Chapter 12
1 Now six days before the
Passover (Physical to Spiritual Parallel of The Sabbath covenant proclaimed in The
Heavenly Scroll 6 Prophetic Days (3 Ages) then The Kingdom Age of AQUARIUS
begins), Yahusha came to Bethany where his brother-in-law Lazarus
faithful) lived again (AQUARIUS). This is
where Yahusha demonstrated Power (a Physical to Spiritual Parallel
confirming he was the fulfillment of The Heavenly Scroll) from
Yahuah to raise him from the dead (fulfilling AQUARIUS the
Bearer of Living Water and Manna).
D'li (AQUARIUS/Saturn) - 7627.
שְׁבָט (Shebat) -- to cease, rest, or desist
He pours out Living Water from on High, humanity drinks of the Heavenly
River and the faithful live again, he is the Deliverer of the Good
News (Gospel), Carrying the wood of the
sacrifice over the Earth (as the Sun/stars/constellation
proclaim The Good News to all mankind day after day, night after night Psalm
2 Miriam and Martha made dinner and served
Yahusha and Lazarus as they all dined together (as a family) in private
(as he
spent family time before his death with his loved ones). 3
Then Miriam, Yahusha’s wife, took a pound of very rare ointment made of
spikenard and anointed the feet of Yahusha her beloved, then wiped his feet
with her hair filling the house with beautiful fragrance.
4 Later, when one of his Disciples, Yahudah/Judas
the Scicarii (Scicarii were the elite arm of the militant arm of the Zealots fighting
against Roman occupation and assassinated Jewish leaders who sympathized and
did Rome’s bidding), son of Simon, heard of this he said; 5 Why
was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?
6 (he said this
because he was entrusted to manage the money collected to fund The Nazarene
Movement) 7 But Yahusha instructed that she be left alone about
it. Miriam, his wife, had been saving this ointment for Yahusha’s burial. 8
Yahusha said: For the poor you always have with you; but you do not always have
9 The word was getting around that Yahusha was
back home in Bethany. Many Yahudaim came to see Yahusha and Lazarus because
Yahusha had risen Lazarus from the grave. 10 So the Chief Priests
plotted how they might also put Lazarus to death; 11 Since, because
of his testimony, many of the Yahudaim had stopped following them, and come to
believe in Yahusha as the fulfillment of The Heavenly Scroll.
12 On the next day many people heard that Yahusha
was coming to Yerushalayim/Jerusalem, 13 so they took branches of
palm trees and went out to meet Yahusha, as he made his triumphant entry through
the city gates ahead of the High Priest coming from Bethlehem with the Passover
Lamb, crying out; Hosanna! Blessed be the King of Israel, who comes in the Name
of Yahuah (fulfilling Psalm 118:26)!
14 Before intentionally making his entry ahead of
The High Priest (to upset the High Priest who would want him killed for
usurping his authority on the Greatest Day of the year for the High Priest),
Yahusha had arranged to have a young donkey brought to him so he could ride in
on a donkey to fulfill what the Prophet Zechariah had written (Zechariah
9:9,10 who read The Heavenly Scroll); 15 Fear not,
daughter of Zion! Behold, your Conquering King (ORION the
Bearer of The Light of Life) arises (riding on the
clouds of heaven) and shines (The Light of Life… Isaiah 60:1),
Story behind the pictograph of ORION:
The Son of Man/Light Bearer
“The Coming Prince of Peace, the Light (Bearer
to the World), the one who holds the double-edged sword in his hand (the Word of Yahuah), he is the coming of The
Branch, the one wounded by the serpent, the foot that crushes the head of
the serpent.”
Isaiah 60:1
“Arise (ORION and ride the clouds of heaven),
shine; for your Light (ORION is ‘the Light Bearer’)
has come (been fulfilled in Yahusha), And the Glory of Yahuah (proclaimed by
The Sun/stars/constellations Psalm 19 and Enoch 35:3) has
risen upon you (like the Sun). 2 “For behold,
darkness will cover the Earth And deep darkness the peoples; But Yahuah will
rise (like
the Sun) upon you And His Glory (proclaimed by the Sun in The Heavenly
Scroll Psalm 19) will appear upon you.
