do the Earthly Scrolls (the Scriptures) need to be ‘restored’?
In Christianity we are taught by The Dragon that the
Bible is Divinely Inspired and error free. To all my critics who claim the
Scriptures are perfect and in no need of untwisting… this tradition contradicts
the clear declaration in Scripture. We are warned that we would only “think”
we have His Word; but in fact, what we would have is a twisted Babylonian
Lie through translation at the hands of pagan astrologers into what we
today think of as The Zodiac! Every religion, yes Christianity and
Judaism, is based on the corrupted Zodiac! They deny it, then redirect
our attention away from the Truth found in The Heavenly Scroll.
7 But My people do not know the ordinance of Yahuah (eternally
preserved in the stars Psalm 119:89). 8 How can
you say, we are wise men (h2450 chakam
- 'astrologers' and know
‘the secrets preserved in The Heavenly Scroll which men were striving to learn’
Enoch 6:9), And the Word of Yahuah's Testimony (that Yahusha
is The Branch foretold in
The Heavenly Scroll) is with us? But behold, the ‘lying pen
of the scribes’ has made My Word (LOGOS/DABAR -
'Spoken Promise in the
beginning' eternally preserved in The Heavenly Scroll Psalm 119:89)
into a lie (by removing The Word of His Testimony). 9 The wise
men (h2450 chakam – ‘astrologers’) are put to shame (for twisting
The Heavenly Scroll into Incarnation the 'Mystery' of the Babylonian Zodiac), They are dismayed (by the constellations/stars/Sun to
worship them Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 10:2 – "Do not learn the way of the nations (corrupted Babylonian Zodiac), and do not be dismayed at the
signs/constellations/stars of The Heavenly Scroll”) and caught (in idolatry Deuteronomy
4:19 – “When you look to the heavens and see the Sun, moon, and stars—all
the stars in the sky—do not be led astray to bow in worship to them and serve
them.”); Behold, they have rejected the Word of My Testimony
Heavenly Scroll), And what kind of wisdom (Spiritual understanding
of The Plan of Salvation written in the stars which proclaim The Glory of
Yahuah Psalm 19:1, which is Yahusha Hebrews 1:3, and declare His
Handiwork Psalm 19 and Enoch 35:3 and many more Scriptures)
do they have (because the Scriptures are literally based on The Heavenly Scroll/Plan of
Salvation/LOGOS written in the stars at Creation which is what Yahusha came to
fulfill Hebrews 10:7 and Matithyahu/Matthew 6:10)?…
Again, in Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah we are told that our faith
would be based on “nothing but lies”. Not a few lies, not a
little lie here or there, not even mostly lies, but TOTAL LIES (Nothing
but lies). There would be no Truth in the twisted Scriptures we have had
handed down to us today. Yet as Yahuah foretold, we “think” we have His Word
and we have fallen for “another Gospel” and The Spirit of the False Messiah.
18 "I will first doubly repay their iniquity and their
sin, because they have polluted My land; they have filled My inheritance with
the carcasses of their detestable idols and with their abominations." 19
O Yahuah, my strength and my stronghold, And my refuge in the day of distress,
To You the (lost
sheep among the) Nations will come from the ends of the Earth and say,
"Our fathers have inherited nothing but LIES, Idols and
worthless things of no profit." 20 Can man make gods
for himself (idols and demi-gods)? Yet (These idols and demi-gods)
they (make
for themselves based on the constellations as gods and Babylonian Incarnation
of the Sun "in the flesh") are not gods!
We read from the Nazarenes that the Greeks were twisting
their writings into a pagan lie as the Greeks conquered the faith and corrupted
the Scriptures to conform to their pagan religions.
2 Kephah/2 Peter 3:16
Sha'ul writes the same way in The Mystery Language in all his letters, speaking
in letters of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to
understand, which ignorant and unstable people (Greeks) twist, as they
do the other Scriptures (they twist every other book and author's writings too),
to their own destruction.
Where did we get our English Bibles? GREEK translators!
This is also brought out in the Historical Context and openly admitted by the
ones who did the translating… The Catholic Church. It is this pagan Greek
institution who took the Hebrew texts and twisted them into Greek to assimilate
all pagan religions into one Universal Church called Christianity at the
Council of Nicaea.
The Catholic
Encyclopedia, Volume 6, page 136
"Substitution of false documents and tampering with genuine ones
was quite a trade in the Middle Ages. Innocent III (1198) points out nine
species of forgery [of ecclesiastical records] which had come under his notice.
