Chapter 17
1 When Yahusha had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to
the stars and expressed his faith in The Heavenly Scroll,
Luke 21:27,28
27 At that time they will see (in a vision OROIN)
The Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with Power and Great Glory.
28 When these things begin to happen (The Sign of The Son of Man
appears in The Heavenly Scroll Matthew 24, Revelation 12),
stand up and lift up your heads (to the stars and read The Heavenly
Scroll), because your redemption (proclaimed in the stars Psalm 19,
AQUARIUS) is drawing near.
Deuteronomy 4:19
And beware not to lift up your eyes to heaven and see the Sun and
the Moon and the stars, all the Starry Host (The Divine
Counsel) of The Heavenly Scroll and be drawn away (from the True
Way proclaimed in the stars) and worship them and serve
them (the Way of the Gentiles), those which Yahuah your
God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven (they are
pictograph that proclaim the Works of His Hands Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3).
Matthew 26:64
“You have said it yourself”, Yahusha answered. “But I say to all of you, from
now on you will see (understand The Heavenly Scroll) The Son of
Man (ORION) sitting at the Right Hand of the Mighty One and
coming on the clouds of heaven.”
Mark 13:26
Then they will see (in a vision ORION) The Son of Man
coming in the clouds with Great Power and Glory.
Revelation 1:7
Behold The Heavenly Scroll, He (ORION) is coming
with the clouds of heaven, and every eye will see him (proclaimed in
the stars Psalm 19) --even those who pierced him. And all
the tribes of the Earth will mourn because of him (Revelation 12). So
shall it be! Amen.
Malachi 4:2
the Sun of Righteousness will rise (like a
Bridegroom coming out of his chambers to run the course of a wedding Psalm
19) with healing in its wings.
Isaiah 60:1
“Arise (ORION and ride the clouds of heaven), shine;
for your Light (ORION is ‘the Light Bearer’)
has come (been fulfilled in Yahusha), And the Glory of Yahuah (proclaimed by
The Sun/stars/constellations Psalm 19 and Enoch 35:3) has
risen upon you (like the Sun). 2 “For behold,
darkness will cover the Earth And deep darkness the peoples; But Yahuah will
rise (like
the Sun) upon you And His Glory (proclaimed by the Sun in The Heavenly
Scroll Psalm 19) will appear upon you.
and said, Father,
the fullness of time has come to give my life as a Lamb
Slaughtered at the end of the Age of ARIES the Lamb. (when the Lamb
dies, the Passover Lamb was an annual reminder of when our sins would be
forgiven at the end of 4,000 years as the Age of ARIES transitions to
the Age of PISCES Hebrews 10:1-4);
Hebrews 10:1-4
1 The Law is only a shadow (physical
example/rehearsal) of the Good Things
that are Coming (The Spiritual Kingdom of Yahuah)—not the (Spiritual) realities
themselves. For this reason, it (the physical examples/rehearsals in
The Law) can never, by the same (physical)
sacrifices (of a lamb) repeated
endlessly year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship
is found in personal sacrifice, and the Spiritual attitude of the heart not
outward physical rituals). 2 Otherwise, would they (physical
sacrifices) not have stopped being offered? For
the worshipers would have been cleansed once for all and would no longer have
felt guilty for their sins. 3 But those
sacrifices are an annual reminder of when our sins will be forgiven
the end of the Age of ARIES when the Age of the Lamb ends/dies). 4 It is impossible
for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins (sin is washed
away with Living Water by following The Way Ezekiel
36:25,26 - forgiveness of sin comes from repentance of heart i.e. is
Spiritually offered not physically. Reverent submission as Yahusha demonstrated
in The Garden of Gethsemane).
Ṭ'leh (ARIES/Mars) – H5212 - Taleh (טלה) Nisan - War
The Lamb (gives his life at the end of
the Age of Aries/Lamb dies) is found Worthy, the Bride is made Righteous
(by walking The Way), The Dragon
is bound, ORION the strong man triumphs.
Glorify Your Son as You promised through
Resurrection that the Son may Glorify You by demonstrating by example that The
Way/PATH by Living Water (AQUARIUS, Ezekiel
36:24-28) succeeds in delivering eternal life
Ezekiel 36:24-28 – Yahusha fulfills The
24 For I will take you out of the Nations
was taken out of Egypt Matthew 2:15); I will gather you
from all the countries and bring you back into your own land. 25 I
will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean (through
Mikveh… Matthew 3:15); I will cleanse you from all your
impurities and from all your idols (Zechariah 3:4 See “High
Priest Yahusha, I have forgiven your sin”). 26 I will
give you a new Loving Heart and put a New Spirit in you (Matthew
3:16); I will remove from you your heart of stone (legalistic
adherence “by the Letter” out of obligation creating enmity toward Yahuah
because we were held captive to death in the Mosaic Covenant Romans 8:7)
and give you a Circumcised heart of flesh (obedience to the Intent Deuteronomy
10:15,16). 27 And I will put My Spirit in you (and you will
be filled with all the Fullness of Deity in your body Ephesians 3:19 and
you will be Born-again Mikveh’d by Fire) and move you to follow (the Spiritual Intent of)
My Decrees and be careful to keep My Laws (by My Loving Intentions not by the
Letter see Sermon on the Mount) 28And I will place
them in My Family (we are adopted as the Bride of His firstborn Son Ephesians
1:4-6) and multiply them (in My Kingdom), and will
set My Spiritual Temple in their bodies forever (we are Living Stones in the Spiritual
Temple 2 Corinthians 6:16, I Kephah/1 Peter 2:5, I Corinthians 6:19, John
2:19, Ephesians 2:19-22).
as promised in The Heavenly Scroll (LIBRA, CAPRICORNUS) not in The Law (Romans 8:1-4. Yahusha is the True Way
that leads to eternal life, the Author of Eternal Salvation, the Forefather of
Everlasting Life Isaiah 9:6).
Romans 8:1-4
1 Now there (a Spirit of Comfort John 14:16) and no
condemnation (the Decrees/Certificate of Debt has been paid in full) for
those in The Yahushaic Covenant. 2 For The Law of the Spirit
of Life in (covenant with) Yahusha The Messiah has made me free from
The Law of Sin and Death (sin therefore you die by Decree called The Mosaic Covenant).
