Doesn't the Cross represent Yahusha?
by Rav Sha'ul


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: Further clarification

Wouldn't a cross be a symbol of Yahusha?

True, both Yahusha and Jesus were sacrificed and resurrected.  One on the Passover and one of Easter.  And yes they were both executed, Yahusha on a stake and Jesus on a Cross.  The pagans in Rome changed the execution stake to a cross in honor of the pagan Tammuz...  "Jesus" embodies "the son" in many pagan Trinity gods such as Isis/HORUS/Seb along with Baal/Tammuz/Flame and even Zeus/Hermes/Logos among others.  But concerning the Cross, that was taken from Tammuz...
Tammuz was noted to be especially fond of rabbits, and they became sacred in the ancient religion, because Tammuz was believed to be the son of the sun-god, Baal. Tammuz, like his supposed father, became a hunter.  The day came when Tammuz was killed by a wild pig.  Queen Ishtar told the people that Tammuz was now ascended to his father, Baal, and that the two of them would be with the worshippers in the sacred candle or lamp flame as Father, Son and Spirit.

Ishtar, who was now worshipped as the "Mother of God and Queen of Heaven", continued to build her mystery religion. 

The queen told the worshippers that when Tammuz was killed by the wild pig, some of his blood fell on the stump of an evergreen tree, and the stump grew into a full new tree overnight. This made the evergreen tree sacred by the blood of Tammuz.  She also proclaimed a forty day period of time of sorrow each year prior to the anniversary of the death of Tammuz.  During this time, no meat was to be eaten.  Worshippers were to meditate upon the sacred mysteries of Baal and Tammuz, and to make the sign of the "T" in front of their hearts as they worshipped.  They also ate sacred cakes with the marking of a "T" or cross on the top.

Every year, on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox, a celebration was made.

It was Ishtar's Sunday and was celebrated with rabbits and eggs
Ishtar also proclaimed that because Tammuz was killed by a pig, that a pig must be eaten on that Sunday.  By now, the readers of this tract should have made the connection that
paganism has infiltrated the contemporary "the Christian" churches, and further study indicates that this paganism came in by way of the Roman Catholic System. 
This is where we get making the "sign of the cross" with our right hands over our hearts reciting in essence in the name of the Father (Baal), the son (Tammuz), and Holy Spirit (sacred flame).  The Cross is a pagan symbol... click here.
A simple study reveals the Truth behind how "Jesus" was incorporated into and is the embodiment of all pagan Trinities:

The Encyclopedia Britannica, Micropedia Volume 11, page 928, gives us the following facts about the trinity.

TRINITY, in Christian doctrine, the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead. Neither the word Trinity nor the explicit doctrine appears in the New Testament, nor did Yahusha and his followers intend to contradict the Shema in the Old Testament: "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord" (Deuteronomy 6:4). The doctrine developed gradually over several centuries and through many controversies.

The Abingdon Dictionary of Living Religions, page 767, tells us:

TRINITY (Ch). The Dogma, formulated authoritatively in fourth century church Councils, that Christians worship one God in three persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) and one substance.   Under pressure to explain to a hostile Roman world how Christians counted themselves monotheists, Christian apologists (notably Justin Martyr, d. 165) combined Johannine and Stoic-Platonic understanding of the term Logos ("Reason," or "Word") in order to maintain that the Son was both God's own self-expression and a being distinct from him.

We see that the term logos was defined by the Christians according to the interpretations of pagan influenced philosophers in order to promote a false pagan God-savior in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 7, page 449.

LOGOS (Greek:"word,"reason, or plan"), plural logoi, in Greek philosophy and theology, the divine reason implicit in the cosmos, ordering it and giving it form and meaning. Though the concept defined by the term logos is found in Greek, Indian, Egyptian, and Persian philosophical and theological systems, it became particularly significant in Christian writings and doctrines to describe or define the role of Jesus Christ as the principle of God active in the creation and the continuation structuring of the cosmos and in revealing the divine plan of salvation to man. It thus underlies the basic Christian doctrine of the pre-existence of Jesus.
The identification of Jesus with the logos was further developed in the early church but more on the basis of Greek philosophical ideas than on Old Testament motifs.

The Religions of Ancient Greece and Babylonia, by A. H. Sayce. pages 229-230, clearly tells us that the Greek philosophical ideas were developed in Alexandria, Egypt from the pagan mystery religions.

Many of the theories of Egyptian religion, modified and transformed no doubt, have penetrated into the theology of Christian Europe, and form, as it were, part of the woof in the web of modern religious thought. Christian theology was largely organized and nurtured in the schools of Alexandria, and Alexandria was not only the meetingplace of East and West, it was also the place where the decrepit theology of Egypt was revivified by contact with the speculative philosophy of Greece.
  Perhaps, however, the indebtedness of Christian theological theory to ancient Egyptian dogma is nowhere more striking than in the doctrine of the Trinity. The very terms used of it by Christian theologians meet us again in the inscriptions and papyri of Egypt.
  Originally the trinity was a triad like those we find in Babylonian mythology. The triad consisted of a divine father, wife, and son.
  The father became the son and the son the father through all time, and of both alike the mother was but another form.

The Outline of History, by H. G. Wells. page 307, tells us:

The trinity consisted of the god Serapis (=Osiris+Apis), the goddess Isis (=Hathor, the cow-moon goddess), and the child-god Horus. In one way or another almost every other god was identified with one or other of these three aspects of the one god, even the sun god Mithras of the Persians. And they were each other; they were three, but they were also one.

t is from the pagan mystery religions that the Greek philosophers developed the idea of logos as The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, Volume 3, page 1085, tells us:

Among the systems offering an explanation of the world in terms of the logos, there are the Mystery Religions. These cultic communities did not see their task as lying in the communication of knowledge of a scientific nature, but of mysteries to their initiates who strove for purification in the recurrent enactment of sacred actions. The Foundation for these cultic actions was Sacred Text. Among them were the cults of Dionysus, the Pytha-goreans, and the Orphic Mysteries. By means of these cults, non- Greek thought, such as in the Isis-Osiris Mysteries, which Osiris-- the logos created by Isis7 is the spiritual image of the world. Similarly in the cult of Hermes, Hermes informed his son Tat in the Sacred Text belonging to the cult, how by God's mercy, he became logos, and thus a son of God. As such, he (Hermes) brought regulation and form into world, but himself remained a mediating being between God and matter, on one side, and God and man on the other. The logos can also, however, appear as the son of Hermes, resulting in a triple (trinity) gradation: God (who is Zeus), Son (Hermes), and LOGOS.







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