But such frauds of the Church were not confined to the Middle Ages; they begin
even with the beginning of the Church and infest every period of its history
for fifteen hundred years and defile nearly every document, both of
"Scriptures" and of Church aggrandizement. As truly
said by Collins, in his celebrated Discourse of Free Thinking: "In
Short, these frauds are very common in all books which are published by priests
or priestly men... For it is certain they may plead the authority of the
Fathers for Forgery, Corruption and mangling of Authors, with more reason than
for any of their Articles of faith..."(p.96.)"
For proof, please read my book Christianity and the
Great Deception.

Buy Now!
Every translation team over the past 2000 years has broken
the rules of proper translation in order to bring
us a twisted lie. In this document, I am going to lay out the principles that
should govern any proper translation effort when moving any document from one
language to another. I will prove that every translation effort, when dealing
with The Scriptures, has violated every one of them. These
“teams” were not Nazarenes, not anointed for the task, and twisted the
translation into other languages including English. Twisting the text to
conform to their pagan beliefs and assimilate pagan religions as
Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah prophesied. At the very heart of our current English
translations, is the corrupted Babylonian Zodiac! Sun worship,
Incarnation, Trinity, demi-gods, etc. The Bibles we read today teach ‘another
Gospel’ just as we were warned, and we have fallen for it.
2 Corinthians 11:3,4
3 I am afraid, however, that just as Eve was deceived by the
serpent’s cunning, your minds may be led astray from your simple and pure
devotion to The Yahushaic Covenant. 4 For if someone comes
and proclaims a ‘Messiah’ other than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a
different Spirit than the one you received, or a different gospel than the one
you accepted, you put up with it way too easily.
Many people are realizing the Bible they read is in grave
error and fear it is a total lie as we are warned in Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 8:8 and
other places. This is the case unfortunately, but it is by design. The Truth
must be REVEALED by the Father, not just purchased and
read by anyone. Our English Bibles are twisted Babylonian lies and no longer
convey The Word of His Testimony or The Doctrine of
Righteousness (The Way). They must be restored by
a Nazarene (as it was Nazarenes who wrote them in the first place).
At the end of the Age of PISCES entering
the Age of AQUARIUS, the Scriptures (Daniyahel/Daniel and
Revelation) reveal that The Word of His Testimony will be
restored, and The Son of Man will defeat The Dragon with “The
Word of His Testimony”. When that restoration finally takes place (and
I don’t mean just correcting the Hebrew names and adding a few Hebrew words),
I mean a total rewrite removing the Lying Pen of the Scribes, the pagan
influences, and restoring the context and intent… then ‘this’ prophecy will be
Hebrews 8:8-12
10 This is the covenant I will make with the House of Yisrael/Israel
after those days (the Age of PISCES), Says Yahuah, I will
put My Laws in their mind and write them in their hearts and I will be to them
their God and they will be My people. 11 No longer will each one teach his neighbor or his brother, saying, ‘Know Yahuah,’
because they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest. 12 For
I will forgive their iniquities and remember their sins no more.
Until The Word of His Testimony called The Heavenly
Scroll is restored BACK into the text; we are at the mercy of “teachers” most
of which are filled with The Spirit of the False Messiah who teach lies handed
down from generation to generation (Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 16:19). These
men are false teachers who teach these unrighteous translations as if they are
“Truth” leading us all astray to build our faith and doctrine on twisted lies.
Teachers who “tickle the ears of the people” who don’t want to know they are
misled and don’t have The Truth; but want to believe what they have been taught
and what they read in their Bibles is true. This all began at ‘the fullness of
time’ 2000 years ago as The Dragon was given The Age of PISCES to
deceive humanity, twist the Scriptures, and promote another Gospel Message
built on Babylonian fables and lies.