Isaiah 42:5-7
5 Thus
says Yahuah, Who created The Heavenly Scroll and stretched out the stars and constellation
to proclaim His Plan of Salvation (Isaiah 48:13), Who spread out the Earth and its offspring, Who gives breath
to the people on it and revive the Spirit of those who walk in The Way
of Mikveh (AQUARIUS), 6
"I am Yahuah, I have called Yahusha in The Path of Righteousness (to show My people
how they can fulfill The Law and be found Righteous in My sight through Mikveh
with Living Water Ezekiel 36:25),
I will also hold Yahusha by the hand and watch over him to walk The
Way by example (John 13:5), And I will appoint Yahusha as a Covenant to the People (Called The
Yahushaic Covenant), As a Spiritual
Light Bearer (ORION) to the Nations
the physical light of the Sun in The Heavenly Scroll Psalm 19, Malachi 4:2, Isaiah
60:1, 2 Samuel 23:4, Proverbs 4:18, Isaiah 9:2, Isaiah 30:26, Isaiah 49:6, Isaiah
60:1, Matthew 4:15, Luke 1:78, Luke 2:32, John 8:12, John 12:40), 7 To open Spiritually blind eyes, To bring
out prisoners from the dungeon of The Dragon and those who dwell in
darkness from the prison of human tradition and religion (Luke 42:7, Psalm 146:8, John 9:7)
Psalm 19:1-6
1The Heavenly Scroll (Shamayim - stars, Sun, and
constellations) are telling of the Glory of Elohim (John 1:14);
And their expanse is (The Divine Counsel) declaring
the Work of His Hands (Enoch 35:3, John 1:3). 2
Day to day The Heavenly Scroll pours forth speech, And night to night the
Sun/stars/constellations reveal knowledge. 3 There is no speech, nor
are there words; Their voice is not heard. 4 Their line (Zodiac means ‘line/path/way
the Sun takes travels through the constellations’) has gone out
through all the Earth (the ecliptic plane), And their utterances to
the end of the world (John 1:9). In the stars/constellations
Yahuah has placed a tabernacle for the Sun (Luke 1:78,79, Matthew 4:16,17),
5 Which (the Sun) is as a Bridegroom (John 3:19)
coming out of his chamber (to marry the Bride John 3:29); It rejoices
as a strong man (ORION) to run (riding the
clouds of heaven)his course (of a wedding as the Groom… the feast Cycle/The Heavenly wedding). 6 The Sun’s
rising (Luke 1:78, Matthew 4:16,17) is from one end of the
heavens (Shamayim/stars), And its circuit (Zodiac) to the other end
of them; And there is nothing hidden from its Light/Revelation.
sitting on a donkey's colt (Zechariah 9:9,10) as
Yahusha fulfilled on Earth what was written in The Heavenly Scroll (Hebrews 10:7,
Matthew 6:10, Matthew 4:16,17)!
Zechariah 9:9,10
9 Rejoice Greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O
daughter of Yerushalayim/Jerusalem! Behold, your Conquering King (ORION)
is coming to you (riding on the clouds of heaven); He is the
Glorious and Righteous Branch (VIRGO) and endowed
with Salvation (AQUARIUS), humble, and mounted on a donkey,
Even on a colt, the foal of a donkey. 10 I will cut off the chariot
from Ephraim And the horse from Yerushalayim/Jerusalem; And the bow of war will
be cut off. And The Prince of Peace (ORION, Isaiah
9:6) will speak Peace to the Nations (Numbers
25:12,13 - as the Eternal Tsedek/Zadok High Priest Yahusha mediates The
Covenant of Peace. CANCER: Yahusha is The
Prince of Peace Isaiah 9:6 consummating The Covenant of Peace
with his Blood, a Marriage covenant, who re-unifies and makes Peace between the
House of Israel and the House of Yahudah/Judah into Remnant Israel the New
Bride Ephesians 2:14-17); And His dominion will be from
sea to sea, And from the River to the ends of the Earth (Isaiah 9:6, LEO).
16 At first his Disciples did not understand the
things Yahusha was doing. They did not understand until Yahusha was given the
Glory (proclaimed
by the stars Psalm 19:1 and seated at the Right Hand of The Father as the Conquering
King Daniel 7, Revelation 5) as The Father had promised (LOGOS/DABAR – ‘Spoken
Promise’) him in The Heavenly Scroll before the foundation of
the World (John 17:5, 1 Peter 1:19-21, Revelation 5:1-13).
John 17:1-6
1 When Yahusha
had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes and expressed his faith in The
Heavenly Scroll, and said, “Father, the time has come to
give my life at the end of the Age of ARIES. (when the Lamb
dies, the Passover Lamb was an annual reminder of when our sins would be
forgiven at the end of 4,000 years as the Age of ARIES transitions to
the Age of PISCES Hebrews 10:1-4);
Glorify Your Son as You promised through Resurrection that the Son may Glorify
You by demonstrating by example that The Way succeeds in
delivering eternal life as promised in The Heavenly Scroll (LIBRA, CAPRICORNUS) not in The Law (Romans 8:1-4. Yahusha is
the True Way that leads to eternal life, the Author of Eternal Salvation, the
Forefather of Everlasting Life). 2 since You have given The Son of Man (ORION) authority over all flesh (LEO),
to give eternal life (AQUARIUS) to all whom You have given him in marriage (PISCES). 3 And this is the
foundation of eternal life (the Greatest Commandment), that they know you, the ONE and ONLY TRUE God (Yahuah is
Echad, the ONE and ONLY), and (enter into
covenant with) Yahusha (Yachad – we
are ‘One with The Father’ the same way Yahusha is… we are family) The Messiah whom You have sent as mediating High Priest (The Suffering
Servant VIRGO to pay the dowry LIBRA for his Bride AQUARIUS
/ PISCES and redeem her from death 1 Timothy 2:5). 4 I Glorified You on Earth by manifesting The
Spiritual Kingdom, having accomplished the work that You gave me to do as it is
written in The Heavenly Scroll (Hebrews 10:7, Matthew 6:10). 5 And now, Father, Glorify
me in your Own Presence through Resurrection (CAPRICORNUS); and seat me at Your Right Hand on The Throne of Heaven (Matthew
22:44) and give me my Kingdom (LEO, Daniel 7,
Revelation 5); the Glory that I had with
you as Conquering King (LEO / ORION) as promised (Genesis 1:1, LOGOS/DABAR
H1696 ‘Spoken Promise’) before the world
existed written (on Day 4) into the stars (Genesis
1:14 – ‘stars are for SIGNS’, Enoch 35:3 – ‘Yahuah created
the Great and Splendid SIGNS of the Zodiac) as a
witness to all mankind (Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3, Psalm 119:89,
Psalm 89:2 called The Word of His Testimony/Heavenly
Scroll/Mazzaroth/Divine Counsel/Hosts of Heaven) 6
I have revealed Your Name to those You have given me out of the world. They
were Yours; You gave them to me (as my Bride Ṭ'leh/ARIES),
and they have kept The Word of Your Testimony (Revelation 12:17).…
- H1423. גֶּ֫דִי (gedi) -- a kid (a young goat)
Eternal life comes from his death, he's the Arrow of God, he is pierced, yet
springs up again in Abundant Life.