3 For what The Law could not do (in The Mosaic Covenant which is bring eternal
life as promised) because The Law was made weak by our flesh (because we
broke The Law and the Decrees in The Law condemned us to death for disobedience),
Yahuah did (provided eternal life as a free gift to those who try to keep The Law and
fail i.e. Grace) by sending His Own (Firstborn)
Son in the likeness of sinful flesh (to fulfill The Plan of Salvation
written in The Heavenly Scroll where Salvation from death is promised),
on account of sin (to defeat it walking The Way being
declared Righteous and dying innocent): Yahusha condemned sin in
the flesh (by walking The Way of Mikveh,
Circumcision, and Offering defeating The Law of Sin and Death in our flesh
with is our genetic death sentence inherited by Adam, he is the Second Adam in
whom we have The Spirit of Life 1 Corinthians 15:45), 4
that the Righteous requirement of The Law might be fulfilled in us (too who walk The
Way of Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering in covenant with
2 since You have given The
Son of Man (ORION the Conquering King) authority to rule over all flesh (LEO),
to give eternal Life (AQUARIUS) to all whom You have given him in marriage (PISCES). 3 And this is the
foundation of eternal Life, that they know you, the ONE and
ONLY TRUE God (the Greatest Commandment Mark 12:29. Yahuah
is Echad, the ONE and ONLY),
Mark 12:29
Yahusha replied, “This is the Greatest Commandment of all: ‘Hear O Israel, Yahuah
our God is the One and Only God (Echad)’
and (enter into covenant with) Yahusha (Yachad – we are ‘One with The Father’ the same way
Yahusha is… We are Family John 17:19-21) The
Messiah whom You have sent as mediating High Priest (The Suffering
Servant to pay the dowry for his Bride and redeem her from death 1 Timothy 2:5).
1 Timothy 2:5
For there is one (Echad) God (Yahuah), and One
mediator (High Priest) between Yahuah and mankind, the man
Yahusha The Messiah.
4 I Glorified You as our
Father on Earth by manifesting The Spiritual Kingdom on Earth, having
accomplished the Works of Your Hands (Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3) that You gave me to do as it is written in The Heavenly Scroll (Hebrews 10:7,
Matthew 6:10).
Hebrews 10:7
Then I said, 'Here I am--it is written about me in The Heavenly
Scroll-- I have come to do Your Will, my Elohim! (Matthew 6:10)
Matthew 6:10
Your Kingdom (declared
in heaven Matthew 4:17) come, Your Will be done, on Earth as it
is (written)
in (The)
Heaven(ly Scroll Psalm
Psalm 19:1-6
1The Heavenly Scroll (Shamayim - stars, Sun, and
constellations) are telling of the Glory of Elohim (John 1:14);
And their expanse is (The Divine Counsel) declaring
the Work of His Hands (Enoch 35:3, John 1:3). 2
Day to day The Heavenly Scroll pours forth speech, And night to night the
Sun/stars/constellations reveal knowledge. 3 There is no speech, nor
are there words; Their voice is not heard. 4 Their line (Zodiac means ‘line/path/way
the Sun takes travels through the constellations’) has gone out
through all the Earth (the ecliptic plane), And their utterances to
the end of the world (John 1:9). In the stars/constellations
Yahuah has placed a tabernacle for the Sun (Luke 1:78,79, Matthew 4:16,17),
5 Which (the Sun) is as a Bridegroom (John 3:19)
coming out of his chamber (to marry the Bride John 3:29); It rejoices
as a strong man (ORION) to run (riding the
clouds of heaven)his course (of a wedding as the Groom… the feast Cycle/The Heavenly wedding). 6 The Sun’s
rising (Luke 1:78, Matthew 4:16,17) is from one end of the
heavens (Shamayim/stars), And its circuit (Zodiac) to the other
end of them; And there is nothing hidden from its Light/Revelation.
I Blessed Yahuah Author of Glory (The Heavenly Scroll Psalm 19:1),
Who had made those Great and Splendid Signs (of the Zodiac),
that they might display (to all mankind Deut. 3:19)
the Magnificence of the Works of His Hands (The Plan of Salvation Psalm 19)
to angels and to the souls of men (His Divine Counsel); and
that these (Splendid Signs in The Heavenly Scroll) might Glorify all
His Works and operations (The Plan of Salvation);
that we might see the effect of His Power (as Creator to Write His Plan into the
fabric of Creation on Day 4 and control the flow of history and fulfill His
Promise); and The Heavenly Scroll might Glorify the Great
Labor of His Hands (and we might come to know Him Romans 1, John 8:19
and His Son Psalm 19); and Bless Him forever.
5 And now, Father, Glorify
me in your Own Presence through Resurrection (CAPRICORNUS);
Hebrews 5:7, 8
7 During the days of Yahusha’s Earthly life, he offered up prayers
and petitions with loud cries and tears to the One who could save him from
death, and Yahuah heard his cries for Salvation because of Yahusha reverent
obedience as High Priest to The Heavenly Scroll (Zechariah Chapter 3).
8 Although he was a Son, he learned obedience from what he suffered
to pay the dowry in obedience to Yahuah’s Will and love for his Bride).
Gedi (CAPRICORNUS/Saturn) - H1423. גֶּ֫דִי (gedi) -- a kid (a young goat)
Eternal life (for himself and his Bride) comes
from his death, he's the Arrow of God, he is pierced, yet springs up again in Abundant
and seat me at Your Right Hand on the Throne
of Heaven (Matthew 22:44) and give me my
Kingdom (LEO, Daniel 7, Revelation 5); the Glory that I had with you as ORION the Conquering
King as promised (Genesis 1:1, LOGOS/DABAR H1696 ‘Spoken
Promise’) before the world existed written (on Day 4) into the stars (Isaiah 48:11-15)
Isaiah 48:11-15
11 For My Own Sake, for My Own Sake I will do it; for how
could dishonor come to My Name (Yahuah)? I will not give
My Glory (as Creator) to another (not even Yahusha, Yahuah ALONE sits on
the Throne of Creation Isaiah 44:24)! 12 Listen
to Me, O Yahqob/Jacob and Israel, My Called; I am He; I am the Aleph, I also am
the Tav (the standard of Perfection and Unity… the ONE and ONLY God John 17:3).
