Yahuah Authored The Heavenly Scroll
From my book Creation Cries Out! The
Mazzaroth pages 45-54

Battle of the Ages
This book lays the foundation for the sons of Yahuah to
retake the Zodiac and reclaim its message from the enemy. The Battle
of the Ages is literally the battle for creation! This battle began
with the very first Gospel of the Messiah written in the stars which was
promptly corrupted. Now we have the Truth vs. the Lie and a 6000-year
battle to reclaim the Heavenly Scroll.
Yahuah declares that He authored the
Isaiah 40:26
Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens (the Zodiac): Who created all these? He who brings out
the starry host (constellations) one by one and
calls forth each of them (the constellations)
by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is
missing (there are exactly 12 constellations in every
culture dating back to the origin of man!).
The Zodiac is His throne…
Psalms 11
4 Yahuah is in his holy temple; Yahuah’s
throne is in heaven (shamarym/Zodiac). His eyes
watch; his eyes examine all people.
Isaiah 66:1
This is what Yahuah says: "Heaven (shamarym/Zodiac) is my throne, and the earth is my
footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting
place be?
His message is securely written in the
Zodiac and endures for all mankind to “see” …
Psalms 119
O Yahuah, your instructions endure; they
stand secure in (the) heaven(ly scroll. Originally written in the stars, untouched by
human hands).
That message is understood by the Zodiac;
which is the path the Sun takes through the constellations each year…
Psalm 19
1 The heavens (stars
and constellations) declare the glory of Yahuah; the skies (Shamayim/stars) proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal
knowledge. 3 They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is
heard from them. 4 Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their
words to the ends of the Age. In the heavens (among
the Stars and Constellations) Yahuah has pitched a tent for the sun (the Zodiac). 5 It is like a bridegroom (Yahusha) coming out of his chamber (to wed the Bride, Remnant Israel), like a champion (Conquering King) rejoicing to run his course (through the ecliptic). 6 It rises at one end of
the heaven(ly scroll) and makes its circuit (Zodiac means circuit of circle or path) to the
other; nothing is deprived of its warmth.
The Zodiac is the gospel message of the
coming Messiah Yahusha…
Genesis 15
5 And he brought him forth abroad, and said,
Look now toward heaven, and tell (what the) the
stars (proclaim), if thou be able to discern
the order of them (the Zodiac): and he said
unto him, So shall thy seed be (the Messiah)
It is Yahuah’s will declared in the Zodiac
that will be done on Earth…
Matthew 6:10
"your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as it is (written) in (the) heaven(ly scroll)"
We are forbidden to misuse the Zodiac by
creating images of the Zodiac Signs to worship…
Exodus 20
Yahuah spoke all these words: 2 “I, Yahuah,
am your Elohim, who brought you from the land of Egypt, from the house of
slavery. 3 “You shall have no other gods before me (in
My face). “You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any
likeness of anything that is in (the) heaven(ly scroll...shamayim i.e. the Mazzaroth) above or
that is on the earth beneath or that is in the water below.
We are forbidden from worshipping the
signs of the Zodiac, they are not gods but a message to all mankind…
Deuteronomy 3:19
When you look up to the heavenly scroll (sky is Hebrew
shamayim/Zodiac) and see the sun, moon, and stars (speaking of the Zodiac) — the whole heavenly creation
(another way of saying Heavenly Scroll) — you
must not be seduced to worship and serve them (signs
of the Zodiac), for Yahuah your Elohim has assigned them (the signs of the Zodiac) to all the people of the
world (they were created by Yahuah to proclaim the
coming Messiah Yahusha, see Psalm 19, they are not gods).
