Chapter 13
1 On the Chagigah (rehearsal dinner), the evening before the Feast
of the Passover began, Yahusha knew his time had come to pay the dowry and
redeem his Bride from bondage to death (Ephesians 2:14-18),
ascend to The Father, receive the Glory promised before the foundation of the
world as King, and break the seals over to read The Heavenly Scroll (Daniel 7 and
Revelation 5). Yahusha was to demonstrate his love (John 10:15)
for his Bride, held captive in this world to death, even to the point of
willingly laying down his own life to show us The Way to Perfection
and Righteousness and prove The Way works and Yahuah will
‘forgive our iniquity and remember our sin no more’ and fulfill His
Promise to raise us from the dead (John 15:13 and LIBRA).
2 As the Chagigah meal had ended, The Dragon
had put it into the mind of Yahudah/Judas the Assassin, son of Simon, to betray
3 Yahusha knowing that The Father had given all
things into his hands (LEO) as he had come to do Yahuah’s Will
written down in The Heavenly Scroll, and that he was going stand before Yahuah
to receive his Kingdom (LEO, Daniel 7); 4
got up from the Chagigah meal and took off his clothing to Mikveh himself.
After he had walked The Way by Living Water and purified
his body (to present himself to his Father), he took a towel, dried
himself off, and tied it around his waist.
5 Yahusha then poured Living Water into a basin,
then began to Mikveh the Disciples' feet (to illustrate they are to walk The
Way and follow his example 1 Yahchanan/1John 2:6, 1 Kephah/1 Peter
2:21, Yahchanan/John 13:15) and wipe them with the towel that he
had tied around waist. 6 Yahusha then came to Simon Peter, but Peter
said to him; Rabbi, why do you wash my feet? 7 Yahusha answered and
said to him: The example I am setting for you to walk, is not meant for you to
understand now, but after I walk this path (The Way) it
Circumcision and Offering) will be revealed to you (by the Spirit
on Shav’uot).
8 Peter said to him; No, I am not worthy for you
to wash my feet! Yahusha answered him: If I (AQUARIUS) do not Mikveh
you with Living Water, you have no part with me in the coming Kingdom (Age of
AQUARIUS). 9 Simon Peter said to Yahusha;
Rabbi, then wash my hands and my head along with my feet as well!
10 Yahusha said to him: those who have already
dipped themselves in the Mikveh pools for Passover to cleanse and purify their
bodies with Living Water do not need to be totally immersed again, just your
feet as you have been traveling with sandals on and your feet are all that is
dirty. However, not all of you are clean. 11 Yahusha had said, not
all of them are clean, because he knew Yahudah/Judas would betray him.
12 After he had washed their feet with Living
Water (to
illustrate they were to walk as he walked through The Narrow Gate of Passover),
he put his clothes back on, and sat down. Then Yahusha said to them: Do you
understand what I have done for you? 13 You rightfully call me Rabbi
and leader because that is what I am to you who follow me. 14 Since
I then, your leader and Rabbi, have washed your feet, you are also bound in
obligation to wash one another's feet (teach others after you how to walk The
Way of Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering so they then can
make Disciples and teach others also 2 Timothy 2).
2 Timothy 2:2
And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses
entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.
15 For I (the Shepherd) am giving
you an example, I am showing you The Way through The
Narrow Gate (AQUARIUS, Psalm 32:8, Isaiah 44:3, John
14:4), and you (my Sheep) are to follow my example every
Passover and walk as I have walked (1 John 2:6, 1 Kephah/1 Peter 2:21).
16 Very honestly, I tell you: The servant is not
greater than his Master; nor is the one sent to fulfill The Will of Yahuah
greater than the author of The Heavenly Scroll Who sent him to fulfill it.
17 It will be your great joy to walk The Way when
you are given understanding of these things (when Yahusha pours out The Spirit on
Shav’uot. We see the Disciples then went out and began teaching others The
Way Acts 2:38 as Yahusha had prophesied).