13 My Hand has laid the foundation of the Earth (by Himself Isaiah
44:24), and My Right Hand has spanned (authored)
the Heaven (ly Scroll Psalm 19); when I summon The Divine
Counsel in the Sun/stars/constellations together (i.e. the stars and constellations
contain a Secret Message Enoch 6:9), they will minister
together as a Divine Counsel to all mankind (to proclaim His Handiwork/The
Messiah/Plan of Salvation Psalm 19). 14 All of
you, gather yourselves together and hear (what the Sun/stars/constellations proclaim
day after day, night after night Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3)!
Who among them has foretold these things in the heavens/stars? Yahuah has
Loved him (spoken of in The Heavenly Scroll; Yahusha); He
will do his pleasure on Babylon, and his arm will be on the Chaldeans. 15
I, even I, have Spoken (LOGOS/DABAR – ‘Spoken Promise in the beginning’
John 1:1-14); yes, I have called him (Yahusha Luke
4:18). I have brought him (forth as The Branch as My
Eternal High Priest see Zechariah Chapter 3:8), and his
example, The Way, (example of Mikveh, Circumcision,
and Offering) will succeed (in producing Perfection and
Resurrection CAPRICORNUS/AQUARIUS called The Doctrine of
as a witness (Divine
Counsel) to all mankind (Psalm 19,
Enoch 35:3, Psalm 119:89, Psalm 89:2 called The Word of His Testimony/Heavenly
Scroll/Mazzaroth/Divine Counsel/Hosts of Heaven).
Ari (LEO/Sun) - 738. אֲרִי (ari) -- a lion
The Lion King is aroused for rending, the Serpent flees, the
Bowl of Wrath is upon him, his Carcass is devoured (Book
of Revelation). The Lion of the tribe of Yahudah/Judah conquers all
kingdoms, turns them over to his Father, and is seated as King at the Right
Hand of The Creator and Rules as King of all Kings.

6 I have manifested/given
your (Family) Name to the people (Bride)
whom You gave me out of the world (gave them the right to become Children
of Yahuah and take Yahuah’s Name John 1:12, Revelation 3:12).
Revelation 3:12
The One who is Victorious I will make a Pillar in the Temple of
my God. Never again will they leave his Estate (Yahusha the
Groom ascended and prepared an eternal place for his Bride in his Father’s
Estate). I will write on them (my Bride) the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the New Yerushalayim/Jerusalem,
which is coming from that written down in The Heavenly Scroll which is from my
God; and I will also write on them, my Bride, my New Name (as in human
marriage, the Bride takes a New Name i.e. the Family Name of her Groom).
They are Your adopted Children (Ephesians
1:4-6), and You gave them to me in covenant of
Marriage as my Bride (Plan of Salvation which is a Divine Love Story/Wedding
written in the stars Psalm 19, John 3:29), and
they have held fast (kept their lamps lit as my Bride Luke 12:34-36, Matthew
24:4-6) to The Word of Your Testimony
(Revelation 12:11).
Luke 12:34-36
34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 35
Be dressed for the wedding service and keep your lamps burning (keep your
faith in The Divine Wedding foretold in the stars). 36
Then you will be like servants waiting for their master to return from the
wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks, they can open the door for
him at once.
Matthew 25:4-6
4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps.
5 The Bridegroom was a long time in coming (2000-year Age of PISCES until the Groom
returns in AQUARIUS), and they all became drowsy and fell asleep
(rejected The
Heavenly Scroll). 6 “At midnight the cry rang out (the Sign of The
Son of Man in the sky Revelation 12): ‘Here’s the Bridegroom!
Come out to meet him!’
7 Now they know that
everything that You have given me is revealed from You; spoken (LOGOS/DABAR) in The Heavenly Scroll before the foundation of the world (The Mystery
of the Ages Hebrews 2:10-18, Ephesians 1:1-23 see Overview of this
8 For I have revealed to
them the Words eternally preserved in the stars (Psalm 119:89, Psalm 89:2 which
are a LIGHT unto our Path of Righteousness Psalm 119:105) that
You gave me to fulfill (on Earth as it is written in The Heavenly Scroll Hebrews
10:7, Matthew 6:10),
Psalm 89:2
I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you have established
your faithful promise (LOGOS) of Salvation in The Heavenly Scroll
Psalm 119:89
Your Word (LOGOS/DABAR), Yahuah, is Eternal; it stands firm written in
The Heavenly Scroll.
Psalm 119:105
Thy word (eternally preserved in The Heavenly Scroll Psalm 119:89)
is a lamp (The Divine Counsel, we as His Bride are to keep our Lamps lit by keeping
The Word of His Testimony Isaiah 48) unto my feet, and a
light (revelation
of the Sun/stars/constellations Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3) unto
my path (The Heavenly Scroll is ‘the Path of Righteousness’ Isaiah 42:5-7).
Hebrews 10:7
Then I said, 'Here I am--it is written about me in The Heavenly
Scroll-- I have come to do Your Will, my Elohim! (Matthew 6:10)
Matthew 6:10
Your Kingdom (declared in heaven Matthew 4:17) come,
Your Will be done, on Earth as it is written in The Heavenly Scroll (Psalm 19).
and they have received them and have come to
know the Truth of Your purpose to beget a Family and that I came to do Your
Will on Earth as it is written in The Heavenly Scroll; and they have believed
that You sent me (as the Bearer of The Light of Life/ORION
and the Bearer of Living Water/AQUARIUS and are innocent
of ‘the two evils’).
John 3:20, 21
20 For everyone who practices the two evils (denies
Yahusha fulfilled The Heavenly Scroll) hates the Light (brought by ORION
the Bearer of The Light of Life in The Word of His Testimony revealed in
The Heavenly Scroll), and neither comes to the Light (proclaimed in
The Heavenly Scroll Psalm 19 and into The Covenant of Peace with
Yahusha Jeremiah 2:13) for fear his two evil deeds would
be exposed (by The Word of His Testimony which overcomes The Dragon/Incarnation).
21 But he who practices Truth comes to me (ORION) the Bearer
of The Light of Life, so that it may be plainly seen that his deeds have
been done through Yahuah.
Jeremiah 2:13
"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken My
Covenant of Peace (brought by The Son of Man ORION The Prince
of Peace) and rejected The Fountain of Living Waters (poured out by
AQUARIUS the Bearer of Living Water and Manna from The Heavenly
Scroll), they hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns That
can hold no water (cannot be filled with His Spirit).
