The Antichrist Revealed!

Excerpt From
The Antichrist Revealed!
Rav Sha'ul
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Preaching Another Messiah
by Rav Sha'ul


I am constantly working to improve the presentation of the massive amount of material and study on my web site.  But again I was asked to clarify:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 3:01 PM
Subject: RE: Follow up on Jesus = Pig of Zeus

I understand and meet your mind on the false teaching of the trinity.  I am not sure exactly what you are saying about JESUS.  Are you simply saying the NAME "Jesus" is a false name....or the entire concept of what Christians believe YAVAHSHUA to be is wrong?  I know in ancient legal documents when a person's true identity was to be hidden the first mention of it would be ALL CAPS. That would alert the reader to the fact that the true identity was hidden. So it is with the name JESUS as first mentioned in the New Testament. 
So what then is YAVAHSHUA to us?  The same thing he is to the Jehovah Witness or the same thing he is to the Jew?

What I am saying is this:
  1. Jesus Christ is a Latin word and in that language means earthly pig.  There is not equivalent Hebrew word nor meaning, in Hebrew it is meaningless.  In Latin to pagan religions... It has significant meaning to followers of Zeus (his sacrifice of a pig)
  2. Jesus Christ represents the Easter sacrifice which is the pagan sacrifice of a pig on the alter to pagan gods in the Greek/Latin religion.
  3. Jesus represents the "family" name of Zeus, the same ending in honor of Zeus given to many men and cities in Greek history... "sus"
  4. Jesus Christ (in his name) changed the times/laws of YHVH (Changed the feasts/Sabbaths/Sacred Calendar to pagan Roman holidays/Sunday/pagan calendar)
  5. Jesus Christ (in his name) the Torah was abolished.  He is THE lawless (Torah less) ONE.
  6. Jesus Christ was crucified on Good Friday/Resurrected on Sunday in accordance with Greek pagan religions.
  7. Jesus Christ is half man/half god in accordance to pagan Isis/Horus/Seb and many other pagan Trinity (sexual virgin birth fables)
  8. Jesus Christ had no desire for women.
  9. The name Jesus Christ came into existence some hundreds of years after the Messiah lived.  Jesus Christ does not translate back to Hebrew in any form.  The name Jesus is not English for the Hebrew name Yahusha, Joshua is.
  10. Jesus has no meaning in Hebrew.  It doesn't not carry the family name of Yahuah nor express the power of YHVH to save.  It does not represent the Passover Lamb nor the Lord of the Sabbath nor the Hebrew Rabbi who taught and fulfilled the Torah.  That name is in now way, the Messiah found in the Bible.
  11. X is a pagan symbol and the monogram for Jesus (X-mas, etc.).
  12. XES is the monogram for the Latin word "Christ" and is equal to 666.
The "image" above is that of the false messiah.  The "image of corruptible man worshipped above the Creator YHVH".  A man that never existed.  Who meets all the Biblical requirements of the False Messiah whose image is erected in the Temple of YHVH causing the Abominable Sacrilege that stops the oblation.  The Abomination of Desolation.
The True Messiah's name was Yahusha:
  1. Yahusha carries the family name of Yahuah and the power to save meaning "YHVH's Salvation"
  2. Yahusha represents The Passover Sacrifice - the sacrifice of a spotless Lamb on the Alter of YHVH in the hearts of man as the blood of the Passover shed on this alter purchases your salvation from the Second Death.
  3. Yahusha did not change the times/laws of YHVH, he taught them and fulfilled their true meaning.
  4. Yahusha fulfilled the Spiritual Reality of the physical portraits of the Torah, not one Jot or tittle is done away with.  He is the keeper of the Law.
  5. Yahusha was crucified on Wednesday the Passover and resurrected on The Sabbath to confirm the Everlasting Covenant and Sign of the sons of YHVH.  He is the Passover Lamb and King of the Sabbath.
  6. Yahusha was faithful to ALL commands and covenants of YHVH including and especially Marriage as it the foundation, and most probably married to Mary M.
  7. Yahusha IS Hebrew.
  8. Yahusha was the name he was called at birth, through his entire life, and later called Joshua when Paul took the truth to Rome,
  9. Yahusha in English is Joshua not Jesus.
  10. Yahusha is the true name, the ONE name under heaven by which you may be saved.
What I am saying is that Roman Christianity has brought to us another Messiah.  The False One.  A Messiah not founded in His Word... ANYWHERE not one word of it.  And there is no salvation is Jesus Christ.  Believing this lie, our foolish hearts were darkened and we became fools.  We elevated the image of a corruptible man above YHVH, slaughtered an earthly pig on Easter over the alter of our heats in the Temple of YHVH our body.  And by doing so, caused the oblation (continual daily sacrifice for our sins) to stop.  Defiling the body rendering it unfit for worship or service to YHVH.  And in the end the blood of that pig sacrifice will not save you from the second death.
Yahusha to us is the Messiah.  The first born son (Firstfruits) of the resurrection into the family of YHVH.  He is the spotless lamb whose sacrifice on Passover was acceptable to YHVH to fulfill the meaning and cover our sins that we may be passed over from the Second Death and receive eternal life.  He is our elder brother, he is our High Priest, he is our King, he is our Yom Kippur...  He is the Salvation of YHVH not the earthly pig of pagan Rome... Jesus Christ.



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