by Rav Sha'ul
Syncretism and Hellenism
This book is going to prove that
the Christian Religion is a blending of all pagan religions
as ‘The Faith’ was conquered by Rome and Hellenized
into a Greek appropriate religion that all pagans could and
would accept. Before we continue let me define a few
terms. It is common knowledge that The Bible was
“Hellenized” into Greek.
From Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia
The twentieth century witnessed a lively
debate over the extent of Hellenization in the Levant and
particularly among the ancient Palestinian Jews that has
continued until today. The Judaism of the diaspora was
thought to have succumbed thoroughly to its influences.
Bultmann thus argued that Christianity arose almost
completely within those Hellenistic confines and should be
read against that background as opposed to a more
traditional (Palestinian) Jewish background
What few people realize is
exactly “what” that means. Hellenization is the process by
which a culture, people, nation, religion, etc. adopts the
religion of the Greek Gods known as Hellenism:
From Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia
religion is any of the various systems of beliefs and
practices of the people who lived under the influence of
ancient Greek culture during the Hellenistic period and the
Roman Empire (c. 300 BCE to 300 CE).
There was much continuity in Hellenistic religion: the Greek
gods continued to be worshipped, and the same rites were
practiced as before.
The truth of The Bible was
literally merged with the polytheistic religion of the Greek
Gods. Finally in 300 AD, at the council of Nicea, all
religion were combined into one world religion called the
Universal Catholic Church. The process of Hellenization
began hundreds of years before Yahusha the Messiah was
born. The Jews began adopting the religion, custom, art,
government, and laws of Greece. This is plainly admitted by
the Jewish Encyclopedia below. The word Hellenism means “to
make Greek” and we see the extent of Hellenism among the
Jews was total and complete:
έλληνίζειν , "to speak Greek," or "to make Greek"):
Word used to
express the assimilation, especially by the Jews, of Greek
speech, manners, and culture, from the fourth century
B.C. through the first centuries of the common era.
Range of Hellenic Influence.
Except in
Egypt, Hellenic influence was nowhere stronger than on the
eastern shore of the Mediterranean. Greek cities arose there
in continuation, or in place, of the older Semitic
foundations, and gradually changed the aspect of the
country. Such cities were Raphia, Gaza, Ascalon, Azotus,
Jabneh, Jaffa, Cæsarea, Dor, and Ptolemais. It was
especially in eastern Palestine that Hellenism took a firm
hold, and the cities of the Decapolis (which seems also to
have included Damascus) were the centers of Greek influence.
This influence extended in later times over the whole of the
district east of the Jordan and of the Sea of Gennesaret,
especially inTrachonitis, Batanæa, and Auranitis. The cities
in western Palestine were not excepted. Samaria and Panias
were at an early time settled by Macedonian colonists. The
names of places were Hellenized: "Rabbath-Ammon" to
"Philadelphia"; "Armoab" to "Ariopolis"; "Akko" to "Ptolemais."
The same occurred with personal names: "Ḥoni" became
"Menelaus"; "Joshua" became "Jason" or "Jesus." The
Hellenic influence pervaded everything, and even in the very
strongholds of Judaism it modified the organization of the
state, the laws, and public affairs, art, science, and
industry, affecting even the ordinary things of life and the
common associations of the people.
A glance at the classes of
Greek words which found their way into the Hebrew and the
Jewish-Aramaic of the period, as compiled by I. Löw (in S.
Krauss, "Lehnwörter," pp. 623 et seq.), shows this
with great clearness. The Hellenists were not confined
to the aristocratic class, but were found in all strata of
Jewish society (Wellhausen, "I. J. G." p. 194),
though the aristocrats naturally profited more from the
good-will of Hellenistic rulers than did other classes.
The Jews thus became sharers in a world-culture if not in
a world-empire. It was a denationalizing influence
from the strictly Jewish point of view; this was the
principal reason for the dislike which many Jewish teachers
felt for things Hellenic. In addition to this, Hellenism in
its Eastern dress was not always the Hellenism of Greece
proper. It was in some respects a bastard culture. It
led its new votaries to the highest flights of philosophy;
but through the allegorical explanations which, coming from
Stoicism, were applied to the Bible.