Jeremiah 17:13
O Yahuah, the Hope of Israel, All who forsake (The Son of Man/ORION)
You will be put to shame (1 Peter 2:4-6). Those who turn away
from The Way on Earth will be Written down (marked for
destruction Isaiah 65:12), Because they have forsaken (AQUARIUS)
The Fountain of Living Water, even Yahuah’s Testimony (written in
The Heavenly Scroll).
Isaiah 65:12
I will destine you for the sword, and all of you will fall in the slaughter (AD 70 when
the power of the Holy people was broken for rejecting The Yahushaic Covenant,
their land taken, city and Temple utterly destroyed); for I Called
but you did not answer, I Spoke (LOGOS – ‘Spoken
Promise beforehand in the stars’) but you did not listen (to what the
stars proclaim Psalm 19). You did two evils (Jeremiah
2:13, Jeremiah 17:13) in My sight and chose what displeases Me
The Covenant of Peace Jeremiah 2:13)."
9 I am praying for them that
are One (H3162 – yachad) Family
with Us (Mystery of the Ages Ephesians
1:1-23 see the Overview of this Chapter). I am
not praying for the world but for the Chosen Few (called
Nazarenes who put their faith in The Branch/VIRGO) You have given me as my Bride, for they are Your Children too.
10 We are all One (H3162 – yachad) Family in covenant; those in covenant with me are in
covenant with You and I am Glorified in them as they take the Gospel to the
Nations as Your Ambassadors.
11 And I am no longer going
to be in this physical world as I come to prepare a place for my Bride in my
Father’s Estate (Spring Feasts), but they will
remain behind in this physical world until I return for my Bride (Fall Feasts), as I am coming to you to receive my Inheritance, Throne, and
Kingdom (LEO, Revelation 5, Daniel 7). Holy Father, keep these Nazarenes, which you have given me as my
Bride, as One (H3162 – yachad) with Us
in Your Family Name, which You have given me, that they may be One (H3162 – yachad) Family, even as We are One (H3162 – yachad) Family through covenant (John 17:19-23).

John 17:19-23
19"And for their sakes (as ORION a Light to the
Nations/example to follow) I Sanctify myself (by Walking The
Way of Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering),
that they also might be Sanctified by following my example the True Way that
leads to eternal life. 20 I not only pray for those who are my
Disciples now, but also for those who will enter into The Yahushaic Covenant
expressing their faith and Testimony that I am the fulfillment of The Heavenly
Scroll (Revelation 12:17 - those who keep Yahuah's Commands
and hold fast their Testimony of Yahusha The Messiah). 21
That they all may be adopted in One Family; as You, Father, are in (covenant with)
me (to
be my Father through adoption), and I in (covenant with)
You (to
be Your Son through Resurrection), that they also may be One
Family in (covenant with) Us: that the world may believe that You have
sent me (to fulfill The Heavenly Scroll, pay the dowry for them as my Bride, marry
them in covenant, and give them the right to become adopted Children of God and
receive eternal life as promised in The Heavenly Scroll AQUARIUS)."
22 The Glory that you have given me as Your Son
I have given to them (John1:12), that they may be One Family in Spirit and filled with the Fullness
of Deity in their bodies (Ephesians 3:19), even as We are One Family after I followed The Way
Born-again and filled with the Fullness of Deity in my body Matthew 3:16), 23 I in covenant with them and You in covenant
with me, that they may become perfect and One Spirit together
with Us (by walking The Way as perfection in
keeping The Law and the Fullness of Deity is achieved in The Yahushaic
Covenant Colossians 2:9),
12 While I was with them,
which You have given me as my Bride, I kept them sealed in covenant with Your
Family Name (Revelation 22:4, Revelation 7:1-8). I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lost except the
son of destruction, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.
13 But now I am coming to
you to take the Throne in Heaven from The Dragon (Daniel 7:1-14),
Daniel 7:11-14
11 “I beheld (The Heavenly Scroll), then, because of the Voice
of the Great Words which ‘the horn’ (Strong’s H7162 - should be ‘Shofar’,
Yahuah’s Voice sounds like a loud Shofar blast Hebrews 12:19, do not
confuse this with the other ‘horns’ in Daniel, this one is a musical
instrument, the Shofar) Spoke; I beheld (what is
written in The Heavenly Scroll) until The Dragon was slain
and his body destroyed (ORION The Son of Man defeats The
Dragon SCORPIO/SAGITTARIUS), and given to the
burning flame (The Heavenly Menorah Revelation 1:12). 12
As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their governments taken away;
yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time (Message behind the pictograph of TAURUS).
13 I saw in the night (sky) visions (of The
Heavenly Scroll, he was laying down at night looking at the stars),
and behold (the constellation ORION), one like the Son of man
riding on the clouds of heaven (the Milky Way).14 And there was given him (The Son of Man the Glory as the Conquering
King/Messiah proclaimed in the Books of The Heavenly Scroll written before the
foundation of the world) ruling authority, and Glory, and
a Kingdom, that all peoples, Nations, and languages (represented by the Rainbow Throne) should obey his authority as proxy King (LEO);
and I have taught the True Way that leads to
eternal life (John 14:6) and revealed the
Kingdom proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll (Matthew 4:16,17) that those who follow my example (John 13:15, 1 John 2:6) may have the same joy I feel knowing they too will be Resurrected (Yahusha has
shown us The Way and set the captives to the fear of death
free Hebrews 2:15). 14 I
have come in the flesh (John 1:14) to reveal to
them Your Word (LOGOS/DABAR) eternally preserved in
The Heavenly Scroll (Psalm 119:89, Psalm 89:2),
and the world has hated them because they are Your Born-again children and not
of (the god of) this world (just
strangers passing through Hebrews 11:8-10), just
as I am Born-again in Your Spiritual Image and not of the (god of this) world. 15 I do not ask that
you take them out of the world, but that You keep them safe from The Dragon
god of this world).
