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The Yahushaic Covenant Volume 1



Excerpt from

The Yahushaic Covenant Volume 1
by Rav Sha'ul

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We are all gods, sons of Yahuah, one with Yahuah,
in whom the fullness of deity dwells

by Rav Sha'ul


In The Yahushaic Covenant all those who abide in this covenant are gods, the sons of Yahuah, one with Yahuah through covenant of marriage, in whom all the fullness of deity dwells.  Not just Yahusha.  These claims Yahusha made are not claims that he is Yahuah; they are the right of all sons of Yahuah in The Yahushaic Covenant… for example:

“I am Rav Sha’ul, being dead to this body have been born again and have been given the guarantee that I will be begotten as a god in the image of Yahuah, and let the record show that... "I and my Father are one.  I am god and the fullness of deity dwells in me, and I am the son of Yahuah!"”

Have I just committed blasphemy?  I just declared exactly what Yahusha declared and I meant every word of it.  Does the Word of Yahuah give me, Rav Sha’ul, the authority to make that same exact statement about myself?  The very statements that Trinitarians claim qualify Yahusha to be Yahuah in the flesh.  If those doctrines of the Christian Church are true, then I must be the incarnation of God in the flesh as well!

I am about to demonstrate that if we truly are sons of Yahuah, we would stand up and declare with authority as Yahusha did.  We would stand up and be counted and numbered among the chosen sons of Yahuah.  These declarations are not unique to Yahusha and not “proof” that Yahusha was Yahuah in the flesh.  Yahusha knew his inheritance as a son and declared it with authority.

I am going to show beyond a shadow of a doubt what Yahusha meant, why he said it, and that the same authority he quoted for doing so applies to all those in covenant with Yahuah through Yahusha. 

  • I will show my authority to declare myself one with Yahuah

  • I will show my authority to declare myself a god

  • I will show my authority to declare myself Yahuah's son

  • I will show that Yahusha is my brother not my God

  • I will show that Yahuah is Yahusha's God just like Yahuah is mine

  • I will show that Yahusha was not born “Yahuah in the flesh” but the human “image” of the invisible God, in fact Yahusha did not even know Yahuah when he was born

  • I will show that Yahusha was not born perfect, but had to be perfected through trials and tribulations just like every human being.

Every declaration Yahusha himself declared of himself, I Rav Sha’ul declare my rights as well.  Christianity can wallow around in insignificance, Biblical ignorance, and worship a non-existing "Trinity" not even mentioned in the Bible all they want.  But I am a true son, the brother of Yahusha, with all the same rights, privileges, and authority given me as a son through the first born son of the same family... There is no difference in essence between me and Yahusha only calling, authority, and birthright.  He is the Messiah and first born.  I am neither.  But the differences pretty much end there as I will now prove.

I am god, the son of Yahuah

Yahusha was saying he was the son of Yahuah and ONE through family; in fact, through covenant...  And Yahusha asked the Jews why they had a problem with that statement when The Torah makes the exact same declaration concerning ALL OF US! The Jews thought Yahusha was saying he was Yahuah just like the Trinitarians teach and both are mistaken.  Yahusha said that is not at all what he was saying.  He was simply stating a fact, that Yahuah said we all are gods, SONS of the Most High and quoted Psalms 82:6 as his authority to make the statement that he was god.  And then clarify that he meant the son of Yahuah not Yahuah:

John 10:34-36

Yahusha answered them, “Is it not written in your Law (Psalms 82:6), ‘I said, you are gods’? 35 If he called them gods to whom the word of Yahuah came—and Scripture cannot be broken (you cannot abolish The Old Testament)— 36 do you say of him whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’?

Yahusha made it crystal clear, he was NOT saying that he is Yahuah; he is simply acknowledging the fact as declared by Yahuah in Psalms 82:6 that we all are gods and sons of Yahuah.  He was accepting that truth (that he is the son of Yahuah) and declaring his birthright.  I too accept that same truth and birthright, I too am the son of Yahuah.  Yahusha marveled at the fact that the Jews didn't understand what he was telling them.  I too marvel at everyone around me for not accepting it either or understanding what Yahusha was talking about.  Especially since he went on and spelled it out exactly what he meant.  I marvel even more that Christians today think Yahusha was saying he was Yahuah just like the Jews said back then.  Christians today do not accept his explanation any more than the Jews did then.  So to the "Christian/Jews" of today who still claim Yahusha was saying he was Yahuah I say this... READ ON IN CONTEXT, PLEASE!  Yahusha clarified that statement and explained it.  He said he was Yahuah’s son.

So back to my declaration.  I said I was god and that I am the son of Yahuah.  I claim, as Yahusha did, the authority of Psalms 82:6 that Yahuah gave me that authority to make that claim and that it is true and I am righteous in the eyes of Yahuah for standing up and being counted among His Chosen. But Psalm 82:6 only gives me the authority to say "I am god, I am the son of Yahuah" it doesn't give me the right to say I am ONE with Yahuah. 

Next: I and my Father are one

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