1 Kephah/1 Peter 2:21
You were called to be Mikveh’d into The Yahushaic Covenant and walk The
Way, as Yahusha The Messiah suffered on Passover and entered
through The Narrow Gate to pay the dowry and redeem you from death, in doing
so, Yahusha (the True Way that leads to eternal life/The Truth, The Way,
and the Life John 14:6) left you an example (showed you The
Way), that you should follow in his steps.
Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and teach you in The Way you should
go; I will counsel you with My Loving Eye on you.
John 14:3-5
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and
welcome you into my presence, so that you also may be where I am. 4 You
know The Way to the place where I am going.” 5 “Rabbi,”
said Thomas, “we do not know where you are going, so how can we know The
Acts 2:38 – The Disciples are given “understanding of these things
Yahusha did” John 13:17
Peter replied, “Repent (CIRCUMCISION of heart) and be MIKVEH’d, every one of you, in The Yahushaic Covenant (where we give
our life as Living Sacrificial OFFERINGS) to have your sin washed away with
Living Water. And you will be Mikveh’d with Fire (be filled with all the Fullness of
Deity in your body i.e. Born-again by Yahuah Ephesians 3:19)
and you will receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit (once you have been perfected in body,
mind, and soul).
Yahusha Tells of
his Betrayal-- Prophecy Fulfilled Before Passover
18 I
am not talking about everyone here. I know whom I have Chosen; but that the
Scriptures must be fulfilled, He who eats my bread has lifted up his heel
against me (Psalm 41:9). 19 Now I am telling you
beforehand that I will be betrayed, so that when it occurs, you may believe
that I am the one David spoke about. 20 I assure you when I say; he who receives whomever I send receives me;
and he who receives me receives Him Who sent me (The Kingdom
is grown through mentors/teachers and discipleship as we learn from those who
came before us, honor them, and ensure their needs are met as we ‘pay it forward’
1 Timothy 5, 2 Timothy 2:2).
1 Timothy 5:17,18 –
we are commanded to financially support His Anointed Elder Teachers
17 Elders (50+ years in age who have been Chosen to lead others) who lead effectively are worthy of Double Honor, especially
those who Work hard at preaching and teaching. 18
For the Scripture says, “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the
grain,” and, “The Worker is Worthy of his wages.”
2 Timothy 2:2
And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust
to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.
21 When Yahusha had said these things, he became
very upset and declared, I assure you, one of you will
betray me. 22 When the Disciples heard him
say this, they were confused and wondered who he was speaking about.
23 Now Yahusha’s beloved (g25. Agapaó
/ Love - ‘take pleasure in, long for, was faithful to’) wife Miriam was lying in his lap (a show of loving affection reserved
for husband and wife in public). 24 Simon
Peter therefore motioned to HER (g846. Autos – ‘her’;
speaking of Miriam Magdalene the only one to never deny or betray him, anointed
him with fine oil before his death, prepared his body for burial, risked being
arrested at the feet of his execution state, wept at his tomb, was the first
one he came to after Resurrection, and is mentioned by name more than any other
Disciple) to ask who it was of whom he spoke (because she
had her beloved’s ear more than any other as wives should).
25 Then, leaning back on Yahusha’s
chest, she said to him, Master, who is it? 26
Yahusha answered: It is he to whom I will give a piece of bread after I have
dipped it in the dish (Yahusha answered his beloved wife privately).
Then having dipped the bread, he gave it to Yahudah/Judas the Assassin, the son
of Simon. 27 And after Yahudah/Judas took the piece of bread, The
Dragon entered him. Then Yahusha said to him: What you are going to do, do
28 Now no man at the table knew what Yahusha meant when he said
this to Yahudah/Judas; 29 For some thought, since
Yahudah/Judas had the moneybag, that Yahusha had said to him: Buy those things
that we have need of for the feast; or that he should give something to the
poor. 30 Then he, having accepted the piece of bread, immediately
went out while it was night.
31 After Yahudah/Judas had left, Yahusha said:
Now The Son of Man (ORION) is Glorified in The Heavenly
Scroll, and Yahuah is Glorified in him who fulfills His Will on Earth as it is
written in the stars (Psalm 19 – ‘the stars tell of the Glory of Yahuah and declare
the Works of His Hands/Plan of Salvation Enoch 35:3, Hebrews 10:7, Matthew 6:10).