16 They are not of the
world, just as I am not of the world. 17 Sanctify
them in the Truth of The Heavenly Scroll through Your Spirit (the Helper/Comforter); for Your Word eternally preserved in The Heavenly Scroll is Truth,
connecting the visible facts in the stars to the underlying Spiritual
Reality of The Plan of Salvation (g228 ‘true’
– connecting (visible) fact to its underlying reality)

which I have come to proclaim to the world (Matthew
16 the people living in darkness have seen (ORION)
a Great Light (The Sun is a metaphor of the Spiritual Light of the World see
John 1 and Psalm 19); on those living in the land of
the shadow of death (John 1:5), a Light has dawned.” (The Heavenly
Scroll is being fulfilled John 1 and Luke 1:78) 17
From that time on Yahusha began to preach, “Repent (be Mikveh’d… The Way),
for The Kingdom of (revealed in) heaven (Shamayim 'the place in the sky where
the stars are located i.e. The Heavenly Scroll) is at hand (he has come
to fulfill it and usher in The Spiritual Kingdom not of this world).” Luke 1:78
because of the tender Mercy of our Elohim, by which the rising Sun will come to
us from heaven (riding on the clouds of heaven/ORION the Light
Bearer/Son of Man i.e. The Heavenly Scroll will be fulfilled)
as the Bearer of The Light of Life (ORION/the
Sun, John 8:12, Luke 2:32).
Luke 2:32
a Light (Bearer) for revelation to the Gentiles (ORION coming in
the clouds of heaven), and the Glory (the Sun/stars/constellations tell of the Glory of Yahuah Psalm 19 and
Enoch 35:3) of Your People Israel.
John 8:12
When Yahusha spoke again to the people, he said, I am the (Spiritual)
Light (Bearer)
of the world (ORION The Son of Man/Light Bearer
and fulfillment of the Physical light of the Sun Psalm 19).
Whoever follows me (in walking The Way) will
never walk in darkness but will have The Light of Life.
18 As You sent me into the
world to teach The Way (Hidden Manna Revelation
2:17, John 6:48-50, Isaiah 48:11-15) and reveal that ‘The Kingdom
proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll is at hand (Matthew 4:16,17)’
and I have come in the flesh to fulfill Your Will as it is written in the stars
John 1:1-5
1 In the beginning (Genesis 1:1 ‘and Yahuah
said...”) was the Spoken Promise/Plan of Salvation
(g3778 LOGOS
… ‘Promise, thing Spoken by Yahuah’), and the Spoken
Promise/Plan of Salvation was with Yahuah and declared His Handiwork and
His Creative Acts (Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3). And the Spoken
Promise/Plan of Salvation exists (g1510 eimi – ‘exists’)
Divinely (g22316 Theos – ‘Divinely’) written
in The Heavenly Scroll (Psalm 119:89, Psalm 89:2). 2
The Spoken Promise/Plan of Salvation existed (g1510 eimi)
in the beginning with Yahuah (Spoken on Day 1 Genesis 1:1, Authored into
Creation on Day 4 when He created The Heavenly Scroll Genesis 1:14-19 as
SIGNS that together are The Divine Counsel of The Plan of Salvation Isaiah
48:13). 3 All things that were done by Yahuah in
Creation were done according to the Spoken Promise/Plan of Salvation.
And without the Spoken Promise/Plan of Salvation, not even
one thing done by Yahuah was done (it was the ‘purpose’ in His Creative
Acts see Ephesians 1:8-10). 4 The Way
to eternal life is foretold in the Spoken Promise/Plan of Salvation
and then The Way to eternal life was reflected by the physical
light of the Sun as a witness to all mankind in The Heavenly Scroll (Psalm 19, Isaiah
6:9,10, Isaiah 48:13, and many more). 5
And the Spiritual Light represented by the Sun now shines in this present
spiritual darkness (Luke 1:79) and has been fulfilled on Earth
as it is written in The Heavenly Scroll (Hebrews 10:7, Matthew 6:10)
in Yahusha The Messiah (The Kingdom proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll “is at
hand/fulfilled” this is the Message proclaimed in the Scriptures, it is The
so I have sent them into the world with the
Great Commission (teach the Nations to walk The Way i.e.
“repent/Circumcision of heart and be Mikveh’d with Living Water for the Kingdom
of Heaven is at hand” Matthew 28:16-20).
Matthew 28:18-20
18 Then Yahusha came to them and said, “All authority in The
Heavenly Scroll and on Earth has been given to me (LEO). 19 Therefore
go and make Disciples of all Nations, Mikveh’ing them in the covenant that
bears my Name (The covenant of Peace called The Yahushaic Covenant),
20 and teaching them to walk The Way by streams of
Living Water (AQUARIUS) through The Narrow Gate of
Passover as I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very
end of the age of PISCES (when he returns as Conquering King to
Mikveh the Earth with Living Water and raise the dead in The Yahushaic
19 And for their sake I Sanctify
my body (Mikveh), mind (Circumcision), and Spirit (Offering)
and show them The Way of Mikveh, Circumcision, and
Offering through The Narrow Gate on Passover that leads to the promised
Land/Kingdom, that they also may be Sanctified in the True Way that leads to eternal
life (purified in body/Mikveh… Sanctified in mind/Circumcision of heart… and
give their lives as Living Sacrificial Offerings to their Groom in marriage
which results in Yahuah pouring out His Spirit and filling our bodies to the
Full Measure of His Deity and we are Born-again Eternal… called The
20 My Prayer is not for them
alone. I pray also for those who will believe I have come to fulfill The
Heavenly Scroll and stand fast in The Word of Your Testimony written in
the stars (Revelation 12:11), 21 that all of them may be One Family (through
adoption by walking The Way),
Father, just as You are in (covenant with) me (to be my Father through adoption) and I am in (covenant with) You (to be your Divine Son through Resurrection Romans 1:2-4).
Romans 1:2-4
2 the Gospel he promised beforehand (in the beginning the LOGOS, Yahusha
did not pre-exist he was pre-determined in the stars) and through
His Prophets in the Holy Scriptures (who were shown The Heavenly Scroll)
3 regarding His Son, who as to his earthly life was a descendant of
David, 4 and who through the Spirit of Holiness
(not at
his human birth, but his REBIRTH after walking The Way and
he was filled with the Fullness of Deity in his body… Yahuah’s seed is
Spiritual NOT physical) was appointed the Son of God in
power by the resurrection from the dead (and His Seed is imparted upon
Resurrection resulting in the Spiritual Body not human birth): Yahusha
The Messiah our King.
So that they may also be One Family in
covenant with Us as Your adopted Children through Marriage (John 1:12), so that the world may believe that You have sent me as The Groom
to fulfill The Heavenly Scroll (Psalm 19).