It is this last point that I
want to focus on admitted by the Jewish Encyclopedia that
Greek philosophy was applied to The Bible in translation.
The truth of Yahuah, Yahusha, The Law, the Festivals of
Yahuah were blended into a pagan lie and that is what we
have in our modern English Bibles. Our Bibles have been
The Scriptures have been altered
to establish Greek philosophies and the Hellenistic
religion. I prove this in detail throughout this book
series. The “world” from 300 BC to 300 AD was literally
assimilated into “Hellenism” which is the Greek polytheistic
religion. This process of “Hellenization” where all pagan
religions were blended into one religion is called
We see below the Catholic
Encyclopedia confirm the Jewish Encyclopedia that all
religions including The Jews were assimilated into the
polytheistic Greek religion. We see that the evolution of
“religion” stemmed originally from ancient Babylon as the
names of the gods were changed over time and culture. We
read how Rome became the melting pot of all pagan religions
and it was regarded as “The Temple of the World” the role
the Vatican plays even today. Syncretism culminated in the
year 300 AD when Constantine created “Christianity” and
brought all religion under one umbrella. We see it admitted
by Christianity itself that “Christianity and Judaism” was
merged with sun worship:
(1) Syncretism is
sometimes used to designate the fusion of pagan religions.
In the East the intermixture of the civilizations of
different nations began at a very early period. When the
East was hellenized under Alexander the Great and the
Diadochi in the fourth century B.C., the Grecian and
Oriental civilizations were brought into contact, and a
compromise to a large extent effected. The foreign
deities were identified with the native (e.g. Serapis =
Zeus, Dionysus) and a fusion of the cults succeeded.
After the Romans had conquered the Greeks, the victors, as
is known, succumbed to the culture of the vanquished, and
the ancient Roman religion became completely
hellenized. Later the Romans gradually
received all the religions of the peoples whom they subdued,
so that Rome became the "temple of the whole world".
Syncretism reached its
culmination in the third century A.D. under
the emperors Caracalla, Heliogabalus, and Alexander Severus
countless cults of the Roman Empire were regarded as
unessential forms of the same thing—a view which doubtless
strengthened the tendency towards Monotheism. Heliogabalus
even sought to combine Christianity and Judaism with his
religion, the cult of the sun-god. Julia
Mamæa, the mother of Alexander Severus, attended in
Alexandria the lectures of Origen, and Alexander placed in
his lararium the images of Abraham and Christ.
(2) A modern
tendency in the history of religions sees in the Biblical
revealed religion a product of syncretism, the fusion of
various religious forms and views.
As regards the Old Testament, the Chanaanite myth, the
Egyptian, Old Babylonian, and Persian religions are regarded
as the sources of Israelitic religion, the latter
itself having developed from Fetichism and Animism into
Henotheism and Monotheism. It is sought to explain the
origin of Christianity from the continuation and development
of Jewish ideas and the influx of Brahmanistic, Buddhist,
Græco-Roman, and Egyptian religious notions, and from the
Stoic and Philonic philosophy; it is held to
have received its development and explanation especially.
from the neo-Platonic philosophy. That Judaism and
Christianity agree with other religions in many of their
external forms and ideas, is true ; many religious ideas are
common to all mankind. The points of
agreement between the Babylonian religions and the Jewish.
faith, which provoked a lively discussion
some years ago after the appearance of Friedrich Delitzsch's
"Babel und Bibel", maybe explained in so far as they exist
(e.g.) as due to an original revelation, of which traces,
albeit tainted with Polytheism, appear among the
Babylonians. In many cases the agreement can be shown to be
merely in form, not in content; in others it is doubtful
which religion contained the original and which borrowed.
We see above the plain admission
the Christianity was founded on the Babylonian religion.
What people do not realize is that Rome became the official
seat of the Babylonian religion and then Christianity became
the new Mystery Religion of Babylon.