Ṭ'leh (ARIES/Mars) – H5212
- Taleh (טלה) Nisan
- War
The Lamb (gives his life at the end of
the Age of ARIES/Lamb dies) is found worthy, the Bride is
made ready, Satan is bound, the strong man triumphs.
1 Kephah/1 Peter 1:19-21
19 but with the precious Blood of Yahusha, a Lamb without
blemish or spot (foretold to come in The Heavenly Scroll ARIES, Revelation
5:1-13). 20 He was foreknown (promised)
before the foundation of the world (written in the stars on Day 4 of
Creation Psalm 19) but was revealed (the Plan of
Salvation was fulfilled ‘in the flesh” when Yahusha was born John Chapter 1)
in the last times for your sake (in the 4th Prophetic Day as foretold
in The Heavenly Scroll). 21 Through (covenant with)
Yahusha you believe in Yahuah, Who raised Yahusha from the dead (this is when
Yahusha became Divine) and glorified him (with the
Glory Yahuah has spoken of him written in The Heavenly Scroll);
and so your faith and Hope are in The Testimony of Yahuah (Who authored
The Heavenly Scroll Isaiah 46).
Revelation 5:1-14 – John
reads The Heavenly Scroll/Yahusha portrayed as a Lamb slaughtered and given
Glory as King promised before the foundation of the world in The Heavenly
1 And I saw in the Right Hand of Him Who sat on the Throne, a (Heavenly)
Scroll written inside and on the back (scroll made up of 3D Heavenly
“signs”/pictographs), sealed with seven seals (The Heavenly
Menorah - 5 classical planets plus the Sun and Moon). 2
And I saw a mighty Malak proclaiming with a loud voice: Who is worthy to open
the (Heavenly)
Scroll, and to release its seals? 3 And no one in heaven, nor in
Earth, neither under the Earth was able to open the (Heavenly) Scroll,
neither to look at it. 4 And I wept bitterly, because no one was
found worthy to open and to read the (Heavenly) Scroll,
neither to look upon it. 5 But one of the elders said to me: Do not
weep! Behold (in The Heavenly Scroll, the pictograph of LEO), the
Lion of the tribe of Yahdah (LEO the Lion,
associated with the tribe of Yahudah/Judah), the Root of David,
has overcome (The Dragon, DRACO/SERPENS/SCORPIO… the
meaning behind the constellation LEO and ORION) to
open the (Heavenly) Scroll and to release its seven seals. 6 And
I looked (into the stars), and behold (in The Heavenly Scroll),
in the midst of the Throne and the four living creatures, and in the midst of
the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having complete power and
complete knowledge and understanding (The Heavenly Menorah before the Throne),
which signify and represent the complete plan of Yahuah (the 7
Spirits/7 stars of Pleiades) sent forth into all the Earth (Psalm 19).
7 And He came and took the (Heavenly) Scroll out of
the Right Hand of Him Who sat upon the Throne. 8 And when He had
taken the (Heavenly) Scroll, the four living creatures and twenty-four
elders fell down before the Lamb, each one of them having a harp (LYRA),
and golden bowls full of incense (CRATER), which are the
prayers of the saints. 9 And they sang a new song, saying: You are Worthy
to take the (Heavenly) Scroll, and to open its seals (ARIES);
for You were slain (LIBRA), and have redeemed us to Yahuah by your
Blood out of every tribe, and language, and people, and nation (PISCES and the
Rainbow Throne); 10 And have made us kings and priests
to our Father (CANCER); and we will reign upon the Earth (LEO);11
And I looked, and I heard the voice of many malakim (he was looking at the stars)
surrounding the Throne, and the (4 living) creatures, and
the (24)
elders; and the number of them (the stars in the sky which represent malakim/angels)
was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, 12
Saying with a loud voice: Worthy is the Lamb Who was (portrayed as) slain (in The
Heavenly Scroll Galatians 3:1) to receive power, and
riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and Glory, and blessing! 13
And every creature which is in heaven, and on the Earth, and under the Earth,
and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying: Blessing,
and honor, and Glory, and power belongs to Him Who sits on the Throne (of Creation, Yahuah),
and to the Lamb (who sites on Yahuah’s Right Hand), forever and
ever! 14 And the four living creatures (the 4 Seraphim in the center Throne
room of The Enoch Zodiac) said: HalleluYahuah! And the twenty-four
elders (represented
by stars in the inner circle of The Enoch Zodiac) fell down and worshiped
Him Who lives forever and ever.