22 The Glory that you have given me as Your Son
I have given to them (John1:12), that they may
be One Family in Spirit and filled with the Fullness of Deity in their bodies (Ephesians
Ephesians 3:19
and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled (in bodily
form) to the Measure of all the Fullness of God (i.e. be Born-again by the
Spirit of Yahuah).
even as We are One Family after I followed The
Way (was Born-again and filled with the Fullness of Deity in my
body Matthew 3:16),
Matthew 3:15,16 – Yahusha
walks The Way and fulfills Ezekiel 36
15 “Let me follow The Way now,” Yahusha replied
to John. “It is required for us (Romans 8:4) to
fulfill all the Righteousness requirements of The Law in this way.” Then John
permitted Yahusha to repent and be Mikveh’d to fulfill The Law and purify his
body.16 As soon as Yahusha was Mikveh’d (followed The Way
whereby Yahuah cleanses our bodies so that He can fill us with His Spirit Ezekiel
36:25-26), he came up out of the Living Water. At that moment
Yahusha had fulfilled The Law and was made Righteous with no sin)
The Heavenly Scroll was opened, and he saw (in a vision) the
Spirit of Yahuah descending LIKE a dove and enlightening him (this is when
he was filled with the Fullness of Deity and Born-again John 3:1-21, and
fully understood The Heavenly Scroll as he was “enlightened”).
Ezekiel 36:25,26 – The
Way of adoption – first walked by Yahusha The Messiah
25 Then I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and you shall be
cleansed (your body cleansed through Mikveh… called The Way).
From all your filthiness and from all your idols, I will cleanse your body.
26 Also, I will give you a new (Circumcised)
heart (Deuteronomy 10:16), and a New FAMILY Spirit I will
put within you (that cries out ‘Abba Father’ in those who give their lives as Living Sacrificial
OFFERINGs in marriage Romans 12:1… the
“dove” descended after Yahusha followed The Way and he was
filled with the Fullness of Deity i.e. Born-again John 3:1-21).
Hebrews 5:9 – The Doctrine of Righteousness called The
Way we are perfected and made Righteous
and Yahusha, once made perfect (in Righteousness through Mikveh by walking
The Way by example), he became
the Author of Eternal Salvation for all who obey him and walk The Way
in his footsteps (the ‘Forefather of Everlasting Life Isaiah 9:6, Acts 26:23)
23 I in covenant with them
and You in covenant with me, that they may become perfect and One
Spirit together with Us (by walking The Way
as perfection in keeping The Law and the Fullness of Deity is achieved in The
Yahushaic Covenant Colossians 2:9),
Colossians 2:9 – Yahuah
is building His Final Temple in The Yahushaic Covenant
For in covenant with him (by following Yahusha’s example and
walking The Way Matthew 3:16) all the Fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form (Ephesians
3:19, we are Born-again and perfected in Righteousness called The
Doctrine of Righteousness).
Ephesians 1:22,23 – We are Yahuah’s Temple which embodies the
Fullness of Yahuah’s Deity/Spirit
22 And Yahuah put everything under Yahusha’s feet (LEO) and made Yahusha Head (gave him preeminence) over everything for the Temple of Yahuah (he is The
Eternal High Priest serving in Yahuah’s Spiritual Temple, our hearts), 23 which, the Temple, is Yahusha’s Body (John
2:19-22), containing the Fullness of Yahuah Who
fills all His Sons (who are Living Stones in Yahuah’s Temple 1 Kephah/1 Peter
2:5) in all the Fullness of Deity (Ephesians
so that the world may know that You sent me
as a Light unto the Nations (ORION, Isaiah 49:6) to show them The Way and fulfill The Heavenly
Scroll as their Groom (Isaiah 42:1-7)
Isaiah 42:1-7 - Yahusha
fulfills The Heavenly Scroll and shows us The Way of
Righteousness in covenant
1“Here is My servant (Yahusha is NOT Yahuah, he is the Chosen
Anointed servant of Yahuah), whom I uphold, My Chosen one in whom
I delight (fulfillment of The Heavenly Scroll); I will put My Spirit
on him (after
he walks The Way and he is Born-again Matthew 3:16),
and he will bring justice to the Nations (Shor /TAURUS). 2
He will not shout or cry out or raise his voice in the streets. 3 A
bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In
faithfulness he will bring forth justice (Shor /TAURUS); 4
he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on
Earth. In his teaching (The Way) the
islands (continents… he is a Light to the Nations) will put their
Hope (in
covenant) of eternal life (his way is the TRUE WAY that leads to eternal
LIFE John 13:5).” 5 Thus says Yahuah, Who created The Heavenly Scroll
and stretched out the stars and constellation to proclaim His Plan of Salvation
(Isaiah 48:13, Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3), Who spread out the Earth and its offspring, Who gives breath
to the people on it and revives the Spirit of those who walk in The
Way of Mikveh (AQUARIUS), 6 "I am Yahuah, I have called Yahusha in
The Path of Righteousness (to show My people how they can fulfill
The Law and be found Righteous in My sight through Mikveh with Living Water Ezekiel
36:25), I will also hold Yahusha by
the hand and watch over him to walk The Way by example (John 13:5), And I will appoint Yahusha as a Covenant to the People (Called The
Yahushaic Covenant), As a Spiritual
Light Bearer (ORION) to the Nations
the physical light of the Sun in The Heavenly Scroll Psalm 19, Malachi 4:2, Isaiah
60:1, 2 Shamahuel/2 Samuel 23:4, Proverbs 4:18, Isaiah 9:2, Isaiah 30:26, Isaiah
49:6, Isaiah 60:1, Matthew 4:15, Luke 1:78, Luke 2:32, John 8:12, John 12:40), 7 To open Spiritually blind eyes, To bring
out prisoners from the dungeon of The Dragon and those who dwell in
darkness from the prison of human tradition and religion (Luke 42:7, Psalm 146:8, John 9:7)
and that You loved them as Your children
even as You loved me as Your First Born-again Adopted Son through Resurrection
Firstborn of the dead, First Fruits of the grave, Forefather of eternal life,
preeminent in The Resurrection order Colossians 1:17-19).