The Zodiac reveals Yahuah’s wrath upon all
those who abuse it…
Romans 1
18 The wrath of Yahuah is being revealed
from (the) heaven(ly
scroll... Shamayim/Mazzaroth) against all the godlessness and wickedness
of people, who suppress the truth (of its message)
by their wickedness (turning The Heavenly Scroll into
witchcraft Galatians 3:6-8 and worship the signs of the Zodiac, Sun, Moon, and
stars), 19 since what may be known about Yahuah (the Plan of Salvation) is plain to them (is
proclaimed in The Heavenly Scroll), because Yahuah has made it plain to
them (this message goes out unto all the Earth Psalms
19, given to all mankind Deuteronomy 3:19). 20 For since the
creation of the world Yahuah’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine
nature—have been clearly seen (written in the stars at
creation Enoch 35:3 in The Zodiac), being understood from what
has been made (in heaven: the Sun, Moon, stars, and
constellations Psalms 19), so that people are without excuse. 21
For although they knew Yahuah (is The Creator),
they neither glorified him as Elohim nor gave thanks to him (for the Plan of Salvation written in the stars), but
their thinking became futile (twisting the Zodiac and
signs into 'gods' and witchcraft) and their foolish hearts were darkened
(to worship the creation over The Creator). 22
Although they claimed to be wise (through religion,
tradition, science, philosophy and mythology), they became fools 23 and
exchanged the glory of the immortal Elohim (the Glory
of Yahuah is Yahusha 2 Corinthians 4:6! So they exchanged Yahusha)
for images made to look like a mortal human being (solar
demi-gods) and birds and animals and reptiles (the
signs of The Zodiac).
28 Furthermore, just as they
did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God (that He is IMMMORTAL and INVISIBLE and SPIRIT found written
in the stars Enoch 35:3), so Yahuah gave them over to a depraved
mind (they do not understand the Scriptures OR The
Heavenly Scroll), so that they do what ought not to be done (blaspheme the Holy Spirit which declares Yahuah is immortal
invisible Spirit NOT a mortal man who died and worship the Sun).”
Sha’ul was telling the Greco-Roman people to look at the
very Zodiac they corrupted into mythology. The Zodiac condemns all
mankind, as it reveals from heaven (shamayim), for worshipping the
creation over the Creator. We have failed to see the Spiritual message
behind it. It is the Truth vs. Sun worship, the Battle of the Ages.
Ba’al vs. The Creator… the false messiah based on Sun worshp vs. the true
Messiah of Isra’el.
The watchers (fallen angels) perverted that message in the
stars and revealed to mankind the “secrets preserved in the heavens” but
in such a way as to cause mankind to worship the Sun, Moon, Stars, and
Constellations. The watchers taught the Sun as the supreme deity.

They then created for themselves ‘Solar Christs’ to fulfill
the message in the Zodiac (pagan demi-god ‘Christs’ from Tammuz to
Jesus). This Sun worshipping religion is the largest religion on Earth
This twisted version of the Zodiac was formulated into a
religion in Babylon. This religion of sun worship was then dispersed
throughout the Earth when the languages were confused at the Tower of
Babel. Every pagan religion on Earth is an incarnation of sun worship in
Babylon, which was based on the corrupt message of the Zodiac. For more on
this, see my book Mystery Babylon: The Religion of the Beast…
The corrupted message in the Zodiac is universal (being
dispersed at the Tower of Babel), that is why every pagan solar messiah or
‘Christ’ is a demi-god member of a Trinity with the same basic life
story. These demi-gods, beginning with the Babylonian Tammuz, were all
human attempts at fulfilling the Zodiac’s story.
The true prophets of Yahuah understood the message in the
stars as foretelling of a coming Messiah. The false prophets of Ba’al
(the sun) said the message in the stars was speaking of their pagan kings and
children of the kings. Every pagan king assumed the Zodiac was speaking
of him directly and derived their authority to rule over the people from the
Zodiac. The battle between the coming King and the reigning King was
fought in the stars going all the way back to Babylon. That battle will
continue to be fought in the stars until the Lion of the Tribe of Judah returns
to fulfill the “circle of animals” known as the Zodiac, and then it will be
completed with the Sign of Leo. When the conquering king vanquishes the
The Zodiac (the path the sun takes through the
constellations), the names and meanings of each constellation, and the names
and meanings of the stars that make them up are all divinely inspired and
created by Yahuah. The images that are associated with the Zodiac are
simply pictographs that represent the meaning of the constellation. The
signs of the Zodiac are not gods; they are not even images derived from
“connecting the dots” i.e. the stars in each constellation! I will
explain exactly where those images came from in this book and how they have
remained the same across all cultures over 6,000 years.
The sons of Yahuah have passed down the proper meaning of
the Zodiac from Seth to Enoch to Noah to Abraham to Daniel to Yahusha who
fulfilled (in the process of fulfilling) its message. The pagans have
passed down the twisted version of the Zodiac, which idolizes the Sun and the
signs of the Zodiac.