The Son of Man ORION the Conquering
King wearing the “crown of The Son of Man” with 6 prongs (the number of man)
surrounded by 4 living creatures singing “Holy Holy Holy” and 24 elders (stars)
falling before The Throne, with the Rainbow Bride under the Altar who have been
redeemed to Yahuah by Yahusha’s Blood in a Marriage covenant out of every
tribe, and language, and people, and Nation (every color of the Rainbow)
Only after Yahuah raised Yahusha from the dead as promised
beforehand, did The Spirit begin to move on them to understand the things
written about him (on Shav’uot), and that Yahusha was doing the
Will of Yahuah on Earth as it is written in The Heavenly Scroll.
17 Now the people who had been with Yahusha kept
testifying that Yahusha called Lazarus out of his grave and raised him from the
dead. 18 Large crowds of people came to meet him because they had
heard that he had done this Act of Power (fulfilling on Earth what is written in
The Heavenly Scroll Hebrews 10:7, Matthew 6:10). 19 So
the Pharisees said among themselves; Do you see how futile your efforts are?
Look, the world is coming out to see him and beginning to believe!
20 Now there were some Greeks among those who
went up to worship at the festival. 21 They came to Philip, who was
from Bethsaida in Galilee, with a request. Sir, they said, we would like to see
Yahusha. 22 Philip went to tell Andrew; Andrew and Philip in turn
told Yahusha. 23 Yahusha replied, The time has come (fullness of
time Mark 1:14,15, Ephesians 1:10, 1 Timothy 2:6) for (ORION)
The Son of Man to be Glorified.
Mark 1::14,15
14 Yahusha went into Galilee and proclaimed the Gospel of
Yahuah (The
Word of His Testimony). 15 “THE TIME (The Heavenly
Scroll) IS FULFILLED", He said, “and the Kingdom (proclaimed)
in The Heavenly Scroll is near. Repent (and be Mikveh’d/AQUARIUS i.e.
follow The Way) and believe in the Good News
(that Yahuah
has fulfilled His Promise/LOGOS in Yahusha John 1:1-5)!”
Ephesians 1:10
as a plan (LOGOS / DABAR) for the fullness of time, to bring all
things proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll and fulfilled on Earth in Yahusha.
1 Timothy 2:6
who (Yahusha/The Branch VIRGO) gave Himself as a
ransom (dowry
LIBRA) for all (his Bride AQUARIUS)
-- the Testimony of Yahusha (The Heavenly Scroll) that was
24 Very truly I tell you, unless a seed of wheat
falls (star
Spica) to the ground and dies, it remains only a single
seed. But if it dies, it produces much wheat (Yahusha is reading and teaching The
Heavenly Scroll when the star Spica enters the constellation VIRGO
and bears a stalk of wheat in VIRGO’s left hand).
25 Anyone who loves their life will lose it,
while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. 26
Whoever serves me must follow me (in the Resurrection Matthew 19:28);
and where I am going (The Kingdom of Yahuah), my servant also will be
into The Kingdom each in their own order Yahusha the First Fruits 1 Corinthians
15:23). My Father will honor the one who abides in covenant with
Matthew 19:28
Yahusha said to them, "Honest, I tell you, at the renewal of all
things, when The Son of Man sits on his Glorious Throne in The Heavenly
Scroll, you who have followed me in the Resurrection will also sit on twelve
Thrones, judging the Twelve tribes of Israel.
1 Corinthians 15:22-24
22 For as in Adam all die, so also in covenant with Yahusha The
Messiah all will be made alive. 23 But each in turn: The Messiah,
the Firstfruits (from the grave to receive his Spiritual Body);
then, when he (ORION) comes (riding on the clouds of heaven),
those (the
Bride) who belong to him (AQUARIUS). 24
Then the end of the Age of PISCES (The Messianic Age) will
come (and
the Age of AQUARIUS/ The Kingdom Age will begin), when he
(ORION the
Conquering King) hands over The Kingdom (TAURUS)
to Yahuah The Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority, and power
27 Now, I am scared to death to die (Matthew 26:38)
-- but what should I say: Father, save me from this prophesied time (which is what
he later did 3 times as he attempted to get out of it Matthew 26:36-56 proving
without a doubt he was not “Yahuah in the flesh” and had no knowledge of
pre-existing as a god, he was 100% human and no man had ever defeated death)?
Matthew 26:36-44
36 Then Yahusha went with them to a place called Gethsemane,
and he said to his Disciples, “Sit here, while I go over there and pray.” 37
And taking with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful
and troubled fearing his own death. 38 Then he said to them, “My
soul is very sorrowful, even to death (I am scared to death to die);
remain here, and watch with me.” 39 And going a little farther he
fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this
cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You Will.” 40
And he came to the Disciples and found them sleeping. And he said to Peter,
“So, could you not watch with me one hour? 41 Watch and pray that
you may not enter into temptation. My Spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh
is weak.” 42 Again, for the second time, he went away and prayed,
“My Father, if this cannot pass unless I drink it, Your Will Be Done.” 43
And again he came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy. 44
So, leaving them again, he went away and prayed for the third time, saying the
same words again (and could not get out of it).