2 Timothy 4:3,4
3 For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine,
but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their
own desires. 4 So they will turn their ears away from the Truth and
turn aside to myths and fables.…
Teaching unrighteous LIES as if they are “true” in your
English Bible is pure foolishness… utter ignorance as it has been proven in
great detail and admitted by The Catholic Church that your English Bible has
more errors in it than it does words! For more on this read the book ‘Misquoting
Our “wise men” have abandoned The Word of His
Testimony (The Heavenly Scroll) and teach “unrighteousness as
Truth” …
Romans 1:18-23 & 28
18 The wrath of Yahuah is being revealed from (The) Heaven(ly Scroll) against
all the godlessness and wickedness of people (battle between ORION The Son of Man and The Dragon, the Bowl of Wrath is poured out over
The Dragon), who suppress the Truth (of the One
and Only Elohim, Yahuah… Yahuchanon/John 17:3) by their
wickedness (denying Yahuah’s Immortality claiming He came to Earth and died!),
19 since what may be known about Yahuah (that He is Invisible Colossians
1:15 and Yahuchanon/John 1:18 and 1 Yahuchanon/1 John 4:12
and Hebrews 11:27 and 1 Timothy 6:16 and Exodus 33:20 and Yahshub/Job
9:11 and 1 Timothy 1:17 and Romans 1:20 and not a man Numbers
23:19 and Hosheah/Hosea 11:9) is plain to them,
because Yahuah has made it plain to them (through Creation, The Heavenly Scroll,
and His Word of His Testimony/LOGOS). 20 For since the
Creation of the world (LOGOS/DABAR – ‘Spoken Promise from the
beginning’ written into the stars on Day 4 of Creation when the stars were
created as SIGNS called The Heavenly Scroll Psalm 19) Yahuah’s
Invisible qualities—His Eternal Power and Divine Nature (Immortality)—have
been clearly seen (in the stars/The Heavenly Scroll), being
understood from what has been made (Creation, the stars Yeshayahu/Isaiah
48:11-17, Psalm 19, Enoch 35:3), so that people are without
excuse (for
denying the Messiah, coming Conquering King ORION/LEO and in Galatians
1 and 3, he is portrayed in The Heavenly Scroll as crucified, a Lamb
slaughtered at the end of the Age of ARIES when “the Lamb dies”).
21 For although they knew Yahuah created The Heavenly Scroll, they
neither Glorified Him as the Invisible, Immortal Elohim nor gave thanks to Him
for His Handiwork, but their thinking became futile (believing in
Incarnation) and their foolish hearts were darkened
in the Way of the Gentiles and lived in ‘The Shadow of Darkness’ cast by the corrupted Babylonian Zodiac so the Light of the Sun no longer shined on them Luke
1:77-79). 22 Although they claimed to be wise men
(h2450 chakam - 'astrologers' and know
‘the secrets preserved in The Heavenly Scroll which men were striving to learn’
Enoch 6:9, Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 8:7,8), they were
fooled by The Dragon and put their faith in the corrupted
Babylonian Zodiac (Incarnation) 23
and exchanged the Glory of the Immortal, Invisible,
Spiritual Elohim (they were full of The Spirit of the
False Messiah and idolized the Messiah who died, and blasphemed The Creator)
for an image of a man who died … 28 Furthermore, just as they did not
think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of Yahuah (that He is
IMMMORTAL and INVISIBLE and SPIRIT), so Yahuah gave them over to
a depraved mind (they do not understand the Scriptures and deny The Heavenly
Scroll), so that they do what ought not to be done (put their
faith in the corrupted Babylonian Zodiac and
blaspheme the Holy Spirit/Ruach which declares Yahuah is an Immortal Invisible
Spirit NOT a mortal man who died).”
Until we admit this we are lost in our own deception with
no compass and no Truth! We dwell in “The Shadow of Darkness” as
prophesied as The Dragon has deceived ALL humanity (yes, even you.).
Our doctrines are built upon sound bite false doctrines derived from altered
texts, lies, fables, and human traditions that have no value at all.
of All Current and Past Translation Efforts
Yahuah reveals His Word progressively over time through
Prophets not “committees/teams” of human experts! Not one book in the Bible
was written by a committee. One of the major failures of all translation
efforts in human history is they are done by “committee”. A team of
self-absorbed “experts” who are not Nazarenes and certainly not anointed by the
Throne of Creation for the task. They are “commissioned” by the Throne of The
Dragon (Catholic Church) or The Throne of England (King James
Version) and then every subsequent translation is based on those two
blasphemous translations commissioned by Christian Denominations; the
Religion of the Beast.
Anytime you have a team of so-called “experts”; every decision
in translation is done by committee. The resulting translation is a severely
compromised version required to come to a consensus among the experts.