Rome became the “seat” of the Babylonian Religious Cult
When Attalus,
the Pontiff and King of Pergamos died, in B.C. 133, he
bequeathed the headship of the "Babylonian Priesthood" to
Rome. When the Etruscans came to Italy from Lydia, (the
region of Pergamos), they brought with them the Babylonian
religion and rites. They set up a Pontiff who was head of
the priesthood. Later the Romans accepted this Pontiff as
their civil ruler. Julius Caesar was made Pontiff of the
Etruscan Order in B.C. 74. In B.C. 63, he was made "Supreme
Pontiff" of the "Babylonian Order," thus becoming heir to
the rights and title of Attalus, Pontiff of Pergamos, who
made Rome his heir by will. Thus the first Roman Emperor
became the head of the "Babylonian Priesthood," and Rome the
successor of Babylon. Each successor to Emperor from that
point forward held the title Pontifus Maximus
literally The High Priest of the Babylonian Cult of Sol
Invictus which was simply another incarnation of Mithraism
stemming from the worship of Tammuz in Babylon. The Pope of
Rome now carries forward that High Priesthood as Pontiff.
The Roman
Empire began their official recognition of sun
worship during the time of Aurelian when he instituted the
cult of "Sol Invictus". There is virtually no difference
between the cult of Sol Invictus and that of Mithraism or
for that matter Catholicism/Christianity. All later versions
of The Mystery Religion of Babylon the Great Whore. In the
year 307 A.D. Emperor Diocletian, a Sun Worshipper, was
involved in the dedication of a temple to Mithra, and was
responsible for the burning of Holy Scripture (the Hebrew
originals that is why we don’t have any today) which made it
possible for later emperors to formulate Christianity, and
thus began the Roman version of the "Universal the Christo-pagan
Mystery Religion." After the rein of Diocletian, the Roman
Emperor Constantine (the creator of modern day Christianity)
maintained the title "Pontifus Maximus" the
high priest of paganism, and remained a worshipper of Apollo
(Apollo is Tammuz in the Greek culture). His coins
were inscribed: "SOL INVICTO COMITI", which is interpreted
as "Committed to the Invincible Sun". During his reign pagan
Sun worship was blended with the worship of the True Creator
(called syncretism), and officially titled "Christianity" by
the (less than holy) Roman Empire and its' official church
the (less than holy) catholic (universal) church.
Cybele, the
Phrygian goddess, known to her followers as "the mother of
god", was closely related to the worship of Mithra. Just as
Mithraism was a man's religion, the worship of Cybele was
practiced by women. The priests of Mithra were known as
"Fathers" and the Priestesses of Cybele as "Mothers". After
baptism into the Mysteries of Mithra, the initiate was
marked on the forehead with an X. The sign of the cross
formed by the elliptic and the celestial equator was one of
the signs of Mithra. Sunday (Deis Solis), the day of the
Sun, was considered by Mithraist a sacred day of rest.
December 25th (the birthday of Mithra) was celebrated as the
birth of the Sun, given birth by the "Queen of Heaven" -
"Mother of god." The Mithraists celebrated a mithraic love
feast. This feast consisted of loaves of bread decorated
with crosses with wine, over which the priest pronounced a
mystic formula. Mithra was considered mediator between god
and man (does this sound like Jesus?).
We know
Constantine created Hesus Horus Krishna as the god of the
Roman Empire and that over time that name evolved into Jesus
H. Christ. We know Constantine created a totally new
religion around Jesus Christ that abolished The Law of
Yahuah, changed The Festival of Yahuah, changed The
Sabbath of Yahuah, changed The Passover of Yahuah, and
changed the name of The Messiah to give glory to Zeus.
Christianity then, as the second beast, caused
through brute force (the inquisition) then through forced
ignorance (the Dark Ages) the world, as it is the largest
religion on Earth, to worship Hesus Horus Krishna (Jesus
H. Christ) the first beast.
I cover this
in great detail in this book series. We see Paul warn us of
this very thing in a letter written to the church in Rome
(no less) where Sun Worship (The Cult of Sol Invictus) was
the religion of pagan Rome (and remains so today in the form
of Christianity world-wide).