32 If Yahuah is Glorified in him (He loves) who fulfills
The Word of His Testimony (The Heavenly Scroll Isaiah 48:11-15) in
the flesh (John 1:1-4),
Isaiah 48:11-15
11 For My Own Sake, for My Own Sake I will do it; for how
could dishonor come to My Name (Yahuah)? I will not give
My Glory (as Creator) to another (not even Yahusha, Yahuah ALONE sits on
the Throne of Creation Isaiah 44:24)! 12 Listen
to Me, O Yahqob/Jacob and Israel, My Called; I am He; I am the Aleph, I also am
the Tav (the standard of Perfection and Unity… the ONE and ONLY God John 17:3).
13 My Hand has laid the foundation of the Earth (by Himself Isaiah
44:24), and My Right Hand has spanned (authored)
the Heaven (ly Scroll Psalm 19);
when I summon the Sun/stars/constellations together (i.e.
the stars and constellations contain a Secret Message
Enoch 6:9), they will minister together
as a Divine Counsel to all mankind (to proclaim His Handiwork/The Messiah/Plan
of Salvation Psalm 19). 14 All
of you, gather yourselves together and hear (what the Sun/stars/constellations proclaim
day after day, night after night Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3)!
Who among them has foretold these things in the heavens/stars? Yahuah has
Loved him (Spoken of in The Heavenly Scroll; Yahusha); He
will do his pleasure on Babylon, and his arm will be on the Chaldeans. 15
I, even I, have Spoken (LOGOS/DABAR – ‘Spoken Promise in the beginning’
John 1:1-14); yes, I have called him (Yahusha Luke
4:18). I have brought him (forth as The Branch as My
Eternal High Priest see Zechariah Chapter 3:8), and his
example, The Way, (example of Mikveh, Circumcision,
and Offering) will succeed (in producing Perfection and
Resurrection CAPRICORNUS/AQUARIUS called The Doctrine of
Yahuah will also Glorify him through the power of the
Resurrection (Romans 1:2-4) with the Glory proclaimed in the stars before
the foundation of the world (John 17:4-6) immediately as promised (LOGOS/DABAR – ‘Spoken
Promise’ in the beginning Genesis 1:1).
…4 I have Glorified You on Earth by accomplishing the Work You gave me
to do (written in The Heavenly Scroll Hebrews 10:7, Matthew 6:10). 5 And now, Father, glorify me in Your presence
Resurrection Romans 1:2-4, as You promised Gedi/CAPRICORNUS, Daniel
7, Revelation 5)
with the Glory (as the Coming Conquering King LEO/ORION)
I had with You before the world existed (written in the stars Galatians
3:6-8 as a lamb slaughtered Revelation 5:1-13). 6
I have revealed Your Name to those You have given me out of the world (as my Bride).
They were Your children (through adoption walking The Way);
You gave them to me (in marriage Ṭ'leh/ARIES),
and they have kept The Word of Your Testimony (Revelation 12:17).…
Romans 1:2-4
2 the Gospel He promised beforehand (in the beginning the LOGOS,
Yahusha did not pre-exist he was pre-determined in the stars) and
through His Prophets in the Holy Scriptures (who were shown The Heavenly Scroll)
3 regarding His Son, who as to his earthly life was a descendant of
David, 4 and who through the Spirit of Holiness
(not at
his human birth, but his REBIRTH after walking The Way and
he was filled with the Fullness of Deity in his body… Yahuah’s seed is
Spiritual NOT physical) was appointed the Son of God in
Power by the Resurrection from the dead (and His Seed is imparted upon Resurrection
resulting in the Spiritual Body not human birth): Yahusha The
Messiah our King.
33 Little children of the Father, I am only with
you a little while longer. You will seek me, but as I said to the Yahudaim, so
I say to you: Where I go (to ascend to stand before Yahuah to receive His “Glory” as
King and a Kingdom Daniel 7 and break the seals over and read The Heavenly
Scroll Revelation 5), you cannot come (at this time, we follow him in the
First Resurrection).
