The Yahushaic Covenant Defined…
the fundamental doctrines “about Yahusha” Hebrews 5 & 6
From my book
“The Yahushaic Covenant Volume 1: The Mediator”…

Now… The Yahushaic Covenant defined… The most basic
foundation of The Yahushaic Covenant called The Doctrine of Righteousness.
The very foundation of The Yahushaic Covenant is that Yahuah
chose and anointed a human being, a Royal High Priest, who he would “hold by
the hand” to walk The Way and show us by example how a human being, fully human
in every way, whose flesh was sinful, could be perfected in Righteous
Obedience. Then make his example a “covenant to the nations” for all to follow
to be perfected in Righteous Obedience and risen Divine by the power of the
resurrection… it is called The Way of Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering.
Isaiah 42
6″I am Yahuah, I have called you (to be perfected) in righteousness (Hebrews 5:8-9), I will also hold you by the hand
and watch over you (to set the example and walk The
Way by Living Water Ezekiel 36:25), And I will appoint you as a
covenant to the people (he will mediate the Covenant
of Peace called The Yahushaic Covenant), As a light (life example) to the nations, 7 To open (spiritually) blind eyes, To bring out prisoners from
the dungeon And those who dwell in darkness from the prison (religion and tradition of men).…
When Yahusha was Mikveh’d by John, he literally fulfilled
the Plan of Salvation…
Ezekiel 36
24“ ‘For I will take you out of the nations (Yahusha was taken out of Egypt Matthew 2:15);
I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land.
25 I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean (through Mikveh… Matthew 3:15); I will cleanse
you from all your impurities and from all your idols (Zechariah 3 “See High
Priest Yahusha, I have forgiven your sin”). 26 I will give you a new
heart and put a new spirit in you (Matthew 3:16);
I will remove from you your heart of stone (legalistic
adherence “by the letter”) and give you a heart of flesh (obedience to the intent). 27 And I will put my Spirit
in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws (Zechariah 3). ….31 Then you will remember your
evil ways and wicked deeds, and you will loathe yourselves for your sins and
detestable practices (Yahusha cried out to Yahuah to
save him from his sinful flesh Hebrews 5:7 and “don’t call me good” Mark
This IS The Yahushaic Covenant!
Jeremiah 31
9 I will lead them beside streams of Living
Water (Mikveh Ezekiel 36:24-31) on a
level path (The Way) where they will not
Jeremiah 31
33 “This is the covenant I will make with the
people of Israel after that time,” declares Yahuah. “I will put my law in their
minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my
people. 34 No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another,
‘Know Yahuah,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the
greatest,” declares Yahuah. “For I will forgive their wickedness and will
remember their sins no more (by walking The Way by
Living Water verse 9).”
The Way is through Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering his
life as a living sacrificial offering (a sin offering). Yahusha walked
The Way and in doing so Yahuah fulfilled His Promised to “forgive our
iniquity and remember our sin no more” and then he was adopted by Yahuah as
His first born-again son. Yahusha was then filled with The Fullness of Deity
(The Spirit of Yahuah) as an earnest guarantee that Yahuah would raise him from
the dead (the firstborn of the dead) and grant Yahusha Eternal Life (Divinity)
by the power of the resurrection:
Romans 1
2 concerning Yahusha, which Yahuah PROMISED
beforehand through His prophets in the holy Scriptures (he did not pre-exist),
3 concerning His Son, who was born of a descendant of David (through both parents) according to the flesh (flesh 'Sarki' g4561: Thayer's def =#4 - born to
two human parents, outside ANY Divine Influence, prone to sin, and opposed to
Yahuah), 4 who was declared (Divine)
the Son of Yahuah with power by the resurrection from the dead (not his human birth, he the firstborn of the dead Col 1:8
and Revelation 1:5 and first of the resurrection 1 Cor 15:23 and first
fruits of the grave 1 Cor 15:20), according to the Spirit of
holiness (Yahuah’s Spiritual Seed given as an earnest
guarantee after his Mikveh when he was born-again and adopted), Yahusha
the Messiah
To walk The Way in his footsteps, Yahusha obeyed Yahuah’s
Will and repented of his sin when he went to John to be “baptized” or rather
Mikveh’d clean with Living Water for remission of his sin and that is when he
was adopted. This is The Way we all follow. This IS “The Doctrine of
Righteousness” or literally how we fulfill The Law and are made Righteous
before Yahuah.