Colossians 1:17-19
17 Yahusha is before all things in the Resurrection, and in covenant
with Yahusha all things hold together. 18 And Yahusha is the Head of
the Body, the Temple of Yahuah; Yahusha is the beginning (of Eternal
Creation Colossians 1:15) and Firstborn
from among the dead, so that in all things (in the Eternal Kingdom) Yahusha may have preeminence (among the rest of the Resurrected
Children of Yahuah, he is KING). 19 For
Yahuah was pleased to have all His Fullness dwell in Yahusha (after he
walked The Way of Righteousness Matthew 3:16)
24 Father, I desire that all
those You have given me as my Bride, may be with me where I am going so I come
to prepare a place for my Bride (John 14:3), I ask that they see my Glory as The Son of Man/ORION
‘coming in the clouds of heaven’ as The Conquering King (Matthew
16:28, John 1:51, John 8:28, Acts 7:55,56. Luke 21:27,28); the Glory You have given me because You loved me, the one spoken
of in The Heavenly Scroll (Isaiah 48:11-14), before the foundation of the world as foretold by the Works of
Your Hands in Creation (Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3).
Deuteronomy 33:26
“There is none like the Elohim of Yahshurun, who (ORION) rides the
clouds of heaven to your help, And (the works of His Hands)
are proclaimed through The Heavenly Scroll in His Majesty/Glory (Psalm 19,
Enoch 35:3).
Psalm 104:3
He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters; He makes the clouds of
heaven (the
Milky Way) His chariot (as ORION rides on the clouds of
heaven); He walks upon the wings of the wind;
Matthew 16:28
“Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they
see (a
vision of ORION) The Son of Man coming in his Kingdom
the clouds of heaven)."
John 1:51
Then Yahusha said to Nathanael: “Very honestly, I say to you: You will see (in a vision)
The Heavenly Scroll open, and the malakim of Yahuah ascending and descending
upon The Son of Man (ORION. This is Yahuah’s witness that
Yahusha is The Branch/Messiah to all mankind written in the stars “The
Word of His Testimony” to confirm this to Nathanael as Yahuah did to many others).
John 8:28
Then Yahusha said to them: “When you have (admitted The Heavenly Scroll Isaiah
48:3-6) and lifted up your eyes to the stars (shamayim/The
Heavenly Scroll) to see (perceive) The Son of
Man riding on the clouds of heaven, then you will know that I am The Son
of Man (ORION – ‘the coming of The Branch,
the Light Bearer’), and that I do not do my own will, but the
Will of The Father written in The Heavenly Scroll (Hebrews 10:7, Matthew 6:10).”
Acts 7:55,56
55 But being full of the Holy Spirit, Steven gazed
intently into the stars and saw the Glory of Yahuah (Psalm 19:1 – ‘the
stars/constellations tell of the Glory of Yahuah), and Yahusha
standing at the Right Hand of Yahuah; 56 and he said, “Behold, I see
a vision of The Heavenly Scroll open up and The Son of Man (ORION)
standing at the Right Hand of Yahuah coming in the clouds of heaven (Matthew
Luke 21:27,28
27 At that time they will see (in a vision OROIN)
The Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with Power and Great Glory.
28 When these things begin to happen (The Sign of The Son of Man
appears in The Heavenly Scroll Matthew 24, Revelation 12),
stand up and lift up your heads (to the stars and read The Heavenly
Scroll), because your redemption (proclaimed in the stars Psalm 19,
AQUARIUS) is drawing near.
Matthew 26:64
“You have said it yourself”, Yahusha answered. “But I say to all of you, from
now on you will see (understand The Heavenly Scroll) The Son of
Man (ORION) sitting at the Right Hand of the Mighty One and
coming on the clouds of heaven.”
Mark 13:26
Then they will see (in a vision ORION) The Son of Man
coming in the clouds with Great Power and Glory.
Revelation 1:7
Behold The Heavenly Scroll, He (ORION) is coming
with the clouds of heaven, and every eye will see him (proclaimed in
the stars Psalm 19) --even those who pierced him. And all
the tribes of the Earth will mourn because of him (Revelation 12). So
shall it be! Amen.
Malachi 4:2
the Sun of Righteousness will rise (like a
Bridegroom coming out of his chambers to run the course of a wedding Psalm
19) with healing in its wings.
Isaiah 60:1
“Arise (ORION and ride the clouds of heaven), shine;
for your Light (ORION is ‘the Light Bearer’) has come (been
fulfilled in Yahusha), And the Glory of Yahuah (proclaimed by
The Sun/stars/constellations Psalm 19 and Enoch 35:3) has
risen upon you (like the Sun). 2 “For behold,
darkness will cover the Earth And deep darkness the peoples; But Yahuah will
rise (like
the Sun) upon you And His Glory (proclaimed by the Sun in The Heavenly
Scroll Psalm 19) will appear upon you.
25 O Righteous Father, even
though the world does not know You because they have denied The Works of Your
Hands in Creation (The Heavenly Scroll Romans 1, Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3) by committing the two evils (denying ORION the Bearer of The
Light of Life and Prince of Peace, and denying AQUARIUS the Bearer
of Living Water/Manna Jeremiah 2:13, Jeremiah 17:13),
Jeremiah 2:13
"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken My
Covenant of Peace (brought by The Son of Man ORION The Prince
of Peace) and rejected The Fountain of Living Waters (poured out by
AQUARIUS the Bearer of Living Water and Manna from The Heavenly
Scroll), they hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns That
can hold no water (cannot be filled with His Spirit).
Jeremiah 17:13
O Yahuah, the Hope of Israel, All who forsake (The Son of Man/ORION)
You will be put to shame (1 Peter 2:4-6). Those who turn away
from The Way on Earth will be Written down (marked for
destruction Isaiah 65:12), Because they have forsaken (AQUARIUS)
The Fountain of Living Water, even Yahuah’s Testimony (written in
The Heavenly Scroll).
I know You by the Works of Your Hand
proclaimed in Your Creation from the beginning (Romans 1,
Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3, Jeremiah 15:16),
Romans 1:18-23
& 28
18 The wrath of Yahuah is being
revealed from (The) Heaven(ly Scroll)
against all the godlessness and wickedness of people (battle between ORION The Son
of Man and The Dragon, the Bowl of Wrath is poured out over The
Dragon), who suppress the Truth (of the One and Only Elohim, Yahuah… John
17:3) by their wickedness (denying Yahuah’s Immortality claiming
He came to Earth and died!), 19 since what may be
known about Yahuah (that He is Invisible, Colossians 1:15 and John 1:18
and 1 John 4:12 and Hebrews 11:27 and 1 Timothy 6:16 and
Exodus 33:20 and Job 9:11 and 1 Timothy 1:17 and Romans
1:20 and not a man, Numbers 23:19 and Hosea 11:9)
is plain to them, because Yahuah has made it plain to them (through
Creation, The Heavenly Scroll, and His Word of His Testimony/LOGOS).