No, it is the fullness of time as foretold in
The Heavenly Scroll for me to pay the dowry for my Bride with my life and
redeem her from death (at the end of the Age of ARIES/Lamb). 28
Father, Glorify Your Name (fulfill The Heavenly Scroll).
Then a Voice came from heaven, saying: I have both Glorified It,
and will Glorify It again (by fulfilling The Heavenly Scroll in
Yahusha Isaiah 48:11-15)
Isaiah 48:11-15
11 For My Own Sake, for My Own Sake I will do it; for
how could dishonor come to My Name (Yahuah)? I will not give
My Glory (as Creator) to another (not even Yahusha, Yahuah ALONE sits on
the Throne of Creation Isaiah 44:24)! 12 Listen
to Me, O Yahqob/Jacob and Israel, My Called; I am He; I am the Aleph, I also am
the Tav (the standard of Perfection and Unity… the ONE and ONLY God John 17:3).
13 My Hand has laid the foundation of the Earth (by Himself Isaiah
44:24), and My Right Hand has spanned (authored)
the Heaven (ly Scroll Psalm 19); when I summon the
Sun/stars/constellations together (i.e. the stars and constellations
contain a Secret Message Enoch 6:9), they will minister
together as a Divine Counsel to all mankind (to proclaim His Handiwork/The
Messiah/Plan of Salvation Psalm 19). 14 All of
you, gather yourselves together and hear (what the Sun/stars/constellations proclaim
day after day, night after night Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3)!
Who among them has foretold these things in the heavens/stars? Yahuah has
Loved him (Spoken of in The Heavenly Scroll; Yahusha); He
will do his pleasure on Babylon, and his arm will be on the Chaldeans. 15
I, even I, have Spoken (LOGOS/DABAR – ‘Spoken Promise in the beginning’
John 1:1-14); yes, I have called him (Yahusha Luke
4:18). I have brought him (forth as The Branch as My
Eternal High Priest see Zechariah Chapter 3:8), and his
example, The Way, (example of Mikveh, Circumcision,
and Offering) will succeed (in producing Perfection and Resurrection
CAPRICORNUS/AQUARIUS called The Doctrine of Righteousness).
29 But the people that were standing by, and
heard it said that it had thundered. Others said; A Malak has spoken to him. 30
Yahusha answered and said: This Voice did not come because of me, but for your
31 Now, judgment (TAURUS) is in this world;
Shor (TAURUS/ Venus) - H7794.
שׁוֹר (shor) – Bull, OX
The Conquering Ruler comes (constellation ORION
The Son of Man coming in the clouds/Milky way of heaven), the
sublime vanquisher, to execute the Great judgment, he is the ruling Shepherd
King (Melchi Tsedek).
the one sent to this world (to fulfill Yahuah’s Will on Earth as
it is written in The Heavenly Scroll and serve as Righteous Judge TAURUS
over Yahuah’s Courts Zechariah 3:7, 2 Cor 5:10)
to bring forgiveness of sin will be an outcast.
Zechariah 3:7-9
7 “This is what Yahuah Almighty says to High Priest Yahusha: ‘IF
makes a conditional Promise, a COVENANT) you will walk in obedience
to me and keep My requirements (of The Branch foretold in The
Heavenly Scroll to come FIRST as Suffering Servant and pay the dowry and redeem
your Bride, THEN Conquering King to rule AND walk with no sin as High Priest Hebrews
4:15), THEN (here is the promise if he fulfills The
Heavenly Scroll as The Glorious Righteous Branch VIRGO)
you will govern My House (LEO… King over The Government that will govern
Creation Isaiah 9:6 and constellation) and have
charge of My Courts (TAURUS… Eternal
Judge 2 Cor 5:10, John 12:31), and I will give you a place
Hand of Yahuah Mark 16:19) among these standing here 8
“‘Listen, High Priest Yahusha, you and your associates seated (who came)
before you (probably Adam, Enoch, Moses, Elijah, etc.), who (those seated
before him) are men symbolic of things to come (they were not
The Branch just shadows/prototypes): I am going to bring (you from this
point forward) My servant (Isaiah 61:1-6) The Branch (he is The
Messiah and fulfillment of The Heavenly Scroll VIRGO).
32 And when I am lifted up from the Earth (fulfillment
of Moses raising the Bronze Seraph NOT a ‘snake’ - H8314. seraph ‘symbolic
creature representing The Heavenly Scroll’ - on the stick to draw Yisrael’s/Israel’s
attention to the stars where their Salvation is promised, Numbers 21:7-9: will
draw all men to me as the fulfillment of The Heavenly Scroll). 33
he said this, indicating that his death would be in fulfillment of Yahuah’s
Will written in The Heavenly Scroll.
The Pharisees lie to the
people in the synagogues
and only teach them the last half of The Heavenly Scroll called
The Conquering King and they do not teach them about the first half The
Suffering Servant in order to discredit Yahusha (like they still do today).
They have no understanding of what The Feast Cycle was designed to proclaim
which is The Heavenly wedding.
