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The Yahushaic Covenant Volume 1



Excerpt from

The Yahushaic Covenant Volume 1
by Rav Sha'ul

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Only Begotten Son
by Rav Sha'ul


The Christian Church teaches that ‘Jesus’ was the only begotten son on Earth through a divine conception to Mary.  This is not the birth indicated by the word begotten; the term begotten is not referring to Yahusha’s human birth to Joseph and Mary; but rather his birth into full sonship to Yahuah.  It is referring to Yahusha’s resurrection into The Kingdom of Yahuah. Whenever speaking of his human birth in the flesh the word born is used not begotten.

The term "only begotten son" simply means Yahusha at this time and until such time as the first resurrection is the ONLY begotten (resurrected) son of Yahuah in the family. Yahusha was the FIRST FRUITS (resurrected the first fruits of many more to come on the first Sabbath after Passover then his presenting the first fruits of the resurrection to the Father the next day on the Feast of First Fruits).

1 Corinthians 15

20 But now the Messiah has been risen (by Yahuah) from the dead, and has become (the firstborn son upon resurrection not birth to Mary/Joseph) the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For since by man (Adam) came death (The Law of Sin and Death), by Man (Yahusha the Second Adam) also came the resurrection of the dead (The Law of Sin and Death has been defeated). 22 For as in Adam all die (being held to account for the decrees in The Law), even so (those who abide) in The Yahushaic Covenant shall all be made alive (begotten by Yahuah as sons through resurrection). 23 But each one (of the sons of Yahuah) in his own order (after Yahusha, the eldest son): The Messiah the first fruits (first and only at this point of the sons to be resurrected), afterward those who are in covenant with Yahuah through Yahusha at Yahusha’s coming (First Resurrection when the rest of the sons will be begotten).

You see, the term begotten is the key. “Begotten of Yahuah” means resurrected birth not human birth. It is specifically talking about ONLY RESURRECTED SON until he returns to resurrect the rest of the family of Yahuah.

Acts 13:33

32 And we declare to you glad tidings—that promise (that we are gods, sons of the Most High Psalm 82:6) which was made (by Yahuah) to the (fore) fathers (we are saved by faith in the promises of Yahuah made to our forefathers). 33 Yahuah has fulfilled this (promise of eternal life as literal gods, sons of Yahuah) for us their children (children of Abraham/Isaac/Jacob only), in that Yahuah has raised up Yahusha (the promise of eternal life fulfilled). As it is also written in the second Psalm: "You are My Son, Today (day Yahusha was resurrected) I have begotten You."

Romans 1:3-4 NKJV

3 concerning His Son Yahusha the Messiah our King, who was born of the seed of David (both Mary/Joseph) according to the flesh (was a human), 4 and declared to be the Son of Yahuah with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.

Yahusha is not the only son, just the only begotten from the grave at this point. Adam and David, and indeed all of us are declared sons of Yahuah.  We too, shall be sons of Yahuah, begotten by the same power of the Spirit of Holiness upon resurrection just like Yahusha, brothers to the first born:

Luke 20:36

36 for they cannot even die anymore, because they are like angels, and are sons of Yahuah, being sons of the resurrection.

The distinction between Yahusha and the rest of the sons of Yahuah is that Yahusha is the eldest and heir to all things as the firstborn of the resurrection through inheritance. We too will follow Yahusha and be begotten as sons of Yahuah through resurrection. We will take our place as Priests, Judges, and Kings under the authority of the first born and King of Kings and High Priest...

Matthew 19:28-29

28 Yahusha said to them, "Most assuredly I tell you, that you who have followed me, in the "Regeneration" (Resurrection) when (after resurrection) the Son of Man will sit on the throne of his glory, you also will sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

Revelation 5:10

10 And hast made us unto our God (Yahuah) kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

Romans 8:19

creation eagerly awaits the revelation of the sons of Yahuah”… vs. 21 “when creation will be set free from slavery and come into the glorious freedom of the sons of Yahuah”

Revelation 21:7

7 He that overcomes (death through resurrection) shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

We see that all the promises given to Yahusha are also given to us.  We too sit on thrones, we too inherit “all things”, we too are sons of Yahuah.  Yahusha is the first born son through resurrection, the first fruits presented to Yahuah through ascension, and currently the only resurrected human (only begotten son). Notice it is all about a family and inheritance.

Colossians 1:

13 Who (Yahuah) hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath transposed us into the kingdom of His dear (firstborn) Son (Yahusha): 14 In whom (Yahusha) we have redemption (to Yahuah) through his (Yahusha’s) blood (that consummated the marriage covenant, we become ‘one with Yahuah’ as Yahusha was), even the forgiveness of sins (the decrees in The Law for transgressing Yahuah’s commands are covered by the blood of the lamb): 15 Who (Yahusha) is the (perfect human) image of the invisible God (the proxy of Yahuah), the firstborn (Feast of First Fruits) of every (eternal) creature.

**Paul changes the subject to distinguish Yahuah as the Creator**

16 For by Him (Yahuah) were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible (flesh) and invisible (spirit), whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him (Yahuah), and for him (for Yahusha as an inheritance): 17 And He (the Creator Yahuah) is before all things (self existing), and by Him (Yahuah) all things consist.