Paul begins
the discourse with the fact that again… the heavens (stars)
have a clear message to all humanity and God’s wrath is
“revealed from heaven” as the stars tell the story of the
fall of man and man’s redemption through a messiah.
Paul says
this “wrath” is going to be poured out on all those who “suppress
The Truth by their wickedness”. This “truth that is
suppressed” is what I am explaining here in this book… that
The Zodiac (Original Revelation) is a
prophetic witness of the coming Messiah and has been
“suppressed in wickedness” to promote the worship of the
creature above The Creator. This is the point of the message
from Paul to the Romans.
We see Paul
clearly explain that Yahuah’s eternal power and divine
nature has been clearly “seen” by what Yahuah “made” as The
Zodiac contains a message “seen” in the stars! Fallen angels
led mankind to pervert the message and begin idolizing the
Sun, planets, and make idols of the signs of the Zodiac to
worship. Paul addresses all of this very directly in Romans
1. Paul says the wrath of God is revealed from heaven as the
message found in the stars literally condemns those who have
perverted it!
God’s Wrath Against Sinful Humanity
18 The wrath of God is being revealed from
heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of
people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness,
19 since what may be
known about God is plain to them (all
mankind), because God has made it plain to them (writing
it in the heavens).
20 For since the creation of the world (God
designed this message within His creation) God’s
invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine
nature—have been clearly seen (in
The Zodiac), being understood from what
has been made (literally seen in
the stars), so that people are without excuse.
21 For although they knew God, they neither
glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their
thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were
darkened. 22
Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools
23 and exchanged the
glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a
mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles (man
began worshipping the signs of the Zodiac and the planets).
This book will probably be the most
difficult piece of reading you will ever read because in
this book I demonstrate with overwhelming proof that
Christianity is the great lie foretold in The Bible. You
will be tempted to shut down, stop reading, to turn away
from it in total denial. The god behind this false
religion, The Dragon, has a firm hold on the mind of
humanity and this lie is so powerful that if possible could
even deceive the elect of YHVH… if possible.
If you give in to this temptation to
stop reading and simply shut down… it will be the mistake of
your lifetime. Everything I say I prove if you only read on
and persevere through it. It will test your faith, rock
your foundations, and literally divide the soul and spirit
because every word of it is true. And that… is exactly what
real “Truth” does.
YHVH warned us over and over not
to learn the way of the pagans and worship Him in their way,
doing such things are considered an abomination to YHVH. He
told us very clearly how He demands to be served and
worshipped in His Torah, the very example set by Yahusha who
lived it by being obedient to His Feasts, His Torah, and His
Sabbaths... We are to follow Yahusha’s example not the Pope
of Rome’s edicts.
1 John
Whoever claims to live in (covenant
with) YHVH must live as Yahusha did.
Yahusha never kept Sunday worship,
never kept Christmas or Easter. Yahusha kept the Law of
YHVH and all the Sabbaths and Festivals defined within it.
That is our example and we must live it or we simply are not
in covenant with YHVH through Yahusha.
YHVH warmed us about trading in
the example set forth in His Instructions in Righteousness
(Torah/Law) for pagan practices:
Deuteronomy 12
3 Break down
their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their
Asherah poles in the fire; cut down the idols of their gods
and wipe out their names from those places. 4 You must not
worship YHVH your God in their way... 8 You are not to do as
you do here today, everyone doing as they see fit!... 28 Be
careful to obey all these regulations I am giving you, so
that it may always go well with you and your children after
you, because you will be doing what is good and right in the
eyes of YHVH your God... be careful not to be ensnared by
inquiring about their gods, saying, “How do these nations
serve their gods? We will do the same.” 31 You must
not worship YHVH your God in their way, because in
worshiping their gods, they do all kinds of detestable
things YHVH hates.