Compromises to get their approval and bringing in their existing
misconceptions, false doctrines, and so forth. There should be one… only one
anointed Prophet of Yahuah, a True Nazarene at the heart of the effort. One
qualified and gifted, to bring the text from one language to another, and honor
the Nazarene authors of the originals. One anointed to understand The Mystery
Language that the Scriptures are written and also
gifted in the destination language to make this language easily understood in
the resulting translation. One anointed Prophet, trained by Yahuah over a
course of a lifetime for this most important of all callings, and then shown
The Heavenly Scroll (like every Prophet in the Bible).
should be on the destination language, not the source language
In every past translation effort, focus is not on the
destination language (which is the point of the effort) but on the
original languages. This is a major error in any translation effort. What is
being created is in the destination language. That is the focus in any good
modern-day translation effort. The existing texts of the Scriptures are already
written, and we have 2,000 years of “experts” explaining, exploring, and
defining those texts and the structure of those DEAD languages. We have
reference material at our disposal that these past translators did not have, we
have interlinear references to show the structure and how it was translated,
dictionaries, commentaries, etc. Those are “the experts” required in the
original languages. I have more knowledge at the end of my mouse click (the
Internet) than all the translators who ever worked on any translation over
the past 2,000 years COMBINED…
most important aspect of handling The Word of Yahuah is anointing
Truth is only found in the anointing, not human education and schooling. It should be done independent of
any “commissioning organization” or any outside influence… by a singular
anointed servant sent by Yahuah to restore The Word of His Testimony just like
Yahuah has done throughout history called PROPHETS, not “committees”.
translate one language to the next word-for-word!
We have all purchased goods from Wal-Mart made in China.
Opened them up to assemble them and the instruction make no sense whatsoever in
This is because the translators putting it into English
did not speak English as their first language. They were experts in their
languages. Instead, they simply put together a “word-for-word” translation from
Chinese into English… the result is confusing and sometimes ridiculous
and the “intent and meaning” of the instructions are totally lost in translation.
Why do I bring this up? Because that is exactly what
every translation team for 2,000 years has given mankind. They misunderstood “don’t
add to or subtract from” to mean the exact words and tried to just
translate each word from Hebrew/Greek into a word in English without any
thought of how it reads. We are not to add too or subtract from the INTENT
of the text as any good translation team will confirm. A word-for-word
translation does just that… takes away from the context, the meaning, and the
intent as everything is lost in translation!
This is a complete violation of the main principle in any
translation effort. The MOST IMPORTANT member of the translation team is the
expert in the destination language. The sentence structure in one
language never matches the sentence structure in another language, the words
don’t match up “one to one”, and the figures of speech, idioms, metaphors,
knowledge shared in that culture and so forth are not shared from one
language/cultural matrix to the next. When you simply translate word-for-word
you get a confusing, and many times, misleading result. This is exactly what we
have today in our English Bibles. The Hebraic flavor, figures of speech,
meaning, and intent is lost completely as the translators simply put together a
word-for-word translation and IGNORED the intent, context, and
language/cultural matrix from one language to the next.
Bible is written in dead languages, no one speaks those languages today…
therefore there are no “experts”
John Locke in a 1692 publication, wrote “I fear,
that the jumbling of those good and plausible Words in your Head... might a
little jargogle your Thoughts…”
Why do I mention this? Because not one person reading
that statement above who speaks English knows what he just said! Speaking
today’s modern English is no help at all as “Old English” is literally a dead
language. The words are no longer used and the way the sentences are structured
make no sense to us today. This is the case today, I see people who claim they speak modern Hebrew as if
that is “the key” to understanding the Scriptures written in first century
Aramaic! They are totally different languages and the Jews have been speaking
Hebrew for 2,000 years and remain in total darkness.
From https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/usage/old-fashioned-language
“Some words that were common in
the past are no longer in ordinary use but remain in our stock of words. Many
dictionaries divide this type of vocabulary into two categories.
Words and expressions described
as archaic are those which haven’t been in everyday
use for a century or more. Some dictionaries describe such terms as ‘old use’,
or ‘old-fashioned use’. You are unlikely to hear anyone using these terms in
everyday conversation, or to come across them in modern writing, but you will
encounter them in the literature of the past. This category of vocabulary is
sometimes used to give a deliberately old-fashioned effect, for example in
historical novels. Some writers also use it to amuse people.
