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The Antichrist Revealed!
The Antichrist Revealed!
Rav Sha'ul
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Ø  The Hecate Trinity


The Hecate Trinity ( and the Statue of Liberty)…

The Hecate Trinity was also associated with Diana (another cultural name of Ishtar). A triplefold Diana was venerated from the late sixth century BCE as Diana Nemorensis. "The Latin Diana was conceived as a threefold unity of the divine huntress, the Moon goddess, and the goddess of the nether world, Hekate," Albert Alföldi interpreted the late Republican numismatic image, noting that Diana montium custos nemoremque virgo ("keeper of the mountains and virgin of Nemi") is addressed by Horace as diva triformis ("three-form goddess"). Diana is commonly addressed as Trivia by Virgil and Catullus.

As a virgin goddess later to be called Mary, she remained unmarried and had no regular consort. Hecate has survived in folklore as a 'hag' figure associated with witchcraft. Strmiska notes that Hecate, conflated with the figure of Diana, appears in late antiquity and in the early medieval period as part of an "emerging legend complex" associated with gatherings of women, the moon, and witchcraft that eventually became established "in the area of Northern Italy, southern Germany, and the western Balkans." This theory of the Roman origins of many European folk traditions related to Diana or Hecate was explicitly advanced at least as early as 1807 as the Roman equivelant the goddess Libertas. The Statue of Liberty is based on The Roman Goddess Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom. Originally as goddess of personal freedom, she later became the goddess of the Roman commonwealth.

Greek equivalent: Ishtar (Babylonian Semiramis) fertility goddess of Easter (pictured on the right) is the Akkadian counterpart to the Sumerian Inanna and to the cognate northwest Semitic goddess `Ashtart. Anunit, Astarte and Atarsamain,The goddess of fertility and sexuality. The Babylonian fertility goddess Ishtar (Easter in English) is portrayed as a trinitarian god with Baal the Sun God/Tammuz the Sun of God/Ishtar the Queen of Heaven... this is where we get the Christian Trinity as incorporated into the "Christian Church" by the sun worshipping emperor Constantine at the Council of Niceae.

In celebration of the centenary of the first Masonic Republic in 1884, the Statue of Liberty was presented to the Masons of America, as a gift from the French Grand Orient Temple Masons. The Statue of Liberty nothing more than a pagan trinity goddess which stands guard over our “Christian Nation” along with the Obelisk we call The Washington Monument.

The Masonic "Torch of Enlightenment" was also referred to as the "Flaming Torch of Reason", by the Illuminati Masons in the 1700's and in 1884, the cornerstone for the Statue of Liberty was placed in a solemn ceremony, by the Masonic lodges of New York.  Below is the cornerstone of the Statue of Liberty, dedicated to and by Freemasons.  Below is the inscription dedicating the Statue of Liberty (Ishtar) by the Masonic Lodge who worship the founder of Masonry… Nimrod

Next: The Bridget Trinity



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