The Yahushaic Covenant Volume 1



Excerpt from

The Yahushaic Covenant Volume 1
by Rav Sha'ul

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Princess Mary and Prince Joseph
by Rav Sha'ul


Both Mary and Joseph were royalty in Israel as their bloodlines were carefully cultivated to produce the Messiah.  The Jews in Israel at that time knew the prophecies of Daniel and the messianic expectations were very high.  The marriage between Mary and Joseph was an arranged marriage to bring about the birth of the Messiah.  Mary was chosen for her unique bloodline to both The House of David through the priest Nathan and to the chosen bloodline of High Priest the House of Zadok.  Mary was literally a Princess on both sides of her lineage and was put in protective custody to spare her life from Herod who was hunting down and killing all Royalty that threatened his throne (this is why he attempted to kill her son… Yahusha):

  • Miriam was the grand-daughter of the first High Priest (Yahusha III) to serve in the second Temple - Mary was the daughter of Hannah (Anna) who lived in protective custody of The Temple, she was known as one of the ‘Daughters of Jerusalem’ whom Yahusha mentioned on occasion in Scripture.  Hannah was the daughter of the High Priest Yahusha III.   Yahusha III was the first High Priest to serve in the second Temple coming out of Babylonian/Persian captivity.  Yahusha III was a High Priest in the line of Zadok or a Zadokian High Priest.  This is the prepared line of priesthood by Yahuah for the Messiah who would be the Ruling Zadok or MelchiZADOK! Yahusha was the great grandson of Yahusha III and direct heir to the office of High Priest as a Zadok Priest.

  • Miriam was also the daughter of Heli, a Davidic and Hasmonean prince – Heli or Eli as he is called in the genealogy of Yahusha in the Bible was also known as Alexander Helios (Heli) III.  Eli was the son of the future Maccabee Queen Alexandra II, who at this time was known by her Jewish name, Esther of Jerusalem.  Heli, the shortened nickname for Helios (“The Sun”), was a descendant of both the Maccabee Kings of Judea and a prince of the House of David, for his father was Matthan ben Levi, a Davidian Prince who was first married in his youth to the vivacious royal princess, Elizabeth of Jerusalem.  Heli was executed, in the world where many Davidian aspirants, as the “young lions of Judah”, were eliminated by the cruel and tyrannical King Herod the Great as they were a threat to his throne.

Joseph, the father of Yahusha, came from a family of royal Davidian princes with his blood lineage going back to David through the Kingly Line of Solomon.  Joseph was one of the “Lions of Judah” who were being prepared to either be the Messiah or sire the Messiah.  All of whom carried the hidden dream of being the Promised One, or the father of the Promised One who would sit on the seat of their ancestral forefather, King David.

Yahuah’s BLOOD witness of Yahusha as the Messiah produced the most potent genetic merges in Jewish history.  We find that Yahusha ben Yahseph was a genuine genetically eligible Priest-King.  He would later be recognized as eligible to be a member of the Order of Melchezidek Priest-King, who’s first High Priest-King was Shem, the son of Noah. Here was a true fusion of the genetic tree between the House of Aaron the Levite and King David the Judaite.  As such, a REAL threat to King Herod and the High Priest Chiapas! This blood witness that proves Yahusha is the Messiah of Israel is not taught in any seminaries, churches, higher learning Christian colleges, or anywhere else that I know of.  But you can learn of it in my book… Melchezidek and The Passover Lamb.



Next: Witness of Spirit - The Spirit of Holiness


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