This is “The Battle of the Ages” in scripture that
rages even today, the battle for the message contained in the Zodiac, yes the
Battle for Creation…
- Jerusalem
vs. Rome/Babylon
- Yahuah
vs. Sol Invictus/Ba’al
- The
Shema vs. The Cross/The Trinity
- Yahusha
vs. Jesus/Tammuz
- The
Sabbath vs. Dias Solis/Sunday
- The
Passover Lamb vs. Easter/The Ishtar Pig
- The
Holy Days vs. Holidays
- The
Law vs. Lawlessness
- The
Spirit of Truth vs. The Spirit of Error
- The
Spirit of Yahuah vs. the Spirit of the False Messiah/Incarnation
- The
Nazarene vs. Christianity
In this book, I refer to the message authored by Yahuah in
the stars as the Mazzaroth, the Zodiac, Heaven,
and mostly as Scripture refers to it… The Heavenly Scroll.
These terms are all interchangeable. I use all 4 throughout this book, to
firmly establish all 4 terms in the reader’s mind.
Let us begin our journey… at the very beginning.
Yahuah Created and
Named the Stars!
Matthew 11:25
At that time Yahusha answered and said, I
thank you, O Father, King of heaven (Strong’s H8064 ‘shamayim’
- the place where the stars are located, i.e. The Mazzaroth/Zodiac) and
earth, because you have hid these things (secrets
preserved in the stars/heaven Enoch 9:6) from the wise and
prudent, and have revealed them unto babes.
I realize we have come to view the Zodiac in a negative
light, as a tool used only in the hands of witches performing magic or
stargazers attempting to predicting the future using the perverted means of
Astrology. We associate the Zodiac with the ‘hocus pocus’ in the
daily newspaper horoscopes. However, the Bible declares that Yahuah named
the stars and established them for signs and for seasons. The Zodiac is
simply a tool that illustrates this fact as we will see. So we need to
tread lightly when it comes to the Zodiac and not deny Glory Yahuah declares is
The wise men in Babylon knew this 2000 years
ago, that is how the “magi” discerned the time and the place of the
Messiah’s birth… it was foretold in the heavens, a sign in the Zodiac!
Abraham knew this as Yahuah “witnessed the Gospel in advance to Abraham” … by
the stars in ‘heaven’ speaking directly of the Zodiac as we will find
out. David knew this well, expressing in Psalms 19 of the glorious
message found in the Zodiac. Enoch the “scribe of righteousness” taken to
‘heaven’ by Yahuah also knew this… and so too did the angels:
The Book of Enoch - Chapter 9
6 things, and nothing can hide itself from
Thee. Thou seest what Azazel hath done, who hath taught all unrighteousness on
earth and revealed the eternal secrets which were (preserved) in heaven,
which 7 men were striving to learn:
And finally, it was the angels who perverted this message
leaving mankind swinging back and forth (as on a pendulum) from misusing the
stars and Astrology for fortune-telling, magic, and sorcery… to the other end
of the spectrum, denying the very existence of a Creator through science.
The message found in the heavens eludes us today in astronomy
as we study the very creation that literally cries out His existence while
denying there is a Creator. Enoch tells us there are actually “eternal
secrets preserved in heaven” the men were striving to learn (just like we
are today) and that angels fell from the Grace of Yahuah in order to pervert
the message proclaimed by the Creator.
“Let us go back
and re-establish that message. “
Once we re-establish that message then we can literally
reconcile the information passed down across cultures over thousands of years
as every culture in effect is saying the same thing! We just stopped
Yahuah is the author of the Zodiac
We see clearly stated in the Bible that it was Yahuah who is
the author of the Zodiac (the path of the sun through the constellations)
not Satan or the fallen angels. Not the Sumerians with their sun gods,
nor the Greeks with their Olympus, and not the Romans with their
Pantheon. They simply perverted the message from Yahuah. We
also know that there is a divine message found within the Zodiac that tells of
the Glory of Yahuah and cries out the works of His hand. We see below
that it was Yahuah who named every star!
Psalms 147:1-5
How good it is to sing praises to our Elohim,
how pleasant and fitting to praise him! Yahuah builds up Jerusalem; he gathers
the exiles of Israel. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He
determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is
our Elohim and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.
Before I continue any further, allow me to define what the
English word ‘heaven’ actually means. The word Hellenized into
English as ‘heaven’ is Strong’s H8064, below is the definition.