34 The people answered him; We have heard from
the Pharisees in the synagogues that The Law says The Messiah remains forever (The
Law/Prophets are crystal clear, The Messiah comes first as The Suffering
Servant to die to redeem his Bride, he abides forever upon his return as
Conquering King at the end of the Age of PISCES!),
so why do you say: The Son of Man must be lifted up (they did not
understand the shadow picture of Moses raising the Seraph in the wilderness)?
Who is this Son of Man (they were not taught ORION the Bearer of The Light
of Life in The Heavenly Scroll by the Pharisees who were ‘stiff-necked’ and
refused to admit it Isaiah 48:3-6 and denied The Prince of Peace
committing the ‘two evils’ Jeremiah 2:13)?
Story behind
the pictograph of ORION: The Son of Man/Light Bearer
“The Coming Prince of Peace, the Light (Bearer to the World),
the one who holds the double-edged sword in his hand (the Word of Yahuah), he is the coming
of The Branch, the one wounded by the serpent (end of the Age of ARIES when ‘the
Lamb dies’ as The Suffering Servant), the foot that crushes the head of
the serpent (at the
beginning of The Age of AQUARIUS when he returns as Conquering King).”
Isaiah 48:3-6
3 I foretold the former things long ago (written in the stars on Day 4 of Creation),
My mouth announced them (to My Prophets who all read The Heavenly Scroll) and I made
them known (to all
mankind by the Word of My Testimony written in the stars Psalm 19, Enoch
35:3, given to all mankind Deuteronomy 3:19); then suddenly I
Acted, and the Message proclaimed by the stars/constellations came to pass. 4
For I knew how stubborn you were; your neck muscles were iron;
your forehead was bronze. 5 Therefore I told you
these things (in The
Heavenly Scroll) long ago (at Creation so that you are without excuse because Yahuah is
known through His Handiwork Romans 1:20); before they were
fulfilled I announced the Plan of Salvation to you (in The Heavenly Scroll Psalm 19)
so that you could not say, ‘My images brought them about (because they are written
into Creation in the stars as SIGNS/CONSTELLATIONS Genesis 1:14 which come together in order as the Sun passes through them
each year to proclaim The Plan of Salvation Isaiah 48:13); my
wooden image and metal god ordained them.’ 6 You have heard these
things (that the
stars proclaim day after day, night after night to all mankind as a witness Psalm
19); look at all the stars/constellation (in The Heavenly Scroll).
WILL YOU NOT ADMIT THEM (the Sun/stars/constellations are The Word of His Testimony)?
Jeremiah 2:13
"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken My
Covenant of Peace (brought by The Son of Man ORION The Prince
of Peace) and rejected The Fountain of Living Waters (poured out by
AQUARIUS the Bearer of Living Water and Manna from The Heavenly
Scroll), they hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns That
can hold no water (cannot be filled with His Spirit).
35 Then Yahusha explained to them ORION The
Son of Man is the Bearer of The Light of Life and that he (the
fulfillment of ORION) will only be with them for a little while
to shine The Light of Life (The True Way that leads to eternal
life Yahchanan/John 14:6). Walk in my example (The
Way Isaiah 42:5-7) while you have The
Light of Life shining (like the Sun Psalm 19) upon you (Isaiah 60:1),
Isaiah 60:1
“Arise (ORION and ride the clouds of heaven), shine;
for your Light (ORION is ‘the Light Bearer’)
has come (been fulfilled in Yahusha), And the Glory of Yahuah (proclaimed by
The Sun/stars/constellations Psalm 19 and Enoch 35:3) has
risen upon you (like the Sun). 2 “For behold,
darkness will cover the Earth And deep darkness the peoples; But Yahuah will
rise (like
the Sun) upon you And His Glory (proclaimed by the Sun in The Heavenly
Scroll Psalm 19) will appear upon you.
John 14:5,6
5 Thomas said to him; Rabbi, we do not know where you are going, so
how can we know The Way? 6 Yahusha proclaimed
to him: I (my example) represent The Way, The
Truth, and The Life (his example is the True Way through
The Narrow Gate that leads to eternal life in The Kingdom); no
man comes to the Father as a child through adoption (John 1:12, Ephesians
1:5), except in Marriage Covenant with me (John 1:12, Isaiah
or darkness (The Age of PISCES when The
Dragon deceives all mankind with a false gospel, false messiah based on the
corrupted Babylonian Zodiac and ‘the Way of the Gentiles’
consumes the Earth Book of Revelation) will come upon you; and he
who walks in darkness (the Way of the Gentiles the corrupted
Zodiac) does not know where he is going (Yahuah’s Word
eternally preserved in The Heavenly Scroll, Psalm 119:89, is a “Light” unto our
path, Psalm 119:105).
Psalm 89:2
I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you have established
your faithful promise (LOGOS) of salvation in The Heavenly Scroll
Psalm 119:89
Your Word (LOGOS / DABAR), Yahuah, is Eternal; it stands firm written
in The Heavenly Scroll.
Psalm 119:105
Thy word (eternally preserved in The Heavenly Scroll Psalm 119:89)
is a lamp (The Divine Counsel, we as His Bride are to keep our Lamps lit by keeping
The Word of His Testimony Isaiah 48) unto my feet, and a
light (Revelation
of the Sun/stars/constellations Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3) unto
my path (The Heavenly Scroll is ‘the Path of Righteousness’ Isaiah 42:5-7).