Words and expressions described
as dated may still be used occasionally, especially by older people, but they
are no longer used by most English speakers. Here are some examples of dated
hurry/make haste
· you/thee
To all those who say speaking modern Hebrew is the same
language as Biblical Aramaic… wise up. The language spoken by the writers of
the Bible is a DEAD language and not the same language as modern Hebrew (the
same thing for Greek/Latin… all DEAD). The character set is all that is
similar, the words they used are obsolete and so is the sentence structure. The
idioms, figures of speech, and so forth are not the same today. Today’s
languages do not contain the common knowledge they shared within that
2000-year-old language and cultural matrix! That “common knowledge” did not
have to be stated, it was implied, and no one has ever restored those
implication in context. Until now bringing life back into the text and meaning
to the life of the Messiah.
Mixing these dead languages with today’s modern language
is the definition of confusion!
| www.dictionary.com/browse/confusion
from Latin confusionem (nominative confusio) “a mingling, mixing, blending; confusion,
disorder,” noun of action from confundere “to pour
together,” also “to confuse” (see confound). Sense of “a putting to shame” (a
sort of mental “overthrow”) is late 14c. in English, …
Who is the “author of confusion”? Exactly my point. These
modern translations were penned by men filled with The Spirit of The Dragon
and they were designed to be confusing and lead us astray.
translation must be done by an Anointed Nazarene who accepts The Heavenly
Scroll and speaks The Mystery Language of The Most High...
The Language of The Most High
is NOT Hebrew, Greek, Latin, or Aramaic! It is The Mystery Language and if you don’t speak it by anointing you are in darkness as to
the meaning of the Scriptures. The Jews have spoken “Hebrew” for thousands of
years and still have absolutely no clue what the Scriptures declare.
They didn’t 2000 years ago, and nothing has changed.
They don’t even understand the meaning of the Feasts!
They misinterpret The Law, they are full of nothing
but lies and they speak Hebrew! It has profited or benefited them nothing at
all to speak modern Hebrew in understanding the Language/Cultural Matrix of
first century Aramaic.
This language of the Most High
is a Spiritual ‘Secret’ Language that must be revealed to His Prophets and only
they can interpret His Word by anointing only…
Timothy 3:9
Holding the Mystery (hidden or secret things: G3466) of the faith in a pure
Daniyahel/Daniel 2:20-22
20 Daniyahel/Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God (Yahuah) for ever
and ever: for wisdom and might are His: 21 And He changes the times
and the seasons: He removes kings, and sets up kings: he gives (Spiritual)
wisdom unto the (Chosen)
wise, and knowledge to them that know (Spiritual) understanding: 22 He
reveals the deep and secret things!
Matithyahu/Matthew 13:35
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophet, saying, I will open
my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the
foundation of the world in The Heavenly Scroll (Enoch 9:6)
1 Corinthians 14:2
For he that speaks in an Secret Language (Mystery Metaphorical Language) speaks not
unto (the physical
things of) men, but unto (the hidden Spiritual things of Yahuah… Daniyahel/Daniel
2:22) Yahuah: for no man understands Him (they don’t have eyes to see,
ears to hear, this language is revealed knowledge to those Chosen Prophets);
however in the Spirit (of
Holiness) he speaks (to His Prophets) mysteries (of the Kingdom of Yahuah
written in the stars: Enoch 9:6).
Matithyahu/Matthew 11:25
At that time Yahusha answered and said, I thank you, O Father, Author of The
Heavenly Scroll and Creator of the cosmos, because You have hid these things (secrets preserved in the
heavens Enoch 9:6) from the wise and prudent, and have
revealed them unto babes (His
language cannot be taught in human learning institutions).
All you get from these self-absorbed self-appointed
“experts in Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic” is TWISTING of His Word…. because these
“experts” in human knowledge have NO WISDOM as they all to a man have denied
The Word of His Testimony written in The Heavenly Scroll which is the very
source of all Scripture and Revelation. Our Bibles are literally translated by
those living in The Shadow of Darkness.
Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 8:7-9
7 But My people do not know the ordinance of Yahuah (eternally preserved in the
stars Psalm 119:89). 8 How can you say, we are wise
men (h2450 chakam - 'astrologers' and know ‘the secrets
preserved in The Heavenly Scroll which men were striving to learn’ Enoch 6:9),
And the Word of Yahuah's Testimony (that Yahusha is The Branch foretold in The Heavenly
Scroll) is with us? But behold, the ‘lying pen of the scribes’
has made My Word (LOGOS/DABAR
- 'Spoken Promise in the beginning' eternally preserved in The Heavenly
Scroll Psalm 119:89) into a lie (by removing The Word of His Testimony). 9
The wise men (h2450
chakam – ‘astrologers’) are put to
shame (for twisting The
Heavenly Scroll into Incarnation the 'Mystery' of the Babylonian Zodiac),
They are dismayed (by the
constellations/stars/Sun to worship them Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 10:2 –
"Do not learn the way of the nations (corrupted Babylonian Zodiac), and do not be dismayed at
the signs/constellations/stars of The Heavenly Scroll”) and
caught (in idolatry Deuteronomy
4:19 – “When you look to the heavens and see the sun, moon, and stars—all
the stars in the sky—do not be led astray to bow in worship to them and serve
them.”); Behold, they have rejected the Word of My Testimony
(The Heavenly Scroll),
And what kind of wisdom (Spiritual
understanding of The Plan of Salvation written in the stars which proclaim The
Glory of Yahuah Psalm 19:1, which is Yahusha Hebrews 1:3, and
declare His Handiwork Psalm 19 and Enoch 35:3 and many more
Scriptures) do they have (because the Scriptures are literally based on The
Heavenly Scroll/Plan of Salvation/LOGOS written in the stars at Creation which
is what Yahusha came to fulfill Hebrews 10:7 and Matithyahu/Matthew 6:10)?…
2 Kephah/2 Peter 3:16
Sha’ul/Paul speaking of these (hidden) things in all of his
letters. Some of his comments are hard to understand (Sha'ul spoke the Mystery Language), and
those (Greeks)
who are ignorant (of the
Mystery Language) and unstable (in their minds given over to depraved carnal minds
absent of the Light of The Word of His Testimony Romans 1)
have twisted his letters to mean something quite different (understood in the context of
Hellenism and outside the context of The Heavenly Scroll),
just as they do twist the rest of Scripture. And this will
result in their destruction.
Wisdom 2:21-23
21 Such things they did imagine and were deceived: for their own
wickedness hath blinded them. 22 As for the Mysteries of Yahuah (in The Heavenly Scroll Enoch
9:6), they knew them not: neither hoped they for the wages of
Righteousness, nor discerned a reward for blameless souls. 23 For
Yahuah created man to be immortal and made him to be an image of His Own
The only major historical document translated from one
language to the next “word-for-word” is the Bible! This must change, or
we will remain in The Shadow of Darkness.
This endeavor to restore The Word of His Testimony from
the “lying pen of the scribes” is prophesied at the turn of the Ages (PISCES
to AQUARIUS) as The Son of Man is prophesied to overcome The Dragon
with The Word of His Testimony. The Scriptures must be restored with The Word
of His Testimony called The Heavenly Scroll to defeat The Dragon, and we
have entered the transition of the ages and that restoration has begun.
Unlike any past translation effort, this translation
Restore The Heavenly Scroll known as The Word (Logos/DABAR)
of Yahuah’s Testimony to its prominent place throughout the Scriptures.
Restore The Doctrine of Righteousness and The Way
of Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering.
Restore the intent and
meaning, not just render a word-for-word translation but a translation in full
context… Intent-by-Intent accomplished line-upon-line (not word-upon-word or
in out-of-context sound bites) and precept-upon-precept (restoring the
textual, Scriptural, historical, and Spiritual context).
Bring back the Scriptures
from a 2000-year-old language/cultural matrix fully in today’s
language/cultural matrix.
Restoring back to the
writings of The Nazarenes all the “missing text” that only needed to be implied
2000 years ago because much knowledge was shared between the writer and the
audience and was therefore left out of the text. No translation effort has
attempted this in human history leaving every translation lacking, out of
context, and twisted into a lie through translation Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 8:8.
Remove all the pagan
human traditions we have inherited that found their way into the text by
scribal additions. This is openly admitted by the Catholic Church.
Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 16:19 tells us this would be the case and our doctrines
would be complete lies (nothing but lies) as a result.
Remove all the use of
Passive Voice which leads to vague, unclear, and confusing text.
Put the text back into
Active Voice, avoid pronouns and clearly identify the subject by name in the
text so that it cannot be twisted into a lie by today’s “teachers” who are
filled with The Spirit of the False Messiah.
Restructure the sentences
from 2000-year-old dead languages into proper English structure that makes
sense and is easy to read to avoid confusion.
Interpret and clearly
communicate The Mystery Language. The Scriptures are written in a Spiritual
Language called The Mystery Language. A language of physical to Spiritual
Parallels / parables / metaphors / allegories / idioms / anthropomorphisms /
poems/ prophetic languages / proverbs / Hebraic figures of speech/ and VISIONS.