Daniel 7:1-16 – Yahuah
Glorifies Yahusha with the Glory as King he was given promised before the Foundation
of the world in The Heavenly Scroll see John 17:4-6
1 In the first year of Baalshazzar King of Babylon, Daniel had a
dream, and visions in his mind (as he studied
The Heavenly Scroll of Enoch) as he lay on his bed
up at the stars and constellations). Then he wrote
down his dream (H2493. ‘A
revelation from Yahuah’, he was not asleep, he was wide awake writing down
his ‘visions’), beginning the account (his witness) of these matters (in The Heavenly Scroll): 2 Daniel spoke, and said; I saw (The Heavenly
Scroll) in my vision by night (by night -
because he was observing the stars, not sleeping), and
behold (The Flying Heavenly Scroll Zechariah
5:1), … 9 I beheld (the Enoch Zodiac) until the 4 Thrones were set in place (the 4 living
creatures/flying Seraphs on the outer rim of the Enoch Zodiac that move it
about until they had moved The Heavenly Scroll in position), and the Ancient of Days (Yahuah)
did sit (on the Judgement Seat), Whose
vesture was white as snow, and the hair of His Head like the pure wool; His Throne
was like the Fiery Flame, and His Wheels (4 wheels
within a wheel that Ezekiel described) as Burning Fire.
10 A fiery stream issued (from His Mouth) and came forth from before Him (His Words are like an all-consuming
Fire Jeremiah 23:29, Hebrews 12:29);
thousands upon thousands (of stars in the heavens) ministered to Him (the stars/constellations are His
Divine Counsel), and ten thousand times ten
thousand (of stars) stood before Him (Daniel was
looking at The Heavenly Scroll, and all the stars in the heavens that represent
His malakim/angles); the Judgment was set (or rather The
Judge Yahuah, had taken His Seat, the battle is about to begin between The
Son of Man and the Son of Perdition), and
the Books (of The Heavenly Scroll, there are 3 Books as I revealed in my
book, “Creation Cries Out!”) were opened.
11 I beheld (The Heavenly Scroll), then,
because of the Voice of the Great Words which ‘the Horn’ (Strong’s H7162
- should be ‘Shofar’, Yahuah’s Voice sounds like a loud Shofar blast Hebrews
12:19, do not confuse this with the other ‘horns’ in Daniel, this one is a
musical instrument) Spoke; I beheld (what is
written in The Heavenly Scroll) until the beast was
slain and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame (Message
behind the pictograph of Kislev/SAGITTARIUS).
12 As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their governments
taken away; yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time (Message
behind the pictograph of Shor/TAURUS). 13
I saw in the night (sky) visions (of The Heavenly
Scroll), and behold (the
constellation ORION), One like the Son of
man came with the clouds of heaven (the Milky Way), and (The Son of Man along with the Son of Perdition) came to the Ancient of Days (Yahuah, Who had taken His Seat to
Judge between them to determine who will sit on The Throne in Heaven), and they (both) were brought together
before Yahuah (to declare who was the fulfillment of The Heavenly Scroll, as
the Books had been opened). 14 And there
was given him (The Son of Man the Glory as the Conquering
King/Messiah proclaimed in the Books of The Heavenly Scroll written before the
foundation of the world) ruling authority, and Glory,
and a Kingdom, that all peoples, Nations, and languages (represented
by the Rainbow Throne) should obey his authority as
Proxy King; his Government is an Everlasting Government, which will not pass
away; and his Kingdom is one which will not be destroyed (Isaiah 9:6 and Message
behind the pictograph of Ari/LEO). 15
I, Daniel, was grieved in my Spirit within my body, and the visions (of The Heavenly
Scroll) that passed through my mind (as he studied
the Enoch Zodiac) troubled me (as he lay on
his bed at night, looking up at the stars, he was not dreaming, he was writing
these down as Yahuah gave him understanding as he said in verse 1). 16 I came near to One of those who stood by and asked Him
the Truth of all this (what do these constellations mean?). So He told me, and revealed the interpretation of these things to me
the meaning behind the Heavenly Counsel/Starry Hosts/constellations called The
Divine Counsel).