20 For since the Creation of the world (LOGOS/DABAR – ‘Spoken
Promise, from the beginning’ written into the stars on Day 4 of Creation
when the stars were created as SIGNS called The Heavenly Scroll Psalm 19)
Yahuah’s Invisible qualities—His Eternal Power and Divine Nature
been clearly seen (in the stars/The Heavenly Scroll),
being understood from what has been made (Creation, the
stars Isaiah 48:11-17, Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3), so
that people are without excuse (for denying The Messiah, coming
Conquering King ORION/LEO and in Galatians 1 and 3, he is
portrayed in The Heavenly Scroll as crucified, a Lamb slaughtered at the end of
the Age of ARIES when “the Lamb dies”). 21 For
although they knew Yahuah created The Heavenly Scroll, they neither Glorified
Him as the Invisible, Immortal Elohim nor gave thanks to Him for His Handiwork,
but their thinking became futile (believing in Incarnation)
and their foolish hearts were darkened (believing in the Way of
the Gentiles and lived in ‘The Shadow of Darkness’ cast by the
corrupted Babylonian Zodiac so the Light of the Sun no longer shined on
them Luke 1:77-79). 22 Although they claimed to
be wise men (h2450 chakam - 'astrologers' and know ‘the secrets
preserved in The Heavenly Scroll which men were striving to learn’ Enoch
6:9, Jeremiah 8:7,8), they were fooled by The
Dragon and put their faith in the corrupted Babylonian Zodiac (Incarnation)
23 and exchanged the Glory of the Immortal, Invisible, Spiritual
Elohim (they were full of The Spirit of the False Messiah and
idolized The Messiah who died, and blasphemed The Creator) … 28 Furthermore, just
as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of Yahuah (proclaimed in
the stars/constellation Psalm 19:2), so Yahuah gave them
over to a depraved mind (they do not understand the Scriptures and deny The Heavenly
Scroll), so that they do what ought not to be done (put their
faith in the corrupted Babylonian Zodiac and blaspheme the Holy
Spirit/Ruach which declares Yahuah is an Immortal Invisible Spirit NOT
a mortal man who died).”
I Blessed Yahuah Author of Glory (The Heavenly Scroll Psalm 19:1),
Who had made those Great and Splendid Signs (of the Zodiac),
that they might display (to all mankind Deut. 3:19)
the Magnificence of the Works of His Hands (The Plan of
Salvation Psalm 19) to angels and to the souls of men (His Divine
Counsel); and that these (Splendid Signs in The Heavenly Scroll)
might Glorify all His Works and operations (The Plan of
Salvation); that we might see the effect of His Power (as Creator to
Write His Plan into the fabric of Creation on Day 4 and control the flow of
history and fulfill His Promise); and The Heavenly Scroll
might Glorify the Great Labor of His Hands (and we might
come to know Him Romans 1, John 8:19 and His Son Psalm 19);
and Bless Him forever.
Psalm 19:1
The Heavenly Scroll (‘shamayim’ - the place in the sky where the stars
are located i.e. Zodiac) are telling of the Glory of Yahuah
Glory of Yahuah is Yahusha! 2 Corinthians 4:6); And their
expanse (The Divine Counsel) is declaring the Work of His
Isaiah 48:11-15
11 For My Own Sake, for My Own Sake I
will do it; for how could dishonor come to My Name (Yahuah)? I will not give My Glory (as Creator) to another (not even
Yahusha, Yahuah ALONE sits on the Throne of Creation Isaiah 44:24)! 12 Listen to Me, O Yahqob/Jacob
and Israel, My Called; I am He; I am the Aleph, I also am the Tav (the standard
of Perfection and Unity… the ONE and ONLY God John 17:3). 13 My Hand has laid
the foundation of the Earth (by Himself Isaiah 44:24), and My Right Hand has spanned (authored) the Heaven (ly Scroll Psalm
19); when
I summon the Sun/stars/constellations together (i.e. the
stars and constellations contain a Secret Message Enoch 6:9), they will minister together
as a Divine Counsel to all mankind (to proclaim His Handiwork/The
Messiah/Plan of Salvation Psalm 19). 14 All of you, gather yourselves
together and hear (what the Sun/stars/constellations proclaim day after day,
night after night Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3)! Who among them has foretold
these things in the heavens/stars? Yahuah has Loved him (spoken of in
The Heavenly Scroll; Yahusha);
He will do his pleasure on Babylon, and his arm will be on the Chaldeans. 15
I, even I, have Spoken (LOGOS/DABAR – ‘Spoken
Promise, in the beginning’ John 1:1-14); yes, I have Called him (Yahusha Luke
4:18). I
have brought him (forth as The Branch as My Eternal High Priest see Zechariah
Chapter 3:8),
and his example, The Way, (example of Mikveh,
Circumcision, and Offering)
will succeed (in producing Perfection and Resurrection CAPRICORNUS/AQUARIUS
called The Doctrine of Righteousness).
Jeremiah 15:16
Your words were found (eternally preserved in the stars Psalm 119:89, Psalm 89:2)
and I ate them, And Your Words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart;
For I have been called by Your Name, O Yahuah Elohim Author of the Heavenly
Hosts (constellations
‘Host stars’ called The Heavenly Hosts Psalm 33:6, Isaiah 45:12, Daniel 8:10).
and many more… no one has ever seen Yahuah, we know
Him through His Creation called The Word of His Testimony written into the
fabric of Creation on Day 4… The Heavenly Scroll
and now these twelve will know that You have
sent me to fulfill Your Will on Earth as it is written in The Heavenly Scroll (when AQUARIUS
pours out The Spirit on them and the Helper gives them understanding). 26 I made known Your Name
as Our Father (crying Abba Father), and I will
continue to make Your Name known as a Loving Father, that the love with which
you have loved me (as Your First-born Son of The Resurrection who fulfilled The
Heavenly Scroll Isaiah 48:11-15) promised from
the foundation of the world (LOGOS/DABAR), may be in them as my Bride (as you are their Father through adoption), as I love them as their Groom.”