“Heaven is probably one of the most misunderstood
mythical concepts in all of Christianity. That is why I wrote the book The
Kingdom! Because ‘Heaven’ and the ‘Kingdom of Yahuah’
are two very different things.”
We see above that the primary definition of H8064 shamayim
which is translated ‘heaven’ and ‘sky’ in English is ‘the visible sky
where the stars are located’. It is specifically referring to the
“Heaven is not some mythical place with
angels flying around playing harps where “God”, some ancient guy with a long
white beard resides!”
No, we need to forget all these fairytales of established
religion. They are more fabricated than mythology! At least
mythology is based on real signs in the heavens! Heaven in Hebrew is
speaking of the Zodiac, the place where the stars resides in
the sky. Now that we understand that one word, the scriptures come
alive before our very eyes and the Zodiac takes center stage. We
see below, that it was Yahuah who created all the stars, and “starry hosts”
(which are the constellations), and named both the stars and the
Isaiah 40:25-26
“To whom will you compare me? Or who is my
equal?” says the Holy One. Lift your eyes and look to the heavens (H 8064. shamayim: means the Zodiac) Who
created all these? He who brings out the starry host (constellations
are the hosts of stars) one by one, and calls them each (constellation) by name. Because of his great power
and mighty strength, not one of them is missing (there
are 12 major constellations exactly among all cultures).
Isaiah 45
5 I am Yahuah, and there is no
other; apart from me there is no God. 7 I form the light and create
darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, Yahuah, do all these
things. 12 It is I who made the earth and created mankind upon it.
My own hands stretched out the heavens (signs of the
Zodiac along the ecliptic to reveal a hidden message Psalms 19);
I marshaled their starry hosts (constellations).
Isaiah 44
24 “This is what Yahuah says—
your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb: I am Yahuah, the Maker of all
things, who stretches out the heavens (signs of
the Zodiac along the ecliptic to reveal a hidden message Psalms 19),
who spreads out the earth by myself.
Isaiah 46
5 "To whom will you compare
me or count me equal? To whom will you liken me that we may be compared? 8
"Remember this, fix it in mind, take it to heart, you rebels. 9
Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am Elohim, and there is no
other; I am Elohim, and there is none like me. 10 I make known the
end from the beginning (written in The Zodiac),
from ancient times (day 4 of Creation), what is
still to come. I say: My purpose (defined and written
in the stars) will stand, and I will do all that I please (His will be done on Earth, as it is proclaimed in heaven
i.e. written in the stars Matthew 6:10)
Isaiah 42
5 This is what Yahuah says— He who
created the heavens (the stars and constellations… the
Zodiac) and stretched them out (in order to
proclaim a message), who spread out the earth and all that comes out of
it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it:
In Psalms below, we see that as the sun and moon rises and
sets daily and night after night… knowledge concerning The Plan of Yahuah is
proclaimed without voice or speech from one end of the Earth to the other to
all mankind.
Psalm 19
19 The heavens (H8064:
shamayim - the stars and constellations of the Zodiac) are telling of
the glory of Yahuah; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. 2
Day to day (the Zodiac) pours forth speech, And
night to night (the Zodiac) reveals knowledge.
3 There is no speech, nor are there words; Their (stars
and constellations of the Zodiac) voice is not heard. 4 Their line (ecliptic plane through which the sun appears to travel when
viewed from Earth) has gone out through all the earth, And their
utterances to the end of the world. In them (the
constellations) He has placed a tent for the sun, 5 Which (the Sun) is as (a shadow or
metaphor) a bridegroom (the Messiah)
coming out of his chamber (to run the course of a
wedding and marry the Bride); It rejoices as a strong man (Messiah) to run his course (Plan
of Salvation). 6 Its rising is from one end of the heavens, And
its circuit (that is what Zodiac means, “path or
circuit”) to the other end of them; And there is nothing hidden from its
David is clearly describing the Zodiac, the chart of the sun
moving across our skies and the “line of the sun” called the ecliptic that goes
throughout all the earth, as it runs its course each year through the Signs of
the Zodiac called constellations. David properly understood the message
contained in the Zodiac as we will learn later in this book. The sun rises from
one end of heaven and then its “circuit or Zodiac” is like a “bridegroom coming
out of his chamber”. This is fulfilled in Yahusha the
Messiah. Yahusha proclaims himself the ‘bridegroom’ and says those who
“hear his voice” speaking of the Zodiac (Psalms 19:2) rejoice; and it is
Yahusha’s joy to be the fulfillment of that message. Yes, the
Zodiac is the original Gospel message proclaiming the Messiah as we will find
out later in this book.