But wait! This is EXACTLY what we have
done! We do nothing YHVH said to do, instead we "say" we
are worshipping YHVH while worshipping in the exact
same way as they did in Babylon, then Egypt, then
Rome, now the USA. We just “say” we are worshipping “god”
(we do not even address Him by His Holy Name YHVH) without
even identifying exactly “which one” we serve.
Christianity worships The
LORD… Ba’al
Kings 18
18 “I have not made
trouble for Israel,” Elijah replied. “But you and your
father’s family have. You have abandoned YHVH’s
commands and have followed Baal (The
Jeremiah 23
25 “I have heard what
the prophets say who prophesy lies in my name. They say, ‘I
had a dream! I had a dream!’
26 How long will this
continue in the hearts of these lying prophets, who prophesy
the delusions of their own minds?
27 They think the
dreams they tell one another will make my people forget my
name, just as their ancestors forgot my name through
Baal (The Lord) worship.
Most people do not realize that when
they address YHVH as “The Lord” they are doing exactly as
stated above and calling upon Baal as Jeremiah explains “we
have forgotten the name YHVH for Ba’al and call upon The
also rendered Baʿal (Biblical Hebrew בַּעַל), is a
Northwest Semitic title and honorific meaning "master" or "lord"that
is used for various gods who were patrons of cities in the
Levant and Asia Minor, cognate to
Bēlu. A Baalist or Baalite means a
worshipper of Baal i.e. The Lord.
"Baʿal" or
“The Lord” can refer to any god and even to human officials.
In some texts it is used for
Hadad, a god of the rain, thunder, fertility and
agriculture, and the
lord of Heaven. Since only priests were allowed to utter
his divine name, Hadad, Ba‛al was commonly used.
Nevertheless, few if any
Biblical uses of "Baʿal" refer to Hadad, the lord over
the assembly of gods on the holy mount of Heaven; most refer
to a variety of local spirit-deities worshipped as
cult images, each called baʿal and regarded in
Hebrew Bible in that context as a "false
is a
Semitic word signifying "The
Lord, master, owner (male), keeper, husband",
I was having this discussion recently
with a long time friend of over 20 years who is a
Christian. He finally had to admit that there is no
scriptural backing for The Trinity/Sunday/Easter/Christmas
worship but he said it didn’t matter because he it wasn’t
those days that are important he was worshipping “the god
behind them”. Well, the sad fact is that YHVH is not behind
those worship days as I demonstrated in my second book.
Those rituals come to us passed down from Babylon, Egypt,
Rome, and now Christianity. These are the exact rituals
YHVH prohibited us from keeping and YHVH said we
could not “say” we are worshipping Him through those pagan
rituals. We are fooling only ourselves by doing such
things, we are not fooling YHVH who is our judge. There is
no salvation in these Babylonian now Christian rituals.
Salvation is found in obedience to YHVH and specifically in
keeping the Passover the true sacrifice for sin.
So while YHVH gave us specific
direction and instruction on “how to worship” Him in His
Torah and even went so far as to forbid us from worshipping
in the style of Babylonian pagan ritual, we outright have
declared YHVH’s instruction abolished and keep
Babylon’s rituals and even call upon the name of
Ba’al… The LORD.
We don't praise His Holy Name YHVH we
call Him by titles such as "LORD" and "GOD" and “Hashem” and
even recon Him a "pagan Trinity" in nature. All the same
titles and nature pagans use for their gods. The Second
Commandment is that we are not to take the name YHVH in
vain. The Hebrew word there for "vain" means "to bring to
nothing or of no effect" which is EXACTLY what calling Him
by the name "LORD" does! We have hidden the name of YHVH
from our site and bring it to nothing in our use of titles
and even outright rebel against His Instructions in
Righteousness (Law).
about Grace?
