Luke 22:42). (In doing so
he paid the dowry for his Bride, dying to his selfish will in obedience to Yahuah’s
Will) He (Yahusha)
sets aside (transposes) the first (physical
ritual example of sacrificing an animal) to
establish the second (Spiritual Truth of reverent submission of Will giving
our own bodies as Living Sacrificial Lambs Romans 12:1). 10 And by (following) that (same) Will (of our own obedient
submission), we (too) have been made Holy (Set Apart) through (Mikveh and by following the example of) the (Living)
Sacrifice of the body of Yahusha The Messiah (who)
once for all (the Son of Yahuah tore the Veil! Yahusha tore the Veil and
provided access to the Altar of Yahuah. Revealing the meaning and Spiritual
Truth of Passover. We no longer go through the same ritual physical example of
killing an animal year after year Hebrews 5:1 above, now we Offer
ourselves as Lambs of Yahuah on Passover as we are to be Living Sacrifices and
follow in the example set by Yahusha).
Sha’ul continues teaching how to keep Passover, instructing
the ritual of Mikveh. Sha’ul is explaining that in the tradition of Israel,
in order to become a member of the commonwealth of Israel, you had to be Circumcised,
Mikveh’d and bring an Offering to burn on the Altar. Now those physical training tools have been realized in
their Spiritual Truths in The Yahushaic Covenant:
Hebrews 10:22
Let us draw near to (the Altar of) Yahuah (properly
presenting ourselves) with a sincere heart (True CIRCUMCISION) and with
the full assurance that faith (in the example set by Yahusha) brings
(… that we
can offer our own lives as Living Sacrifices because Yahusha has torn the Veil
in two, giving us access to the Mercy Seat of Yahuah), having our
hearts sprinkled (with the Blood OFFERING) to cleanse us from
a guilty conscience (the covering of the Death Decrees) and having
our bodies washed with pure Living Water (MIKVEH).
In Ephesians, we again, see Sha’ul use the Spiritual
Truth of Passover and the Mikveh to prepare the Bride to meet her husband for
the “Appointed Time” as spotless Passover Lambs.
Ephesians 5:25-27
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as The Messiah loved the
body and gave himself up for her (as the Passover Lamb) 26
to make her Holy, (ritually) cleansing her by the washing with (Living)
Water (MIKVEH),
through the Commandments (CIRCUMCISION of heart) 27 and to present her (properly)
to himself as a radiant assembly, without spot or wrinkle or any other blemish
spotless OFFERING
on Passover),
but Holy and blameless.
The proper way to keep Passover, Mikveh, Circumcision,
and Offering is taught throughout both the “Old and New” covenants. It is
The True Way that leads to eternal life. We have as an assembly, lost our way
and now are consumed with pagan rituals. For more on The Narrow Gate and the true
meaning of The Feast Cycle, The Heavenly wedding, and the Plan of Salvation,
this intro was taken from my book The Narrow Gate available at
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