John 3:29
29 He who has the bride is the
bridegroom (Psalms 19); but the friend
of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the
bridegroom’s voice (the stars proclaim Psalm 19).
Therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled (in The
Heavenly Scroll Matthew 6:9).
Matthew 25
4 The wise ones (who put their faith in The Heavenly Scroll Galatians 3),
however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5 The bridegroom
was a long time in coming (the Age of Pisces or 2,000
years between his two comings as foretold in The Heavenly Scroll), and
they all became drowsy and fell asleep (abandoned The
Heavenly Scroll). 6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s
the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’
Revelation 19
9 And the angel said to me, “Write
this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.”
And he said to me, “These are the true words of Yahuah (eternally preserved in The Heavenly Scroll Psalms 119:89).”
The “marriage supper of the Lamb” was first proclaimed in
the Zodiac, as we will find out. That is what John was referring to in
Revelation 19. The Zodiac contains “the true words of Yahuah”!
I have produced a video proving John was teaching The
Heavenly Scroll:
In other words, David sees the Sun as a prototype for The
Messiah in Psalms 19. This physical metaphor of the sun as the bridegroom
pointing to The Messiah is repeated throughout scripture. This is, in
fact, true as the Sun was created as a witness of the coming of the Messiah and
what the Messiah would do. This striking declaration in Psalms 19
clearly tells us that Yahuah built into the Zodiac the story of redemption
and through the stars He has been witnessing His Plan to all humanity in a
unique view only from Earth. Later in this book, we will learn that the
message of the Zodiac is that of a bridegroom who redeems his bride!
God’s Sun a metaphor for God’s Son
Yes, ‘Yahuah’s Sun’ in our solar system is a prophetic
prototype of Yahuah’s Son. The Sun of God is the “light of the world” as
a physical metaphor of the Son of God as the “light of the world” Spiritually.
This is how the Watchers were able to twist The Heavenly Scroll and teach Sun
worship. Christianity and all pagan religions and solar demi-gods are
based on this twisted message.

The Sun of God saves humanity from the physical darkness
bringing life-giving light. This too is a physical metaphor of the Son of
God who saves humanity from Spiritual darkness bringing the light of Spiritual
Life. The center of the Enoch Zodiac is the ‘throne of Yahusha’ which is
pictured on two wheels because the Sun appears to ‘move’ throughout the

The prophets Enoch, Ezekiel, Daniel, and John all described
the center of the Zodiac in great detail with
- 2
sets of 4 living creatures
- 4
“wheels with a wheel”
- a
rainbow throne
- 24
stars/elders falling at the feet of the One who sits on the throne
I will cover these prophecies in great detail later in this
book. The Greeks then took the Zodiac given to Enoch and perverted the
center of the Zodiac into mythology, re-envisioned the entire Zodiac into a
Greek Appropriate Zodiac and the image in the center of the Zodiac as ‘Helios
riding his Sun chariot’.
The Signs of the Zodiac were twisted into Greek Gods and
idolized just like the Babylonians and Sumerians (before them) had done. The
image on the left (below) is the Enoch Zodiac, the one on the right is the
Greek Zodiac. The image on the left is a pictograph of the Plan of
Salvation, the one on the right… idolatry.

Later Constantine would do the same thing, and turn the 12
disciples into “gods” to whom his new religion would pray to and simply
associated the 12 disciples with the pagan gods of the Zodiac and
Pantheon. They were later assigned to “Saints” in an act of idolatry by
Christianity. Greek coins were inscribed to this ‘sun god’ murals dedicated to
him and so forth. The Romans then re-envisioned ‘Helios’ into ‘Apollo’
then Constantine merged all pagan god-men into Jesus.
Today when we think of “the Zodiac”, images of pagan god
worship given to us by the Greeks come to mind. We do not understand the
origin, or message of the true Zodiac given to Enoch by Yahuah! You will
understand completely by the time you finish this book!
“Mankind was taught by the Watchers (fallen angels) to
view the Sun and stars literally as gods, elevating the Sun as God, instead of
seeing it as a metaphor… resulting in Sun Worship.”

The “throne of Yahuah” in The Heavenly Scroll was changed to
the chariot of Helios the Sungod by the Greeks.