Whenever I bring up the reality of The
Instructions (Torah) I am quickly reminded that we are in
the “Covenant of Grace”. Yes we are, but what my well
meaning Christian friends fail to realize is this one
important fact. Grace is the unmerited favor extended to
only to those who break His Commandments (sin) as they
try in love to obey them. In light of our covenant
through Yahusha the Passover Lamb our sins are “covered by
the blood of the Lamb”. So “Grace” cannot be found in those
who are “lawless” but only to those who attempt to keep His
Law and fail. Those who abolish The Law abolish with it…
Grace as it is an extension of YHVH’s Righteousness.
Without The Law there simply is NO GRACE!
John 3:4-24
Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the Torah/Law:
for sin is the transgression of the Torah/law (Paul
clearly teaches this exact same thing. The Law was given so
that we may know what is Holy and identify sin, those who
are in covenant with Yahusha are not under THE CURSE of The
Law as that curse for disobedience is covered).
Where there is no Law there is no sin.
Where there is no sin there is no such thing as Grace:
To be sure,
sin was in the world before the law was given, but sin is
not charged against anyone's account where there is no law.
7 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God
forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had
not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not
covet. 8 But
sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all
manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead.
I am going to cover what the Bible
really says in the next 3 books in this series and prove
that The New Covenant is that we keep The Law of YHVH and
were we fail we are to keep Passover in light of Yahusha’s
sacrifice. In doing so we “express our faith” and the blood
of the lamb is poured out over the Altar of our heats. The
decrees in The Law are then covered by the blood of the lamb
and we are brought into full compliance in the eyes of
YHVH. The Law is then made complete in the blood of the
lamb and we obtain the blessing in The Law for obedience…
eternal life.
As men on this Earth, the most
important task we have is to serve YHVH as "Priests and
Kings" in Spirit AND IN TRUTH. Not "spirit and a
lie" or “a lying Spirit” called in The Bible The
Spirit of Error. I define that clearly in this book
series as well.
Men today have handed their inheritance
as Priests and Kings of YHVH over to a large group of false
teachers in the Christian Church. But… oh how we love
them and look up to them and put them up on pedestals.
We just can’t admit “our” preacher is deceiving us in most
cases for money. In the process we have handed
over the salvation of ourselves and our families. I
know you "love" your pastors, but isn’t that the point? They
are there for that reason; we have PUT THEM there because we
“like what they say”. They literally steal our inheritance
whether they know it or not (they don't do it consciously,
they are deceived themselves). The Apostle Paul said we
would do just that, surround ourselves with men we "like"
who tickle our ears with their feel good doctrines which are
total lies, but we like that because they make us feel
Timothy 4:3
For the time
will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.
Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around
them a great number of teachers to say what their itching
ears want to hear.
In contrast to these false teachers,
the REAL Messiah did not come to bring "peace on Earth" but
a sword...
"Do not suppose that I have come to
bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but
a sword.
And that sword he brought was THE TRUTH
(obedience to The Law / Feasts / Torah / Sabbaths) which
does anything but "tickle your ears". The Truth in fact
divides between the very soul and spirit. When you
encounter Truth, you know it down deep in your being as it
divides between your soul (mind/what you want to do) and
your Spirit (as YHVH convicts you to obey Him). Truth is
rarely “easy to hear” isn’t that why we have the saying “the
Truth hurts”?
Right after commanding we keep
The Sabbath exactly as YHVH did on the 7th Day, Paul
says of this "sword" Yahusha brought...
12 For the
word of YHVH (The Torah, there was
NO NEW TESTAMENT until 300 years later) is alive and
Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to
dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the
thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 13 Nothing in all
creation is hidden from YHVH’s sight. Everything is
uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we
must give account (for why we were
disobedient to His Commandments)
In this book, I am going to demonstrate
the origin of “The Dragon” in the book of Revelation and
trace that very dragon to the god Dagon of Babylon known as
The LORD god Ba’al. Dagon the Dragon is the
“god” behind the Catholic/Christian Churches of today whose
ritualistic worship continues unchallenged in every
Christian Church. Anyone who dares question or challenge
these obvious pagan rituals are cast out and rejected from
their church, by their friends, and even by family member.
But then again, isn’t that the entire point of scripture?