Hebrews 5:3
2 Yahusha as High Priest is able to deal
gently with those who are ignorant and misguided, since he himself is beset by
weakness (flesh 'Sarki' g4561: Thayer's def
=#4 - born to two human parents, outside ANY Divine Influence, prone to sin,
and opposed to Yahuah). 3 That is why he is OBLIGATED to offer
sacrifices FOR HIS OWN SIN, as well as for the sins of the people. 4 No one
takes this honor (of atoning for sin as High Priest)
upon himself; he must be called by Yahuah (Zechariah
Chapter 3), just as Aaron was (and be of The
House of Zadok)
He HAD to give his sinful flesh and pay the penalty of that
sin in his flesh and die… so that we would know The Way that we too can be
perfected through Mikveh and fulfill The Law:
Romans 8
3 For what the Law was powerless to do (make us Righteous) in that The Law was weakened by
the sinful flesh (held accountable to the death
decrees in The Law), Yahuah did (covered the
death decrees and forgave our iniquity and remembered our sin no more)
by sending His own (first born-again) son in
the likeness of sinful flesh (flesh 'Sarki' g4561:
Thayer's def =#4 - born to two human parents, outside ANY Divine Influence,
prone to sin, and opposed to Yahuah), as an offering for sin (to prove The Way works as he was perfected and forgiven).
He thus condemned sin in the flesh (by walking The Way
of perfection and dying innocent in the eyes of Yahuah), 4 so that the
righteous standard of the Law might be fulfilled in us (too who walk The Way of Mikveh to "fulfill all Righteousness"
Matthew 3).
Matthew 3
14 But John tried to prevent Him, saying,
“I need to be Mikveh’d by You, and do You come to me (for
the remission of your sin, that is John's commission)?” 15 “Let it be so
now (let me be washed clean with Living Water),
Yahusha replied. “It is fitting for us to fulfill all the righteous
requirements of The Law (this is The Doctrine of
Righteousness)” in this, THE WAY. Then John permitted Him (to repent and be Mikveh'd). 16 As soon as Yahusha was
washed clean (of his sin) with Living Water (Ezekiel 36), He went up out of the living water.
Suddenly the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of Yahuah descending
like a dove and resting on Him (he was born again and
adopted and filled in his body with the fullness of deity the Ruach).…
Ezekiel 36
24“ ‘For I will take you out of the nations (Yahusha was taken out of Egypt Matthew 2:15);
I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land.
25 I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean (through Mikveh… Matthew 3:15); I will cleanse
you from all your impurities and from all your idols (Zechariah 3 “See High
Priest Yahusha, I have forgiven your sin”). 26 I will give you a new
heart and put a new spirit in you (Matthew 3:16);
I will remove from you your heart of stone (legalistic
adherence “by the letter”) and give you a heart of flesh (obedience to the intent). 27 And I will put my Spirit
in you (and you will be born-again by fire) and
move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws (Zechariah 3). ….31 Then you will remember your
evil ways and wicked deeds, and you will loathe yourselves for your sins and
detestable practices (Yahusha cried out to Yahuah in
repentance to save him from DEATH the penalty of his sinful flesh Hebrews
5:7 and “don’t call me good” Mark 10:18).
Yahusha repented of his sin and cried out to Yahuah to save
him from death, which is the penalty of his disobedience…
Hebrews 5:7
During the days of Yahusha’s life on earth (when he was imperfect, disobedient and LEARNING obedience Hebrews
5:8-9), he offered up prayers and petitions (repentance) with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save
him from death (the penalty of sin/disobedience and he
was scared to death to die Matthew 36:28), and he was heard
because of his reverent submission to Yahuah (he
walked The Way!).
Sha’ul teaches The Way
Keep in mind, there were no “chapters and verses” in the
original letters Sha’ul wrote, they were letters and teachings not a book with
Chapters and verses. The translators went in and added such things to assist in
our study. In doing so, many times they erred in where they broke up chapters
and verses removing the intent of the text and throwing us off what was being
At the end of Hebrews 5 after Sha’ul explains that Yahusha
was High Priest and offer sacrifices for his own sin as well as the sin of the
people, Sha’ul explains that the most elementary principles of The Yahushaic
Covenant have been twisted into a lie, and all our teachers are but infants in
maturity and Spiritual Understanding, and in need of being taught themselves
the most basic foundation of The Yahushaic Covenant.
