Ø  The Greek Trinity

The Greek Trinity


Olympic triad of Zeus (king of the gods), Athena (goddess of war and intelect) and Apollo (god of the sun, culture and music)


In the Greek culture Zeus was the name for Nimrod, Athena for Semiramis, and Apollo for Tammuz. 


List of triple deities of Babylonian polytheism

reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_deity#Triple_goddesses

·        The Classical Greek Olympic triad of Zeus (king of the gods), Athena (goddess of war and intelect) and Apollo (god of the sun, culture and music)

·        The Delian chief triad of Leto (mother), Artemis (daughter) and Apollo (son)[35][36] and second Delian triad of Athena, Zeus and Hera.

·        In ancient Egypt there were many triads, the most famous among them that of Osiris (man), Isis (wife), and Horus (son), local triads like the Theban triad of Amun, Mut and Khonsu and the Memphite triad of Ptah, Sekhmet and Nefertem, the sungod Ra, whose form in the morning was Kheper, at noon Re-Horakhty and in the evening Atum, and many others.

·        The Hellenistic Egypt triad of Isis, Alexandrian Serapis and Harpocrates (a Hellenized version of the previous), though in early Ptolomean religion Serapis, Isis and Apollo (who was though sometimes identified with Horus)

·        The Roman Capitoline Triad of Jupiter (father), Juno (wife), and Minerva (daughter).

·        The Roman pleibian triad of Ceres, Liber Pater and Libera (or its Greek counterpart with Demeter, Dionysos and Kore)

·        The Olympian demiurgic triad in platonic philosophy made up of Zeus (considered the Zeus [king of the gods] of the Heavens), Poseidon (Zeus of the seas) and Pluto/Hades (Zeus of the underworld), all considered in the end to be a monad and the same Zeus, and the Titanic demiurgic triad of Helios (sun when in the sky), Apollo (sun seen in our world) and Dionysus (god of mysteries, "sun" of the underworld) (see Phaed in Dionysus and the Titans)

·        The Julian triads of the early Roman Principate:

o       Venus Genetrix, Divus Iulius, and Clementia Caesaris

o       Divus Iulius, Divi filius and Genius Augusti

o       Eastern variants of the Julian triad, e.g. in Asia Minor: Dea Roma, Divus Iulius and Genius Augusti (or Divi filius)

·        The Matres (Deae Matres/Dea Matrona) in Roman mythology

·        The Fates, Moirae or Furies in Greek and Roman mythology: Clotho or Nona the Spinner, Lachesis or Decima the Weaver, and Atropos or Morta the Cutter of the Threads of Life. One's Lifeline was Spun by Clotho, Woven into the tapestry of Life by Lachesis, and the thread Cut by Atropos.

·        The Hooded Spirits or Genii Cucullati in Gallo-Roman times

·        The main supranational triad of the ancient Lusitanian mythology and religion and Portuguese neo-pagans made up of the couple Arentia and Arentius, Quangeius and Trebaruna, followed by a minor Gallaecian-Lusitanian triad of Bandua (under many natures), Nabia and Reve female nature: Reva

·        The sisters Uksáhkká, Juksáhkká and Sáhráhkká in Sámi mythology.

·        The triad of Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat in the time of Mohammed (surah 53:19-22)

·        Lugus (Esus, Toutatis and Taranis) in Celtic mythology

·        Odin, Vili and Ve in Germanic mythology

·        The Norns in Germanic mythology

·        The Triglav in Slavic mythology

·        Perkūnas (god of heaven), Patrimpas (god of earth) and Pikuolis (god of death) in Prussian mythology

·        The Zorya or Auroras in Slavic mythology

·        The Charites or Graces in Greek mythology

·        The One, the Thought (or Intellect) and the Soul in Neoplatonism

Next: Summary of pagan Trinity worship



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