Revelation 5:1-14 – John reads The
Heavenly Scroll/Yahusha portrayed as a Lamb slaughtered and given Glory as King
promised before the foundation of the world in The Heavenly Scroll
1 And I saw in the Right Hand of Him Who sat on the Throne, a (Heavenly)
Scroll written inside and on the back (scroll made up of 3D Heavenly
“signs”/pictographs), sealed with seven seals (The Heavenly
Menorah - 5 classical planets plus the Sun and Moon). 2
And I saw a mighty malak proclaiming with a loud voice: Who is worthy to open
the (Heavenly)
Scroll, and to release its seals? 3 And no one in heaven, nor in
Earth, neither under the Earth was able to open the (Heavenly) Scroll,
neither to look at it. 4 And I wept bitterly, because no one was
found worthy to open and to read the (Heavenly)Scroll, neither
to look upon it. 5 But one of the elders said to me: Do not weep!
Behold (in
The Heavenly Scroll, the pictograph of LEO), the Lion of
the tribe of Yahudah/Judah (LEO the Lion, associated with the tribe
of Yahudah/Judah), the Root of David, has overcome (The Dragon,
DRACO/SERPENS/SCORPIO… the meaning behind the constellation LEO
and ORION) to open the (Heavenly) Scroll and to
release its seven seals. 6 And I looked (into the stars), and
behold (in
The Heavenly Scroll), in the midst of the throne and the four
living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had
been slain, having complete power and complete knowledge and understanding (The Heavenly
Menorah before the Throne), which signify and represent the
complete plan of Yahuah (the 7 Spirits/7 stars of Pleiades) sent forth
into all the Earth (Psalm 19). 7 And He came and
took the (Heavenly) Scroll out of the Right Hand of Him Who sat upon
the Throne. 8 And when He had taken the (Heavenly) Scroll, the
four living creatures and twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each
one of them having a harp (LYRA), and golden bowls full of incense (CRATER),
which are the prayers of the saints. 9 And they sang a new song,
saying: You are Worthy to take the (Heavenly) Scroll, and to
open its seals (ARIES); for You were slain (LIBRA),
and have redeemed us to Yahuah by Your blood out of every tribe, and language,
and people, and nation (PISCES and the Rainbow Throne);
10 And have made us kings and priests to our Father (CANCER);
and we will reign upon the Earth (LEO);11
And I looked, and I heard the voice of many malakim (he was looking at the stars)
surrounding the Throne, and the (4 living) creatures, and
the (24)
elders; and the number of them (the stars in the sky which represent malakim/angels)
was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, 12 Saying
with a loud voice: Worthy is the Lamb Who was (portrayed as) slain (in The Heavenly
Scroll Galatians 3:1) to receive power, and riches, and
wisdom, and strength, and honor, and Glory, and blessing! 13 And
every creature which is in heaven, and on the Earth, and under the Earth, and
such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying: Blessing, and
honor, and Glory, and power belongs to Him Who sits on the Throne (of Creation,
Yahuah), and to the Lamb (who sites on Yahuah’s Right Hand),
forever and ever! 14 And the four living creatures (the 4 Seraphim
in the center Throne room of The Enoch Zodiac) said:
HalleluYahuah! And the twenty-four elders (represented by stars in the inner
circle of The Enoch Zodiac) fell down and worshiped Him Who lives
forever and ever.

The Son of Man ORION the Conquering King wearing
the “crown of The Son of Man” with 6 prongs (the number of man) surrounded by 4
living creatures singing “Holy Holy Holy” and 24 elders (stars) falling before
The Throne, with the Rainbow Bride under the Altar who have been Redeemed to Yahuah
by Yahusha’s Blood in a Marriage covenant out of every tribe, and language, and
people, and nation (every color of the Rainbow)
34 I give a new commandment to you, that you love
one another. Just as I have loved you, so you also love one another. 35
By this will all know that you are my Disciples: By the love you have for one
36 Simon Peter said to him; Rabbi, where are you
going? Yahusha answered him: Where I go, you cannot follow me now, but you will
follow me afterwards. 37 Peter said to him; Rabbi, why cannot I
follow you now? I will lay down my life for your sake. 38 Yahusha
answered him: Will you lay down your life for my sake? Very honestly, I say to you, the rooster shall not crow till you have denied me
three times.