Isaiah 42:5-7
5 Thus
says Yahuah, Who created The Heavenly Scroll and stretched out the stars and constellation
to proclaim His Plan of Salvation (Isaiah 48:13), Who spread out the Earth and its offspring, Who gives breath
to the people on it and revive the Spirit of those who walk in The Way
of Mikveh (AQUARIUS), 6
"I am Yahuah, I have called Yahusha in The Path of Righteousness
show My people how they can fulfill The Law and be found Righteous in My sight
through Mikveh with Living Water Ezekiel 36:25), I will also hold Yahusha by the hand and watch over him
to walk The Way by example (John 13:5), And I will appoint Yahusha as a Covenant to the People (Called The
Yahushaic Covenant), As a Spiritual
Light Bearer (ORION) to the Nations
the physical light of the Sun in The Heavenly Scroll Psalm 19, Malachi 4:2, Isaiah
60:1, 2 Samuel 23:4, Proverbs 4:18, Isaiah 9:2, Isaiah 30:26, Isaiah 49:6, Isaiah
60:1, Matthew 4:15, Luke 1:78, Luke 2:32, John 8:12, John 12:40), 7 To open Spiritually blind eyes, To bring
out prisoners from the dungeon of The Dragon and those who dwell in
darkness from the prison of human tradition and religion (Luke 42:7, Psalm 146:8, John 9:7)
Isaiah 48:11-14
11 For My Own Sake, for My Own Sake I
will do it; for how could dishonor come to My Name (Yahuah)? I will not give My Glory (as Creator) to another (not even
Yahusha, Yahuah ALONE sits on the Throne of Creation Isaiah 44:24)! 12 Listen to Me, O Yahqob/Jacob
and Israel, My Called; I am He; I am the Aleph, I also am the Tav (the standard
of Perfection and Unity… the ONE and ONLY God John 17:3). 13 My Hand has laid
the foundation of the Earth (by Himself Isaiah 44:24), and My Right Hand has spanned (authored) the Heaven (ly Scroll Psalm
19); when
I summon the Sun/stars/constellations together (i.e. the
stars and constellations contain a Secret Message Enoch 6:9), they will minister together
as a Divine Counsel to all mankind (to proclaim His Handiwork/The
Messiah/Plan of Salvation Psalm 19). 14 All of you, gather yourselves
together and hear (what the Sun/stars/constellations proclaim day after day,
night after night Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3)!
36 While you have the Bearer of The Light of
Life (ORION), trust in the Light he shines (walk The
Way of Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering through The Narrow
Gate), that you may be the children of Light (by walking The
Way of adoption). Yahusha taught them to repent and
be Mikveh’d (walk The Way of adoption/AQUARIUS)
for The Kingdom proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll is at hand (Matthew 4:16,17),
then left, and secluded himself from them.
Matthew 4:16,17
16 the people living in darkness have seen (ORION)
a Great Light (The Sun is a metaphor of the Spiritual Light of the World see
John 1 and Psalm 19); on those living in the land of
the shadow of death (John 1:5), a Light has dawned.” (The Heavenly
Scroll is being fulfilled Yahuchanon 1/John 1 and Luke 1:78)
17 From that time on Yahusha began to preach, “Repent (be Mikveh’d… The
Way), for The Kingdom of (revealed in) heaven (Shamayim 'the
place in the sky where the stars are located i.e. The Heavenly Scroll)
is at hand (he has come to fulfill it and usher in The Spiritual Kingdom not of this
world).” (Luke 1:78) because of the tender Mercy of our Elohim, by which the rising
Sun will come to us from heaven (riding on the clouds of heaven/ORION
the Light Bearer/Son of Man i.e. The Heavenly Scroll will be fulfilled)
Yahusha preaches
The Gospel Message, he has come to fulfill The Heavenly Scroll Matthew 4:16,17
and the people reject The Branch
37 Even though Yahusha had done so many Acts of
Power before the people to testify he came to fulfill The Heavenly Scroll through
Physical to Spiritual Parallels, they still did not believe in him; 38
so that what Isaiah the Prophet spoke might be fulfilled (Isaiah 53:1),
saying: Yahuah, who has believed our report? To whom will receive the Arm of
Yahuah (written in the stars Psalm 119:89, Psalm 89:2) revealed (in the flesh John
39 Because they denied The Heavenly Scroll (committed the
‘two evils’ Jeremiah 2:13)
Jeremiah 2:13
"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken My
Covenant of Peace (brought by The Son of Man ORION The Prince
of Peace) and rejected The Fountain of Living Waters (poured out by
AQUARIUS the Bearer of Living Water and Manna from The Heavenly
Scroll), they hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that
can hold no water (cannot be filled with His Spirit).
and did not hold fast to The Word of His Testimony 40
(now he
quotes Isaiah 6:10) he has blinded their eyes and hardened their
hearts (Romans
1:28), or they would see with their eyes (what the
stars proclaim day after day, night after night Psalm 19), and
understand with their heart (the meaning of ORION The Son of Man
riding the clouds of heaven Matthew 26:64,John 8:28), or they
would be converted, so that I should come to them with healing in my wings (Malachi 4:2 -
‘the Sun of Righteousness (ORION) will rise with healing in its wings.’)