We are to be “set apart” or sanctified by His Word (The
Torah). Yet we just continue along in the largest religion
on Earth, the widest path, ignoring the commandments of
YHVH, keeping every pagan ritual, calling the Messiah by a
clearly pagan name and we completely ignore the obvious in
scripture and historical records. We do this because it is
the “easy way”, it is the “comfortable way” and because
“everyone is doing it” not because it is THE WAY
and example set by Yahusha the Messiah. He set no such
example as disobedience to The Law, Sunday worship, Trinity
worship, incarnation, Easter, Christmas, etc. etc. That is
another gospel all together.
For the purpose of understanding The False Religion, we
are not making any distinction between Catholic and
Protestant. Both (Catholic and Protestant) together make up
Christianity as a whole as defined by the Babylonian rituals
through which they worship:
Sunday Worship
Trinity “god”
Good Friday
Call on Baal i.e. The LORD not Yahuah
As I demonstrated through historical facts in my second
book “The Mystery Religion of Babylon”, the above list
is identical to the religion that evolved out of
Babylon… a carbon copy in fact.
The False Religion is any establishment
that adheres to the Nicean Creed as defined by the Council
of Nicaea and whose ritualistic worship is defined by
Trinity / Jesus / Sunday / Easter / Good Friday /
Christmas. The actual differences between Catholic and
Protestant are negligible. These differences are irrelevant
as none of the rituals they keep are Biblical
nor do they honor YHVH as He instructed us to worship Him.
Protesting Catholics (Protestants) protest the
authority of The Pope yet they obey his every word
concerning The Sabbath vs. Sunday, Passover vs. Easter, and
Christmas vs. the Feasts of YHVH. All of Christianity has
abolished the Laws of YHVH in favor of the edicts of the
High Priest of The Dragon who is Dagon… The Pope of Rome.
Haven’t we been warned of this long ago? Haven’t I read
of this abomination before somewhere? Yes, in the book of
Revelation we read speaking of “the woman” or Whore of
Revelation 17:4
And the woman was
arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked
with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a
golden cup in her hand full of abominations and
filthiness of her fornication
If the photo above is not obvious enough it soon will be
undeniable. This book literally exposes Christianity for
what it is… The False Religion that has evolved from The
Mystery Religion of Babylon. To fully understand The False
Religion known as “Christianity” we must admit to ourselves
the “source” of the pagan worship that defines both Catholic
and Protestant Christianity. That “source” is The Pope of
Rome who is far from being a servant of YHVH, he is in fact
a puppet figure through which Satan manipulates humanity.
The Pope is nothing more than a pagan High Priest of Dagon
the Dragon and that position can be traced all the way back
to Nimrod, the founder of Babylon.
In this book I am simply going to
“reverse engineer”, if you will, the religion of
Christianity whose foundation is in Rome or Spiritual
Babylon as Peter claimed. I am going to clearly spell out
the origins of Christianity and how it has come to dominate
the human race as the largest religion on Earth.
That alone should raise an eyebrow as it is prophesied that
The Mystery Religion of Babylon would deceive the entire
planet at the time Yahusha returns.
By definition the largest religion on Earth is “the wide
path” that leads to destruction. It is not, the narrow path
which only the small remnant of humanity who are called by
YHVH find and obtain salvation. Only “a very few” find the
Truth of YHVH/Yahusha/Sabbath/Passover/Law and overcome the
false religion of Trinity/Jesus/Sunday/Easter/Passover/No
Matthew 7
“Enter through the narrow gate. For
wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to
destruction, and
many enter through it.
small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life,
and only a very few find it...
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’
will enter the kingdom of heaven, but
only the one who does the will
of my Father (defined
in The Torah, there was no NT when he said this)
who is in heaven.
While I touch briefly on scriptural topics in this book, it
is not until my next 3 book that I will get further into
what is actually “in” the Bible concerning the The Sabbath,
The Torah, Passover, God, and the Messiah and many other
topics as I explain false doctrines and teach the Truth.
The Spirit behind Christianity