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The Yahushaic Covenant Volume 1



Excerpt from

The Yahushaic Covenant Volume 1
by Rav Sha'ul

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John 1:18 - Pre-existence?

by Rav Sha'ul


Those who are under the Spirit of the False Messiah and deny Yahusha came to Earth as a human being (and proclaim that Yahuah came to Earth as a man), point us to the following scripture as proof:

NIV John 1:18 No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.

----- Sound bite vs. Sound Doctrine -----

Here is the NIV with the implication included:

John 1:18
No one has ever seen Yahauh, but the one and only begotten Son of the Father, who, the Father is Himself God, (John 17:3), and the Son is in closest relationship with the Father, and has made The Father known (John 17:6).

How do we come to the proper interpretation? The Greeks were uninspired and worshiped “incarnated god-men”. They did not understand the Hebrew scriptures. They did not understand what the Hebrew was “implying”.  

John 17:6
"I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word.

Our modern English Bibles have been grossly mistranslated to intentionaly build into the text the doctrine of Incarnation.  What this verse means in context of all scripture is:

John 1:18 No man has seen Yahuah at any time. The (first) begotten Son of the only Father, Who was in the bosom of the Father, has revealed Him.

"the bosom of the Father" means - He is most dear and strictly joined to His Father, not only in love, but also in character and unity. Yahusha was in a "marriage covenant" with Yahuah where the two became one in mind, will, purpose, and spirit.

If you simply read on in context, everything is clarified...

John 17:19-21
"And for their sakes I sanctify myself (through the Truth of Scripture), that they also might be sanctified through the truth. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on (enter into covenant with) me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in (covenant with) me, and I in (covenant with) thee, that they also may be one in (covenant with) us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me."

John 17:3
3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you (Yahuah), the only true God, and (come to You through) Yahusha who is the Messiah, whom you have sent (in fulfillment of Your promises as foretold through the prophets to be the sacrifice to Yahuah... the Mediator). -----

 Hebrews 2

…11For both He who sanctifies (Yahuah) and those who are sanctified (Yahusha and the rest of the sons) are all from one Father; for which reason Yahusha is not ashamed to call them brothers, 12saying, "I WILL PROCLAIM YOUR NAME TO MY BRETHREN, IN THE MIDST OF THE CONGREGATION I WILL SING YOUR PRAISE." 13 And again, "I, Yahusha, WILL PUT MY TRUST IN YAHUAH." And again, "BEHOLD, I AND THE (REST OF THE) CHILDREN WHOM YAHUAH HAS GIVEN ME."

1 Timothy 2:5

 For there is one God (Yahuah) and one mediator between Yahuah and mankind, the man (yes it said man) Yahusha the Messiah (who is the High Priest and sin offering, he is not now, and was never Yahuah)!

 So when we encounter a Greek verse that seems to contradict the clear meaning behind the Plan of Salvation, we simply choose the interpretation that brings the Word of Yahuah into harmony.  We do not choose the translation that best meets our desires or what we "want to believe".



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