He explains they (self-appointed infant teachers) are NOT “skilled
in the Doctrine of Righteousness” or rather how we fulfill the Righteous
Requirement of The Law and defeat death by walking The Way Yahusha came to show
Sha’ul begins by saying Yahusha was not born perfect or
obedient but had to be sanctified and PERFECTED and in doing so Yahusha set the
example and became a covenant to the nations and “source” of eternal salvation
for all those who “walk as he walked”.
Hebrews 5
8 though he was a son, yet he LEARNED (G1097) OBEDIENCE (was not born obedient but
"in the flesh" apposed to Yahuah 'sarki') by the things (discipline by a loving Father Hebrews 12:5-7)
which he suffered (for disobedience). 9 And HAVING
BEEN PERFECTED (through the process of sanctification John
17:19… he was not born that way, he was born disobedient and opposed to
Yahuah which is the definition of “in the flesh” Sarki), He BECAME the
author (life example) of (how we obtain) eternal salvation to all who obey him
(and follow his example).
This is the real meaning of 2 Corinthians 5:21 as
I show in the following teaching proving the sound bite used to imply Yahusha
HAD to be sin free and was put to death for our sin (a violation of The Law)
was mistranslated!
The true translation of 2
Corinthians 5:21
Our “infant teachers” teach the mistranslation into English
out of context as “truth” as they teach the truth in unrighteousness (Romans
1:18). They use that ONE mistranslated out of context sound bite to
“prove” the Plan of Salvation is that Yahusha was a perfect god who died
because of our sin… when that is a direct contradiction of what it really
says! Below is the proper translation from the Greek manuscripts and in
context of all Sha’ul’s writings:
2 Corinthians 5:21
For our sake (to
be mediator 1 Timothy 2:5) Yahuah made Yahusha (a High Priest Hebrews 5 and Zechariah 3)
who did not learn to know (G1097)
disobedience (but learned obedience Hebrews 5:8-9),
to be a sin offering for us (Romans 8:3),
so that in covenant him, we too might have the Righteous Requirements of the
Law fulfilled in us (Romans 8:4).
Now, Sha’ul says that our so-called “teachers”
are infants in Spiritual Maturity and deny this most elementary fact
ABOUT Yahusha and claim he was a perfect demi-god which is blasphemy.
Hebrews 5
12 For indeed, though by this time you
ought to be teachers (of The Yahushaic Covenant and
The Doctrine of Righteousness called The Way), you have need that
someone teach you again the elementary principles of Yahuah’s word (The Doctrine of Righteousness); and have become those
who have need of milk, and not of strong meat. 13 For every one who continues
to feed on milk is unskilled in The Doctrine of Righteousness; for he is a baby
in Spiritual Maturity. 14 But strong meat belongs to those who are full-grown;
for those whose senses are trained by practice (process
of sanctification) to discern both righteousness and evil.
Now Sha’ul continues this thought although it was placed in
a new Chapter, (that was in ERROR) because Sha’ul is about to lay out The
Doctrine of Righteousness that these teachers who are babies did not understand
and are in need of being taught themselves.
Sha’ul continues…and defines “The Doctrine of Righteousness”
Hebrews 6
Therefore, leaving the elementary principles
of the teachings ABOUT the Messiah, let us go on to perfection, not laying
again the foundation (of The Yahushaic Covenant, the teachings ABOUT Yahusha)
of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward Yahuah, 2 Of the teaching of
baptisms, and of laying on of elders' hands, and of the resurrections of the
dead, and of eternal judgment; 3 If indeed Yahuah permits, we will now proceed
to advanced teaching. 4 For it is impossible for those who were once
enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of
the Holy Spirit, 5 And the righteous, having come to know that which is spoken
by Yahuah through the Law and the Prophets, the power of Yahuah, and the world
to come, 6 If they shall fall away, it is impossible for them to be renewed to
repentance again. They have rejected the Son of Yahuah, and therefore are
alienated from Yahuah. 7 For the earth which drinks in the rain that often
comes upon it, and produces vegetation useful for those by whom it is
cultivated, receives blessings from Yahuah; 8 But that which bears thorns and
briers is rejected, and is near to being cursed, whose end is being burned!
