Fullness of Time?
The “time of the fulfillment” of The Heavenly Scroll has come!

From my book “Creation Cries Out! The Mazzaroth


We read in

Galatians 4:4

"But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law"

Ask 100 teachers and you’ll get 100 different answers as to what “fullness of time” actually means. Let me provide the key to this question as it is, as always, found IN CONTEXT.

Hebrew is read right to left but the translators conveniently ignored that in many cases such as in Isaiah 9:6 they translated “everlasting Father” to promote the Trinity when in Hebrew it reads “Father everlasting” in the same way Abraham is “father faith” in Hebrew. We understand Abraham is the forefather of our faith, In the same way, Isaiah 9:6 should be translated and understood as Yahusha is the Forefather of Everlasting Life. That is another teaching altogether.  My point is the way the translators chose to phrase the words and the words they chose.  They did so to confuse the issue, use passive voice, anything they could do to create confusion to “false doctrines” could be taught out of context.

In the case of Gal. 4:4-7 if it were properly handled it would read “time of fulfillment” not “fullness of time” which is confusing and lends little to our understanding. The word translated “fullness” means “fulfillment” and that makes MUCH more sense…

Strong's 4138. pléróma - def: Short Definition: fullness, fulfillment, completion.

So, in the “time of fulfillment” Yahuah sent Yahusha to fulfill The Heavenly Scroll ‘in the flesh” as prophesied by the Prophet Daniel, laid out specifically in The Heavenly Scroll, and proclaimed by John in John Chapter 1… Yahusha came, as Sha’ul stated, “right on time” to fulfill the Logos/Dabar/Spoken Promise in the beginning known as The Heavenly Scroll and as the Scroll proclaims eternal life springs from his death at the end of the Age of Aries and beginning of Pisces.

Romans 1

2 concerning Yahusha, which Yahuah PROMISED (definition of Logos/Debar) beforehand (in the stars and Psalms 19) through His prophets in the holy Scriptures 3 concerning His Son, who was born of a descendant of David according to the flesh, 4 who was declared (Divine) the Son of Yahuah with power by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holiness (Yahuah’s Spiritual Seed), Yahusha the Messiah (the Branch).

So, let’s apply a little thing called CONTEXT to what Sha’ul said. We see Yahusha agreed! He proclaimed the “Gospel of Yahuah” which is written in the stars of a coming King, then said, “TIME IS FULFILLED“. Time of what to be fulfilled?… The Kingdom of Heaven or The Kingdom proclaimed in Shamayim/stars … has arrived.

Mark 1

14 Yahusha went into Galilee and proclaimed the gospel of Yahuah (The Word of His Testimony). 15 “THE TIME (of the Gospel of Yahuah) IS FULFILLED", He said, “and the kingdom (proclaimed) in (The) Heaven(ly Scroll) is near. Repent and believe in the gospel (that Yahuah has fulfilled His Promise in Yahusha)!”

Sha’ul re-enforced this understanding again…

Ephesians 1:10

as a plan (Logos/Debar) for the fullness of time, to bring all things proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll and fulfilled on earth in Yahusha.

Again, Sha’ul knew The Heavenly Scroll where the Branch gives his life as a dowry/ransom to redeem his Bride… at “just the right time“…

1 Timothy 2:6

who (Yahusha/The Branch) gave Himself as a ransom (dowry) for all (his Bride) -- the testimony of Yahusha (The Heavenly Scroll) that was given at JUST THE RIGHT TIME.

The Heavenly Scroll was created on the 4th day of Creation, pointing to the 4th Prophetic Day it would be fulfilled in Yahusha. Daniel read The Heavenly Scroll and knew it proclaimed the Branch would be “portrayed as a Lamb Slaughtered” as Aries ends (the Lamb dies) and the Messianic Age of Pisces began.  Sha’ul was a Nazarene and proclaimed The Heavenly Scroll is the very source of our faith and taught its contents (as did John, Yahusha, and every other prophet in Scripture).


The exact timing of Yahusha’s birth is foretold in The Heavenly Scroll and at the “time of its fulfillment” Yahuah sent his son as promised… for more read my book Creation Cries out! The Mazzaroth.



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