41 Isaiah said these things when he saw the Glory
of Yahusha proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll (‘the stars are telling of the Glory
of Yahuah’ Psalm 19:1) and revealed the contents of the stars
which are Yahuah’s Testimony that Yahusha is The Branch/Messiah (The Word of
His Testimony).
Isaiah 6:9,10
9 He said,” Go, and tell
this people: 'Keep on listening (to what the stars proclaim to all
mankind day after day Psalm 19), but do not perceive (the meaning of the constellations); Keep on looking (for ‘the secrets
preserved in the heavens which men were striving to learn’ Enoch 9:6), but do not comprehend the secret.' 10 "Render
the hearts of this people insensitive, Their ears dull, And their eyes blind,
Otherwise they might see with their eyes (The Heavenly
Scroll), Hear with their ears (what the stars proclaim),
Understand with their hearts (the meaning of the Light of the Sun as traveling the
ecliptic Psalm 19), And return and be healed."
The Dragon
intimidates the people as the Battle of the Ages with ORION manifests on Earth
42 However, even among the Chief Rulers, many
believed in Yahusha but would not admit it for fear of the Pharisees (the children
of The Dragon) who controlled the synagogues would have
kicked them out (like they did the blind man). 43 For
they loved the praise of men more than the Praise of Yahuah.
44 Yahusha cried out, and said: he who believes
in me, not only believes in me, but also in Him Who sent me to fulfill The
Heavenly Scroll! 45 And he who sees me, sees (the perfect human
image of / Proxy) Him Who sent me (Colossians 1:15, Yeshayahu/ Isaiah 9:6)!
46 I have come to shine The Light of Life into the world (ORION),
that whosoever believes in me should not remain in darkness. 47 So
if any man hears my teaching that I have come to fulfill The Heavenly Scroll
and does not believe, I do not judge him but to die for (LIBRA - pay the
dowry and redeem) him (Matthew 20:28, Betulah/VIRGO);
for I did not come first to judge the world as the Conquering King
(ORION The Son
of Man), but to save the world as The Suffering Servant
Betulah (VIRGO/Mercury) - H1330 - בְּתוּלָה (bĕthuwlah) – the Virtuous Bride
A young maiden will give a virgin birth to a beautiful Glorious
and Righteous Branch (who will be the First-born Son, open her womb, and be
heir to High Priest and King of Israel). The seed (star Spica) of the
woman (VIRGO) will be a man of humiliation (Suffering
Servant) to rise to be the Desire of Nations (King of Kings) and will become
exalted first as shepherd (High Priest) then as harvester (Conquering King).
Moznayim (LIBRA/Venus) – H3976. מֹאזְנָ֫יִם (mozen) -- balances, scales
The scales demand a price to be paid of this seed, a cross to
endure; the victim will be slain (to pay the dowry and redeem his Bride) and
purchase a crown (earn the right to rule by willingly dying for the ones he will
rule over and demonstrating the Greatest Love of all).
Matthew 20:28
just as The Son of Man (ORION) did not come
to be served (as Conquering King), but to serve (as Suffering
Servant), and to give his life as a ransom/dowry to redeem many (his Bride from
48 He who rejects me and does not follow my words
has One Who judges him. The word that I have spoken the same will be used to
judge him in the last day. 49 For I have not spoken on my own; but
The Father Who sent me to do His Will on Earth as it is written in The Heavenly
Scroll – that defines what I should say and what I should speak. 50
And I know that The Word of His Testimony is Life Everlasting; so whatever I
speak, I am saying exactly what my Father has told me to say; Repent and be
Mikveh’d, The Kingdom proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll is at hand.
Mark 1:14,15
14 Yahusha went into Galilee and proclaimed the Gospel of
Yahuah (The
Word of His Testimony). 15 “THE TIME (The Heavenly
Scroll) IS FULFILLED", He said, “and the Kingdom (proclaimed)
in The Heavenly Scroll is near. Repent (and be Mikveh’d/AQUARIUS i.e.
follow The Way) and believe in the Good News
Yahuah has fulfilled His Promise/LOGOS in Yahusha John 1:1-5)!”
Ephesians 1:10
as a plan (LOGOS / DABAR) for the fullness of time, to bring all things
proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll and fulfilled on Earth in Yahusha.
Matthew 4:16,17
16 the people living in darkness (following the
Way of the Gentiles, the corrupted Zodiac Romans 1) have seen a Great Light (as ‘the Sun has come to us from The
Heavenly Scroll’ to show us The Way/Doctrine of
Righteousness of Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering Luke 1:77,78, Malachi
4:2); on those living in the land
of (the Gentiles who live in) the
shadow of death (of the corrupted Babylonian Zodiac Romans 1. ‘I will
make you a covenant to the Nations, I will also give you for a Light,
fulfillment of The Light of the Sun, to the Gentiles’ Isaiah 42:7-9), a Light has dawned (been fulfilled on Earth in the flesh John
1:1-4, Luke 1:77-79).
17 From that time on Yahusha began to teach The Way
of Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering saying, Repent (Circumcision
of Heart) and be Mikveh’d (washed clean
of your sin Jeremiah 31 and Ezekiel 36), for The Kingdom proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll (Shamayim –
‘the stars’) is within your reach (he has come
to fulfill it).