**Paul changes the subject back to Yahusha to distinguish Yahusha as the first born son of Yahuah**

18 And he (Yahusha) is the head of the body (the Temple of Yahuah), the assembly (family of Yahuah): who (Yahusha) is the beginning (of that family), the firstborn from the dead (Yahusha was the first to complete the process of training on Earth and be given Eternal Life by Yahuah); that in all things (of Yahuah’s) he (Yahusha) might have the preeminence (among the sons of Yahuah). 19 For it pleased the Father (of Yahusha) that in him (Yahusha) should all fullness (of deity) dwell; 20 And (Yahusha by defeating The Law of Sin and Death), having made peace (between the two houses, Remnant Israel) through the blood of his cross (by covering the death decrees freeing us from the fear of death that held us captive), by him (offering his life as a sacrifice to Yahuah) to reconcile all things (Yahuah created) unto Himself; by (sacrificing) him (self, as the Passover Lamb), I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

1 Corinthians 8

5 For even if there are so-called Gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many “Gods” and many “lords”), 6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father Yahuah, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one King, Yahusha the Messiah, for whom all things were created (by Yahuah as an inheritance) and through whom we live (in covenant being covered by the blood of the lamb).

Ephesians 1

1 Paul, an apostle of Messiah Yahusha by the will of Yahuah, to the assembly of sons which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in (covenant with) Messiah Yahusha: 2 Grace be to you, and peace, from Yahuah our Father, and from the King Messiah Yahusha. 3 Blessed be the God (declaration of the Shema) and Father of our King Messiah Yahusha, who (Yahuah) hath blessed us (his sons) with all spiritual blessings in The Kingdom of Yahuah in (covenant with) Yahusha: 4 According (to Yahuah’s purpose) as he (Yahuah) hath chosen (predestined) us in him (self) before the foundation of the world (through His Plan of Salvation), that we should be holy and without blame before him (Yahuah) in love (through covenant): 5 Having predestinated (according to His Plan of Salvation) us unto the adoption of children (Yahuah’s plan to beget a family) by (the blood sacrifice of) Messiah Yahusha (as Passover Lamb) to himself (one through marriage covenant), according to the good pleasure of his (Yahuah’s) will (to beget a family of gods to govern His creation), 6 To the praise of the glory of his (Yahuah’s) grace, wherein he hath (through blood sacrifice of Messiah) made us accepted in the beloved (family of Yahuah).

7 In whom (Messiah Yahusha) we have redemption (from the second death, The Passover) through his blood (the Passover Lamb), the forgiveness of sins (decrees covered for transgression of Law), according to the riches of his (Yahuah’s) grace; 8 Wherein (covenant with Yahusha) He (Yahuah) hath abounded toward us (unlimited Grace) in all wisdom and prudence;

9 Having made known unto us the mystery of his will (to beget a family), according to his (Yahuah’s) good pleasure which he (Yahuah) hath purposed (predestined to create) in himself (as the Father): 10 That in the dispensation of the fullness of times (as foretold by His prophets) he (Yahuah) might gather together in one (through the covenant of marriage, the two shall become one) all things in (covenant with the) Messiah, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him(self, Yahuah will reconcile creation through the sacrifice of His Son):

11 In whom (the first born Son, Messiah Yahusha) also we (too) have obtained an inheritance (as sons of God, we inherit the Universe), being predestinated according to the purpose of Yahuah (to govern creation through a family of gods) who works all things after the counsel of his (Yahuah’s) own will: 12 That we (sons of God) should be the praise of his (Yahuah’s) glory, who first trusted in Yahusha the Messiah. 13 In whom (Yahusha) you also trusted (was the Messiah), after that you heard the word of truth (that we too are sons of God), the gospel of your salvation (purchased through the blood sacrifice of Yahusha to consummate the covenant of marriage whereby we are ONE with Yahuah): in whom (Yahusha) also after that you believed, that you were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, 14 Which is the earnest (guarantee) of our (future) inheritance (as sons of God) until the redemption (transposition to The Kingdom of Yahuah ) of the purchased possession (when we’ll be begotten gods, sons of Yahuah), unto the praise of his glory.


17 I keep asking that the God of our King the Messiah Yahusha, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him (your Father) better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he (your Father) has called you (as His son), the riches of his (your Father’s) glorious inheritance in his (Yahuah’s) holy people, 19 and his (Yahuah’s) incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 he (your Father Yahuah) exerted when he (the Father) raised Yahusha (His son) from the dead and seated Yahusha at his (Father’s) right hand in The Kingdom of Yahuah , 21 far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. 22 And Yahuah (the Father) placed all things under his (son Yahusha’s) feet and appointed him to be head over everything for sons of Yahuah, 23 which is his (Yahuah’s) body (Temple), the fullness of him (Yahuah) who fills everything in every way.

There really isn’t much I can add to that.  Paul did an outstanding job of explaining exactly what Yahuah set out to do and where Yahusha fits in and where, we the rest of His sons, are destined within the Plan of Yahuah.  Yahusha is the first human to complete the process of perfection and the first human to be resurrected from the grave as a full son of Yahuah.  He is the only begotten son of the resurrection at this point.  But, he will not always be the only begotten son.  There are many more to follow.

Next: Logos and the "Firstborn of Creation"... meaning of John Chapter 1

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