What is Sha’ul saying? Sha’ul is teaching The Way that
Yahusha came to show us when he walked the path of Mikveh, Circumcision, and
Offering for the first time in human history “by steams of Living Water” when
he went to John to be Mikveh’d clean of his past, fulfill The Law, forgiven,
and filled with the Ruach and adopted by Yahuah. He calls the “The Doctrine of
Righteousness”… which is how Yahusha fulfilled the Righteous Requirements of
The Law!
Matthew 3
14 But John tried to prevent Him, saying, “I
need to be Mikveh’d by You, and do You come to me (for
the remission of your sin, that is John's commission)?” 15 “Let it be so
now (let me be washed clean with Living Water),
Yahusha replied. “It is fitting for us to fulfill all the righteous
requirements of The Law (this is The Doctrine of
Righteousness)” in this, THE WAY. Then John permitted Him (to repent and be Mikveh'd). 16 As soon as Yahusha was
washed clean (of his sin) with Living Water (Ezekiel 36), He went up out of the living water.
Suddenly the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of Yahuah descending
like a dove and resting on Him (he was born again and
adopted and filled in his body with the fullness of deity the Ruach).…
Let me explain what our baby “teachers” fail to understand
and clearly show that Yahusha’s sin is a vital aspect of The Plan of Salvation
as he was fully human in every way. Only a human being with sinful flesh can be
a sin offering and he had to have sinned for Yahuah to fulfill the most basic
promise in Scripture… to “forgive our iniquity and remember our sin no more”
by walking The Way by living water fulfilling Ezekiel 36 and Jeremiah 31.
After saying in Hebrews 5:12-14 that our teachers are false
teachers. Literally infants in understanding who do not understand the
“Doctrine of Righteousness” or how we fulfill the Righteous Requirements of the
Law and defeat death by following The Way. He then goes on to draw our
attention to when Yahusha was Mikveh’d by John. Yahusha showed us by his life
example as he offering his own sinful flesh as a “sin offering” which is
another way of saying Yahusha offered his life on this Earth as an example for
us all to follow to defeat The Law of Sin and Death.
Sha’ul now literally defines “The Doctrine of Righteousness” and
teaches Yahusha’s Mikveh as that example we all follow. He calls the example
Yahusha set of Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering “the elementary principles
and teachings ABOUT Yahusha” then lays out The Way in crystal clear fashion as
he shows us what “about Yahusha” is vital!
Doctrine of Righteousness defined
Hebrews 6
Therefore, leaving the elementary
principles of the teachings ABOUT the Messiah, let us go on to perfection, not
laying again (the teachings ABOUT the Messiah which
are) the foundation (of The Yahushaic Covenant)
- About Yahusha’s repentance from sin
(as he went to John to be Mikveh for REMISSION of his
- About Yahusha's faith toward Yahuah,
2 to cleanse his sin through Living Water (teaching
of baptisms/Mikveh Ezekiel 36:24-31),
- and of laying on of elders’ hands to
anoint Yahusha as High Priest (Zechariah
Chapter 3),
- and about Yahusha’s resurrections of
the dead (he defeated sin and death and became the
firstborn of the dead Col 1:8 and Revelation 1:5 and first of the resurrection
1 Cor 15:23 and first fruits of the
grave 1 Cor 15:20),
- of Yahusha's role in eternal judgment
(we will all stand before the judgment seat of Yahusha
2 Cor 5:10);
3 If indeed Yahuah permits, we will now proceed
to advanced teaching (only AFTER we understand and
bring out lives into obedience to The Doctrine of Righteousness).
That is THE WAY we are made Righteous and fulfill The Law! Then Sha’ul says if we do not accept this most basic
testimony ABOUT Yahusha and the “Doctrine of Righteousness” or how we fulfill
the Law and are made Righteous by Yahuah, then Yahuah will not allow us to
progress in covenant with Him, we will have to continue to “relay our
foundation” over and over and never proceed to advanced teachings (what I
teach). Sha’ul finishes the thought about all those who reject The
Way that they will be cursed by Yahuah for blasphemy and “worshiping a man who
died” and denying the “Doctrine of Righteousness” and foundation of The
Yahushaic Covenant.
