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Excerpt from

The Kingdom

Rav Sha'ul


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The Gifts of YHVH to Remnant Israel
by Rav Sha'ul


Paul goes on to clearly teach that to this Remnant of Israel or Spiritual Israel by choice IN ADDITION to bloodline belong the Gifts of YHVH.  He lists these gifts to us (the Remnant sons) as belonging to the “Israelites” only not to pagan Gentiles:

Romans 9:4-5

To the "Israelites" (no one else) belong 7 things granted to them as gifts from YHVH:

1.) Adoption as sons of YHVH

2.) To be the Glory of YHVH

3.) The "Law" which is the Torah

4.) The Temple of YHVH and the Altar within

5.) The Promises of YHVH (forgiveness, resurrection, eternal life, dominion, inheritance)

6.) The "fathers" - they are of the bloodline descending from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob

7.) And the Messiah (to be partakers in The Yahushaic Covenant)

NOT to the pagan Gentiles (known today as The Christian Church)! Christianity is modern version of the Babylonian religion of sun worship.  These blessing of YHVH belong to Remnant Israel alone!  Paul goes on in Romans to explain that Remnant Israel is a chosen few from among both Houses.

Let’s continue with Romans.  Paul defines and clarifies that it is REMNANT ISRAEL that are the true sons of God to whom these 7 things belong to.  Romans 9 Verse 6 - Paul declares the WORD OF GOD HAS NOT FAILED. His people are still Israel that descends through Abraham/Isaac/Jacob!  BUT, Paul confirms the prophets that not EVERYONE born in that bloodline is a son of God. "For they are not all Israel (not everyone who descended from Jacob is part of that remnant) who are descended from Israel", but only a Chosen Remnant will be saved.

Paul goes into a long explanation of how the sons of God are predestined and not determined simply based on the bloodline alone.  In other words, they are from the bloodline but they are a small SUBSET of that bloodline and chosen by YHVH. Paul demonstrates that YHVH has CHOSEN ONLY A REMNANT from the bloodline of Israel who is scattered across the globe, who have lost their identity completely, but they are still chosen.  They just have to be reclaimed back to YHVH.

In verse 24 below Paul then declares that REMNANT ISRAEL is called from "AMONG" Jews (House of Judah), but also from "AMONG" the Gentiles (House of Israel, the lost sheep had been scattered AMONG the Gentile nations).   Paul understood the Messiah HAD to come twice.  The first time to restore the lost sheep and call out the Chosen lost among the Gentile nations by blinding the eyes of the Jews.  Paul would know these lost descendants of Abraham by their instinctive keeping of The Law and their acceptance of the name YHVH and Yahusha!

The second time Yahusha would come to restore and save the House of David and call out the chosen from among The House of Judah.  Together those chosen from both houses are Remnant Israel.

Romans 9:24

24 even us (Remnant Israel in context), whom he also called, not only from among the Jews (The House of Judah) but also from among the Gentiles (where The House of Israel is scattered)?

Then in verse 25, Paul quotes from Hosea, the first Prophet to the House of Israel as justification for everything he was teaching concerning the The House of Israel and The House of Judah.  Paul had a deep understanding of The Torah and Prophets; he was a Pharisee and teacher of The Law.

This is how we know everything Paul was discussing in Romans 9 was in context of The House of Israel and The House of Judah and the re-unification of the Nation back together again.  We know this because Paul backed up everything he said with quotes from Hosea, Isaiah, and the prophets where YHVH’s Plan to choose a small remnant from among both Houses.

Paul quotes from Hosea Chapter 1.  So it is within this context Romans 9 is understood.  In Hosea, YHVH is discussing this very concept that he scattered and divorced The House of Israel, yet He had compassion on the House of Judah:

Hosea 1

6 Then she conceived again and gave birth to a daughter. And YHVH said to him, “Name her Lo-ruhamah, for I will no longer have compassion on the house of Israel, that I would ever forgive them. 7 But I will have compassion on the house of Judah and deliver them by YHVH their God, and will not deliver them by bow, sword, battle, horses or horsemen.”

YHVH goes on then to speak through Hosea that He would at a later date re-unite both houses back into one as Remnant Israel:

10 Yet the number of the sons of Israel Will be like the sand of the sea, Which cannot be measured or numbered; And in the place (pagan Gentile lands) Where it is said to them (not that it is true it is only said of them), “You are not My people,” It will be said to them (after I reclaim them to their rightful inheritance), “You are the sons of the living God.” 11 And the sons of Judah and the sons of Israel will be gathered together,

Now that is the context of Romans 9!  Paul is speaking of Remnant Israel and he knew they would come exclusively from the bloodline of Jacob but not all of that bloodline would be call Remnant Israel.  We see Paul justify everything he was talking about concerning “Gentiles” etc. by quoting from Hosea:

Romans 9:25

"I will call those who were not My People (the House of Israel whom God had divorced) ´My People´ and who were not beloved, ´Beloved´ (the promise God made to restore the House of Israel through the prophet Hosea)... "  "And it shall be in the place (Gentile nations where they were scattered) where it is said to them (House of Israel) ´you are not My People´ (because YHVH divorced them and their remembrance as descendants of Jacob had ceased), there (in those foreign countries YHVH will call back a remnant of the House of Israel) they (remnant of the House of Israel) shall be called sons of the Living God (the restoration of the House of Israel back to YHVH)."

This was Paul's commission -  to follow through with what Yahusha had come to do which was to reclaim the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel and save a remnant from among them.  And then in the next verse Paul again quotes from the prophet Isaiah who also (along with every other prophet) prophesied the re-unification of the Remnant of Israel (both Houses) back to YHVH...

Romans 9:27

And Isaiah cries out concerning (Remnant Israel to whom the 7 promises belong) "Though the number of the sons of Israel (both Houses scattered among all the nations) be as the sand of the sea (fulfilling the blessing to Abraham)... IT IS THE REMNANT ( of both houses ) THAT SHALL BE SAVED"

Paul was given UNIQUE revelation that YHVH's word and promises to all Israel did not fail.  YHVH sent the Messiah TWICE, first to reclaim the lost sheep of The House of Israel, and then Yahusha comes again to re-unify the two houses and call out a remnant who from among The Jews or The House of Judah.  That remnant from both houses is… Remnant Israel.  It is only to Remnant Israel or the Chosen, Elect, sons of YHVH, that belong the following Gifts of YHVH:

Romans 9:4-5

1.) Adoption as sons of YHVH

2.) To be the Glory of YHVH

3.) The "Law" which is the Torah

4.) The Temple of YHVH and the Altar within

5.) The Promises of YHVH (forgiveness, resurrection, eternal life, dominion, inheritance)

6.) The "fathers" - they are of the bloodline descending from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob

7.) And the Messiah

As I have just demonstrated, Paul knew it was a Remnant of Israel that would be saved from both Houses.  Some from among The House of Judah (Jews) and some from The House of Israel from among the Gentile nations where they had been scattered in fulfillment of The Prophets.  That is what Paul was clearly saying in Romans. Paul was clearly teaching the Torah, Feasts, Sabbath, Covenants, Temple, Promises, Bloodline, and Messiah... belong to the sons of God... Remnant Israel and no one else.

Next: Paul's letter to the Ephesians



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