Sha’ul lays out the exact example we all follow… we all
repent of our dead works, are washed clean with living water and forgiven, and
filled with the Ruach… and adopted then risen Divine by the power of the
Titus 3:5
Yahuah saved us (adopted
us in covenant with Yahusha John 1:12), not by the righteous
deeds we had done, but according to His mercy (the
Doctrine of Righteousness), through the washing of new birth (born again through Living Water John 3) and
renewal by the Holy Spirit (fills us with His Ruach
the "fullness of deity" after our Mikveh which is Mikveh by Fire like
Yahusha when the "dove" descended upon him for the first time he was
born again and filled with the Ruach).
The Doctrine of Righteousness is The Way we ALL fulfill The
Righteous Requirements of The Law by following Yahusha’ example!
Romans 8
3 For what the Law was powerless to do (make us Righteous) in that The Law was weakened by
the sinful flesh (held accountable to the death
decrees in The Law), Yahuah did (covered the
death decrees and forgave our iniquity and remembered our sin no more)
by sending His own (first born-again) son in
the likeness of sinful flesh (flesh 'Sarki' g4561:
Thayer's def =#4 - born to two human parents, outside ANY Divine Influence,
prone to sin, and opposed to Yahuah), as an offering for sin (to prove The Way works as he was perfected and forgiven).
He thus condemned sin in the flesh (by walking The Way
of perfection and dying innocent in the eyes of Yahuah), 4 so that the
righteous standard of the Law might be fulfilled in us (too who walk The Way of Mikveh to "fulfill all Righteousness").
We then are ADOPTED just like Yahusha was…
John 17:19-21
“And for their sakes I sanctify myself (Yahusha had to be perfected through sanctification, he is
The Way we all follow), that they also might be sanctified through the
truth (by following his example which is the True Way
that leads to Eternal Life John 14:6). Neither pray I for these
alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word (enter into covenant with him as the Bride); That they
all may be one (family); as you, Father, are in
(covenant with) me (to
be adopted then begotten as Your first born-again son), and I in (covenant with) you (crying
out Abba Father Galatians 4:6), that they also may be one in (covenant with) us (and
adopted then begotten too): that the world may believe that you hast
sent me (to prove The Way works where Yahuah perfects
our sinful flesh and forgives our iniquity and remembers our sin no more
through Mikveh).”
John 1:12
Yet to all who did receive Yahusha as the
Messiah, to those who believed in (the covenant that
bears) his name, he gave the right to become children of Yahuah.
Hebrews 2
11 For both He who sanctifies (Yahuah) and those who are sanctified (Yahusha and the rest of the sons) are all from one
Father; for which reason Yahusha is not ashamed to call them brother
May the Truth set us free from these infant
“teachers”. Yahusha’s example is the True Way that leads to Eternal Life.
John 14:6
6 Yahusha answered, “I am (my example is) the way and (my
example is) the truth and (my example is)
the (way to eternal) life. No one comes to the
Father except through me (following my example in
covenant with me as High Priest to mediate and atone).
John 17:3
Now this is eternal life: that they know
you (Yahuah), the only true God, and (come to You through) Yahusha who is the Messiah, whom
you have sent (in fulfillment of Your promises as
foretold through the prophets to be the Mediator and show us The Way of
1 Timothy 2:5
For there is one true God (Yahuah) and one mediator between Yahuah and mankind, the
man Yahusha the Messiah (our brother and High Priest).
John 1:2
…5 But if anyone keeps His word (follows The Way), the love of Yahuah has been truly
perfected in him (we are perfected through
sanctification fulfill the Righteous Requirements of The Law through Mikveh).
By this we know that we are in (covenant with)
Yahusha: 6 Whoever claims to abide in (covenant with)
Him must walk as Yahusha walked (follow his example).
John 13:15
15 I have set you an example so that you
should do as I have done for you (he was washing their
feet with Living Water as a metaphor that they should walk as he walked... The
Rav Sha’ul (the Nazarene)